#so i shouldn't have to be afraid to embrace these aspects of myself yeah
noxtivagus · 2 years
fiction 🫶🏼
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faulty-writes · 1 year
Hello !!! Before requesting anything I just want to say that you're one of my favorite blog on Tumblr and I absolutly love your writing ! Now, could I please request headcanons for Tenya and Mezo and how they'd be with a partner that use to date one of their close friend ? Angst or fluff or anything ! Hope you have an amazing week !
[ Awe <3 I feel special. Thank you for being a fan of my work! I'll do a mixture of both, angst and fluff are fun to write in moderation. I hope you enjoy! ]
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It happened after school when you were walking with Ashido, Uraraka, and Kyoka. Ashido had started teasing Uraraka about her obvious crush on Izuku and you blurted out that you dated him over the summer which is part of the reason you had enrolled at Yuuei High.
You should have suspected that word would spread and mistakenly thought that Tenya being the logical and straightforward individual would dismiss the rumors. Instead, he confronted you "I believe it is best to retrieve information from the source, please confirm or deny your previous relationship with Midoriya." Maybe you should have kept quiet.
You never imagined that Tenya of all people could show jealousy, but whenever Izuku happened to be around Tenya would take your hand securely in his or pull you close to him as if trying to show the world or at least Izuku that you were his. When you questioned his actions, he responded with "Forgive me, is public affection, not a normal aspect we should practice in our relationship?"
When you had enough of his jealous behavior, you confronted him. He looked at you with that all too familiar glance and said, "I admire Midoriya. However, I cannot expect to surpass him if I am not prepared to see him as a rival as well and if I am not prepared to prove that our relationship is worth more than what you may have experienced with him," before embracing you for fear you'd turn away.
If there was one thing Tenya did well, it was overthinking. While he didn't want to press the matter or act as though he didn't trust you the thought of you once being with his close friend plagued his mind and his jealousy turned into attention-seeking behavior. He'd constantly initiate cuddling, and hugging, and wouldn't let you out of his sight.
"I know perhaps that I have been acting strange as of late, but I find myself unable to justify the fact you once belonged to a close friend of mine. I...am afraid I am selfish, and I wish to have you and your whole entire heart. Please surrender them to me," he spoke tenderly one night before pulling you close for a much-needed kiss.
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"Oh yeah, Y/n and I go way back! I can tell you all the things they like! Including well…you know," Hanta teased one day, nudging one of Shoji's arms. "Oh um…" he didn't think much of it at first, after all, Hanta was mostly talk, right?
Unfortunately, he had come to find out that it was true, you had dated Hanta for a brief time, but you found that you and he had too many differences. He didn't treat you badly by any means, and maybe you were being a little unfaithful when you realized that you had your eye on someone else while you were with him. Of course, that someone happened to be Shoji.
When you confirmed the fact that you used to be with Hanta, it stirred up some negative emotions in Shoji, while he knew he shouldn't compare himself to Hanta. He knew that unlike him, Hanta was handsome and without unsightly scars across his face. How could he expect to compete with that kind of beauty?
Taking his negative emotions out on you was wrong, but they continued to build up until he blurted out, "Did…you date him because he's attractive?" one day. The question caught you off guard and before you could answer, he continued. "After all, he doesn't have the face of a monster," he knew his words might cause a fight, but he couldn't help but speak honestly.
"So, he really said that?" you knew it might not be a wise idea, but you told Hanta how Shoji had been acting since finding out the two of you used to date. "Isn't the reason you fell for him because he has that monster appeal?" he joked and soon regretted it when he received a much-deserved slap. Although he wasn't wrong, you fell for Shoji because he was so different and those scars of his were kind of attractive.
You sensed there was a growing distance between the two of you, and you hated it. You wanted nothing more than to confront Shoji and tell him he was acting childish. Instead, you ended up confessing the real reason why you fell for him. Yes, it was because of his scars but more so his gentle personality and those arms that always made you feel safe when they were wrapped around you.
"Maybe I was being…monstrous," he said, nuzzling his face into your hair and inhaling your sweet familiar scent. "I just…love you and I don't want to share you with anyone," he confessed. Deep down he knew he didn't, and he'd have to make sure it stayed that way.
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