#so i can adjust the subtleties of my technique that might go unmentioned in a recipe
flockofdoves · 1 year
the only two restaurants around here that have chicken feet (they both have the same owner theyre just in dif towns) have been out of them every time ive asked for the past few months :( gotta get soooo good at making them myself i guess because im fortunate to be able to get them at a local chinese grocery store but its just when ive made them myself before even if decent they just werent even close to what i like about the ones in restaurants
and if even something ive tried a lot before can be hard to get right, this is also why while its really fun to pick a random ingredient ive never tried before from a cuisine that isnt one i grew up learning to cook and then looking up recipes and making them, its still not quite ideal, bc i have no idea how to judge whether a recipe seems accurate to what i want out of it and when adjusting the balance of seasonings while i think i have a good sense for that i still might accidentally default to a different flavor palette im more used to. so this post actuallt brought to you by how i keep seeing frozen cooked silkworms in the store and i want to make them sooo bad but ive just never even had the opportunity to try them
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