#so i'm hoping that once the time loop au and the character study are done i can be a lot more frequent with updates
alrightbuckaroo · 8 months
hey i was wondering if you still plan on continuing "come and take a walk by the wild side" 🫶 it's one of my favourite fics ever, no pressure tho! 💕
Hey there, anon!
First, thank you so much; I'm so glad you like it :), and yes, I do!
I've been doing my best to work on it in between things so it doesn't just stay stagnant and collect dust. Right now, I'm working on TK's interlude, which is where we learn more about how he met Sam. After that is the Gala, and then from there, it actually shouldn't be too much longer.
As a way to say thank you for your unending patience, here's a snippet of the next chapter:
“Who’s ready to spend the night making the best worst decisions?” Chaos and celebration come barging through the door under the guise of TK’s friend, Derrick Caldwell. Derrick, standing a modest six foot and dressed in monochromatic green, looks to TK, hoping to see the enthusiasm mirrored. Instead, he sees a very heartbroken TK who is not at all ready for a night out. “No, no, no no,” Derrick hurries out, pointing a finger at TK and looking towards Kimberly. “Why is he sulking?” “Josh broke up with him,” Kimberly answers, scavenging through her make-up bag. “Oh,” Derrick deflates, looking back over to TK who’s still staring up at the dorm ceiling. “On your birthday?” “Don’t remind me,” TK says under the cloak of his own hands rubbing up and down his face.
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lemony-snickers · 2 years
hi hi hi. thanks so much for playing! i hope you're doing well. <3
🧐 Do you spend much time researching for your stories?
this... very much depends on the story. generally, for fanfiction, i don't do too much unless it's necessary. i kind of let myself just fall into the story and i often keep timelines sort of vague for that reason, though i will check chronology and facts about characters as necessary.
but for something like helping hands (and all the historical romance aus), i do some perfunctory research sort of throughout. like, what kind of clothing did people where, how did they travel, what did they eat, that sort of thing. i've done some research on the japanese military history (which is bolstered by my martial arts background, tbh, because it's something we often discussed in our studies), and the police force particularly for scent of a camellia. i also have watched a lot of weapons demonstration videos to figure out how a kyoketsu-shoge moves so i could describe it in fight scenes, lol.
as for my non-fanfic writing, i have done a lot of research on a bunch of very strange topics ranging from the prices and customization of caskets to the history of ice fishing and how long a brown rat can hold its breath. i like learning totally useless stuff for no reason whatsoever, lmao. i once watched a medical school autopsy video just so i coud make a halloween costume.
🎶 Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?
lately, most of what i've been listening to has been my running/workout playlist because i am training for something asdlfjasdf my fave songs from it currently are hot girl bummer by blackbear and good morning sunshine by the narcissist's cookbook. that second one def helps get my ass moving at 5AM when i would much rather be sleeping.
however, i do often listen to music while writing. either that or sometimes i will have an asmr video going in the background because it helps me focus. generally, i have some "mood" playlists that i will listen to when i'm writing specific types of things. like, i have a longing playlist and ones for melancholy and action. just stuff that generally has the vibe of what i'm trying to write.
some of my larger projects actually have soundtracks that i make for them, but don't typically share since they probably only make sense to me. some of them stay in the rotation long after the project is over, depending on how much i like the music i chose to fit it.
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alrightbuckaroo · 10 months
Everyone I need HELP.
I'm currently in the middle of working on the Carlos character study and the Old West AU.
That said, there were two quick (maybe not so) little one-shots that I hope to write while it's still winter and I need to know which one should have my attention first (once the character study is done but before the Old West AU is finished)
One is a Two Night Stand AU in which Carlos and TK have a one night stand but end up snowed in so they're forced to spend another day with each other (tentatively titled: keep my night and take my day)
Two is a Time Loop AU in which Carlos tries to save both his relationship with TK and TK from falling underneath the ice the way he did during the winter storm arc. (tentatively titled: time has come to ask you for a kiss)
Long story short
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