#so i haven't written in a hot minute but uhhh here we go again!
amariss-613 · 2 years
재등장, bts | scene 05: fond memories
{resurfaced, bts}
summary: the biggest group in the world has their scandal resurface as the former female member the world thought was done become the best new artist of the year at the grammys.
face claim: yeri of red velvet
original is on archive of our own: amariss_0613, and wattpad: amariss_amaryllis, just decided to publish it on here~
this story mentions non-consensual things and includes some mentions of drugs, depression, and sasaengs.
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scene 05: fond memories
chapter summary: "aww, come on! things were looking good tonight!"
playing: 5 star | cl
alpha | 2021
|y/n's pov|
"ah! wait! it's cold!" i screeched as hobi tried to use gua-sha on my face for the 3rd time these past 10 minutes. "hey, it's supposed to help with puffiness!" hobi whined while i kept squirming around like a fish out of water. the last time i let him use gua-sha on me, the redness on my face didn't go away in time for a stage, so I had to use LOTS of foundation. "ok! fine, but don't complain to us if your face is puffy in the morning." "you'll at least still find me hot," i mumbled, turning away from hoseok. "uhhh, if you haven't noticed yet, we always find you hot y/n," he smirked, wrapping his arms around my hips, swaying both of us side to side. "glad to hear you admit it out loud." i giggled, turning my front to hoseok and wrapping my arms around his neck.
He had started leaning in but to be honest, i did NOT want to be making out while having sheet masks on, so i made the hard decision of putting my hand between our lips, stopping the future euphoria.
"hobi, i would love to make out right this second, but i really don't want accidentally ingest and get poisoned by our sheet mask essence."
"aww, come on! things were looking good tonight!"
|no ones pov|
after what jungkook said, here was seokjin with a sheet mask, lip mask, and eye mask on his face while rummaging through the bucket of pr skincare items he had been sent throughout the years.
"maybe i should join them one of these days...
NOPE! I WILL NOT GIVE IN TO THAT BRATS JOKE! you are not a soft man, mr. worldwide handsome, kim seokjin!" he continued to pep talk and point at himself in the mirror.
. . .
namjoon had been in the mini-studio for almost 2 hours now, so it was about to hit midnight. yoongi had noticed that he hadn't retreated to his bedroom yet, as he went to ask namjoon a question about a melody he had that y/n had written and wanted to include in the album. yoongi made his way into the studio only to find that namjoon was bopping his head along to gogo as he could hear the music through the headphones that namjoon was wearing.
"your gonna go deaf with the volume that loud." yoongi sighed while reaching over namjoon and turning down the volume of his headphones. "oh shi- hyung, you scared me, i thought you were in bed already?" "nope, i went to your bedroom to ask you something, but you weren't there, so i just guessed that you were still in the studio. also, how the hell can you listen to music that loud and not be deaf already?" yoongi had a genuinely concerned face while asking that question, he loved listening to the music they made but not that much...
well ok, that would be a lie...
kind of.
"anyway, have you decided what music we're gonna recommend for the album-" yoongi's was suddenly cut off when he felt his body be pulled back to sit against namjoon as he spun his chair toward the computer screen, making sure that they both would be able to see it. "yahh, stop. were gonna end up spending the night here again, just like last week." yoongi nagged, continuously trying to push namjoon's arms away from his own body.
sooner or later, yoongi eventually gave up and accepted his fate as he relaxed into namjoon's embrace. "so hyung, i heard that y/n talked to hit-man bang about the situation." "yeah, but she never mentioned anything about it to me or jungkook when she came back. i just hope that she doesn't try and force herself to be on stage or in public when we go on tour." yoongi sighed, remembering the bitter memories from their last tour. As more of the threats online persisted, y/n started hesitating to go on stage in performances or would overthink and panic over her choreography and vocals. It had gotten so alarming that the staff had allowed her to perform live from backstage for the last few shows. For this upcoming world tour though, the boys and the company would try our best to keep everything on social media away from her.
obviously, it didn't work because she had a meeting with bang-pd about the situation this evening.
namjoon could sense the awkwardness in the room, he knew that yoongi was thinking of their last world tour, so he figured it was time to change the subject.
"let's just enjoy this time together. hobi, taehyung, and y/n were stealing you away from me all week." namjoon groaned, pressing the front of his body into the back of yoongi, which made him glace at namjoon.
"so, i was wondering if you could give me some feedback on dimple?" namjoon asked, poking one of his two infamous dimples.
"that genuinely makes me regret coming and looking for you."
. . .
"SEE, I TOLD YOU!" taehyung had whisper yelled to jimin as they were inside the gaming room, waiting for jungkook to come back with banana milk and snacks. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN?! YOU SAID HE WOULD WANT TO CUDDLE? IF HE WANTED TO, WHY THE HELL ARE WE EVEN HERE THE-"
"did you guys make a bet again on if i wanted to cuddle or not?" jungkook sighed, closing the door behind him and making his way to the small table in front of taehyung and jimin, placing the snacks down on top. taehyung pointed at jimin, earning him a smack on the hand. "oww! what kind of power do you hold in those small hands of yours?!" taehyung gasped, quickly clutching onto jimin's arm and inspecting said 'small hand'. jungkook didn't even bother trying to stop them, he just continued to set up the pullout bed, and start up the video game console.
"i expect a nice dinner at a restaurant with everyone tomorrow as my reward." taking a glance at what jungkook was doing, taehyung knew that he had won the bet, now grinning at jimin in triumph.
jungkook was the first to lay on the pullout bed and grab one of the three video game controllers and the foot of the bed. jimin and taehyung joined shortly after grabbing some snacks from the table and their controllers.
"wait, what map do you guys want? i was thinking rainbow road, but i know you're pretty bad at it jiminie." jungkook was definitely making fun of jimin being 'bad' on rainbow road in mario kart, so jimin decided to join in on his game. "nah, i'm fine with it, i've been practicing anyway." jimin challenged, holding his controller with two hands as jungkook started the game.
"uhh, so, what happens if i win?" 
. . .
ahh! i love their relationship with each other  🥰🥺 looking forward to the next chapter^^
Hope you enjoyed the new chapter of this story <3
{Updates are (at least) once a month if get lucky}
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pileofwords · 2 years
lazy nights
pairing: joshua x reader length: 1.2k genre: floofy fluff summary: Joshua comes home after a long day to find you in the middle of a beading project.
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Joshua wasn’t surprised to find you sitting on his bed when he got back to the dorms late. Ever since he’d given you the passcode, he’d gotten used to coming home to you in various spots around the dorm, cooking or reading or playing games. Today you’d set up camp on his bed, dragging out his bead containers and rifling through them.
He dropped a quick kiss to the top of your head, mumbling out soft hellos with a lingering touch on your bicep before disappearing to the bathroom to wash his face and change into sweatpants and an old t-shirt.
When he finally felt comfortable, he slid behind you on the bed, wrapping his arms around your waist and peering over your shoulder to properly see what you were doing.
“No peeking!” You immediately dropped the beads, covering them with both hands. You wiggled your shoulders, shaking your head quickly when he whined in your ear.
“But they’re my beads, why can’t I see?”
You turned your head to press a lightning-fast kiss to his cheek. “It’s a surprise, now no peeking!”
Joshua whined again, which made you giggle, but he obligingly slid back just enough to rest his cheek against your shoulder blade as his eyes slipped closed. He took slow, even breaths, the sound of beads clinking against each other and your soft humming settling over him like a blanket, making him feel truly at peace for the first time in weeks.
After a few moments, you gently patted one of the hands he still had wound around your waist. “Long day?”
He nodded twice, hair brushing against the back of your neck, a barely-audible hum of agreement slipping past his lips.
“Did you have dinner?”
A shake of his head this time. You sighed, clicking your tongue once.
“Shua, you can’t skip dinner!”
“Too busy. No time,” he mumbled, shifting slightly to a more comfortable position pressed up against your back. He buried his face in the fabric of your t-shirt, muffling his voice. “I’m fine.”
You put down the beads in your hands, instead slowly running your fingers up and down his arms. “Mmm, well, lucky for you, I’m a very nice girlfriend and brought you some of the pasta I made for dinner. It’s not much, but it’s better than nothing.” You felt him smile against your back, which made you smile in return. “What’s your favorite color these days?”
He hummed in thought, starting to draw absentminded circles on your side with his finger. “Green.”
“Green…do you have a little gr– oh, nevermind, I found it.” You grinned triumphantly as you found the perfect bead and added it to the growing strand in your hands. “Want me to heat the pasta up for you?”
“Mmm…no, I’m comfy, finish what you’re working on first.” As if to make his point, he pressed his face more firmly against your back.
You rolled your eyes at his antics, but were content to let him stay there; you loved when he was extra cuddly anyway.
You went back to humming as you worked, occasionally asking him questions about his day or telling him about yours. He mostly answered in short, sleepy sentence fragments, obviously drifting in and out of focus the longer he sat there. When you were finally satisfied, you patted his arm happily and he slowly straightened, yawning as he propped his chin on your shoulder.
“You done?”
You grabbed his hand, carefully stretching the elastic just enough to glide the beads over his fingers and palm until they nestled on his wrist. He brought his hand up to see the pattern on the bracelet you’d made, a smile blossoming over his face when he realized what you’d done.
Clear, blue, green, and yellow beads, bright and happy in a haphazard pattern with a little daisy on one side. Opposite the daisy were a set of alphabet beads: your initials, a small green heart, and then his.
“You like it?” The lightest of pinks danced over your cheeks, threatening to reveal the nerves you felt at making a bracelet for him for the first time. But he just pulled you up against his chest, squeezing you tightly, and peppering feather-light kisses over your ear and down your jaw until you were giggling and squirming happily in his grasp.
“I love it.” His voice was a notch deeper than normal, but every bit as soft as usual and bursting with all the affection he held for you that had nowhere else to go. “It’s perfect.”
“I know you can’t wear it at schedules and stuff, but I thought– I dunno, you could keep it with you. A little reminder that I’m always cheering for you and…” You paused for a second, cheeks burning. “And that I love you very much.”
It wasn’t the first time you’d told him you loved him, but he was usually the one who said it first. He was never shy about it, making sure you always knew how much you meant to him and how lucky he felt to have you in his life.
He gave you a quick squeeze before letting go of your waist to tilt your head toward his.
It wasn’t a long kiss, just a gentle peck, but kissing Joshua always gave you butterflies and now was no different. You beamed at him.
“Love you too, angel,” he murmured, then fell back on his bed, pulling you down with him.
You laughed when he went back to hiding his face in your shoulder, clearly trying to entice you into nap time. “You, sir, need to eat and I need to put up your beads before you accidentally kick them and make a gigantic mess neither of us wants to clean up.”
You bonked your nose against his, then pulled away, rolling off of his bed and kneeling on the floor as you started packing up his beading supplies. “Go eat! It’s in the fridge unless Cheol stole it when he got in.”
He pouted, giving you his best wide-eyed sad puppy look, the one he knew you could never say no to. “Cuddles after?”
“Cuddles for the rest of the night if you wanna, but you gotta eat first.”
“I’ll be back in ten minutes.”
He practically leapt off the bed, moving faster than you’d seen him move all night, and you couldn’t help the laughter that bubbled over your lips. “I’m not going anywhere, you don’t have to rush!”
But true to his word, he was back in less than ten minutes, licking cold pasta sauce from his lip as he tumbled back onto his bed, spreading his arms wide. You flopped next to him and he pulled you up against his chest, heaving one big, content sigh before settling down.
You peeked up at his face, staring at him for a moment before snuggling in closer to him.
“‘Night. Sleep well.”
His lips twitched upward to a lazy smile. “Goodnight, love.”
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peachiimilquetea · 3 years
Ok ok ok please god i need "Am I your first kiss?" fluff with iida for the event. I love your angst but good god it fucked me up really good
"𝐚𝐦 𝐢 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬?" + tenya iida
a/n: thank you so much! i literally never write angst for myself pls it bums me out lol, but ooooo this is good! i haven't written pure fluff in a hot minute so this request was a welcome change! i was literally listening to kiss me more while I finished this up FBSJKFBDS check out my event here!
contains: flustered iida, friends to lovers, 7 minutes in heaven woot woot, class rep iida technically breaking the rules?, class bonding, very fluffy, me writing kissing scenes despite never having been kissed beyond a peck
length: 1.3k
a/n ii: this is also lightly proofread so i apologize for any errors! happy 4th for anyone that’s celebrating today!
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“you guys, lets play 7 minutes in heaven!”
famous last words. tenya felt his heart sink as he watched his classmates whoop and cheer, agreeing with denki’s obvious ploy to get some action in a way that nobody could make fun of him for.
kirishima grabbed the giant bottle of sprite he had been nursing and chugged it, letting out a large burp at the end, “now we have a bottle to spin!”
although iida was usually not one to participate in these kinds of games, he decided to step out of his comfort zone for the night. after all, you were there and the statistical odds that he would get to kiss you would be higher if he stayed.
he almost did a spit take as you smiled at him, “hey, maybe we’ll get paired off together.”
unfortunately, there was no time for him to respond to you as jirou turned the bass boosted music down and everyone arranged themselves in a lopsided circle around the empty soda bottle.
unfortunately, there was no time for him to respond to you as jirou turned the bass boosted music down and everyone arranged themselves in a lopsided circle around the empty soda bottle.
“everyone knows the rules right?” asked mina, and a chorus of yeses and mhms flew through the air.
“alright so who’s going first?”
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iida was terrified out of his mind.
he was never one to believe in what he deemed to be silly superstitions, but he wholeheartedly believed the bottle was sentient and picking people on purpose.
due to his unlikely friendship with mina, he knew who was interested in who and he watched in disbelief as everyone was given a shot with their person of choice. and they all looked different when they came out of that utility closet, hair messier than before, faces flushed, some even sporting marks that told the rest of the class everything they needed to know.
“dude, are you paying attention? you’re up!” denki’s voice rang out, snapping iida out of his overthinking loop.
“uhhh, i think he drank some of the spiked punch you guys..” whispered sero and mina nudged him in the stomach hard, making him double over with a loud oof.
“i told you guys to pay attention to who was getting what. now hes gonna have an aneurysm that he broke the school rules!”
ignoring them, he turned his sights onto the sprite bottle. did he really want to do this?
before he could even answer the question for himself, kirishima spun the bottle again and his eyes followed it as it spun around, around, around, landing on… you.
the whoops and cheers from his peers, and the knowing glance from mina, meant nothing to him in this moment. he was nervous, not even sure if it was real, that the universe had even given him such an opportunity to be so close to you. alone. for 7 minutes.
“alright you two, into the closet you go! watch your head iida its a bit of a tight fit,” kiri laughed and iida felt his body move of its own volition, barely even looking at your face as the two of you walked in and the door was shut behind you.
he reached up to adjust his glasses, staring at a random point on the floor as you stood on opposite sides of the compact room in silence.
“we don’t have to do anything you’re not comfortable with,” you spoke up, breaking the tension and making iida really look at you for the first time since the bottle landed on you. you seemed more down to earth under the dimmer lighting, adjusting your hair and fidgeting with your clothes a bit as you anticipated his response.
“well i-”
“like if you dont want to kiss me, if you were hoping for someone else, i mean, i completely respect that,” you stared at your shoes. why did i say that? you thought as you continued to be met with silence.
tenya was confused. hoping for someone else? so you couldn’t tell how much faster his heart was beating, how his palms were soaking through every single item of clothing and how his ears were practically glowing? oh.
“why would i be hoping to be paired with someone else?”
your heart stopped at his pseudo confession. where do you go from here? does he want to kiss you? was he just being nice? his face lit up more as your eyes raked over him, trying to figure out his angle.
“do you want to kiss me, tenya?”
straight to the point. iida wanted to answer you, he really did but anything he had planned to say died on his lips. his mouth felt terribly dry and he almost resembled a dying fish as he gawked at you.
“am i… your first kiss?”
he was caught. he swallowed and nodded, bracing himself for the onslaught of giggles and teasing, but it never came.
you gathered his hands in your own, smoothing over his knuckles and calming his trembling heart.
“its ok, i don’t have much experience either, but if you want, we can try it together,” you declared softly.
his heart squeezed at your sincerity, excited at the prospect of his cheezy daydreams becoming a reality.
“a-alright. let’s give it a try.”
moving closer to him you cupped his cheek, bringing his face close to yours.
“go slow,” he whispered and you nodded before slotting your mouth against his. you could feel his inexperience, you were the only one actually doing any kissing, but after a few moments, he parted his lips and began to kiss you back.
it was a soft kiss, nothing too risque, but you felt like your entire body was on fire. his hands tentatively snaked around your waist as you kissed him deeper, completely forgetting your surroundings. iida tried to pull away and took a step back, knocking into a mop bucket and almost falling on his ass.
you broke away from him, laughing as you held him up. his smile was so genuine as he laughed, rosy cheeked partially from embarrassment, but mostly because you just kissed him and he kissed you back.
“i apologize for my bluntness, ____, but… can i kiss you again?”
you eagerly obliged the shy boy, tangling your hands in his hair and kissing him with more intensity. by the second time around, iida had gotten his bearings and understood the general idea around kissing, so it was fun for the both of you.
neither of you noticed the click of the doornob turning or the disbelieving murmurs coming from your class as they watched the two of you make out.
“holy shit, i didn’t know you had it in you class rep,” bakugo smirked, eliciting giggles from the rest of the class as you two realized you were being watched.
iida’s face rivaled kirishima’s hair in hue as he practically jumped away from you, glasses fogging up in embarrassment.
you ignored everyone’s jests and grabbed his hands, intertwining your fingers and sitting with him at the other end of the couch. you turned your head to see mina giving you a huge smile and a thumbs up and you smiled back, giving tenya a kiss on the cheek and cuddling into his side.
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