#so i'm really excited to find out about more unused stuff related to a special interest of mine
steakout-05 · 10 months
i was having a peek at the JJ discord's messages, and one of the users posted about this website that has music from the PSP version of Jetpack Joyride that includes this seemingly unused track, simply titled 'Music_Casino'. it's apparently meant for the slot machine, and it sounds a lot like one of the many early drafts for the JJ main theme. it's a really cool find that i want to share here!
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Rigor Mortis: 01 - Scoff
I recently had the time and opportunity to talk to with Missouri resident and music producer Scoff, formerly known as Virtual Wave. We talked about his start in making music, a bit about his most recent project 'Bad Vibrations' and his future projects and goals. Be sure to show him some love, as well as his music on SoundCloud.
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RH: Let's talk a bit about you. Where are you from, and how long have you been producing?
S: Well, I'm a 19 years old producer from Kansas City, Missouri. I've been producing for a little over a year now.
RH: What made you get into producing music? Do you still operate as Virtual Wave?
S: To be honest, I got into producing through lo-fi beats. I wanted to make my own but they were garbage. I stopped using the Virtual Wave name a few weeks ago.
RH: What was the reasoning for that if I can ask?
S: I just thought it was necessary, you know? People began to think Virtual Wave is a genre. I only named myself that because I ran a Facebook Page under that name so I wasn't really attached to the name.
RH: Do you have a process when it comes to making music, or does it just come to you as you work on it?
S: Typically I hear a sample that catches my ear or I'll have a melody in my head and then build off there. While I'm at work, I just think of what I should do next.
RH: Was making music something you just picked up, or has it always been something you've been doing?
S: I loved music ever since I was a little kid, I can legit talk about it for hours on end. I started playing the bass guitar, and even took music theory in school as well.
RH: As it relates to the music you have out so far, what would you say you're most proud of releasing?
S: I'd say 'Afraid' with Moonlet. That song just makes me happy to think about. Moonlet was technically the first person to do vocals on any of my songs, so it has a special place for me. There is also a video for it on Underground Underdogs' YouTube channel which surprisingly was their first music video to reach 1K* views and is currently their highest viewed video so that's crazy to me.
RH: Were you nervous making your work public for people to see? How did you first feel about putting out music?
S: At first I wasn't really nervous. I was just making cool stuff to show to my friends. I later started to notice people actually listening to my music and that actually helped motivate me to keep going at it.
RH: Have their been times you've struggled with putting music out?
S: Yeah, sometimes I get beat blocks or have trouble finding time to make stuff. Still, I attempt to at least make something once a day for practice.
RH: Tell me about the Bad Vibrations project, it's pretty great production wise and collaboratively speaking. What made you decide on getting it together?
S: So at first it was going to be a project where I was going to do vocals, I even have an unused guccihighwaters verse. At the time my vocals weren't great so I decided to shift my focus to beats. I think I made about twenty beats in total for the project, then I began messaging I could to see if they wanted to be a part of it. It was a two month process but I believe it came out well.
RH: Is there anything you're currently working on? Are vocal tracks something to expect in the near future?
S: Right now just production. Eventually I want to do vocals but it may be a while til' I'm for that leap. As for right now, I'm currently working on Bad Vibes 2 and I already have some dope names involved in it.
RH: Who would you say played a part in inspiring you to make music?
S: When I was first playing Bass, bands like the Beatles and Tool inspired me, but as I began to produce music people like Fifty Grand, Ginseng, and Lil Peep really influenced me to think to think that I can really do this if I put everything into it.
RH: What do you hope to achieve as an artist?
S: My main goal is to be recognized and to be able to make a living off what I'm doing. No matter what though, I'm going to keep creating.
RH: Thanks so much for your time man. Do you have any final words or shutouts to give?
S: I'm just going to keep making music, and people should be excited for what I have in the works. I'd also like to shoutout the people I've worked with like gxxdbi, Moonlet, 1800entity, and more. Without them I wouldn't be where I'm at today.
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Editors note:*- Afraid has near 4k views on UUs channel. Congrats to Both Scoff and Moonlet!
Scoff: Twitter / SoundCloud
Moonlet: Twitter / SoundCloud
Afraid(Official Music Video) hosted by Underground Underdogs
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