#so here i am anxiously awaiting this game that i wont!!!! even play when i bring it home!!!! cuz i gotta finish Doom first!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
frostyforya · 4 years
#and gamestop guy says heyo what’s up and the whole curbside pickup deal and im like ya ya ya i know this. listen#is it possible for me to buy a digital giftcard online and give you the code so i can finalize the pre order purchase#and hes like fuck yeah#so im like fuck yeah and we part ways#go online#find the god damn giftcard i want. great! cool! add to cart! go to checkout! your card was declined!#i’m like god damn hell WHY is it DECLINED and it turns out they only accept CREDIT and PAYPAL#i dont HAVE a credit card and a paypal transaction will NOT be instantaneous#so im like FUCK OK UHHHHH and then paul calls he’s like hey i got my stuff come get me and i’m like no and then i go get him#i’m like ok my luck’s been shit so far let’s just go back to Hell Fry’s cuz i know they are there#go to frys and sure enough like i said they have gamestop giftcards. i was right I’M ALWAYS FUCKIN RIGHT HA#go back to the car n check the time and#oh no#gamestop is about to be closed in like 2 mins#so i gotta call them back and take the walk of shame. hey man. wont make it today. he’s like that’s okay there’s uhhhhhhhhhhhh#hmm actually since doug douchebag closed the entire damn state of Arizona we don’t know what are schedule will be for the rest of the week#i could try stopping by tomorrow before they close and he’s like lol yeah you can fuckin try man no guarantees#so here i am anxiously awaiting this game that i wont!!!! even play when i bring it home!!!! cuz i gotta finish Doom first!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#doug isn’t a douchebag for closing the state (which is really just a soft ‘stay at home’ policy) but he is still an asshole as a whole#ask ANY arizona resident they’ll tell you that they hate his guts and rightfully so#fuck you doug. anyways. we’ll see what happens! i guess! fuck
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leelee10898 · 6 years
For you: Chapter 9 - What I never knew I always wanted.
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Chapter Inspiration: What I never knew I always wanted - Carrie Underwood. @blackwidow2721 Thanks for the song, I am legit obsessed. Rating: Fluff, Angst and a little bit of NSFW mixed in Summary: Will Leo patch things up with Aria’s dad? Its the moment we have been waiting for, we find out what the twins are. 
Catch up here Master list, if you would like be added to the tag list, let me know.
Aria woke early the next morning to the smell of bacon in the air. “Mom’s cooking breakfast.” She salivated, licking her lips. She looked over a Leo peacefully sleeping next to her. She didn’t want to disturb him so she slid carefully out of bed. She tip toed across the room grabbing a pair of maternity jeans and a top throwing them on, and slinking out of the room quietly. 
“Need any help?” She asked her mom walking into the room. Her mom smiled at her, “your dad would love some of your french toast. I’m about done with the bacon and eggs.” Aria cracked several eggs into a bowl, adding milk, cinnamon and a splash of vanilla whisking them all together. She buttered the skillet and dipped the bread into the mixture, throwing it onto the hot skillet. “It smells delicious in here.” Leo came into the kitchen “you snuck out to sneak bacon didn’t you Love?” He kissed her lips. “You two are so cute.” Linda gushed. “Have you ever had Arias french toast? You know she makes the best around.” “ I have Mrs Hale.. er Linda.” Leo corrected himself. “ And you are right about that, best I have ever had.”  “Good now, you take this and sit on down.” She handed Leo a plate and ushered him to the dining room with John. John gave Leo a stern look. “Good morning Mr Hale.” Leo sat down. “Yeah, good morning.” John muttered as Linda placed a plate of food in front of him. They ate in silence before John got up and went out to his work shed. Aria and Linda joined Leo eating and talked about the gender reveal party that night. They cleaned up breakfast. A short time later Ellie arrived, and the women got ready to leave. “Do you need my help? I could come with you guys.” Leo offered. “No, you can stay here, maybe help John out in the shed. Hes been tinkering with that thing and he can’t seem to get it to start. ” Linda grabbed her purse. Leo gave Aria a pleading look. “It’ll be ok, this will give you time to smooth things over with my dad. Remember, don’t grovel, maybe put all those years of king lessons to work.” She giggled placing a kiss on his lips. “If I am dead when you get back, remember I love you.” 
Leo walked outside to the shed, he noticed John tinkering angrily at a dirt bike. “Need some help with that?” Leo asked walking into the shed. John looked up “oh it’s you. No offense kid but you don’t look to know your way around a motor if it bit you in the ass.” Leo chuckled “I may know a thing or two. That a YAMAHA YZ250? 2007 by the looks of it. Great bike.” John started at Leo in disbelief. “What’s going on with it?” “Um the damn thing won’t kick over, I have tried everything and it wont start.” John grunted. “May I?” Leo motioned to the bike. John nodded his head “be my guest, but i’m telling you I have tried everything.” Leo grabbed some tools and started tinkering around before pulling out a spark plug and examining it. “Yep, see that? Its wet.” He showed John. “ Do you have any extra spark plugs?” He asked. “Yeah top drawer on the bench.” John motioned over to a wooden bench. Leo rifled through the drawer pulling out a new plug. He put it in and pulled the bike down kicking it to life. “Well I’ll be damned.” John shook his head. “You surprised me. Maybe I miss judged you a bit. But it still doesn’t change what you did to my daughter in the past.” 
Leo shut the bike off. “Listen Mr Hale, I know I screwed up. I hate myself everyday for what I did.” Leo started, John sat there, arms crossed allowing Leo to speak. “I was the crown prince of Cordonia, I was the heir to the thrown. My father forced me home, forcing me to leave her behind. I never want to leave her.” He paused, trying to regroup himself, his emotions getting the best of me. “ I wanted a better life for her, then court. Turns out she was destined for it anyway. I had planned on asking her to marry me.” His eyes never leaving Johns. Johns mouth flew open. “My father found me, in Paris, told me that she would be a target, a commoner wouldn’t stand a chance. He scared me into leaving her, to protect her. I was a fool and listened.”
“Your father sounds like an ass.” John grunted. Leo chuckled “yeah, he was. Somewhere along the way he changed.”  “I never expected to find love. I was destined for an arranged married of sorts, and then Aria came into my life life and set my world on fire. I thought of her every single day. Fate brought us back together, I will spend the rest of my life protecting her, loving her, and treating her like the princess she is.” John nodded. “John it means so much to Aria for us to get along. And I want that as well. I came here not only for the party but to ask two things of you. One, to ask you for your forgiveness, and two to ask for her hand in marriage.” Johns mouth flew open again. He did not expect that. 
“That took a lot of guts, to admit your mistakes. And you proved to me today that you’re more then just a spoiled royal brat.” He chuckled. “So Leo, I forgive you. And I will grant you my blessing to Marry my daughter.” Leo reached out his hand to shake John’s. “Thank you sir.” “No boy, we hug in this family.” He pulled Leo in for a hug patting him on the back. “Now Tell me how you know about fixing bikes.” 
A while later Aria, Linda and Ellie returned. Leo and John came walking into the house laughing with each other. Aria’s eyes filled with tears of joy. “Hello Love.” Leo pulled her in kissing her. “Why are you crying?” He pulls her chin up with his finger. “You were laughing with my dad?” She sniffled. “Yes love, we worked it out. Everything is fine.” She threw her hands around Leo kissing him fiercely. “Ok, ok. I just got him to like me, and now you’re trying to get me killed.” He chuckled. They spent the whole afternoon preparing for the party. Ellie and her mom really outdid their selves. The whole house was decked out in blues and pinks. Enough food and deserts to feed an army. Aria and Leo ran upstairs to change before the guest arrived. Aria sat on the bed in her underwear and bra. “Are you ok Love?” Leo knelt down in front of her, kissing her stomach. “Yes, just a little on edge I guess. I need to find a way to relax, calm my nerves.” She sighed as she ran her fingers through his dark blonde locks. A sly grin forms on his face as he slowly kisses up her thigh. “ I know a way to calm your nerves.” he breathed into her leg.
“What are you doing Rhys? I thought you said you wouldn’t have sex with me in my parents house.” She whispered. “I did, but I never said I wouldn’t lick your pussy.” The electricity coursed through her body at his words as he slid her panties down her legs. His fingers spread her folds as his soft lips found her sensitive bundle kissing it lightly. She let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding. “ I swore I would take care of you, no matter what. ” he breathed into her center. As he lightly kissed her clit. “I say relieving some tension is just what you need, wouldn’t you agree love?” He continued to kiss her center. “Mmhmm” she softly moaned as she squirmed her ass closer to him. His tongue flicked her throbbing clit, her hands grasping his hair as she pulled his mouth closer to her center. “Fuck Leo, mmmmm.” She whispered, trying hard not to scream out like she desperately wanted. “His tongue continued to swirl her clit as he pumped two fingers into her wanting center. Her legs shook as she came undone, giving into her climax. "Fuck, Leo, oooooh.” She squeaked as she fell back onto to bed, chest heaving. Leo stood wiping his face. A smile plastered on his face “Feel better?” She stood up pulling her panties up, leaning up kissing him. “Much. Now let’s go find out what were having!”
Most of the guest had arrived by the time they got down stairs. Ellie had a few games rigged up for the guest to play. As Aria walked around her parents living room she found the chart and betting table. “Ellie.” She called her over. “Are you taking bets like our babies are horses?” She questioned her best friend. “No, Ari. See its a pool. Once we find out the sex of the goldfish, everyone will place their bets. The winner will get a gift card for dinner and a movie, and the rest of the money goes to the babies. It’s a present sweetie.” Ellie explained. “Can I get in on that too?” Leo chuckled. Aria shot him a point look as she slapped his chest. “See, even their father likes it. And you know these people around here are gamblers. Why not get something for the kids out of it.” She chuckled. “Ellie.” They heard Linda call from across the room as she pointed to her wrist “oh right.”  She cleared her voice “If I can have everyone’s attention.” She stood up on a chair. “We are going to head outside now to do the reveal. You were given a paper with either an A or a B on it when you got here. All those who got an A follow Linda and grab a confetti cannon from her basket. Those who got a B, follow me and get a cannon from Maxwell.” She shouted “Maxy honey, raise your hand.” Maxwell raised his hand. The groups separated and Ellie and Linda set them all up outside by A’s and B’s. 
Aria and Leo head outside. They stood in front of the group anxiously awaiting the reveal. “Ok on the count of 3 group a will pull their cannons DO NOT pull your cannon early people. Group B will follow suit. Everyone ready?” The guest all shouted Yeah. Aria gripped Leo’s hand. Her aunt, who is a photographer, stood off to the side taking pictures. Ellie started counting down. “One…. two…. three.” Pops sounding revealing pink confetti into the sky, Baby A is a girl. A secondary wave of pops revealing blue confetti Baby B was a Boy. Leo dipped Aria back placing a long, sweet kiss on her lips. “I knew it Love. a boy and a girl.” He beamed as he lifted her up. “You were Superman. Now, they need names.” 
After receiving congratulations from their guest, most people made their way home. Aria and Leo sat out back with Liam, Drake, Maxwell and Ellie talking and joking. A blonde woman approached the group. She resembled Aria slightly, she wore a lot of make up and dressed much more provocative. She was a little taller then Aria, you could tell they were polar opposites just by looking at her. “Well well well, the princess comes home and of course they throw a party. Jeeze Aria you got fat.” The woman’s words like venom. Maxwell gasped, “did she just call little blossom fat?” He said to Ellie. “Don’t mind her maxy, shes a two bit tramp.” Ellie rolled her eyes. 
“Well, this is our Gender reveal, for the twins. Your niece and nephew, remember?” Aria gritted her teeth. “Oh, right. You went and got yourself knocked up again.” She chuckled. “Anastasia!” Aria whipped her head towards her sister. “You little bitch.” Ellie jumped up. Maxwell grabbed her hand and led her away. “Hale, you alright?” Drake asked, sensing the tension between the two. “Yeah Drake, i’m good.” Her eyes never leaving Anastasia. “Drake huh, you look rugged and manly, such strong hands.” She eyed him up and down. Drake rubbed the back of his neck nervously, silently thanking god Olivia wasn’t here, so she didn’t kill this woman.
 Her eyes shifted to Leo and Liam. “Well, you two must be brothers. You look an awful lot alike.” She walked closer. “Yes, I think us three could have a lot of fun together. ” Liam about spit his drink out. She turned to Leo placing her hand on his chest “I wonder how loud you could make me scream stud.” Aria yanked her hand off of Leo’s chest. “If you touch my man one more time, pregnant or not I will break your fucking cheap manicured fingers, do you understand me?” She was inches from her face. Anastasia stepped back “whatever, i’m out of here.” and turned to walk away. Leo grabbed her waist pulling her close to him. “Ok killer, how about we clam it down.”  “Who was that Aria?” Liam asked, still shocked by the scene that just unfolded. “That was my sister, Anastasia. We are not close.” 
The rest of guest cleared out, Liam and Drake had to pack and head to the airport. Liam had a few meetings in Italy ahead of the Italian fundraiser gala and would be heading out first thing in the morning. Olivia had matters to attend to in Lythikos, therefore could not make the reveal. She was on her way to Italy now and Drake would be meeting her so they could spend a few days alone together. Ellie and Maxwell went back to their hotel, they would be flying out with Leo and Aria in two days. 
Once settled into the room for the night Leo could sense Aria was still on edge. He pulled her down onto the bed, pulling her between his legs. His hands started working the knots in her back “you are to good for me, you know that superman?” Aria sighed. “No Love, it is you that is to good for me. But I am a selfish man, and I will never let you go.” he chuckled as she gave him a playful slap. “So, should we talk names? Got any ideas?” She asked. Leo paused for a moment,  “Noah ” he grinned. “ I love it.” she chirped.  “hmmm Noah Leo..” she said “and for a girl?” “Do you have any thoughts Love?” He wondered. “Yes actually, I like Natalie Faith.” Leo pulled his body around, placing his hands on her stomach, placing a gentile kiss.  “Then it’s settled, Noah Leo and Natalie Faith. We can’t wait to meet you. Daddy loves you.” 
Tag list:  @gardeningourmet  @bobasheebaby @scarlettedragon @annekebbphotography@speedyoperarascalparty @greyeyedsmile14 @stopforamoment @mind-reader1 @xxrainbowprincessxx @hopefulmoonobject @alicars @katurrade @indiacater @bella-ca @blznbaby @blackwidow2721 @liamxs-world @simsvetements @furiousherringoperatortoad @choicesfannatalie @crookedslimecreatorpasta @coldcollectornight08 @laniquelovely @museofbooks @syltti78 @ao719 @3pawandme @blubutterflyy @itsstillnotwhatyouthink @liam-rhys-deactivated20180927 @riseandshinelittleblossom@wannabemc2 @gibbles82 @cocomaxley
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rissaroundtheworld · 8 years
The Times, They Are A Changing...
Today's update is brought to you from Hanoi, Vietnam, where I am anxiously awaiting the late night arrival of my dear friend Channa! Channa is a former lab partner turned great friend (though she put up a valiant effort to remain work proximity associates forever), and our schedules didnt allow each other to get together while I was home over Christmas. Apparently she had to go to the Caribbean or something appalling like that! So, were going to make up for lost time while she's here. And, nearly equally as exciting, she will be bringing me my new debit card! I am less than 24 hours away from being able to access cash, which is great because I am down to less than the equivalent of 20 USD. I decided to spend a few of my precious dollars (dongs) on laundry because that situation was beyond dire, so that card cant come soon enough!
In my previous update, I alluded to some big changes coming my way. Now that the major details have been worked out, I figured I would share with you all. One, because thats the entire point of the blog (if I was just hashing out my feelings here you would be horrified), and two, because my new opportunity presents you all, or anyone you know, with an opportunity as well! Let me explain...
I cant even begin to describe the changes that have been happening to me over the last 6+ months. My entire mindset has been altered, and I mean that in the best way possible. I am so, so pleased with where Im at in life, and the decisions Ive made that have gotten me here. Ive been loving this life of travel and adventure, and feel so grateful to have been given (/earned myself) this opportunity. With that being said, in the last month or so my thoughts around travel began to shift. Skipping my flight to Australia gave me the chance to see Asia (so great!) but it also completely changed my plans for volunteering. I got caught in the trap of "tourism travel" (traveling with no purpose other than to see new places), which is great in the short term but is absolutely not sustainable. Tourism travel involves a LOT of partying. Sounds fun, and it is, but only for so long. I missed having a purpose. I found myself spending extra money to avoid hostels, which I normally love. I felt overwhelmed with the constant need to move around, because you cant justify staying in one place for a month when youre shelling out for your own accommodations. Making a decision on where to eat each meal became a burden. And I realized: I’m burnt out.
I needed a break. So I ran through my options: Option 1: Quit traveling, go home, and get a real job. Nope. I dont think I need to explain why. Option 2: Continue traveling and push through. Get back into volunteering. This one was a possibility. Option 3: Take a small break in a place that feels comfortable, get my head back on straight, then continue. Also possible.
The factor not discussed here is the upcoming event of my 30th birthday. I LOVE birthdays. Mine, yours, everyone's! And this is a big one. Its a new decade, and its my first birthday where I am 100% free and fully immersed in this new life I so painstakingly built for myself. Which brought me to option 3, which led me to option 4 (which I did not know existed).
I reached out to a good friend. He is sailing around the world, and our paths crossed while we were both in Bocas del Toro. I told him about my burnout, and about my birthday, and that I just really didnt know what to do. I asked if maybe I could come down to the boat for a little while, spend my birthday in the Caribbean, and just take some time to relax and get my head back on straight. He said of course, and then threw me a curveball: Around the time I planned on arriving, he planned to start chartering his boat in San Blas. And he needed another person to help out. Someone who could cook, clean, and entertain. And it was a paying gig.
As soon as I heard this, I knew it was the perfect solution. I felt such a sense of relief that some stability and purpose was coming my way. I LOVE cooking. I LOVE entertaining. And I am at least capable of cleaning. I hope. Plus... I get to live on a yacht in one of the most beautiful places on earth. So I accepted.
What does this mean for you? Well, duh, youre invited! Were open for business sooner than you can plan a trip. I will cook you great food, we will drink great drinks, and we can show you one of the most beautiful places in the world. We can snorkel, dive, fish, or just relax on the beach. We will catch you fresh seafood (by we I actually dont mean me at all). We can play games, listen to music, whatever floats your boat! (Pun very much intended) The listing online is a work in progress, but if this is of interest to you or anyone you know, please reach out! Were ready to starting planning what will certainly be an unforgettable time. Vietnam Internet allowed me to include one picture below, enjoy!
Im really excited for this new adventure, and also to wrap up my time in Asia in the best of company. If theres one thing Ive learned (there are a lot more than one) its that even the best laid plans are not guaranteed to work. And that's ok. Great, even. Sometimes you think youre going to be shoveling manure in Portugal, then suddenly youre making margaritas on a boat. Ill take it! And dont worry, the blogging wont stop. It just might be a little saltier :)
Until next time, amigos!
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