#so it's hard to draw anything digitally ugh -v-
flowryluv · 1 year
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April 26th: Talk about special interests. Do you have special interests? If not do you wish you did? What do your special interests mean to you? What are your current special interests? What are your past special interests? idk like i know i sure have & have had Interests, some more of interest than others, and it's also like, oh yeah i guess the ways i held that interest / explored it pretty intently / extensively / at length didn't always seem to be the way other people always felt about things even if we shared the interest, but yknow, at the same time it doesn't necessarily seem as extensive or major as some of the aspects of defining a Special Interest(tm) can be, i haven't been too pressed about it, but of course it's like, i have my Things lol, i.e. yeah this thing is kind of My Thing....and then i can look back on Things like. well idk when i was really little and you're just gonna like Cool Stuff, i did have the thing of like, i like dinosaurs and did sorta casually collect dinosaur stuff, easy enough b/c they make that stuff for kids, memorized a bunch of dinosaur Names so that just being asked to recite a bunch was something i was known to be able to do, a big fan of a couple semi educational computer games we had, shoutout to 3d dinosaur adventure and this magic school bus dinosaur (and ocean) game, had pajamas ft dinosaurs, rip to when i had a sick metal lunchbox with dinosaurs on it and it just broke on like week 1 of first grade or whatever and i just had to go back to default lunchboxes. well and then but anyways but from then on it was like, well, i guess it's media time......read a shit ton all the time, was into some tv series / movies, played some pc / video games, there was stuff i'd be glad to revisit over and over, and yknow, as this went on it'd be like, well now when there's A Relatable Enough Character in something i also like just in general, that's a powerful combo, though sometimes it's like, yeah i like this thing enough even in the absence of any particular [and i extra go hard about this character] element, that's not Not at play as it's like "well and i guess i will think about this quant every day for years now lmfao," and i can sure always talk about stuff At Length too, which sure is not something other people are generally interested in, but if/when they are, it's like okay great, this is a great connection point then, b/c otherwise it's like, i generally don't know what to say about myself, didn't get much practice, did pick up a sense of like, well stuff is Wrong about myself and my life so i shouldn't share it and also i'm not picking up friends so it was generally accurate that no one was exactly interested lmao. small talk is really more of a barrier / test you can just potentially fail, yet anything more personal is Oversharing, but hey i would earnestly love to talk at length about This Thing, so great when other people are into that at all lol and then if we vibe it's like, obviously that's the sort of functional "small talk" route here lol to being able to be more familiar w/each other and talk more generally, even if yknow, wuh oh, i'm kind of cagey outside those Interests i will talk about in ways that's probably "too much" by most ppl's standards, worst of both worlds when it comes to forming relationships but oh well, it is what it is and i sure don't consider it a bad thing i have plenty to say about things i Want to talk about, and it sure doesn't impede on anyone else if i'm Not Talking about other shit.
also then it's like, "idk what it is when you just determinedly Pursue something that's maybe still not the hugest deal, but i don't really feel very pressed re: figuring it out" like, does it count like how i mentioned today i'd read bird guides for fun as a kid, and watch this bird documentary and be like "hey. check out this scene in this bird documentary with this bird mimicry" to friends i now realize were probably mostly bemused by this, and really liked birds just generally (still true), and thus have like, maybe more Bird Knowledge than the average random person but also am hardly some self taught ornithological expert. or how i'm big into linguistics and etymology and, in theory, language learning, always really latching on to the little i was taught in school, also perusing some Language Guides available, and like, not really self teaching a bit re: learning some of a couple languages, just learning via teaching resources outside of [directly through any academic institution], never took any language classes, sure have no fluency in fuckall.........how about that i just decided as a kid like "hm i want to be able to draw" b/c i felt that way (and yknow, still do in a way lol) about pretty much anything, but i just also liked doodling and took some art classes and it was always this casual thing and now i use this to make fanart for the Media Interests lol, and although this is all digital drawing and drawing was always my primary thing it's like, well okay also yeah there was like, some painting / pastels / sculpting other Visual Arts stuff, and then, like, i sure enjoyed dance classes and the Performing Arts aspect of that, theatre gay adjacent b/w that and choir lol, have regular dreams about being part of impromptu dance performances, including just last night, rip to the special thwarting of "oh no i'm going around trying to get food before the show, getting stuck in traffic or lost in stores, and i've missed my whole first appearance" lol. anxiety dreams never end........and idk, i've had a love for math stuff, physics stuff, space stuff, even felt that [!] for the little i was able to get into circuitry and coding, but yknow. learning that shit is kind of involved and i only had so much experience re: taking classes, also, unfortunately, i always hated school lmao, so it's just kind of there where i'm like oh i get Into this shit in the ways that other people who are definitely Into it feel about it lmao. but yeah, idk, i do have like. well here's this sort of stuff i think about Every Day, this sort of mental home base sometimes, that i don't get tired of and reexplore / reexperience pretty intensively, but at the same time like, sometimes i can just sort of have something be that Interest for a lot more of a temporary duration, and things that were that main shit is like, well Probably when i like it that much once i like it down the line even if i haven't been that focused on it in the meantime, more just latent, but then it's like, well, but probably could and would still talk So Much about it still even if it's not like, oh yeah i'm Into This(tm) right Now lol..........idk! but i sure get really into shit and like, if anyone else is interested in me talking at length / drawing about it, that's sure probably the most successful grounds for Connection lmao cuz yknow. even people who maybe share that interest aren't guaranteed to see that and go "yeah this is someone i'm interested in actually talking to though" like yeah here's your preview of my personality i guess lol
April 27th: What is your favourite form of media? For example, do you enjoy books? What format do you prefer for books (physical, e-book, audiobook)? Did you love reading as a kid but find it challenging as you got older? How about movies, tv, or video games? Do you have a favourite series? yeah i read all the time as a kid, on the bus, if i finished shit early at school, on the bus again, also at home plenty, not so much when i was in college when it's like oh i can just do kinda whatever now (also as people point out it's like. well gotta do all this reading for classes now so) and then it was like, i'll get into other Media i can freely experience at any time, and also hang out with people Some, which i can also just do whenever now, as opposed to at any point before this......still like reading but it can sure kind of be a Whole Thing, like i either can't focus and it's like well time to read like, a paragraph or page a day, or else i'm focusing Too Much really like, if i'm at all trying to see how something ends i might burn through it in a few days (still a fairly slow reader) which is like, do i want to spend multiple days on this One Thing, even if it takes me like, multiple times the runtime to watch a movie or something, that's still probably getting done in 1 day. plus that yeah, mostly reading new shit via laptop, which is kind of a pain as opposed to physical books or like, e readers in theory, i've never actually used one. the only time i used an audiobook was a few times as a kid to read along with longer books to sort of help with that momentum, such a hot minute ago that this was via Tape Cassette.....i do listen to podcasts though, great for like, doing Something Else at the same time, which i don't know that i could split up that focus and guaranteed successfully absorb a book, Maybe So but select podcasts are my Extensive Audio of choice. never really watched that much tv, there were some stuff me and my siblings might watch as it aired, but not really Narrative Series lol, never seen shit, haven't even really watched That many movies either, still don't Really even though it's like yeah w/e in Theory i enjoy these mediums it's like oh my godddd it's a whole thing to focus on one and then plus what if i don't like it but i've had to put in all that time to know i didn't like it lmao.......i can enjoy keeping up with a tv series like, oh boy once a week a half hour to hour installment, that's a great format truly, but i'm rarely getting that experience lmao like. with billions you could stand 2 weeks between episodes b/c whew but it's v Rare like oh thank god, a series with that weekly release........but otherwise it's like ugh do i wanna have alllll this material to watch, do i wanna go through the whole process of figuring out what movie i feel like giving a try........and that i like Revisiting shit i already like pretty endlessly so it's like, i might just do that. so it's like, audio wise i'll put on podcasts, if i feel like watching something i Might be bothered to try out a movie or smthing b/c yknow, ultimately more doable to consume something that's just a few hours, all that when i'm Thinking About a tv series every day for years lmfao, shoutout to billions which sure gets to be my fave b/c tf else am i keeping up with, literally nothing else, even if i haven't gotten around to actually watching all of it yet / haven't simply sat straight through even the episodes i have watched, i Could do it but it's like god formidable when it's sure more than a movie's worth of content and plenty of "i don't care about this and/or hate this" to make me put my head through the wall lmfao thank you billions........also sometimes i remember like "oh yeah, i guess in theory i enjoy video games as well" but i didn't have That much experience w/them and sure don't now, so that's like well irrelevant ig. media
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secretsantamon · 7 years
This was my gift for Herosubs. Sorry this was late, I had some issues with my laptop. I took the basic idea I had before and added an idea that my friend joked about and ran with it.
Its V-Tamers Taichi and Masaru.
I hope you enjoy!
“I just know he won’t like this… I can hope he won’t hate it at least.” Taichi said, heading to the front of the store to check his items out.
Besides the previous year, where they were kind of hounded by Taichi’s family on the details of their relationship, they didn’t do much to celebrate the holidays besides eating a meal together in one of their digital worlds. It was an okay thing for the first couple holidays they spent together, until about a day later when Masaru said that he missed family dinners. This lead Taichi to try and make this year a little better by doing a gift exchange. Thankfully, Taichi though, it didn’t take much to convince Masaru into it.
It was only after they separated and agreed to meet up later that he realized how difficult that this was going to be though. What do you give someone that’s not afraid of physically fighting something at least 4 times their size? Not only that, but after dating this said person for the past few years, hates showing much emotion.
After some thinking, and about an hour of just randomly walking around a convenience store, Taichi decided on something kind of personal. It was more of how much Masaru would think its ridiculous.
As he walked out of the store, bag in hand and started walking to the meet up location, he heard a voice shout out from somewhere. “Hey, Tai!”
He stopped walking and looked around, wondering who called out to him. Were they even calling out to him? No one he knew shortened his name before.
He felt a tap on his shoulder and turned around to see a short redhead with a smile on his face.
“Hey you. What did you get? Forget to buy someone a gift?”
“Uhh…” Taichi just stood there and just blinked for a few moments. Whoever this person was not only seem to know who Taichi was, but were rather causal to him. “Yeah, something like that… I’m sorry, people tend to tell me I’m not smart but… Do we know each other?”
The redhead just stared at him for a few seconds before laughing. “Oh man, I needed that. Very funny Tai.”
Taichi started to frown, “I’m sorry, but I’m not joking. I really don’t know who you are.”
The guy seemed to stop laughing when he noticed that Taichi wasn’t kidding around. He started to frown and was visibly upset by his words, “Wh… what’s going on? Who are you then? Because you are certainly not Taichi.”
“No, I am… I’m sorry, but I’m just as confused as you are… let me check something quick, okay?” Taichi asks. Seeing the redhead nod, he pulls out a small handheld device. He started typing and after a minute, read something that made him sigh, “Yup, that’s the last time I let Masaru use this too. He entered the location wrong… Ugh, I guess I should be thankful we are in at least a human world.”
“I… Uhh… what?”
Taichi started to chuckle and put away the device back into his bag, “Sorry for the confusion, what is your name?”
After taking a deep breath and shaking his head, trying to wrap his head around the situation, he replied “Koushiro Izumi.”
“Nice to meet you Koushiro, sorry for the confusion. Want to go someone and sit down? I’m kind of hungry and I’m guessing you would like to know what’s going on?” Taichi asks with an apologetic smile.
Koushiro gives a small smile back and nods, “Sounds good, I would like to know what you mean by ‘a’ human world.”
“I hate this…” Masaru was muttering to himself, walking around aimlessly in a store. “Knew this was a bad idea.”
He does actually like the idea, but he doesn’t like the helpless feeling. The problem was that he couldn’t find ANYTHING appropriate to give to Taichi. He was the only one that had access to the human world between them. If he wanted anything, it was easy enough to go get it.
That and he felt incredibly tacky receiving money from his boyfriend to get a gift FOR said boyfriend. Again, he could easily just get it himself if he wanted anything.
'It’s the thought that counts,’ Masaru could hear Taichi say inside his head. As much as Masaru would hate to admit it, he really did love his goggled idiot.
That also was a reason he was okay this this, seeing Taichi’s smile. Things changed in him after the last Christmas with his parents. While feeling slightly harassed by Taichi’s family, Masaru did admittedly felt a little nostalgic for a family get together. After mentioning that in passing, Taichi made it his goal for a while to use their transporter to get Masaru a visit back to his world.
They tried multiple times getting into Masaru’s human world, but all were failed attempts. The gate was still closed. Masaru was the only one who wasn’t torn up about the countless fails. He knew the risks of going into the digital world. Taichi was still upset after a year later, and wanted to do something special this year between them.
Thus we have Masaru, leaving yet another store empty handed, annoyed and trying to calm down. He went walking down the busy sidewalk, dread filling him. What if he just didn’t find something he liked?’
“I knew I should have asked Zero if he knew of something Taichi would have liked,” Masaru said, then realized that probably wouldn’t have been a good idea. “I hope he doesn’t expect something goo..”
He trailed off, noticing Taichi walking a little ways ahead. Masaru thought it was weird that he was wearing different clothes, but guessed that he just went home and changed or something.
Masaru increased his speed to catch up, noticing that Taichi was also empty handed as well. Was he having issues finding something as well?
“Yo, Goggles!”, Masaru exclaimed, wrapping his arm around Taichi’s shoulder. “Just left the folks place?”
“Uhh…” Taichi slowed down to a stop, confused. Whoever this person was knew who he was, and knew that he used to wear goggles. That and they felt comfortable enough to get really close to him, it was a little weird, “Yeah… I’m sorry, but… Do we know each other?”
Masaru gave him an annoyed look, “… Haha, funny. Sorry, but I’m having issues finding something. Are you having a hard time too?”
“Dude, I’m not joking, I… Really don’t recognize you. Who are you?”
Masaru stopped and let go of Taichi, staring at him, “Are you saying you are not Yagami Taichi?”
“Yes I am but…”
“But what?”
“I’m being serious, I have no clue who you are.”
“Why are you doing this? Are you telling me then that I’m just wasting my time looking for something for a total jerk?”
“Dude, calm down, and lets talk through this.”
“Don’t tell me to calm down! I’m not the one whose pretending I don’t know who my boyfriend is!”
Taichi started looking around, noticing that they are drawing the attention of everyone on the sidewalk. People were whispering and recording their 'fight’ on their phones, “Dude, seriously, just take a deep breath and calm down. I’m sure we can just talk this out respectfully. Plus… this is a little awkward. I don’t really want to be outed by someone who isn’t my boyfriend.”
Masaru glares for a minute, then reluctantly nods and takes a deep breath.
People started to ignore the two, and went about their day again like nothing happened. Taichi let out a sigh of relief, “Ahh, good, that… really didn’t help me out.”
After feeling a little more relaxed, Masaru replied “Sorry, didn’t mean to stress you out too… whoever you really are.”
“Well, you seem to know me, which is kind of confusing. As well as know that I’m gay, so even more weirdness is at han…” Taichi trailed off, hearing his phone go off. He pulled it out and saw it was a text from Koushiro.
'Taichi, sorry for bothering you. Don’t know if you are in town, but just giving you a heads up that someone might come up to you and claim to know you. I did the reverse a little while ago to someone who is you but is from a different world.’
Taichi read that over and over again, trying to wrap his head around that. He looked up and noticed that Masaru was also on some device, looking at a message he got.
“So, I’m guessing that you… got something too?”
Masaru looked up and nodded, “Yup, from my Goggles. Lets see… 'Hey Gloves, just to let you know, we are in the wrong world. Last time I let you set the coordinates, by the way. Ran into someone that knows the 'me’ from this world, and we are talking at the McDonald’s. Come over when you are ready.’”
��Goggles, and now Gloves? What is wrong with just calling each other by your real names?”
Masaru scoffed, “Sorry you don’t like pet names. He likes wearing his goggles, I like fighting and punching. Have a problem?”
“No… just saying, its easier to shorten our names,” Taichi said, smirking. “So, I don’t know about you, but I would love to meet myself. Lets go see our boyfriends.”
“Okay, lead the way,” Masaru replies, nodding. The two started walking towards the fast food establishment, when a light bulb went off in his head. “WAIT! You are Yagami Taichi!”
Taichi gave him a weird look, “Yeah, and… what?”
“You are just what I need!”
About a hour later, and going a few places with his not boyfriend, Masaru and Taichi finally get to the meet-up location.
“I can’t thank you enough for this, I just hope that he likes these,” Masaru said, with wrapped gifts in a bag, and another bag of snacks. Turns out no matter what universe they went to, digimon love their food.
“Glad to help. You should be safe. If he is me, he probably would love it…” Tai said, shaking his head. “I’m already trying to wrap my head around the fact there is multiple digital worlds, let alone alternate worlds with different mes.”
“Yeah, well, I hope you meeting my Goggles doesn’t cause the universe to explode or something like that one guy stressed about in that one American movie.”
“I didn’t think about that… Oh well, I’m sure it’s worth the risk!”
They enter the McDonald’s, looking around and finally see their boyfriends sitting at a booth. Masaru walks up and sees his Taichi with a redhead, engaged in a game of Shogi on a laptop.
“… you guys are playing Shogi?”
Tai walked up, confused at the sight as well. “Wait, what?”
Goggles was focused on the screen, finally making his move, “You two took too long to get here.”
“Well, I’m hungry, so I’m going to go order something…” Masaru replied, confused at the sight.
Tai nodded and places their bags next to their boyfriends, “Me too.”
“Hmhmm,” Koushiro responded, intensely focused on the screen.
The Agu-pair just looked at each other and shrugged, walking to place their orders.
“Since when did I know how to play Shogi? I only ever seen Kou get that serious playing Shogi or Go against someone is Ken… another brainiac.”
“My Goggles is a bit of an airhead sometimes. Though, I would like to think he is more tactical than Tohma is.” Masaru said, before placing his order, followed by Tai.
“A genius from your world?”
“Hmm, I guess you can say that.”
They wait until their food is ready and walk back to the table.
The table is quiet for about a half hour, the Agu-pair were making small chat after eating, while watching the game in progress.
“Do you have any idea what’s going on?” Masaru whispers.
Tai shrugs, “Not really, board games in general aren’t what I’m really good at. Let alone ones that require strategy.”
“I only ask because this game was going for about…” Masaru pulls out his phone and checked the time, at least forty minutes at this point. How long does this game take?”
“No clue, but I’ve seen Kou and Ken go at it for about an hour and a half one time.”
After twenty more minutes pass by, Masaru started to doze off while Tai decided to get refills on food and drinks for them. While waiting for his order, he heard a voice shout something out, and who it came from shocked him.
“I still can’t believe you kept beating Koushiro at Shogi,” Masaru said, laughing.
“Neither could they,” Taichi replied, chuckling at the memory of Koushiro’s reaction after the first loss. “That was a fun visit, we should do that again sometime.”
They spent about another hour having a interesting double date. Eating mediocre food, chatting, and played some games together on Koushiro’s laptop. Including a rematch or two of Shogi, from a Koushiro who refused to admit defeat.
“You’re lucky I’m not the jealous type, spending most of your time with Koushiro. Sitting side by side, playing with each other and everything,” Masaru joked.
Taichi smirked, teasing Masaru a little, “I don’t know, I think me and Zero could take on Taichi and his Agumon, and I can have Koushiro all to myself. He is rather cute.”
“No need to be so mean to me, Goggles,” Masaru said, pretending to be upset.
Taichi gave him a small smile and hugged him, “You are the only one for me, Gloves.”
“That better be the case,” Masaru said with a grin, giving a half hug.
After the separated from the other pair they went back to Taichi’s digital world. They gave the bag of snacks to Zero and Agumon as an apology for spending the entire day away. The two made quick work through the snacks and shortly afterwards fell asleep at the camp they had set up.
“So… want to exchange gifts now?” Taichi asks nervously. “I know it’s not quite Christmas yet, but since when have we done things normal anyway?”
“Sure,” Masaru nodded.
They went and grabbed their gifts they had, and sat by the fire they have going.
“Okay, you go first, because I’m not sure if you will even like this,” Masaru said, handing his gift over to Taichi. “To be honest, I had a little help from the other Taichi.”
Taichi looked at the badly wrapped gift and smiled, “I’m sure I will love it.” He unwrapped his gift and grinned when he saw the contents. “Soccer equipment!”
“Yeah, turns out other you loves his soccer. So he knew where the best place to get good quality soccer equipment was.”
Taichi laughed, “I love watching soccer games, but never actually got around to play myself. My friends never seemed interested in learning.”
“Sorry I got you something so… useless then,” Masaru said, chuckling sadly.
“No! Masaru… you could have gotten me a socks and I would have loved it,” Taichi said, giving Masaru yet another big hug. “I always wanted to play with someone, even if it is just casual childish way. Would you be willing to mess… you know, no matter how I word this, its going to sound dirty”
Masaru laughs, “Yes, I would love to play with you and your ball… and I guess we can play some soccer as well.”
Taichi just shakes his head with a smile. He was used to Masaru and his antics at this point.
He leaned over and grabbed his bag that had his gift, “So, I… I know you won’t use these. It’s more a badge than practicality anyway for me even… I…”
Taichi shook his head and just handed the box over.
Masaru took the box and opened it up. He saw the contents and his eyes widened, “You got me some goggles?”
“Yeah, I know that’s my thing, but… well, my goggles are specail to me because they… they were given to me from my grandpa, and… they were a symbol of courage. It’s not so much I think you need it, but… you certainly deserve your own pair. I got help to change the band to orange since it seems to be your color.”
“Hmm, you’re right… I don’t need these things to show I have courage. I actually punch things to have Agumon evolve. Plus we can’t both be goggles.”
Taichi lets out a small forced laugh. He knew that Masaru wouldn’t like it, but he gave him goggles anyway. What was he thinking? He looks down at the wood burning in front of him, “Yeah, I know, sorry for getting you something rather dumb the more I think on it. Thank you for the practical gift, and sorry I wasn’t able to get you something nice as…”
Taichi was cut off by Masaru, who decided to glomp him, knocking them over on the ground. Looking up, after getting his bearings again, he noticed Masaru leaning over him, a huge smile on his face, and actually wearing the goggles.
“Dummy, did you really think I hated them that much? Come on, give me some credit here. I knew how much yours meant to you, you already told me that story about your friend.”
“So… you like them?”
“Well, I would be lying if I said I think I’m able to pull them off, but…” Masaru trailed off, giving him a small smile. He started to lean down to give Taichi a kiss, “Yes, I love my goggles that my Goggles gave me.”
Taichi returned the smile, and started leaning up to meet Masaru’s lips.
After a few minutes of kissing, they started feeling a little uncomfortable on the ground and pulled away.
They re-orientate themselves to a sitting position, and Masaru’s wraps his arm around Taichi’s shoulder.
“So… do they do anything funny, like allow the wearer to see secret digital stuff, or see people naked or something?”
Taichi laughs and leans on Masaru, “No, those are mine, I only got you the basic model. Be a good boy this next year, and I’ll see what I can do to get you that upgrade.”
The two stay like that for a while longer, eventually passing out. Both happy that this year, Christmas was very unique and special.
@herosubs, your gift from @billpanda
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