#so i could theoretically charge my phone with my hoodie
theradicalace · 10 months
perks of my new heated hoodie: because of all the wires and other assorted nonsense in it, it's very bulky and thick, which makes it super snuggly even if the heat is turned off
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For your post about sending a Prompt. Percy’s death : he went not with a bang but with a whisper. The world had settled but humans are the most unpredictable things. (Where Percy is 19 and ends up being attacked/mugged in New York while visiting his family. Never thought his last breath would be because of humans.) everyone’s last reactions? His last reactions? Entering the underworld? Up to you :) just a small Prompt! Thank you if you write it.
Percy rolled his eyes and smiled at his girlfriend, “Oh my gods.  It’s not that hard of a decision, Wise Girl.  There’s not enough space in the car for Nico, Will, Grover, Juniper, you, and me.  I don’t care what the manufacturers say, that piece of junk only seats five people.”  He gestured at the said car which looked like it was only holding on with duct tape and sheer willpower.  “I’ll just walk there.  It’s only like, a mile away, and there’s no way that you’re going to walk there in those heels.”  He opened the rickety door for her and presented the interior to her like it was a luxury limo.
“I know, Seaweed Brain.”  Annabeth started.  “It’s just, I really don’t like the idea of you walking back to their place alone.  It’s dark.”  She stared at the cracked leather seats and bit her lip.
“Awww... is my beautiful girlfriend worried about me?”  Percy teased lightly, “Honestly, Annabeth.  I killed a minotaur before I was in high school.  I went through Tartarus.  I can control water.  I’ll be fine.”
The daughter of Athena scrutinized his face for so long that he was tempted to look in a mirror to look for something.  Her eyes softened suddenly, and she sighed heavily, “Fine.  Just... be careful, Seaweed Brain.”  She reluctantly got into the back seat of the car.
Percy smirked his lopsided smile that made any recipient instantly smile back, “Of course, Wise Girl.  I can’t let your last words to me be ‘Seaweed Brain.’  I love you, and I’ll see you in a few.”  He slammed the door before she could reply, and he waved to Grover in the driver’s seat as if to say ‘Take her away!’
Grover waved back in affirmation before he peeled out of the parking lot leaving behind burnt rubber and tire marks barely visible on the black of the asphalt at night.  Percy ruffled his hair and waved to a few other people leaving the stadium.
It was initially only supposed to be him, Annabeth, and Grover; the original three back together again.  But then, Grover had invited Juniper, and then Frank and Hazel were in town, so they all decided to make it a reunion.  Nico had tagged along when Hazel mentioned it to him, and then he brought Will.  It was just a baseball game, and the twelve of them (Percy, Annabeth, Grover, Juniper, Frank, Hazel, Jason, Piper, Leo, Calypso, Nico, and Will) fit comfortably in the stands, but less comfortably in the cars back to the hotel they had.
Percy and Annabeth had both just walked right on over from the local college, and there were only two people who had driven over by themselves.  Theoretically, they all could have fit in the two ‘six passenger vehicles’.  Sorry, but he was not riding around with the gear shift between his legs, even if it was just for a mile.
He was walking past a flickering streetlight when it happened.  A guy in an all black hoodie bumped into him and stole his wallet, then rounded the corner into the dark alley that he had just passed.
Percy sighed heavily and patted where his wallet had been, yep, definitely not there.  He turned around instantly and rounded the corner into the alley.  That wallet had the pictures that he and Annabeth had taken in that sketchy photobooth months ago, and he would be damned if he didn’t get just those pictures back.
“Look, man,”  Percy said as he held his hands out in a show of peace.  The thief had looked up from his prize confused at first, but when he recognized Percy as the guy who’s wallet he had, he jumped to his feet.  “All I want are the pictures that my girlfriend and I took together a few months ago.  Maybe my college ID, but you can have whatever cash is in there.  I’m not going to press charges or anything.”
The figure stepped back from his place on the wall, and the hood of the hoodie fell away to reveal delicate features that gave the son of Poseidon pause, “I don’t believe that for a second.” They said.  Yep.  Not a guy, definitely not a guy.
He rolled his eyes, “If I was going to press charges, then I would’ve called someone before I followed you in here.  I swear all I want are the pictures of my girlfriend.”  He approached the woman casually, trying to put her at ease and believe him because he just really wanted those photos.
It appeared that she was searching for the pictures, and Percy smiled happily as he closed the distance and reached out, “Thank you so much, my girlfriend would probably kill me if I lost them.  They’re in the back divider.  My cash is in the one-”
The woman must have freaked out.  That was the only explanation, right?  One moment, Percy was perfectly fine, and the next, he had a knife buried in his stomach.  His eyes widened as he looked at the dark stain spreading across his blue shirt.
The woman pulled the knife out, and for a brief second, Percy saw the dark red of the blade before she slid it back into him.  He shivered, and then he felt the pain.
He gasped like a fish out of water and fell to the grungy floor of the ally.  His gut was on fire, and that wasn’t right.  He needed to get some water.  He needed to find some water to put out the fire.  All he needed was some water.
“Oh my god.”  He heard above him, “Oh my god, ohmygod, ohmygod.”  The knife caught in his muscle this time, and he felt his skin rip as she tore it out of him.  It clanged to the ground beside his head.  That was such a loud noise.
“Crap” The voice continued, “Uhm... Um... crap.  I need to... I need to run.”  Percy heard her footsteps splash in something as she ran.
Desperately, he reached for it, willing every part of his paternity to just let him get to it.  Stubbornly, the liquid stayed where it was.  He couldn’t even force it to flow towards him, and his stomach was still burning.
His phone.  Maybe he could get his phone out of his pocket.  Yeah.  He could do that.  He blinked through the pain, but he had experienced worse; the training at Camp Half-Blood could really prepare you for mortal circumstances.  Odd, how the most pain he had ever been put through was so much worse than actually being this close to death.
After what seemed like an eternity, the bright light of his phone glared back at him.  He reached to tap the emergency call button but hesitated.  He was going to die.  He was not going to have his last breaths be trying to tell some operator that probably didn’t care whether he died or not where he was.
Slowly, he tapped in his password and searched for her name.  Wise Girl.  Right there, at the top of his messages list.  He clicked into their conversation.  Why did everything hurt so much?  He was stabbed in the stomach, why was he getting a headache?
Every press of the button felt like an eternity.  He had to make sure that he was getting every letter perfect.  Why couldn’t he see straight?  Was there some type of drug on the blade?  He felt an awful lot like when he had gotten his wisdom teeth-
Type.  Just... Type.
Great.  He smiled.  Black spots were swimming in his vision.  He liked to swim.  Maybe if he asked politely enough, Hades would get him a pool in the Underworld.  Was there a pool in Elysium?  Maybe he would try for that.
He heard the sound of sneakers splashing again.  Maybe... just maybe there was hope.
“I’m sorry.”  The woman said, breathless, “I never meant to.  I-I swear.  I... I have no right to take your life.  You just wanted a picture of your girlfriend, and you got killed over it.  I’m so sorry.”  Her voice was a lot closer now.  Percy couldn’t tell, his eyes had drifted shut against his will.  “I-I’m sorry.  But... here.”
He felt his hand open and close around something.  Something so thin it felt like paper.
“What...” the woman sniffled, “Oh no...”  slowly, he felt her take his phone from his hands, “Oh no...”  He thought he heard her sniff one last time before he surrendered.
“I’m so so sorry.” Send.
Less than half a mile away, Annabeth felt her phone buzz.
I love you.
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