#so in the case of raccoons getting out into europe. that's an invasive species. are they fair game? they are still huge rabies vectors
pigeonclaw · 2 years
First a mountain lion, now raccoons. Who keeps bringing these North American animals into Britain to terrorize the local feral cats. Very rude.
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petcareawareness · 7 years
People seriously underestimate the impact the media has on notions of pet ownership and what people can handle in animals.
Books, movies, TV, and internet videos from Youtube, Instagram, and The Dodo often show animals in their best moments, or even acting because they’ve been trained to do certain tasks (or are animated as humanlike characters). The fact is that the vast majority of people, even those who already have pets, have a very low or nonexistent level of animal literacy; what they take away from that kind of media oftens turns into “I want that animal as a pet.” 
People who watched Finding Nemo created an explosion of demand for clownfish and blue tangs; Harry Potter, owls; 101 Dalmatians for dalmatians, etc etc etc. When the decision to get a pet modeled after the cute, photo-ready animals seen on a screen is made, there is zero consideration as to whether or not their needs can be met and if people can actually handle them. 
Media featuring animals inevitably creates a boom of abandonment and huge environmental impact precisely because people who were in over their heads and acted purely on a whim got their dose of reality, and it’s incredibly heartbreaking to have to see the news detailing such cases. These are just some examples: 
Yearly reminders have to be passed around telling people not to buy rabbits on Easter unless they’re committed to actually taking care of them  
Thousands of dalmatians were abandoned when families discovered that they are very energy intensive, broody work dogs that are not suited to families with small children, unlike the cuddly Perdita and Pongo
Similarly, huskies and malamutes were surrendered to shelters when people realised they are not loyal Westeros direwolves
Entire ecosystems in Europe and southern Asia lost valuable apex predators when people began poaching them to sell to fans who wanted their own Hedwigs and Errols, and again abandoning them en masse when they discovered owls are highly aggressive, loud, messy, and nocturnal
Japan imported thousands of North American raccoons after the release of the Disney movie Rascal, people let them loose in the wild, and Japan now has a problem trying to figure out what to do with their enormous pest population that has no natural predator in place to control their numbers
Pacific Reefs suffered greatly when people demanded to have clownfish and blue tangs as pets, especially considering they were caught by being stunned with sodium cyanide, which, additionally, severely damages coral as well. NatGeo estimates that up to 90% of tropical fish imported by the US are caught by way of cyanide fishing; this often ends up for naught as these fish are often flushed down the toilet or released to the wild in other ways, which is also why the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico are under threat by voracious invasive species like lionfish   
The gist is that the media perpetuates this cycle of people reading about or seeing animal characters, demand is created, people impulse buy those animals, and then leave them for shelters to care for or release them to the wild when they get a rude awakening and find they’re actually unable to deal with those animals. 
This isn’t even counting other animals like “mini” pigs, chihuahuas, snakes, foxes, etc etc etc. And we can’t exactly blame this on over enthusiastic children when it’s adults who have the purchasing power to buy a pet, and who choose to do zero research, and who choose to indulge said children or even themselves when that I Want the TV Animal as a Pet urge comes on. 
Ignoring what is essentially weaponised cuteness used for online likes is hard, especially when faced with such palatable stuff like that gif of the owl riding the tablet stylus, or the plethora of cat videos. But it costs very little effort to not only educate yourself on the needs of animals and to also not encourage a rapacious pet trade industry, but to communicate that to others so that, hopefully, we won’t have to see things like Peter Dinklage and Jo Rowling having to make statements to the news because of this problem. 
--Mod Nick
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loloen · 8 years
Eastern Red Cedar
Drive through the Kansas countryside along any road, growing in the un-mowed margins, you’ll spot the Eastern Red Cedar. This tree comes in all shapes and sizes (look for the bitty baby ones, I think they're cute), and is most identified for its cone-like shape.  Scientifically known as the Juniperus Virginiana (it is not a true cedar), it is the most numerous evergreen in our state. The USDA estimates Kansas is home to 82 million (!) of them.
It is an extremely adaptable species and thrives in dry, thin, acidic soils. On my commute home from work, I always notice the ones that grow in the exposed limestone along K-10. The Eastern Red cedar is what is known as a pioneer tree. Pioneer trees are the first species of tree that creep in after a field has been cleared for building, ranching, or agricultural purposes. It does so well repopulating that most would call it an invasive species. Cedars compete for resources with native grassland. They grow close together and have dense needles. Sunlight cannot pass through these needles to sustain vegetation that would otherwise grow under a deciduous tree. Any needles that do fall off cedar branches affect the PH of the soil beneath, creating a more alkaline environment, thus further inhibiting growth of other plant life. This poses a problem for ranchers and cattle that depend on grassland. Cedar management is mostly limited to controlled burns or manual removal to maintain the prairie environment.   Ranchers and farmers are not fond of cedars. Interestingly enough though, cedars gained a large foothold in Kansas from farmer activity. During the dust bowls of the 1930's, farmers were encouraged to plant cedars as wind breaks. Initially, in my research, cedars appeared to be beneficial to wildlife. Cedars provide year round shelter and food for many birds. Mammals also feed off cedar berries when food is scarce. Birds who use cedar berries as a food source include Robins, Mocking Birds, Blue Birds, Wild Turkeys, and Goldfinches. Mammals include mice, rabbits, foxes, raccoons, skunks, possums, coyote and deer. Probing more into wildlife's relationship with the Eastern Red Cedar took a darker turn. Taken from the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service of Kansas website:
"Research has shown that red cedar is a dominant factor in displacing grassland birds and songbirds from the native prairie and as few as three red cedar per acre will displace some birds (prairie chickens) from their habitat.  Red cedars can provide some value to wildlife but the value is generally not unique and can often be fulfilled by other vegetation.  As cedars invade, vegetation that supplies food and nesting cover for quail and mast (acorns) for turkey and deer are squeezed out.  Turkeys routinely abandon roost sites that have grown up into red cedars.  Areas infested with cedars often attract raccoons, opossums, skunks, and snakes which displace bobwhite quail coveys and turkeys mainly through nest predation." That's pretty damning, and makes a strong argument for more aggressive thinning of cedars, both for vegetation and wildlife's sake. Another threat the ERC poses is its tendency to be particularly adept at aiding mass destruction. It is extremely flammable and acts as a ladder tree to spread wildfires to taller, more resilient trees. When the cedar catches on fire, its needles send embers in all directions, which spreads the fire even more. In the case of the recent Reno and Rice County fires, a large bit of blame lays at the ERC’s feet. We also share in that blame, through development of prairie into residential areas. According to an article written this time last year that appeared in The Hutchinson News:  Invasive eastern red cedars pose top fire hazards in Reno County.
“Residential development of that area has been accompanied by increased growth of dense stands of eastern red cedar trees. Dusty Tacha, a rangeland specialist with Natural Resources Conservation Service, said cedars are the main culprit in wildfire risk in Kansas. The tree is native to Kansas, but also invasive, readily able to take over areas.
Before the plains were homesteaded, cedars were mostly confined to rocky or barren areas because of natural fires sparked by lightning, intentional fires set by Native Americans and trampling by bison herds. Without those factors suppressing cedars’ growth, they have spread rapidly. Tacha said a study in Oklahoma found cedars were taking over 1-square mile a day in that state. That is a problem because cedar trees are an extreme fire hazard. They are very combustible, burning fast and hot, and they spread embers long distances that can spread fires.
The good news is that prescribed burns can easily control cedars, especially trees under 6 feet tall. The bad news is that in places along Hutchinson’s north and northeast, cedar stands are so thick and so tall that fire wouldn’t be a viable option without cutting out a lot of trees first, Tacha said.”
Part of the success of the ERC’s expansion is due to a symbiotic relationship. There is one bird in particular that REALLY LOVES the Eastern Red Cedar. You could say it loves the shit out of it.  The Cedar Waxwing is a willing assistant on the ERC’s quest for world/prairie dominance. Cedar Waxwings eat the ERC’s berries, and pass them through their digestive tract in just 12 minutes. (Remind anyone of late night trips to Taco Bell?)
The berries pass through unharmed and with triple the ability for survival vs berries that Waxwings have not fertilized. The reason for all those cedars around fences and rocky ledges? Birds perch on fence posts and treat the ground underneath about as well as they do your freshly washed car. Cedar tree growth is a good indicator of where old fence/property lines used to be. Long after an old fence has rotted, those trees will still be growing as the average life expectancy is between 200 to 300 years. The oldest ERC found in West Virginia lived to be 940 years old. Almost as impressive, a 795 year old cedar has been found in Missouri! Between the Waxwing, decreased burns to control the population, and the ERC’s long life expectancy, this is a cedar’s world and we’re just living in it.
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Eastern Red Cedar, Johnson County, KS.
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Line of Eastern Red Cedars creeping into open field, Johnson County, KS.
I’ve repeatedly used the word berry in relation to the ERC’s fruit, but I need to set the record straight. It is not a true berry. It is actually a seed cone and is only found on female cedar trees. The blue seed cones have fleshy, merged scales. Look closely at them. I found using the flashlight on my phone made it easier to see the small cone shapes. I was excited by this discovery. Male ERCs have small reddish brown cones. Soooo, at this point, I imagine you’re saying, “Hey dummy! If animals can eat them, can I?!” To which I reply, “You better change your tone if you want to be educated.” The short answer is YES you can eat the ERC berries. And if we can’t beat the cedar, we might as well eat the cedar. In central Europe, especially in Alpine areas, the juniper berry is a common spice. The berry most used in cooking belongs to the species Juniper Comminus.  Also, I know a lot of you have consumed juniper berries in the form of gin. (Ask me how much gin I drank going through my divorce in 2010. Shout out to New Amsterdam for being mid-priced and not horrible.) I think an adventurous person would be able to make a passable gin using ERC berries. Probably a better use would be to substitute ERC in recipes that call for J. Comminus berries. I took the time to find you a lovely looking recipe. I am your best friend, and you are really lazy. Garlic Potatoes With Juniper Berries.   Word of note, I really do care about you, so please understand that not all species of juniper berries are safe for consumption. (Juniper Sabina for example, which is highly toxic.) MAKE SURE YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE PICKING. I read a rule of thumb is if it grows into an upright tree shape, ok to eat. If it’s a bush and you’re not sure what it is, don’t eat. And please, don’t even think about eating berries growing on trees that have been treated with pesticides. “Hey dummy! Are there any health benefits to consuming juniper berries?” “Only if you want an abortion!” I say. Seriously, if you are pregnant or are trying to get pregnant, juniper berries are not for you. See above reason. Before we get to the health benefits, let’s talk about the health risks. ⦁ Long-term consumption is hard on the kidneys. ⦁ Could lower blood sugar to dangerously low levels for diabetics. ⦁ Could irritate stomach lining. ⦁ Could cause abortion (NEEDED REPEATING). Basically, if you have any health concerns, don’t be stupid. Call your doctor.
According to WebMD, people use juniper berries for a variety of medicinal reasons. As a disclaimer, WebMD did say there is not sufficient evidence to back up any of these claims. Read and do your own research. ⦁ Digestion problems (Remember the cedar waxwing’s 12 minute digestion time? Could help you deliver that food baby faster.) ⦁ Upset stomach ⦁ Gas ⦁ Bloating ⦁ Loss of appetite ⦁ GI infections ⦁ Intestinal worms ⦁ UTIs ⦁ Kidney and bladder stones Some people inhale juniper oil (think eucalyptus breathing treatments) to alleviate bronchitis.
If your tummy hurts after all this learnin’, make a cup o’ ERC berry tea! Boil 1 cup of water and pour over 1 tablespoon of ERC berries. Steep 10-20 minutes. Drink 1-2 cups a day to settle stomach. Do not drink for more than 2 consecutive weeks to prevent kidney irritation and possible damage.
I hope you enjoyed learning about this scrappy, prolific and incredibly versatile tree. It’s a bit of a bastard, but you have to be to survive life on the prairie. At least that’s what I tell myself so I can sleep at night.  
Until next time,
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