#so i'm excited to grow it
toxxenn · 9 months
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Percabeth Origins
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 3 months
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Wrapping up the season with a redraw (Jan 2024)!
Thank you all for these last 6 months, I have loved making so many people laugh from my silly comics B*)
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softerhaze · 2 months
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paloma abrams is a restless, adventurous, and outgoing sim who aspires to be a playground captain 🏴‍☠️🦸‍♀️her favorite color is green, she likes pranks, and she dislikes pessimists 💥
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sketchy-tour · 5 months
Found a lil bit of energy to doodle! Watched the new episode of TADC and now have grown VERY attached to Gangle she is definitely my favorite of the cast!
Take these very low effort and messy doodles I did of her after watching the new ep!
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avi-on-jumblr · 8 months
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leonardburton · 1 month
the thing is. juno & nureyev's relationship has been such a major guiding thread throughout the podcast and the major drive of season 5, and the fandom has built itself so much (as fandoms often do) around shipping the two of them.
and yet nureyev doesn't show up at all in the last episode! or, he does, but it's only implied (for all we know it could be like. alessandra strong)(i know it's not but it would be really funny) and we don't hear his voice.
and it's so important to me that despite the room that their romance has taken in the plot and in our hearts, his absence reinforces that the point of juno steel's story wasn't a lady getting his man, it was about learning to grow as person for himself and for his friends (and not just his love interest), and it was about finding his footing in life and being at peace with himself and his place in the world. and he did! his growth and relative serenity is so apparent and just. a balm to the soul
and the fact that his man is back is just a nice add-on, not a necessity for his happiness
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mikodrawnnarratives · 2 months
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so i got more ideas for an extension of this post
Ideas about how the acquire this child below, if details don't line up with canon pls be nice i have the memory of a goldfish sometimes
The King finally being able to remember the forgotten island is the first step out of many to being able to recover what happened to it and how to recover its culture and ppl
It takes a while for ppl to realize this tho, and about a decade after the events of act 6 happen, Odile finds out that ppl are now able to travel to the island. Results are mixed, many report that if you get lost you have a slim chance of coming back out remembered, but the more successful trips bring back things like shells and fruit from the island
Odile shares this information with the gang when they all visit Bonnie, closest place to the island, and Siffrin really wants to go. And since Siff is going, everyone else is too. They paint on everyone's arms necessary information in case they get separated and temporarily forget, and get a long ass rope to tie to everyone.
The moment they get to the island they discover quite a bit but the entrance to the cities and civilization is blocked up with highly advanced mechanics.
Siffrin, in some way, finds a path from this and discovers a room. A room coated in wish craft of some sort. Inside there is a baby in a crib sleeping peacefully. Stepping inside makes the wish craft fade, and the baby begins to cry hysterically. A very very VERY confused Siffrin tries to comfort the baby but for xyz reason has to rush out of the room. Maybe someone set off a trap idk.
Siffrin and the gang make it back to the boats, they still have a lot to do before the island can be unforgotten and rediscovered, but for now they have this KID to deal with
Most prominent, and correct, theories are that someone wished for the baby to be kept in a state of inertia right before the wish that made the island forgotten. Siffrin stepping into the room made it vanish since the wish wanted the baby to be okay until ppl on the island were back to normal, Siffrin, an islander, set it off.
Siffrin would be so so lost but still trying their best with the baby, everyone else also trying their shot. Bonnie might try to see if they have anything a baby could eat but ofc they don't they didn't anticipate a baby joining the party for the short trip. Odile finds the situation both humorous and aggravating. Baby eventually stops crying, back in Siffrin's arms and everyone finds it adorable to see Siffrin acting borderline parental to the kid. It looks like they are biologically related too! Both with blackless hair and clothing of the same material. Isa melts at the sight.
When they get back they'll get the infant a check up to ensure everything is okay and the wish craft didn't have any adverse affects. While waiting, the fam has a lot to talk about. Mainly Siff and Isa. Discussion of where the baby is gonna go ensues alongside plan for getting farther into the island. The baby stays in the care of a nursery until Siff and Isa decide if they'll take the baby in. Isa's never been against the idea of having kids, and Siff has never considered it until this point. They'd have a bunch of worries about messing it up, but overall they want to keep a close eye on someone so connected to their country. And if they are investigating the culture, maybe the baby would have a better chance at learning it if it stayed with them...
A month of discussion and preparation, they sign the adoption papers, or do whatever in the world of isat that would confirm the baby is part of their family
They might name the baby something related to Inertia, and if its literally "Inertia" then a cute nickname would be Tia, I like the idea of them getting a bby girl. If we're being honest though they 100% would name her smthn like a pun i just can't think of anything creative atm. So lets just go with tia for now. Their friends would celebrate in the way all their different cultures do and bby's got a loving family.
Isa and Frin decide early on that they are going to try to raise the kid bilingual, Frin trying to speak the forgotten island's language as much as possible. Research into the forgotten island continues as Tia grows up, including how to teach the language and write it down. It's slower than anyone would like to admit
Tia grows up and upon learning that they were found twenty years after the island was forgotten, tries her shot at underage drinking "Y'know, ✨✨I'm actually twenty years older than i appear✨✨"
it never works
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mspaint-flower · 9 months
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he hurt his legs more
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matchingbatbites · 2 years
Love Grows - Part 1
This is my take on teen dad Steve! It was just supposed to be a ficlet, but the word count is currently hovering at 4k and I'm not done, so this will be going up in parts. <3
Ao3 | Part 2
February '85
The rumors have been flying for weeks. It only took one cheerleader to see Steve Harrington out and about with a baby and soon enough the news was all over the school. Nevermind that no one else has even seen said baby, but just the one accusation is enough to send the rumor mill into production.
It's something that had piqued Eddie's interest, but he quickly attributed it to teenagers spreading drama, a fiction created for their own entertainment. That is, until the day Harrington shows up to school with the baby.
The halls are buzzing, more so than usual, and it only takes until second period for Eddie to realize why. The entire class breaks into whispers when Steve walks in with a baby carrier in one hand, a piece of paper in the other, and a diaper bag slung over his shoulder. The paper goes to the teacher, who reads it before saying something to Steve, and Eddie is so curious but unable to hear anything over the chatter in the room.
Eddie can’t take his eyes off Steve for the rest of the class. He watches as the carrier finds a home on the floor, right by Steve’s desk, and Eddie has a perfect view of the little, rosy-cheeked baby girl from his seat two rows behind Steve (at least, Eddie’s assuming it’s a girl. The blanket tucked around her is a soft pink, so-). He sees every time Steve leans over to check on her, sees how her big eyes flick up to look at him, how she smiles around the pacifier in her mouth. 
It makes Eddie go all gooey inside; he's always loved kids, always hoped to find a guy who is good with them, and seeing Harrington being so attentive only increases the low-key crush he has on the other guy (he knows it’s a little pathetic, but Steve is very attractive, and Eddie is very gay, sue him). When the class ends, Eddie gathers his stuff slowly so he has an excuse to hang back a little and watch Steve interact with the baby some more, but soon enough the younger is also packed up and out the door.
Eddie doesn't see Steve again until later that day, when he's skipping out on 5th period and hears a baby crying as he passes by a closed classroom door. He peeks in through the window and sees Harrington pacing slowly while holding the baby against his shoulder, one arm supporting her from the bottom as his free hand rubs circles into her back. 
For a moment Eddie thinks about walking on, about just leaving Steve alone as he comforts his wailing child, but the cries pull hard on Eddie's heartstrings and he finds himself opening the door and slipping inside.
"Everything okay?" he asks, and Steve looks up in surprise before his expression shifts into something unreadable. 
"Yeah, we're fine. She's just extra fussy because she's teething. I came in here because I don't want to disturb anyone else." 
Eddie hums and goes to the nearby diaper bag, starts digging through it and is surprised when Steve doesn't tell him to stop. He finds a little bottle of numbing gel and smears some onto his pinky before sliding it into the baby's still wailing mouth, and carefully rubs it over her gums as he coos at her. 
"I know, honey, it hurts so bad. It's gonna be okay, though, just you wait." 
He glances up to see Steve staring at him, his expression curious, and Eddie suddenly feels overexposed. 
"My last neighbor had two jobs and three small kids, so I have a little experience with babies," Eddie explains, needing to fill the sudden silence that falls as the baby calms. His finger is still in her mouth, and he feels no desire to remove it, especially once she starts gnawing on it gently. Steve glances down at his girl before giving Eddie a soft smile, and Eddie's heart flips in his chest. 
"That's more than I have, at least. Thanks." 
"No worries, man. What, uh- what's her name?"
"Rosemary," Steve says, humming when the baby makes a soft noise. "At least, that's what I'm changing it to, as soon as I'm able." 
The warmth that had settled in Eddie's stomach sours a little at Steve's declaration, and as he pulls his finger from the baby's mouth he can't help biting out "And her mom is okay with you changing her name?" 
The atmosphere in the room changes as Steve's face crumbles, and Eddie knows he's said something wrong. 
"Her mom didn't want anything to do with her," Steve replies softly, and oh no, Eddie instantly feels like a piece of shit. He'd heard the rumors that some girl had just dumped the baby on him, but he didn't think they were true. 
"Shit, I'm so sorry, man. I didn't mean to assume anything." 
"It's okay. No one really knows about the whole… situation." 
There's an awkward pause before Eddie asks "So, Rosemary. Your choice wouldn't happen to be inspired by a certain Edison Lighthouse song, would it?" He smiles when Steve blushes, the pink dusting his face so sweetly as he shrugs. 
"It was my grandma's favorite song, and a lot of my happy memories are with her, so... I've already started calling her Rosie, so she'll be used to it." 
"It’s a good name," Eddie hums, rubbing his thumb over Rosie's tiny eyebrow. "She's a cute kid, Harrington."
Steve mutters a soft “Thanks,” and then there’s a brief pause before he asks "Do you- do you want to hold her?" and Eddie doesn't even hesitate before nodding and giving a quick “Yes!”
He takes off his jacket and vest in one go, knowing the fabric is a little rough, and takes the baby when Steve offers her to him. He holds her close, one hand supporting her and the other resting on her back, and starts to sway a little. "I haven't held a baby in like, two years. I forgot how calming it is." Steve hums and smiles as he sits on a nearby desk. “Yeah, it is.”
They spend the rest of the time just talking about whatever comes to mind, and it's really fucking nice. Eddie learns about the gaggle of kids Steve babysits ("They're all shitheads, but I love them, even when they're using me as a chauffeur.") and Eddie talks a little about his own friends, his band ("I mean being famous is the end goal, but it's also just fun to get together and be creative just for the sake of it, you know?") and before they know it, the bell is ringing to signal the end of the period. 
Steve frowns, a cute pout that tugs on the corners of his mouth, and Eddie has to bite back a smile at the expression. He sets a now sleeping Rosie back into her carrier before shrugging on his jacket and vest, and hesitates for a moment. 
"Listen, Harrington. I know that we don't really know each other, but I've seen firsthand how tough this single parent shit can be, so. If you ever need a hand, or need someone to watch her so you can get shit done, you can ask me, yeah? No worry, no judgment."
Steve blinks at him, big hazel eyes flicking between Eddie's like he's making an insight check against Eddie's words. He must like what he finds, because he smiles softly and says "Thanks, Munson."
And Eddie shrugs, and smiles in return. "Call me Eddie, man."
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tothestarsinvelaris · 3 months
idk maybe its just me, but I read all of Gw/n and Azriel's interactions as a budding platonic best friends kinda deal, similar to what Cassian and Feyre have together.
Cassian and Feyre in ACOMAF have some banter that comes off as flirting (we don't bite... unless you want us to). Cassian trains her at the HoW and is there for her as she breaks through and starts truly healing. We all remember how he was willing and able to keep taking the punches without the padding if she needed it. That is very heartwarming, but not romantic.
Both Cassian and Azriel are defensive of Feyre and care for her even before she is HL - because she is their friend.
in ACOSF, I feel like Azriel is proud of Gw/n because he knows firsthand what horrific things she went through. I think as she comes into her confidence and strength in the training ring, he is watching her with admiration bc he has also been through a lot - they all have. He knows how hard it is to overcome your past and find confidence. Plus, the Illyrians fought with the original Valkyrie, so I'm sure he was feeling nostalgic and hopeful at the thought of having these badass women there to fight along side them again if and when the time comes.
Feeling pride, admiration, hope, and having playful banter with someone does not = romantic feelings.
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cringefailvox · 4 months
"i'll just tap out a quick thing for the rain prompt for radiostatic week," i said, unaware of the large anvil labeled LONG, COMPLICATED, FUCKED UP AU hanging over my head
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just-null · 11 months
i have come here to personally thank you for giving me more than i asked for 🙏🏻 i am utterly grateful like IDJFKDKKFODOD 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️ it made me so happy the last doodle has my heart he is so cute i will eat him
also there is a DROUGHT out there for us noritoshi fans like im living on CRUMBS its insane and omg dont even talk to me abt how it feels like to be a kashimo and ino lover (altho they are getting a bit more love now) my nori is still underrated :/ sooo hence im asking ur hand in friendship and in exchange i promise to share my hcs with you abt nori my sweet lil meow meow we're in this together 💪🏻💪🏻
also since its October, do you think he likes horror movies? i feel like he can withstand gory movies but its the jumpscares that get him and he wont tell u he's scared when u watch one with jumpscares owkfkdkd imagine him hiding his face against ur shoulder or something 😭😭😭 (i used to do that with my dad when we watched horror movies and i used to be like im not scared😤😤 when he asked if i was lmfao thats where this hc stemmed from)
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he's probably used to gore and gritty stuff like that since he sees it often being a jujutsu sorcerer and all. not to mention his technique is literally blood. maybe he's desensitized to gore films, the most you'll get from him is a disgusted scowl.
BUT DID YOU SEE HOW QUICK HIS EYE OPENED WHEN HANAMI SHOWED UP BEHIND HIM. YOURE SO FUCKING FR ABT JUMPSCARES. Noritoshi is that guy who wouldn't scream or yelp but gasp really loudly and jump out of his skin.
i feel like they get him most in horror because of the music building up anticipation. if its one of those fake outs where the jumpscare comes a bit after, he's fucked UP. It makes him instantly miffed, as he tries to regain his composure. He swears he's not usually like this, it got him by surprise is all..!
Noritoshi is the type that'd only watch a horror movie if the story is rich and complex. He's the type of guy to like open endings that make you think.. if it's a guilty pleasure movie where all the protags make stupid decisions, he gets annoyed right off the bat.
He's groaning and complaining about how imbecile the characters are, but would still watch it with you because you personally invited him. If he's lucky you could fall asleep on his shoulder or [insert movie cliche here] how could he pass that up? But Noritoshi wouldn't be able to focus on you if he gets twice as annoyed because its a bad movie + jumpscares. it still startles him, but the movie is so terrible, he's embarrassed it got him, especially in front of you!!!
if you get involved and you tell him to quiet down, Noritoshi would shift his focus towards you. like that awkward guy who thinks he's being smooth and lowkey about how he cuddles up next to you. He wants to be the tough guy who's shoulder you can hide in, and he is!! just not.. with jumpscares.......
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robo-dino-puppy · 11 months
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horizontober 2023 | 31: future
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seaspaghetti · 5 days
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RD and AJ
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hallowpen · 6 months
Cranium was announced as a series back in January:
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Idol Factory officially announced, today, that they will be producing the series for 2025!!!
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As they are two of the very few biological anthropologists in the country, a catastrophic plane crash forces two doctors and former university rivals to work together. While identifying the victims, the discovery of an unexpected skull adds a new layer of mystery to the investigation. At some point during their work, a shift in their typically adversarial relationship occurs.
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prince-liest · 28 days
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I got some new ones that I'm excited for, including these Echeveria 'Cris' (left) and Echeveria 'Seraphina' (right). They are both so fucking cute. And yes, that's right, the moment my Seraphina leaves showed signs of propping, I finally managed to find an actual full plant and immediately bought it, haha. I'm still going to try to prop the leaves and maybe hand out some fun little plant babies to friends, though. And the Cris just has a really cool stacked shape.
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This is an Echeveria 'Perle von Nurnberg,' which is a fairly well-known cultivar that I potted into a larger pot and will be keeping outside, as they're light hogs. They can grow and propagate into some truly beautiful and colorful red/purple displays, so I really hope that I succeed with this one!
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Finally found an actual lithops like I'd wanted to a while back, and a nice large specimen that is solo in its own cup, which should be good for my first attempt at keeping these, as it circumvents the issue of multiple plants at different stages of growth that might react poorly to conflicting watering needs. I really love how weird these guys look.
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And two little dudes I owned already, the Graptoveria 'Bashful' (left) and split rock plant (right) that both ran into issues. The graptoveria lost its red-tipped stress coloration and the split rock actually aborted its bloom (NOOOOO), which are issues that in combination prompted me to double the number of lights I have on my succulent shelf. If that doesn't do it, I can still add even more lights very easily, so I'm keeping an eye on stress colors and etoliation pretty carefully now. Thankfully the graptoveria is quicker to react than my echeverias, which would mostly just etoliate irreversibly.
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