#okay this took me awhile cuz i drew this with my finger
fragonreal · 5 months
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you forgot about it didn't you
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shslstraws · 5 years
Hello! Hope your days going well, I’ve been looking around and see your ✨beautiful art✨, and I curious to see your ideas/headcanons of your dr ships? I always like to see people’s interpretations of them^.^ (also your valid for top Saihara cuz I’m a Power-bottom Ouma enthusiast and-)
Hello! My day(s) have being going wonderful, thank you for asking! I hope you are doing well too, thank you very much for this ?? Like I’ve always wanted to discuss my ideas and headcanons, so thanks for this,, a blessing,, 
I’m one hell of a multi-shipper but I’ll discuss my big damn ships. WHICH IS TWO, I REALIZED JUST WRITING ONE OF THESE, I WROTE SO MUCH THAT I CAN’T EVEN WRITE ABOUT MY TOP 5. SO HAVE TOP 2 
Oumota (my fav ship)
Reading some of golden-redhead’s fic; Nobody Said It Was Easy (one of my fav Oumota fics btw), I do like to confirm that Kokichi and Kaito moved into an apartment with each other. Basically, vr au, just started to live with each other due to the fact that they let each other see with their masks down at the end, and they seem to grow an understanding of each other. They eventually become friends then to lovers, I always love that trope. 
Kokichi bought a galaxy printed blanket for Kaito, on his birthday, and he thinks it’s an eyesore sometimes. But the look on Kaito’s face when Kokichi spots him snuggle up with it, Kokichi doesn’t ever regret buying it. (Kaito just really thinks of Kokichi when he snuggles up in the blanket btw, I drew them in the blanket actually!)
For a loooong while, Kokichi suffered from ptsd nightmares when they first moved in, Kaito just couldn’t leave him like that?? He invites Kokichi to like,, sleep with him in his bed, after a month of living together, and Kokichi just teases him. But he silently goes in that night, Kaito finds out in the morning, since he wakes up early, but says nothing of it for the both of them. (It just becomes a habit) 
Kaito is actually afraid of loud noises? Like, REALLY loud noises. Due to ptsd triggers to the loud slam of the press and the awful noises that was also with it. Thunderstorms are the worst. Kokcihi notices this and feels kinda lost, he doesn’t know what to do but wants to help. Kaito tries to keep it together during these times, but Kokichi can see right through him. At first, he’d try to joke around and tease at him, just to make Kaito feel normal and back to reality. It eventually doesn’t work and Kaito is stuck in that moment of time, so Kokichi silently starts forming circles on his hand to keep him grounded. Just like how Kokichi goes to Kaito’s bed after a nightmare, this becomes a habit and they say nothing of it. 
They don’t say anything to each other about these acts of kindness bc they don’t know how to react to it? Maybe still in the mindset that they HAVE to hate each other. But they get over it, and once in a relationship; Kokichi begins to make small talk as he rubs circles in Kaito’s hand. And, of course, they both decided to finally sleep in the same bed instead of separate beds in separate rooms. 
Of course, they tease each other and pick at each other everyday. But since they started dating, it’s just more in a loving matter?? Although Kokichi will be like, “ewww, Momota-chan is trying to flirt with me, disgusting” 
For my version of a VR AU,,, I kinda want to go a different route for Kokichi; career wise. I love seeing fitting jobs for him in fics like, actor and such. Excellent ideas and I love them! But I want to be different bc IDK I JUST DO BE LIKE THAT. And wanna make Kokichi a psychologist? Just once he recovers from his trauma, and helps Kaito deal with his, he just feels like he can be good at it? Which was laughable when he first told Kaito, but then he saw Kokichi was serious and was like, “oh shit, you’re dead set on this.” And Kaito becomes proud of him, so supports him through it. Kokichi is still a little shit but only to those that are not his patients, of course. 
I actually did concept art of Kokichi as a psychologist, since I got a request to have my take on older Oumota, I’ve been putting so much work into the concept so then I can make the perfect drawing, but here’s psychologist!Kokichi 
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Yes, he gets glasses. He was so whiny about it when Kaito found out Kokichi’s sight wasn’t the best as it was before. So after FORCING him to go to an eye doctor, Kokichi pouted when he got his first pair. Kaito just found it cute. He normally wears contacts though, only wear glasses, “to look professional”, even then, he doesn’t wear them as much. HE REALLY DOESN’T WANT ANYONE ELSE KNOWING HE WEARS GLASSES. He hates them. Kaito gets very excited when he sees his boyfriend with them; he took a picture when Kokichi didn’t notice until the picture was taken, and the doof left the flash on, so Kokichi chased him around the apartment demanding him to delete it. And Kaito is laughing and having his phone in the air high so he can’t reach it. (But Kokichi eventually gets it off his phone, from a surprise kiss) 
Although Kaito HATES being what the game made him to be and what he thought everyone expected him to be, he was afraid to even consider to pursue being an astronaut for real. He was afraid that he fully lost himself if he were to “give in”. But he learns that he wants to be an astronaut, not because of the false memories given, but because he wants to in this life. His life. His decision. 
Both study hard in university when pursuing their chosen careers, both procrastinate a lot. But eventually one or the other will try and get them back to work. Or if Kaito is working too hard, Kokichi will try and lighten him up and get him to take a break. Very rarely, Kaito will have to do the the same with Kokichi. 
Shuichi basically had a crush on both of them, he didn’t know how to even confess. NONE OF THEM DID BC THEY’RE MESSES. 
So, going off VR AU again, afterwards Kaito just decides that they all are going to live together. And Shuichi was okay with that, Kokichi was like, “haha okay, since you can’t seem to get enough of me” but was honestly relieved inside that he had somewhere to go. 
Few months were awkward for Kokichi, especially since Shuichi and Kaito started dated. He just felt like “the third wheel” and wanted to move out, but he had no where to go. So he was in this cycle in his mind for awhile. 
Shuichi tries multiple of times to get Kokichi to join them on many occasions, but again, Kokichi didn’t want to be that third wheel. 
Kaito DOES have feelings for both Shuichi and Kokichi, but was most unsure,for the longest time, about how he felt with Kokichi. It took Shuichi’s talks to finally get him to understand and comes to terms, damn, he’s also in love with this rat. 
It was when Kokichi didn’t come home for about a week, that Kaito confessed when he just suddenly came back. Of course, he was shouted at  Kokichi and they got in an argument, and just everything that was buried blew up there and then. Shuichi just comforted them both after the argument with his gentleness. 
They ALL just started dated afterwards, although it was hard for Kaito and Kokichi to become closer. Kokichi easily warmed up to Shuichi first, since he just always felt closer to the detective? He was just on edge for awhile about if Kaito’s feelings were true. But he warmed up to him eventually. 
For a long while, Shuichi would be middle spoon (haha) since Kokichi’s and Kaito’s uncertainty. But once Kokichi warmed up to Momota, he just scooted himself between the two of them during one of their cuddling sessions. Kaito looked dumbfounded and then looked at Shuichi like he just earned the trust of a stray cat. Like, “LOOK, SHUICHI, HE’S TRUSTING ME” silently with a big dumb smile. 
After then, Kokichi loves being the centre of attention for both of them. He loves being middle spoon but also let’s Shuichi be middle too bc he loves cuddle him. 
Their usual dates are to a nearby park, mainly if they need a breather from any stress, one of them will suggest or just force them to go to the park. And they all know that it means that they just want to the best for each other. 
Shuichi is usually the one to come home and find a mess of the apartment from Kaito and Kokichi. And gives them a “really?” look as they point fingers at each other. 
Kaito eventually gets a job, Shuichi was the first to get a job to support them, but that left Kokichi alone. And he was so clingy when they got back, he demanded SO MUCH ATTENTION once they came home. And whined about being bored all day without them. 
When they all have their bad day, they just cuddle up together and take a nap and just relax. Although Kaito will be the one to try and cheer them up later in the night by stargazing. 
Shuichi loves talking about the novels he reads to his boyfriends even though they don’t know what he’s talking about most of the time or understand, Shuichi knows but really appreciate them just taking interest in something so small. It means so much to him. 
Kokichi is the last one to wake up in the morning, and Shuichi and Kaito always debate to wake him up before they go to work. He’ll whine if he doesn’t get a goodbye from them and he’ll whine just out of grouchiness of being woken up. So it’s always flip a coin and it’s always, “it’s your turn, Shuichi” “Kaito, it was my turn yesterday” 
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doodlelolly0910 · 5 years
A/B/O prompt list: 5, 7, and 70
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I'm so sorry time got away from me yesterday. But thank you so much for the ask! I hope you wanted them all at once cuz that's what you've got lol. And I agree @idristardis I can totally see it!
Rated T to be safe, for talks of a violent pregnant Omega and impending birth :D
The front door slammed. Emma was home and she did not sound happy. He heard her grumbling before he could even see her and he braced himself for the onslaught of bad news that was sure to follow. Emma certainly didn't disappoint.
“I got into some trouble today. I sort of punched an Alpha in the face when he touched me. Long story short, there’s a couple of officers at the door who would like to talk to you about getting control of your Omega.”
Killian froze midway to the sink where he'd been heading to place the glass he'd just finished drinking from. This was the third time this month Emma had gotten into some kind of dispute and, frankly, he didn't know what to do. All of them had been provoked but now Emma was lashing out violently and she was going to end up hurt or worse if this kept up. He placed the glass in the sink and turned to face his mate, an eyebrow arched nearly to his hairline.
Emma was setting her shopping bags down on the kitchen table, going about her routine, business as usual, as if she hadn't just dropped that bombshell in his lap. Her face was flushed and her large, swollen belly caused her to struggle with a bag. Killian walked forward to take it from her, setting it with the others. Emma flashed him a small, grateful smile and moved around him towards the sink. His jaw worked with annoyance at her casual attitude but there was the pressing issue of the police at his door to deal with.
“We'll talk about this in a moment, ‘mega,” he said, frustrated, and turned to make his way to where the police were waiting for him. He hated these archaic mindsets people carried with them that an Alpha should be responsible for his Omega like a piece of property, but he would deal with it. He pulled open the door and surely enough, two uniformed officers stood outside waiting for him.
“Can I help you, gentlemen?” he asked, forcing a friendly smile.
“Are you Killian Jones?” one of them asked. He was tall and portly, a thick mustache and a stem gaze on his face. He reeked of Alpha scent and too much cologne and it put Killian even more on edge.
“I am,” he replied, not bothering to maintain the smile any longer. He just wanted them gone. He and Emma could work this out on their own.
“And, uh, your Omega is” he looked at his notepad for reference, “Emma Swan?”
“She is my mate, yes,” he clarified. He and Emma were equals, even if she'd completely lost her mind.
“Sir, I'm afraid there was an altercation involving your Omega at Dark Star Pharmacy,” he informed Killian with a sympathetic look. “Seems your little lady hauled off and punched an Alpha unprovoked. Now, we understand she's in a delicate way, but we can't have Omegas running around assaulting people.”
Killian had to suppress a snort at the policeman's description of Emma as ‘delicate’.  His mate was many things. Delicate was not one of them.
“Unprovoked, you say? That's curious. Emma tells a different story.” Killian crossed his arms over his chest and stared the two men down.
“Well, she claims he was touching her,” the shorter of the two officers finally spoke. Killian zeroed in on the Beta male, his eyes narrowing.
“That hardly seems unprovoked, then,” he growled, blue eyes flashing with ire. “And what became of this fellow? Hmm?”
“Oh, he'll be alright. Just a little bruised. Nothing to worry about,” the first officer spoke again and Killian felt like Emma might not be the only one to punch an Alpha today.
“I think you misunderstand. What repercussions were there for this Alpha putting his hands on a claimed, pregnant Omega?” Killian asked firmly. The tall officer blinked at him twice, words seemingly failing him.
“He didn't do her any harm,” he protested. “He was just rutting a little too hard and he scented her. We think the best course of action to avoid something like this from happening in the future is for her to be accompanied by her Alpha when she goes out for awhile. At least ‘til she pops. You understand.”
Killian chuckled humorlessly. “No, officer. I don't think I do understand. I'm an Alpha myself and I've never took it upon myself to scent anyone without their consent, rutting or not. My mate has a right to defend herself, as well as come and go as she pleases. And believe me when I say that if I am out with her and something like that happened to her in my presence, a mere punch to the face will be the least of that bloke's worries.”
“Well, of course she has the right to defend herself-” the officer puffed out his chest and made himself as tall as possible. Killian wasn't the biggest Alpha, but he wasn't easily intimidated. And he knew their rights.
“Good,” he interrupted. “Then there's no problem here. Have a good day, officers.” Killian nodded his head and shut the door in their faces. Now he had an eerily calm Omega to deal with.
Emma sat at the kitchen table when he entered the room, drinking a glass of water. Her scent clung to the air, her emotions clear in the aromatic pheromones invading his nostrils. He expected there to be a little bit of unease, but potent anger and defiance nearly overwhelmed him instead. She didn’t even meet his gaze, simply lifting her glass again for another drink.
“I don’t want to talk about it,” she said stiffly before she closed her mouth over the rim and drew the cool liquid in.
“You don’t want to talk about it?” Killian replied, unable to keep the sheer incredulity from his voice. “I’ve just spoken to two police officers about someone touching you, you hitting them, and you don’t want to talk about it?”
“That’s what I said,” she replied with finality. Her hand came up to rub over her stomach in slow circles. Killian frowned.
“Would you like to talk about the incident last week when you tried to break that other Alpha’s fingers because he tried to touch your stomach instead?” Killian asked, an eyebrow arching up high on his forehead.
“Nope,” she replied, taking another drink. Killian sighed and moved forward to grasp her wrist.
“Put the glass down. You are pregnant with my kids and I’m not going to let you self-destruct because you can’t cope with talking to me,” he said gently. She met his eyes and he could practically feel her icy walls melt down as his gaze connected to hers. He loved that he could be the one to break down those walls. Her eyes filled with tears and she drew in a shaky breath. Killian felt a fierceness rise up inside of him, a need to keep her and his pups safe and secure, and he stepped into her space immediately, wrapping his arms around her and holding her close as the tears began to spill.
“I am sick and tired of these Alpha jackasses thinking they can put their hands on me,” she sobbed into his shirt. Killian shushed and rocked her, pressing soft kisses into her hair, simply letting her cry it out. “And I don’t feel good, I’m swollen everywhere, and I love both our pups already, I do, but I am so ready for it to be over.”
“I know, love, I’m sorry,” Killian soothed. He cupped her face in his palms and met her eyes again. “That should have never happened to you. But this violence, love, it’s got to stop. It’s not just you to worry about.”
“I know. I’ll try to keep myself in check. Maybe I’ll just go into labor and all our problems will be solved.” She sighed and Killian chuckled, pressing his lips to her forehead. His brow furrowed immediately on contact and he suddenly realized just how warm the skin beneath his palms was. When he pulled back to look into her eyes again, they were glossy with more than just tears. His heart simultaneously leapt for joy and sunk in sheer terror. If her body temperature was increasing, it meant her jest might not be far off.
“Swan, you’re burning up,” he said softly, something close to awe coloring his words. It all made sense. Her fever, her territorial anxiety, her sudden outbursts of aggression. It was time. She would be going into labor very, very soon. A day or two, max. Emma seemed to realize it, too, and her eyes widened.
“No, I can’t be, I was just kidding,” Emma whispered, as if she were trying to fight the epiphany. A tentative smile crept over Killian’s face and he nodded.
“It explains everything, love. The mood swings, the violence-”
“But we’re not ready!” she protested again.
“We are, love. You are. You’ll do brilliantly and then our pups will be here for us to love and cherish and we will be the family we always wanted,” he assured her.
“Killian, I don’t know anything about being a mother. What if I’m horrible at it?” She was panicking now, he could see it in her eyes and it threaded through her natural honey scent with the spicy sharp scent of fear. He smiled gently at her and dipped his head to nudge her nose gently with his own. He stepped directly in front of her, letting his hands drop down to her belly. He grinned as he felt the shifting of life inside his wonderful mate.
“Then we will learn together. We’ll make mistakes, sure, but our pups will be amazing, because they’ll get your strength and bravery and they won’t simply have to survive like we did. They’ll be loved, and, as someone who is lucky enough to be loved by you, let me tell you it is the most incredible feeling in the world. They’ll get to feel that, too. Now, you’re feverish, so stop being stubborn and go lay in the nest,” he told her, his crooked smile still pulling at the edge of his lips.
Emma was still terrified, that feeling wouldn't leave for some time, but looking into her mate's eyes, surrounded by the scent of him and of his utter faith and devotion to her and their pups, she knew it would somehow be okay.
“Okay. I guess I better get some rest. I have a feeling I'm going to need it.”
More ABO prompts here!
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I was, now, thumbing through the long version of everything I'd read back to safe house. We sat in a small bar with few occupants. Matthew sat across from me with a beer in his hand sipping slowly to make our time last. It had been years since I'd willingly come into a bar, but it would be the last place anyone would look for a sober man.
"Can I ask how you've been?" Matt asked clearing his throat.
"I suppose you can," I sighed turning a page, "But I'm not required to answer."
"Then let me tell you how I've been." Matt started.
"Why would I care, mate?" I snapped back.
"Did you forget all those years we spent wreaking havoc together?" Matt scoffed.
"Yeah," I stared him hard in his black eyes, "After you strangled Creadance to death, my memory got a little fuzzy."
"Creadance was selling our information to other organizations," Matt informed me, "I didn't really have a choice."
"You had a choice the whole time, Matthew," I barked at him, then realized where I was and hushed myself. "You just didn't want to lose that money and that honor."
"There was no honor in it." He admitted. "I did what I was told so they wouldn't do anything to my mom. The first chance I had to get out, I was gone."
"Why did you go in the first place?" I wondered.
"You didn't have to stay, Roman," Matt's voice shook at the memories, "After you left, they started to treat us like dogs. It turned into a prison and the only way to survive was to disconnect. I was the only one who made it out of that basement alive. I was the only one who didn't crack after weeks of torture. They shot everyone else in the head. Percy, Sal, Domingo, everyone. They brought me to their corpses and asked what my life meant to me."
"What did you say?" I murmured enthralled with the story.
"Nothing," He replied darkly.
"Wait, you literally didn't say a word or said the word nothing?" I backtracked drawing my hand to my mouth in thought.
"I said the word nothing," He deadpanned.
"Carry on," I said turning my hand with the roll of the wrist.
"It changed me and I started to lose time," He stopped to sip his beer. "I stopped remembering the names, the faces... I realized that before every mission I always had some kind of beverage before bed. Someone always asked. I got an idea not to drink it and stayed awake for most of the night. In the early morning hours, they turned  this weird recording and as I started to listen, it started to make me doze off. I covered put the pillow over my head," He drew his hand up by his head and simulated mushing a pillow into his face, "The next morning, I was beat. They took me out to some ranch where they had a guy strapped to a chair. He looked like he'd been beaten,for days. He kept saying that he told them everything they wanted to know and begged for his life. Apparently, there was a trigger word that I missed and when they realized the hypnosis didn't take, they turned a gun on me. When I escaped with my life, they let me go and erased me from all databases across the world. I didn’t exist to them, so I didn't exist at all."
"Jesus, gov," I whispered clasping a hand over my mouth.
"Awhile back I started my own organization of people just like me. Orphans that got wiped away from the face of the earth. We met Cate's little brother Jameson not long after we started and he had requested that we not only find his sister, but prove her innocence." He scoffed.
"Then you married her and knocked her up, yeah?" I grinned at him taking the small, black straw from my water and placing it in my mouth.
"Not exactly," Matt chuckled, "We use to argue all the time and now, I miss her even when she's in the next room."
I nodded thinking about the last time I looked at my wife's face.
"How long you been together?" I asked drawing myself out of the fear in Betty's eyes.
"About three and a half years," He replied sipping his beer.
"Where's her ring, mate?" I dug.
"In my pocket." He smirked.
"Be serious," I laughed out loud, "You've got a baby in there, but you ain't got a ring."
"I've got a ring," Matt set his beer down, held up a finger, and opened his jacket. He felt around the inside pocket before pulling out a lovely ruby colored box. "Ta-da!" He exclaimed opening the box. A big beautiful diamond set in a gold band shimmered back at me.
"She say no?" I cocked my hand and drew my hand to my chest.
Matt nodded turning the ring back at himself to have a look.
"Even I wouldn't say no that," I balked chewing on the straw.
"What about you, man?" Matt sat back and stuff the ring back into his pocket. "You said you were gonna marry her."
"I did say that, yeah," I nodded, "She's a perfect angel." I smiled at him. "I'd do anything for her."
"How long has she been using?" Matt questioned solemnly.
"Too long," I observed. "She tried sobriety once and... It just didn't work out."
Matt nodded as though he understood but I hadn't told him to full story and wasn't sure that I ever would.
"How did she get involved in all of this?" He asked louder this time, "That's where I'm confused."
"She says the Devil is her brother," I replied wishing I could sip that beer now.
"El Diablo?" Matt corrected.
"Whatever, man!" I snapped. "Sorry, I just don't believe it. She said they did a DNA test, but where are the papers. This guy," I watched Matt lower his hand, asking me nicely to quiet down, "This guy," I spoke at a lower register, "Has her initials tattooed on his face." I pointed at my own.
"That makes sense, actually," Matt piped as if he were calculating shit in his head. "Do you know Bennett Boupree?"
Ah, bullocks, it was true. "Yeah..." I answered cautiously.
"It turns out this guy, Bennett, has been smuggling drugs for a couple decades from Mexico into the US." Matt informed me.
"Right, right," I nodded in agreement, "And laundering money in the England."
"Do you know what he took from England back to Mexico?" Matt said barely containing the juicy secret.
"Tell me, gov," I pressed leaning in to meet him at the center of the table.
"People." He whispered before simulating a tiny explosion with his hand.
"What you're telling me," I scrubbed my hand through my beard, "What you're saying is that Betty's father was also trafficking humans?"
"How did he get away with it for so long?" Matt asked rhetorically, "We don't know." He answered his own question as expected. "But what we do know is that recently, El Diablo Dr Honduras had a hit put him on him through, none other than the Void." He grabbed for the file I still had laid out in front of me. He scrambled through it and found a picture of the head on a stick. "See the men in black suits?" He pointed to the people behind the picture. "This isn't a traditional crime scene photo. This was taken by the Void as a warning, sent to law enforcement and then completely dismissed as a suicide."
"Two questions," I held up my hand trying to process each piece of information, "Why the Void?" I started.
"They're always there, but you never see them." Matt chuckled to himself, "A gang with a slogan. You ever heard of that?"
"And how do they dismiss a head on a stick as a suicide?" I knitted my eyebrows together to express absolute confusion.
"When you're getting paid your monthly salary to keep quiet or if you have morals, but they show you a picture of your daughter sleeping in her bed, you kind of have a decision to make." Matt spelled out a long winded explanation.
"Right," I rolled the straw from one side of mouth to the other. "What now?"
"We have to find Bennett," Matt answered simply, "Liz found that he'll typically be in one of two places right now. Southern California or Mexico."
"He's already taken the..uh...people from England then?" I wondered.
"Exactly." Matt replied in a whisper.
"So you and I go and find Bennett, say we're successful," I tapped my fingertips on the table, "What happens?"
"It's gonna be old school," He answered honestly, "We're going to get answers."
"If he's already dead?" I glanced at the tattoo on the back of my hand and then back at Matt.
"We have to go inside." Matt shrugged. "It's our only option at that point."
"We keep my wife entirely out of it, right?" I questioned looking back into those soulless black eyes of his.
"I swear," He crossed his heart.
"You swear on what, cuz?" I asked pointing a finger at him.
"My life," He promised.
"That's a bug risk you're taking," I smirked.
"You already told me you were gonna kill me," He smirked back. "Whats the difference?"
"Can I ask you a question?" I grinned wholeheartedly and leaned into him.
"Whats one more?" He asked meeting me in the middle.
"You ever have a three way?" I chortled.
"What?" Matt half laughed half barked. "I'm not that guy anymore."
"Come on," I teased, "You can't kiss her on the mouth, but I'd love to watch you do everything else, yeah?" I waggled my brows at him.
"With Diamond?" He exclaimed.
"Do me a favor, mate," I spoke pulling the straw from my mouth, "Call her Betty."
"Not if you're gonna ask me to sleep with her." He cocked his head.
"Okay, what about a little swinging?" I suggested popping the straw back in and catching it between my teeth. "You and Catie ever party?"
"How have you not changed?" Matt looked at me like the nitwit he was.
"We like to keep things interesting," I explained. "It's never boring," I smirked, "And I bet you three thousand pounds that my wife has already asked yours." I reached out and honked his nose.
"She's pregnant!" Matt balked.
"So what?" I scoffed. "We went from having sex once a week to having regular quickies in the car. It only got better. She was so hungry all the time."
"Cate and I don't have that kind of relationship, Roman." Matt chuckled halfheartedly and shook his head as he gazed away from me.
"Fair enough," I held up my hands and sat back, "You always have to ask."
"You don't is the thing, man." Matt seemed almost offended.
"Did I hurt your feelings or something?" I asked pulling the straw out of my mouth and flipping it from finger to finger.
"Will you quit it with the straw?" He spoke each word as harshly.
"I hurt your feelings," I eyed him as I stuck the straw back in my mouth. "You ain't having sex, is you?"
"Not since she got pregnant," He admitted looking down at his hands.
"Is it because she got pregnant or because you asked her to marry you?" I wondered.
"Enough, dude," Matt snapped holding up a hand.
"Alright," I scoffed, "Whenever you're ready, I'll teach you a thing or two."
"What could you possibly teach me?" He grunted.
"About sex, mate?" I smiled at him, "Everything. You're probably cramming it in like freshman. Do you know how many doctors have their fingers buried inside her vagina on a regular basis? It's not about the act of sticking your hog inside the garage, it's a matter of making her feel as sexy as you tell her. You can tell her all day, mate, but she ain't gonna believe you until you show her."
Matt made that idiot face again where it looked like all the pieces were falling in.
"You've been mistreating your lady," I pointed one finger at him, "And I ain't gonna stand for it."
"So you and...Betty," He stopped to recall her real name. "Have this type of relationship...where..."
"I'm losing you, gov," I stopped him, "It ain't about me and Betty. You ain't got to add to keep happy, but subtracting from the two option your laid with ain't a pretty picture either."
"Two options?" Matt cocked a brow.
"Your lady or your hand," I chuckled at him.
"Fair," He shrugged.
"Send her flowers, send her food, and then send her hot prenatal lingerie." I suggested.
"Do they make that?" Matt asked looking over at me.
"They make everything," I guffawed, "You ever heard of Google?"
"Shut up," He chuckled.
"So what are we doing here?" I asked looking around. "What are we doing now?"
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dylan-hague · 8 years
Chapter 19
Wayne Manor, Gotham City. January 13th, 2018. 9:40 PM.
"Jeez, man! You used to LIVE here??"
Damian rubbed his temple as Garfield gushed about the foyer of the mansion. Honestly, it wasn't even the most expansive place Damian had ever taken residence in; the League temple where he'd been raised had been much larger, and stood for much longer than this place. Not to say that Wayne Manor was small, by any means, but Damian had certain standards of living. Life here in the Manor had been easy in comparison to life with the League, sure, but the League had shown him a different kind of respect. In Wayne Manor, he'd been treated as a son; in the League, he'd been hailed as a prince.
Regardless, it made sense that his friends would be at least mildly impressed by his father's estate. Jon grew up on a farm, Tara never had a real home, Jaime lived in a trailer, and Garfield... honestly, it didn't take much to impress Garfield. The only ones who didn't seem quite so blown away were Raven and Starfire, which made sense; Raven had grown up in some otherworldly Paradise, and Koriand'r was a princess.
"He did," Damian's father said with a smirk. "Only for three years, mind you, but this was Damian's home. Still is, should he ever need a place to stay."
"This place is niiiice..." Tara's whole body seemed to wave as she nodded. "I think we can get used to crashing here for awhile!"
"Of course, Miss Markov," Alfred smiled as he gestured towards the main staircase. "You have the run of the mansion during your stay, of course. After you've all been debriefed, I'll show you all to your quarters."
"But first, we need to talk about what our assignment is," Kori stated, her arms crossed. "Mr. Wayne, why are we all here?"
"Have patience, Starfire," Bruce replied. "We'll discuss that in the Cave. Follow me."
"Wait..." Garfield paused. "Did he just say the Cave? As in, the Batcave? The Batcave??" Bruce chuckled as he led the Titans into the study and through the hidden passage.
Already in the Batcave, two people clearly around the Titans age were already in the training ring: the first was Carrie, dressed down in a t-shirt and jeans like a normal citizen. The other was a boy, about Jon's height, with black hair and blue eyes, wearing a red flannel with a yellow undershirt and blue jeans.
"Robin, Will," Bruce called out to the two, "these are the Teen Titans. We'll be working with them on this case."
"Coo'!" Carrie exclaimed, hopping out of the ring towards the group. "Good to finally work with somebody my own age!"
"Titans," Bruce looked back to the teenagers behind him, "this is Carrie Kelley, the new Robin. And over here..."
"Hey," the other boy called as he stepped out of the ring towards the others. "Will Batson, Justice League."
"Batson?" Damian crossed his arms. "I'm surprised you aren't on Thanagar with the others."
Will shrugged. "Guess I'm still too young to go off-world without a permission slip." He smirked as the words left his mouth. "So I get to join in on... whatever we're doing here."
"You're joking," Garfield crossed his arms as he grinned at Will. "Look, I'm not sayin' you're scrawny or anything, but you don't exactly look like Justice League material."
Will turned to the Changeling, a spark of electricity flashing in his eyes as he spread his feet to shoulder width, standing up straight.
The whole Cave was engulfed in a blinding light, and the sound of thunder crashed through the cavern. When the lights died back down, standing before the Titans was a tall, black haired man garbed on a red suit, a white thunderbolt on his chest. On his back was a white cloak with a gold trim, held around his neck by a gold chain.
"Do I look like League material now?" the man's voice was deep, and seemed to reverberate within itself.
"Titans, this is Captain Thunder," Bruce said with a smirk.
"Whooooa..." Jon marveled at the man standing before them. "You're as tall as my dad..."
"Wait a minute," Damian stuttered, "I thought your name was Shazam?"
"Didn't have enough punch behind it," Captain Thunder said as he crossed his arms. "'Captain Thunder' just sounds more imposing. Some crooks will give up at just a name, after all."
"Focus, Titans." Bruce's voice was gruff as he began to pull his armor undersheath onto his bare chest. "We need to discuss our assignment."
"About that..." Jon turned to the Batman, pausing as he realized they were almost the same height. "... uhhh, we're still a little shaky on the details. Who exactly are we up against? It's not Bane, is it? 'Cuz I mean, I guess I can probably handle him, but..."
"No, Jon. Bane's locked away in Santa Prisca right now while we reinforce his cell here at Arkham." Bruce pulled his uniform on slowly, a grim feel to his movements.
"Okay, so who is it then?" Terra tilted her head to the side as she looked at the older superhero. "I'm sure whoever it is, we can handle--"
"Oh..." Raven's voice was a whisper, but the weight behind it drew the attention of everyone in the room. "Oh God..."
Bruce's brow furrowed as he looked to the mage girl whilst sliding his cowl over his face.
"It's him, isn't it?" Raven stammered. "... it's Joker."
The whole Cave fell unnaturally silent.
"... yes."
Damian's eyes squinted as everyone stopped to process the situation. The Joker was one of the most unpredictable, dangerous, and flat-out feared beings on the planet. Every time he returned, it seemed like he struck back in a way more destructive than ever before. And now, Batman was calling on them--teenagers--for backup.
Because evidently, he was out of options.
Crank Co. Toys Factory, Amusement Mile.
Everything ounce of her being screamed out for Harley Quinn to get as far away from here as she possibly could. She knew how dangerous he was, and he probably already knew she was here. But that's exactly why she had to be here; nobody knew him like she knew him. Aside from maybe the Bat, there was nobody in the world who would be better suited to stop him before he could hurt anybody. And really, she felt she had to try. If somebody didn't bring him down, there's no telling who he'd come down on. She had to keep him from getting to anybody she cared about. Ivy, Lawton... and especially Lucy.
These thoughts and more ran through Harley's head as she slid through the shadows deeper into the factory. She knew he was around here somewhere; he was always going on about how he wished he could take this joint from Bane's crew. But with Old El Paso locked up off in whatever hole they threw him in, the factory was crawling with thugs in clown masks toting AKs and S39s. With a reputation like his, Harley used to wonder how he managed to do business with any arms dealer in New Jersey. But after all the years she let him control her, she figured out exactly how he did it.
At last, she snuck into the Security office. Bigger than she expected it to be, with about a dozen screens lining the wall in front of the console, displaying a view of almost the entire factory. Harley noted that her path had taken her straight through a few of the cameras. But that didn't matter; there he was, pacing back and forth in front of the console. He would often send a decoy of some sort to throw off any attempts at preemptive strikes to take him down, but this was definitely him, Harley knew it. He was very, very careful not to reveal it to anyone, but he had a tell; a few years ago, the Police Commissioner shot him in the kneecaps, as some kind of payback for what he did to his daughter. He eventually recovered, but his right leg didn't quite heal right. It was barely noticeable, but she saw the slightest limp every time he took a step with his right foot. This was the real deal, alright.
Harley stood up straight, walked right up behind him, and held her pistol up to his head. Both of them stood unmoving for a moment, and a long rasp of air pushed its way out of his throat, and a low, ragged cackle began to fill the air around them as he slowly turned to face her.
"Well well well..." the Joker's scarlet lips stretched out, his opaque flesh wrinkling as he grinned back at his former protege. "Welcome back, honeybun."
Harley scowled back at the lanky ghoul before her. "Puddin'."
Joker cocked an eyebrow as he lightly touched the barrel of Harley's gun with his index finger. "Y'know Harley, I'm kinda gettin' a bad vibe from you today," he hissed, never breaking eye contact with her. "It almost feels like you're not happy to see me!"
"Look, I ain't in the mood for your routine tonight, so let's just cut to it," Quinn said bluntly, her accent thickening with her disgust. "Whatever ya got planned, call it off. I ain't lettin' it happen."
Joker cackled again as he stepped around her slowly, her gun still aimed at his head. "Oh Harley... Harley, Harley, Harley. You're so adorable when you're angry, y'know that?"
Harley's brow furrowed as she pressed the gun into his forehead. "I ain't playin' around here, Jay. Tell your boys to get outta here. I'll give ya two days to skip town, ya hear me?"
Joker's smile slightly retreated as he glared back at the woman. Harley pulled back the hammer with her thumb, the click as it locked into place solidifying her threat. His eyes began to squint as he took in a deep breath...
Harley felt the slightest prick on the back of her neck, and her eyes went wide. Gradually, her body began to feel weaker and weaker. She tried to squeeze the trigger, but found that her finger wouldn't move. The Joker's grin spread right back out as he gently took hold of the pistol, letting it slide of her hand as Harley fell to her knees, her head spinning.
"You didn't think I was about to let you walk in here and put one in me, now did you dear?" The clown's voice was dripping with condescension as he took a knee, holding Harley's pistol loosely in one hand. Harley slumped over, now unable to move at all. Joker pushed her onto her back, and a pair of bare feet stepped forward on either side of her head. Harley looked up to see a slim woman with short blond hair, wearing tight burgundy leather pants and a vest of the same, halfway unzipped to expose the extensive tattoos on her chest. Her forearms were covered with some light gauntlet, with a pair of long claws on each hand covering her first two fingers. Black paint was smeared across her eyes, and as she smirked down at Harley, a forked tongue slid across her lips.
"So sorry, grupa," the woman hissed. "But work is work."
"Excellent work, Miss Copperhead!" Joker smirked up at the assassin. "Keep this up, you might just be looking at a very pretty payday."
Copperhead winked at the green-haired creature before turning her attention back to the helpless woman lying before her. Her eyebrow raising just barely, she shifted her weight and slowly caressed her victim's face with her right foot, dragging her toes across Harley's lips and up over her eye. The assassin's forked tongue slipped out over her lips again as she turned, walking back into the shadows. Harley's eyes began to well up with tears as she knew there would be no escape; she should have listened to her gut instinct and ran away. But now here she was, unable to move anything but her eyes.
The Joker's grin extended out even farther. "You've been a very bad girl, Harley..." he growled as he began to pull the woman's top open. "... but don't worry... I know just how you're going to make it up to me."
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