#so i turned my focus towards 'stemma codicum' instead
astriiformes · 1 year
I feel sort of weird tossing up the first chapter of a new multichapter fic when I have 1) two actively in-progress WIPs and 2) an exchange gift I haven't completely finished for the same fandom as the fic, but what's actually happened here is that I started writing what I thought was going to be a oneshot with several different vignettes in it back in December and have since decided to split it up, so now I have two already-completed chapters just sitting there
Anyways I could kind of use some "posting things" energy in my life right now, so I think I might throw the first chapter up sometime tomorrow and plead people's mercy re: "starting" something new before updating either of my other fics. Some of us just live our lives like this. Unfortunately.
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