#so if you keep talking about it instead of what people shoild be talking about
Part of boycotting is not helping it trend, children. It's time to shut the fuck up and keep its name out of your mouth.
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swiftyuki · 7 years
Fucking christ woman
For the last fucking time leave me alone. You keep accusing me of dumbass shit and then simultaneously hide your fucking trails when we call you out on it. I'm not talking to you and I'm making this a fucking announcement psa:
You claimed in 2015 this all fucking started because you were being a dumbass and abused systems like the DMCA and critique functions because I dared to try to be nice and draw you a fucking surprise gift art. Something people do as FRIENDS. Instead you utilise the critique system, not daring to read the fine print next to the submit button.
Fine fuck it whatever your mistake. But the issue is I never even got a slight fucking thank you or hint at appreciation for my effort in trying to be nice to your selfish ass. Instead I get slapped with a DMCA ticket, over a fucking SURPRISE GIFT. You were so trained on everything I did wrong. Any piece I made for you you picked at without anything constructive, anything to help me better myself, not even a shred of gratitude.
No all I ever suffer is making your own fucking ammo for you to abuse your DMCA bullshit again me, something I had every last fucking right to post because it was MY work and you know DAMN well I credited you in EVERY piece. Now you fabricated a lie that I drew them in a way you didn't want, one that was a gift and the other something you had paid me for. Un-fucking-believable.
But now let's get to the shit you're so trained on. Your basis for your shitty acts of this year. You're accusing me of using Dan, Gaser, Kaleb, and Orph as spies in your private life? Seriously? I honestly could give less than half a shit about what you do in your life. What they tell me is on their own shit and hells I rarely fucking talk to them. You pushed them away. You pushed them over edge. Your stupid spoof call episode in February ended up having them contact me to see if I was also getting the same fucking treatment they were from you.
Gaser? I literally can give less than half a fuck you two go to the same school. Hells I don't ask him SHIT in regards to fucking school. We've only really been talking about a game recently, absolutely fuck all to do with you.
Dan, legit I don't talk to him too much. Last conversation we had he was giving me advice on something and then we talked about halloween costumes. I honestly could not care less about your connections with him so long as you aren't threatening his life either.
Kaleb. Still rarely ever talk to that guy. Last conversation we had was about roleplay.
Orph? Same deal. Just talked about roleplay or some shit.
Your "friend stealer" whatever the fuck bullshit? I'll put it plain and simple. I make the ultimatum because I do not want to be associated with your toxicity. If they choose you, fine, I block them. However, it's fair for me to make such a fucking thing BECAUSE I want absolutely NOTHING tied to you. It makes NO fucking sense why I would put people through an ultimatum and then use them against you if I'm tryig to fucking get away from you. People got sick of your shit and left. That's the reasons they always tell me. You push and push and push them and they get sick of it and leave. The logs I get from other people? Oh hell yeah I ask for them. But they always mention it to me prior. And for right cause because death threats, framing, and doxing is illegal. And what you did is mpst certainly ILLEGAL.
Contrary to your beliefs, as absurd as they are, I want you to leave me alone. I want you to stop your bullshit. I want you to own up to your trash and BE A BETTER FUCKING PERSON. I have been wanting that for fucking years.
That beware post? It needed to be said because you made it clear you are not stopping anytime soon. You made it clear that you are on a road to your own destruction and you are trying to take everyone with you. And it is so fucking disgusting that you are denying all you have done when others rise against you. When other people who have seen your crimes finally say something. When all you have to do is fucking sit down, think, maybe even nicely ask, and just not act upon your own horrorstories. I get you're mentally ill and it's hard for you to think rationally but this has gone too far. You have gone too far. You have committed to so many crimes against me over your own shit that you fully believe I'm some next level satan when all I literally fucking do is meme and play video games.
Edit: If you are so worried about your image online, then maybe you should stop being stooping so low? You brag about bringing shit down and then when it's used against you, you scream about how it's hurting your feelings like? Idk man if you wanted to stop getting your image tarnished maybe you shoild actually stop trying to attack people.
Tldr: Own up to your shit and better yourself as a person, I'm not doing ANYTHING you accuse me of, and leave me the hells alone for gods' sake.
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