#so if he can be this for baz- be his source of sustenance be the person who will never shun him for his differences- he'll do it
luxken · 2 years
blah blah blah for simon love and safety are intrinsically tied to food blah blah blah simon gorges himself because he never knows when his last meal is going to be blah blah blah simon wants baz to feed on him because he wants to provide for baz and show that he loves him in a way he can’t with words blah blah blah “i'll give him everything he wants”
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Iyla In the name of Allah, Most Gracious and Most Merciful ”
In 1980, I thought I was a Muslim, I didn't realize I was hypocritical. I was studying in the faculty of business in 1980, when I was hypocritical. I got a helpful book about school. The name was business management. Prof. It was Philiph Kothler. Some of the things written in that book were instrumental in the proof of the Qur'anic verses and hadiths by an experimental method, in accordance with positive science.
The verses and hadiths of the Qur'an and the experimental method that leads to the proof can be described as follows.
He threw a title in the book.
“Thinking methods: he divided it into five or six subheadings. The subtitle that will lead us to the proof of the Qur'an is creative thought and explained the creative thought as follows: The thought that is not adhered to the unproven assumptions and theories is called creative thought. He said that if we were to think creatively, science would develop and we would develop more quickly. ”
I looked up and thought, I said the Qur'an speaks most of worship. Can you take a step and do nothing without worshiping anything? I said. I thought, what can people worship? People may have the possibility of worshiping their loved ones or loved ones very much. On top of that, I wrote all my loved ones on a piece of paper, even if I loved them at least. If you are going to experiment, you should write your own loved ones. For example, Tea, Cigarette, Soup, Money, Girl, Fenerbahce, Ataturk, Menderes, Demirel, Capitalism, Ozal, etc. I wrote all my loved ones one by one, I wrote a short example here, a person can not exceed all fifty fifty loved ones, even if a single missing is not proof. The last Hz. Jesus, the Prophet. Moses, Hz. Muhammad, I wrote. Can it be done from the beginning without worshiping anything? We said. At this stage of the experiment, I made a sentence for every loved one, as I have shown in the example, and I said it from the heart. Example ‘I do not worship tea, I do not worship cigarettes’ saying that all my loved ones one by one believing that I worshiped my heart, then I removed the Prophet. I do not worship Jesus, I Hz. I do not worship Moses, I Hz. I don't worship Muhammad. And the last time I said that I do not worship Allah, from the upper middle of the front of my skull to the middle of my chest, from there to the heart came warmth. The curtain opened up under my eye. For three days and three nights I was able to worship nothing. Then came the inspiration to my heart and my head that the verses and hadiths were true, and after three days and nights, the curtain that opened in front of my eyes was closed. (The story of Abraham is as follows in the Qur'an: If I cover the moon or the sun, these things are not worshiped, I turned to God.) Did I say to the leader or tea, or the lantern, or that leader? If we are to open the concept of inspiration here, if a person named Mehmet always wears a blue dress, we can think of it when it comes to blue, or the concept of inspiration is more related to the connotation. And inspiration cannot be the source of Islam.
After this event, which I call idol, why did I turn to Islam and I did not go to anything else. Because Sahihi Bukhari Cenaiz 80 S. Muslim Fate 22 Tirmidhi Fate 5 "Fatters of people are Islam." He says. In the Qur'an, Ta Ha 115 A'raf 172 says: If we gather the subject in accordance with the narrative among the people there is a grandfather of purgatory 172 Grandfather said, 'Who am I? The souls of all servants said that you are our Lord. At that moment, Allah wrote Islam to Islam. I will tell the monotheism in a different way so that the subject can be understood. la ilaha illallah If Jesus is the Messenger of Allah, la ilahe illallah of the Prophet Moses Rasulullah, la ilaha illallah of Adam Rasulullah, la ilaha illallah are Muhammad Rasulullah. İm Abraham was neither a Jew nor a Christian: he was a Muslim but not a pagan, Ali says Ali Imran 67. In 85, Ali Imran says “religion other than Islam is invalid”. In Maide 7, we said ik We heard and believed im. That is why other religions have come to replace the true religions because Allah and other false deities are derived. Also, inspiration cannot be the source of Islam. I said above when a curtain opened in front of my eye during the Put breaking. This event has to do with the following verses. Surat al-Baqara in verse 7 ‘‘ Allah has sealed their hearts and ears, there is a curtain in their eyes is a great punishment. ’’ So they cannot see the truth in verse 17 and other verses of Baccarat. In Baccarat 171, “Deaf, dumb, blind people do not mind.” Now if we intensify the explanation here, Baccarat 165 baz Some of the people who love them as Allah loves them as lovers of God is greater than those who believe in love. ”“ the love of the calf is out of their denial ”. Now, other things, love is permeated. If the love of money in human bees before Allah,
“In Baccarat 93, the love of the calf is overwhelmed by their denial”. Now, other things, love is permeated. If the love of money in human bees before Allah, if we love money as if we love God, we will have money. Then we cannot comprehend the fact that a curtain occurs before our eyes. This has damages both in the world and in the hereafter. We'il go to hell for the damage that will be reflected in the hereafter. If we see money in the world as a god, we cannot be objective about money. In the book sent by Allah, we say that at least one of the verses and hadiths about money is not like that. For example, we do not accept at least one verse or a hadith or a circumcision on the issues of money, charity, charity, theft, interest and so on. It is also harmful in the world because the fate of the worshiper is, at the discretion of Allah, to stay away from money. Allah says in the verses that when they wander away from them, what will they do? That is the harm in the world. If God is deemed to be a god, we will not encounter such a result since Allah will not disappear from us. When Allah is remembered, tears come to our eyes with a pleasant feeling that we are far from Allah. If we idolize a political leader, we accept it when he says something contrary to the verses and hadiths of Allah. We cannot objectively see what God has sent. We go to the point of denying what Allah has said. Even if we say that Allah is lying, we will be denied.
The number of what we call Put is infinite. Because people have endless needs, and if we do not love one or a group more than Allah, that need becomes an idol. In verse 43 of Surat al-Furkan, “Have you not seen the one who took his soul as a god? Are you going to be a proxy for him now? ” Aber The god of Heva is the greatest false deity. T In order to be protected from idols, it is necessary to embrace the Qur'an, hadith and sunnah. Because all the idols that may occur in front of verses, hadith, circumcision is passed. Baccarat 85 says, “Or do you believe a part of the book and deny it? They are pushed to the most severe of the doom in apocalypse. ”In Nisa 150 ayırma separating between Allah and the prophet is unbelievable as a whole. Tutma Why should we not love anything more than Allah or love similar to Allah? Why should we love God the most? Allah created us with love and created us the universe and so on. If we say that we, not Allah, but not comparing with God, Fenerbahce, money, women Nisa 117 "God and leave the worship of the females," he says, Lat, Uzza, Menat jahiliya was the three female idol of the car. May we say that the way the leader, etc. I love most anything, determines the way that Allah is not following? Surat al-Fatiha 6,7. The right way in verse is Allah's way. Would it be true if we let someone like us, whether we like it or not, if the person we give money tells us that he doesn't love us even though we do, or that he loves someone else equally? Aren't we angry? At 14 am “Allah creates heaven and give us our sustenance”. In short, the Qur'anic hadith and sunnah prevent the deity of other things. Example: In Surah Ali Imran 92, “You will never be in favor until you are acquainted with the things you love. Ir The divine pleasures of Allah are ignorant. The deity of the non-Allah is the purpose he pursues. If we look at Islamic law in this respect, Islamic law is a hindrance to the coming of false deity even though God is not a partner. In the Hadith of Adiy Bin Hattem, he says, ’Allah is the only source of putting halal and forbidden. Had That law is better than Islamic law, and that lawmaker understands law better than Allah. Law is not expected from us to put and execute is the belief expected from us. It is expected to put and execute from the state. Maida 44 “They are the unbelievers who do not rule by what Allah has sent down. Allah Allah is our deity, whether we accept it or not. Whether we accept it or not, our body accepts God as the whole universe deity. The laws of Allah work. The Islamic system is the system that does what God says, and does not. There is only proof of the Islamic system put forward by Allah. One of the proof is hidden in the idol method. Surat an-Nisa says in 76 verses the war for adherence to systems outside the Islamic system. Other systems of capitalism, communism, socialism and so on. and there is no proof of subsequent systems. Because God only tells the system appropriate to the structure of the universe. Isn't the person who says in one way or another that he knows better than Allah that other systems come out of the human mind, does not suffer more from the wrath of God than someone who says there is no God?
Can the curtain in the eye of the person be removed without performing the method of breaking the idol? If the following explanations are read carefully, they can be removed. Curtain lift is meant to come to the right side of the point of view.
Anything that comes out of a man's mouth will be taken into account. Maide 63 “If the clergy didn't say the bad word” pagan, he doesn't have to say that he is running the circus, and I don't necessarily have to admit it. In Nisa 48, “Allah says that he does not forgive shirk”. We need to believe all of the Qur'an and the true hadiths, if we do not believe in a verse or a true event, we will fall into disbelievers or hypocrites. All the verses and hadiths are all we need, if we don't believe in someone, instead of filling something else, the idea that we co-become becomes god with God. S In Surah Yunus 32, there is a sign beyond the truth. In One's favorite is his deity. According to the hadith in the interpretation of Nasuhi knowing, en the dearest of deeds is to love and not love for Allah. ”Love and muzzle should only be for Allah. Nisa 139, Nisa 144 also says “to leave believers and friends of the infidels.” If love is not for Allah, we would have fallen to the shirk, we should not love something because of itself, because we should love or not love for Allah. In the hadith, için Those who love and condemn for Allah have reached the kemalah of faith. ”The explanations are written on the basis of the hadith and sunnah. Man's heart is the most busy with what is his deity. Because it is the desires and desires that he is engaged in. Furkan 23te "desires and desires did not see the deity?" He says. Hell with you means reward, we will love it in the degree of holiness but we can not be aware. Her Everything is forbidden without you ”in the word halal and haram Allah will put shirk. In the hadith of Adiy bin Hatem, “When Christians say that they do not worship priests, when our prophet accepted that the priests said halal or haram, they worshiped the priests. ”The mind is idolized. Example: If I obeyed the mind of the Prophet Ebubekir, I would mesh my feet, not the top of my feet, because the bottom gets dirty, and it needs to be cleaned. Nature is known as a deity in nature. By saying nature created us. Artists like the goddess, idol, icon, prayer, rivam or the virtuosic television phenomenon or fan are examples of such words. Because “Our example must be the prophet or those who guide him.” That singer, etc. is idolized by saying a prayer. Our example should be our prophet. Nisa 14 also said that Allah will punish those who do not obey Allah and Rasul. According to the hadith in Riyazus Salih “The person is in the religion of his friend göre According to the hadith emez Standing next to a person sitting cannot be expected with respect.” Their worship is like applause and whistling, they dance like a totem in the presence of heretical oral music. Human systems that emerge from the human head, all kinds of Izmir is putt. Holidays should be only religious and non-religious holidays. Before the elections, the people who are candidates for going to the national assembly deify the nation, and after the election, the nation begins to see the chosen ones as deities. For various reasons, football, weightlifting, kik boxing, boxing, swimming and become the Lord of the world of sports such as we can not realize the example; athletes who look like symbol, we consider it sacred, but we do not notice. Field sanctuary footballers god, Banks sanctuary was put money, subway sanctuaries, shopping malls sanctuary, turned to idol relationship. Indeed, the largest building should be the mosque, which can be simple. He should ask the sentences that are said to be created, what they have created, and all kinds of creation belong to Allah. Based on the date of birth, it is assumed that the stars and the future are read in such ways. Turning to reading the future with or without believing makes celestial bodies divine. Believing that there is power in anything without relying on the cause and effect relationship brings that thing into a divine position. For example, it is obvious how the rain rains, but it rained the stars that mean the cause and effect is to make a divine power outside the relationship between. Another example is the positive loop for the purpose of removing the disease, etc., attaching the ring, rope, evil eye bead contrary to religion. Some amulets in the amulet was seen as opening the door to the unsuitable evil, some of the verse in the amulet, the verse, hadith is attached, or not said, do not say, who say that the amulet looking into the circus is there or not? Sentences that he would not without you, if he had not Hır .. There are shirk in the words that began as thief etc. would not come. So we're gonna take every word out. Is there any circus in the structure of each word to see whether some of the ugly religion will remove some. Without God, the truth is not without you. if it wasn't for him ... the thief wouldn't have gone in, if it hadn't been for Allah… .. He wouldn't have. Without you or without him, what we mean by words is our co-operation. Most …. I love, what we love the most in his sentence is that we pass instead of deity. Together with Allah…. Love is loved either for Allah or because of Himself. There is shirk in love and muzzles that are not for Allah. I can't do without you, without her, etc.
Is there any circus in the structure of each word to see whether some of the ugly religion will remove some. Without God, the truth is not without you. if it wasn't for him ... the thief wouldn't have gone in, if it hadn't been for Allah… .. He wouldn't have. Without you or without him, what we mean by words is our co-operation. Most …. I love, what we love the most in his sentence is that we pass instead of deity. Together with Allah…. Love is loved either for Allah or because of Himself. There is shirk in love and muzzles that are not for Allah. I can't do without you, without her, etc. Without you, without her, what we can't do is what we put into god. Because we don't notice when it becomes sacred. This is not meant without essential necessities. It is not necessary to say that we need air, it is necessary to stay without air. What is seen as the purpose of life is what is seen as a deity. The purpose of life must be to win the love of God. Therefore, what I have done for God, not what should be said. It should be said that Allah should not give a long life, but give a good life that life should not become a deity. We should always say God, not health first. Assuming the intercession of someone who has not mentioned the name of Allah, to assume that the intercession of the person whose intercession is certain will be accepted by Allah. Indeed, those whom Allah has permitted intercession will only accept intercession to those whom Allah has allowed. Raising the tombs from the ground, equipping the lights, writing articles, etc. It is the ceremonial place of the graves. The graves cannot be used as an occasion. Bukhari summary Kitabu’s salat 269 The face of the French cannot be called reverence (including the prophet). Iste Ask someone if you want from Allah ”Tirmizi Asking for help when we cannot communicate with someone if he is not with us. I thought it would help. Indeed, the person with whom we can communicate is asked for help or Allah is asked when we cannot communicate. Fatiha “We serve only you, we ask for help from you.” To ask for help from the master teacher and jinn, to ask for help turns the jinn into god. Even if the dead person is a prophet, he cannot help you. God is not a lot of money, give the best is called. Allah give long life not give good. Allah is not said to take my life, but at most it is said: If Allah is the best of death, death is the best of life. The deity of science is as follows: Assumption and theories are science, with certain or almost certain seeing, science becomes god. Certain things to be believed are the Qur'an and authentic hadiths and proven knowledge. Saying what a beautiful word to the words other than the Qur'an and the hadith deifies those who say it. When we get bored, what we turn into becomes god, and when we get bored we should turn to God. When we achieve something, it should be called from God, not from my power. When something good happens to us, it shouldn't be my right. There is an infinite desire of the self, one or a part of them should not make the goal. The goal must be Allah. Worship is not only prayer, fasting, cross, but halal and haram from Allah. Now, law is accepted as halal and haram. Whichever law we accept, it is our deity who makes it. If we say that water gives life, water becomes a god. If I say orum I adore it y or şu that is my deity o it is the putt. Compliance with fashion makes fashion the deity. Without you and so on without you, it makes that thing a god. Philosophy is a human word and cripples it. No money, no food, it is said, earning money, not to be hungry, the purpose of life money and food, love should not be. Technology should not become idol, when there is God who created the technology. Meticulousness, cleaning puts when it becomes excessively. Don't believe in good luck and bad luck. The power is from Allah. Good luck and bad luck are from Allah. The good things have shown the good path from Allah, the bad things have been done by man, and the paths to persecution have been shown by Allah. Allah said ki Allah is not persecuting them, they are persecuting themselves. Bile Even a thorn in the back of a bad event, for example, is for the atonement of sins, or for the increase of the degree of sin. Our monument means deification. Seeing God as the other guide in the matters mentioned by the prophet makes them god. If the purpose of life is to enjoy the pleasure of drinking drinks, for the pleasure of watching television, that is, if they enjoy the center of life, the pleasure of his deity. Whatever the axis of his life is his deity. Arrogance is one of the indications that man is his own deity, they walk as if there is a ring in their necks. Either he is in the form of deity, or in the way of his ancestors, his ancestors are in deity, or what he calls great is deity. In a hadith applaud their worships and
In one hadith, their worship is called applause and whistling. In other hadith, Muslims who emigrate to Abyssinia do not bow before the king of Abyssinia, do you not bow before the prophet of Abyssinia? Muslims said, “We shall bow before Allah alone. Let's continue with the hadiths ”Companions, sir, forbade excessive respect for the prophet. The Lord is Allah. When the Companions said, dil Allah and you will do the things that you wish, imiz our Prophet (saas) do you run me as a wife? Deer have. If the center of life is health, health becomes a god. Another purpose of the Shari'ah and the Qur'an and the hadith is to turn the unity of Allah into a deity. For example, money, alms, charity, theft (Maide 37, 38) and so on, the purpose of prohibitions and orders to prevent money from becoming a god. Another purpose is to prevent women from becoming gods. If we accept and follow the Qur'an and the hadith, other things do not become gods. What is the harm if other things become gods? If you also. Allah says in one verse, ne What will they do if they wander away from them?. Let's say if the money is put and goes away from us, we will be depressed. If women become gods, if they disappear from us, we will be depressed. Allah never disappears and we are not dragged into depression, but because we are far from Allah, when we remember Allah, our eyes age. It is not to completely ignore the desires of the self, not to make the above-mentioned false gods likely to become gods. To make use of them without making them divine. In other words we are not to be in the case of their servants captive. In fact, freedom depends on God and to be free in other matters. If you say I'll be free, look at this example “can the fish say I'll be free and live on land? Amerika America is not free because they think it is free, they are slaves of money, women and so on. Our bodies are all things of Allah, our deeds are ours. So if you tell our body that I, my home, this country, I will do anything, give Allah what is happening to Allah and do whatever He wills in His possession. If you want to sin, shirk, go out of Allah's property and do whatever you wish. . In one verse, Allah says, “Allah is jealous.” Seven is jealous. God loves us. Then you have no choice, you have to love God. Once you were gone and you were waiting for you in a wonderful paradise, how can you say I love money, woman, whale, bird more than Allah or similar love, not God? Can we give love to God by saying that I love money, women, etc.? We can love them only for Allah. No. So you know the necessity of doing more for them than Allah, for you know that you are obliged to love money, women more than your life. So what do you spend to make money, but what do you do to earn the love of God. Do you fast for food for healthy smearing is ok to eat the deity, the measure of the lack of life jihad. In short, when God does what He says, other things do not become gods. An idolatrous explained idolatry as follows. In fact we do not worship the shape tree concrete, etc., to say worship is: that icon is worship is to believe in the hearts of the thoughts he has created. Our religion does not have a head-cutting structure. I will give an example and take a look at the Sharia books on the subject. Adultery: In order to be punished for adultery, a male and a female must be seen by four males or eight females in the full combination of their genitals. I ask you, what is the percentage of four men or eight women seen as a complete combination, even when it is the most intense adultery today? Even in the general home, this is unlikely to be seen. The reason why two women are witnessed against a man is that he is not sentenced to lie and slander because women have a compassionate nature. If adultery is detected in this way, married men, women are recorded, but there is almost no chance of getting caught. If it's single, it's a hundred sticks. The stick is the thickness of a finger and will be hit without lifting the stick on the shoulder, which does not even hurt, as the deterrence of this punishment is enough for the Muslims in the square to be punished. Both recipe and stick are rarely applied and adultery is best avoided. It is not possible to call the subject between God and the prophet and say that there is or is not in the Qur'an. The application of the Prophet is sufficient. Furthermore, all kinds of punishment have been abolished from those who are insane, who are over a certain age, who are asleep, and who have not reached the age of puberty. Where the hand-cutting head-breaking religion. The aim here is not to give details of Islamic law, but to explain that our religion is fit. They say that Turkey belongs to the Turks, then the law so y makes the Turks. Im Allah belongs to the heavens and the earth, Ali says Ali imran 129, so Allah must have a say in the heavens and the earth. Whether they accept it or not, Allah has the say. In Zuhruf 51, Pharaoh said “this country and rivers are my d
They say that Turkey belongs to the Turks, then the law so y makes the Turks. Im Allah belongs to the heavens and the earth, Ali says Ali imran 129, so Allah must have a say in the heavens and the earth. Whether they accept it or not, Allah has the say. Pharaoh Zuhruf 51 un This country and the river is not mine then ”(I can manage this country as I want) has brought. In the verse of baccarat, the weakest point of men is money is women. It is wisdom that theft and adultery are punished with great punishments. Money and love of women and God come between us. One aspect of adultery is to prevent women from becoming gods, in other words to protect the generation. Lat Menat Uzza had three teeth. God knows when it will rain. The explanation for this is that the prediction will not hold what is seen through the satellites, or it will not be accurate. Does a consanguineous marriage lead to a disabled child, if there is a disability between relatives, there may be a disability, or the possibility of a sickness can also occur in unmarried marriages. In short, the rate of disability in marriages with consanguineous marriages is not superior to each other. (Riyasüz salihin) When it comes to the prohibition of painting, the quality of the people is conducive to the deity of the people. As a matter of fact, when the prophets and the good people around him died before, they respected the graves and painted the next generation. Those who follow him expect what they expect from Allah, and they want. So they're running shirk. Bukhari Kitabu’s salat hadith no 269 Is there God? We're in. Then it will be who created us. Let's say that if they say that Allah is not, then will they not need new false deities such as nature and nature that will replace Allah? Those who ask for proof of the existence of Allah must prove that God is destroyed. The proof of Allah, as well as the proofs of all His verses and hadiths, are hidden in the first method of idolatry. The religion in the nature is Islam. If you say that Allah is not present, or if there is Allah but I do not believe in His verses or hadiths, you will see what is the proof of both Allah and the verses, and the proof of the authentic hadiths. When it comes to fate, all things are human, and God is God, He has created everything in Allah and God, He has left us to choose the good and the evil, but He has used evil will, because Allah has created evil for the books, and they are evil. He warned that the company will not fall, and if you fall into evil, you must seek the cause of the persecution, not in Allah. Amelin is yours, if you fall into evil, the curtain will automatically fall into your heart, and if you turn to good, the curtain will rise. Even when the prophets are subject to this law, are you more special than the prophets, as you sin, you stretch your veil on your veil into your heart and your eyes. Abu Hurayra Hadith, "Fate on the issue of previous nations, so the discussion was destroyed." Let's come to democracy, say we are only five people, four of us adultery is free, adultery is free. Halal and forbidden according to our religion is not determined by the majority of votes, otherwise you want to do everything you want to bring proof that it is correct. Do not call Allah a Democrat and slander Allah. Our religion is not in theocrat. So every one who comes to deal with must be connected to God who can not do what he wants. The pennant, which is not an Islamic banner, respects flags and symbols, and similar behaviors make the thoughts that make up the flag symbols a false deity. It is this false god of fertility, forcing the blessing to be blessed by throwing the siftah on the ground or assuming power outside the relationship between some cause and effect. To see his nation superior to other nations is to believe in false national deity. Muslim zoning hadith 1850 "asabiye, nationalist is not our dead." Maide 104 "What if the ancestors on the wrong way," he wants us to blindly believe in the religion of the ancestors. Turkish Islamic synthesis, Arab Islamic synthesis is another, Islamic revelation is a completely different matter. We must believe in revelation, not synthesis. Superiority is to avoid sins with taqwa. The application of a thought or idea that is mentioned in the Qur'an and hadiths makes it a deity. An example of peace and security; the wrong form is to do everything for peace and security, the Cyprus issue, the main theme of the struggle with the Kurds is for peace and security. Wasn't Cyprus a peace operation? Indeed, war with your self, war with others for Islam, if they make peace with you. Proof thief enters my house, there are various injustices, how I still peace, how I say security. The symbol of peace and security is a fake deity symbol of bull or y in round letter. When it comes to theaters, the actor is the fake deity for the actors. As for television, if we take our behavior from television, television is a false deity for us, if we set our way a little bit from some parts of television, that part is a god for us. Music fake
When it comes to fake music, if we are trying to make way out of it or take refuge, if the indispensable room is a false god. Now the words of deity, idol, duayen, phenomenon, idol, etc. are the words used to detect false deities. They said that I do not want paradise without you, neither put this nor the false god. They say that they don't mean it. People are responsible for every word. While giving information about medicine, health fake deities are formed by being given too much attention. Advertisements fuel our needs and make that part of our needs a false deity. Remedy verse hadith sunnah comparative icma. The verse hadith is unlikely not to fall into the shirk moving away from the Sunnah. Even prayer is not a complete remedy. If there is a prayer before the remedy prayer with faith in the hadith sunnah, then the likelihood of falling into the shirk is reduced. In other words, the company is known to be deducted. It is in the company that does not pray. Some shirk, religion, some do not. You better avoid every ugly variety. Don't let the devil deceive you, how many people would be worthy of hell and say our sin less, shirk, shirk, obedience to those who know the way of blasphemy. If the purpose of life is fertility, money, offspring, car, woman, you will benefit most for life. If the purpose of life is to win the love of Allah, God created us by loving us. If we have won the love of Allah, then eternal life will be ours, then is this short or eternal life profitable. So pray for blessings, this prayer, this prayer and turn to the world, completely withdraw from life, look at both the world and the hereafter. If we do what everybody says, riya will be a shirk. We have written behind all the verses and the authentic hadiths, we have taken a sentence out of them, and instead we have written the word of EBU LEHEB. Now I ask who we know all the verses mealende do not know, even if I never ask how many verses in my life, there are hadith, we wonder if we worship other things than Allah. Apart from winning the love of Allah, I see nothing but shirk. Like reincarnation, it is ultimately a belief in idolatry that makes itself a god over time. These eastern pagan thoughts are infiltration thoughts that say unification with Allah and claim that it is destroyed in Allah. Because God is separate we are separate, Ali and Veli two people can integrate, can not integrate, Ali is separate Veli separate. But if we say that Allah is with us in our hearts with love. Hypnosis is the mockery of non-Muslim demons, believing that they are born again and again. That is, worship of non-Muslim jinn. And I think you'il find the words of worshiping angels and devils. What do you mind if you put birds, plants, cats, whales etc. To say that they are idols is to love them because of themselves. In other words, it means disrupting the ranking of love. The greatest love of Allah and then to the prophets, Muslims, etc., saying that what happens if it is broken down. As you know, Turkey stood up to save the whales, many others stood up to rescue cat, poor people in our dumpster looking for food from a standstill when there are these true? If you do not put a priority order of everything indigenously, it will be called cruelty. They said, let's see who is the biggest did not see those who entered the squares did the debate of the biggest I did. Allah is the greatest. (ALLAHUEKBER) Some politicians say that he works for Allah, but I say that the prophet will not win people home yacht floor, not only to accept the divinity of God, but he also won the worlds of the separate, but never suggested that the worlds in the invitation. Some politicians say we are doing everything for the homeland for Turkey. Everything should be done for Allah. I did not I did not say in terms of grammar, but also under the meaning of something that should be loaded, I did not do anything other than, I think that I was done. Yes, God has placed Islam in my angel and nature to keep my deeds right. For the purpose of the trial and to ensure that the good is better, the devil has existed, the devil only aggravates his own supporter and contributes to the better of the other. There will be evil, so that the value of the good can be understood. Rain prayer is a prayer that should be performed during rainfall, not rainfall. In other words, as the morning prayer should be made by entering the morning, rain prayer is made during rainfall, not for rain. That is what Allah has commanded. I've created this, like words are shirk. The most important thing to say is to shed power from the relationship between words like positive energy and cause and effect. Is the gold that grows underneath? It doesn't multiply or even diminishes. But if you worship Allah, you will find both gold and Allah. As a result, when I do the method of crushing idols, whether the garden, the money, Hulya, or this woman
As a result, when I did the method of breaking the idol, whether the garden to the Tapsam, money, Hulya, or that woman, whether it is worthy to be worshiped at all, I turned back to you who created the direction you're the biggest I said I'm the only one. LA ILAHE ILLALLAH I have just made a short description of this part. Without knowing the meaning of lailaheillalah, it does not give man heaven. In the hadith passing in tirmidhi, he says that he abandoned the prayer. Muhammedünrasulullah means that the prophetic method of the prophets of the prophetic scholar, not the scholar of the prophets of the prophets of the Prophet, or the scholar knows more than what you call the prophet. It is blasphemy to attribute such a sign to Allah and His Messenger as a sign of Allah. The above explanations can be called when. Whoever is after him is in the religion of the person he is after. Bukhari faith 14 olamaz The true believer cannot have faith in any one of you unless he becomes more beloved than his father and son. Olun So bear witness, I am on the path of our prophet. Your predecessor SALİHİN KARDEŞİN AHMET NEVZAT TURAN “I am a Muslim who is more verbal than those who say. Bir A question is asked, we can not live the monotheism akide what should we do? First 1) faith in Allah's verses and the true hadith, then Sunnah, comparison and icma 2) Prayer 3) Permanent dhikr. (Remembrance of monotheism is recommended.)
NOTE: My aim is not to give sympathy to my faction, to be a deputy, to be a mukhtar, no one can give what I expect from Allah.
Every path other than Islam is made. There are three kinds of people who either see God as a god, or see God as something else, or leave God and see their pleasure as a god. God has commanded us to become Muslims to prevent other things from being seen as gods. Otherwise it is a great crime. Because if we leave God and say I love this or that more, isn't it a crime? One of the wisdom of the Haders is to block the paths that are likely to coincide with Allah. Adultery; It is to prevent women from becoming gods; in another wisdom it is to prevent pleasures from becoming gods. HAD: LIVATA; It is to prevent pleasures from becoming gods. These prohibitions will become deities in the following way if we say that I do not accept one or a part of these prohibitions, if we say that I do not believe in Sharia, the shirk becomes a god. HAD: Magic; In magic, there is a possibility that the tools that make magic, the magician becomes a deity. HAD: Killing mans; It causes hatred, blood, fire to become gods. Interest; It causes money to become a god. Orphaned food can make money a god. In the war, to turn our backs and escape is to make our souls a god. Drinker: May cause our pleasures to become gods. Robbery: it either causes money to become a god, or because it stole money for pleasure, their pleasures become gods. The slander may have made the devil a god. Depending on the cause of the interruption, he may have made money a god or a taste of god. The war against the Islamic state may have made the devil a god according to the situation and has made himself a god, money and so on. It can be interpreted in the same way in the period of Islam. If the cause of the murders is money, money is a god, and if the cause is sexual, women or their tastes may have become gods, or the devil and fire may have become gods. HAD PENALTY THAT'S SO THAT HOP SITTING AND HOP STAYING THINGS. But because the laws that come out of the heads of human beings are of exquisite origin, the human ego constantly changes because one day wants something else and another day. The laws of human beings must constantly change. But the law of Allah is based on one thing to eliminate the things that prevent God from becoming a god. The laws of human beings are for the soul to become a god. Compensation penalties are other penalties and cannot exceed the minimum penalty. THE NEXT DESCRIPTION: IF THESE THAT WE SEE AS ​​A DIVISE HAS SEE ANOTHER SOCIETY AT ANOTHER TIME, WHAT HAPPENS WILL HAPPEN TO US. WHAT FUTURE WILL HAPPEN TO US, THE WEATHER IS SIMILAR TO THE AIR
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This study was made when I did not know that there should not be much of the subject of fate according to the hadith.
In one verse, Allah says ‘em I will not change the destiny of a nation unless it changes its thoughts’ put The idols of a nation are worshiped. For example, on a person-by-person basis, if someone worships money, that person will be the servant of the money and will have a fate for him, and what happens to other people who worship money will happen to him. If we list the idols he worships from big to small, then if we investigate which country worships those idols before and match them correctly, it can be said that what happened to the nation that lived in the past would worship the same idols. (Based on this, the degree to which the weather forecast is calculated would be the prediction of the future.)
As a result of my examinations we worship the idols worshiped by the country called Babylon. I will give a few examples and get out of idol. I saw that Babylon's greatest idol was the god of peace and security. Ataturk is not the greatest deity as we think. The greatest deity is the deity of peace and security. In the past, the symbol of peace and security in Babylon was bull. Now bullfights are given, it is assumed that the bloodshed in the bullfights will bring peace. Another icon is the letter y inside the round. They present themselves as peaceful. For example, during the period of Ecevit Erbakan, a peace operation was organized in Cyprus, a righteous war was waged for Allah, a war was made to spread Lailahe illallah. We entered Iraq and wanted to be taken for peace, for Kurds, for peace, for Allah The war is done, the Kurds are forming a party Peace and democracy party is the primary thought of peace, whereas the priority is God's right. Every move must be made for Allah.
Babylon's second deity is the national deity and ours is the national chief and it is thought that the country will be protected with the ideas that prioritize nationalism, the truth is not to see our nation superior to other nations, but to see the unity of the ummah as superior to the infidel. There was neither Atatürk nor İnönü in Babylon in the past;
A god of Babylon was a god of water, but does our country worship water? He worships the water. It is said that among the documentary films it is said that water is life-giving. Su? How can one forget that God is the one who gave us life?
The other god of Babylon was the planets in the sky. So what we say is worshiped by us, under the name of astro in our lives by establishing a relationship between the stars you're in this horoscope, you're in this horoscope, then they say that the future, actually, planets help to find our direction and was created for us as an ornament. This is how Allah explained us in verses and hadiths. The formula is that Allah has the only power except the relationship between cause and effect. Or not in the stars.
Other gods in Babylon are examples of sports. We have the money for the pocket Hercules Naim Süleymanoğlu football teams and stars that are touted, kikbox etc,
The gods of health in Babylon, the health in the field of health by highlighting those who have become. The tombs have been raised and the dead have been turned into gods in Babylon. Expecting meditation from the master teacher, the master teacher to become a god as a footsteps to make magic, both Babylon and we have. The gods of fashion are among the common gods in Babylon and us. Pleasures have become gods, saying that the ancestors are in the way of the past, the ancestors are the common gods of the two countries. Women's becoming gods, the country becoming gods, the pennant of democracy, the flag and the divinity of non-Islamic symbols are common values ​​of the two countries. The reincarnation hypnosis was in Babylon, where the devil made fun of people. Birds, cats, whales used to be Babylon, now the idol of some of our people. Idolization was not new in Babylon, without establishing a relationship between idolizing itself by saying that I created it, and cause and effect by saying positive energy.
Other false deities are in the previous explanations and these explanations are not as new as the thought of the 1980s, our nation never changed their minds and showed me that they could not escape the fate of the country.
As a result, if history writes the idols that Babylon worships, then what happens to them can be said to come.
The Kurds did not destroy Babylon, so do not assume that the Kurds will. The Persians destroyed Babylon from the east and were betrayed from the inside. Then we can say that it will be destroyed by betrayal of Iran and us. The way to prevent this is to change the nationality of thoughts, but don't think it's that easy because fate knits the web. If you say what happens next, look at the history of Babylon.
If we read the following text believing Allah is more likely to come tears from our eyes.
The soul has infinite needs and there is also God. If we compare our hearts to a glass, if we fill the cup with the love of self, there is no room for Allah. If we love one or a part of the needs of the soul, we will be skeptical about the verses and authentic hadiths sent by Allah to us. Take money as an example.
1-If we love money excessively, if the money is idolized for us, the denial of the verse and authentic hadiths related to money emerges. Let's open the example; the purpose of which is not God is his deity. Interest can be seen halal. In this case, money is put. Doesn't anyone who has everything money sees theft? Doesn't he say that punishments for theft are unfair? Doesn't Shariah reject the money provisions? Sharia is not a religion that cuts hands. Money is our weakness If we see theft mubah first we can make theft for our pleasure then our pleasure is our deity or direct money becomes our target and our idol becomes money. We said that Sharia is not a religion that cuts hands. According to our Sharia, our attitude towards theft should remain at the stage of belief because the state imposes the punishment. Robbery did we can not say that we should punish it, but the state gives the punishment is the belief expected from us.
According to our Sharia belief, theft; If the person who has not entered the age of buluk plays no matter what he plays, the family and the state could not train. The pen has been removed from the person who has been demented above normal age. The pen was removed from the sleeping person. The pen was also removed from the person who had woken up. If the animal grazing on the mountain is cut and eaten, if it is eaten before it is collected from the tree branch, there is no penalty, and Allah has appreciated it to criticize and not know its limits. If it is collected from the tree branch and the value is above the value of the skin shield of the prophet theft should be punished. If the processed food is above the value of the prophet's skin shield, theft conditions have occurred. Below, theft conditions did not occur. If a person does not have morning, lunch or dinner and has no money to buy it, no matter what he plays, he does not enter the definition of theft and cannot be punished. Because this responsibility belongs to the state. The conditions for punishment are very few, but the punishment is shocking, the right hand in the first theft, the left foot in the second theft is cut from the wrist, and later theft is sentenced to imprisonment. He will be removed from Allah if He wills. Is it possible to say that our religion is cutting hands after narrowing these conditions? These narratives are extracted from verses and hadiths. Extensive knowledge is known from Sharia books. In the circus system, snatchers, etc. can be prevented? Because five people are confused. Allah is not astonished because Allah knows best about our nature. If the Qur'an and the true hadiths had not come from Allah, the prevention of the deity of money would have been neglected. Neither the prophet nor the scholars nor the created things are gods. The Qur'an and the authentic hadiths prevent other things from becoming gods. In this world, according to our sharia, the punishment in the Hereafter will not be punished.
2-The other issue is women. If we love women not for Allah but for our soul, women become gods. First, women idolize and we can say to women like adore you. Second, our pleasures become goals and we can make our pleasures divine. When women become idols, or when our tastes become divine, we deny one or some verses and authentic hadiths about women. When it comes to verses and authentic hadiths that can be seen as suspicious about women, the subject is about adultery. Again before the age of the bulge, over a certain age, in normal dementia, pencil was removed from the mind. The pen has been removed from the sleeper. Certain conditions are required for adultery. If a man and a woman are seen by four men and eight women in full combination, they are punished. Even in the general house where women are sold today, if we go for planned printing, there is no possibility that they will be seen by four men and eight women. So there is no possibility of being punished. Why do eight men testify against the testimony of four men? Because women are compassionate than men, they can be perpetrated by false testimony, and eight women, not four, are intended to protect each other with witnesses so that they are not punished. Single adultery is punished with a face stick. The stick is one and a half fingers thick and when the book is placed under the armpit, the book is hit without leaving the stick on the shoulder. The aim in this punishment is not painful, as his shame is sufficient as punishment, as other Muslims will see. Married adultery is re cm. Of course, conditions are very difficult to occur. In addition, the adultery punishment is given as follows: a person is sentenced to kadi three times at different times for adultery, if the mental angels are intact. In this world, according to our sharia in the Hereafter
In this world, according to our sharia, the punishment in the Hereafter will not be punished. The proof of the truth of the book and the true hadith is that it prevents the deity of women and pleasures and ensures that God is the only god. Without God, the source of this downloaded religion would not prevent other things from becoming god.
3-According to Shari'a, the penalty of contact, that is, the death of death. He is called three times to return to religion. If he does not return, a penalty is imposed. The explanation of this punishment is that if we see a person coming out of religion as simple, the back of it opens and turns to religion. But Allah wants to give us heaven. If God had intended our lives, he would not have been called three times to return to religion. This punishment is an obstacle to God's deity.
4-According to our laws, the punishment of ties is death if it is caught without repentance. Because they have broken the order of Allah and have destroyed road safety and safety of life. If they surrender without apprehension, they will not accept repentance and be punished. Here is the result of death can not necessarily say the penalty.
5-Livata, the penalty of homosexuality is death. It is within the scope of heavy crime that disrupts the generation. And it prevents the pleasure from becoming god.
6- Eighty sticks are hit by the slander. Without dropping a book under the arm with a half-finger-thick stick, the stick is shot without lifting up the shoulder. This punishment is not given to life. As his punishment will be given in the square, his shame is enough for him.
7-Drinking mind and so on. the penalty is forty sticks. The style of the bat is obvious. In this punishment it is an obstacle to the deity of pleasures.
Other punishments are within the scope of the punishment of punishment and cannot exceed the punishments which God has appraised above. I mean, he can't cross forty clubs. Here are the punishments where they sit and hop. Where the hand-cutting head-breaking religion.
For faith, it is necessary to believe all the Qur'an and the true hadiths.
Based on the celestial bodies, they think they read the future based on the signs. You're like Virgo. Saying. In this case, those who worship celestial bodies.
It is necessary to believe in God's system, not humanism, communism, capitalism, or later order. The system of Allah is the system that does what God says, and does not do what He says. Five are wrong, but Allah is not wrong. To the extent we apply the system, we succeed. They say that in the democratic order, the nation will be what God says in our system. I ask which of you as the people who voted for you. The democratic order is the trick.
The belief in good luck and bad luck is present and superstitious even in people who have done so. The object believed to bring good luck and bad luck is putt. In short, the formula is that God has room in one thing except the relationship between cause and effect. Some scholars have not seen fit for the amulet, some look inside the verse and if the authentic hadith can be worn. I ask you who is looking into the verse and the authentic hadith is looking at. In short, the formula is that God has room in one thing except the relationship between cause and effect. What he does is magic. Though it is true that the mosque teachers would not do to earn money.
The tombs can be raised from the ground, equipped with lights, writing, ceremonial place. If a person is not with us, or if there is no means of communication, he cannot be asked for help at that time. I serve Allah alone, but ask for help from Allah alone. We understand from the science idol. Their assumptions and theories are more of a mutaassip than when we believe in them. Proven knowledge and verse are the true hadiths. It must be God, not God, who created it. God knows when it will rain, it means. He knows the weather as well as the satellite detects, and we can't know after that. Does a consanguineous marriage cause illness? If there is a disease among relatives, it can be sick, but if there is no interrelated disease, the possibility of having a relative and unrelated marriage is not disruptive. (RİYAZÜS SALİHİN) The person you want on television is idolized. The measure for this may be live broadcast. Hypnosis and reincarnation are the jokes of non-Muslim jinn. These people who believe that they have been born many times and that they are integrated and divine with God are outright pagans.
1-Allah says in Surat al-Baqara: IR THERE ARE CURTAINS IN THE EYES, A FEW verses later, they cannot see the truth ”. Islamic scholars presented two views on this veil. One group said that this screen is a spiritual veil, it prevents us from seeing verses and hadiths, the other group is this physical veil, said they would prevent us from seeing Islamic verses and hadiths. Now the truth is this is a physical transparent veil Islam prevents us from understanding the hadiths and verses. When you give the example AAA you will say I knew it. Let's say that when I love a daughter called Hülya like loving Allah, when I idolize her (that is, when I don't love her for Allah, because of my self), a physical transparent curtain emerges in my eye. And Islam prevents me from seeing verses and hadiths. I do not understand the verses and hadiths about women, now I show this physical transparent screen. Let's say Hülya goes away from me or dies, what happens in my eyes. Let me answer, tears occur in my eyes, this is the tear of the curtain. There are two kinds of curtain, one of the soul of one or a part of the divine due to the physical transparent curtain occurs, the second is looking at the place where God looks look at the physical transparent curtain because of Allah, when we remember the age comes from our eyes. There is no one without a curtain, either because of God or because of the curtain is formed. Well what would have been without the curtain, people would have seen gin etc, this is not a good thing. Allah has hidden the unseen who protected us because he loved us, or we understood what people thought, which is not a good thing.
2-How the idols in the experimental method of the Qur'an are discussed, where did they come from? In his speech to the nation in the 1980s, Turgut Özal expressed his weak points in saying that the country worships. Otherwise, I didn't determine what the country worshiped by looking at people. The idols in these speeches continued unchanged. Now it's Tayyip Erdogan.
3-To be the first party because we are governed by a democratic structure, the candidate of the ruling party must treat the idols worshiped by the people of the country. That's why some parties are more successful than others.
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zalimoneous · 5 years
Do you wish to get married?
Do you wish to have a baby?
Do you wish to get a job?
Do you wish to have more #rizq?
Do you wish to get healthy and get cured?
Do you wish that all your problems go away?
I have the answer to all your wishes, if you are interested please keep reading……
A man came to Sheikh Abdul Aziz Ibn Baz complaining that he wishes to have a child and that has been waiting for seven years but no luck……. Sheikh Ibn Baz answered him with one sentence, he said: Increase Istighfaar (Asking Allah for forgiveness by saying AstaghfiruLLAH). After one year this man came back to Sheikh Ibn Baz and said: Ya Sheikh I got the child I wanted Alhamdulilah.
A man came to the famous Al Hassan Al Basri and said: The sky is not raining. Al Hassan said: IstaghfiriLLAH. Another man walked in and said to Al Hassan: I suffer from poverty. Al Hassan answered: IstaghfiriLLAH. Then another man walked in and said to Al Hassan: My wife does not bare children. Al Hassan said: IstaghfiriLLAH. The people who were present at the Majlis of Al Hassan said: how come every time someone comes to you with an issue you just say IstaghfiriLLAH!!!
Al Hassan answered: Didn’t you read the words of Allah when he says:
فَقُلْتُ اسْتَغْفِرُوا رَبَّكُمْ إِنَّهُ كَانَ غَفَّارًا (10) يُرْسِلِ السَّمَاءَ عَلَيْكُمْ مِدْرَارًا (11) وَيُمْدِدْكُمْ بِأَمْوَالٍ وَبَنِينَ وَيَجْعَلْ لَكُمْ جَنَّاتٍ وَيَجْعَلْ لَكُمْ أَنْهَارًا﴾
Translation: And said, 'Ask forgiveness of your Lord. Indeed, He is ever a Perpetual Forgiver. He will send [rain from] the sky upon you in [continuing] showers, And give you increase in wealth and children and provide for you gardens and provide for you rivers. [71:10-12]
Allahu Akbar, all this is just in Dunia…..what about the Akhirah!!? Isn’t it enough that Istighfaar protects the believer from the punishment.
Allah promised not to punish us for our mistakes in two conditions, the first: while the Prophet Mohammad peace be upon him is among us and we all know that chance is no longer valid. The second condition was seeking forgiveness Allah says:
﴿وَمَا كَانَ اللَّهُ لِيُعَذِّبَهُمْ وَأَنْتَ فِيهِمْ وَمَا كَانَ اللَّهُ مُعَذِّبَهُمْ وَهُمْ يَسْتَغْفِرُونَ
Translation: But Allah would not punish them while you, [O Muhammad], are among them, and Allah would not punish them while they seek forgiveness [8:33]
So this is a promise from the Lord of heavens and earths, what more do you need to start implementing this in your life?
The fourth Khalifa of Islam Ali Bin Abi Taleb may Allah be pleased with him said: It is surprising to see someone perish while he has the tool of survival, they said: what is it? He said: Al Istighfaar.
So never leave Istighfaar my dear sister and brother. The Prophet peace be upon him said: Fortunate is the person who finds in his record of deeds a lot of Istighfaar. Imagine when you come on the Day of Judgment while you are terrified and everyone is so scared and you find mountains of hassanat waiting for you because of your Istighfaar….
#Istighfar relieves you. When you feel that sadness within you, when you are disturbed and frustrated, when anxiety surrounds you, say “Astaghfirullah” “Astaghfirullah”…
Reciting #Astaghfiruallah is an effective method of calming our self and wipes away the variety of worldly worries from our mind and body. It may also help us, if we are suffering from depression, it calm us and lessen our depression.
Not only that, listen to this #hadith and rest assured that all your issues and problems will go away because of Istighfar
Ibn Abbas (May Allah be pleased with them) said:
The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said,
“If anyone constantly seeks pardon (from Allah), Allah will appoint for him a way out of every distress and a relief from every anxiety, and will provide sustenance for him from where he expects not.” [Abu Dawud].
In another hadith, Abdullah bin Abbas (May Allah be pleased with them) narrates that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said:
“The one who (regularly) says Istighfaar, that is, frequently repent to Allah Ta’aala for sins committed, Allah Azza Wa-Jal will open a path from poverty and difficulties. All sorrow and hardship will be removed, and in its place prosperity and contentment granted. One will receive sustenance from unimagined and unexpected sources.”
Here are more ayaat from the #Quran with great promises from #Allah (swt):
Then, verily! Your Lord for those who do evil (commit sins and are disobedient to Allâh) in ignorance and afterward repent and do righteous deeds, verily, your Lord thereafter, (to such) is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. [An-Nahl 16:119]
Your Lord knows best what is in your inner-selves. If you are righteous, then, verily, He is Ever Most Forgiving to those who turn unto Him again and again in obedience, and in repentance. [Al-Isra 17:25]
And verily, I am indeed Forgiving to him who repents, believes (in My Oneness, and associates none in worship with Me) and does righteous good deeds, and then remains constant in doing them, (till his death). [Ta-Ha 20:82]
So start from now on my dear sister and brother and make it a habit every day, seek forgiveness as much as you can, do it while you are sitting, while you are in bed, while you are working, while you are driving…..it does not cost you anything and you don’t even have to do any physical effort #SubhanAllah, Allah is so merciful to us he excepts the least from us. Start now, start today and watch your life changing.
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