#im trying to watch fullmetal alchemist
weiner-enjoyer · 11 months
pls tell me how yall sit through a whole episode of a show bc i cannot. i get so distracted. i can start an episode of the best anime in the world and halfway through it decide to go stare at the window for an hour or some shit. and its not that its boring, i just cant. help
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sarcasticmirage · 8 months
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there's been a bit of rgu and fma comparison, so here's my dissertation on why they should kiss
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horangboosadan · 4 months
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pairing: lee jihoon x gender neutral!reader
genre: one shot smau, established relationship, fluff, 5+1
summary: five times woozi isn't avaliable in person, and one time he is. a sequel to PRETTY U (can be read as a standalone) - requested by @winterwallacehenderson
warnings: very vague haikyu!! manga spoilers (it doesn't say anything about what happens, but mentions arcs in the manga, technically not spoilers, but im warning anyways to cover all my bases)
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boo talks
this was so much fun to write. i love woozi and i loved writing pretty u so much that when i got asked to write a somewhat sequel to it, i couldn't stop myself. i hope you like this, @/winterwallacehenderson and that you enjoy reading it as much as i did writing it! also the haikyu!! rant is specifically for @secondcupforyou because i couldn't help myself and we've already ranted together about this. i do want to state that the fullmetal alchemist we talk about here is brotherhood (and that i did pick that anime bc its my own fav i own all volumes of the manga and have seen the show more than a few times, but i also decided to pick animes ive watched and this isnt all of them but they were on my mind). anyways, im rambling.
im trying to get to all the requests because they're a lot of fun, but they take longer than i expect them too. hope it's worth the wait! and thank you all for the attention to the seungkwan smau, im so excited to start posting whenever that will be, but all your excitement gives me so much motivation to finish it that it hopefully wont be that long!
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liquidstar · 9 months
i think something important we all have to remember about characters is that they are not real. but they are symbolic representations of types of humans. especially when you incorporate fantasy into the mix, where these representations become a bit less literal.
so, like, when you have characters that are immortal/ageless/reincarnations/vampires/whatever, who are, on paper, much older than they actually look... it really just comes down to "if they walk like a duck and talks like a duck, then it's probably a duck."
basically what i mean is if a character is functionally a teenager within a story, emotionally and societally and such, then for all intents and purposes they ARE a teenager. because the thing that they are coded to symbolize is a teenager. regardless of fantasy factors that dont exist in the real world. maybe the closest thing is someone who is an adult but looks young (i still get mistaken for 16, its a struggle) but thats a false equivalence, you are still an adult, you cant be coded as a teenager as if this was a story (though you can certainly be immature lol).
conversely, "1000 year old dragon lolis" are coded as children. they represent children. no matter how many spins you try to put on it, that is a symbolic representation of a child. there's a huge difference between the reality of an adult who just happens to look young, and the fantasy of a child who by some loophole can consent. because thats the intent the character was created with.
obviously im not saying this applies to ALL characters who are immortal children though. it can be used for all types of different effects, like, for example, pride in fullmetal alchemist mangahood uses this to enhance his Creepyness factor, due to the disconnect between his appearance and his demeanor. he walks like a duck but doesnt talk like a duck. there are for sure ways to do this trope that arent creepy in the other sense.
same thing goes for immortal teenagers- once you introduce a power imbalance into the mix that makes them functionally just an adult who looks young, thats when the dynamic can begin to feel creepy. and its a tricky thing to pull off, because you have to balance the immortality with the teenager-ness, and it seems like lots of life experience will often contradict the latter. but its not impossible (at least in writing). a character can be more knowledgeable without having power over the other, and i think it largely comes down to how theyre treated socially too. if they have just as much power as any other teenager in their society, then theres not really an imbalance. how theyre treated by other characters will inform the viewers on how to treat them by extension.
like, weird example, but the vampire girl from hotel transylvania (i forgot her name, i watched it when i was 12) is like 100 years older than her love interest. but shes still a pretty stereotypical teenager who has to listen to adam sandler her father, and has the same amount of power in this situation as any other teenager would. the movie sets up the leads as being on the same level socially so theres no issue (this may have been made extra clear because its a kids movie, which is why its an easy example). contrast this with twlight where edward obviously has power over bella specifically due to his vampire-ness, and thats why their dynamic is one that many people find uncomfortable because the fantasy age gap plays a part in this.
but yeah at the end of the day thats why id never, like, call c.c from code geass a pedophile for kissing lelouch (utilitarian reasons or otherwise), but that's also exactly why i'd call isekai man #208 a pedophile for having a loli love interest. these characters are not real, they are symbols. you cannot take symbols literally (thats oxymoronic) by just looking at the numbers of their ages, you have to look at what they represent of the real world inside the story. what does this fantasy immortal SAY about age and such. what do their actual dynamics reflect in the real world.
fiction isnt reality, but its a mirror that reflects it. sometimes a funhouse mirror, but you can still see whats being reflected if you look closely.
anyway please dont take this as any sort of discourse, i really am just musing about how fiction Works, and how different tropes apply in different ways and such. this isnt a response to anything or anyone im just thinking out loud. peace ✌️
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Helloo, I'm really excited to req to you again! (until now I didn't have any req ideas..). May I req HCs of “Man. I was hoping you'd fall asleep in my arms.”, GN reader with Hirako (Bleach), Yato (Noragami), Edward (Fullmetal Alchemist) please? So maybe the movies could be the boring/not interested one he chose/picked but reader become invested in watching it that they ignore him?
Ahh im glad you like my writing :) Sorry this came out late!
Prompt HCs(Shinji Hirako/Yato/Edward Elric)
Prompt: “Man. I was hoping you’d fall asleep in my arms.”
Shinji Hirako
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He really didn’t expect you to be so invested in such a dull movie. He picked it on purpose, expecting you to be bored out of your mind and fall asleep in his arms.
A coward he may be, but clever nonetheless. If he was too shy to tell you how he felt, then why not figure out a way to get you to fall for him?
But, when the fall doesn’t happen, he turns to find you very concentrated in the movie.
That's when he had no choice but to push.
“Man. I was hoping you’d fall asleep in my arms.” He tried to sound bored, glancing here and there at you. 
He thought he didn’t get a reaction from you, but after a few long minutes, you’re looking right at him with wide eyes. He returned the look, concerned if what he said was something he shouldn’t have said. He wasn’t expecting such a face from you.
“What?” He asks you.
“W-well…um…I just wasn’t expecting that from you,” you mumble, “w-were you trying to get me to do that?”
Shinji looked away in embarrassment, scratching his chin nervously. “I mean…it was an attempt. Did it work?”
Your face was red, making him smirk in slight victory. “Uh…it does sound appealing.” 
He opens his arms for you to rest on his chest. He couldn't be anymore happier, knowing that he managed to get you in his arms.
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It was selfish, he knows, but he couldn’t keep it to himself any longer. As much as he cares for you, he just never found the time to admit how much he loves you to your face. So, he figured this just might do the trick. 
To his surprise, though, he finds you so invested in the movie that was supposed to be boring for you. 
He knows you to be the type to fall asleep if you were to get bored, so he for sure knew this would work. Apparently, he didn’t know you as well as he thought.
“Man…I was hoping you’d fall asleep in my arms.” He mumbled to himself. But he didn’t realize he said it aloud to where you could hear. He watched your eyes slightly widen as you watched the TV, slowly turning your head to him.
“H-huh?” You gasp lightly.
He already dug himself, might as well continue. “I mean…that’s uh…if you wanted to…?” Smooth, Yato. Real smooth.
You smiled and chuckled at his weird behavior. But you nodded and instinctively yawned. “Sure.” 
He couldn’t feel anymore happier in his life. He couldn’t believe it actually worked, and he forsees his future to use this tactic whenever there was a good opportunity.
Edward Elric
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Television was always something boring in daily life. To Edward, at least. He’d rather go around and chase bad people or train than sit and watch something. But such an opportunity couldn’t be missed. 
As often as his little brother nags him for never telling you his feelings, he feels pretty proud of himself at this moment. That is, until you didn’t fall asleep like he was hoping. 
I couldn’t stop staring at you as you watched the television so intently. How could you like news on crime going around town on a night like this? He simply couldn’t understand you, but that's why he loves you. 
Soon enough, you caught him staring at you. “What? Is there something on my face?”
He quickly cleared his throat, finally taking his eyes off of you. “Well….to be honest…I was hoping you'd fall asleep in my arms.”
“What?” You deadpan. This was not like the Edward you knew. If anything, he’d have training on his mind instead of someone he cares about. “What’s gotten into you?”
Now, he had to think of something. Of course, he didn’t have the guts to tell you his feelings at this moment, so instead, he thought of something else. “I just…I have a lot on my mind and need comfort.” He declares, head held high as if he is proud of something.
You raised your eyebrow. You weren't sure whether to believe him, but it isn’t really too far from the truth. As much as he’s gone through, it’s not surprising that he would need comfort here and there. With a sigh, you let yourself fall onto his shoulder. “Better?” You ask him as you slowly grow more comfortable leaning on him.
He nods slowly, wrapping his arm around your shoulders. “Y-Yeah…”
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blond-jerk-tourney · 6 months
Strawberry Bracket: Round 2, Poll 8
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Propaganda from submitters Under Cut
he's blond and he's a jerk. specifically, he wants his master, the Ant King Meruem, to have dominion over all humans. When Meruem starts feeling compassion for a human, Pouf can't accept it as it conflicts with his idealization of who Meruem should be, so he plots against Meruem supposedly for his own good. and more so than that, he's really pretentious about it. and he has multiple mental breakdowns along the way
I hated Shaiapouf’s guts when I watched the Chimera Ant arc. Pitou was a good antagonist, being both threatening and interesting. Youpi didn’t do a lot in my opinion. But Pouf? I wanted to punch him in the face so bad (I just found him and his actions annoying and unbearable). If we’re going off who’s a bigger jerk, it’s him. *strangles him with my bare hands*
Edward Elric
he’s blond, he’s a fifteen year old in the military and he’s an asshole
He is both blond and a huge dick to many peolple throughout the anime
He's so edgy and disrespects authority and overthrows the government and
would fight a baby and God in the same breath. also, what 12 yo needs extensive governmental funding with little to no oversight as he traipses through the boonies insulting anyone who looks at him wrong or comments on his height. this one apparently.
im pretty sure the author confirmed he’s ugly. doesn’t make him a jerk, i just think it’s funny.
In the first chapter of the manga he walks into a church and starts talking about how he doesn’t believe in god.
Bro look at him. One time he was being chased by a man trying to literally vaporize him and all he could think was "making enemies is something I've never really avoided"
Know it all little brat (he does know it all)
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ashiyn · 4 months
hi hi! which hermits ya watchin this season? :0
considering how im already somehow BEHIND in my own standards due to me being incredibly hyperfixiated on fullmetal alchemist all of the sudden pared with me studying (...which i should be doing. like. yesterday.), so the plan is to try and not overwhelm myself so i can focus more on studying (which i think backfired?? considering that other hyperfixiation taking up said extra time that i need for said studies. um.)
HOWEVER. THE HERMITS. YES. so far im planning on keeping up with iskall, zed, cleo, ren, gem, tango, mumbo, scar, pearl, etho, bdubs, grian, skizz, joel and keralis. which. isnt an improvment now that i think about it cause i just replaced two out of the three other hermits ive decided to only occasionally watch this season that i watched in season 9. im fucked actually. i occationally watch the remaining hermits for background noise if none of the mentioned hermits above are streaming so im just??? actually what am i doing ryan help me
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nishloves · 6 months
hey nish, so here is my ask for the match. thank you again, hope its not a bother!
i am an intj and more of an introvert. i can adapt well depending on my interlocutors and can be really shy as well as extremely outgoing. i love staying outside in the comfort of my house but also like hanging out with my friends even if i loose my energy pretty quickly. i am usually described as someone with a rather calm aura but the moment im really comfortable i am rather crazy lmao. i tend to lose focus quickly, ramble a lot (and forget to whom i said what) and can’t see for shit. i am a lazy perfectionist who hates things being done incorrectly but i want them being done quickly. i can be seen as arrogant but im a huge overthinker. I hate showing my feelings and have a hard time accepting my failures. since im always the youngest in my different friend groups, people tend to baby me which is really advantageous.
regarding my hobbies, i do ballet and modern jazz for more than fifteen years and it’s an art and sport that i am really dedicated to, creating choreographies and being kind of a scary mentor when i want to even if i like being like a big sister » so the youngest (im one of the oldest now). i also used to play tennis but outside those sports, i hate physical activities. i love manual activities such as making jewelleries, embroidery, crochet, drawing silly doodles and painting (even if i can’t wait until it is completely dry). i like reading (esp criminal novels) and love animes (my fav are haikyuu, hxh, fullmetal alchemist and bsd). id like to watch kdrama but i dont have enough time and can’t stay focused for so long anyways.
i am a sucker for light and dark academia and you’ll find me most of the time with velvet pants or oversize jeans and a pullover. finally, if i had to choose only five svt songs, it’d be 24h, home run, i don’t know, fallin’ flowers and hot.
thank you so much, i hope i didn’t ramble too much. love you!
hehe not at all! i loved reading all of it <3
when I read intj, i immediately thought about jun/hao/wonwoo but when I read it further, i thought that you might suit joshua more. but!!! when I read about the ballet portion, i just couldn't help thinking about dino!
so i match you with, wonwoo!
he is one of the most considerate individuals I've ever seen, he would be able to differentiate between your moods and energy levels and take care of you whenever you're out; it's like— he can just understand if you're drained or anything and would politely excuse you both from the gathering if he feels as if you're getting overwhelmed.
he would keep you grounded— scold you when you're wrong and empathise with you when you just want to rant. kind of like a very sturdy shoulder to cry on and your biggest motivation for any project.
he would absolutely love your calm-crazy dynamic, he loves it whenever you're so happy that your calm demeanor of an intj morphs into something more childlike and adorable. he also likes the fact that you have "maknae" tendencies, and would absolutely adore it.
he's not a perfectionist per se, but he has friends who are and rest assured that he will do his absolute best to help you take a break/ break your overthinking thoughts and help you get rational again. (vice versa)
you'd think that having a few hobbies to share might be a problem but it actually isn't; wonwoo is very happy whenever you're doing what you love and it makes him want to engage in your hobby with you. you both push each other to step out of your comfort zones and try out different things <3
and god, if you ever make him a bracelet, or crochet a small keyring for him, he's gonna treasure it; I think he might cry in secret too 😭
he also likes the fact that you don't like physical activities because then he doesn't have to do it, you both would probably spend your days cuddling or trying out each other's hobbies or cheering each other on!
he would be your biggest hypeman for your ballet and jazz music <3
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poptartmochi · 8 months
tagged by @monimolimnion AND @roboobin!! thank you for the tags!! i love these little stop&go games hehe! it's fun to see what everyone is up to!
Last Song: love's train by silk sonic!! i loooove their take on this song so much <3 the kinda staccato-y (staccatic..?) chorus just scratches SUCH an itch in my brain
Favourite Colour: head in the hands i don't KNOW... there are saur many beautiful colors in this world, how could one man possibly choose!
Currently Watching: i simply do not intake new media.. </3 i was in the middle of watching the king of the land kdrama (?) on netflix with my mom, but it's been some time since we had a chance to sit down and watch it
Last Movie: barbie movie w my sister iirc? i was a little underwhelmed ngl, but i think it delivered well on what it set out to do! i cried at many parts also so. good movie in my book :3
Sweet/Spicy/Savoury: what can i say i get the sever fever... savoury is my girl forever <3
Current Relationship Status: if i were a boomer i would say i'm married to my job rn 🤠 but i am 23 so instead i will say seengle as a preengle 🤩 my cousin is like.. almost frothing at the mouth for me to get into a relationship though.. he wants to set me up w one of our customers 😭😭😭🤚🏻🛑🚫⛔
Current Obsessions: well of course.. we all know the GRIP devil may cry has on the mind.. soon i will create a fanwiki for my own little au.. bg3 is Trying to worm its way into my mind but im too busy rn to deeply entertain it. also my laptop could NOT handle it lol!! </3 but that's fine.. with the dmc netflix show coming soon, I think i am in for round 5952 of dante indulgence 😨😨😨
Last Thing You Googled: RADIATORE... </3 my cousin and i were talking about the best pasta noodle at work and he had never heard of it! i feel like nobody's sold it since the pandemic began.. it is so sad :(
tagging @darthyolk @fullmetal-the-last-alchemist @helpfulbug @stephenkings-dreamcatchers @skyllion-uwu @sailermoon @natykii and anyone else who would like to hop in on this! and ofc no obligation if u were tagged ^-^
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4part-harmony · 9 months
I accidently hit post the first time so TAKE 2 BLOG INTRO and EDIT HERE i do update this
Version 3.4
-Racist, ableist ("dIFFeREnTly AbleD!" Counts as ableist btw), pro cop, zionist, or Xenophobic
-Transmed, Truscum, Exclus
-Royed (FMA) bakudeku (MHA) shippers
-Transphobic ("CiS iS a SluR") or Homophobic (not agreeing with that lifestyle counts btw)
-"give me money please" centered blogs
Fandoms i sit in
-Conservative, or Pro-life, people who call others Narcissists as an insult
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NANBAKA (Anime and Manga)
No. 6 (Manga)
BSD (Manga)
TPN (anime)
Naruto, Shippuden, Boruto (Animes and mangas)
TBHK (Anime)
FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST (Anime and manga, half of 03 and brotherhood.)
The Owl House (show)
Homesick, Weak Hero, Lost In Translation, Teenage Mercenary, Flawless, Windbreaker, Eleceed, Brimstone and Roses, City of Blank, Not So Shojo Love Story, Uriah (Webtoons)
Lookism (Webtoon and animated show)
I can talk movies and books 1-7(8) Harry Potter with you but i fucking loathe JK Rowling
Lord of heroes (game)
Haikyuu kinda (anime)
Hunter x Hunter (anime)
IDW Sonic (Comic)
Fruits Basket (Anime)
My Hero Academia (anime)
Dr. Stone (Manga and first season anime)
Howl's Moving Castle (Movie)
Sally Face (Watched Jacksepticeye play it through at ungodly hours of the night, through a podcast on spotify that did videos.)
Im not a helluva boss/hazbin hotel superfan but i have watched it. Problematic media, but to each their own ig
Maybe a few more im forgetting
Stuff you might want to know
-this blog will contain swearing, maybe a sex joke here or there, some caps.
-spam likes and reblogs are 100% ok with me. I do that sometimes.
-if you fit my dni or if i fit your dni, i wont take it personal if u block me. Like if you've been my mutual for a year and suddenly block like maybe ill take it a little personal but dont feel obligated to interact or keep interacting.
-i can come off confrontational and as a jerk but im like a bug, im annoying and im more scared of you than you are of me
-im still learning. Everyone is always still learning. I request your patience in this trying time
-im not the brightest bulb in the box.
-i do take art reqs and i take them very well
-i dont do commissions because i dont have online pay set up
-i adore asks and questions because i am self centered
-i have a huge interest in music and i do have a lot of character playlists on spotify! If you have a fic in a fandom i like that isn't pure smut, i will likely make you a playlist for it.
-most of my poor spelling and grammar is just set in for personality.
-do not imply or accuse me in that i am a pedophile. Try not make too many lighthearted pedophile jokes with me directly. I have intrusive thoughts and this will occasionally (and frequently) set them off. It's different if humor is your coping mechanism, I'm not gonna tell you how to cope.
Other socials
AO3: 1590Icarus
Discord: 1590Icarus
Spotify: Deeply Unserious Icarus
Pinterest: @.LivedAndWillMakeItTheBaneOfAll
(Dazai's Bolo Tie :])
Feel welcome to reach out at anytime! You're always welcome! Never a bother! Any questions you have are welcomed.
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bipirate · 11 months
i think it's really sweet of my friends to have such a genuine interest in my favourite media, even if it doesn't grab them immediately. they want to try everything out. im watching fullmetal alchemist brotherhood with them now and neither of them have watched anime before. we've watched 7 episodes so far and i was telling one of them about how fmab has a rocky start but it really gets good and it's widely regarded as a good first anime, unlike jojo's bizarre adventure which would be Wild to start out with and i don't think they'd like it. and my friend was like 'oh, why do you think so?' and i had a hard time explaining exactly why to her, seeing as jojos is hard to explain in general, but guys, she was already overwhelmed with the intensity of the start of fmab so i think my intuition is right here.
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dwarfsized · 5 months
10 characters/10 fandoms/10 tags
the always amazing @aevallare tagged me <3 sooooo:
Astarion Ancunin (Baldur's Gate 3) - getting the obvious one out of the way early. you put a character in front of me who gets mad at you for being good and kind because no one has ever been that to him, who is a bitch and that's a feature not a bug, and im not supposed to become deeply obsessed with that? he is everything. to me.
Gideon Nav (The Locked Tomb) - tamsyn muir WHEN will my wife come back from the war? Devotion even when you hate it. Being a weapon in more ways than even you are aware of. Love when you don't know what love is, really, getting it wrong and right at the same time. Gideon @ Harrow is just "its rotten work. especially to me especially if its you. i'll fucking do it but christ alive."
Murderbot (The Murderbot Diaries) - i think i am one of the only people who thinks that Murderbot is on the fem-presenting side of androgynous but i do think that and i'm right. I haven't read the latest book yet. Being forced to interrogate an in-between space, Murderbot's "dont look at me" in combination with vulnerability, the desire to cut and run and figure yourself out and then, like. not actually figuring yourself out much. did the running help? did escaping do anything? or should you have stayed?
Stede Bonnet (Our Flag Means Death) - Cringefail fuck-up pirate my beloved, i hate watching him do things it's like looking in a mirror. Theater kid playing dress up, steeped in self-doubt and trying to get everyone to talk about their feelings. In season one he looks at his own life and says "is anyone going to ruin this?" and doesn't wait for an answer. I want to kiss him in the moonlight. Every time I think about him I want to throw up. <3
Keyleth (Critical Role) - The weight of the world on her shoulders because she's been raised to lead her people, and all that simmering rage she tries to keep under wraps, and then she only gets a tiny bit of time with the person she loves before she has to live for years and years and years and watch everyone she cares about leave her. Archdruids with timeless body are an existential nightmare.
Alex Louis Armstrong (Fullmetal Alchemist) - okay listen. when i rewatched fmab in college, I was fully ready to fall in love with Riza. I was very surprised when I realized that it was not the badass with the gun I was fixated on, but the. big muscle-y guy who cries a lot and gets used for comic relief 60% of the time. but. im here. i love him. the ishval flashbacks got to me.
Blue (This is How You Lose the Time War) - Loving someone enough you're willing to let them close enough to kill you. The inherent rot beneath blooming things. Taking the slow path. Not leaving well enough alone. Love, but with teeth. I'm so normal about her (lying)
Cora Sabino (Noumena Series) - I wish I could tell everyone to read Axiom's End because I loved it, but I cant because the sequel fucked me up so bad. Its good! but god the atmosphere is so oppressive and Cora's struggle with depression is extremely real for an alternate history story that asks the question "what if we found out aliens were real during the bush administration?" I was legitimately unwell.
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Star Wars) - I just think he's the funniest guy with a laser sword. so repressed. had one of the most grey-jedi masters to ever do the damn thing. bitchy. the chosen one is his padawan. honestly he had to know anakin was sneaking out to canoodle with padme and just decided it wasn't his problem. calls himself fucking ben on the hell sand planet. why was he like that.
Spock (Star Trek) - this is the most "i just think he's neat" of all of them. i inherited this blorbo. this blorbo was handed down to me from my mom. he was hers first, im just picking up the torch. "guy who acts like he has no emotions but every seven years enters a fuck or die frenzy" im sorry but that's. that's too good. i have no choice but to rotate him in my mind.
I cannot tag 10 people but i will tag @asterordinary and @werewolfnobody and if anyone else wants to do it go for it! tag me so i can read your response!
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snepdragon · 6 months
10 fandoms 10 characters
tagged by @grave-cleric (sending you death beams for making me choose) get ready for the most random assortment of characters
Vash the Stampede from Trigun. starting strong with mr Love and Peace. i love a guy who has suffered more than jesus so jot that down. what more do you need me to say? hes a pacifist with a gun(three of them even)
Cole from Ninjago. now with a full 180 its the lego ninja show. cringe is dead and he has been here since 2011. idk man i just like him
Trafalgar Law from One Piece. another old fave. tragic backstory, kinda op powers, one of his oldest friends is a bear, edgy and hes a doctor(i dont think he has a medical licence)
Boris Habit from Smile for Me. 37 year old 7'4" gay trans dentist who likes flowers and has a hand puppet of himself (play the game btw)
Jester/Sarmenti from Darkest Dungeon. tormented jester who chose violence. theres not much else to say i support him in his killings
Genji Shimada from Overwatch. first of all, ive never played the game and i never will. second.. cmon hes a cyborg ninja with dragon powers how am i not supposed to like him. also his journey to self acceptance and forgiveness is peak
Greed the Avaricious from Fullmetal Alchemist. hot. next. jk jk i love his whole character arc so much i cant put it to words. im trying to write something here but i actually cant hes perfect. also sexy
Luchino Diruse from Identity V. professor studying lizards became a big lizard man himself but is actually pretty excited about it since its interesting and above regular humans. also probably tormented by an eldritch god but who isnt
Yuki Sanada from Tsuritama. my boy who has terrible social anxiety.... but thru friends learns to open up and smile. theres also fishing(and aliens). lives with his cool grandma(watch tsuritama im no longer asking)
Mister Mistoffelees from Cats the Musical. gay little cat who does magic and sparkles what do you want from me
Sissel(Ghost Trick), Tendou Satori(Haikyuu!!), Hobie Brown/Spiderpunk(Spiderverse), Niko(One Shot), Hypnos(Hades), Hidan(Naruto) and about 50 others but ill be here whole week
tagging uhhh @tendous-satoris @vadelmat @just-complete-trash
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animemusicbrackets · 7 months
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Before we go to finals, I'm going to have two intermission matches: Match 63 will be between the semifinals losers who will be fighting for 3rd place, and match 64 will be between the quarterfinal losers for 5th through 8th place. Due to the nature of bracket tournaments I know this may not be the most accurate rankings of faves, because many heavy hitters were lost to the war in previous battles u_u (doing a round robin of 64 contestants would be like 2000+ matches)... BUT i love ranking things so just for fun im gonna rank them anyway <3 .
matches will go up Sunday, November 5th
all polls will be 1 week long
if you can, please try to take the time to watch the videos of the EDs that you are unfamiliar with!
You can vote based on the music, animation/accompanying video, or both! What criteria you use to decide your favorite is up to you
HOWEVER, please do NOT vote based on your opinions of the anime themselves. this is strictly about the ending themes/videos.
propaganda welcome :)
Tag List: round 1 round 2 round 3 quarterfinals semifinals finals third place round intermission round propaganda bracket updates matches (the actual polls, not including any reblogs/propaganda)
Match 63 (3rd-4th place round):  “OverThink” by Fan Ka [Link Click] {VS} “I’m Alive” by Becca [Black Butler] Match 64 (5th-8th place round):  "Sayonara Bye Bye" by Mawatari Matsuko (JPN), Stephanie Nadolny (ENG) [Yu Yu Hakusho] {VS} "Shunkan Sentimental" by SCANDAL [Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood] {VS} "Refrain Boy" by ALL OFF [Mob Psycho 100] {VS} "Magia" by Kalafina [Puella Magi Madoka Magica]
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honnojis · 1 year
I'm in the middle of falling back into a several season long anime that I've rewatched 1000 times already and would like to avoid that, first and foremost because I do not have the time for that.
Do you have any anime recommendations I could try out to stave off the impulse?
The ones that stand out in my mind are:
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood (long series at 64 episodes but REALLY good and kind of a must-watch)
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba (two seasons at 44 episodes but the animation is great and so is the music)
Jujutsu Kaisen (banger show w/ banger animation, 24 eps)
Puella Magi Madoka Magica (12 eps, but god it's STILL got me dead on the floor. hope you like emotional damage)
Kill la Kill (24 eps + an OVA and imo a great time if you like anime that's unashamedly balls to the wall, i just don't recommend watching this one around other people LOL. it's one of my all time favourites and one of the first anime I actually watched & followed with Jan!)
Little Witch Academia (26 eps! Relatively lighthearted but good show)
Houseki no Kuni (it's a 3D anime, but studio orange is REALLY good at what they do and HNK is pain in a small package. 12 eps)
Haikyuu!! (sorry this one's got a couple of seasons but i promise it's good LOL..... this is quite literally the only sports anime i care about. these kids just have me very emotional ok. though I'd only recommend the first three seasons, just read the manga which is complete for everything else. it totals at like 60 eps)
Trigun Stampede (This one's still airing! It airs on saturdays and got 3 episodes out right now but I watched it this week and i am in pain? im in pain. yes)
Violet Evergarden (did i mention more pain??? because you'll get pain. 13 eps)
Cyberpunk: Edgerunners (MORE PAIN. 10 episodes)
Mob Psycho (SO GOOD!!! Three seasons at 37 eps!!!! Definitely a must watch because the animation & story is very charming and captivating. mob's just a guy. just a lil man)
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann (A mecha anime, but it's the same kind of balls to the wall shit you'd get with Kill la Kill, just that it has a more serious overall tone. Still REALLY good and a classic though!! 27 eps!)
Nichijou (A more slice-of-life type of anime what with its name literally translating to my daily life, but it's. completely unhinged. nothing is normal here. it's extremely silly and a great watch if you just want a series that gets you laughing. 26 episodes!)
Hope this'll keep you busy for a while!! This turned out to be a pretty long list and I know most of these are pretty mainstream, some series are even quite long but it's one I've personally really enjoyed and sometimes rewatch or put on as background noise.
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kitsune-andi · 8 months
you said that you like anime. so whats your top 3 favorites?
-🍓 anon (yep im dubbing myself strawberry)
Okie strawberry! 🍓
Ugh it is so hard to pick just 3! But I'll go ahead and try to decide for u! ❤️
1. Yu Yu Hakusho 💨👻
2. Cowboy Bebop 💥🔫
3. Mob Psycho 100! 🧠💭
Love these 3 animes as they've each made me laugh and cry, and they're all super cool! I've watched each of them like multiple times. I tend to enjoy a lot of older anime too like dbz, berserk, evangelion, and akira! I'm currently watching fullmetal alchemist and I really like it so far! Edward is such a femboy even tho he denies it! :3
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