digestabold · 7 hours
dragon who swore to protect you, but they are oh so hungry and the sensation in theirs jaws is becoming overwhelming
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digestabold · 8 hours
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After some convincing, Power usually lets their friend get in there mouth instead of him doing it himself, but he’s always a little too eager to swallow them once their in there.
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digestabold · 8 hours
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digestabold · 1 day
There's a knock at my door. I huff in annoyance - can't they see the sign? Occupied? I'm busy right now!
"Yes, yes, come in," I huff out in annoyance. I don't bother to move or hide myself - this is my job, after all; disciplining rowdy prisoners in my gut. They're completely unharmed, and it's rather enjoyable for me, but they always sulk away in defeat afterwards. Can't imagine why.
The door opens and my secretary walks in, nose buried in a stack of papers.
"Officer, the council wants you to-"
Finally, they look up at me, and they see it; my large, round belly, squirming and writhing with a rowdy prisoner. Their face goes beet red, and their jaw drops, staring at my middle.
"Well?" I ask, a little agitated.
"O- Oh! The city council- they- they wanted to have a meeting over your, ah, methods of discipline."
I blink slowly, running my fingers over my distended stomach lazily.
"Next week."
I sigh. "Okay, fine." I wave a hand dismissively. "Is that all?"
Their eyes flick to my face, then to my stomach again.
"Um... W- When will you be done?"
I check my watch. "I'd say... Two hours."
Their expression is blank for a second... But they, a shy smile crosses over their face.
"Okay! Um... May I... come see you afterwards...? For... That?"
My eyes widen - almost in disbelief. Is my secretary really asking to be my next meal? Oh..m What a scandalous affair~
"You naughty thing," I croon. "Of course you can... My door is always open, for work or... Otherwise."
As I speak, I make sure to really sink my fingers into my stomach and knead, producing some pronounced growls from my stomach. My secretary's face flushes a deep red again, and they squeak out an, "Okay!" Before practically scurrying away.
Inside, my current meal gives an annoyed kick. Whoops. They must've heard the exchange. Oh, well... Not much I can do about that.
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digestabold · 2 days
"hmm I should make a vore blog. for vore."
Congratulations! New kink acquired.
Congratulations! New kink acquired.
Congratulations! New kink acquired.
Congratulations! New kink acquired.
Congratulations! New kink acquired.
Congratulations! New kink acquired.
Congratulations! New kink acquired.
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digestabold · 3 days
people often forget kobolds are predators… but when you get shrunk in an experiment gone wrong, and the mad scientist’s kobold assistant sees your mouse-sized body… you tend to remember
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digestabold · 3 days
shout out to unaware vore love that shit, especially when it’s on purpose on the preys part
pred not noticing their stomach bloating, even though it’s very obvious to everyone else… and that moment when they do finally realize? mwah chefs kiss
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digestabold · 4 days
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Esperando el trbajo final 
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digestabold · 4 days
I'd give you a nice deep chomp 💙
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y-yip................ @////@
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digestabold · 4 days
Seeks out moral conundrums so i can snack on the angel&devil that spawn
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digestabold · 4 days
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You’re nasty, aren’t you?
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digestabold · 5 days
For the ask game... Burgers, asked among you and your children, mommy~?
Burgers: How do you like the pred/prey to act?
Scared. Very scared. Refer to previous asks.
I always like the ones who don't even try to fight back! Just running for their lives, trying to hide from me, shrieking in panic as I barrel towards them...always so fun to mow down!~
I like the ones who don't fully realize what's going to happen to them until it's far too late. Whether I'm hunting them in the wild, or they're being fed to me after being captured and held captive, watching the realization suddenly hit them like a brick to the face is always hilarious~
My tastes take after my mother's in many respects. A lamb is ripe for slaughter only when it has lost any shred of hope it once held on to, and has learned to view me with abject fear and awe, and nothing else.
I like 'em like how Volly likes 'em. Optimally, they won't even see it coming at all. Alive one moment, spinal cord severed the next~
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digestabold · 5 days
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[YCH] Soft and Squishy (v.3) - by HungieHam
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digestabold · 5 days
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Another meme I have
Why is repying to submissins so weird on thidx site Moji is too drunk to figure out how its supposed to show the icon and stuff of the person who submitted it. But also yes, very true
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digestabold · 5 days
Makeout session that turns into you getting digested in my gut
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digestabold · 5 days
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For Vore Day, my amazing gf @dragongirluvula and I got a commission from the incomparable @artsysterks!
This one is pretty special. It's of our very first time together! This really takes me back. It's before Prin was even my sona, before I was synonymous with her.
Anyway, enjoy this surprisingly cuddly Vore Day post from me, and thanks again to Sterks for this amazing piece.
I love my cookie.
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digestabold · 6 days
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commission for @wizarddragonbelly featuring @dragongirluvula !!
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