#so i redownloaded my news app and there was nothing useful just more horrifying and depressing stuff
six-of-ravens · 11 months
okay, mild "what I've done over the 2 days I wasn't blabbing my whole life online" update bc I drank "high caffeine" tea at 8:30pm and. usually caffeine doesn't affect me but NOW IT IS:
yesterday was boring, most interesting thing was that I finally refilled my prescription and then went to Michaels as a reward (got a spiderweb tablecloth and tea towels at a steep discount) and then hit one of those stupid little concrete curb-median things in the parking lot and undid all the good work the dealership did in realigning my wheels.
beat Portal and started Portal 2!
the zucchini cake was a SUCCESS! I still have literally three quarters of that zucchini left though. apparently you can freeze grated zucchini though, so I might do that and then I can make more cake/cupcakes/muffins/whatever later on
mom's birthday went well, I got encouragement from the family to at least talk to my uncle/someone at his office about cancelling my life insurance so that was.... unexpected but good. Having a family member as an insurance agent is sometimes convenient but sometimes awkward and intimidating
I am also slowly being convinced to start an RRSP instead of a TFSA for my retirement. my aunt is finally explaining it in a way that makes sense (also: tax. breaks. taaaaax breaks. tax breaks.)
started Hummingbird Salamander and I'm enjoying it immensely
Aunt wants to do the same hike I did with a friend back in 2020, which will be nice bc when the friend and I went it was a) super busy so it was hard to take photos and b) raining off and on and therefore not very pleasant. She also wants to go see the suspension bridge nearby which we missed for some reason on our hike (I think I was confused about how to get to it) so that'll be fun. I am extremely worried about bears though, since a couple of seasoned backwoods hikers were attacked and killed a few weeks ago even though they did everything "right" when the bear approached.
and finally, they were selling frozen "leg of mutton" in the grocery store today and I almost said "wow, they sell murder weapons now?!" out loud. which would've been just so great since there was a very suspicious security guard marching around (for no reason I could tell, except maybe to arrest me for referencing the Roald Dahl murder mystery).
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