#so i use my ifone
fragonreal · 5 months
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you forgot about it didn't you
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crimechannels · 1 year
By • Olalekan Fagbade Military takes over, residents flee as communal clash, killings escalate Following an escalation of a communal clash between the Ilobu and Ifon communities in Osun State, residents of the two communities have reportedly fled their homes. The PUNCH reported that the residents were seen on Thursday, moving out of the affected areas in large numbers. The newspaper also reported that corps members serving in the affected areas were being evacuated by the state government. Soldiers, operatives of the Department of State Services, and police operatives were seen at the entrance to the two communities. A resident of Ilobu, who identified himself as Tajudeen Oyasope, said he decided to move out his family from the affected area after the clashes escalated overnight. He said, “I am moving my family out of the area affected by the communal clashes. My family are moving out, but I will stay back to observe the situation of things. “The fight got so intense overnight. We could not sleep. We were hearing heavy gunshots. To avoid being caught in the fight, I have decided to move my family out.” Also, a corps member, who identified herself simply as Cynthia, said. “I am serving in Ifon and because of the fight, all of us, corps members serving in the town, are being moved out to another place.” The spokesman for the Osun State Police Command, Yemisi Opalola, while commenting on the situation, the police on Wednesday lost a new patrol van to the mayhem. “They accused us of taking sides. It is unfortunate that the Monitoring Section van that was donated to us was burnt. Four of our men are in hospital now, they were shot. The Divisional Police Officer of Ilobu was among those who were shot. He was shot in the hand. But thanks to God, they are all responding to treatment. They ambushed policemen when our men attempted to broker peace in the area.” The Osun State Governor, Ademola Adeleke, had on Wednesday imposed a fresh curfew (6am to 6pm) on the warring communities. A statement by the Commissioner for Information and Public Enlightenment, Kolapo Alimi, said, “Human and vehicular movement is to be restricted during the curfew till further notice. This is to forestall attempts of destruction of lives and properties during this period, because of the land dispute.”
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Continued from here for @litoredeem!
It was kind of him, Sonia thought, to play along with her whims. Though, beyond protecting her life, that was what Riku was hired for. Except this time, Sonia's whims were entirely focused on his appeal and benefit. Not that she greatly opposed a beach day: it was rather like having a small holiday. Once that would unfortunately end sooner than she'd like, but that made it all too similar to a week or two spent in St. Tropez, or Cannes, or Capri.
Just as well: it wasn't anything like her extravagant beach holidays at home, but it seemed to bring peace to him. For once, he didn't look so stone-faced: he actually looked content, which was close enough to happy for Sonia. "Yes you, of course," She smiled, pushing her hair out of her face in order to keep the wind from blowing it back in. "You are the one between the two of us who had a childhood by the sea. Mine was surrounded by mountains, lakes, rivers, and plenty of green hills. At least when there wasn't snow on them. But no beaches to be found."
It stood to question then, if Riku was asked to accompany her to Novoselic, how much he'd enjoy it there. The climate, for one: not only a lack of beach but summer was only three months out of the year, and it didn't get terribly hot to boot. Nothing like the heat and humidity of a Japanese summer. Breezy weather, rain, and snow were much more prominent: excellent for that multitude of green hills, but not so much ifone preferred the tropics.
"I am not sure about that, I can imagine all sorts of things," Sonia retorted as she, with her sandals in one hand and her tote bag in the other, stepped into the surf in her bare feet. She shivered: she hadn't expected it to be so cold, but it wasn't unpleasantly so. Just a surprise, and a refreshing one at that. "Have you, for example, ever cut a watermelon with a sword whilst blindfolded like they do in the anime?" She asked, wiggling her toes in the water and clumpy, wet sand. It felt nice all the same. "Or built a large fire and told stories deep into the night? Both of those sound like great fun!"
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But Riku seemed to have other plans, ones that made Sonia's eyes light up as she stepped out of the water and back onto dry sand, to see where he was pointing. "I have not been in a rowboat!" She exclaimed, far too eager to tell him that they were against the rules with a big smile on her face. "My family always deemed them far too unsafe for me, like motorcycles and roller coasters are. Though I would very much like to experience all of them! There was a park, near my old high school, that in the spring and summer they would have similar boats with oars, or grandiose boats shaped like swans or some such thing that you pedaled, rather like a bicycle. I remember during the cherry blossom season I wanted to try them, but I was determined to row and pedal myself! My friends or lovers at the time, well, they did not have much faith in my abilities to keep the boats afloat and moving along on my own so we never tried them. I wonder, then, if it would be the most awful thing to capsize."
If anything, it was a rowboat, not a ship lost at sea in a violent storm. They'd probably just need towels and a warm drink after. And besides, she doubted Riku would hold the same scruples. At least if she asked nicely, he'd likely let her row for a bit. And she wouldn't take no for an answer this time, or give him a chance to talk his way out of it. "Come on," She said, taking his hand in hers, beginning to lead him towards the boats. "Let us inquire how we may go about renting one! And you could tell me about the places you've rowed to at home. Perhaps Okinawa has caves or lagoons of some sort to explore?" It wasn't the sort of boat one took for travels, but for a day's, or a couple hours at least, excursion? It looked ideal, and far more exciting than going laps around and across a pond.
"I have never used oars, but there shall be a first time for many things!" Would she be taking their lives into her hands? Possibly. But certainly it was worth it, for the smile on her face.
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extantme-blog · 7 years
Computer Aided Desire
In this day and age the suggested video is king.  Our browsing is guided by the gentle hand of an algorithm.  An algorithm with incentives not necessarily in line with ours.  You see, websites make money based on ads and the number of ads you see depends on how long you use the website.  So the algorithm wants you to stay, oh please just stay.  “One more”.  The alg wants you to watch “one more” video, click “one more” link.  Just as long as you never stop wanting one more.  It’s gosh darned evil!  Raise the roof, tell the folks they’re herded like sheep to extract every last advertisable cent from their viewing time!  The Matrix was a documentary!
Okay, okay, this ain’t exactly ground breaking investigative journalism.  Most people are at least vaguely aware of this in some form or another (I assume.  I don’t talk to most people).  And for the most part I’m pretty okay with this reality as long as I don’t think too hard.  Y’see children, the way the big corporations get us to click away on their sites is by suggesting quality content that they think we’ll like.  And that’s all fine and good right?  I like more of what I like.  But what do I like?  How does a heartless machine get to know me as a person and with such Incredible Results?  How do the algorithms predict what my tastes will be?  PREDICTABLY IS HOW.  Forecasting your preferences is based on demographics and past history, which means they assume that you like what everyone your age likes and that you like what you’ve liked in the past.  “Ho ho!” the algs laugh, smug as Machiavelli, their bloated code jigglin’ like a bowl full of jelly.  “What worked in the past will work in the future.  We know everything ‘bout this pitiful user.”.  “Not so!” I reply, growing tired of rhyme.  “I won’t just like only one thing all the time!”  This bit is over.
In the words of Ben “Yahtzee” Croshaw (a hero in our time, or in other words, a swell fella): “No one knows what they want until they’ve got it”.  It’s true.  No one knew they wanted no buttons on their cellular telephones until uncle Stevie Jobs threw the iPhone at ‘em and made a pile a money.  And nowadays every phone is an obvious direct descendant of the iFone from an overall design standpoint.  I mean, the reason Blackberry ain’t the dominant brand today is because they stuck to what had always worked for them, and assumed it would always work in the future.  You see this same pattern all over the place.  Blockbuster vs Netflix.  Kodak vs Digital Technology.  Coke vs The New Coke.  wait...
This corporate groupthink is the reason all new movies these days gotta be part of some shared universe.  Marvel did it well and made a pile a money so now even King Kong gets a post-credits scene.  There’s a saying wise men and my pap tell: “Success has many fathers, but failure is an orphan”.  Whenever something gets real big out of nowhere, everybody wants a piece of that pie(le a money).  Minecraft, DayZ, Call of Duty, DOOM, World of Warcraft, they all had their sea of clones and imitators.  But what the bottom feeders fail to grasp is that the reason those things got big in the first place is because they were new and fresh and well done in their own right.
So when I spend literal days following the recommended content because I am a slave to impulse, all I see are the same two things over and over!  Yeah, I know i’ll like those two things fine, but I won’t love them like a new discovery.  I want expand my interests, I want to grow and evolve like a beautiful parasite metamorphosing in a brand new host.  Not stagnate in my own complacency like a pre-globalization America.  What’s worse is that the suggested content feeds back into the algorithm, which only makes my browsing experience more predictable and more DULL.  Yeah I said it.  The D-word.  It’s that serious.
My point is I didn’t discover the magic and the mystery of YouTube MRE reviews because of some crummy old virtual recommendation.  I got a crummy old human recommendation instead.
Sources and related thingums:
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gbfamouz-blog · 5 years
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I Want to Succeed Dogara-Yusuf Buba A Federal lawmaker representing Hong/Gombi Federal Constituency in the House of Representatives, Honourable Yusuf Buba Yakub has expressed his desire to succeed Rt. Hon Yakubu Dogara as Speaker in the 9th House of Representatives. Mr Nkem Anyata-Lafia, Director, Media and Publicity, Buba for Speaker Campaign Organisation (HYBYSCO 2019), made this known in a statement on Wednesday in Abuja. According to Anyata-Lafia, Buba made this disclosure in Abuja when playing host to members of a socio-cultural group, Igbos for One Nigeria (IFON). The lawmaker, who won his second tenure, promised more engaging programmes for his constituents in the next four years and to continue to defend the cause of his constituents irrespective of tribal and political differences “Today, no matter your tribe, religion or political party you belong in my constituency, I do not care. What is important to me is the impact we are making on people who suffered pains inflicted by insurgency, poverty and unemployment. “This is why as part of the Northeast, we are asking that the position of Speaker, House of Representatives be retained in our geopolitical zone by our Party leadership and the entire country.” “As a member of the APC, I want to succeed my brother, Speaker Dogara so I can continue from where he stopped and be able to bring the programmes that I run in my constituency these past years to all parts of Nigeria in order to address the heightening cases of unemployment and youth restiveness in some parts of the country.” “In fact, if you go round the Northeast, you will cry out of pity for the Zone. Look at the Captain Buba Industrial Village, my personal initiative in Faci, a part of my constituency. “When I came into the House, I used everything I made as a large-scale farmer and Real Estate Developer to pour into the project without support from anywhere. #nigerianpolitics #nigeriadecides2019 #adamawa #nigeria #houseofrepresentatives #yusufbuba #honyusufbuba #pulsenigeria #goldmynetv #nigeria #naija #9ja #nigeriadecides #lagos #instalagos #instanigeria #lasgidi #pulseviral #instablog9ja #hiptv #postnigerianews - https://www.instagram.com/p/BvvitS8gtID/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1h9bcttjs1b8
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