#so ig hindsight is just a bitch
wayfayrr · 7 months
If it's alright with you, can I get a spiked Latte and some Christmas pudding to eat in please?
I absolutely love your writings and all of your works! You're definitely one of my favorite authors (*´꒳`*)
I hope you have a great day/night and a Happy Holiday!
- 𐂂 anon (if that's okay with you ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ)
it's more than alright!! welcome to this little corner of our hellsite elk!! (if you don't mind me calling you that ofc) I've seen you over on fir's blog assuming this is the same 𐂂 and it's lovely to meet you myself, I hope you're having a lovely day too <3
I wrote this one as a continuation to the other first request seeing as it flowed well and felt like the most natural thing to do. I hope you'll enjoy your order and your time here <3
[event masterlist]
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“My deity? Is this not to your taste, did - did I do something wrong?”
What am I supposed to say to that? I feel like I’m about to throw up or pass out, not to mention the countless things in between. He’s standing in front of me with a bloody heart, all the while looking at me like a puppy begging for approval. 
“You - wh- where-”
[name] if you pass out here then none of the links will be able to help you, you cannot pass out. Just - just ask him to get rid of it, but he looked so proud of it. 
“Ple- please can you just… I don’t need that, can you… just - please get rid of it.”
He seemed dejected when I said that but he -thankfully- didn’t question it. Just left without another word with a defeated look on his face now leaving me all alone to settle myself enough to try get some sleep. Just - just have to get the image of that out of my head,  else I might never be able to sleep till I do. Maybe the others wouldn’t mind me going to share a room with one of them for the night but there’s always the chance they won’t let me live this down they have gone through worse than I have after all. No, it’s not worth the chance of embarrassing yourself infront of them like that, you’re fine in here on your own all you need to do is get changed and get into bed it’s easy; what chance will you have to get in a normal bed again anyway?
Going through the familiar motions of getting changed is grounding, calming even, throwing myself onto the bed and wrapping myself up in the plush blanket just helps even more. Falling asleep really won’t be hard. 
Mhpm why am I up? It’s not that much darker so I can’t have been asleep for much more than half an hour or so and I’ve never been a light sleeper like this. Who’s in the bed with me?
There’s a hand around you - look at that and then panic. Why is it cove-
“My deity? I thought you were sleeping?”
“And I - I - you… I - didn’t you say - didn’t I ask you to get rid of the blood?”
Oh fuck. Why is he holding me tighter now and… he’s sobbing. My back’s getting wet but it's not blood I hope, he’s just using me as a - a pillow. What did hylia do to him to mess him up this badly? From what he said before…she had to have something to do with why he’s like this. He can’t even breathe through his tears right now…
“Firs- link. Can we talk about - you know - all of this?”
Just more tears and half-hearted breaths. Is he forcing himself to be like this? Maybe if I can hold him it’ll help comfort him somehow. He- he has surprisingly strong arms considering, you shouldn’t be surprised, he probably beat that man to death with his bare hands, the fact that he was tortured and starved in a dungeon for who knows how long. 
“If not now… In the morning at least? Please?” 
A pout and a wet sniffle while he wipes his eyes to calm himself. 
“You know acting like this - it isn’t healthy. I - you can’t go around gifting me peoples hearts - that - that is not normal.”
“... if you say I must my deity.”
I’ll take it. 
Even with the puppy dog eyes he’s making at me.
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luna-loveboop · 23 days
I started playing Wind Waker! Y'all want some thoughts?
-Why is the first thing I learned how to do with Link crawling on the ground like a sneaky sneak?
-Why is the SECOND thing I figured out how to do Link sidling along a wall like a sneaky sneak?
This kid is a sneaky sneak sneak!!!!
-Why is Link instantly jumping on people's tables? Get down please sir
-Wind and his family are so sweet I love them so much- and Aryll got kidnapped noooo TT
-Tetra has shot Link from a catapult
**I'm just gonna keep editing this post and adding random thoughts as I go does that sound cool? I wanna do that @hero-of-the-wolf
-Tetra's winking at Link has my heart forever she's so cute I swear
-love the glowy blue talking rock btw yesss stalker pirate girl
-Link why do you yell so loud every time you jump this is a sneak mission I thought you'd be good at this
-the game grumps on YouTube saved my life tho bc im a coward and get way too nervous in places like the forsaken fortress and watching someone else swear through the area before I do it helps ok
-Wind is such a gremlin but he's actually so polite? Like he instantly bowed to the sword trainer and then to the guy on windfall island after paying for breaking his pots- before running out of the house at breakneck speed. He's such a sweet and polite boy you can tell he's grandmas kid- yet he's such a menace what a wild yet polite lad ridndkkfkdg
-the people of windfall island are way too judgy stop being condescending to Link he's my baby. 'The Tipsters' girls have my heart tho because they.. they... well they give you tips. Tip you off you could say
-I think the King of Red Lions just legally adopted Link
Ok so small rant section but this game is so tragic. Like the art style is so goofy and fun but it hits you so hard that these are KIDS. Link is freaking twelve and his sister was kidnapped on his birthday, leaving him to follow in hot clothes because of higher defence I'm guessing (new hero clothes are more suitable for an adventure than casual loose ones but still!). But he's literally like half the height of DOORKNOBS- he has to stand on his tiptoes anytime to open doors. He is so very small.
My mom was like 'I love this animation style - does it help with your nerves that it's lighter?' And I was like 'honestly it makes me feel more deeply the tragedy of what should be a happy childhood being torn apart' but she's used to me saying weird shit like that so it's fine
-I think we as a fandom are severely underestimating how much of a gremlin Wind waker link can be and that's saying a LOT
-I got the Wind Waker!
-K learned the Wind Waker
-Ok I like got to dragon roost island on the first day and FINALLY got an empty bottle my beautiful baby where were you??
-I cleaned- like actually fully dusted and cleaned- my wii u for the first time after it was inactive for years and holy mother of improved game pad controls
-is it wierd that I'm more excited about the empty bottle than the wind waker?
. . . .
-ya know in hindsight gabon looked pretty shady. I mean he was standing in the shade but what kind of asshole stands there and tells a giant bird to throw a child in the ocean
-I think ganodonk is dumb I can't wait to get the sword and bitch slap him
-'we cANt set SaiL aGain Until you geT a GLowY thiNgy' well mr boat man sir have you considered that I realised there was most definitely a heart piece or two I forgot on windfall island and I'm doing another dungeon with three hearts? At least I got a bottle ig
-why am I trading with rats for potions this doesn't seem hygienic. I know rats are in fact very clean animals but this dungeons isn't and why do the rats want rupees anyways?
-so there's this like steamy glowy pot that teleports me to the start/end of the dungeon? I'm questioning all existence in this world why is that a thing. Honestly think Twilight princess's bald teleportation chicken made more sense but whatever
. . . .
-I saved the dragon! By riding on his tail? What a boss fight that was fun. Got a shiny thingy Yayy
-So the wind waker! I learned to change the direction of the wind which is so cool and also to change whether it's night or day. Which is wayyy too much power for this kid how come no one told me he could change night and day?
-That said I love how musical Link is. Like when he looks so happy waving the baton playing to the wind it's just really cool
- Why is the God of Wind a like. Toad surfer dude. Whatever, I like him.
-So apperently there's these little dudes called fish-men who are talking fish who fill out your sea chart- I am still questioning why link can talk to animals but that's fine
-I missed out on pawprint isle before apparently, so I'm gonna do that before whatever the red lion king tells me next
-Also I love Beedle in this game so far he hasn't threatened me like the other beedles in games I've played
. . . .
-Sailing through the ocean is really fun
-I went back to windfall and got a 'swift sail' that lets me go faster but I still like the blue one better
-I reached the great deku tree! He had monsters for pimples and I couldn't figure out how to get them off 'what are you doing?!?! go help him!!' IM TRYING ADOPTIVE BOAT FATHER. Turns out I needed to roll into him and not use the grappling hook which makes sense but still
-He. Grew me a leaf. A magic blowy leaf. Which is great it's an awesome gift and means a lot but the Deku tree grunted and grew a leaf for me and that's kinda wierd right?
-Reaching said leaf was a PAIN and I am very impressed with Wind Waker Link.
Hang on rant session. Bro's tiny little grandmas boy but flipping through the air to reach an unspeakably high up leaf is chill. He flipped through leafy child cannons a billion times to reach the Deku leaf and didn't get dizzy or give up even after falling. And that's saying nothing of how he picked up a sword for the first time and swings his way through EVERYTHING thrown at him. Gosh he's so cool I love this Link
-I HAVE MAGIC NOW!!!!! With like a little meter and stuff tidkkfdjfnkdjfkd I'm very excited that I have magic
-Reaching this high shelf with my path forward was a pain but I have to save and quit rn so if it puts me back at the start of this room I will be. Upset.
-It put me back at the start of the room.
-I ordered a game guide! I'm gonna try and play through with it- this'll be my first time using one. But I haven't updated for a few days bc I'm waiting on it :)
This whole post is a bunch of random thoughts jumping around which my adhd self appreciates- that said I really love that we can grab an enemies weapon and use it against them. Increases my respect for ww Link even more- when he had no weapon in the forsaken fortress he grabs a literal wooden stick from an enemy and kills it with. A big twig. Kid's brutal and does what it takes which is so crazy. Also using an enemies sword is great hehe shiny
. . . .
-Got game guide. Yayyyy
-The forbidden woods are scary but they remind me a lot of the forest temple in twilight princess. A lot. The mechanics are also very similar. I love Zelda games
-Maybe it's because the only time I've had free to play rn has been at night, but I find myself constantly thinking this game is creepy. It's so unsettling for a cartoon style- the boko babas freaking eat link! And chew on him like no!! Fisnfjskfkfk *shudder* aaaanyways I am NOT looking forward to redeads in this game but that's a later problem right?
-I figured out how to get the treasure chests from the sea!! And got a piece of heart :DDD
-Ok game guides are really helpful
-Apparently the 'warp pots' are a consistent thing- I guess that's just how Link teleports in dungeons in this game. The second pot is generally hidden a bit but then you can teleport to the beginning of the dungeon and back- then the third pot is near the end... I think. This is only my second dungeon in this game with the pots but it's going great! I'm learning a lot hehe
-I love the grappling hook so much. I can farm spoils/materials from monsters with it before I kill them and I love that. Also it makes me feel cool swinging it.
-Also the title screen theme and animation play around outset is very satisfying. Watched it replay three times tonight before starting the game. Time well spent.
-I appreciate the items so much. The Deku Leaf is great like I can F L Y with magic and also blow wind at enemies and make them look silly <3
-The look of Link's spoils bag has grown on me and I love it. Purple.
. . . .
-I got the boomerang!!! Oh my gosh it's so cool I love it.
-I've been trying out the switch mechanic for targeting rather than hold. It's going interestingly bc I've only ever held for targeting before. But I think I like it
-The evil flower ate Makar- the Korok I'm TRYING to save GIVE HIM BACK
-That was the prettiest boss fight ever. I couldn't even be intimidated, I don't think I've ever been more relaxed during a boss fight lol. They should make all of them purple and blue sparkly- it was legitimately beautiful.
-I finished the forbidden forest dungeon!! :DD yayyy
-Link's hopping up and down in celebration after the boss fight was so cute he's so happy!!
-Have I mentioned I'm excited about the boomerang
-Makar is so cute?!?! I love him with his little violin and- the Koroks oh my heart that was the cutest ceremony ever
. . . .
-Ok so I went around the great sea, for now avoiding the big octos I am uhh terrified interested to meet, went to a place that got 'corrupted by gannorks power' so now I'm following the pirates back to windfall island
-The pirates are stealing bombs and I think this is illegal.
-My girl Tetra's here!! :D also doing illegal stuff! And Link is just watching them rob the bomb shop lol these cutscenes are the best sometimes also I love the pirate banter
-Tetras little smile and wink when she saw Link was so cute I love her. Also the little hints that she was concerned about his island and not just treasure?? Sweet
-I stole the bombs that the pirates stole from the pirates. And getting there was a PAIN with swinging on the ropes the tiny pirate (Niko) made Link do
-TETRA is a STALKER she was watching Link through the glowy rock thingy- probably cause he was just sneaking around watching her rob a shop but still that thing scares me sometimes when her voice just comes screaming out of it
-Btw why do the pirates want the god pearl thingy anyways? Just cause it's really shiny orrr
-ok we're headed to outset! I'm so excited to get back to Link's home hehe. Also I think Tetra just dared Link to a race bc she was like 'we'll get there first we still have bombs' so yeah anyways she's spending the night here tho so I'm sure it'll be fine.
-I don't like the great sea as much when it's raining and thunderstorming all over :/ I hope it doesn't stay like this? Because that would suck
-I got sucked into a cyclone and was panicking cause it threw me across the great sea BUT then it threw me onto outset!! :D so that was uhh. Handy I guess.
-Ohhh ok so like. time is frozen from ganad's current curse, which means it's gonna stay night for right now, so tetra won't be coming in time to get the treasure from the god dude first. Nice.
-The Lion King just kindly told Link to visit his family and chill for a second and check on his island?? Sobbing yes thank you sir
-Grandma's sick oh no this is the saddest thing I've ever seen ima cry. I healed her with a fairy but she was so sad link and aryll were gone im- and then grandma blamed herself for not being there for them like no it's literally cold and rainy all the time it's frozen right now you have every right to get sick- and then she made Link soup and she'll remake it for him which is great and I LOVE LINKS GRANDMA SO MUCH it was so sad she was sick I'm glad I could heal her :))
-Link smiled and nodded so enthusiastically when Grandma told him to stay out of trouble/stay safe like Link you are a liar I just watched you steal from pirates
-I sparred with Orca and I like him. It's cool how he trains Link on his home Island with like formal training because Link definitely needs it with what he's facing
-Controlled a seagull for the first time. That was fun they can fly for such a long time like. Forever?? Idk I eventually stopped
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mamamittens · 1 year
Alright, ngl, I fully planned on writing this week but work decided it was time to do inventory again. At the literal last minute.
I. Hauled. Ass.
And tomorrow I'm probably going to be counting a fuck ton of shit sooooo RIP IG
Anyway, as a small apology lemme talk about the au of Sweet Child, Grow (now the nickname for "How our Seeds Grow"). And fittingly, I'll start with the name!
I actually didn't think too much about the name before rolling with that but it's kinda genius in hindsight because now the two read as "Oh, sweet child of mine, how our seeds grow" which sounds awful wistful don't it? And sweet. I like it. And it's very poignant considering the au is all about little reader growing up with the WBP.
Also! I did write a fair bit for the next chapter but it felt short and I thought I could more or less squeeze in a few chapters now that the narrator (child reader) is way less angsty about being kidnapped and not as observant so there's less wordage to get across here. And as I did I realized I accidentally wrote in a little plot hole in the first one.
See, reader's supposed to really love animals. But what happened to their den den mushi? The snail from the beginning? So I'm taking a moment to answer what no one has asked.
They didn't get to keep the snail until well after they returned since it's apparently pretty easy to convert them into 'phones' so to minimize shenanigans, they just withheld it until they felt they could trust reader.
And since in Grow the reader is just a scared kid, they get to keep the snail with a normal shell. Reader named him 'Cream' even though they weren't supposed to because it's not 'their' snail. It's the marine's snail. Little reader has gotten better at hiding how attached they are to their issued snail at whatever base they're on but not very well.
As a treat, here's a little snippet!
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Oh! And before I forget!
I'll try to remember y'all that asked to be tagged in the next update but I make no promises! If you're super concerned about it though as soon as it comes out you can also read not only Sweet Child but Grow as well on AO3! Or maybe follow the tag for the story??? Idk how reliable that is, I don't really follow specific tags on Tumblr ngl
AO3 is currently experiencing some minor issues (8/30/23) though, so please be patient if it won't work immediately and perhaps check back later!
Anyway! Thanks for being patient everyone, as well as the fairly positive-ish neutral reaction to my new rule concerning asks for updates! It's a lot less stressful thinking about which fics to update now that I have a hard line. I'm afraid the personal clash between pathological demand avoidance and people pleasing is incredibly uncomfortable to grapple with at the best of times. And it leaves me feeling like either a raging bitch or a doormat 😬
I'm hoping to get some writing done soon but with inventory in full swing tomorrow I won't be surprised if I just pass the fuck out when I get home. Istg I opened cult of the lamb for a quick sesh and next thing I knew it was 9 (my bad entirely. I know damn well that game is very hard to put down- always one last thing I can do before going to bed but it's never just one is it???)
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Speaking of which! I gotta go to sleep now lol
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oh wow, i just played y5ch16 on another account this time i decided not to challenge/duel Rakepick & chose to walk away. but then she breaks their wand anyway??? like wtaf?? she said she “needed to teach them a lesson” like what “lesson” bitch?? i decided to have MC be the bigger person (even though they were 15/16 here & she’s a grown adult) & walk because i wasn’t dealing with her shit & she chooses to respond by breaking their wand, like that’s soooo cool of her. 🙄 i knew MC would get their first wand broken by her anyway so it didn’t come as a total shock but i was not impressed one bit. this isn’t like choosing to duel or cast a spell on her where it could be seen as “cool” that she breaks it before they can do anything ig. this is just stupid & there’s nothing impressive or admirable about it. i swear i’m less & less impressed by her behavior everyday.
Yeah, this is just one of those moments where the illusion of choice really stings. The game offers you the choice to walk away from the fight with Rakepick, but realistically, that was never actually going to be an option. Not with how much buildup there was to MC actually challenging her. Not when the story needs her to break MC's wand so that they can get a new one. Honestly, I'm not a fan of how this was handled. It's definitely in character for Rakepick...I suppose, if one assumes that MC obtaining a new wand was part of her plans in the grand scheme of things. (Which is possible, I guess.) but it just seems very out of nowhere, like I can just feel the game trying to force it's foregone outcome if the player chooses to walk away. Also, maybe hindsight is just what makes this more obvious, but let's go ahead and pass the idiot ball to MC for actually doing as she says. "Hold out your wand, I want to try something." And then MC just. Does it. Why, oh why. Seriously, I would be asking that exact question. "Why?" And I'd be hiding my wand in my robes until Rakepick gave a very good explanation for what she's planning.
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ladyimaginarium · 9 months
vent under the cut.
i& just told mom that if i& didn't leave by next year i'd& kill myself&. & i& just. felt completely numb about it. looking back in hindsight i& don't think i& could do that to the littles so ig s/h is the alt. idk maybe it's the traumaversary. maybe this is seasonal depression talking or at least exacerbating it. but. idk. it really feels like there's nothing else. fighting & mending the gashes. loving & losing & being fucked over. surviving & being in survival mode. it's literally all ive& done since i& was born & im& not even exaggerating if y'all know my& story. j was the closest thing i& ever felt to truly being at peace, ig they were the closest thing to feeling closer to g-d. k was really sweet & a kindness & im& grateful to him but he's gone now too ig. & im& tired of fighting. my& life means nothing in the eyes of the law bc my& main abuser still walks free w/ a slap on the wrist & still lives near me&. it really does feel like it's just me& & my& system sometimes & that's an extremely isolating feeling. sometimes my& body feels like a cage. there's so much i& want to see & do & so many places i& want to see but i& can't do it bc i& can't work bc my& cfs & pots fucking sucks. then there's the constant ableism sanism transphobia intersexism biphobia queerphobia & pluralphobia. then there's the fucking r.amcoa trauma. there's more i& could say but this bitch is tired. lmao
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thoughtsaladblog · 10 months
Mr. Morally Grey will see you now...
Not your typical Christian Grey- certainly not the awkward weirdo from the movie. But definitely one for the books (again, not the actual book- which was a world class waste of time and paper). It's been an eventful- well textually eventful- week thus far. What started as friendly banter somehow escalated into a full on flirting session that, obviously given my track record (and apparently his), ended in sexytimes over the phone... Ok, so obviously not as sexy as you'd like it to be.. But gahddaamn it was in fact still sexy.
Starting to realise that Mr. Morally Grey brings out colours in me, I hadn't realised I had. Now we both know it's all fun and games - except its all fun and games till someone loses an eye. And the way this game is going- someone will be losing an eye (most likely me).
Let me tell you a bit about Mr. Morally Grey. You might need to sit down for this one. So first impression was: funny, gentle, sweet all that blah. Cute too, but not the kinda stuff to get your panties wet. Next impression: sexy times. Dude sounds like a freak in the sheets (thank you, universe! I have indeed waited long enough- I will accept this apology from you). Whatever I throw he's willing to catch (in hindsight it was mostly just for the gram, it appears). So perhaps not as much a freak as we'd like to believe- trust men to always lead you on only to disappoint. What can I say? Guess I'll take what I can get- it's still better than nothing.
To continue...Then we talk- for God knows how long, and I learn that he's both smart and determined... Smart, driven and freaky? Oh mama! He hit that trifecta like Jason Momoa hitting some lucky woman's g-spot... (this is assuming Jason Momoa's dong is directly proportionate to his immaculately sculpted body. If not, drop the metaphor) I mean honey? That's it! In the immortal words of Nicki Minaj, “them panties comin’ off"!
I could think about his Ig messages and cum all day- although tbf I don't really get to that point unless I talk to him. When he talks- are the conversations always meaningful? Sometimes yes, but at other times they are the absolute divine combination of witty and sensible- and by the end of it, you could bet all the money in the bank, I'm ready to pounce on him and ride him hard over and over again. This is the most hot and bothered I've been over a dude I met online only a few days ago. I can only hope he can put his money where his mouth is- if we ever get that chance. Because let's be real- he's a man. And if there's one thing you can count on men to do- it's to disappoint.
He might most likely lose interest- you can only pretend like you're interested in these conversations for so long before you wanna take it from the screens to the sheets. And that won't and can't happen for at least another 5 months! Are we actually doing this waiting game? Did we agree to this? I mean, we are just kidding about this ownership thing right? Is it just something for the gram and not outside of it? I'm assuming it is- coz I doubt Mr. Grey is gonna wait 5 months without getting laid just because some bitch thousands of miles away told him she owns him (when they aren't in any sort of relationship)! I mean, I get the thrill behind it- but it makes no sense. Neither for him nor for me.
But more importantly, I've got alarms going off in my head. Sure, I know this is all pretend but for fuck's sake- he gets me so hot and bothered. it's like, I could have him fuck me all day and I'd still want more! I know I'm attracted to something about him, and you know I don't like being attracted to people I can't trust. I mean what do I even know about this guy? He's very secretive. Keeps his cards close to his chest- which, given his past experiences makes sense, but that only means I'll never know who he really is. I already know that whatever snippets I get are carefully coordinated to benefit him- I know because that's what I always do too. So then what's the big deal right? Yes, I have met my match. But not really- because I trust myself enough to know that I'm transparent with my intentions from the start and I would never willingly hurt or use another person. I don't know if the same can be said here. Why does all this matter if its just a flirty thing? Because even a flirty thing should be a hundred percent transparent- and this isn't. I have so many fucking questions, and alarms at his behaviour- like how defensive he gets when you ask him anything intimate or involving this "whatchamacallit". Why the defensiveness? It makes it difficult to ask questions and get a clear understanding of where everything stands. So it's not like what I've got with the others- I've known them for years, and we started off as friends and tbf I don't have mind games with them. These mind games were fun at first (and still are if the mood is right)- but now my overactive mind is dissecting this information and I'm feeling uncomfortable.
I've got my Nike's ready- to run at the first sign of manipulation or sus behaviour. No thank you! I got enough of that in the past- I'm moving forward or not moving at all- certainly not going back to those hellish days.
Anyway- when I called him morally grey- now you get what I meant. Ironically- I'm attracted to fucking morally grey! And the truth is- whichever fucking way this goes, ngl I wanna bang. Just fuck each others' brains out, at least once- to hopefully get me through the next 10 years of mediocre sexual encounters with selfish men who couldn't find the G-spot if you gave them a fucking map!
I guess when they say "He's morally grey, but what can I say? Grey's my favourite colour.." I now see myself there. Irl too, not just the books. Maybe it's time to face the facts- he maybe misogynistic but I'm clearly masochistic.
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incarnateirony · 3 years
the fanpol brigade is still on their bullshit I see lmao I haven't seen anything about it but I'm not surprised. at all.
also I can confirm that you have nothing to do with them and that the falling out was literally because of shit EXACTLY like this. at MOST you can be blamed for fostering an environment that encouraged that toxic clique mindset but hindsight is 20/20 or whatever and you didn't MAKE anyone into bitter fanpol who only know how to spew salt and not how to mind their own business 🤷‍♀️
Yeah my sin was not telling them to stop behaviors they were doing outside of the server. Linking and bitching about things in server I didn't police because, you know, it's the salt section, people are allowed to salt. And what they did offserver wasn't my business to patrol either. I probably should have put my foot down sooner, but once that shit started rearing inside the server itself that's where I could do something without BEING a damn parent outside of it. Too little too late, ig. Ah, the balancing art of letting people salt and do their own thing outside while trying to maintain an environment.
Honestly I should have paid attention sooner. There's a reason I shut down Dominus+ after the blowout, and that's because for months they were taking funzies rooms like cockles ITK chat and just bitching and salting all day there too. The salt was going everywhere. It was a salt mine. But there really wasn't a rule about that so I didn't enforce it, and I think that was my biggest mistake because in that they got tribalistic.
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gottlem · 4 years
ur so mean, i love u. (lemyanka)
a/n: this was based off a certain ig story from priyanka. its basiacally just pining lesbians. i tried my best, its kind of late, i hope u like it !! (ps this i snot proofread so we’re just gonna hope its right and if its not... just pretend)
summary: priyanka knew something was wrong with lemon if a day went by when she didn’t make fun of her, and lemon hadn’t been acting like herself for a week. (3k)
Priyanka could tell there was something wrong with Lemon. She just didn’t know what it could be. They were best friends, so wouldn’t Lemon just come to her if she was upset or mad or whatever? Priyanka couldn’t lie, she felt a pang in her chest at the idea of Lemon keeping something from her, something that was clearly upsetting her. They had become a package deal, they were never too far from each other and even when they weren’t together, they were talking about each other. If Lemon didn’t like someone, neither did Pri. If Pri had a favourite song, Lemon learned every word. They were as close as friends could be.
Though, Priyanka kind of wished they’d be more. But it was okay. She could have feelings for Lemon and be her friend and she didn’t even have to know. Hiding it from her would kill her, but she was sure telling Lemon would be worse. She couldn’t, she wouldn’t, risk changing their dynamic, something they had built up to become stronger and stronger year after year. If their bond were to break, they’d never hear the end of it. The mere thought of that made Priyanka shiver. 
She liked to think she could read Lemon best, and she’d probably be right. Lemon was not the girl to always talk about how she was feeling, and you could bet if she wasn’t feeling right she’d completely hide it. But she’d never been able to fool Priyanka. Though, normally she wouldn’t even try, because Priyanka would be the shoulder she’d seek to cry on anyway. Priyanka had seen her at her absolute worst, through thick and thin. So why was she acting so… weird?
It’s not like it was obvious, though. Lemon was a good actress, Priyanka was just a better detective, apparently. But she didn’t say anything straight away. Lemon hated to be pestered, and maybe she was just tired. Maybe her neighbours were loud and she couldn’t get to sleep. Hell, she could just be a bit hormonal, that’s fine. Priyanka would only make her angry for bringing it up, or even make her worse. And she didn't want to be overbearing. So she left it. She left it and waited until Lemon was back to her sour little self. But that never happened.
Apparently, Priyanka’s stress over Lemon just made her more stressed in general, which made her forget to set her alarm. So on Friday morning, she woke up an hour later than normal, in ignorant bliss for a total of one second until reality caught up to her. She scrambled out of bed, rushing through her usual morning routine, probably (definitely) forgetting something when packing her bag. By the time she was ready to go, she would be about 45 minutes late to her first lesson, so there was really no point in going to it at all. But still, she left the house and found herself walking a little quicker than normal.
She didn’t go to her first lesson, opting to be early for her second. She braced herself for whatever Lemon would come up with about her frazzled appearance. She wore a bare face and a ponytail that was definitely lop-sided and falling out slowly, and she knew Lemon would have an absolute field day. She was the only person who Priyanka would let make fun of her, all because she knew it came from a place of love. Besides, the bitch was funny. It was so typically Lemon to make some quick-witted insult, that would never really be an insult, it became her thing. 
So when Lemon sat herself down in her usual spot next to Pri and said nothing but a “Hey, bitch” with a smile that was definitely not genuine, Priyanka knew it was time to intervene. And then the teacher walked in, demanding silence. Well, there goes that idea. For the next hour, Priyanka watched Lemon’s eyes as they focused and unfocused on the world around her, and pretended to ignore the constant side glances she’d receive way more often than normal. Maybe now wasn’t the time, but she’d have to bring it up. She didn’t care if Lemon got annoyed anymore, she knew the girl had a habit of bottling things up, and she didn’t want to wait for her feelings to explode. She thought back to the few times where she had bit her tongue for a bit too long, and watched Lemon spiral for weeks. She wouldn’t let that happen again.
Turns out, getting Lemon alone for long enough was a lot harder than she thought it’d be. Was she doing this on purpose? The next time Priyanka caught up with Lemon wasn’t until the end of the day, when they began the walk home together, a tradition they’d had for years. And still, something just seemed off. Lemon just wasn’t as peppy as she normally was (though she would absolutely kill Priyanka for using the word ‘peppy’ to describe her).
“Hey Lem, do you want to stick around at mine for a bit? I need company while my moms at work?” Priyanka’s mom was at work, this was true, but really she was just testing the waters. Lemon never passed up an opportunity to spend a couple hours at Pri’s after school.
“I actually have like, a shit ton of homework, so I think I’ll just go straight home today.” Okay, that was enough.
“Lemon. Are you okay?” She placed her hands on the younger girls shoulders, effectively stopping her from walking any further, and making her face Priyanka. This just meant Priyanka had a better view of the dramatic eye roll Lemon proceeded to do.
“I’m fine! Just busy.” Lemon was not impressed. At all. Not quite angry, but absolutely fed up, but this only spurred Priyanka on more.
“Lem, please. Just come to mine for a bit, we can chill or whatever you want. I call bullshit on your homework excuse but you can do that if you really want to, just please come with me? I just want you to be okay.” Priyanka’s tone was harsh, firm. Not mean though, never mean, not to Lemon. 
It’s not like Lemon had any other choice but to agree. Priyanka grabbed her hand and didn’t let go until she was standing at her front door fishing for her keys in her pockets. Lemon never perked up, instead she whined the whole way about how she was fine and Priyanka was overreacting. Priyanka saw right through it, and with each complaint she became more determined to find out what the fuck was going on with her best friend.
As soon as the door was opened, Lemon walked straight upstairs, into Priyanka’s room and flopped onto her bed. Priyanka trudged behind her, in much less of a hurry but concerned nonetheless, and followed the yellow haired girl into the bedroom to find her lying there with her face smushed into her pillows. She didn’t budge even after Priyanka closed the door behind her, nor when she asked politely for her to scoot along. So Priyanka did the only thing that was left to do. She gently rolled Lemon’s petite body along, so that she was facing upwards and gave enough room to join her on the bed. She was surprisingly met with no resistance other than a small whine of protest. 
“Stay here. I’m gonna go make tea, then you can do your stupid homework”
Lemon’s face instantly fell. They both knew she was lying about the homework earlier. Sure, she had to get some done, but it was Friday night and she had all weekend. Besides, she didn’t even have much and she always left it until the last minute anyways. She didn’t want to think about the homework until at least tomorrow. In hindsight, that was probably exactly why Priyanka called bullshit on the excuse so quickly.
“I actually don’t have homework tonight. Can we just like, watch a movie instead?”
And how could Priyanka say no to her? She could never stay mad at Lemon for long, not that she even was in the first place, and now she was just more worried than anything. So she’d take it upon herself to make sure Lemon felt better by next week, and she’d have her Lemon back. That shouldn’t be too hard, right?
She left for a few minutes and left Lemon to pick out a movie for them to watch on her laptop. When she returned, she found Lemon wrapped up under her duvet, laptop in front of her ready to begin Mean Girls. Priyanka let out a sigh of relief that she wasn’t going to make her watch something that would make her cry.
It took twenty minutes for Priyanka to become hyper-aware of Lemon’s body against hers. And it’s not like she was complaining, but also she was falling head over heels for this girl and it was becoming increasingly harder the act like her feelings were entirely platonic. But alas, she kept still, tense even, as she focused hard on the movie, making off-handed comments about how Regina and Janis low-key would have been a power couple. 
It took another twenty minutes for Lemons head to drop onto Priyanka’s shoulder. She chanced a glance at the smaller girl, which led her to find out she had fallen asleep. Waking Lemon up would feel mean, especially since she figured she needed the extra relaxation, she deserved to feel better. However, letting Lemon sleep on her shoulder? Priyanka didn’t know if she’d be able to take it.
But she did. She sat through the last hour of the movie with Lemon breathing softly onto her neck, totally oblivious to her friend's inner turmoil, and only woke her up once the end credits had finished. She lightly shook Lemon until she began to stir and eventually sat up and opened her eyes, only to ask how long she’d been asleep for. She tried to tell Priyanka that she should have just woken her up, instead of letting her sleep on her shoulder like that, saying it was probably just uncomfortable. Priyanka insisted that she didn’t care and Lemon needed the rest.
It only took a minute of awkward silence (something that was unfamiliar to the pair) before Priyanka sat up straight and faced Lemon.
“Okay. You’ve drank your tea. You’ve watched your film. You’ve had your nap. Now tell me what’s wrong” Priyanka was going to get to the bottom of this, whether she liked it or not.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about” Lemon avoided her gaze, favouring to stare at the walls, or the floor, the window, anywhere but Priyanka and her damn eyes. She knew that the minute she looked into them, she wouldn’t be able to keep her mouth shut, which is exactly what she needed to do if she planned on keeping their friendship. 
Priyanka never let down though. She kept asking until Lemon started to raise her voice, seemingly getting annoyed. But Priyanka knew better. She wasn’t annoyed, she was starting to break the facade.
“Priyanka, I don’t even understand why you’re so certain that something’s wrong with me! I’m fine! Why would I not be!?” Lemon was shouting by now. And she was definitely starting to feel guilty, and absolutely not fine. But it’s not like she could just straight up tell Priyanka that the reason she had been distant was because she was trying not to be in love with her. 
“Because you’re not being a bitch!” Lemon seemed offended for about a second, and then she realised that Priyanka was right. She’d been too soft lately. It’s unlike her to not make some bitchy comment for a laugh, and everyone knew she didn’t actually mean it, but it had become the Lemon Brand.
“Maybe I don’t want to be a bitch anymore. Can I not be nice for once? Sincerely nice? Would you hate it if I let my guard down for a damn day?”
Lemon seemed hurt. Genuinely upset, as if she was asking herself these questions instead of Priyanka. But still, she was so confused. Why was Lemon acting so differently? Was she sick of her? 
“You’re not scared of hurting my feelings are you? Because that-”
“Oh my God, Priyanka. It’s not always about you!”
Except in this situation it was absolutely all about Priyanka, just not in the way she was insinuating. It just didn’t feel right anymore, to have this banter between them. Sometimes Lemon wished she could give a compliment without slapping something she didn’t mean on the end of it. Sometimes she wished she could be able to give Priyanka some kind of clue about what she was feeling, but it was just impossible to be so serious with her. 
“Then what is it about? I promise I’ll drop it if you just explain what’s wrong, I know there’s a reason you haven’t been acting like yourself”
There was no response. Lemon avoided her eyes, looking down into her lap. When Priyanka followed her gaze she found her picking at her fingernails, she noticed her hands were shaking a little. Not much, but just enough to show that she was convincing herself to say something. Priyanka couldn’t lie, she was a little scared. It was unlike Lemon to be so dramatic and secretive about something, especially with Priyanka. They knew almost everything about each other, and they liked it that way. Things had always been so comfortable between them, they could say anything without worrying about the others' reaction. So why was Lemon biting her tongue all of a sudden?
“It just doesn’t feel right anymore, to joke around like that” Her voice was small, reluctant even. Yet, it still didn’t clarify anything to Priyanka, who was still just as confused as before.
“What do you mean?”
Lemon just shook her head and hid her face behind her hands. A muffled “It doesn’t matter” was the closest thing to an answer Pri received. She didn’t know what to do. She’d never seen Lemon like this, so timid. Scared. For someone who constantly said ‘deluded self-confidence’ ws her brand, she surely wasn’t being confident in any sense of the word. Meanwhile, Priyanka softly insisted that whatever the problem was, it did matter. It mattered because she was clearly upset. It mattered because it was stopping Lemon from talking to her. It mattered to Priyanka because it clearly mattered to Lemon.
After Priyanka had tried her best to keep her friend calm and to get her to open up, Lemon’s eyes slowly became glassy. Her lower lip quivered before a tear was shed and soon enough Priyanka was opening her arms and muttering a “c’mere, don’t cry”. It was all ‘you’ll be okay’ and ‘I’ve got you, don’t worry’, until Priyanka’s shirt had a small mascara stain and Lemon pulled away, wiping her eyes and apologising for getting makeup on her shirt. Priyanka didn’t care. If anything, she was just happy Lemon finally let it out, even though she still had no idea what ‘it’ was. 
“You know you can literally tell me anything, right?” 
Lemon sniffled, and nodded with a giggle. She knew she could trust Priyanka, she always had. She just didn’t know if she trusted herself to handle being rejected. But there was no getting out of this one anymore. There was no more running away, no more distancing herself. It was time to bite the bullet. Deep breaths.
“I, uh, I guess I’ve been acting so weird around you because…”
How the fuck was she supposed to say this? 
“It’s okay, Lemon, you trust me right?” Priyanka leaned forward ever so slightly to wipe a stray tear from Lemon’s cheek as she gave a miniscule nod in response.
“Well, I think I just wanted to distance myself for a while? Not because I don’t want to spend time with you! It’s quite the opposite really.”
She could see the cogs turning in Lemons head, trying to think of something else to say, and part of Priyanka wanted to ask Lemon to elaborate. But the other part of Priyanka was thinking about how right it felt to touch Lemon’s cheek, and how close their bodies were, and how pretty Lemon looked. And the way Lemon was looking at her. It was as if she hung all the stars in the sky right then and there, just for Lemon.
And suddenly it all made sense. And Priyanka felt so, so dumb for not noticing it sooner. 
“Wait, Lemon. I get it.”
“No, I really don’t think you do-” She chuckled, not because it was funny, but because there was no way Priyanka knew where she was going with this. She’d tried so hard to hide it from her. But then again, she could never keep something from her for very long anyways.
“Come here” Lemon obliged, slowly scooting herself closer to the girl, watching as her eyes flickered down for just a second and she took a deep breath. 
Maybe Priyanka did get it. 
“You want to kiss me, don’t you?” It was a whisper. A dare. Lemon was happy to accept it.
“And what if I do?” She had no idea where the short burst of confidence came from, or what allowed her to flirt back, but she did it anyway. Maybe it was the way their faces were slowly inching closer together. Maybe it was the way they had locked eyes so intensely she could suddenly see every fleck of colour in Priyanka’s iris’. 
“Then I think you should.”
And Lemon didn’t need to be told twice. She wrapped her arms around Priyanka’s neck, letting her initiate the kiss. She let herself let go of thought, let go of worries about what this made them, and just kissed back as if her life depended on it. Somehow it felt like it did. The kiss itself was soft, the pair much more concerned with letting each other know how they felt more than anything else.
When they eventually pulled apart with plump lips and flushed cheeks, a satisfied smirk sat on Lemon’s lips. 
“I don’t think I wanna be friends anymore”
“Yeah, me neither”
They’d need to have a longer conversation, about what they were now (though they had an idea or two) and how things would change. But for now, both girls were pretty content with lips pressed together and hands tangled in hair.
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404fmdhaon · 4 years
self para — first time meeting
summary: he meets yeseul inside a club, too young to know better. too innocent to see anything else. dated: 2008, mapo-gu. (yes i will never stop writing about this npc bc she is my favorite npc) warnings: none (ig alcohol tw? but none of the listed triggers on the trigger page!) wc: 1045
and he’s lucky the contours of his face haven’t deepened since age eight. baby faced, it’s what the bouncer does in a double glance and narrowed eyes — a check back into the fake id. the bouncer flashes him a smile, a mutual agreement in the last week they’d down the shots sweet of soju. gyujeong dips his head, fingers run through his hair.
a call back over for his friends already behind the bar. they’ve got his favorites poured and ready — jagerbombs, loaded and he downs one quickly. and maybe it’s the warmth simmering underneath his skin and the thrums of the beat blasted through the speakers. he’s alive, more than he has been when he’s thrown out the repercussions of a staged life. a house sitting somewhere in yongsan gone and out of mind, and a heart that breathes the beginnings of right now.
he slips to the back, palms slapped against those of old faces and new. he laughs, a rattle of the typical “you looked so fucked up right now”, and then, he laughs again. 
yet, his eyes wander to a new face. coy smiles, a dimple pressed when her mouth breaches across her face shattering the illusion of beauty. her hair in coal black wave, one not meant for salons nor the press of some styling — it’s natural, just like her laughter.
“who invited this fucker.” it’s english, the way her voice tapers down into a husky laugh. there’s a glass weaved in her hand, filled with a sapphire-stained drink (he knows, it’s bombay. he learns, that’s her favorite when she’s on the hunt to kill).
gyujeong mirrors the contagion thats embeded in her laughter (she smirks right back — dead-on eye-contact lingering long), lets the facade of some sort of sanity keep his peace. tongue in cheek, he dips his head. “you’re a bitch — not even that pretty, you know that?” it’s a return in english when he reaches for her drink, lips pressed to the rim inside a smoldering smirk.
“you think i’m pretty.” her hands snatch it right back, yanking it out of his hand for only the remnants of droplets to flood onto a shirt worth more than the dj’s monthly pay.
he shakes his head, slowly then all at once. his eyes never move past the way she forebodes danger like he’s entrapped in a pre-destined fate upon first glance. “no.” 
tantalization at its finest — he moves, takes the vacant seat next to her. spine feigning a sort of relaxed the way he curves uneasy into the seat, and a gaze that pins her straight-on. she doesn’t fidget — instead, she laughs again (this becomes the soundtrack to his greatest downfall).
“you don’t fool me. not at all when you’re wearing hedi’s first season in dior homme.” 
he nods again — a match, he’s met. lost, felt himself reaping in the riptide of her destruction. “and you don’t fool me when you say hedi slimane, rich bitch.” 
what he assumes is a claw back in a cuff against his face, but when the same simpering curve of her ruby stained lips come across her face, he knows — he’s stepped foot into no man’s land, and now, there’s no way out. 
“lim yeseul, year 1994. rich bitch in hannam hiding away inside some club next to sangsu station — and let me guess, you’re 1994 same rich bitch in hannam hiding next to me?” she puts her hand out, and he sits there completely still. at loss, a mouth agape with uncertainty tainting the words he doesn’t know what to say. 
instead, he nods. once more, slipping back into the drink inside her other hand. it’s the first instance of skin on skin contact, and her skin’s soft. warmed from the rouge layer painted over her face, focused on her nose. “you’re underaged.” it’s a blurt, an aftermath slipping past with no hesitation (drunkenness is a curse, and she’s holding it down better than he knows he ever could).
“you don’t fool me.” she whispers, a repetition hitting like dejavu of minutes prior. “tell me your name, 1994 rich bitch from hannam.”
“i said, tell me your name.”
“chung gyujeong.” he recedes, downing the last droplets of her drink. his gaze wavers steady, picking apart the thick brows and the face wrapped in mystery. intoxicated, it’s her he’s drunk off of. 
“when’s your birthday?”
“april 22.”
“call me noona, i’m april 13.”
it’s five in the morning — the sun steadily coming up to the horizon. his vision blurred, yet it doesn’t take more than the same anchored laugh to paint each divot inside her features and the robustness of her voice to cover him whole in visions of her mangled hair and roguish grins when she’s quizzing him on the theories of kafka and the magnetic attraction of rosenberg (in hindsight, he knows nothing, mind blank when her fingertips graze the surface of his hand in an accidental mishap guised purposeful).
his feet teeter on the edge of the sidewalk, balancing back and forth with a cigarette tipped between his mouth — for a minute, he stares. tilts his head when he sees her head high up in the clouds, eyes closed (the first time he sees her as human).
teeth pressed onto his bottom lip, his heart beat drums woven into the what-ifs of throbbing insecurities. he takes a step closer.
“야 임예슬 (yah, lim yeseul).” he calls out, voice faltering at the push of the first step. “번호 좀 줘. (give me your number).”
her footsteps come in worn out converses stepped across the concrete, fingers in the air hailing for the next exhausted taxi driver. “같이 타자, 돈은 네가 내고, 아저씨 고생하니까 잔돈 까지 챙겨줘라." (let’s take this together, you pay. since the taxi ajusshi is working hard, don’t forget to tip). and she steps in, fingers laced around his wrist yanking him to follow. he complies, and he turns to her before the next words become muffled with a simple scrape across his lips — burning, scathing. all encompassing, electrifying. 
(he gets her number when they’re drunk in staggered steps inside the home of their neighborhood -- her arms out, his trailing behind.)
0 notes
kato-kosmos · 2 years
Fuck you im writing minesona smut because im a dirty bored bitch-
also- Bad is a trans dude with magic top surgery- he got tittie deletie in the revival but he still got a pussy alright? this is never relevant to the plot in anyway and he doesn’t get dysphoria about it- if anything since the magic gave him a dick too- he’s just a guy with an extra hole.
Also like i legit dont know how to write his chest wound into this- and his vines- and mask and face covering- Ig i can say since its when he’s more stable now that it healed, he learned how to put it away with magic, and he trusts Series enough/doesn’t get as much dysmorphia anymore so idk. but they’re not in this except for the throwaway line about his vines and they’re not in the other smut drabbles unless mentioned
thats it. this is the only lore you’re getting here.
Oh and Series is here too- She’s the Dom because they deserve it <3 they’re a robot they got different attachments down there whatever they need- she looks human in this one just a few exposed robotic parts here and there. And she’s going by mommy, master, and sir in this one because we stan a genderfluid dom here.
kinks: dumbification and a bit of bimbofication, degradation and praise, slight vouyerism and exhibitionism, fingering, slight petplay, ownership, uhhh slight mommy kink, cockwarming at the end, anal, there’s consent check-in sprinkled throughout too! because healthy fwb relationships, there’s probably more im forgetting tbh but this is the basics.
Summary: Stressed out of his head, Bad decides to take a little break to… stress relieve persay. In hindsight he should’ve picked a more private spot to finger himself but being caught by Series is always part of the fun. And hey if being caught means being bent over the bed and fucked senseless with lots of cuddles after, he’s totally up for being caught being such a naughty slut.
Bad rubbed at his eyes as he adjusted the wiring again.
he had been at this project for hours and he had been at automating the island for weeks, he’s exhausted and stressed out of his mind to be quite honest with you.
…And pent up now that he thought of it.
Really pent up apparently if the growing erection in his pants had anything to say about-
“Well- I mean Series probably won’t check up on me a bit since they know I’m busy,” He muttered to himself as he stripped off his goggles and armor. But he’d be lying if the thought of being caught by Series didn’t make him even harder, “And gods- I think I really need it-“
His cock was straining against his pants now and he could feel the slit between his legs dripping with arousal.
Concentrating slightly to uncoil the vines from his arms and legs, he watched them quickly fall away before moving upwards up his shirt to reside next to his heart.
Kicking off his pants and tugging off his shirt, he drifted his hands to his underwear. He palmed softly at his cock groaning at the pleasure that already racked through him from the small touch.
Going lower he felt the large growing wet spot from his pussy dripping. Now that was a little more unexpected given the little use it got now a days. But the thoughts of fucking himself with it now made him moan under his breath as he played with his soaking wet lips through his underwear.
Sitting on the machine he was supposed to be working on he pulled off his underwear. Sucking in a sharp breath as the cold air hit the aroused parts. Leaning against the pipes coming from the center of the machine, and moving one of his legs up to rest next to him on top of the machine.
He panted slightly over the thoughts that took over his head. He ghosted his fingers over the head of his cock moaning slightly. Fuck he really needed this. Moving his free hand up to his chest he pinched his nipples softly, relishing in the pleasure the slight pain brought.
Eagerly he moved his hand down to his pussy, caressing his thighs softly as he went. Playing his fingers softly against his dripping wet hole he moaned, before quickly moving the hand at his chest up to stifle it.
Fucking Nether, He Needed This. So Badly.
Without wasting a second more, he carefully pushed a finger into himself.
“Fuck-“ he breathed out as his finger stretched him out. It felt so fucking good. He felt so full like a piece had finally completed him. Filling the empty space he had inside him begging to be filled for so long.
He tentatively pushed his finger up. Feeling for the sensitive little spot that he knew laid inside him. A deep moan fell out of his throat as the pad of his finger pressed against it.
Pulling his finger out, he carefully pushed another one in as he entered his pussy again.
Beginning to pump both of his fingers in and out of his achingly wet hole, he aimed them carefully to brush against the spot inside him.
More and more moans escaped him. They built in volume softly behind his palm, before he quickly switched to biting against his knuckle. His eyes fluttered closed as he focused on fingering his needy hole.
It felt so fucking good. The pleasure foreign but oh so welcome to his stressed form.
But with his eyes closed he didn’t notice the figure that was watching him from the door way. Eyes transfixed in arousal and shock, their own hand slipping slowly in their pants before a quick head-shake threw them back into their senses. Because no matter how hot this was, they still felt weird creeping on him without consent. Slowly opening their mouth, their words cut through the moans filling the air.
“Bad? What are you doing?”
Fuck. Snapping his eyes open and slamming his legs shut, he looked up at Series watching him from the doorway.
“Fuck- Shit- Sorry- I was just- Fuck-“ Bad stumbled out. His words tripping over slight moans since he forgot to take his fingers out of himself before closing his thighs around it.
“No no no no- It’s okay- don’t stop-“ Series said as they approached Bad slowly, “Shit- I’m kinda terrible at this- But I- I was actually check up on you to see if I could masturbate myself.” She muttered trying to hide her blush as she got closer.
“I’m pent up too. I was coming to see if you were busy so I could go masturbate myself- But instead I saw this beautiful sight,” They said nudging their legs open slightly and standing over him.
It took a lot for Bad not to moan at the slight touch to his thighs. And fuck why was he even harder now- He does suppose its been a long time since they fucked and it’d be so nice…
“You sure you want to do this?” He asked through bated breaths.
“Yes. Absolutely. Anything you want to do?” Series nodded still stroking Bad’s thighs softly.
“Don’t want to think- Want that dumbifiction- the dumb slut one please- and a bit of bimbo stuff too-“ Bad asked his mind filling with lust, “Want to be your dumb bunny- Please- Oh- Is there anything I should call you?-“
“Hmm- Mommy, Master, and Sir are fine- And really now? Does my dumb slut need me to think for them?”
“Mhmm- Yes please just like that- And I want you to play with my ass and pussy a bit too later-“ Bad moaned as Serie- his Mommy’s fingers played even closer to his pussy.
“Such a slut- But I will. Thank you for telling me. Now remember. Safe word is creeper. And the Green-Yellow-Red color system too. Green is keep going-“
“Can be Green be Pink instead?” Bad asked cutting them off suddenly-
“Mhmm sure, and yellow is slow down and red is stop.” Series said their voice dropping into a lustful tone, “But we still need to get ready- so I want you to go continue to play with your tight cunt and I’ll go walk out and we’ll be starting this roleplay session mkay? So give me a color, my bunny.”
“Mhmm, Okay. Yes Mommy. And Pink- I’m ready.” Bad said pushing his fingers back into himself.
Thrusting them softly over and over into his pussy, watching his Mommy walking out filled him with a new sense of arousal. Knowing how much is going to be in store, filled him with even more pleasure then before. Letting his eyes shut again in pleasure as he continued fingering himself, slowly going faster and faster inside of himself. His other hand desperately attempting to muffle his moans.
He heard their footsteps this time, but let himself ignore it. He knew how much better it would be if he let himself go.
“Bunny? What do you think you’re doing?”
Opening his eyes he saw Sir standing over him, her eyes watching him carefully.
“M’ sorry Mommy- I know I’m not supposed to touch myself without your permission-“ He spoke softly, moans still clinging to his voice.
“It’s alright, it was a bit silly of me to think my dumb little bimbo bunny could do anything other than think about me fucking him.” She gripped his chin as she forced him to look up, “So what? Did you get too needy while your dumb little head tried to do this work? And you started fingering yourself?”
Bad tried to stifle his moans as he heard the degrading words fall onto his ears. And oh he figured out how Series was working with this now.
“Mhmm- Yes Mommy- There was just like, soooo many wires and complicated little buttons- and I just felt really empty without something inside me-“ He let himself whine and giggle slightly throughout his sentence, falling easily into his role as a bimbo slut, “Soooo- I let myself have like, a little break but then I started thinking about you Mommy! and your nice big cock- and like I just couldn’t help myself.”
His master tsk’ed to herself before dropping his chin. “Take your fingers out. And you better not have cummed.”
“No Sir- I haven’t cum yet Mommy-“ Bad said though he whined at the loss of his fingers inside himself.
“Good. Now then, since you can’t be anything but a slut, You’re going to go to your room and put back on your slutty clothes which is so much more fitting for a bimbo like you. And then I want you in my room within the next hour. Got it? and give me a color too.”
Fuck- Bad loved his Mommy’s commanding tone. It made him so weak, and he can do this command quite easily. He knew why they had ordered this since they both need time to get ready, and he loved putting those clothes on it made him fall into his bimbo headspace so much easier.
“Yes Mommy- and Im like so Pink- so so so so pretty Pink, Mommy-“ He grinned dopey as he stood up.
Glancing to see their reaction he saw that Series must’ve realized why he asked to change the normal colors they had, seeing how this way they could stay in in scene easier while still checking in.
“Fuck-“ She growled out as she leaned in close, “You’re so fucking hot like this, Bad- Gods you’re so fucking smart about the color thing too- I would fuck you right now if I could.”
He blushed, though whining at the reminder of his intelligence. It wasn’t often Series broke the roleplay so to him this was an accomplishment even if right now he wanted anything to be just Mommy’s dumb slutty bunny instead.
“But that’s good, Bunny. Even if you’re too stupid to remember not to play with yourself, at least you know not to cum,” She was so close he could feel the heat coming off of them, “Now go. Get ready, and be quick you know I don’t like waiting.” She spoke her breath clinging on his neck. She gave him a small kiss on the cheek, before she softly spanking him pushing him on his way.
He blushed at the moan that escaped him as his ass jiggled at the impact and he walked off but Bad was excited to say the least. He was pent up and needy, and he could barely wait for his Sir to play with him.
If he was a little bit smarter in the moment he would’ve just teleported to his room but instead with his head wrapped in lust he simply started walking. He made sure to wiggle his hips and ass as he walked off knowing how much his Mommy loved it and how much it made him look like a slut.
He found his way to his room after a minute or two or five of searching. It’s not his fault though, he whined to nobody in particular. There was just like so many turns and doors, he got confused. But he still had time to get ready for His Mommy!
He still had time right? Well, the big number on his watch on hadn’t changed yet so yeah! He did still have time! He grinned to himself as he walked over to his drawers.
He picked up a pair of silicone breast from the drawer. They were a bit small but fell comfortably in the palm of his hand, though when sitting on his chest they were nice and jiggly. He picked a nice pretty pink bra to support them, it felt so lovely against his skin.
He grabbed a set of matching pink lacy panties as well. Pulling them up his legs, he let the head of his cock poke out of the top of the band. He groaned out at the pressure against his cock.
Digging deeper in his drawers he pulled out a pretty pink skirt to compliment his panties, a pair of elbow long pink lace gloves to cover his arms, and a headband with a set of bunny ears sat upon the top, along with a nice pink collar to adorn his neck- the loop at the front perfect for a leash for his Mommy to yank at.
He grabbed at the make up sitting at the top of the drawers before making his way towards his mirror. Uncapping the bright red lipstick, he ran it across his lips- Making sure to put a good coat on to be able to leave nice pretty marks when he kisses his Mommy’s cock.
He brushed on rosy blush onto his cheeks and eyeliner under his eyes that he surely will cry off by the end of the day. He added a nice set of fake eyelashes on and applied some nice mascara on too, not caring how clumpy it was knowing it would have a similar fate to his eyeliner.
As he grabbed his long brown-haired wig, he debated ways to keep it steady on his head before thoughts of it falling off and the humiliating words that would follow fogged into his head, making his cock twitch. Tossing it carelessly on his head, he placed the bunny ears on top of it and tugged on his gloves. He clasped the collar on around his neck and brought the skirt up to his hips and let it drape over his dick and panties.
Putting on some pretty red heels, he didn’t really mind that he’d be taller than his Master knowing he would be laying or on his knees for most of it. As he finished putting on the last of his outfit, he stared at himself in the mirror. He looked just like a slutty little bunny bimbo, and he loved it. The bimbo in the mirror was so sexy and slutty and knowing it was him made him suck in a sharp breath.
He quickly exited his room as he looked at the clock, his heels making a soft clicking against the floor as he crossed the hall to his Mommy’s room just under the hour.
Knocking against the doorframe, he waited for his Sir. The door opened quickly to Series waiting, She was wearing a loose button up and jeans- their hair was thrown into a messy ponytail and it looked like he switched out his chest for a flatter one too.
“Wow-“ escaped breathlessly through her lips, “And you’re sure you still wanna do this? because as soon as you say yes and step inside my room, I’m going to destroy you because you look wonderful like this-“
It was a breathless ramble, but Bad knew what they meant. Nodding his head he uttered a quick yes and assurance before stepping past Series.
He felt the lust filled haze slowly brush over his head as he saw the toys spread across the counter and the scent of flowery candles drifted from their scattered places around the room.
He didn’t even hear Series walk around him until her fingers were snapping in front of his face.
“Did you hear what I just said slut?”
“N- no mommy- I’m sorry-“ he muttered back as he looked down slightly to look them in the eyes. Though he noted how Series never really said anything in the first place- but he wasn’t listening to his logical side at the minute, he was completely entranced in the lusty haze that swirled in his head. So he probably guessed his Master had and he just didn’t hear.
“Fucking figures- I asked why did you waste my time? I gave you thirty minutes to get ready and you came to me almost a whole hour later!”
“Thirty minutes but you said-“ A swift slap cut him off as he yelped in surprise. Though he relished in the small sting it left behind.
“I said thirty minutes, you dumb slut. And don’t you know not to talk back to me?” Sir was glaring him down and made him feel so weak despite towering over them by a solid couple of inches, “I guess a whore like you really is too stupid to listen.”
Bad just nodded his head as the degrading words slowly broke down any thoughts he had and welcomed the ever encroaching lustful fog in to his mind.
Clicking her tongue, Mommy looked at him before seemingly making up his mind on something.
“Well since you obviously look like a slut- follow me to the bed. I’m going to show you your intended place, princess.”
“Y-yes master” He stumbled over his words as the words sunk into his head. Mhmm he was Sir’s Princess. Just a slutty girl for Master to use. He walked quickly over, a shadow behind his Mommy.
Turning around to face him as they made it to the bed, she held out her hand clearly waiting for something.
“Well? I told you grab a buttplug on the way over, where is it?”
Bad did nothing but continue to stare.
Was Mommy talking to him? But Sir knew he could do nothing for master but look pretty and please him.
He whined softly as his tongue started to fall out from his mouth.
“Oh bunny, You’re right.”
But- But he didn’t say anything-
His master giggled, before he felt his chin be gripped by them.
“You did say something, princess. I guess you really are just a dumb stupid slut that can’t think for herself,” Dropping his chin, they smiled softly at them, “It’s alright though, but you know bimbos like you shouldn’t be standing.”
“Yes Sir- Mommy’s always right! So what should I do instead?” He asked through tiny whines and giggles. Words fell from his bright red lips, his mind to empty to hold or process the sentences.
“Get on you knees, sweetheart. It’s your rightful place as a slut anyways, plus I don’t want you to get any ideas about being in more control since you’re so tall. Though I think that’s a bit too much credit on your part.”
Bad nodded his head quickly as he lowered himself down. He stopped really listening after Mommy started using big words, but Master looked really nice from down there he had to admit.
So caught up in admiring his Sir, he didn’t see them grab something before a few snaps were placed in front of him.
“Color, Love. I want to know before I leash you and we really start.”
“Pink! Pretty princess Pink, Mommy! but umm a little less mean please- M just wanna be good for you even if I’m just a dumb slut-“ He mumbled softly, it wasn’t a strange request from him but it still made him embarrassed.
“Of course, sweetheart. You’re such a good girl for telling me bunny.” Master’s tone was softer as he rubbed his hair right between the bunny ears.
Bad beamed at the praise, a dopey smile on his face. A soft click and gentle tug indicating to his dumb head that he was leashed now though.
Crawling in the direction of the tug he let his jaw hang open with his tongue out. He was just Mommy’s dumb little fuckpet! He didn’t have to think and he could just leave all that to Sir.
He nearly ran into Master’s legs as they stopped a few feet from the drawers. A quick jerk to his collar caused him to sit on his knees and look up at Sir.
“Go on, I’ve helped you out since your head is so empty. Go get that buttplug I asked for.”
“Mhmm, Yes Mommy-“ Bad said nodding his head quickly.
Leaning down, Mommy unclipped his leash and nudged him with her legs towards the drawers.
He made his way quickly to the drawer, making sure to give Mommy a good show of his ass jiggling as he crawled.
Pulling it open as he got there, he dug his hand in searching for a plug to use. Mommy always asked him to grab toys during sessions so they knew what size he was comfortable handling that day.
Today though, he grabbed a medium sized metal one- with a pretty little bunny tail attached to the base. It was pretty akin to what he was normally used to if not a tad bit bigger.
Satisfied with his selection he turned around ready to make his way back. Before realizing he didn’t know how’d he’ll bring it back if he’s on his hands and knees.
He stopped for a second before placing the plug in his mouth- he was simply just a pet and pets carried things in their mouths all the time. He moaned gently at the weight against his tongue as he crawled back to Mommy, his tits jiggling as he went.
Approaching Mommy, he sat on his knees in front of him. Mommy smiled at their bunny placing his hand in front of him. Dropping the buttplug gently into her hand, Bad looked back up at them with waiting expectants.
“Awww, Bunny even got her tail- What a good girl,” Mommy spoke gently clipping his leash back on, “And you did so well getting it all lubed up with your mouth too! You looked so slutty with your ass and tits jiggling as you crawled, Bunny-“
Bad beamed at the praise before a tugging of his leash had him walking towards the bed again. His head fuzzy with praises of being a good girl for his Mommy and listening as well as he can for such a dumb slut.
“Come on, Bunny- Stand up and sit on the bed now.” Sir said, tugging his leash upwards, “Take off your heels and gloves off too.”
Bad complied quickly. Sitting on the bed, he looked up shyly for his next instructions from Master.
“I- I’m ready, mommy-“ He muttered trying to catch Series’ attention from where it was unbuttoning her shirt slowly. He could vaguely feel their eyes grazing over him, admiring her pretty bunny.
“Such a good girl, ready so quickly for me-“ They lulled out, as their fingers played with the remaining buttons of her shirt.
Series sat next to him, her cock straining against their newly unzipped jeans.
“Come on, Bunny- Be a good girl and get my dick all lubed up with that pretty mouth of yours,” They slipped their cock out of her jeans now, the 6 inches standing stiff right between her thighs, “Just lean right over and start sucking like a good girl,”
Bad nodded, excited to please his master. He leaned over and placed a small kiss against the head of her cock, moaning softly at the taste of Sir’s pre cum.
He wrapped his lips over the tip of his Mommy’s cock softly, moaning around it as he bobbed his mouth softly down the length of it.
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nights-like-this17 · 7 years
30 random facts
Tagged by @travtrick
I don’t know nobody so imma just tag @theworldinallitshonestterrors again, @paintandpastels even tho she probably won’t do it, and @dementedvibes and @beapositiveproton
Name: Robyn
Nickname: Robone, Robynlater, Rob, etc
Gender: girl
Star sign: Leo
Height: 5'9"
Time: 4:28 pm
Birthday: August 17 (bout to be 18 up in this bitch)
Favorite band: fob
Favorite solo artist: ed Sheeran or Halsey
Last movie I saw: Girls trip
When did I create my blog: no clue
What do I post: random ass shit
Last thing I google searched: “what’s a whole egg?”
Do I have any other blogs: nope
Do I get any asks: nope
Why did you choose this blog name: it was supposed to be lyrics from “wake me up” by ed Sheeran but I realized in hindsight that the actual lyrics are “when your eyes TURN from green to gray…” but it still sounds cool ig
Blogs I follow: Too fucking many
Followers: 159
Favorite colors:…all of them
Average sleep: 4-6 hrs
Lucky number: 13
Instruments: the throat
What am I wearing: t shirt and sweat pants ✌🏻️
DREAM job: writer (for anything…JUST LET ME WRITE), or a famous artist (that works too)
Dream trip: anywhere that I won’t potentially be murdered
Favorite food: sushi 🍣
Nationality: French, Hungarian, Czech, Irish, Russian, American
Favorite song: I listen to too many different types of music to narrow it down fuck, currently I can’t stop listening to New Rules by Dua Lipa and Young, Dumb, &a Broke by Khalid
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tamiddyinyourcity · 3 years
Hey blog.
Sunday, September 26th of 2021.
Long time no see.
A lot happened.
Let's list some of the things:
Semi-got over Patrick #2.
Finally sent my last words via google doc to Patrick #1 to get over him. I've never appreciated the way things ended with him; and in hindsight, him guilting me for moving on was fucking ass when he knew he was too busy titty diving into random sorority girl's bras to notice I had someone knew. But I still held a sort of love for him. Then hated him a bit. And now? I guess he still holds a soft spot for me. Whenever I think a bad thought involving Patrick #2's bitch ass, whether it was him being unable to let me end things with him and getting my hopes up just to mack the strawberry lip gloss off of some guy at a bar in Berkeley the next night, or an old memory, or whatever...... I still think of Patrick 1.
Yesterday my anxiety got really bad. But I sang a song that makes me think of our relationship. It's a beautiful song, starting off softly, and ending powerfully, and its as bittersweet as any memory of him in my mind is. Patrick 1 was a great guy, and I won't forget him, genuinely. He set a high bar, period.
Let's see, what else....
Dated Blaze, a massive narcissist disguised as a nice guy. "Ah yes, I wonder why he has no more than one single actual legitimate friend in his discord chat he's been in for years, and why he bombs on dates. He seems sweet!" HE STALKS HIS EX. HE STALKS HIS EX. HE IS A NUTJOB. WHY DO YOU HAVE A WHOLE FOLDER OF HER PHOTOS AND VIDEOS AND 24 HR IG STORIES SAVED ON UR COMPUTER? NIGGA WHAT?
Had a breakdown over THAT nigga that lasted another half a year and destroyed whatever progress I built in terms of hypergamously dating men of high value and/or simps; lol.
Took the virginity of my high school crush, JC. We still link up, he's a big fan of worshipping my body, and not a fan of tongue scraping and showers. Getting my tits sucked and pussy licked at 11am when waking up sure felt amazing, but not as good if its a nigga with a white tongue who smells like Modelo beer and an unwashed thickly dirty back. EXFOLIATE, MEN. If I'm making my shithole of a place smell like roses and have beautiful lighting, incense, and candles.... you can wash your dick and back before coming over. Bedsheets smell awful, and unless they're paying for my laundry pickups, they need to get HOSED DOWN IN AN ALLEY SOMEWHERE SINCE THEY WANNA ACT LIKE MUTTS.
Developed a large hatred for men. (Again.)
Got a job.
Quit said job after multiple assaults and whatnot.
Was kinda homeless after estranging both sides of family. (Enabler violent covid risker family versus enabler homophobic transphobic super wack covid risker [yet guilter when i went out] family.)
Fell for some worthless idiots, nothing more to say about them. For my sake. :D
Turned 21 and celebrated with my good friend.
Got a job at a high end joint. Luxury apartments. Of course.
Bonded with the people at the local businesses around me.
Aaaaand now have my own place and freedom.
Life is certainly....... surreal.
Dare I say.....
Life is STRANGE?
So, I'm certainly....
In a new place.
I don't know what to say. I think if someone told me in like February that my life would be extremely different over the course of a few months, I think they'd jump for joy.
Its hard to believe I aged so fast.
It hardly feels like I aged past October 2019.
I still feel like the freshly 19 year old afraid of growing up.
Except now I'm 21.
That.... year went fast.
I'm doing better. Partying.
100 Gecs is coming into my city for a concert. I considered going. Coi Leray played last night, with her bitch ass.
P2 got me into 100 Gecs.
A part of my brain went "what if you see him? What if he goes?"
And.... I need to start remembering I'm the protagonist of my life. I'm the main character, I'm the head bitch in charge, I'm the sexiest thing thus far.
Would James Bond be worrying about what an ex bond girl was doing as he was on a mission?
Does Spongebob think of the pickle tongue nigga when hes jellyfishing and clapping some sandy cheeks?
Does..... uh, I don't know.......
Does any TV show character from Friends give a fuck about Janice and avoid their OWN CITY because of it?
Fuck no.
I can see 100 Gecs and get rawed by Laura backstage if I want. I can vibe to Stupid Horse independently, hangout in their neighborhood, anything.
Because I'm literally the best.
I sure as hell was not the guy being a people pleaser and enabling a weirdo best friend or letting exes get spit on by crackheads at a storage unit.
I was the hurt one, and I sure as hell won't pretend I'm innocent but I'm not gonna punish myself for shit I did for myself.
Just like how his life probably didn't stop when he realized he fucked up with me. (Or at least aside from the weird time he lurked my blog to see how me and P1 were on a date I went on *after* P2 said we should no longer be hanging out, and would never date again.)
I should be fine.
I still don't know what to think.
Originally, dating P2 was a blessing. Since I did really admire him as a friend and also as a romantic interest, and valued that he definitely took my mind off of P1 and made me feel a lack of need to see him again.
And I genuinely do think I had feelings for him.
I hope I'm not just telling myself that, but I did at the very least admire his effort and really had a crush on him.
But then ironically, he went from being the guy I dated who made me forget about P1, to now being the guy I have to think of P1 to get over.
Imagine fucking up a relationship so much that a girl thinks of who she dated before you to feel good.
Says miles about his idiocy.
I think I valued P2 more on a level that he saw the worst of me and still liked me enough to stay genuinely because he wanted to. Not from pressure, (at least not until that awful second breakup meltdown shit, I still feel pretty bad over that,) and I really appreciated him as a friend.
He was seen as a very good friend to me. The sudden secrecy and betrayals he pulled definitely rubbed me the wrong way..... for so many reasons. If he really saw me as a friend and at most a lover, then his actions would have been drastically different I feel.
And I have to live my life, since he is owed nothing by me just as him to me.
And P1 was more like a..... a perfect romance, like you read in stories and see in movies.
No massive flaws, or at least none worth noting. He was a typical playboy type that, if this were a movie logline, fell for the cold and distant but laidback Cool Mysterious Girl despite everything and somehow they meshed.
We meshed well.
I guess it felt perfect because no flaws came up.
Nothing major.
Kinda like a.... simulated love? One that doesn't entirely feel real, and feels genuine, but, you always wonder what might eventually come up that could ruin a potential relationship.
But nothing came up.
I think it made me value him highly. Here was a man, that definitely has seen me snarky to him and still found a way to find me beautiful. Worked on communication the best that he could. Was fit, healthy, sexy. Fucked me like an animal and was happy to spend almost every day with me. Had matching senses of humor, and more.
And maybe that's why I still think of him sometimes.
Since even when I think of P2 and think about how he lied. His inability to communicate. His gaslighting. His fakeness. His inauthenticity.
I think of P1.
I think of how he never gave me a single problem like that, and sure we ended things, but at least it wasn't horrific.
He held my hand when I panicked. If I called and asked about a potential thing with another woman, he always calmly and breezily said there was no one else, since he was just happy I cared for him and didn't leave him. (To be fair, panties under a bed that weren't mine were a big deal. The story is still hilarious, but definitely tested my faith in him by a lot.)
And I just remember....
Yes, me and P2 had a wonderful relationship. Breakfasts together with mochas and chunkt sweater hugs, laying under his thick blankets during rainy foggy days before taking his dog Scully out for walks over the soaked autumn leaves outside. Movies, late night McDonalds and resting our forehead against eachother as we smiled. Really, really gorgeous guy and I think, deep down, I want whats best for him in life; and solely ever just missed him as a friend.
And because of the relationship, Azalea's unwashed asscheeks stinking up our own fun, the mutual toxicity, and more.... it was ruined.
The letter was made so that I could have left and maybe came back at a later date to have stayed friends. He yet again went against my wishes and the best possible outcome by doing what he did, and faced the consequences for it.
Patrick #1 was who I adored as a lover.
I don't think we'd work as friends, but as a relationship? Very stellar.
And so when I think of him, my body is soothed.
I'm reminded of peace. Beaches, sunsets, his warm closed mouth smile and his smirk. His TALL FINE ASSSSSSSS. THAT ASSSSS. THE LEEEEGS. THAT DIIIICK AND THE WAY HE BLEW ON ME WHEN HE WAS EDGING SINCE A PELVIC FLOOR GOT A NIGGA S H O O K -
And I just feel calmed.
Listening to music that reminds me of him makes me feel like how I felt whenever I hugged him and told him I'd miss him when he left.
I don't care if he doesn't think of me at this point. My memories and love for him are for me, only, and that's all that matters.
I'm proud of myself.
I could've easily stopped living or gone a much more violent and chaotic path than I have now.
But nope.
I do good for me myself and I.
Alright, nice page update.
I feel sorta better. In that "I cried while writing this but its therapeutic" way, honestly.
I learned something about myself.
Have a good night, yalls.
Stay safe. Eat healthy, and until you're contented, always. :)
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hyper-elastagirl · 5 years
Misc thoughts on dnt: in hindsight I know that as a tactician yang tended to be more passive and defensive, but I only really came to that conclusion during reuenthalls Big Oopsie when someone mentioned how he was the most balanced admiral, reinhard and mittermeyer being more offensive and yang defensive. This was like episode 80? But dnt in ep 2 slaps ya with hhh Paeta? Calling out yang for being too passive in his strategies. Probably I'm paying attention to things more now but. Just a neutral observation.
Mmmmmm yeah this fucking op gives me Feels every time
Did ansbach just fucking ... talk??? He looks decent at least.
I just fucking choked on my popcord oberstein sksbagrbska he really does look like Levi I'm. Skagafdv hm very subtle (not) with the eyes. What the fuck is that hair is it like long on top but pinned back??? He has a different nose though so yay.
Ohhhh the babies!! Oh wow this scene is so pretty. They did annerose good thank God. Lol did they take out the scene where he almost beats a kids head in with a rock. They Did! Hm not a fan of how this flashback is playing out. And everyone looks so tiny????? How young do they let kids join at my school jeez.
I understand the reasoning behind their choice to make the sibs eyelashes batch their hair but it's a biiiit too much for me. It bugs me every time we get a closeup of their faces :/
At least they're taking advantage of the whole SPACE thing and giving us some beautiful night sky and galaxy shots.
Oh my god baby yang
Jessica is a violinist now? Okie dokie. Guess they really wamted an anime school rooftop scene. They gonna push this in our face and then unceremoniously kill her like Lapp 😭 yang is way too suave lol oh childhood friends okay.
I find it interesting how on one hand they're trying to show not tell about yangs genius but they straight up hand us all this other info in expo dumps
So they set up the relationship between yang and cas early but kill Lapp in ep 2?? I am confusion.
Oh they're gonna show el facil? We get frederika!!! She's so smol omg. Just baby. And julien!!! Two babey!
Truhit is a bastard as always. I actually really like the new music!! It's reminiscent of the original in its orchestral nature but also more modern.
One thing I will give them credit for is they're trying to make certain things easier to follow, like the conversation about war orphans before Julian shows up. Snorts cazelnu makes a table sitting joke.
Seeing early series julien is reminding me how much of a damn good husband that boy is gonna make. Karin is one lucky girl.
Rosen Ritter Rosen Ritter Rosen Ritter taps table were getting schonkopp!!! The iserlohn gang is coming together. Aaaaaaaaaaaaa nevermiiiiind I hate his new design T.T and frederika looks like a mix between Hawkeye and Lucy from fairy tail.
Omg were the ritters always misogynistic assholes??? YES!!! OH MY GOD YES WHOOP HIS ASS GIRL oh good Lord IG is horny on main for schonkop huh introducing him in a tank top like that. Oof still a womanizer good. But he has major resting bitch face and I am noooot a fan of the VA. Hhhh what did they do to my booooooy I don't like this schonkopp
Have they ever explained why the area around iserlohn is unnavigable or are they just forcing us to accept it lol.
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