#so he can blow your back out 🥲🫶🏻
seiwas · 7 months
boyfriend iwaizumi hajime fixing your posture every time he sees you hunched over and slouching—the way he holds your shoulders and straightens it by rolling it back, thumbs pressing into your shoulder blades.
he gently pushes your lower back whenever he notices you curling into yourself, runs his fingers up your spine too.
and he does it all quietly, your only warning the feel of his hands on you.
it’s almost like he has a radar for it, some posture-sense that tingles every time your back is anything but straight.
when you complain about back pain, he snorts, mumbling a ‘wonder why’ before coming over to knead out the knots anyway.
he buys you an ergonomic chair to hopefully help out, even leaves x-rays and scans of bad backs lying around to give some subliminal message of what could happen if you don’t fix it now.
and when he takes you from behind, pushing down on your lower back to give him that arch he likes, he’s teasing, telling you that you only seem to listen when he has you like this.
he’s really starting to think, should he start fucking you with your back straight?
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obixwan · 2 years
it always leads to you
pairings: padawan f reader x cody
word count: 1,700 ish
blurb: after struggling to keep her relationship with cody a secret, she breaks it off with him
warnings: pre established relationship. sneaking around, the yuckyness of the Jedi order, conflicted feelings
notes: i love cody so much it’s not even funny at this point. This could have had so much more potential tho
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graphic made by the lovely @saradika 🫶🏻 i love this so much 🥲 and the sunburst pendant is PERFECT.
The edges of the sunburst pendant digs into the soft flesh of your breasts, leaving indented markings on your skin. It is a constant reminder that none of this is ever going to be comfortable, or easy, or normal. Everyday, it is like trying to move against the tide. Everything is pulling you away. And you are tired.
Stolen looks in shadowed hallways. Soft whispers on the bridge as you overlook a war torn planet. Gentle touches in passing made to look like accidents. Hallways too skinny, ships too cramped. Fingertips grazing as he hands back your lightsaber or reports to pour over, strategies to study. Clandestine yearnings and hidden messages and late night talking as the ship flies past stars that blur in the speed of hyperspace. Dreams you shouldn’t be having about someone who doesn’t belong to you and never could. Excuses and lingerings that should mean so much more.
It’s eating away at you. You dwell on it, rotation after rotation, assignment after assignment. The only relief you feel is when you’re locked away in your quarters at the temple, with no war and nothing to remind you of him. The box of trinkets and gifts he’s given you over the years live in a locked box underneath your bed. Out of sight, out of mind. Or something like that.
But when you’re on the ship together? Everything is inescapable and allconsuming. The way he checks in on you before he heads to his own bunk. The way he watches you as you tinkered with the inner workings of your lightsaber. The way you wake with the memory of him all over you, sweat clinging to your skin. The way you can feel him all around you, everywhere you go. There is no peace. His feelings and thoughts project on you, choking you, stealing the air from your lungs.
It had all started a year or so ago, when Obi-Wan had paired you together for a covert mission, with the aim of blowing up a separatist temple. You ended up getting captured, and were forced to spend days cramping into a cell together. But those close quarters had brought something down. You were both emotionally exposed to each other in ways you had never experienced with another person, let alone a commanding officer.
The something shared between the two of you at the hands of the Separatists turned into lingering glances and secret touches. It became more than a brush of the shoulders when passing in the hallways. It became softened smiles, hungry hands wondering. Gentle whispers. It was heaven, with him. But there was a badness to it.
The betraying nature of the relationship. Both of you breaking sworn oaths in even the simplest acts of being together. The restraint you had to exercise when Cody came back from a recon mission injured, a cut down the side of his face that had turned into a nasty scar. You had cried yourself to sleep that night. Obi-Wan’s suspicious looks. He knows, of course. How could he have not figured it out, Obi-Wan being who he is? Anakin and Padme being who they are? It makes you laugh, maybe you were destined to destroy yourself through the love of another.
“How are you meant to pass your trails when your mind is always elsewhere?” Obi-Wan would scold you, brows furrowed with concern or irritation.
You’d apologise, focus on the task at hand until it gave you a headache, and then your brain would find its way back to Cody and then you’d hiss through your teeth as the training droid found it’s mark again, leaving another welted burn on your skin. Obi-Wan would scold you again, claiming you were worse than Anakin. You probably were.
No matter how hard you tried to focus on the task at hand, your mind would become clouded. Either with wonder, at what exactly Cody was doing or concern, if he was safe. It got to the point Obi-Wan had threatened to pull you from the battlefield before you became a liability.
The days aboard the ship seemed to drag. Wake up, lightsaber training, breakfast, gym, quick refresh before lunch, lunch itself, battle reports or strategies, dinner, downtime, repeat. All while dancing around Cody. Which is harder than it had any right to be, considering how closely he worked with Obi-Wan.
But Cody eventually learns your routine. With the help of Obi-Wan, no doubt. On the third day of space travel, he corners you on your way back to your quarters after dinner. You knew he had been trying to catch your eye all dinner from his seat, a few tables over. You forced yourself to rush through your meal, excusing yourself from the table, telling the boys you were sat with that you had extra strategies to go through.
You groan internally as you see him push himself up from the table at the same time you get up. You rush out the door regardless. For once in your life, you’re cursing Obi-Wan and his willingness to turn the other cheek when it comes to his padawan and his commanding trooper and the possibilities of an infidelity happening right under his nose.
“You’re ignoring me.” He says, as he follows you down the hall to your quarters. “Why?”
You sigh, throwing your head back but you keep walking. “We can’t keep doing this, Cody.”
He doesn’t say anything until you’re both locked in the safety of your room, the scene so familiar but not usually this tense. Usually, Cody would be having you in ways no other man even dared to imagine. But not this time. “What do you mean?”
“It’s destroying me.” You say, as you start to unravel your Jedi robes. You pull up your under shirt, revealing thousands of laser burns from the training droid. Some are old, scarred over little marks that could be mistaken as scars from the Jux Pox. Others have turned into nasty scabs that refuse to heal, that itch against the rough spun material of your tunics. The fresher ones are red, welted and still sting. “I can’t even beat a training droid.” You drop your shirt. “How do you expect me to win on a battlefield when all I can think about, all I can feel, is you.”
Cody is watching you, a grim frown on his features. His scar scrunches up his face, and his lips are pulled downward. You can feel the turmoil crashing over him in waves. It hits you over and over again, like the thump of a stun plaster.
You shake your head, leaving him standing at your bed as you begin to go through your nightly routine. “I’m sorry, Cody. But I just can’t keep doing this.”
“You’re right.” He calls after you, stopping you in your tracks, hands buried in your drawer trying to find your night clothes. “It’s destroying us. So why do we keep doing it? Why keep sneaking around?”
“What do you mean, why keep sneaking around? What are you saying? It’s the only way we can be together.” Your heart is in your chest. And you're not sure whose pulse you’re feeling; if it's his or yours, but it’s doing overtime.
“Let’s just walk away.” He says, walking towards you to take your hands in his own, the rough calluses of his thumbs rubbing across your knuckles. The way he’s done so many times before. “We could leave. Go somewhere they would never find us.”
You yank your hands out of his, pulling them away like he’s burnt you. In a way he has. “You’re talking about treason.” You say, taking a step back. “and Cody, the chip. They’d find us.”
He follows you across the room, sitting on the bed next to you. He forces you to face him. “I’ll remove it. I’ll find a way.” He pleads but you’re still shaking your head. “We both know we are meant to be together. We are one half of a whole.” He says, forehead touching your own.
You pull away and pull him up off your bed. “You’re too good of a soldier, Cody.” You place a soft kiss on his check. His eyes start welling up with unspilled tears. “It would haunt you until the day we die.”
“Please.” He says.
Everything is flashing before you. The shared nights in each other’s arms, Cody waking up in the early hours to sneak back to his own bunk. The early mornings on strange planets, both offering to take the graveyard watch. Rough hands caressing your thighs. His own force signature brushing up against yours in a way that set the hairs on the back of your neck up. Late night laughing as the stars of the universe wiz by. Secret kisses, secret moments, that are yours and his and no one else’s.
The situation before you is so familiar... Cody in your room, you in some state of undress, everyone else carrying on with their day. But instead, he’s crying and pleading with you to run away with him. You’re not sure how you got here; in the middle of an illicit relationship with someone who could never wholly be yours, or you his. Every road you have ever taken, every decision you have ever made has led you here, to a road that is splitting in front of you. On one side, lies Cody and a life on the run but you’d be together and free from any implications of jedi and the republic… until they find you. It’s selfish and indulgent and it's the life you dream about. On the other side, lies a career in the Jedi order, the knighthood you’re so close to achieving, a life standing up for others too weak to use their own voice. Selfless and the exact thing you were born for. And you were born for it, or the force wouldn’t call to you like it does. You know what you have to do.
You shake your head, trying to clear it of all the muddled thoughts and screaming voices. I love you. Yes, I’ll run with you. Let‘s leave tonight. “We serve something bigger than ourselves, Commander.” And you open the door for him to leave.
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