#so if the goauld werent part of space un
sun-lit-roses · 1 year
The Torment of Tantalus
Woohoo, I’m on a roll! The last episode really made me want some more Stargate, so let’s see what Season 1, Episode 11 will bring. Is it greedy to ask for another new planet?
Are they turning the stargate by HAND?
Ah, old timey stargating.
Hey, Daniel’s as impressed as I am!
Two days of tests?? Jack, I would also be doing anything at all to avoid that.
Woah, that doesn’t look a record of a failure to me!
Wait, where are the old timey team going? Are they in a diving suit? Well, one guy. That’s not going to work.
Nope, that sure didn’t work.
Back to the present! Holy shit indeed, Jack.
And who is this lady?
Who’s Catherine?
Someone who Daniel told about the stargate. Wait, who already knew about the stargate?
Oh good, old timey misogyny.
Earnest, the woman just solved your gate problem while looking stunning and giving you a neck rub. If you don’t snatch her up, I will.
Wait, was she part of the people researching it before Jack, et al started going through?
Is Daniel supposed to just pop a secret recording into any old VCR? Or remove it from base? I know it’s been declassified, but that doesn’t exactly mean let’s have a movie night.
So she worked on the stargate and brought Daniel in?
Ah hah, he isn’t supposed to be sharing this. This will not go well.
Nope, this isn’t going well.
Aw, Jack knows Catherine as well!
Did Jack just call the General a teddy bear?
She did used to run the program!
Rescue mission time!
Sam, too? Everyone knows Catherine!
Aw, the General is a teddy bear. No man left behind.
Wait, if she worked on the stargate, why has she never seen it in action? Or gone through it? I’m a little fuzzy on the time line.
Jack isn’t going to kick her through like Sam, is he?
Oh no, much nicer. I would like to know everyone’s backstory with Catherine. They all seem to love her!
Looks very abandoned.
Earnest? Hello, Earnest?
Is that man naked? Wait is that Earnest?
Sam’s little duck out of the way is priceless 😂 Don’t want a hug from the naked guy, Sam?
Wait, what was that? I was kind of expecting some sort of emotional reunion?
Exactly, Catherine! Fifty years and she gets that??
Oh man, he’s been stranded here alone for fifty years? That’s horrifying. What’s he been doing for food?
Is there some sort of alien who’s been masquerading as Catherine? Or has he just been hallucinating?
This is very heart wrenching, but maybe they should first take him back, get him some clothes, maybe an extensive amount of therapy?
Also this castle does not look very stable.
Wait, that’s what DHD stands for? Dial Home Device?
Welp, guess that is not going to dial home, whatever it’s called.
Is there an alternative, can they turn it by hand?
Once again, Sam to the rescue! Hopefully!
Cool! Four aliens races! I like the idea of a Space UN.
Pretty floaty things!
Pretty floaty atoms, apparently.
Atoms as the universal language - chemists will be very smug.
That is very cool, but I’m with Jack. Learning the secrets of the universe won’t help very much if they’re all dead.
Ooo that’s a very creaky roof.
And we have power!
Jack to the rescue!
That DHD is definitely not DHD-ing again.
You know, if they need power now that the DHD is a giant hole in the floor, that library thing with the pretty floaty atoms looked like it had power - at least the middle glowed red. Glowing red thing probably means power. Oh, I bet Daniel would not be happy if that’s the solution.
Uh oh, it looks like this delegation came to the same conclusion that I did.
...and Daniel is not happy.
Yes! Some fire stick action!
Although it doesn’t seem to have done much. Et tu episode? Why are you all thwarting my love of the fire stick?
Ben Franklin thing? They’re going to fly a kite?
Ah, rig up a lightning rod. And pray a lot, it sounds like. 😬
Earnest is talking a lot more now! Must have just been rusty.
Aw, here’s the emotional reunion I was looking for 💛 ‘Sometimes what we already possess has more worth.’
I can appreciate the excitement of this discovery, but Daniel is being more than a little short-sighted and selfish here.
I like this talk between Earnest and Daniel, too. ‘No prize is worth attaining if it cannot be shared.’
Good, finally listening to reason and evacuating!
Oh no, are they going to make it?!
Yay, there they are!
The gate looks tired.
No more Space UN. You know, if they had to abandon that location because of the instability, they probably built a new one. Buck up, Daniel!
Hugs for everybody! Except Sam. I hope someone remembers to hug her as well.
Rating:  🔘🔘🔘🔘 
4/5 Gates Interesting premise, I liked Catherine just as much as everyone in the show did and I hope she comes back, Daniel annoyed me but I’m glad he didn’t die and it does seem like it’s in-character for him to lose sight of the big picture based on the episodes so far, Sam got to genius, and there was even a tiny bit of fire stick action! I’m wondering if I should adjust my scoring, but this episode and the last were good times.
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