#so i drew a sketch on a a little prepared canvasboard fully ready to paint
bmpmp3 · 2 years
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Snowstorm, 2022 Gouche on canvas 8″ x 6″
#art#traditional art#gouache#alternative title: mom said its my turn on the xbox#pretending im a serious artist who posts their art with just the caption instead of rambling about something unrelated for 400 words#jk im still gonna ramble in this tags#SO LIKE sometime last year (i think around april) it was super sunny with beautiful green grass and bright blue skys#and it started snowing#with the blue sky still showing. like those sunshowers in the summer where its sunny and raining at the same time#and it was just kinda a weird quiet and weird feeling standing outside in the green grass and the snow melting on my eyelashes#so i drew a sketch on a a little prepared canvasboard fully ready to paint#and then i didnt for like a year until this morning HJKFSDks#but i like it a lot! i think it looks cool. i forgot how much i love to paint with gouache#it dries so slow but maybe a heat gun can help fjkdlkjgfd also im like cursed and i can never mix anywhere NEAR enough paint#like i mix a colour and i paint a 1x1 inch area and im already out#constantly remixing paint....that is my fate#i think the reason i didnt finish this until now was cause for a while i was weirdly insecure about my weird cat thing drawings#cause i dunno i was like is it too basic. everyone draws weird cats. am i too basic#but this morning i thought about it. i can name like at least three historically significant artists who drew nothing but weird cats#i can draw weird cats if i want. im free. free to draw vaguely humanoid white cat things#we all have weird cats. we all have weird cats in side of us. let yours free
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