#so if anyone wants to hit on jacob c go for it XDDD
carewyncromwell · 3 years
💕 for Ru and for Jacob Cromwell?
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💙 Ru is very happy with very little. They are the definition of "low-maintenance" when it comes to a lover -- you don't need to give them presents, coddling, or a lot of intimacy, so long as you're by their side. They also are rather self-sufficient and don't get hurt easily, so you forgetting anniversaries or needing time to yourself won't bother them in the least.
💙 On that note, though, Ru has a perfect lust for life! They'll want to share the whole world with you, every little detail of it, and record every wonderful memory with you.
💙 Ru might not be much of a charmer, but they are sincere and deathly loyal. You never have to doubt their feelings for you. And although Ru isn't a nurturing type at all, they care about you enough that they'll try very hard to work against that shortcoming and protect and take care of you.
💙 They actually are oddly sentimental, in their own weird way. Ru loves recording things through film and photographs because they want the world to remember you, as they do, even long after they die and are forgotten themselves.
💙 Ru is sharp as a whip and sassy as hell, so they'll really enjoy bantering with you. They also may or may not rope you into some good-natured "trouble" like playing a practical joke on someone or sneaking into the rafters of a theater to get a sneak peak at a new moving picture. 😏
💙 If you’re need of quiet time, Ru's got you covered. They don't see the need to "fill the space with worthless words," so they're very content to just lie beside you in bed and enjoy the silence of the early morning.
💙 Don't forget, Ru's a a shapeshifter! Once they get their collar off, you can be sure they'll turn into whatever you need, whether someone tall to help you reach something or a cat to curl up in your lap after a long day at work. Ru will also let you ride on their back in their real form, a privilege few witches and wizards ever experience.
🌊 The biggest one is that Ru, as a Kelpie, will inevitably have a much shorter lifespan than you. You will outlive them, unless you die through unnatural means.
🌊 Ru = blunt and insensitive AF. If you prefer your lovers to be kind over honest, don't choose Ru.
🌊 Ru also can be really condescending and rude toward those people they view as uninteresting or conventional. They will very frequently "stick it to the man" just because they can and might be needlessly antagonistic, if you have friends or family members who disapprove of them or your relationship for whatever reason. They will not pacify or equivocate on their opinion, for just about any reason.
🌊 Ru isn't the most romantic person out there, so don't expect chocolate and flowers on Valentine's Day or love-filled poems and speeches. They might give you gifts now and again, but that will be rare -- gifts aren't second nature to them, and they're not the sort to gush about their partner to others either. They tend to get bored when others gush endlessly about their love lives, and they may not always have the best instincts about how to take care of you emotionally.
🌊 Yeah, on that note, this kiddo gets bored and impatient easily. Don't f*** around and sidestep big issues -- be upfront with Ru and don't waste their time.
🌊 Ru can't cook. At all. Don't let them near the stove, under any circumstances.
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💙 Unyielding, unquestioning loyalty. To quote a famous Bryan Adams song, this guy would “fight for you,” “lie for you,” “walk the wire for you,” or even “die for you.” 
💙 Jacob will want to be a family with you, whether by having kids with you or not. He’ll want you to know and be very comfortable with his mother and sister, and he’ll want to know and become very comfortable with your family too. Jacob’s always had a very small inner circle, but he loves very strongly and he wants to be close to you by also being close to the people in your life, just as he wants you to be close to the people in his life. 
💙 Jacob’s all about thrill-seeking, trying new things, and traveling to new places...and if you’re ever the least bit scared, he’ll have enough courage for both of you. 
💙 This guy is also a real smart cookie, excelling in just about every branch of magic and having a broad scientific base of knowledge too! If you’re studying just about anything or need someone to look over a paper before you turn it in, he’s got your back. 
💙 Jacob is a total nerd, so when it comes to you nerding out about your interests, he’ll be all over it. He’ll want to know everything about your interests and he’ll want to share all of his with you too. 
💙 Jacob will want to solve all of your problems. If you suffer from severe cramps during your time of the month, or deal with chronic migraines, or are struggling with finding a good binder, no worries -- this guy will use his big brain to do whatever he can to make your life easier. His flair for problem-solving with both magical and Muggle means served him well when he had to help Muggle-borns hide from the Ministry during the Second Wizarding War too. 
💙 Along with a lover, you also get a bodyguard. Jacob will f*** up anybody who messes with you, whether with his rapier wit, his fists, or his extensive knowledge of spells. 
💙 If you like physical intimacy and PDA, Jacob’s your guy. He’s not always smart when it comes to expressing his emotions, but he will make it very clear how much he loves you based on how he’ll flirt with you in public, and he’ll always be up for any cuddling you initiate. 
💙 Jacob’s got a very handsome singing voice. He will serenade you without even being asked, whether a doofy romantic song to make you blush or a more seductive number in bed. If you like singing too, then Jacob will be over the moon at the thought of singing duets with you!!
💙 Jacob is also pretty capable in the kitchen! He’ll be happy to brew you alcoholic drinks and cook you a full breakfast spread. 
🖼 Jacob is a book-smart, people-dumb spaceman -- meaning he is as dense as a ROCK when it comes to picking up on other people’s feelings. His talent for Legilimency (shared with Carewyn) makes it easy for him to predict people’s actions before they happen, but it doesn’t give him any insight about how people tick or ability to place himself in someone else’s shoes. It will take forever for him to even figure out he’s sweet on you, and even when you two get together, you’ll have to be upfront with him, if you want him to pick up on your emotional state.
🖼 Jacob has a really hot temper and a super overprotective streak -- you will sometimes have to hold him back to keep him from starting fights. 
🖼 Considering Jacob is only 5′7″, it’s very possible you will be around his height or taller. If you are taller than him, be careful -- Jacob’s very sensitive about his height, and he’ll get prickly if he’s reminded of that fact too much. Let him be the big spoon in bed most of the time and that might cushion his ego.
🖼 For a Ravenclaw who values wisdom and logic, this guy NEVER looks before he leaps. He’ll constantly be jumping into situations recklessly and you’ll have to play the voice of reason. Jacob’s also kind of arrogant, so it makes him sometimes overestimate his own capabilities and underestimate the problems he faces. This can then result in him getting in way over his head and you having to come to his rescue. 
🖼 Jacob still has nightmares about being trapped in the Portrait Vault. Be ready for some accidental punches and kicks in bed every-so-often when he’s trying to “escape” the nightmare and to cuddle with him for a while until he stops shaking. (He’ll brew you some Healing potion if he hurts you. 💔)
🖼 Jacob’s disorganized as all get-out. Sorry, but you’ll have to deal with this guy falling asleep at his desk at odd hours and not keeping his side of the closet tidy. 
🖼 Jacob’s inner demons can often make him feel like a burden to the people around him, hence why he tries very hard to be useful and all-knowing to the people he cares about. You’ll need to be gentle with him when his demons rear their ugly head, even if he won’t always be very smart about how best to be gentle with you.
send me a “💕 + (an oc)” for the pros and cons of dating that oc!
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