#so it's not like they're embarassing because I wrote them when I was 12
sidleyparkhermit · 25 days
Actually, as a teaser for my upcoming effortpost on the unlife and death of Kaycee Nicole, here's a long post of quotes I pulled when re-reading the contemporaneous blog coverage of this once-infamous scam (the internet was much smaller then). Presented without comment...
I first wondered at the veracity of the story when I went through the archives of Debbie's site, and those of Kaycee's site. I did this after Kristin posted to a thread at ThreeWay Action that she thought there was no truth to the story being presented, and had received lots of e-mail from readers suggesting that she donate to Kaycee. Which, by the way, she did not do.
-- becky-says, May 20, 2001
I am not digging because I want to make victims of it feel foolish. The victims here have acted out of love, and as a wise friend told me long ago, responding with pure love is never wrong. What is wrong is asking people to love a lie.
-- becky-says, May 19, 2001
Either way, I think this thread really underlines the paranoia and distrust of people on the Internet. Folks, you are grasping at straws at this point. 
-- bargle, MetaFilter comment, May 19, 2001, 1:52 AM 
What this entire episode illuminates in bold, garish colors is the current addiction to public grieving. Reading over the first Kaycee thread, I was repulsed by the outright viciousness of the Kaycee supporters toward the Kaycee non-supporters - arguments which read, in short, if you don't feel and grieve for her the same way we do, you are heartless and cruel. What a loathesome thing to say, and completely contradictory to their point, I might add (for sensitive people, it was the pinnacle of cruelty).
-- posted by gsh at 2:21 PM on May 19, 2001
We live in a world where most of us aren't connected to real people anymore, just something distant and a little empty called "community". When people are so desperate to feel a part of something that confers meaning, they can easily be taken advantage of (both emotionally and politically, although that's another conversation).
-- posted by zebra_monkey at 3:10 PM on May 19, 2001 
Uninvolved people like me are calling it like they see it, and that's the feeling I get from the article that acrid linked to up at the top of the comments. They obviously have nothing against KayCee, Debbie, or BWG, or against anyone -- they're just pointing out what appears to them to be a hoax. They're not any more despicable, uncaring, or cruel than people who delete "Send this chain letter and Bill Gates will give a penny to Johnny Polio" out of hand.
-- posted by tweebiscuit at 3:28 PM on May 19, 2001
I am aghast at the nature of this thread - and am very depressed at the amount of venom flying about. What would it take to convince you people?
-- posted by crankyrobot at 5:49 PM on May 19, 2001 
Some people have used my experiences with Kaycee as evidence in the ”proof she’s real” column. But before anyone bases their conclusions on what I’ve written, I feel it is important to reveal that I, too, have doubts. I just wrote about my feelings on the subject. I'm embarassed, ashamed, and confused.
-- posted by halcyon at 7:06 PM on May 19, 2001
Yes Virginia, there really was a Kaycee. I knew it all along. :-)
-- posted by Redgie at 3:24 AM on May 20, 2001
So would somebody be smart enough to set up this giant hoax but overlook something as "stupid" as regional spelling?
-- posted by Tara at 7:25 AM on May 20, 2001
Because there still seems to be some confusion... Kaycee Nicole did not really exist. Read about it on debbie's blog. Sorry for the large font, but this thread is getting ridiculous to scan through, and I wanted people skimming for information to know this.
-- posted by tweebiscuit at 12:11 PM on May 20, 2001 
(This will be my last contribution to this thread, as apparently no one realizes that they're talking about a real human being {not a celebrity}, and don't realize why this discussion is hurting her loved ones so much)
-- posted by EricBrooksDotCom at 12:24 PM on May 20, 2001
Folks, in the interest of keeping the thread managable, why don't we move this to the "Kaycee doesn't exist" post rather than the "Kaycee might not exist" post?
-- posted by tweebiscuit at 12:35 PM on May 20, 2001
For those not in the Yahoo Group chat right now: Things have just gotten much more insane. More as it develops.
-- posted by solistrato at 11:09 PM on May 21, 2001 
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antivancorvo · 6 years
so I was rereading a bunch of my ancient Assassin’s Creed fanfictions and now I’m painting Altair because I’m weak
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