#so it wouldn’t change MUCH but it would change her relationships and experiences in D13
millennium-queen · 1 year
What do you think would have happened if Peeta was rescued from the 74th arena along with Katniss?
Do you think it would have changed the timeline of the rebellion?
Thank you :)
Hey sorry I had to take a few days to really think my answer through on this! Tbh I’ve never really imagined a version of Mockingjay where they’re rescued together (mainly because I’m a sucker for angst and them being separated for a time kinda almost mirrors the beginning of Catching Fire where they’re not talking)
Ultimately tho I think if Peeta had been rescued alongside Katniss the rebellions plans wouldn’t be all that different? After all they were trying to keep him alive in the arena to keep Katniss co-operative??. I can see Plutarch probably pushing the star crossed lovers angle as far as it could go, the Mockingjay and her devoted husband would make good figureheads for their cause and they probably wouldn’t of ended up on the front lines as much as they let Katniss do in the book (because Peeta would be there to do all the talking that he does best.)
Katniss might of found it easier to adjust to life in D13 with him there but I think it would of set their relationship back a little because they would never get a moment alone to talk about themselves, how they feel, and what happened on the beach - between Coin wanting them to jump straight into action and Gale being in command with them all the time it’s not really the right headspace for Katniss to sort out her feelings.
I also don’t know where Peeta would stay in D13? Because people don’t get compartments just for themselves and Katniss would obviously be placed with Prim and her Mum I briefly thought that maybe he’d room with Finnick but I can’t see Katniss and Peeta not pushing to have Annie and Johanna rescued so that wouldn’t last long lmaoo - maybe where ever he was staying she might sneak into his compartment to sleep but not much else would happen between them until after the war
Timeline wise for the Rebellion I think it would of sped up but only a little, There’s weeks at the beginning of Mockingjay where Katniss is practically catatonic over Peeta being in the Capitol and the destruction of 12, if they had eachother to lean on they may have been more inclined to visit the ruins sooner and take on their duties (it still would be a devastating thing to process - especially for Peeta now he’s lost his entire family) and with the pair showing a United front they may of been able to win the districts over just that little bit faster.
Certain districts like D2 however would likely still be just as loyal to the Capitol and I think Gale and Beetee would still develop weapons based off of hunting traps - Which Katniss would still feel very uncomfortable about and Peeta would probably be vocally against when plans for the Nut and the civilians trapped inside come into question.
I’m not sure how the war would end, where Star Squad 451 come into it, or if much else would really change? But this is kinda what I’ve got in my head so far. I hope it makes sense haha and thank you so much for asking I feel so special lmaoo
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huihuiheart · 4 years
Goretober D13: Bitten - Vampire Prince!Hongjoong
Pairing: Vampire Prince! Hongjoong x Human! Female reader
This is actually very fluffy.
Warnings: Vampires, biting, blood, betrayal? (Hongjoong is your bf and he lied to you), mentions of sex and breeding, mentions of mates, mentions of rituals.
Word Count: 1,322 
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 Hongjoong knew that if there was one thing in this world that you hated in a relationship it was being lied to. Which is why he hadn’t told you about his lie earlier, wanting to determine the best way to break things to you while also smoothing things over at the same time. Yet, he’d never come up with anything, and he was running out of time fast. The rest of the brood was getting restless, and rightfully so! Their prince had found his mate nearly a year ago and they were human, that meant things had to be arranged. A ritual to celebrate her change and their truly becoming mates, the future of the brood depending on it. It also was vital to hold the ritual on a very specific date to keep everything in order, a date that was only two weeks away and you still weren’t even aware of what Hongjoong really was. Today had to be the day to break the news though, they needed at least a week to prepare you for everything and Hongjoong would prefer to give you more than that to maybe ease you in a little.
“What’s got your mind racing my love?” You question watching him sit at the bar in your apartment for a while knowing all the signs of gears turning in his head by now.
“Just thinking about things with us doll.” Hongjoong sighs softly running a hand through his hair, “How would you feel if there was something different about me as a person? Like who I am physiologically?” 
“Well....as much as I love who you are on the outside that’s not the part of you I fell into love with. I fell in love with your heart and mind.” You respond shrugging softly, “But if this is about you thinking you aren’t enough on the outside then you can stop right there, because I can assure you that you are.” 
“No doll....this isn’t about that....this is about a secret I’ve been keeping....because I was afraid it could scare you.” Hongjoong’s seriousness prevents you from making a joke about him being afraid to tell you about his monster cock, but you refrain from joking, though you do tease slightly.
“Is that why you won’t have sex with me?” You quip raising a brow with a small smirk.
“Yes, but not for the reason you think.” Hongjoong looks down at the bar, fingers twitching and chasing shaped onto the granite in anxiousness. Reaching out you cup his cheek and make him look up into your eyes.
“Joong, I fell in love with the man you are inside. Nothing is going to change that. Sure, I might be a little pissed you hid something from me or even went out of your way to prevent me from finding out, but that won’t change the love I have for you.” You try to assure him with a soft kiss to his chilled lips, something you’d grown used to even if you didn’t yet know the reason.
Hongjoong’s gaze softens as he looks at you, “Okay fine, I’ll tell you now.....Y/N. I’m a vampire...or the vampire prince to be exact.” 
You quirk a brow not amused by what you think are his jokes, “Kim Hongjoong. I’m trying to be serious here.” 
Hongjoong’s head drops in another deep sigh at your mild scolding, “So am I doll...look.” 
You watch as his fangs make an appearance, something that was obviously not a disguise as he had previously had them retracted but no longer hidden. Your eyes widen as you suddenly feel the need to sit down gently resting your head in your palm as you try to process everything.
“T-That’s why your skin is so cold isn’t it? And why you’re so sensitive to the sun...b-but why can’t you have sex with me? A-And why haven’t you ever tried to feed off me?” You questions come out back to back, without realizing that you had asked them all. Hongjoong had been prepared for that possibility though as he slips off the chair to move over and slip his arms around you, the action having been so comforting to you since the first time he cradled you against his chest. 
“That is why my skin is like it is yes. As for sex or feeding off of you....I knew if I tried I wouldn’t be able to hold back and it wasn’t the proper time.” Hongjoong explains softly gently stroking over your hair.
“W-What do you mean? If you couldn’t hold back do you mean you’d kill me? Proper time? W-What are you talking about Hongjoong? You need to explain everything to me right now!” You insist twisting in his hold to try and find a way to be able to look at him.
“No. No, doll I wouldn’t ever kill you. I don’t want to do anything to hurt you.” Hongjoong assures before taking you into his arms to go to the couch, settling you on his lap to face him. Gently he strokes his thumbs over your cheeks as he cups your face in his palms, gathering his thoughts.
“As I said...I’m the prince. That means the future of our brood, or group, you might even say family of vampires depends on me....and my mate. When I found you, I knew immediately who you were. You smelled unlike anything I’d ever experienced before, so much more than a simple meal. That being said, you’re human. When a vampire’s mate is human then have to hold a very special ceremony with many rituals involved before changing their human mate into a vampire. It has to be held on a specific day out of the year. The first one after they meet or there are consequences. I knew if we had sex though I wouldn’t be able to hold back, and I’d change you right then. Same if I were to ask to feed on you. Which is why I couldn’t....no matter how enticing either of those was at the time.” 
You take in his words things making a lot more sense as you process the information bit by bit, “So when is that day then? I-I mean it’s a little intimidating the whole thing, b-but...that being said I have been I have been anticipating fully becoming yours, so...”
Hongjoong kisses your nose feeling the way your skin heated up at your flustered admission and finding it adorable, “It’s in two weeks.....I wanted to tell you sooner. Give you more time to prepare...I just wasn’t sure how.”
You blink at him a little stunned by the short time frame, “ I-It’s alright, we can figure it out. W-Why....why is it that day?”
Hongjoong blushes in response, “ When a human changes into a vampire they sometimes experience a heightened sexual desire....a-and that day is considered the best day of the year for breeding...”
You fluster further at his words, “O-Oh so we would be....I-I mean...t-the goal would be to...”
“I mean. It doesn’t necessarily mean we have to try to have them...it’s just kinda an instinct thing in us I guess.” Hongjoong tries to explain, but also calm you.
“I-It’s okay...i-it’s kinda hot actually.... well I guess you should take me home then?” You ask him and Hongjoong looks at you confused since you’re both already in your apartment, “I-I mean to where ever will become my home once we’re mated...and I-I’m a vampire and all. I’m assuming you wouldn’t want me just roaming around on my own....and it might be nice to move in together.”
Hongjoong smirks at you, “Get some of your things doll, I’ll gladly take you home....to our home. Teach you everything your need to know as we count down the days.” 
Hongjoong playfully nips at your neck with his fangs earning a squeak before letting you go to do just that. Maybe things would turn out just fine after all.
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