#so i consider iris' decisions to be my canon ones for keep purposes
faerun · 7 months
ive been wanting to do a full playthrough of all the dragon age games with my canon girls and get my canon set up all nice and neat before dreadwolf comes out but thats hard because. my canon has morphed so much from what the games ALLOW you to do. i have two wardens. hawke has two love interests simultaneously but her true love is someone you cant even romance. rosie is the closest to inquisition canon but i have extensive ideas about what her post-Inquisition life is like that i just know dreadwolf is gonna mess up. wahhhhh
#to clarify#iris and thalia are my two wardens and theyre both elves but thats where the similarities end#thalia hates being a warden and pretty much hands the role of 'team captain' to iris without too much fuss#so i consider iris' decisions to be my canon ones for keep purposes#hawke has a thing going with anders and sebastian simultaneously (everyone knows about it and its cool)#she loves anders but decides she cant be with him anymore after the Incident so she runs off to starkhaven with seb#but deep down she and varric are soulmates and it takes her being left behind in the fade for her and varric to realize this#and rosie goes thru a deep depression after trespasser#i imagine her magic is weaker bc of solas taking the mark; that direct connection to the fade empowered her magic but now that its gone#she feels like she's weaker; like trying to read with a blindfold on or play chess with her hands tied behind her back#so thalia (!) visits skyhold and agrees to train her in Rogue Stuff so she has a backup if her magic fails her in a fight#while she's there carver shows up and joins the Seekers; stuff happens and he and rosie become friends#inspired by all of this rosie decides to mount a rescue mission to get hawke out of the fade#so rosie varric carver thalia and cassandra all rescue hawke and its great and whooo#hawke and varric reunite and tearfully (awkwardly) confess their love for eachother#and nothing really changes in their relationship except they kiss now bc they were already soulmates!!!!#what 10 years with no new DA games does to a mf ^
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afoxysunny · 4 years
Robbie as Bullock
This post will probably differ from the others in structure and be a lot longer for one big reason
When choosing Miraculous for the Lazytown characters i really wanted to only use ones that we've already seen in use in Miraculous Ladybug and know how they work from there.
For Robbie i broke that rule. I don't really remember what first made me consider it but it probably had to do with the fact that i think the Ox Miraculous, just aesthetically, would fit Robbie perfectly!
So for this one i had to start from scratch completely, no reference for a canon hero design, no idea what power or weapon he'd get, no clue what the phrase to transform could be.
Of cause i used the most references for him but here are the ten i found most important
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Obviously i don't expect any of my speculations to become even remotely canon once we find out what Stompp, the Ox Miraculous, actually does but i hope it at least makes sense for now.
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I like how I've drawn all the others standing head on to face the camera and Robbie just leans there. That's because you have to think he doesn't care, the little Tsundere
Concept Overview:
In the Miraculous Ladybug episode we meet all the Kwamis, including Stompp, he is the most actively concerned about Nooroo so now that the Butterfly Kwami is back I'm sure Stompp would want to stay around him. With Sportacus partnering with Nooroo, teaming up Robbie and Stompp made the most sense to them.
Design Notes Incoherent Thoughts I had to justify what I'm Drawing:
Purple and Blue - it amused me no end that with the choices i made blue Sportacus got a purple Kwami and purple Robbie got a blue kwami. I did kinda dislike at first how little blue the costume has in comparison to purple but i decided i don't have to make a decision because apparently the canon show can't make up its mind about Stompp's colour either. The blue and purple can always be swapped if i decide i don't like it
Harness - Ox' are hard working animals, mostly used to pull heavy objects. For that purpose they get strapped into a harness. Obviously i had to include that in this design, the chain hanging from the collar around his neck has a similar purpose (it only occured to me way too late how kinky it looks please ignore that)
Cape? No cape? - because of the imbalance in colours i briefly considered giving him a cape like a Matador would have but only for a second or so. I wanted to keep Robbie's iconic body shape untouched by a bunky cape, also the few times he wore a cape in the show he really struggled with it and also i think it would've clashed with the tail
Tail - speaking of which, an ox' tail has that frizzy end to it but i really liked the chain as his tail so to emulate the thicker part at the end i hung a padlock there. And that really worked. Not only bc that's just how bulls and ox are kept in check with their strength but also because the oblong shape of a combination lock makes for a fitting shape and can be used in universe. You see, Robbie is not that good with just saying what he wants or expressing how he feels. This four letter combination lock is magic and kinda betrays and helps him at the same time. It spells out any given four letter word that fits his mood best at any given moment
Miraculous Nosering - if a Lazytown character would unironically get a nosering, it'd be Robbie. I'm sorry, i don't take criticism on that
Horns - he needed horns. He just did. Look how good he looks with horns! But for real, in Miraculous Ladybug Chat Noir gets actual cat ears so he can get actual horns, also like Chat he the white parts of his eyes turn yellow like Stompp's while keeping his signature grey iris
Hair - ox' are mostly shown with like bangs covering their eyes so i couldn't resist ruffling his usually so perfectly done hair up to make it fall a little like that
Weapon - my first thought of "Miraculous takes cliché traits for animals to base their powers on so i guess bullfighting is the way to go here" made me really sad. This "Sport" is so disgusting i wanted to cry and puke while reading about it. I'll spare you the details but in addition to the Matador in the arena there's other guys too to weaken the bull before the Matador kills it, one of them throws knives. Miraculous Ladybug likes combining weapons with toys so I'm giving him darts. They are fastened to the front of his harness and i think how they can be used is along the lines of, once he zhrows them with his super strength and they pin into something they can only be removed when he allows that, also like the ladybug's jojo they can fly how long and whatever direction he wants, and probably also is able to just manifest them back to himself if ever one gets lost
Miraculous Power - again, just pure speculation here, but the powers we so far know of are all loosely based on an exaggerated cartoon trope of each animal so for the ox that is hard working and persistent and for the bull that'd be aggression and tunnel vision. While typing this i get the urge to add blinders to his mask but i digress. So i made up an exaggerated power that'd fit both but when i told my test group (two people) one said "oh, kinda like Bloodhound from Apex Legends" and the ozher said "so like hunter's mark from DnD" i play neither so i don't know but maybe you do do that's the short version of the explanation xD his power is based on the cartoonish depiction of a bull seeing something that bothers him and then charging at it for as long as he can until he gets it. Once Robbie focuses on an enemy or someone running away or someone he is following for whatever reason he can use his power to keep track of them. No matter how far away they go or where they try to hide. It sounds OP as shit but think of the Snake and Bunny who can both time travel and then say that again. The catch is he needs to use it while that person is still in clear sight for him so i think it balances a little better
Do you know the difference between a Bull and an Ox? Well, let me mansplain it to you anyway
The reason i kept switching between drawing inspiration from bulls and ox' is because it's the same animal. Those are both names for an adult male cow. The only difference being that an ox is castrated and a bull is not. Stompp is the Ox Miraculous so tough nuts Robbie, literally. But making babies isn't really on his to do list anyway with Sportacus as his partner so who cares.
Anyway, I had the design done and like always i struggled a lot with naming it
But then i learned a Bullock is not only a cool word that seems to be a mix of bull and lock like his design is but it also is the official name of a male cow too young to be castrated yet! Isn't that just perfect? I think it is
Also I'll include in this section the phrases one needs to speak to have Stompp transform them into this Ox themed Superhero and for the power to activate. If you think of something more fitting for either please let me know!
simple version - horns up / horns down
More detailed - time to charge / time to loaf
(charging is when a bull starts running blindly at something; loafing is the professional farmer term for a resting cow)
Power: Target Charge, Locked On, or my personal favorite option Head-On. Again going with the more in depth terminology, that's what the running style of a bull is called when he's chatging at a target
Robbie lived in Lazytown but when the kids grew louder and older and he got more annoyed wih not having his peace and quiet he just up and left. He spent a lot of time traveling around, living wherever it was comfortable and leaving when it wasn't anymore. Thanks to being an inventor and overall talanted crafty person he got by pretty easily as there was always a company running on "hire a lazy person for an important job, they'll find the easiest solution for the most complicated problems" so he never really had to worry.
Whether by coincidence or fate Robbie and Sportacus run into each other and despite Robbie being a little difficult they both immediately feel strangely drawn to one another. With time going by they meet more often, at first more or less by chance but eventually they plan to meet up regularly. They might have very different ways of doing it but they share a common lifestyle: helping out others to live a comfortable and fulfilling life.
Only after Sportacus was chosen to be the new Guardian of the Miracle Box he finally asks Robbie to join him, full time by his side traveling in his airship around the world wherever they may be needed. Of cause only for moral support and such, obviously. You see, they always enjoyed each others company and sort of over time eased into a relationship like coexistence but neither of them ever really acknowledged that. Only when Sportacus got Nooroo's power to sense other people's feelings that barrier of miscommunication fully fell. Robbie is incredibly bad with conveying his emotions but now Sportacus can sense that he has potentially the most powerful and purest emotions he ever encountered. Not only is each feeling of his powerful but when there is more than one at play they don't mix together and muddy each other but instead boost even more. He knew before that he wanted Robbie to join him but that discovery made it a necessity.
Despite not being able to actually say so Robbie is thrilled to come along. Only over time and with a lot of painfully slow conversations they manage to agree to make their relationship official.
Stompp, the sassy Ox Kwami, regularly bursts out of the Miracle Box to want to check on Nooroo and slowly he and Robbie bond over telling Sportacus and Nooroo to go easier on themselves and let a little responsibility get taken off their shoulders so eventually they team up and Bullock is created.
Thanks to Robbie's hard work to better himself with Sportacus' help, Stompp's magic transformation provides him with a tail that conveys his feelings for him.
When they hear that Lazytown has been wiped clean of grown-ups Sportacus immediately flies them over there so Robbie can check on his hometown. Finding only a few children, now teens, left there Robbie recognizes them and the two form the plan to give them Miraculous' too so they can help to find their lost family, friends and neighbors and fight together to bring them back.
Wow that was so much to read and you did it! I'm so impressed and thankful! You deserve a pat on the back (if you want one) and a cookie and/or sportscandy on your way out
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Iris West: Stories that could have been great - Season 1B
So, on that anon’s request, the 1B part of my ‘canon fix’ head-canon, kinda.
OK, this is very rough and I don’t remember a lot of what happened in most of these episodes to know if I’m properly integrating the storylines. But here goes…  I created an Iris+Mason vs Reverse Flash adventure that’s a bit like a horror movie because we rarely get Normal vs Meta action on this show and that can be engaging if it’s done well. I threw in an Iris/theFlash (pre-reveal) Kiss because honestly, we were robbed of that. I made Iris’s realisation more angsty than angry and put in another Iris/Caitlin scene. There’s implied Iris/Linda and Iris/Arrow interaction but I didn’t go into much detail there. It mostly sticks to canon wrt to romance, but I think it makes Iris pov and what drives her emotional decisions a bit more complicated and more simple at the same time. (Basically, finding out that you’re destined to marry the life-long BFF that has gaslighted you for a year will influence your romantic decisions for the worse).
 Here goes nothing:
 16:  So in this repeat!day, the disastrous bowling event happened and Iris shows up at CCPD to ‘get a story’. Since Barry’s already arrested the Weather Wizard, she doesn’t meet her father, Eddie & Barry leaving Singh’s office but actually literally runs into Barry as she’s entering CCPD, scattering her folder which contains some materials about Nora Allen’s murder. She’s skitterish around him (because of the dream), becoming even more so when she realizes he’s just discovered (she thinks) about her investigation into his mom’s murder. But Barry takes it unexpectedly well. He’s high on the repeat!day and the knowledge that she’s about to return his feelings. He’s completely off his guard – finishing some of her sentences (based on their previous conversation), and making slips like when he says he was just at CCPN to look for her and she’s like – that’s 30 minutes across town, Barry? Iris, despite herself, starts getting charmed by this jovial, angst-free Barry & they start looking rather cozy together. Which, of course, is when Eddie walks up to them, takes one look and walks away. Iris and Barry follow. This leads to a three-way confrontation – which is sort of the “something’s changed between you two” speech but with heightened suspicions/emotions that ends with Iris & Eddie pretty publicly breaking up. And Eddie punching Barry in the face after Iris leaves. (Because, come on, Barry had that coming.)
 At CCPN, Mason meets her with his suspicions about Harrison Wells & Iris has a eureka moment – when she bumped into Barry and her papers spilled, one paper was a copy of a newspaper clipping of Henry’s trial with a smaller article mentioning Harrison Wells’ accident. It can’t be a coincidence that the one event happened at the same time as the other? Mason shares his findings about Snart and Iris shares her theory about the Particle accelerator making meta-humans. The question now is… did Wells do it on purpose? Had he done it before (with the meta that killed Nora?) They take a trip to Starling City (cross-over episode) to get some more information.
 They feel they have enough to force a confrontation with Wells at STAR Labs. He’s alone – and they start asking questions about the PA, and about Nora Allen.  
 Wells is considering murdering both of them at the spot, when Barry shows up & he ‘escorts’ them out of STAR Labs. He and Iris almost get into a fight about Wells – he insists that Wells is his hero, mentoring him, etc (remember, Mason wasn’t murdered so Barry has no reason to suspect Wells) & anyway her theory is wrong because ‘he’ was affected by the PA and he doesn’t have powers. (Another light-bulb moment for Iris here but she doesn’t want to think about what this means).
 Iris meets up with the Flash to ‘interview’/’warn’ him about STAR Labs & Wells. At first, Barry is ticked off (still smarting over the quarrel & her suspicions about Wells, then her ‘crush’ on the ‘Flash’) but when Iris tells him to keep an eye on Barry, because she knows he hangs around Wells, they have a ‘moment’, and Barry (who is being extra that day) kisses her.
Iris likes the kiss very much – but she breaks it off, and tells him that she’s sorry but she can’t…
The Flash: I thought you and your boyfriend broke up.
Iris: How did you…? It doesn’t matter. Look, I like you, so much. I admire you and respect you but… there’s someone else. Will be. Soon. If… he hasn’t changed his mind…  
And Barry realizes she’s talking about him. He’s about to tell her the truth there and then – when he gets buzzed by STAR Labs. He wants to ignore it, then she gets an urgent call from Mason, that he’s just got a hot lead. The Flash then gives Iris a ‘ride’ back to CCPN.
 Iris goes back to CCPN very confused, to pull a late night with Mason who wants to publish the article soon. Reverse Flash attacks them. He forces Iris to send messages to her family that she and Mason have left the City to chase a lead, knocks them out, transports to an abandoned industrial warehouse.
 (17): RF tells them that he’s not Wells, he’s Eobard Thawne. He tortures Mason to get Iris to reveal where they kept backups to all the intelligence they’ve gathered on their investigation on Wells. He says that he can’t have them jeopardize Wells before his ‘mission is complete’. He has to leave (to play-act as Wells), and Iris & Mason have a long conversation about the case, and finally manage to escape. Mason is badly injured which slows them down & the place is like a maze (the whole episode/arc is shot like a horror movie). RF returns just as they are about to make an escape. Iris (who has figured out that for some reason, RF doesn’t want her dead, hides Mason & confronts RF). He threatens her, and she calls his bluff that he can’t hurt her. She asks him about Nora, etc, and why would he harm Nora. RF, not having anything to lose and being petty, tells her that he did it to harm Barry Allen. Iris asks why, what would an 11-year-old boy have ever done to him? RF says that it’s not what Barry was (at 11) but what he would become. He says it meaningfully and Iris (who has been connecting the dots all this while) is shocked and heartbroken.
 RF tries to attack her again, and she leads him to a trap she and Mason prepared where he falsl into the pool of electrocuted water, seemingly dying. Mason wants to use the opportunity to unmask him – know who he is, once and for all, but Iris just wants to leave.
Just then, the Flash shows up. When Iris left a message for Barry and her father, she used certain words that Joe taught them to use when they were in danger and Barry realized that she was. He’s been looking for her ever since and only just found her. He’s about to whisk her away when they both realize that Mason had – foolishly – unplugged the electric supply into the pond so he could unmask RF. RF kills him at once.
 RF and Flash battle and RF escapes. Flash takes Iris to the hospital.
 At the hospital, Barry comes to visit her & she tells him ‘hello Barry or should I say the Flash?’
 18: Iris had been piecing the clues together all this while – that the Flash appeared the same time Barry woke up; his recent slip-ups; his vanishing acts; she got the idea of electrocuting RF because of Barry being struck by lightning; some of the stuff that Caitlin let slip, etc. They have a long, painful, tear-filled (on both their parts’) conversation that must have Iris saying things like this.
 Barry: I was going to tell you at the roof. I always wanted to tell you. You were the first person I wanted to tell. Then I went to Jitters… and… and everything else happened and I thought maybe Joe was right…
Iris: my father knew?
Barry: He was trying to keep you safe… We both were.
Iris: (after a long silence): Iris: I believed you about what happened the night your mother died! I was the only one who did. And when I was talking to you about the impossible, about the Flash, about you, you lied to me, you tricked me, you fooled me.
Barry: Iris…
Iris: Why Barry?
Barry: I did it to protect you.
Iris: Maybe at first, that was true. But you kept lying. Even when I worked with Caitlin, with Cisco, with the Flash…
Barry: Everything that was happening just made me more convinced…
Iris: The truth, Barry…  
Barry: …with Wells, with Reverse Flash, Iris…
Iris: Tell me the truth, Barry!
<long, heavy silence> Both looking shocked. Barry didn’t realize his reasons were so buried in his subconscious, that he’s just articulating them.
Barry: (anguished) Iris…
Iris: You kept this a secret… to punish me for Eddie?
Barry: Not to punish you. Never. But… I woke up. 9 months in a coma and I came to Jitters to tell you about this amazing thing that happened to me and I saw you with Eddie and I realized that… I had lost you.  (he’s struggling with the words, hating himself for hurting her – she’s crying now and he tries to comfort her but she waves him away) And every-time I saw you with him, I saw you making a life with him.  You were leaving me and I needed something…
Iris: Something that I wasn’t part of. Something that you could escape away to. Away from me.
Barry: <too anguished to speak>
Iris: Please leave.
Barry: Iris…
At this point, a nurse comes in and shushes him away.
 Joe/Iris fight, then later Iris accuses Caitlin of also lying to her and Caitlin tries to appeal to Iris on Barry’s behalf (‘he was on his way to tell you, you know. The secret was hurting him.’)
 Later on, Eddie comes to see her and offers her a place to stay, as a friend. He knows that Iris is on the outs with Joe and Barry, and won’t be comfortable staying at her dad’s place. Iris accepts. They’re not dating, but it looks like they’re working towards a reconciliation.
 19 – 21: Iris is fully integrated into the secret team to bring down “Wells”. She interviews Dr McGee & contributes towards discovering that Wells is actually Eobard Thawne. During the “Everyman” incident, she and Barry work together to clear Eddie’s name. So it paradoxically helps her reconcile with Barry, while making Eddie believe that she is becoming closer to him.
Rather than a proposal at the bridge, Eddie starts asking her about giving them another shot, when RF kidnaps him. Pretty much like canon.
22 – 23: Iris finds an engagement ring box (that’s what she shows Barry in the restaurant, not the ‘return labels’ she has to send back). He puts aside his own feelings to (for once!) be a good friend. Eddie is found. He tells Iris that he’s moving out of the flat & Iris asks ‘what about us working things out?’ and Eddie gives her the ‘you and Barry marry in the future’ speech. Squeeze in a heart-to-heart with Joe, about how Eddie is a good man and if Barry hadn’t ever told her his feelings, she’d be perfectly happy with him but…
Joe: Barry told you and that changed everything, didn’t it?
Iris: It doesn’t matter. Even if Eddie & I never get back together, I’m not going to let Destiny or Fate decide who I love.
Joe: Are you sure you’re not letting Destiny/Fate choose Eddie for you? Honey, I think you’re making a…
Iris: What did I tell you about not doing things to ‘protect me’ anymore?
Joe: stays silent.
/and pretty much everything else that happens in canon… Eddie & Iris make up. Eddie shoots himself. The End./
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