#so i got rly into physical media like cds and records
cxffncase · 2 years
honestly with spotify wrapped coming out today I’m deeply concerned for my past self in freshman year of college cos I listened to the tron legacy soundtrack so much that daft punk is still one of my top listened artists on spotify. i havent listened to them in 2 years btw
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jisungshotfirst · 2 years
Toku anon:
(insert one of those memes of a burning hybe building with, I dunno, Beomgyu eagerly watching in the foreground)
Okay, so the circumstances were very different, since the... infrastructure??... of the toku fandom is a little different. Basically, very few of these toku shows actually have English subs or dubs. The ones that got dubbed were only on TV in a few countries and a lot of them are lost media. The official subtitles, if they exist, are often terribly translated. And if it's available on YouTube, it's often region-locked
Enter the fan-subbers. They're fans who translate the shows as accurately as possible, add them to the show, and then post it on the web for the rest of the fandom. And not just the episodes either: some also translate movies, bonus features, show ads, book/manga spin-offs and (in the case of that show with the bench) audio drama spin-offs too.
Here's the thing: a lot of the biggest toku shows (in terms of fandom) are made by this one company called Toei. For an idea of how big they are: nearly every Toku show I told you about ever was made by this company. They've been making these since at least the early 70s. And a few years back, some fans noticed that one of their leading staff had an official Twitter.
One thing led to another and, uh, the guy found out about the fansubs.
Toei wasn't happy.
And that's the story of why and how a bunch of translated archives were totally wiped off the internet, and totally not archived on a bunch of torrent archives for anyone in the world to totally be able to access if they know where to look.
(whispers) by the way this is sarcasm. They are archived and— uh oh (gets captured by Toei's assassins)
Here's the additional funny thing: the actors don't seem to mind that much? One time, the guy who played Main Card-Themed Protag From Evil Bench Show went to a con in the States, and didn't even think ''hey wait how do english-speakers know about us'' until he was on his flight back home. This other time another toku actor (who wasn't technically in a Toei Toku but still) learned that they stopped releasing DVDs of the toku he starred in, and straight-up endorsed piracy that day. It was wild.
Anywho, to bring this back around, we also have a similar meme for these situations where we're upset at a big company. We call it ''destroying Toei Studios would be even faster! :D'' (insert image of some toku protags cheering in the corner as the Toei building breaks). Ironically that meme is also just a screencap from one of their shows, the words and all.
Beomgyu SHOULD <333
Omg fuck Toei ... like the way they found out they had a bigger audience than they assumed and instead of engaging with y'all they cut u off ... I literally don't understand these companies fr.
Fandom subtitlers and translators are the best people ever and I don't say that lightly like fr they do so much !! They are incredible !!!
I love when actors are chill about that stuff it's so great fjdj they are just happy to have worked on what they did and have fans engage in any way they can. Ugh what a legend promoting piracy we do love<3
The topic of piracy is so interesting because artists are often so split on it. There was a period of time kinda like early 2000s where there was this music sharing site where bascially someone could upload a recording of a tape/cd they had and share the mp3 online to other people who could then download and listen to it for free! So it was pirating music but on a Massive scale because anyone with any computer skills all got their music there. And artists spoke out about it and lots were against it because they don't get paid what they would be due from physical copies bought by all those people. But then some artists who had an anti-capitalist mindset supported it and encouraged it even tho it directly effected their income! It is just really interesting to see
Ahh we love a good burning a company down meme<3 Beomgyu deserves to burn hybe down he rly does
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