#so i had to download a 7z file. convert it to a zip file. which took way too fucking long
washilon · 2 years
been going at sfm for an hour now trying to animate that gay little barney line. i haven't even begun putting in models
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nekosayuri · 7 years
Some replies!
kaylynn-langerak replied to your post “I have downloaded lots of your lovely creations but I have been unable...”
I use WinRAR and I can unpackage .rar, .zip, and .7z files, but I can only package files as a .rar
I just tried myself and I can do the same thing. .7z files extracted just fine. Well, who knows? Anon might have a version which doesn’t allow that.
getmygameon replied to your post “dramallamadingdang: mostlygibberish: ifyouloveher: people who play...”
Lol XD ah those carefree days of playing only to stop to go to the bathroom and eat. Bye bye bye! Lol!
Well, I have plenty of free time nowadays due to illness, so I might just do that! :O it sounds like fun! :D
mrs-mquve replied to your post “Oh man I’ve been thinking of whether to sign up to SS on GOS since the...”
I suck at making stuff for other people, that's why I don't do the gift exchange events. I always contribute stocking stuffers though :)
I’ve done one SS and one CiJ so far. The first time around I went waaaay outside my comfort zone and learned to convert objects from Sims 3 XD sadly literally everything I made, I had no personal use for, but it worked really well for my Santee, so I’m good with that. Last CiJ most of my gifts were things I wanted personally :P but I just can’t motivate myself enough this time around :/ I love SS, but I’ll have to sit this one out and hopefully contribute with some stocking stuffers instead, not a bad idea. :D
sweetpea928 replied to your photoset “Hairs I couldnt leave alone, part 7 (last one!! for Skysims perhaps?)...”
I love it!! This is so cute.
The hair is pretty cute :D keep an eye out for my edit. ;) it might come around sooner than you think!
Okay! off to bed I go!
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hydrus · 4 years
Version 380
I had a couple of difficult weeks, with illness and other IRL problems getting in the way, but I got some hopefully pretty neat work done. A new fast video and audio player is available for advanced users to test, and there are a bunch of fixes and ui improvements as well.
A user just notified me that the Duplicates page has crazy layout! I apologise. Nothing is broken, it is just sizing wrong, and part of a longer fight I am having to convert my old wx layout code to Qt. I know exactly what happened here, and I will have it fixed for 381. If you discover more UI like this (the system predicate panels have a bit of it), please let me know.
This is just for advanced users this week. It is a basic prototype that is not ready for real use. I will improve a bit before turning it on for everyone, hopefully next week.
MPV is a good free video player. One of the core benefits of moving hydrus to Qt was the potential of being able to neatly embed it into the media viewer. I am happy to report that these past two weeks have been successful, and it looks like hydrus is finally getting hardware-accelerated video playback and full native audio support!
If you are using the windows build in advanced mode, please check out the big ugly filetypes list under options->media. Under all the video and audio filetypes, you can now set 'show using mpv' as a show action. Please forgive how large this list has grown--before I turn mpv on for everyone, I am going to rework this list so you have the option to just say 'for all video: xxxxxx', rather than always having every single filetype.
Once you have it set, it should load video almost exactly the same as my native renderer, with the scanbar below for navigation. Audio files will show as a (for-now fixed-size) black box or album art. Be warned: there are no volume/mute controls yet! I have set it at 70% volume for now. MPV has an optional and configurable on-screen display, but for technical reasons I had to stick with my custom controls.
I know what features I need to add, so the feedback I am most interested in this week is in where mpv breaks. If it doesn't work for you, or if it fails to load a file, or it has bad performance, or it sizes wrong, or you get a crash after closing the media viewer, anything like that, please let me know. Performance in my tests has been excellent--rendering 4k 60fps no problem as long as you have any sort of branded GPU. I have had some audio jitter on some unusually encoded videos and some crashes (which I think I have fixed).
One annoying thing is mpv requires a hefty 57MB dll, making the already bloated hydrus download even bigger. One user suggested perhaps putting out two releases--a 'core', and an 'update', which wouldn't have the big stuff. I am still thinking about it--while I like the overall idea, the hydrus build is held together with duct tape, and having a small non-functional release will increase complexity and inevitably cause ugly syncing difficulties whenever the big stuff does need to be updated.
Users running from source will need libmpv and python-mpv to enable this. I haven't pinned down the most convenient and functional way to do this for Linux and macOS yet, so we'll have to figure this out over the coming weeks and get it into the help. Any knowledgeable feedback here would be great.
For the near future of mpv, I would like to: figure out the technical side of including mpv in the Linux and macOS builds; write volume/mute UI and shortcuts; add global volume/mute management; test mpv with gifs and apngs; explore custom shaders and configuration files; and generally polish the whole thing.
quality of life
The tag right-click menu has had a significant overhaul. More commonly used actions are moved up, less common down. Tags with siblings now provide all siblings under the 'copy' menu! System search predicates have better copy and search-action support (like 'exclude' system:archive, which will actually add 'system:inbox').
Right-clicking on the thumbnail grid's 'whitespace' no longer does a 'deselect all' action, so you can now easily right-click in an empty area and go remove->selected!
Across the program, all filetypes are now referred to with human language. Instead of 'image/jpg', it is now just 'jpeg'. Instead of 'application/x-7z-compressed', it is now just '7z'. Please let me know where it looks bad, and if you would like to edit these labels.
The 'new page chooser' dialog now dismisses itself if you click off it! So, if you accidentally middle-click in some page tab whitespace and it annoyingly pops up, just left-click, and it will go away. Also, this dialog now catches enter/return key, and will hit the 'first' button (if you imagine the nine possible button locations as a number pad, starting at top-left). Hitting enter twice will typically open a new 'my files' search page.
A user surprised me recently by asking where to find the 'pause video' shortcut--I hadn't realised there wasn't one! Now this is fixed: 'pause_media' and 'pause_play_media' are added to the 'media_viewer' shortcut set, and 'pause_play_slideshow' is added to 'media_viewer_browser' set. Previously, the slideshow pause/play was hardcoded to space bar--this is now gone, so if you used this, you'll want to set it up yourself.
the rest
I have added simple support for RealVideo, RealAudio, and TrueAudio files. These are some formats, so if you come across some variable bitrate rmvb file or something that doesn't work, please send it in and I will have a look. MPV couldn't handle a couple of my test .rm files' audio tracks, but the .ttas seemed great.
Ever since the CloudFlare-8chan break, I have been telling myself to figure out some new downloader objects for the bunkers everyone scattered to. This job kept being put off, long enough that 8kun came back(!), but I managed to fit in some time in this morning and got 8kun and vch.moe support added for today's release. 8kun was obviously easy to convert from the old 8chan parser, and vch's engine provides an API very similar to 4chan that I was able to duplicate and modify for. I had a proper look at julay, smuglo.li, and endchan, but these use their own API formats (or no API at all), so I will have to write new parsers, which will take longer. I really would like to get them done for 381--please remind me if it looks like this job has slipped away again.
full list
basic mpv support is added. it comes with the windows build this week, and is a prototype meant for initial testing. the library is optional. users who run from source will want 'python-mpv' added via pip and libmpv available on their PATH, more details in running_from_source help
took an qt-mpv example kindly provided by a user, updated it to work with the hydrus environment, and integrated it into the client as a new choosable view type under audio/video filetypes under options->media for advanced users
reworked how the 'start paused' and 'start with embed button' media viewer options work under options->media. these are now separate checkboxes, not combined with the underlying 'show action'. existing embed/paused show actions should be converted automatically to the correct new values
unfortunately, due to some python/qt/libmpv wrapper mouse interaction issues, mpv's 'on screen controller' overlay is not available
for now, left click pause/plays the mpv window, just like the native mpv window.
preview/next frame shortcuts should work for the mpv window when playing video
no volume/mute controls yet, these will come in the coming weeks, including global mute settings
updated media show and sizing code to account for mpv widgets
reworked my animation scanbar to talk to mpv, and for my mpv window to talk back to it
improved the animation scanbar to be more flexible when frame position and num_frames are not available, both in displaying info and calculating scanbar seek clicks
mpv api version added to help->about
new downloader objects:
thanks to a user, updated the 'pixiv artist page' url class to a new object that covers more situations. the defunct 'pixiv artist gallery page' url class is removed
added 8kun and vch.moe download support. I got started on julay, smug, and endchan, but they were a little more tricky and I couldn't finish them in time--fingers crossed, next week
menu quality of life:
a right-click on thumbnail whitespace will now not send a 'deselect all' event! feel free to right-click in empty space to do an easy remove->selected
remorked the tag menu layout to move less frequently used actions down:
- moved the discard/require/permit/exclude search predicate actions down
- moved 'open in a new page' below select and copy
- moved copy above select
and some misc menu layout improvement on this menu
fixed some labelling with the discard/require/permit/exclude verbs on negated tags
right-clicking on system search predicates now shows the 'copy' menu correctly
system predicates that offer easy inverse versions (like inbox/archive) should now offer the 'exclude' verb
when right-clicking on a single tag that has siblings, its siblings and those siblings' subtags will now be listed in the copy menu!
copying 'all' tags from a list menu, with or without counts, will now always copy them in the list order
across the program, all menu 'labels' (menu text items that do not have a submenu and have no associated action, like 'imported 3 years 7 months ago') will now copy their text to the clipboard. let's see how it goes
other ui quality of life:
across the program's UI, filetypes are now referred to with simpler terms rather than technical mimetypes. instead of 'image/jpg', it is now typically just 'jpeg'
the 'remove selected' buttons on the gallery and watcher pages are now smaller trash icon buttons
the new page chooser will now auto-dismiss if it loses focus--so if you accidentally launch it with a middle-/double-click somewhere, just click again and it'll go away
hitting enter or return on the new page chooser now picks the 'first' button, scanning from the top-left. hitting enter twice now typically opens a new 'my files' search page
added pause_media and pause_play_media shortcuts to the media_viewer shortcut set. new clients will start with space keypress performing pause_play_media
added pause_play_slideshow shortcut to the media_viewer_browser shortcut set. this shortcut is no longer hardcoded by space keypress
the six default shortcut sets now have a small description text on their edit panels
the options->media edit panels now enable/disable widgets better based on current media/preview action
added a checkbox to _options->gui pages_ to set whether middle-clicking a tag in the media viewer or a child tag manager to open a tag search page will switch to the main gui. default is false
mr bones now reports total files, total filesize, and average filesize
mr bones now loads your fate asynchronously
the rest:
added tentative and simple realvideo (.rm) and realaudio (.ra) support--seems to work ok, but some weirder variable bit rate formats may not, and I have collapsed the various different extensions just down to .rm or .ra
added trueaudio (.tta) audio support
fixed a bug from the recent search optimisations where a bare inbox search would not cross-reference with the file domain (so some trash could show up in a simple inbox/'my files' query)
fixed an issue with searching for known urls by url class where the class was for a third-or-higher-level domain and was not set to match subdomains (this hit 4chan file urls for a few users)
fixed the issue with 'open externally' button panel not clearing their backgrounds properly
fixed some of the new unusual stretchy layouts in the options dialog
removed overhead from subscriptions' 'separate' operation, which should stop super CPU hang when trying to split a subscription with hundreds of thousands of urls
fixed an issue where the advanced file delete dialog would not show the simple 'permanent delete' option when launched from the media viewer's right-click menu
fixed the select/remove actions for local/remote
fixed 'set_media_focus' from manage tags to correctly activate the underlying media viewer as well as set focus
stopped the 'file lookup script' status control from resizing so wide when it fetches a url
fixed a rare mouse wheel event handling bug in the media viewer
reduced db overhead of the 'loading x/y' results generation routine. this _may_ help some users who had very slow media result loading
cleaned up how the server reports a bootup-action error such as 'cannot shut down server since it is not running'--this is now a simple statement to console, not a full error with trace
improved client shutdown when a system session shutdown call arrives at the same time as a user shutdown request--the core shutdown routine should now only occur once
fixed an issue with thumbnail presentation on collections that have their contents deleted during the thumbnail generation call
misc wx->Qt layout conversion improvements
updated the github readme to reflect some new links and so on
misc code cleanup
next week
I pushed it a bit hard this week, so I am going to try to take it easy. Hopefully I will be able to get some volume/mute controls going for mpv and then launch it for all users, including on the Linux and macOS builds. Assuming there are no catastrophic problems this week, I will be overwriting user settings to move all 'show as normal' video and audio options to 'show with mpv'. Then these new imageboard parsers and some more Qt cleanup work.
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hydrus · 7 years
Version 245
os x
I had a very busy three weeks overhauling the network and much else besides.
This release increments the network version. v244 and earlier clients will not be able to talk to v245 and later servers and vice versa.
network overhaul
This took two weeks longer than I wanted it to, but it probably had six times as much work as I expected. Every old creaky part of the network I improved revealed a critical link that was A) just as bad and B) had to be updated or else nothing would work. Github reckons I made 14,380 additions and 10,911 deletions. A typical single week has 600/300, which shows at the very least that I typed a lot more than usual. I ended up putting in a lot of hours and exhausting myself for v245, but I ultimately had fun, and I am really happy with the overall result.
The technical upshot is that the network runs better, faster, and uses far less bandwidth. The repository update process--which is the overwhelming majority of all network traffic--now uses about 23% of what it used to, and it runs on a new philosophy that allows much better scaling in future.
Repository processing now occurs in a more sane way and inside single database transaction, meaning it will not pause to save every 100,000 rows. Processing the entire PTR should now only take 1-2 hours on a typical PC.
'Services' objects are also completely rewritten, and review services and manage services along with them. These panels let you do more and show more information--you can now pause repositories and also force processing from review services.
Bandwidth tracking and enforcement is improved as well. Services that connect to the internet and accounts for repositories now know how much data they use and support multiple flexible rules for when to stop doing heavy lifting. These new bandwidth controls will soon appear in more places across the program.
If you are a server administrator, you now have these bandwidth controls for your services and account types--please check them after updating to make sure they are set how you like.
unfortunately a full resync is required
Unfortunately, the changes are so significant that the old update files cannot be converted. Your clients must resynchronise with their repositories. For my public tag repository, this is now about 620MB of data (down from 2.8GB!). I have set a 250MB/month and 50MB/day limit on existing repositories just to smooth out the hump of all of us resynchronising. Please feel free to remove these restrictions under manage services when things calm down.
If you are a pro user and sync with the PTR, please download this: http://www.mediafire.com/file/1s1ee30fk27ejc9/ptr_update_files.7z , extract it somewhere, and then import its contents via the new menu entry services->import update files. This skips you having to download the files through the network and saves me a bit of bandwidth. Thank you!
some things don't work yet
Despite all the work, there is still some more to do. Review services and manage services still have some placeholder panels, and I haven't had time to fix/update some database maintenance and network administrative functions. Please hang in there as I reintroduce these things over the next few weeks.
I tested this extensively by myself and then tested it again with users. I have cleaned out many bugs, but there are likely others. Please report them and I will turn them around as quickly as I can.
full list (you do not have to real all this)
fixed a v244 update problem for clients updating from
some misc stuff:
if you start editing many subscriptions, cancelling a single dialog will break the chain of loading new dialogs
reduced some redundancy in regular client file import
improved how the dialog for selection from a list of strings works
if the client ever merges one directory to another (such as in external file locations migration) and any files fail to merge, the source will no longer be deleted
created new flexible bandwidth tracking and ruling objects
updated how repository updates work, splitting the old explicit and self-contained content update package system to a new implicit definitions/content split system and an improved one-step-sync metadata propagation
updating now takes approximately 23% as much bandwidth as before
update files are now stored in client_files and server_files like any other file (client_updates and server_updates folders will be deleted on update)
the server will print update generation info to its log
unfortunately, updates cannot be converted, so a complete resync of update files is required. the smaller update size and better bandwidth controls should mitigate the problem somewhat
the server has been compacted across all content types--its mappings db file should shrink about 12%
due to new service-specific ids, server.master.db should increase in size, typically about 50%
harmonised how GET and POST/response args are built and parsed across the network
server administration initialisation is now simpler, done with 'init' registration key
leading and trailing spaces are now removed from both the namespace and subtag components of namespaced tags, meaning 'title: blah' will be collapsed to 'title:blah'. tag repositories will clean their existing tags on update
invalid serverside tags will be replaced with valid placeholders on server update
refactored, harmonised and simplified some server request code
Eris makes a triumphant return to the root welcome page ('/' request of any service) with improved self-description text as well
updated how bandwidth is tracked and overseen
all requests now consume bandwidth
fewer requests are actually constrained by bandwidth--at the moment, it is only update files and file/thumbnail downloads, as these represent the overwhelming majority of bandwidth consumption and are not at all critical to service operation--this may change in the future, but it suits our purposes for now
bandwidth tracking code is more sane across the board
the server's administration service now tracks server-wide bandwidth as it happens
service and server-wide bandwidth rules are consulted as soon as the request begins
improved some server response rendering
permissions are more flexible and content-specific
improved how file repositories check and process file requests
created a gui control for managing bandwidth rules
updated the serverside service object
the serverside service object now contains bandwidth rules and tracking
updated how the server deals with services on a db level
refactored and cleaned a ton of server db code
updated how services are edited over the network
updated how the server associates its services with its http pipeline
converted clientside server service management gui to the new panel system
updated gui code for clientside server service management
converted clientside server service management db code to the new system
improved how bandwidth errors are reported
updated the account type object
the account type object now contains bandwidth rules and a more flexible permissions system
updated how the server deals with account types on a db level
converted clientside server account type management gui to the new panel system
updated gui code for clientside server account type management
serverside account types are now fetched from a cache, reducing memory sprawl
updated the account object
the account object now contains a bandwidth tracker
updated how the server deals with accounts on a db level
updated the clientside server object
the clientside server object now contains bandwidth rules and a tracker and has improved error management, recovery, and reporting
updated how the client deals with services on a db level
improved how serverside bandwidth errors are caught
all clientside services start with a 50MB/day bandwidth limit
existing repositories will get a 250MB/month, 50MB/day default bandwidth limit, just to help us get over the hump--see the release post for info on how to get all the updates anyway
updated manage services dialog extensively
service account registration now occurs through a simple button on the normal clientside service edit panel
all services can now be renamed
updated the content processing pipeline
prepared code for future merging of file and tag repositories
added future support for pend-petitions for files and mappings and simple creation permissions for tag siblings and parents
the clientside content processing pipeline now operates inside a single database transaction, reducing a great deal of previously redundant hard drive activity
the serverside content processing pipeline now creates per-service timestamped content definitions
the clientside content processing pipeline now maintains and appropriately consults a cache for server definitions
pre-process disk cache is more intelligent
updated review services to match the new service objects
service review panels now show more information about error state and so on
service review panels should now update as soon as services change
you can now force sync repositories from review services
you can now pause/resume repositories from review services
you can now export repository update files from review services
you can now import repository update files from the services menu
repository thumbnail download now uses a cache for faster thumbnail ownership testing
culled a lot of old code and experiments
deleted all the old messaging depot code and db table cruft
removed optimised petition processing
serverside deleteorphans is temporarily disabled
hydrus client-repository relationship no longer supports news
removed the 'stats' admin service call--it will come back as a account review page
clientside clear orphans is temporarily disabled
clientside local file/thumbnail server is disabled for now
custom service 'messages' for the root page are no longer available
some things are not working yet--they will be back in soon
content presentation on review services
service reset, other advanced content service controls
ipfs controls on review services
local booru controls on review services
most service-specific panels on manage services
petition resolution
serverside account modification, including banning
next week
I now have three priorities: catching up with the urgent bugs that have piled up in the past three weeks, finishing off the placeholders of this overhaul, and resuming duplicates. I'd like to fit in a little sleep as well.
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