#so is cesar torres
mypissisgreen · 9 months
intro yep
YO! names jack. im 15, high functioning autistic, straight (probably), and i LOVE making music.
the mandela catalogue, the walten files, urbanspook (im gonna get hell for that but idc💀), dagames, brandon rogers, true crime, rp (non sexualized), analog horror, nine inch nails, video games, thalassophobia, etc.
fuck off if u are:
basic dni criteria
apart of the dagames drama. you know who you are.
anti furry (im not a furry but NO hate is allowed here, this is a place where i do shit)
u gatekeep EVERYTHING to 18+ only. this one im DEAD SERIOUS about.
WAY too blunt to the point of being a dick
ppl who think the tmc drama shit is real. get the fuck off the internet bruh
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creepycatboyz · 1 year
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Redraw of this !!!
My silly little goobers <3 our poor Christian boy continues to pray...
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chromacidereblogs · 2 months
might as well upload some old Mandela Catalogue art
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kirdoodl · 1 month
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"they can't all be gay >:[" "but it's not pride month!"
SHUT UP!!!! anyways
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machinepilled · 1 year
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fizzzyz · 1 year
If your doing requests, should you possibly do the main four victims detailed-? If not, I understand!! ^^
Have a wonderful day today!!
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Tried drawing them with a different style and tbh I really like it Imma use it..
(I had to draw gabriel and six as well they’re my comfort characters jdndshnssjhf)
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aglitchysylveon · 4 months
I finally got all the Mandela boys done!! It took a few weeks to get em all colored, just glad I got em done.
But yeah, I'll get the Mandela AU Girls done tomorrow, I'm just missing Ophelia! Here's the TMC boys first. I'm so glad that I drew em all I don't draw em as often 💀 (mainly Cesar, I draw him a bit more) also ignore how he has no quote he's just built different/JJJJJ
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howl-arnon · 2 months
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I got to draw in Magma today with @pearl-the-artist
It was really fun lmao I wish I had more time to draw 😭😭 would 100% do it again. Anyone wanna draw DM M-
lmao I have so much on my plate rn but I act like am free.
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yinkisser · 24 days
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the only thing i've drawn since art fight ended,,i don't really like it but i might as well post it.
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miniadam · 2 months
ztupid little cezar
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listenheresweaty · 6 months
Reminder that Stirringjuice/Ven themself has said that TMC is not fetish content. Kister’s works are NOT an extension of what was described in the allegations document. If you don’t want to consume TMC content anymore, fine (best you don’t— not in a way that gives Kister money anyway), but don’t spread misinformation.
EDIT: after rereading Ven’s callout document and finally being able to access ALL the screenshots he attached, I have decided that I will no longer support him. I will not go back to supporting Alex Kister yet, but I cannot support a blatant ableist transphobe either. link to annotation doc: (not mine) https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vReErDatnpQ_h3W-WlqrmzmPN26-UyDwLVwBKmHV09WhVZtdZQM44HRxvoV0ZTz8Ho-NaBVKYxjNuha/pub
Things I will be addressing:
Why I do not support Ven (separate from other victims)
Stuff that Alex Kister DID do wrong, even if the allegations were exaggerated/faked/done out of malice
The allegations and victims themselves.
First of all, this ⬇️ (scroll down its below the blue highlighted ss. Formatting issues sorry.). This is a ss of Ven’s (now deleted, now archived post) response to how many people are calling him transphobic for his transmisogynistic comments in his document, and how he had basically outed Alex. Instead of saying something like “it wasn’t transphobic — I had to out Alex— it was necessary for the victims/proof/whatever”, Ven just says that if Alex didn’t want to be outed or subjected to transphobia, he shouldn’t have been a “groomer” (Ven later says that he had misused the word “groomer”. Everyone that Alex had interacted with in a sexual or romantic manner had been an adult, and had fully explicitly VERBALLY consented.)
However. Even if your opponent is a bad person, you do NOT have the right to be transphobic. EVER. criticize them on whatever they’ve done wrong, hold them accountable in a balanced and civilized manner— etc. Being protected from bigotry/ not getting misgendered, privacy, legal counsel— these are all examples of RIGHTS.
When you start denying something based on whether someone deserves it or not, that “something” has become a privilege. By stating that his transphobia was excused because Alex is a supposedly bad person, Ven has stated that not being subjected to transphobia is a privilege. here’s the link: (takes forever to load the keep reading portion but it works for me) https://web.archive.org/web/20240317125855/https://www.tumblr.com/stirringjuicee/745117180204548096/alex-kister-and-actively-using-being-trans-to-lure
Screenshot of the post below, along with something from the callout doc (annotated by a tumblr user. The non-highlighted color text is the annotated bit.
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—— ss from ven response (click. It IS An image it just looks like text)
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—- now onto some more details.
Ven, or StirringJuice, made the first allegations document against Alex Kister. He had stated himself that he does not consider himself a victim, just a friend of the victims who wanted to spread the word. Ven starts the document off by describing his past relationship with Alex Kister. He also includes screenshots of text messages from Alex— which often contradict or have no relation with what he’s saying. This is why it’s important to look at the screenshots, guys! Most of the toxicity in Ven’s relationship with Alex stemmed from Ven’s refusal to honestly his boundaries or feelings. He told Alex that he was comfortable with the sexual comments, he told Alex that he was comfortable being just Friends with Benefits, and he told Alex that they were welcome to vent to him any time <- all of this is corroborated by the text screenshots that Ven himself posted.
In Ven’s text messages, we can see him suggesting that Alex gets a therapist. Great! Nothing wrong there. And then you actually look at the ss:
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(Ven is the blue. These ss are linked in the callout document.)
First of all. You cannot force ANYONE to get mental help, regardless of whether you think it’s for their own well-being. If their behavior is harming you, leave. But even the worst people on earth deserve autonomy for these kinds of things. Ven literally states that he had FORCED Alex to get a therapist, and you can see him admit it in the messages above as well.
after these ss links (labeled part 9 in the doc), Ven hits us with this absolute banger:
“[Alex] then decided to go off his meds.”
Someone had already said this, but: YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO SAY THAT TO OR ABOUT A MENTALLY ILL PERSON. EVER. REGARDLESS OF WHO YOU ARE, OR WHO THEY ARE. it’s an insult to every mental health community.
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^ also, Alex gives a pretty good reason for going off his medication. Not that they needed to.
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^highlighted text is Ven’s callout post. Purple text is a fellow tumblr user’s annotations. They have a whole post with these annotations. I’ll credit them when I’m done writing out my post. [clarification: the annotator uses “she/her” pronouns for Alex, Ven uses he/him. I use they/them because Alex was never publicly OUT as she/her before they were outed, so I’m not sure what to do]
Also: please go on the callout doc and see the “pt. 11” screenshots yourself. There’s a lot of them and I don’t want to add them here, but please go see them.
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^Ven hears that Alex wants to start a new chapter with them (yknow, like redeem the toxic relationship they’ve had) and immediately assumes it’s in the romantic sense.
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^Alex admits that they are not ready for a committed relationship, a good first step for smoothing over any toxicity.
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^nothing else to add. Annotator did great.
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^ text ss as listed under the “pt. 14” link
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These are 3 out of 10 ss under the Pt. 15 link. Look at the text indicated to with the red arrow (drawn by me). Ven literally tells Alex that they “don’t understand anything ever.” They also tell Alex in a later ss (plz find it yourselves because I’m not posting all 10 photos) that they “don’t understand [their] own emotions.”
Maybe Alex was making an unhealthy decision by continuing to reach out to someone they clearly had an unhealthy relationship with. But these responses are borderline abusive, especially when aimed at someone who suffers from paranoia.
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A huge chunk of the entire callout doc is Ven venting about his relationship with Alex. This relationship is not abusive, it is toxic on both sides. The fact that Ven put this much focus on these barely relevant details— even when the topic was the victims, not Ven himself— suggests that he did this out of petty vindictiveness. If the allegations are true, the victims deserved a BETTER PERSON and a BETTER FRIEND to share their story. Not someone who did it purely because it was en excuse to get revenge. If it wasn’t revenge, why add all these details?? (funny thing— the whole doc. Would be more believable if Ven hadn’t added all this stuff. He destroyed his credibility before even getting to the allegations).
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the one below has more transphobia and general assholery than ableism.
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^apparently once you are out of the closet, you are not allowed to go back or feel ashamed. Else you are lying and manipulative. Thanks, Ven.
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I am done posting screenshots from the annotation document. Please, PLEASE read it in full. I will tag it in the comments. There are so so so many good points.
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(Orange text is annotator, black is original doc).
Venting to/ Relying on a minor fan for mental health support (I think it was Mitchie). That’s not good.
making allusions to suicide during their relationship with Ven. Joke or not, that’s unhealthy.
wont say much here because I’m getting tired. some people on Reddit have been pointing out that some discord ss (not the ones I’ve shown you, those were imessage ss) look faked because there is use of military time, which is not an option on discord apparently. Other screenshots seem to use different fonts as well, further indicating forged evidence. I have fact-checked none of this and can’t verify it (not that you should be relying on my word alone, anyway).
I do not support Mitchie, since they’ve been telling people to self-harm and/or commit suicide when they point out flaws in the callout doc. I don’t care what you’ve been through. There is no excuse for that.
As for the other victims.. I find their statements fishy. However, I will not disbelieve them until more has been cleared up.
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foster-the-moths · 1 year
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some of the tmc banners i made today. might make more but i'm out of ideas for now
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nastick · 11 months
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procrastinova · 7 months
after decades (2 hours) of work... finally... it is finished...
I was originally going to do a vine compilation in honour of that one volume 5 teaser but there are already a bunch of those and the Snapcube fandubs are hilarious
yt video for anyone who wants to watch it there
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halfassedtea · 2 years
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craziest blunt rotation
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creepycatboyz · 1 year
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the sillies! nothing bad ever happens to them again <3
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