#so i'm at work and we didn't use to serve coffe but now we do
concerto-roblox · 2 years
just made the same cup of coffee three times and now i'm crying how's your evening going
#so i'm at work and we didn't use to serve coffe but now we do#and i have never made coffee before in my life#and it should be fairly simple bc it's instant#but i forget to turn the machine on when i get to work#and then this guy tells me his coffee is 'freezing cold'#which it literally wasn't it was literally warm but apprently coffee is supposed to burn the roof of your mouth or whatever#i say sorry and then try not to cry bc i feel stupid#and then i go wait for the water to heat up more and i keep putting some in a cup to test how hot it is#i think it's hot enough but after i've made it i start panicking it's not hot enough#and the sink is broken so i go outside to poor it down the drain#and then i TRIP and spill it all over my hand#turns out it was hot enough bc i burned my whole hand and started actually crying#i don't get to the cold water fast enough so it stings like a bitch#then i go make the coffee AGAIN (while crying) and try to calm down#i go give the guy his coffee and say sorry it took so long and i pretend the machine is broken bc i'm so fucking embarrassed#this time he seems nice and says thank you but idk if it's cos he heard me crying or not#i try to hold it in but i accidentally make a weird noise while walking away and i'm hoping he didn't hear me#and yeah now i feel stupid AND i hurt myself#girlies do not believe anyone who says autism isn't a disability 😔#just realised i misspelled coffee in the first tag but i'm on mobile and am not going back to change it lmao#how to be cringe 101#i may delete this idk i don't normally vent on here but i needed to talk abt it to calm myself down#and i can't call either of my parents bc of the stupid *******#sorry i'll stop i honestly feel better now
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juncottonluvbot · 6 years
Yugyeom x reader
This took me soooo long to make, hope you enjoy!
Being twenty-one was nothing like you thought it would be, for one you thought you'd be free, from your parents, useless classes, from your tiny little hometown, plus you'd finally have your own money.
So much for thinking, right?
You may be free from your parents but you're trapped with your roommate for at least one more year, your dirty, loud and just straight up disrespectful roommate.
You still had to have some useless classes that are obligatory and even the classes you like are still too much work, even when they aren't taught by teachers that seem to be sent from hell.
And money?? That was the most far-fetched of them all, with student loans and having to pay for basic necessitys with your little waitress salary, let's just say you don't have that much money, and when you do it all goes to your savings.
At least you're out of the little town you could swear you'd never leave, that was a major win.
Today you were working the night shift, one of your co-workers asked if you could fill in for them and since you could use the extra money here you are, serving four people, two of which seemed pretty drunk, what a wonderful life.
As you moved to refil one of the peoples cup of coffe two more people came in, two young adult males that didn't seem wasted, which was unusual considering it was about one in the morning right now.
When you went to greet them you couldn't help but notice that both males were really attractive, yet knowing the clients that usually came in this hour you could just hope they weren't complete assholes.
'Hi i'm y/n! I'll be serving you today, already decided what you want?'
You watched as the taller of the boys blushed and looked down at the menu,while the other boy tried to keep in a laugh.
You tried not to smile at how cute the taller boy looked trying to keep his eyes in the menu.
'Hum...We'd like two large cokes please'
The taller boy said, his eyes still stuck to the menu.
'Ok! Anything else?'
The shorter boy stifled a laugh again this time playfully elbowing his friend, you could guess why (more daring customers have tried the 'yes, your number' thing on you)
'No, we're still deciding'
You're thankful none of them did.
'Ok then, i'll be back with your drinks'
And with that you left the table, the cute boy almost immediately dropping his face to the menu, causing you to be the one to have to stifle your laugh at how cute he was being.
Whilst you went back to seving other tables only briefly stopping by their table again to give the drinks (since they were apparently mid counting how much money they had to order) you noticed eyes looking at you form time to time and though you did not manage to catch the perpetrator in the act, the blushing cheeks of the tall cutie told you all you needed to know.
They eventually did decide to order some food (which they ate with impressive speed, especially considering how thin both boys were) and then asked for the bill.
When you came back to the table they were whispering to each other, tall cutie looking as red as ever.
'Here it is'
'Thank you'
You watched as the smaller boy got up from the table to leave, making his friend release a small 'don't', making you wonder once again how one can be so cute.
As the boy left you and the cutie by your selves, you watched him stumble to pick up the money giving you an awkward smile, to which you answered back with a genuine one hoping to make him more comfortable.
After giving you the money, just as you were about to turn, he spoke up.
'So... Hum, when is your shift ending?'
You have to admit, the surprise on your face was evident, for the cute shy boy to try asking you out? That was an unexpected turn.
'That sounded creepy didn't it?... I'm sorry, you're just really cute and... I'm making it worse, right?... Just forget it.. I'm so sorry'
You only took a while to interrupt his cute little ramble because of the shoked state his suggestion (and his adorableness) left you in, then you realised your mistake and answered.
'You didn't, trust me'
You gave him a smile which he, much to your pleasure, corresponded with a smile of his own.
'After my shift i'll be going straight home, but maybe we can meet another day...?
'Yugyeom, how cute'
His ears turned red.
You picked up a pen from your back pocket and noted your number in the back of the bill writing your name (and a heart) along with it.
'I will'
Nothing could ever get you tired of that smile ever.
He did call, and the date went well, very well, fantastic, in fact not only your date but the rest of the year went fantastic, in spite your issues dating Yugyeom made being twenty-one better than you ever thought it would be.
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alexflinn3 · 6 years
"Hey...," I started. "...you left."
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"I'm sorry... I have a million things on my mind this morning," Romee said, nervously, trying to choose which hand she'll use to shake with mine. "I forgot to pay and just...go."
She has this nervous laugh again, as she tries to hide her face behind the bouquet of flowers. "I...didn't mean to steal the flowers. Please don't hold it against me." she was mumbling something beneath her breath which I cannot figure much, but ou did heard something about 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘯𝘦𝘳.
"I was..." I was stunned, the instant she looked at me. Her eyes, penetetrated inside. "No... I was about to say... You left. From here. And I thought you'd be gone."
I hold out the phone. My eyes still not leaving hers. "Don't worry about the flowers. I was wondering if this is yours. And..." my thoughts slipped suddenly, "I think dinner would be nice. I'm Alex."
"Yes it’s mine thank you Alex. I live right across from the shop. Thanks for being so kind. Dinner would be great I’m kind of tired of eating alone, I welcome the company."
I handed the phone over to her. Not realising that I still have my stupid apron on, with a few trimmings and earth hanging on the sides.
I look at my watch and at that time, my stomach shamelessly grumbles. "Well, I guess I'll see you around?" I hesitated, as I pocket my fists inside my pocket. I watched Romee walk slowly backwards. Reluctantly, I open my gob.
"I'm actually on a break now. So would coffee be OK with you?"
There was no hesitation for her, with my offer. Romee went quickly from her apartment and down again, greeting me with her smile. "Lead the way..."
With my hands at the back of my pocket, we have a few block right to Arthur's Avenue, before we've stopped inside the cafe.
"Any preference?"
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Romee was alright with it. She did mention that she brags that the stew that they serve at the caffee is a must try. She was filled with excitement, but time and time again I would notice that she'd get pulled pensively by her own thoughts. But then again. She would stare right back at me.
Romee's look was so distracting I kept my eyes on the menu and tried as hard to select something in the lunch menu, but ended up asking for some bourbon instead. The place was crowded, and it took awhile before our orders are served.
" I don't remember having lunch in the cafe to be honest. But, it seems like a good spot."
I tied to put her off. But her eyes. It just keep starring at me. Trying hard to keep the ball rolling I have my mouth open. Thinking of asking her about her quick escape from the last time. But I refrain myself in doing so.
"You must've been busy then. And, the flowers? Is it to decorate your place?"
She nods, telling me that it's for her place since its been quiter after her roommate left. "I'm sorry to stare," Romee added. "... It's just I've never had lunch with someone. 𝘑𝘢𝘬𝘦 never let me eat outside..." Romee continued on. Suddenly, I have a plate, with half of her sandwich in it. She looks at me, explaining things, but then she suddenly stood up, put a few bills and told me that she would like to leave.
"Please...." I stood up. I didn't realise that I have my hand reaching for her arm. Stopping her from leaving.
We starred at each other for a few seconds before I realise, that I was holding her. I gave a nervous laugh, which was unusual, before deciding to let my nerves go anyfurer, I gently loosen my grip. Scratching my head, I gesture for her to sit down before chomping the sandwich she gave.
"What do you have on this one?"
I could sense that she was suddenly unnerved the moment I touched her. Romee explained that it's a Reuben. She smiles, but within that smoilre she quivers. Her attempt on lightening the subject was futile,as her voice shakes while asking me about my work at the flower shop.
"Just a couple of weeks, I'd say," I placed the sandwich on the side. My throat parched, ready to take my first sip of that bourbon. But I psihed it away. Instead I ask for my second best drink-- black. Instead of saying sorry to her, for making her nervous I blurt out "And you?"
Romee gave a few details of when and what she's been doing here in New York. It was all fine when suddenly she get all weary.
Her eyes flickered strangely,but this time, it's as if she was looking through me. I caught a glimpse of someone at the reflection in the window. A man, he's mannerisms too obvious not to notice.
I picked it up instantly, from her, and from the man who's just pass by the table. She has a good way of dealing things under pressure as she ask me if we are ready to leave.
"Sure. Let's..." I tossed the napkin on the side, and swallowed the last of my coffe, before slapping a few bills on the table. "Would you be OK if I walk you home?"
Romee took the offer. "... I still owe you dinner, but I'll make sure I'm stocked with bourbon," she laughs, nervously. Again. She displays that innocent, jovial look. But her eyes. "... save me a 𝘴𝘶𝘯𝘧𝘭𝘰𝘸𝘦𝘳...."
"I can't say. But sure." I gave a slight smirk on my face, "I'll try.
We were at the crossroads. Romee tried to walk as normally as she can. But her eyes shifted every few seconds over her shoulder, still glancing from the crowd. I placed my hands in my pocket. My working apron, pinched beneath my arm. I waved goodbye, seeing to her as she wave goodbye. Then I decided to vanish.
The streets were busy. The asphalt hot underneath, doubling the blaze that was already 105° over. And everyone was just minding their own business. But someone was following her, like a shadow. Ready to pull her at the back alley.
Romee seemed to walk faster and faster as she looks over her shoulder, more often, more obvious. He was on her. And her hand was in her purse.
Before she could even squeeze her fingers around her firearm, I've already managed to pull the bastard with my apron. Choking him quietly to the side. Hearing him gasp.
She was in shock. But the fact that she had her hand in her purse. That gun that's hidden inside, shows that she was prepared to make her own move. Still, she was shocked by the events.
Her thoughts were in a jumble. Bombarding me with information. Explaining things to me, one after the other. Shaken, I'll at ease, pacing. All she wanted was to have all those things funneled out of her chest. And then the tears in her eyes flowed.
There was no hesitation when I came in thru to her door. I carried Romee to the nearest chair I could find, and breeze to the kitchen, fetching her some water.
She was shaking uncontrollably. Her words spilled into a babble. But I tried to reach to her.
"Hey breathe. You're OK."
I pulled her shaky fingers on the glass, and let her take a sip. "Romee... Everything is fine. You're safe."
I repeat the words, as I place my hand on op of hers. It felt icy to the touch. But soon as my fingers warmed hers. Slowly, her breathing slows into normal.
Her face looked at mine. Her eyes, suddenly blinking the ears that already covered her. I nodded, as soon as she respond. "You're safe."
"Thank you... So much.. Thank you..." Romee said, repeatedly. I shook my head, and tell her she's fine. Then she ask if I can stay with her and talk to her a little bit longer.
The event that just happened has thoroughly shocked her. And the information that she gave has made me realised how difficult her position is. But I just... I just can't.
I couldn't imagine myself being pulled back to that hell hole. Not now. Not when I'm trying hard to bring myself back into the rubble I'm into. What I did was purely instinct, the way she phrased it when she reached down for her gun. I want to open my mouth and say no. But my teeth got hold of my tongue first. Still my bluntness would always surface.
I walked towards her crime board and saw where her eyes dwell. All that sadness, that pain, that fear that lurks beneath the tears.
"Whatever happened back there, happened. But I..." My hands clenched suddenly as Romee watched my lips. My every word. I slipped my hands in my pocket. And think carefully for those words that will leave my lips.
"Use that thing well."
It wasn't received the way I intend to. 𝘞𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘢𝘮 𝘐 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨? I wanted to get out of there. Its not good to meddle in someone else's affair.
My feet hesitated, the minute my hands pressed against her front door. I could still sense that she's badly shaken. Her eyes transfixed in the glass of water I gave. Half empty, half full.
"What do you got on your fridge?" I started again, trying to break the silence. "I'm famished..."
Again, there is that moment of awkwardness. Somehow, we ended up having pizza and with a couple of bottles opened.
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@alexflinnromeewild© @r0mee ©
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