#so im looking for sympathy on tumblr (/j)
weiner-enjoyer · 11 months
pls tell me how yall sit through a whole episode of a show bc i cannot. i get so distracted. i can start an episode of the best anime in the world and halfway through it decide to go stare at the window for an hour or some shit. and its not that its boring, i just cant. help
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cowboyballads · 3 years
hey i just realized i can make a more in-depth about me section and so i shall! im a gay filipino trans man who really likes hades game, ace attorney, fallout, and the witcher at the moment. read dead was cool too but im a bit more picky with who i interact with in that area. i draw sometimes! also of all my years being around tumblr i refuse to stay organized so good luck sorting through tags! im also critical about the stuff i consume and cannot ever spell words right sometimes
id rather you block/not interact if:
-pro-ship/anti-anti (incest liker, pedophilia, unhealthy dynamics, etc.)
-usual dni criteria but big highlight on the first two
-not safe for work
-in more fandom related matters;
dni if u ship patroclus and/or achilles with zagreus, zagreus with any of the olympians, any gross ship with zag, shipping obvious family members, whatever,
phoenix with maya, athena with simon, miles and/or phoenix with any of their subordinates, gumworth, any other gross aa ship you can think of, defends/sympathies/likes van zieks
kaer morhen wolves with each other, if you hate yennefer goodbye, any other gross witcher ship, i hate game triss so do with that as you will,
if you genuinely like the legion in fallout you make me uncomfortable, like j/shua graham,
if you ship micah/bill with anyone in rdr, if you think dutch did nothing wrong, m/rstons, any ship with a power dynamic, yadda yadda yadda god this looks cluttered already but please dont interact just ignore and block me
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psychosistr · 4 years
Mending the Broken- Chapter 4
Summary:  Jonathan wakes up to Dio and Speedwagon talking amongst themselves...but when was this..?
Notes:  Warnings for EXTREMELY dubious consent in this one- Speedwagon consents, but only under extremely distress and mind control, so it's not REALLY consent. Also warnings for emotional/mental manipulation and more of Dio being a d!ck. Another one where I’ll be posting the link for the AO3 version since Tumblr’s weird.
-First Chapter-
Jonathan felt cold. He was laying on something hard and solid, but other than that he had no idea what was going on. Forcing his eyes open proved to be a difficult task and he only managed to open them a sliver. From what he could see, he was laid out on his back with his head turned to the side. He saw stone beneath him, likely what he was resting on, but it was too dark to see much of anything else at first.
He couldn’t move. He couldn’t speak. He could barely see a thing.
‘Wh..Where..am I..?’ Jonathan’s thoughts were sluggish and hard to pull together.
Then, he heard them- voices. Two voices that were so very familiar to him talking nearby. His eyes managed to move enough to focus on their location and he saw Dio standing in the middle of the room, speaking to Speedwagon, who was currently tied up on the floor while wearing the same clothes Jonathan last remembered seeing him in, though they were a bit torn and dirty.
“Ya won’t get away with this, Dio! Once Jonathan wakes up, ‘e’ll give ya what ya got comin’!” Speedwagon snarled angrily, fighting against the ropes currently holding his arms behind his back.
Dio merely chuckled and looked down on Speedwagon with a taunting smirk. “You have so much faith in him. You truly believe he will defeat me.” He reached down with one hand and tipped Speedwagon’s chin up using his thumb and index finger. “Tell me, though, do you think he will rescue you in the process? Actually, allow me to rephrase that- if given the choice between defeating me and saving you, which do you believe Jonathan would choose?”
Speedwagon tried to move out of Dio’s grip, but the vampire’s hold was too strong so he could only glare up at him. “ ‘e would find a way t’ do both! Jonathan’s a great man- ‘e’d never allow your evil t’ run free an’ ‘e’d never leave a friend behind!”
‘Of course not..I would never..never leave him behind..’ Jonathan thought to himself, no doubts at all in his mind that it was true.
“Ah, yes.” Dio chuckled, sending an uneasy tremor through Speedwagon’s body that Jonathan could actually see. “You are correct in that assumption. Jonathan would never leave a friend behind. Because, after all, that is what you two are, correct? Merely friends?”
Speedwagon narrowed his eyes at the vampire above him. “Yeah. We are. Wha’ of it..?”
Dio leaned down so he was closer to Speedwagon’s face, looking him directly in the eyes. “I simply mean that it is such a pity. To only be considered as a FRIEND by the man you so clearly LOVE.”
Jonathan was a bit startled by Dio’s accusation. ‘Speedwagon..loves me..?”
Speedwagon’s eyes went wide, almost fearful. “Wh-Wha’?! No, I..!” His body was trembling now. “I-I’m not-!”
“There is no need to lie to me.  It is far too obvious: I can see it in the way you look at him, in the way you selflessly put yourself in harm’s way for him, and I can even smell it in the air when you say his name.” He chuckled again and stood up, releasing Speedwagon’s chin in the process. “Honestly, I think the only one who doesn’t see it is Jonathan himself.”
“Y-You’re wrong! ‘e..‘e’s jus’ a friend..!” Speedwagon tried to deny it, but the lie was far too obvious with the way his voice shook.
Dio gave him a mildly irritated look. “I believe I told you there was no need to lie to me.” He grabbed Speedwagon’s hair and pulled it back hard, forcing the other to look up at him again. “Allow me to rephrase that into a command.” His eyes began to glow bright red as he spoke sternly. “You are no longer allowed to lie to me. Understood?”
Speedwagon’s bright and terrified eyes dimmed slightly as they were forced to stare into the glowing red ones above him. “Y…Yes…”
Jonathan didn’t like the way Dio was looking at or touching Speedwagon in the slightest. Nor did he like the way Speedwagon’s eyes changed…
“Good.” Dio smirked and released him. “Now, tell the truth: Are you in love with Jonathan?”
“I..I am..” Speedwagon’s voice was hesitant, but the light was slowly returning to his eyes as he winced. “D-Damn you..!”
Dio ignored the other’s swearing and continued speaking, now pacing around Speedwagon in a slow circle. “Another question: Does Jonathan return your feelings? Remember, you cannot lie to me.”
“ ‘e..‘e..does..not..” Speedwagon tried to hold back his words, but they slipped out despite his struggles.
“And, pray tell, whom does Jonathan love?” Dio asked while walking behind Speedwagon, two fingers dragging along his shoulders as he passed.
“I..n-no..please..stop..” He fought harder this time, looking as if he were in pain holding back his words.
‘No..stop it..it’s hurting him..!’ Jonathan fought to say what was on his mind, but his mouth and voice would not respond at all.
Dio’s fingers trailed up into Speedwagon’s hair and lightly stroked it. “It hurts, does it not?” He asked with fake sympathy. “The pain will end if you speak the truth. As they say- ‘the truth shall set you free’.”
“J..Jonathan..” Speedwagon looked down, his shoulders trembling slightly. “Jonathan..loves..Erina..” The tension in his body lessened slightly, but his shoulders still shook.
“Indeed.” Dio said with a sigh, his fingers still lightly stroking Speedwagon’s hair. “Jonathan is in love with Erina. He has been since we were boys. To still hold a flame for her after all these years..it must be true love at its finest. Tell me- do you believe Jonathan could ever love YOU the same way he loves Erina? Could a nobleman such as Jonathan care for a common, useless, run of the mill street rat such as yourself?”
“N..No..” Speedwagon’s voice was almost a sob. “ ‘e..‘e couldn’..”
“Why not?” There was that fake sympathy again. “Are you not deserving of his love?”
“No..I’m not..” Speedwagon curled in on himself. “I don’ deserve ‘im..‘e’s too good for someone like me..I..I’m..useless..”
‘No!’ Jonathan thought, desperately wishing he could find his voice. ‘You are far from useless, Speedwagon! You are amazing! You are clever and brave and loyal! You deserve my love just as much as Erina!’ Jonathan surprised himself with the conviction of his own thoughts. But, the more he considered it, the more he believed it to be true: Speedwagon did deserve his love and so much more. Jonathan could easily see himself being with Speedwagon in much the same way he saw himself with Erina. Did..Did that mean that he..?
“That’s right..” Dio stepped around to Speedwagon’s front and used his other hand to tilt Speedwagon’s face up, looking into shimmering brown eyes that threatened to overflow with tears. “You are useless as you are now..but..I, Dio, can GIVE you a purpose.” His eyes began to glow red again as he leaned in close to Speedwagon, their lips almost touching. “Become mine. Give yourself to me and I shall reward you greatly.”
Speedwagon’s eyes began to lose their vitality once again as he looked into the vamire’s glowing red gaze. “I..I…” Just as Dio’s lips were about to touch his, he suddenly pulled back. “No! I-I won’t! I love Jonathan, not a damn devil like you!”
Dio glared down at him, the fake sympathy from earlier now gone. “You are quite a stubborn one. Perhaps you require a greater incentive..”
Speedwagon watched with wide eyes as Dio made his way to Jonathan’s prone form a few feet away. “Wha’..What are ya doin’?! Get away from ‘im!” Speedwagon struggled against the tight bonds around him. “Leave ‘im alone, damn you!!”
“You said it yourself: When Jonathan wakes up, he will attempt to fight me. It would be foolish of me to allow that.” He grabbed onto Jonathan’s arm tightly, the man in question unable to move or react at all with the toxins still in his system. Then, with a sickening “crunch”, Dio snapped the bones in Jonathan’s arm with ease. Jonathan wanted to scream in pain, to react in any way, but he could do nothing at all but lay there with his eyes barely open- a passenger in his own body. Dio then repeated the same process on the other arm and let both of the shattered limbs fall to the ground. “And now for the legs..” He lifted his foot and positioned it over Jonathan’s knee, fully prepared to stomp down and shatter his kneecap-
“STOP IT!!” Speedwagon shouted desperately. “Stop it, please! I-I’ll do what ya wan’, jus’ don’t ‘urt ‘im anymore!!”
Dio placed his foot back on the ground slowly before walking over to Speedwagon. He kneeled down to be at eye level with the other man, a stern look on his face. “You will do whatever I ask of you?”
Speedwagon hesitated for a moment before he nodded, his voice small and defeated. “Yes. Swear you an’ your men won’ touch ‘im, aside from fixin’ ‘is arms, an’..and’I’ll do what ya say…”
‘Speedwagon, no!’ The pain was agonizing, but Jonathan was far more worried about Speedwagon at the moment. ‘You cannot trust him! Do not sacrifice yourself for me! Speedwagon!’
Dio ran a finger along the line of Speedwagon’s jaw with a pleased smirk. “I give you my word- neither I nor my men will lay a hand upon Jonathan other than to repair his broken arms.” He tipped Speedwagon’s head back and leaned over to his ear. “And, in exchange, you shall give me permission to touch you as I see fit and do as I say. Do we have a deal?”
Speedwagon hesitated once again, but nodded without another word. “……”
“Excellent.” Dio’s smirk grew as he used his fingers to cut through the ropes around Speedwagon. “Now..for your first order..” He gestured to Speedwagon’s clothes. “Strip for me.”
“W-Wha’?!” Speedwagon’s face flushed red and he stared in disbelief. “Y-Ya gotta be pullin’ me leg!”
Dio narrowed his eyes in warning. “I assure you that I am not. Do as I say or our deal is forfeit. Or would you rather I go over now and break your beloved Jojo’s legs?”
“No, don’t! I-I’ll do it!” Speedwagon said quickly and, with a sense of urgency, he began unbuttoning his suit and slipped off the jacket, vest, and tie without a second thought. He did, however, hesitate when it came to his shirt. “……” After taking a deep breath, though, he proceeded to slowly unbutton the garment and set it aside in the corner of the room with his other clothing.
“The pants as well.” Dio said as he took a seat in the chair in the middle of the room after turning it to watch Speedwagon properly, one arm propped up on the arm rest and his chin resting on his raised hand as if he was contemplating something.
“I’m gettin’ there, damn it..” Speedwagon mumbled as he stepped out of his shoes and removed his socks, leaning against the wall for support. He took another breath before removing his pants and setting them aside with the rest of his clothes, now standing before Dio in nothing but his underwear.
“Did I tell you to leave those on?” Dio said while gesturing to Speedwagon’s undergarments with his free hand. “I said strip, and I do mean everything.”
Speedwagon clenched his fists at his sides. “God damn sadistic fuck..” His hands shook from a mixture of rage and embarrassment as they slowly pulled down his last remaining article of clothing and set it aside with everything else. “…There…’appy now, ya bloody bastard?”
Jonathan couldn’t tell, but he was fairly certain he might be blushing. While he felt horrible seeing Speedwagon humiliated and so obviously uncomfortable at being exposed in such a way, it was hard to deny the simple truth: Speedwagon looked absolutely stunning. Though not as muscular as Jonathan’s own, Speedwagon’s body was still strong and well-built. Even the scars across his body, like the one on his face, only added to his physical appeal as they clearly spoke of his strength and character. Jonathan was more than a little enamored by it all…
Dio’s smirk, on the other hand, was positively predatory with no true appreciation for the beauty before him as he gestured for Speedwagon to come closer, the long haired man reluctantly complying. “Indeed I am. Now,” He patted his lap in indication. “Come here.”
Speedwagon’s face burned red but he did as he was told and got into the chair, trying his hardest to simply remain kneeling over Dio’s lap without actually touching the vampire. “……”
~(Cut for content again- full version here on AO3)~
Dio continued petting Speedwagon’s head, looking pleased with himself at what he’d done to the smaller man sitting in his lap. “But of course, my pet..and this is merely the beginning. Now, let’s see if I can teach you a few tricks before Jojo wakes up.”
Jonathan’s eyelids felt heavy, waves of dizziness and nausea hitting him powerfully as the world around him spun. ‘Speedwagon..have to..have..to..save..him…’
“Yes, Lord Dio. Anythin’ ya say.” Speedwagon responded automatically with a smile that looked tired and strained but so eager and desperate at the same time.
Jonathan’s eyes began to slip closed again. ‘No..Speed..wagon..have to..fight..Dio..Speed-’
“Speedwagon!” Jonathan gasped and his eyes flew open. He looked around and, after limiting his breathing when he felt that accursed collar constricting him again from his earlier gasp, he realized that he was no longer laying on the floor as he had been, but was seated against the wall. Looking around confirmed that he was in the same position he’d been in the first time he’d woken up, with Speedwagon still sitting directly across from him motionless against the leg of the chair. “A dream..?” He questioned himself quietly. It had seemed so real, though. Then, as his eyes surveyed the room, he noticed something that he’d missed earlier: Speedwagon’s clothes lying crumpled in the corner of the room, just as they had been in his dream. “Then..that wasn’t a dream..rather, a memory..” He looked back to Speedwagon, his eyes soft and sad as he gazed upon his dearest friend. “Speedwagon, I am so sorry..you sacrificed yourself to Dio’s will for my sake..”
“……” Just as before, Speedwagon gave no indication that he heard Jonathan and didn’t move from his spot.
Jonathan’s frown deepened and he looked down at his bandaged arms. ‘I will find a way out of here…for you, Speedwagon. You have already done so much for me, it is time I returned the favor..’
Jonathan then started taking short breaths, experimenting with how much hamon he could charge from the tiny bits of air he drew in before the collar would constrict. It wasn’t much, hardly enough to do anything substantial. But, with whatever small amounts he could take in, he started focusing it all into his arms to help speed up their healing.
He would get Speedwagon out of this hell as quickly as possible. He had to.
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End Notes:  Yeeeaaaaah, no excuses for this one- I'm just sick and love putting my favorite characters through mental/emotional hell -_-"
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rachel-bloom · 6 years
Character Asks - Peyton Sawyer, Buffy Summers, Jess Mariano, and Effy Stonem
Peyton:Why I like them: she cares DEEPLY about her friends and loved ones, she recognizes her mistakes,takes responsibility for her actions, she doesn’t take shit from anybody and is quite the sass queen tbh, Why I don’t: eh i don’t really /not/ like her but her attitude in season 5 was kind of rough sometimes (not that i didn’t understand it, but it was just the constant girl vs girl drama that pissed me off) Favorite episode (scene if movie): ugh idk man there are quite a lot but my absolute fave is probably 3x13Favorite season/movie: season 6Favorite line: This is who I am. This how I am. And 95% of the time there isn’t a moral, or a victory, or a silver lining. Take it or leave it. If you leave it then you’ll miss that other 5%.Favorite outfit: everything tbh but i’m still really in love with the vegas dress in 6x01OTP: leytonBrotp: paley, adult breytonHead Canon: peyton is bisexual Unpopular opinion: peyton associating with lucas didn’t bring out the worst in her, only in someone else lmaoA wish: seeing more of married!leyton and sawyer :/ bitterAn oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: married j*yton *michael scott voice*god pLs No GoD5 words to best describe them: iconic, empathetic, the best, beautiful, better than you My nickname for them: p. sawyer
Buffy:Why I like them: she’s badass and doesn’t care about like the popular labels at school like when cordelia was all over her but she chose to sit with the “less popular” girl willow she gained instant sympathy points from meWhy I don’t: i never disliked her only when she said ily to sp*ke in 7x22 ops Favorite episode (scene if movie): my memory of btvs is so bad sorryyyyFavorite season/movie: if i recall correctly season 1 and season 5 Favorite line: “i’m buffy the vampire slayer and who are you” “she irons her jeans, she’s evil!” “if the apocalypse comes, beep me!” “the hardest thing in this world is to live in it. be brave. live. for me” and so many more she literally has the most iconic quotes Favorite outfit: tbh that one dress she wore in the season 1 finale i think ? i can’t remember and when she wore angels black leather jacket dfhsjhOTP: bangelBrotp: scoobie gangHead Canon: don’t really have one Unpopular opinion: deserves better friends than w*illow/x*ander A wish: i’m quite happy with how the show ended tbh the romantic sp*ffy could have been left out thoAn oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: sp*ffy endgame ew fuck the comics tbh5 words to best describe them: iconic * 5 My nickname for them: idk buff ? lol
Jess:Why I like them: first of all…. he’s good looking lmao (i’m not superficial i promise) but i guess the kind of bad boy vibe was attractive when i first watched the show (compared to the bland and boring vibe dean was giving out) anyways i liked that he was into books and stuff which is kind of unusual for boys at least in the show lol idk man i just loved him okay he deserved betterWhy I don’t: i guess he was kind of impulsive sometimes, like he couldn’t control his emotions (when he put rory in a choose me or the other thing kind of situation or when he sexually assaulted her at that party) not cool :/
Favorite episode (scene if movie): like i said…….my memory isn’t that good of gg either lmaoFavorite season/movie: i don’t know…….sorryFavorite line: “you know what i mean. this isn’t you. i know you. i know you better than anyone”, “you know ernest has only lovely things to say about you”Favorite outfit: umm none of his outfits really stood out for me lmaoOTP: literatiBrotp: luke/jessHead Canon: don’t have oneUnpopular opinion: jess is still better than that blonde dick from yaleA wish: erasing the rebootAn oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: a season 2 of the reboot5 words to best describe them: broody, handsome, impulsive, caring and sassyMy nickname for them: -
Effy: Why I like them: i really don’t have an explanation for liking her i just do. like when i started watching this show i was like 15 or something? i don’t know i was just blinded by her recklessness and not giving a fuck about the world. i wanted to be as carefree as her, also i knew her face from tumblr already and idk Why I don’t: she’s kind of hard to read sometimes? like idk she says she’s in love with guy a but then she kisses guy b in front of him and the way she said to jj “blabla everybody loves me” like yikes. she was hurting people’s feelings a lot like not cool manFavorite episode (scene if movie): 4x07 as heartbreaking as it is this whole show is fucking depressing tbhFavorite season/movie: season ¼Favorite line: Sometimes I think I was born backwards, you know came out my mum the wrong way. I hear words go past me backwards. The people I should love I hate, and the people I hate…..Favorite outfit: her outfits were cool tbh but i don’t remember any of them lmaoOTP: freffyBrotp: i don’t have a THATS MY BROTP SHIP but i liked her with pandora and katie and emilyHead Canon: she’s still together with freddie lolUnpopular opinion: c*ffy is fucking trashA wish: for her to get out of prison and reunite with freddie (yes im bitter)An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: idk 5 words to best describe them: broken, complex, detached, beautiful, recklessMy nickname for them: eff
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