#so i guess i should just do some mccoy comforting spock lol
lenievi · 2 years
things that get repeated in my spones fics: spock catching mccoy’s wrist (peak romance! - seriously, it’s like in 80% of my spones fics)
things that get repeated in my mckirk fics: bringing each other meals (mostly mccoy, but I had that one short scene where kirk made soup)
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kinetic-elaboration · 3 years
August 28: 3x05 Is There In Truth No Beauty?
Several days later, coming back to write up these Star Trek notes. I feel like I never got to talk this episode through properly, or even think through it properly by myself, because mom went right into watching AHS on Thursday, and I was too tired to even sort through my thoughts and when we talked yesterday, it was… entirely about other things.
So, here at least are my liveblog thoughts, and maybe I’ll remember some more as I write.
Right off the bat, this is such a cool concept: the friendly alien Ambassador who no one can look at because his form is not fit for human eyes.
Love Spock’s silly looking little visor. Not sure I get why he’s wearing it right now, when the Ambassador is in his box, but okay.
Dr. Jones is so beautiful. I love her dress.
I’m sure Spock is thinking “If only all Ambassadors could be put into little boxes like this.”
Okay, Ambassador’s coming! Everybody quarantine!
Right, I JUST remembered the significance of the dress.
Spock has experience with mind links with other creatures—a lot of experience that ho. Is he thinking about the pleasure of connecting to Kirk, that “dynamic individual”?
“My life is here.” With the Captain???
I feel like this episode is implying, all but stating outright, that Spock is very good at mindlinking. Like maybe even more so than the average Vulcan. Which makes sense because he does it so often. And yet he still messes up with AOS!Kirk.
I love the effects for the Ambassador. I’m not even being sarcastic; I think they get across the experience of looking at him quite effectively.
Hmmm, some non-touch telepathy. I know Spock has a little of that. I guess it’s mostly him reacting to Miranda, though.
Gotta get a dig in at Dr. McCoy before he leaves lol. Spock, so predictable.
Kirk’s flirting is off the charts today omg. Tone it down man.
She learned from the Vulcans how not to read thoughts. Exactly!! Their telepathy is such an underrated part of the whole Vulcan thing, including why they remain ‘emotionless.’
She’s so jealous of Spock.
Honestly this whole scene… there’s a lot going on here! I’m trying to pay attention to the Vulcan telepath stuff but the men won’t stop flirting at 11. Especially McCoy, laying it on extra thick.
She does hold her own very well, though.
A preference for beauty—one of our last prejudices.
“Sleep well.” So cute. (I’ve already forgotten but I’m pretty sure this is Kirk.)
“We’re all vulnerable in one way or another.” KIRK SHUT UP I LOVE YOU.
Girls don’t like guys, girls like Medusan ambassadors.
This guy is so jealous. I barely know who he is lol; this comes out of nowhere.
Interesting angle on the hallway shot. I feel like there are a lot of those in this ep, like these weirdly long shots of the hallways… Maybe I’m just not used to seeing them with one or no people in them.
Kirk and the squad. Work work fashion baby.
“Larry? Marvick? Why?” Okay that is some real Shatnerian inflection there.
*Ship veers obviously*
And look at this weird-ass view of the bridge. Like what the hell, where is the camera? On the lift? It’s so disorienting!
Spock needs to fix some stuff, calls for his protégé Chekov, of course.
And this funky music. So bizarre.
This is a nutty view, this “unknown void.” Like one would think beyond space there’s… just more space, not a Windows 98 screensaver.
Space time continuum?? They didn’t time travel (again), did they?
“He just simply died.” How convenient.
“An entertaining suggestion, Mr. Chekov, but not very helpful.” Honestly, I do think he’s entertained. Spock has grown so much over the course of the show.. like I know there was controversy with his IC-ness this season but in this case, I really do think it is growth. Compare this to the Corbomite Maneuver, where he had a sense of humor but it was… a little mean, a little arch. There’s a certain warmth to him now.
Her mind must be so engaged that she doesn’t notice the plan for Spock to meld with the Ambassador = Kirk will seduce her. Lol. Of course. Everyone’s favorite honeypot.
He has absolutely NO shame.
The man sure does love his flowers, though.
She’s never been to Earth. So she’s a human born on a colony, I guess? That’s such a throwaway line, but so interesting. Could that be part of how she’s telepathic?
Oh no! A thorn!
“Violent emotion is a kind of insanity.” Can I steal this?
Too ugly to bear or too beautiful to bear?
Let me spell it out for you: this is romantic. (Again, I’ve forgotten what this refers to, but I’m going to assume it’s something Kirk said.)
Lol Bones just dropping truth bombs. How did he know she was blind? Did he recognize the dress or does he have access to her files as the ship’s doctor?
And Kirk accepts it immediately. “Of course! It’s the only reasonable explanation as to why you weren’t attracted to me.”
The Ambassador is brought to the bridge and placed behind a covid wall, I mean, protective barrier.
And now, we meet the Ambassador for real.
“THAT’s Spock!” Bones is so happy. He’s really not comfortable with Spock being all… smiley and flirty. Or rather, someone in Spock’s body, I should say.
Kollos is VERY flirty. And he and Miranda have chemistry for sure. It’s weird, because I don’t get any sense of that between her and Spock (rightly so) but Spock as the Ambassador and it comes right out.
I love the characterization of him. The idea that the Medusans’ thoughts are supposed to be particularly nice to engage with…. I really see how that would be. He’s so soothing.
Kollos is enjoying his time in a human body, I think. Mostly. Not all of it. (I got a little teary at the part about loneliness, ngl.)
Time to go back? So soon?
Noooo the shield! It’s like forgetting your mask when you enter a building.
[Spock wails]
Honestly, even seeing the steps to the upper level of the bridge is really weir. Like, I’ve always known there are steps there… but I’ve never thought about what they look like.
Kirk is so skeptical about all of this. Spock is in danger and his brain immediately goes to the pessimistic scenarios—very unlike him!
He’s freaking out nervous.
“Are we supposed to wake him with a kiss?” Idk, it’s worth a try. Why doesn’t Kirk give it a go?
Does Kirk have a game plan with Miranda here, or is he just honestly freaking out?
…The answer is honestly freaking out, which is rather a disappointment.
Spock has a necklace version of the IDIC symbol this time.
Everyone’s exchanging all these highly formulaic, formal goodbyes and Kirk’s like “Peace.” Wow, really trying hard with that one. Still rattled, I guess.
Also speaking of these formulaic exchanges—this fits very well with the HAICG-verse. Just saying.
This episode was really good! I loved Miranda, I am a huge fan of the underlying sci fi concept, and I though the Spock characterization and the hints of Vulcan culture were very interesting (and very in keeping with my own characterization and world building, imo).
The only thing I didn’t like was Kirk’s characterization. He felt like a stereotype, like who AOS thought TOS Kirk was, rather than himself—the over the top flirting, the dramatic rage, how he didn’t really seem in control of anything or on his game at all.
But, even though he’s my fave, the interesting Spock characterization made up for that, and I really appreciated these insights into him, interacting with someone who, while not Vulcan herself, had a Vulcan cultural background, someone he approached similarly to how he would one of his own people. It was very polite but with a lot of unsaid beneath the surface, which is how I imagine Vulcans are.
The introduction of IDIC truly was pretty random! I did like the idea of Spock trying to compliment her and not really landing it, because that’s just the awkward nerd sort of thing he would do. But it’s weird that the phrase has never been introduced before, and also that even within this episode, it’s only obliquely explained.
I’m not actually sure if I’ve seen the next ep or not. I don’t think so, but it’s possible I did and just don’t remember it very well…
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permian-tropos · 6 years
Thought about how Finn and Poe are depicted in TLJ: 
I don’t think Johnson was deeply racially biased in the way people think, though I think he might have a racial bias that’s not malicious, but also worth pointing out, since I always butt heads with that bias as a white writer. 
I think Johnson wanted to give Finn and Poe solid character arcs to fit with the theme of overcoming failure, and I don’t think he wrote them as if they were Other, because I do feel somewhat familiar with what it feels like when characters are Other. I’m very alert to women being framed as Other, and in SW most droids and aliens are framed like that. also, old mentor figures can be Other, definitely maternal figures, most villains, expendable side characters, NPC-type folks in the plot who help the story along.
Stories have to be full of Others of one sort or another, and you can be Other in a sympathetic light or a negative light. You can be revered or reviled or ignored. You can be reduced to a stereotype or an archetype. And some stereotypes are more harmful than others because of their connection to real world structural oppression. 
The only characters in a story who aren’t Other are characters who get POV time -- that’s just how it works, if the movie makes you see through a character’s eyes, they want you to project onto that character for those scenes. Finn and Poe are POV characters, so they’re not fully othered. Something else is probably going on. 
I think Finn and Poe are written in ways that white men would comfortably project onto, if the characters were white men. Take Finn and his running away. It’s not as if male characters who have to learn to care about the cause are deeply disliked. Han Solo is a scoundrel with a heart of gold who spends a lot of time in ANH being reluctant to help the heroes, and then he finally shows his true goodness and saves the day. Finn being a bit jittery and focused on saving a girl he likes might seem less flattering, but think about all the awkward, foolish white male protagonists who get dunked on a bit for their flaws, but ultimately win girls’ hearts and save the day. I’m thinking Emmett from the Lego Movie as a key archetype. That’s... clearly something that white guys find relatable and enjoyable to project onto. Self-deprecating, but ultimately a power fantasy. Part of the power fantasy is watching someone who’s a bit of a loser become a hero through adversity, it makes you feel like you too could take adversity and turn it into positive change as well. And Finn isn’t even such an overstated example, but he does have a lovable-loser thing going on in TFA and TLJ. And then of course he gets to be fantastically heroic and good and brave, because we (lovable losers in the audience) would like to be that way as well.
Poe’s behavior in TLJ gives me very... uncooked Captain Kirk dough vibes. I love me some Kirk, and he’s such a passionate guy who breaks rules and defies authority whenever he thinks it’s right. And sometimes he gets it wrong, and misjudges the situation, but the narrative usually doesn’t punish him too much. And the reason for this is because Kirk has Spock and McCoy and the rest of his crew with him and he deeply trusts their advice and expertise. Spock will almost always tell Kirk to cool his tits, so Kirk feels safe getting hot-titted when he thinks it’s called for. He knows he has a limiter. That’s what makes him a good leader, he knows his shortcomings and surrounds himself with close friends who can balance those shortcomings out. He’s also a seasoned captain, wiser from having dealt with a lot of messy situations. But (forget the reboot movies lol cause I do) if you imagine a younger Kirk, you can imagine him getting all riled up about injustice and hatching one of his daring million-to-one gambits to save everyone -- and it turns out to be a bad move. It turns out he was wrong. And he gets a lesson about that, and this helps him grow into the good Kirkboy we love and respect. 
The fact that Poe wants to rush out and save the day, but needs to learn patience, is something white men can find relatable and sympathetic.
But the thing is, I can understand people seeing Finn and Poe being written in this way, and understandably perceiving it as race-blind. Johnson put all these bits of character into them, but because he’s a white male writer who does in fact want to write Finn and Poe as likable and dynamic and engaging, he seems to have written things for them that are endearing when a white male does them. 
People see the expressed interiority of Finn and Poe in The Last Jedi and get White Male vibes from it, not because they were written to be disposable or Other, but because they were given White Male interiority.
Now, arguably, Star Wars seems not to discern human races, and since so much of White Male interiority involves seeing yourself as the default and not ever questioning that status, while existing in an industrialized Westernized capitalist society, the idea that Finn and Poe would at least reflect some of that attitude kind of isn’t... entirely unrealistic? 
I say this as a woman who had a lot of weirdly externalized misogyny and mistrust of feminism as a kid because I grew up in a bubble where I was free to express my gender however I liked, and adult women made all the decisions, and had status and value, and men were kind of just there also. I didn’t actually understand the feeling of not being default, of being Other, of being secondary, and when I was first exposed to feminism I was angry because I didn’t like to be told that I was oppressed. I didn’t want to be oppressed, so don’t you dare imply it could happen! I grew up without a lot of the social pressures women get, and now I actually recognize male-privileged attitudes ingrained in myself. I feel like aspects of masculinity (but certainly not all of them!) are just the gendered appropriation of Human Default, which women would default to if they weren’t pressed out of it (and aspects of femininity are extremely Human Default too and denying them to men is very damaging to them). So Finn and Poe being written by a white man trying to make them Human Default (or at least Male Default since gender disparities do exist in SW), could come across as infused with whiteness. Also humans in SW have heavy privilege over aliens and droids so they probably would act like privileged people when you think about it......
Still, I don’t and can’t begrudge anyone (particular a person of color) who doesn’t like that, because it’s probably not relatable and it’s missing a lot of nuance and perspicacity that a writer of color would infuse the situation with, in portraying a fictional fantasy world that’s relatively blind to race to an audience in a racialized society. You have to balance both fiction and reality.
White writers sort of have to learn that. A writer wants to engage with their audience authentically, and writers can’t get that if they pretend their audience won’t be hyperalert to racial dynamics. “But I didn’t know people would have that reaction” yes you did, or you should. “But I want to live in a world where people don’t have to have that reaction since it’s coming from so much suffering and injustice” me too buddy, but one movie can’t change everything overnight. Obviously if you care about marginalized people, what you want to do is make them feel appreciated and comfortable for the space of time your movie is playing. But I understand you do also want to write in your style. All the characters you write will be coming out of your own heart, that’s inevitable. 
It feels like the “why didn’t Johnson listen to the actors” anger is because people kind of wanted to see the actors’ takes on the characters, so they didn’t have to see Rian Johnson interiority throughout all of them. Except... the thing is. If Lucasfilm really begged Johnson to write and direct their movie, he’s allowed to put Rian Johnson interiority into it. Even the characters of marginalized identities -- ultimately, wanting to project onto and empathize with characters of color is not at all bad. Johnson feels like Rose is his self insert. She’s a woman of color, and he specifically wanted KMT for the role. He felt like he could deeply relate to this character. It’s not that he identifies as an Asian-American woman, it’s that he did actually think that distinction wasn’t a barrier to relatability. (On top of that, I think Rose is written to have some backstory elements that strongly parallel her actress’s Vietnamese heritage, and I think it’s a pretty big deal and I wish more people cared about that but we’ve been brainwashed to forget the Vietnam War I guess.)
White writers do need to take care not to project too much of their own interiority onto characters of color, to the point where audiences feel like they’ve been pushed out, like they’re seeing someone who looks like them but clearly is not like them on the inside (an uncanny, unnerving effect). But at the same time, I can’t imagine writing that doesn’t come from the writer. And white writers absolutely need to project onto and relate to characters of color. It’s always going to be a mess and there’s a lot of work to do to get it right but the alternative where you’re convinced you could never relate is not at all better. 
TL;DR: Rian Johnson did indeed fall into a white male writer pitfall, but I think it’s not malicious and it’s also both problematic and potentially a good thing. Also JJ Abrams basically did the same thing it’s just that he didn’t have to write “overcome my fatal flaw” arcs for Finn and Poe.
Johnson also definitely put a lot of work into prioritizing female perspectives and female fantasies and female wish fulfillment and female POV, and I think (as a Female... or. something approximating female lol) the film is a lot better about it than any other Star Wars movie to date. Or that may be because he sat down with Carrie Fisher for hours and hours brainstorming ideas and took her suggestions seriously enough to have notebooks full of them. I imagine he should have done the same with non-white script doctor but when it came to script doctoring and a deep connection to SW, Carrie was kind of without equal.
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sunshine-captain · 7 years
I finished The City on The Edge of Forever, and I gotta say....I enjoyed it, but I like the episode a lot more. the book has some nice things about it, but overall the episode is much more to my taste.
things I like:
the fact that it’s a graphic novel? I know that’s like, not a storyline thing, but it’s cool! I don’t have any trek comics so the comic is a new experience for me. it’s cool! the art is pretty good, although occasionally goofy (spock and jim are both drawn with their fair share of silly-but-not-meant-to-be faces, lmao)
Jim and edith’s relationship gets a little more screentime, I guess? it shows them spending more time together, and it feels a little natural when they wind up in love. I still like the build in the show though...but they’re sweet together in the book, too
we don’t really get the same domesticity with spock and jim that we do in the show, but there are some moments. spock and jim apparently go to a movie together: “you don’t make a half-bad chinese laborer. they barely looked at you in that ‘movie theater’ last night. Twenty-three skidoo, kiddo.” (don’t even ask about that last part, idfk.)
one part that made me giggle was spock and jim chilling on a roofstop being creepers and watching edith and jim tells spock to go get some sleep, spock asks if there’s anything to eat, and jim responds, “I bought nine pounds of cabbage and asparagus. the grocer’s is beginning to look at me.”
the disabled ww I veteran. I liked him, that made me sad :C
spock inviting jim to come with him to vulcan to heal ;______; “on my world, the nights are very long. the sound of the silver birds against the sky is very sweet. my people know there is always time enough for everything. you could come with me for a rest. you would feel comfortable there.” klfdj;gdfgkjdfgj
things I don’t like:
(under a readmore bc it got LONG and I spoiler stuff...uh...if you can have spoilers for this, anyway, lol. also I get really pissed and idk. but read my reasons for declaring the episode to be definitely superior)
spock is...really unspock like?! it feels like they got him and bones mixed up, honestly. it grated heavily on my nerves tbh because one thing I love about spock is his open mind and curiosity and desire for knowledge. when they go to an alien planet, bones or someone else will be mad about the planet or its customs and spock will be the reasonable one who is logical about it (see: the argument spock and bones have in the apple) and even if he doesn’t like or approve of a custom or whatever he usually can figure out why the people do what they do. he’s taken on aspects of bones’ personality in the book. for example, when they first go through into the past (not the guardian of forever but multiple guardian spirit things, that are just a little too complimentary towards humans and eager to show them the past. I liked how dismissive the guardian was in the show, lol) they run into a mob of people who are pissed about foreigners “stealing their jobs” and then they see spock and think he’s chinese (grit my teeth the whole book through at spock being called “chinee”, that’s gotta be a slur or something, it feels like) and the mob chases him and jim into a basement. where spock precedes to call the humans barbarians and say “tell me earthmen have uplifted my race!” and then jim responds that he should have “left spock for the mob” (?!!?!?!?! has anything ever sounded more out of character for these two!!!! literally just let me recount this conversation to you because I am so offended at its existence.
spock: barbarian world! jim: they were hungry, and afraid. spock: as violent as any aboriginal world we ever landed on. jim: alright, we’re safe now. spock: I would call this anything but “safe”...barbarians!
see what I mean???? that’s my main issue but I actually have a couple others lol.
oh I just noticed spock referred to the main baddie, a gross drug dealer, as a monster. wow. even more unspock like.
the lack of bones. I don’t say that just as someone who loves bones, I think the story genuinely suffered due to him not being there. as I mentioned, the bad guy is a drug dealer lowlife from the enterprise named beckwith. he gets alien races hooked on some crazy drug he’s got, steals their stuff, and profits off of it. he caused a slaughter on some planet. he’s gross, right? well he runs off into the past and jim and spock follow him. they know eventually that edith is the important focal point that can very easily change the whole future, and that she has to die; well at the end, seemingly completely out of character with his greasy lowlife self, beckwith tries to save her when she steps out onto the street. spock and jim stop him, and there’s a moral at the end at how evil can still do good, or something like that. but it doesn’t have the same emotional impact!!! okay, so bones goes into the past through a silly plot device (falling onto his own hypo, lmao), but then edith saves him and takes care of him. and he unknowingly alters the future by saving the life of a woman who was kind to him, and because he’s a doctor that cares about all life and he protects it whenever he can. he doesn’t mean any harm, he was just trying to save the person who helped him. and jim is his best friend, and he has to grab bones and stop him from doing it and he has to hear it happen and bones has to watch her die and spock is watching the whole thing
I JUST REWATCHED THAT SCENE IT’S SO SAD!!!!! “you deliberately stopped me, jim. I could have saved her. do you know what you just did?” the horror in mccoy’s face!!!! obviously this is horrible for jim but I never appreciated how sad that was for bones too (especially if you go back like a minute and see him talking to edith and smiling cutely at her) and for spock (BC HE KNOWS HOW MUCH JIM IS HURTING! AND HE’S BEEN HERE THE WHOLE TIME WATCHING JIM GETTING CLOSER TO HER EVEN THO HE KNEW IT WAS A TERRIBLE IDEA! and he was pining so hard for jim the whole time) I’m honest to god in tears now
anyway as you can see the story suffers very much for the lack of mccoy. it’s less painful and less impactful and they get preachy with morals at the end in the book but IT’S NOT THE SAME
also harlan ellison is annoying af, his high anf mighty attitude about “what was done” to his script. sorry dude, the changes were good and the episode is superior and you don’t know the characters well enough.
tl;dr the book is a neat thing to own (I’m glad I have it and will prolly flip through it again) but the episode is v much superior
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kaitymccoy123 · 8 years
A Million Tiny Pieces
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Intro: This was requested by anon: Do you mind Spock x Reader?  
Okay okay so I never thought I would like writing Spock x reader but this was way too much fun.  When I got this request I panicked thinking I would never come up with a good idea but once I got one, the words just started flowing and I wrote it basically all in one sitting.  I love this piece so much I read it over and over again instead of writing new fics (sorry @outside-the-government I know your request came before this one but I needed to give this one to the world first - yours is almost done!)
Pairing: Spock x Reader
Word Count: 2410
Triggers: none really, attempt at slipping something into reader’s drink.
Summary: Reader goes to the bar after a long day and some crewman tries to slip something into their drink.  Spock comes to save the day and ends up walking reader back to their quarters.  Fluff ensues. 
Also: I kept picturing the reader in a leather jacket for some reason when I realized that Uhura wears leather jackets in aos so I guess I am not that original lol. 
Also (p.t.2): This is my first Spock fic so please be gentle :)
You had a bad day and just needed something to make you feel better.  So you made your way to the bar and practically crashed onto the bar stool, leaning your forearms heavily on the counter in front of you and laid your head on the cool surface.  
Letting out a deep sigh you closed your eyes and thanked the stars that this day was over.  You pulled the collar of your favourite leather jacket around your neck tightly as you continued to lean against the bar. 
"Long day?" You heard a deep voice ask, but you didn't know if it was directed at you so you pretended to ignore it.  
Only when the cool exterior of a glass pressed against your elbow did you pick your forehead up off the counter and look up.   A small glass of brown liquid rested in front of you, standing there alone, like a lone soldier.  You turned your head and fixed your tired eyes on the bartender who offered you a weak smile as he picked up a cloth and started cleaning glasses.  
He nodded and gestured with his eyes between you and the person you assumed bought you a drink and you looked over to the stools beside you.  
One stool down sat a rather handsome, if not a little burly, looking crewman in a blue shirt.  He flashed a flirty grin at you and you smiled back.  You really were not in the mood for company, but if he was going to buy you drinks, you weren't going to stop him.  He slid to the stool beside you and leaned on the counter as you lifted the glass to your lips and downed it in one shot.  Whiskey.  You hated whiskey, you were more of a 'beer' type of girl, but you soon felt it taking the edge off your bad mood and you turned to face the crewman.  He gestured to the bartender to fill your glass again before looking at you, his eyes flicking to your bag that had the medical insignia sewn onto it. 
"Medical, huh?  You a nurse or something?" He asked and suddenly you didn't like him anymore, you hated when people asked if you were a nurse like it was a bad thing to be.  Like they were saying, "You not-a-doctor or something?"
You grimaced and knocked back the newly filled glass, slamming it back down on the counter with a 'tink'.   "Yep, I'm a nurse, and a damn good one at that." You replied dryly, but he still looked at you like you were naked and in his bed.  You shifted uncomfortably and crossed your arms over your chest. 
"Hmmmm..." He hummed amusingly and took a swig of his beer.  
The bartender refilled your drink, knocking it back quickly, and he filled it back up as soon as it hit the counter.  This time you didn't take it right away, instead you played with the glass between your fingers. 
"So if I needed a physical, I should come to you?" He flirted and you felt your stomach turn in disgust.  You were outta here.  
"Look, I had a long day and I am on the alpha shift tomorrow so I better get going." You explained, grabbing your bag and slipping off the stool, turning your back to the crewman.  
"Wait!" You heard him yell and you turned around slowly, giving him an annoyed look. 
"At least finish your drink first." He suggested, your glass now in his hand and he held it in your direction. 
You sighed and shrugged, and you knew you couldn't turn down a free drink, so you strode back over and took the glass from his hand, his eyes gleaming with pride, and his lips stretched into a smirk.  He leaned back on the counter with his elbows, taking another swig of his beer. 
You closed your eyes and brought the glass to your mouth, planning to finish it as you had all your other ones, in one shot, when you were stopped by the feeling of someone's fingers covering your glass. 
"You shouldn't drink that, lieutenant." A voice said, sounding very technical and familiar.  
Your eyes sprung open.  Spock stood in front of you, looking down at you with the bemused look that he always wore.  
"What the hell, Spock!" You sputtered and accidentally dropped your glass in surprise, sending it smashing to the floor.  
You stepped back, careful not to step on the tiny glass pieces and crossed your arms as Spock came to stand beside you.  
"I saw that crewman slip something into it when your back was turned, it was small and shaped like a tablet, I thought it best that you not drink it"
You looked at him incredulously before looking back to the bar.  The crewman had disappeared. Coward. 
"Thanks, Spock." You shrugged and readjusted the bag you were carrying.  
"Your gratitude is not necessary, but it is accepted none-the-less." Spock responded in that robotic way of his, making you roll your eyes. 
You rubbed your eyelids that were now heavy and drooping from exhaustion and the alcohol.  
"Do you want me to walk you back to your quarters?" Spock asked, looking down at you curiously. 
"Nah, I'll be fine." You yawned, "I'm just tired, is all."
You turned and headed for the door, and couldn't hide a smile as you heard Spock catch up to you and place a hand on the small of your back to guide you down the hallway. 
"Lieutenant, I think it is in your best interests that I walk you back to your quarters, lest the crewman return and attempt to force his affection on you again."
"Is it in my best interests, or yours?" You asked teasingly. 
"I'm sure I do not know what you mean." Spock responded, confused. 
"You never do." You sighed with a laugh. 
The two of you walked in comfortable silence for a few minutes, and you were only a little disappointed when his hand left the small of your back.  
You had known Spock for a while, but only really gotten to know him when he spent 2 weeks in the medbay after a severe injury from an away-mission.  You had been his primary nurse, and though he was insufferably irritating most of the time, you got along well and you even made him smile a few times.  If however Vulcans smile counts.  
You started feeling something more for the always-logical Vulcan when he argued with Dr. McCoy on your behalf after a mishap in the medbay.  He spoke highly of you and afterwards had checked on you to make sure you were okay.
You gently bumped into his arm as you walked and his hand came around and settled on your back again.  You smiled and felt yourself blush.  Normally it would take a lot more than just a hand on your back to send heat and tingles up your spine, but with Spock you knew that every touch meant something special.  
You looked sideways at him, "What are you thinking about, Spock?"
He considered this question for a moment before answering, angling his eyes downwards to meet yours, "I am thinking about whether or not to file a report against the crewman who attempted to drug you."
"It's your choice. He just wanted to get in my pants." You stated blatantly as you reached the lift.  
Spock's hand guided you in and left your back to press the button.  He tucked it behind his own back now, making you frown involuntarily.  
"Why were you at the bar?" You inquired cooly, keeping your eyes facing forwards.  
Spock didn't answer as the lift doors opened and you walked out together, your room quickly appearing on the right side.  You paused at the door and spun on your heel to face him, furrowing your brow and crossing your arms, waiting for his response. 
"I saw you at the bar as I was walking past." Spock stated. 
"So you came by to grab a beer with me?" You joked stalely, your eyes stinging from exhaustion. 
"The way the crewman was looking at you, it seemed like his intentions were amoral." Spock stated, meeting your eyes. 
"I'm a big girl, I can take care of myself." You sighed and rolled your eyes, pressing the pad to open the door and walked into your room.  
"Lieutenant, I am aware that you are able to fend for yourself, you have proven that on many occasions." Spock countered and you were surprised, and now slightly irritated, when you heard him follow you into your quarters. 
"Great.  That means you can go now." You suggested irritably, your back to him.
"I am aware, lieutenant, but I just wanted to..." Spock began and you spun to face him, anger now flaring up in your veins. 
"Stop calling me lieutenant!  You know my name!" You yelled and dropped your bag onto the table.
"Lieuten... Y/N, it appears I have made you angry.  Would you elucidate on what I said that caused your temper to flare?" Spock now stepped towards you, and you could tell by his slight change in tone that he was becoming irritated with you as well. 
"EVERYTHING, Spock!" You exploded, your arms flailing madly and you were not in total control of your actions. You wished you hadn't taken all those free whiskeys. 
"Please elaborate, Y/N." Spock said, his hands coming to rest at his sides. 
You rolled your eyes and let out a indignant huff.
"You follow me to the bar, you interfere with the situation, then you guide me back to my room with your hand on my back, calling me lieutenant, and now you are in here, being all concerned and caring.  What am I supposed to think that means, Spock?  What am I supposed to think?"
"I assumed you would have known." He said, looking down at the floor, his lips pressed together.  
You were taken aback by his sudden sincere and empty question.  
"Known what, Spock?" You asked gently, taking a step towards him, the anger now leaving your veins as you watched him, looking all shy and despondent.   
When he didn't respond except to take in a shaky breath, you reached out and took his wrist.  He gave it to you and you held it, stroking the skin softly.  
"Tell me, Spock." You encouraged, tugging on his wrist so he took a step towards you.  
He hesitated for another moment, lifting his eyes to yours again, his gaze moving back and forwards between your eyes, searching, as if the answer was in there somewhere.  You squeezed his wrist gently, encircling it with your fingers and gave him a small smile as an unfamiliar expression flickered in his eyes, you couldn't tell what he was feeling.  Your heart skipped a beat as he began to stroke small circles into the sensitive skin of your wrist with his thumb, gently, as if he didn't realize he was doing it.  
"Y/N, I assumed you would have known that I have developed feelings of affection for you." Your heart skipped a beat at his words and your pulse increased, which you knew he could feel as his fingers grasped your wrist.  
"I thought Vulcan's couldn't feel, well, feelings." You wondered aloud. 
"You are mistaken, Lieutenant." He began, and his eyes closed when he realized his error, "my apologies.  Y/N.   Vulcan's, though we suppress our emotions to avoid intense outbursts of anger, can develop connections with others that are based on loyalty, trust, and admiration." 
"So you admire me?" You teased, raising an eyebrow. 
"I would say so, yes.  I also trust you, as you have saved my life in the past, and I find a strong urge to want to be near you."
You laughed and saw the familiar gleam of amusement in his eyes. 
"Well, I admire you too, Spock." You admitted, your smile fading as you swallowed back nervousness and stepped closer to him, your bodies almost touching.  
"That is satisfying to hear." Spock responded, and you now recognized that unfamiliar flicker of emotion behind his eyes as admiration. 
"Oh shut up, Spock." You joked and rolled your eyes before leaning up and pressing a chaste kiss to his lips.  
Spock raised an eyebrow at you and tilted his head.  His hands found your hips and you lifted your hands to place them on his neck, your thumbs resting on his jawline.  He leaned forward and pressed his forehead to yours, and you could feel his heart racing under your fingertips.  
"Are you alright?  Your heart is beating very fast." You noted, pulling back to look into his eyes. 
"I am fine. As you know, Vulcan's have a much faster heart rate than humans, naturally." Spock commented, pulling you closer by your hips so you were pressed flush against him, his forehead once again resting on yours, "Although right now my heart rate does seems to be elevated."
"And why could that be?" You whispered, your lips only a breath apart.  
For once he didn't respond, instead he tilted his head and pressed his lips to yours.  
You splayed your fingers over his neck and felt yourself dissolve into the kiss. His lips were gentle against yours and you lavished in the feeling of his fingers digging into the fabric of your shirt. He kissed you delicately, as if you would break, and you wrapped your arms around his neck to draw him in closer so he would know that you weren't going to shatter into a million pieces.  Emotions surged and swirled inside of you, and you broke the kiss softly, but didn't pull away, though his strong arms and Vulcan strength probably would have prevented that. 
You took in a shaky breath and met his eyes.  They shone with admiration, and something else, something deeper, almost like desire.  
"Will you stay with me tonight?" You asked, reaching up and absently stroking his cheek, your fingers ending up tracing his lips.  
He pressed a kiss to the tip of your finger and your heart almost exploded. 
"If that is what you wish, than of course." He responded, pulling you closer by the back of your elbows.  
You pressed a quick kiss to his lips, "That is satisfying to hear." 
You swear he almost rolled his eyes. 
-Thanks for reading!  Hope you liked it! You are definitely going to see more Spock x reader in the future!  Bonsoir! - 
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kinetic-elaboration · 4 years
March 19: 2x11 Friday’s Child
Finally watched this week’s TOS. This was a hard day again and I’m tired and basically as soon as the ep ended my mood deflated again but I think I can write up a few notes and then crawl right back into bed again.
Another episode about negotiating for a mining treaty, huh? (I’m keeping track of all of these, roughly, for my own Nefarious Purposes).
The aliens are seven feet tall and they wear silly outfits.
Wow, what a dumbass red shirt. You’d think Starfleet would train people NOT to just randomly draw their weapons in diplomatic situations.
I honestly forgot there were Klingons in this.
DC Fontana wrote this!! I forgot that too.
Lol Kirk just drops the deceased red shirt. And then keeps holding his hands out like ‘what am I to do now?’
“They want to negotiate for our rocks. Our stupid, useless rocks. Everyone wants our rocks! So weird.”
I’m actually kind of surprised DC Fontana wrote a Klingon ep but like... I guess it’s not that surprising given this guy doesn’t even have a name and is also really dumb lol. At least he’s not in brownface.
When Kirk and Spock disarmed I didn’t realize they were throwing down their communicators and I was a little confused as to why they had to carry so many phasers each.
Kirk’s pretty upset about the crewman’s death, which I get, he always goes feral when one of his people dies and I appreciate that about him... but that guy really did fuck up lol.
I like seeing Scotty in command.
Oooh mood lighting in the tent. And Spock is meditating I think.
Emotion is “inefficient and illogical.” No wonder Kirk thinks they can never be in love!!
And yet jealous is also inefficient and illogical and I detect some of it in Spock when the blonde Cappellan comes in.
“They consider combat more pleasurable than love.” Hmm sounds like someone else I know.
... Honestly I wish the Grounders had been like this. I feel like there’s more thought in creating this society in one episode than in creating that one over 7 seasons.
I love Bones in this and his role as cultural translator.
The Federation believes in self-determination.
“The sky does not interest me.”
I really do dig the world building here. There’s so much going on in this one ep, even just in part of an ep, and you really get the sense that this is a whole world with its own rules and customs and values, and its own complex political machinations that our mains have really just wandered into.
Also the soundtrack today is NOT messing around. TV composers just don’t go this hard anymore, sorry.
Oooh now the Klingon’s afraid at the prospect of fighting Kirk.
The Enterprise just walked into a coup I guess.
Lots of fighting! Kirk must be having fun.
Scotty is so commanding! I feel like he and Uhura were already friends at this point. Like whenever he’s in command she seems really comfortable just wandering up to his chair all the time.
Also why are they ALWAYS signing stuff?
Yessss silent triumvirate communication.
“To live is always desirable.” I mean she’s not wrong but so much for being willing to die without a fuss lol.
It’s kind of wild how this ep started out being about a mining treaty and drama with the Klingons and all of this alien political drama and then basically becomes all about saving one (1) pregnant widow (and themselves) from huge, ,hostile aliens in funny feather boas.
Sulu insulting Scotty’s knowledge of ships lol. Not smart.
Can’t believe the Klingon couldn’t get his weapon back but Kirk got his communicators back no problem. Who is the smarter alien?
They’ll find us BY SCENT ALONE what a detail to just throw in there!
Lol this whole scene with McCoy and Eleen is hilarious and ridiculous in equal measure. Like I can’t entirely blame her for not wanting to be touched intimately by a strange alien man (rude!!) but also I do enjoy McCoy’s gruff insistence that he WILL care for his patient. This is what AOs didn’t get about “Grumpy Bones.” He’s not mean, he’s just...not up for niceties when he has a healing to do. He WILL care for you dammit!
And he has soft hands.
Spock is loving this.
Kirk’s subtle reverse psychology. “Well if you don’t think the communicator plan can work” and then Spock like “I didn’t say that exactly...”
They aren’t human, they’re humanoid!
And again, the subtle taunting/goading of Bones: “Well if you can’t do it...”
I’m a doctor, not an escalator! One of the best lines.
Detective Scotty. Kind of ridiculous how he solves the case of the taunting Klingons luring them away from the planet...but then sticks around a bit more just in case.
The child is McCoy’s!
Spock is so uncomfortable with this giving birth thing. “Oh look Captain, vegetation!”
“Just repeat ‘The child is mine.’“ “Yes, the child is yours.” Lol.
Arts and crafts with Kirk and Spock! I love that this is a McCoy ep with subtle space husbands in the background.
Favorite moment though is McCoy trying to teach Spock how to hold a baby. “I would rather not, thank you.”
“Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on...won’t get fooled again.”
I love that Chekov is consciously messing with them about everything being from Russia.
Also the absolute GALL of the Klingons trying the exact same ship luring technique a second time.
Can’t believe that Bones wants to go off and have fun with the boys and just leave the baby alone in the cave. You’re a dad now McCoy!! Be responsible!
“Small patient.” Yes very small!
Cool little robot battle station unfolding at the helm.
I feel like when Kirk and Spock have that exchange about cavalry coming over the hill and Spock says "if by that you mean..." Kirk should have answered, "I thought I just said that." But then that wouldn't be very Kirk of him. He never makes fun of Spock.
This Klingon is not having a good day!
Scotty and the redshirts here to save the day.
I guess Maab wasn’t so bad after all. And Elaan is perhaps a little confusing, but I admire her desire to both save herself and adhere to her people’s traditions, even if those are incompatible desires.
Spock absolutely IS going to consult linguistics about baby talk. Probably Uhura specifically.
LEONARD JAMES AKAAR. Absolutely one of the top 5 final bridge scenes. They really missed an opportunity to return to the planet in a later movie or series and interact with the Teer.Captain Picard meets Leonard James Akaar.
This was a good ep! I really only remembered the Bones and Elaan parts with the baby, so I forgot all of the political machinations and stuff in the beginning of the ep. It’s a pretty solid world building episode and of course, lots of McCoy, can’t go wrong with that.
I actually think it makes a lot of sense for Bones to be the child’s “father” tbh. Like, I know everyone thinks it’s funny but like... in our culture, we assign pseudo-parental roles to people who aren’t blood relatives of children based on the adult’s relationship with the child’s blood relative and that’s arguably weirder. Like you can be a kid’s step father by marrying his mom even if you really don’t have any relationship to him, so why shouldn’t McCoy, who saved Leonard’s mother’s life and delivered him, and convinced her to actually desire to raise him, be considered his “father”? ESP given that this society seems to have no place at all for fatherless children. They just can’t conceive of such a thing. So “father” has to encompass something other than, or not strictly limited to, biological father. She was so quick to assign McCoy fatherhood status, I have to assume this happens a lot, that people take on that role for non-bio children.
Not a lot for Spock to do today but I think he had fun. He got to explode some rocks and make some bows and shoot some arrows. And Kirk got into a lot of fights so I think he enjoyed himself.
I don’t know if I believed the Cappellans were 7 feet tall but they did look broad and alien so I will give them that.
It was nice to see Scotty in command again. I’m so mad at AOS still for making him comic relief. I think he’s actually quite a serious person. Talking with my mom, I’ve decided that the crew can be grouped into ‘cracks jokes through a crisis’ and ‘generally gets very serious in a crisis, reserves humor for calm moments’ and while Sulu, Chekov, and Spock are in group 1, Scotty is definitely in group 2 with Kirk and McCoy. (Uhura seems generally lighthearted and fun loving but not funny per se so I don’t know how to group her.)
Also this is one of the early filmed Chekov episodes (as you can see by the hair) and he spends it, again, at Spock’s station. It’s so obvious he was introduced as Spock’s protege, not as the navigator, which I think is very interesting. Like I want to hear the backstory on that.
Next week’s episode is The Deadly Years, which I remember as being very solid.
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kinetic-elaboration · 3 years
April 25: 2x16 The Gamesters of Triskelion
Finally watched some more Star Trek. I feel like it’s been forever...
Today’s ep is The Gamesters of Triskelion, which is... okay. It’s not terrible but I think its best aspects are the most familiar: the type of alien, the moral values at play; and its weakest are its most unique.
I think Spock likes it when Kirk says “mind the store.” What a folksy human thing to say!
Plus now that he’s Captain he gets to sit in the chair.
This conversation between Spock and Scotty is hilarious. “I’m assuming you mean they disappeared in an unusual way??” “Uh, yeah?? Do you think I’m dumb?”
This alien looks like Lady Gaga c. 2010
Kirk is being very Dramatic today.
Come on, Spock, gotta get your man.
You know Spock is worried when he mentions hope. That is, as McCoy says, a human emotion.
“Collars of obedience.” Kinky.
Stylish pink jail.
I’m really feeling this Spock and Bones interaction today. That’s a great eyebrow lift.
If the random alien is leaving, Uhura must have been his ass down.
“Nourishment interval.” We need to bring this into our modern vocabulary.
Not one, but TWO ladies in command gold today (one at Communications, and one at Spock’s station).
Wild aquatic fowl.
I feel like this episode is another example of a writer putting her alien sex fantasy on television. Like, a hardcore alien sex fantasy. The obedience collars, the training harness, the whipping, the weird flirtation between Chekov and his “training thrall”--herself a very androgynous alien, just to throw some gender play in there.
Kirk turning up the charm again. I missed Charming!Kirk. I mean, picking up a silver platter to use as a mirror and saying “That’s beautiful”? This man has no shame.
I feel like this episode shows how Spock’s logic is actually a very effective life strategy. He’s facing a very mysterious situation with high stakes--literally his best friend/soulmate/captain lost, plus two more crewmen--but he isn’t defeatist like McCoy or defensive like Scotty. He just follows the evidence, even when the evidence seems wild. And he was right.
Detective Kirk time!
“Are they computers?” He’s hoping so, since he’s very good at defeating computerized enemies.
Could it be instead another example of aliens who have transcended their physical bodies?
He is really laying the charm offensive on thick here.
I get how people have vague memories of TOS and remember Kirk as slutty, because certainly there are lots of shots of him kissing ladies, but like... 90% of the time he's using charm as a weapon, like he doesn't like Lady Gaga, he just wants to get off this planet.
“Love, for one thing.” Time for Kirk to be a Romantic Nerd again. He sure does love love!!
See imo just as it’s ridiculous for him to limit love to being one of the most important things on Earth, since he barely even spends any time on Earth and his general thesis is about what all intelligent creatures can care about besides their basic needs being met by “Providers,” I think it’s silly to limit love to being between men and women. And just as he’s kinda lying about the Earth thing, I think he’s lying about the heterosexual thing.
People in love “live together, help each other, make each other happy.” I love his definitions of love!! Like with Edith, he center helping each other in the definition.
McCoy and Scotty think they can take on Spock lmao. The Captain’s life is at stake; he’s not fooling around. And he’s right too so y’all can shush!!
Honestly, that leaning down to talk quietly to them--I know it’s because he doesn’t want to say the word “mutiny” too loud where other people can hear him, but it really reads like he’s mocking them.
Shauhna is harassed at work.
Spock’s like ‘screw a landing party, I will retrieve my space husband by myself... and I guess McCoy can come too.’
McCoy’s voice was the one Kirk heard but he still calls out to Spock.
Mmm, yes, disembodied alien brains.
I like the painted background behind them, too. Which is apparently stolen from Devil in the Dark. S2 needs more painted backgrounds.
“You think YOU’RE competitive? A race that does nothing but gamble? Well you’ve never met humans lol.”
Since when has Kirk ever competed for a woman? Hardly a competition when he always wins.
“Fresh thrall” something so... ugh about that phrase.
Ah, yes, an Andorian.
I’m starting to feel like this is Spock’s Pre-Reform Vulcan Sex Fantasy.
I feel like Shauhna will eventually become the leader of the Triskellion people. My mom thinks it would be cool for Kirk to meet her again in the future. I feel like there’s a fanfic in there somewhere...
“I didn’t lie, I just...lied.”
Honestly, don’t bother leaving everything to these disembodied colorful brains, just take Shauhna with you and enlist her in Starfleet. Or at least, like, high school.
...And after all that she STILL has a crush on Kirk. The man is too powerful.
What, no return to the Enterprise? No Kirk appearing shirtless on the bridge? No everyone acknowledges that Spock was right the whole time? No awkward little joking time?
I guess perhaps Kirk is embarrassed.
So overall... again, B basically.
As far as commonly used tropes in Star Trek go, this one is actually one of my favorite ones. I like it more than “godlike man must be defeated” and probably even more than “computer runs society,” though not as much as “old Earth tech becomes sentient.” But generally speaking “aliens transcend corporeal bodies by becoming too smart” is a good trope and I like seeing the different spins on it: the Organians, who can choose corporeal bodies if they want and are incredibly peaceful; the aliens from Return to Tomorrow, who wish they still had bodies; the aliens from The Cage/The Menagerie, who do have bodies but can’t do much with them, who must rely on aliens they capture to do physical work on the planet’s surface for them; and these aliens, who are so bored they must rely on arbitrary wagers using enslaved aliens just to have something to do. There’s something sort of... sad but fitting about that fate. Understandable, awful, pathetic. Still, I wouldn’t call this my favorite take on the trope.
But the specifics of the story, outside the “brain-aliens trope,” I didn’t like so much. The BDSM kink stuff mixed in with like actual slavery made me super uncomfortable. I know it’s based on Ancient Rome but like... even though it was a clear bread and circuses situation, that was not what I was thinking of tbqh.
This is a good episode for showcasing Star Trek Values, which overall I would say are my values. I do see how some people today would criticize them for being a little... well. How to say it. Colonizer-savior. I completely disagree that this is the reading that should be given to them and in fact I think it’s a bad faith reading but people are the way they are and certain things are in vogue sometimes and not others, so. I just mean that when Kirk says that they (the Federation, one would assume) have helped other civilizations “progress” or whatever word he uses, it sounds a little like they came in and made alien societies better using their own values. But I would say that what we actually see, in specific examples throughout the series, is the Federation wanting the civilizations it interacts with to be free, in fact requiring members state to be free, and that is really the one value a free society can impose on others or require of others--choosing slavery or dominion is choosing to relinquish all future choices, and thus cannot be allowed by any society that values freedom. That catch-22 that we see so much now. So, my point is, I think the values Kirk epitomizes for the show are freedom, self-determination, and a certain conception of progress, too: the ability to grow and develop, the avoidance of stagnation. And certainly this episode shows a clear case: having everything provided for you in exchange for being the professional playthings of a bunch of disembodied brains is objectively bad! Surely we can all agree on that. But this obvious example is used as an excuse for Kirk to speechify on the topic of what a utopian future will look like, what the best of humans can be, and what the rest of the universe could be like if it learns from our best traits (and not our worst). Which is overall something I find very comforting.
I’d just been thinking, at the beginning of this episode, that I think S1 is a better Kirk season than S2. S2 has too many episodes that problematize his leadership or his heroism, or that barely even use him--even episodes like The Trouble With Tribbles that outright mischaracterize him imo. But this episode really was Classic Kirk and I appreciated that. We see him being charming, smart, selfless, strong, creative, romantic... coming in at the end to embody the utopian values of the series.
Spock was so well characterized and so smart and so heroic, too, that he kinda was the mvp for me, though... Don’t take away my Kirk stan card lol. Spock was just so In Command... You can see how he could become a captain later, even if being in command never really interested him much.
I don’t entirely get why Kirk bargained for the thralls to all stay and make their own government (or to be trained in self-governance by their enslavers... a whole different issue tbqh), given that it’s already been established that most/all of them have been kidnapped from other planets. Should they not be... returned?
And if most/all of them are 2nd or later generations, that’s a whole other complex issue that could perhaps use third party mediators or something...
I also wondered about Shahna's origins. Was she the descendant of another civilization that is native to the planet, or is it just that her people were kidnapped so much earlier that she herself, personally, has never lived anywhere else?
I think it both makes more sense and is a more fitting ending if it’s the first. It makes sense to me that the first peoples enslaved by the brains were natives of the planet: more convenient that way. Also, I think we need to see more alien planets with more than one humanoid or human-intelligence level species.
And, if her people are native to the planet, having them become leaders of their own right again and not just possessions of the glowing brains is more powerful. Otherwise it's kinda sad: yes, they can form their own government here, but they've still been robbed of their real history and their real homeland, which they don't even remember.
Also as my mom pointed out, it’s not clear the brains themselves are native to the planet. They could have been invaders--the last real thing they did before they started wagering fake money--and Shauhna’s people the natives.
I really did like Shahna a lot and I hope she becomes the leader of whatever government they set up and eventually does get to travel into space.
Imo this was one of those TOS eps where the potential back story and the hints of world building are more interesting than the actual story.
Also apparently the actor who played Galt was trying to walk in a gliding manner so it wouldn’t be clear what he was hiding under those robes and... I have to say, definitely wheels.
Next up is A Piece of the Action, one of my favorites. Great plot, great fun, great sci fi concept, great Kirk material!
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kinetic-elaboration · 3 years
April 3: 2x13 Obsession
Okay, trying this again! My live-blog thoughts from watching Obsession last night. I didn’t remember this ep very well, and I was a little uncertain about it going in. But ultimately I think it was a really solid Kirk episode and a really solid triumvirate episode.
How many times as hard as rock is this mineral you’re looking for? Let’s be precise. (Aka how Spock flirts.)
I’m really into the sets and special effects today. This big rock that is obviously Styrofoam. The ominous cloud of smoke.
Set phasers to disrupter-b? I feel like he just made that up.
Oh no, three red shirts set out on their own! I feel like this one is pretty smart, though.
Leslie!!! RIP my favorite extra.
“Something that can’t possibly exist… but does anyway.” That’s it, that’s the show.
Well Kirk’s obsession is obvious right away. That’s good. We’re getting right to the point.
They have to meet up with another ship in order to transport perishable vaccines!! I know from first-hand experience that that is very important! Get it together Kirk. Admitting straight out, “I’m okay with some other people dying so I can further investigate the monster” is not a good look on him.
Also I feel like TOS often confuses “cure” and “vaccine” (as in Miri) but even if these are actually vaccines, they could still save lives urgently!
McCoy’s autopsy report: uh, just look at their faces??
The Yorktown, the Farragut… someone on the AOS team loved this episode apparently. (I remembered that the Farragut was Kirk’s first assignment but I did not remember the Yorktown.)
Interesting that the creature smells of honey because “rotting honey” was the smell that indicated the presence of Area X in the Southern Reach.
Some gratuitous touching.
When Garrovick Jr. first showed up, the shot was so ominous and dramatic that I legitimately thought that the creature was a shape-shifter and that was him lol.
Is this another episode where Kirk sees himself in a promising young man and then proceeds to judge him incredibly harshly as a way of judging his own past self? I think it might be!
Garrovick looks like he’s sitting in front of a green screen during this interrogation. Honestly, the colors in this episode are really going off in general! I can see how this would be fun to watch on a new color tv.
“Go to your room! You’re grounded!”
“Put it in your report, Spock!” I really wish we’d seen AOS Kirk do that. Like, fighting with reports and regulations is one of my favorite parts of TOS but we only saw AOS Spock use that as a weapon and it was made to show what a stick in the mud he was but like… they all do it! And AOS Kirk should have too.
And now a scene where Spock and McCoy gossip about Spock’s boyfriend.
I honestly love McCoy and Spock scenes. They have such a great rapport… the respect is not even grudging, it’s clearly there, but they make it more palatable to themselves by adding in some barbs and little digs at each other. But it’s still McCoy that Spock goes to when he needs advice or even, as he says here, just someone to bounce an idea off of, and McCoy is there to listen to him.
Oh, Spock definitely understands obsession.
Kirk’s quarters are looking very purple today.
Mccoy is trying to wax poetic and Kirk just wants him to get to the point.
Time to lie down in an Emo Fashion again.
Not to be nitpicky, but if the creature killed 200 people on the Farragut, and that was half the crew… wouldn’t the Farragut be a lot bigger than the Enterprise? I don’t think that’s right. Also, not to be even more nitpicky, but how did they finally get away from it? Did it get on their ship? If it killed all the people on the surface, could they not have just… stopped hanging out on the surface?
Anyway. McCoy is such a good best friend.
Garrovick was Kirk’s Pike.
Oh no, bringing in the big guns: the boyfriend. A blue shirt conspiracy.
Spock sounds like he’s in one of those HR training videos. Like, he’s attempting to sound conversational while still blatantly quoting from the Starfleet Handbook.
“Why are we delayin’ here?” Heavy Southern drawl.
They really are ganging up on him.
Intuition is a command prerogative.
I love how Bones says “We’re not ganging up on you” after a long scene where they gang up on him.
Oh no, the creature’s on the move! Just straight up floating through space. Cool cool cool.
Kirk’s so distracted by the creature that he’s not even looking at Spock’s ass.
Another bad day for Scotty.
I like Chapel but honestly, imagine Rand in this scene with Garrovick… I miss her.
Garrovick, what an idiot. Throwing shit and hitting switches across the room.
I legit don’t understand how the creature moves in space. Or what this has to do with gravity… which doesn’t exist in space.
Monster hunt, monster hunt!
Spock is agreeing with Kirk now, about the creature’s intelligence.
Whatever is going on with the vents in this ship, it seems like maybe they’re not the most well made.
“Let’s just nuke it.” That’s always a good idea.
Spock is trying so hard to make Kirk feel better. Even calling him “Jim”—which he used to do almost every episode and now rarely does anymore.
Lol, now he’s off to try the exact same thing with Garrovick. “If Jim won’t let me comfort him, perhaps this other irrational human will.”
“Garrovick, let me explain your own thoughts and feelings to you. I’m an expert on humans, you know. I’m around them all the time.”
“I know you want to be emo, but could you please just listen to me??” The absolute transparency with which he’s trying to be helpful.
Kindness actually isn’t an emotion… it’s a choice. Spock really will call anything a human emotion in order to avoid having to deal with it.
I'm sorry but he SNAPS THE KNOB OFF, goes "eh," throws it away, and then tries to stop the gas coming through the vent with his HANDS? How did Sarek raise this boy?
Garrovick is so Dramatic. A true Kirk protégé.
The creature tried to eat Spock and Spock didn’t taste so good.
"I'm asking for your military appraisal of the techniques used against the creature." Professor Kirk coming out.
Poor creature was lost, I guess. Just wants to go home.
And SPAWN. That word just gives me flashbacks tbqh…
Kirk and Spock having their usual ‘who will sacrifice himself first’ – off.
Realistically it should be neither the XO NOR the Captain but this is a tv show.
I do remember this part. Carrying that weird little device down to the planet. It is very aesthetically pleasing. I kind of want it for my apartment, to display as like a modern art sculpture. Minus the bomb
Mmm, a delicious snack for the creature. Yum. Got that gross green blood taste out of its mouth.
LMAO at Garrovick trying to be all heroic, knock Kirk out, and become the sacrifice. You thought!!
Spock and Scotty at the controls so you know how serious the transporter situation is.
McCoy versus the transporter again.
"It was my cross-circuiting to B that recovered them." Yes, Spock saved his space husband, he saved the day, and we should all acknowledge it.
Aw, that’s sweet, Kirk volunteering to reminisce with Garrovick about his father.
The end! I ended up enjoying it a lot overall. We gotta stop having episodes where Kirk is questioned or learns lessons though lol. I want my unabashedly heroic captain! Still no matter what he is always a hero in the end. And as I said, really great triumvirate ep with good individual characterizations, and scenes with each part of the triangle together.
If the Farragut incident was 11 years before this, and, as established in the last ep, Kirk is 34, that means he was 23 at the time. Pretty young to be a lieutenant imo. He was also a lieutenant at the time he was teaching Gary Mitchell at the Academy, which I’m going to personally headcanon, starting now, was right after Garrovick’s death. He returns to San Francisco, takes a year or a semester off to teach, and meets Gary.
Next up is Wolf in the Fold, a rare Scotty-centric episode.
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kinetic-elaboration · 4 years
November 8: 1x22 Space Seed
I’m really tired right now for some reason... I mean it’s definitely the hour a normal person would start to feel sleepy (or already be asleep) but not me lol. I probably didn’t pay enough attention to this episode, which is a shame because it’s a good one, but I tried.
That’s a weird opening shot, from the back of the bridge. It makes the space look really small.
Uhura reading Morse Code!
“An emotional Earth weakness of mine”
I can’t believe Kirk and Spock are having a nerd competition.
The 1990s!
“Or an old earth ship being used by aliens”--this is such a cool idea!! That should have been a story line at some point.
I love when they find old space stuff.
Great shot of the two ships together--the Enterprise is so beautiful!
“The records from that era are fragmentary.”
Kirk hearing Spock and Bones banter: “uh this is great and all but we have stuff to do.”
Kirk hates that there’s a historian on board like ugh, useless historian.
Bones and his hatred of transporters again. “This gadget.”
“You’re an old-fashioned boy, McCoy.”
Scotty’s nerding out about the old ship.
2018!! They had to use cryo sleep before 2018! We were supposed to have warp by now, I’m so cheated.
I can’t believe no one knows what the Botany Bay is a reference too; don’t you know your history at all, nerds?
Then they just push a random button and wake some guy up!
McGivers isn’t paying the slightest bit of attention. This is probably why Kirk doesn’t like her.
Guess the casting department in 2012 didn’t get the part about “Northern India.” Must have thought they said “whitest part of England.”
And after all that work, traveling all that time and space, he’s almost killed by some dust.
McGivers is really distracted by his hotness I guess.
When Kirk needs to think, he goes to stand by Spock. Who happens to be bending over whatever.
Finally someone remembers the Botany Bay!
Earth was on the verge of a dark age...that’s actually pretty true.
Spock is wrong about a lot of things today.
Kirk’s not even mad or frustrated by Spock’s whole ‘I have no emotions, I don’t know what irritation is” thing. He just loves him so much and accepts this about him completely.
“I’m good but I’m not that good.” Oh Bones, yes you are.
Kirk sharing his opinions on men with McGivers. Yet again the gender dynamics in this show are... a thing. But I’m zeroing in on bi!Kirk anyway lol.
“A fair psychologist? Bones, come on--I’d be great.”
“Well either choke me or cute my throat, but make up your mind.” McCoy is the BEST. So brave.
Kirk isn’t fooled at all by this “I’m tired” crap. Tired? I thought you were a superman.
I find Khan fairly annoying but I do admit he has a certain gravitas...
The events of 1993... only 90′s kids would understand.
I feel like Kirk’s hand is sitting all the way over there just begging to be held by Spock.
So the 80-90 escapees weren’t even everybody?? How many supermen did they create?
McGivers is an interesting character but she makes me really uncomfortable.
Khan did a really bad job styling her hair lol. He just pulled out a few strands of her hair and then said he was done. Also I don’t know what she’s talking about, that hairstyle is not “comfortable.” (A man wrote this.)
Lol where did Khan find those clothes?
Spock comes to formal dinner, ready to start shit.
Ironic that Spock is so against the idea of a singular ruler for all of Earth when every last person on his planet follows the same quasi-religion/philosophy.
“You have a tendency to express ideas in military terms, Mr. Khan.”
This scene with McGivers and Khan has more intrigue and tension than ALL of STID. He makes STID!Khan look like a little boy. That version was always declaring his strength, but this one just projects strength. The way he manipulates McGivers is so succinct and so creepy and so effective.
Absolute ruler from 1992-1996.
It’s weird how so much of this episode seemed to be allegedly built on this “who is this person” mystery but like....did anyone ever NOT guess he was one of the strongmen they keep referring to?
Spock does not like the romanticization of dictators.
Kirk is so strong, too, though. His demeanor is really powerful. Another mistake of STID was pitting such a young Kirk against Khan. There’s no interest in that.
“They’ve thrown away their own worthless vessel.” Someone’s angry that the Enterprise got stolen from him--again.
Plus side, he gets to dramatically give commendations while struggling for air.
This fool trying to give Uhura orders lmao nice try.
This is such a classic super-villain error: “oh I am so confident he must be dead, I’m not even going to check.”
McGivers wants to play both sides.
I can’t believe that for all that, Khan was defeated by a bit of plastic.
“I’ve regained control of the Enterprise, nbd, now time for the actual hard stuff.”
Of course Kirk has not only read Milton, he IMMEDIATELY know exactly what part of Paradise Lost Khan is referring to.
The ending of this ep is, of course, classic... Truly wild. I mean weirdly I remember it as like a compromise, kinda, like Kirk shows mercy at the same time as he exiles Khan to a barely habitable planet, but actually in the context of just this ep--kinda seems like Khan got what he wanted. Like he didn’t get a population to control, but he was set free on a planet all his own to conquer so...
I mean obviously it went badly but still.
Weirdly, I remembered some stuff wrong about this ep. I thought that the Botany Bay criminals were exiled on purpose, probably because of the name of the ship, but the ep implies that actually they escaped and went off on their own, on purpose. What with the “unaccounted for” language and Khan as the leader.
Also, I remembered criticizing STID for stating that the other criminals were Khan’s friends, even as close as family, when really what I remembered from Space Seed was that all the supermen were out for themselves. But he does go through the effort of waking them and so on. That said, I don’t think they’re friends. I think the others are useful to Khan, and he’ll keep them around as long as they’re useful and deferential to him. I think he wouldn’t hesitate to kill any of them if they stepped out of line.
Anyway. I am so exhausted right now. I wish I’d been more... into and aware of this ep tbh. Next up is A Taste of Armageddon, which I remember being a very good ep.
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