#so it's the perfect time to start with the halloween edits 🎃
olismabel · 2 years
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911VERSE HALLOWEEN EDIT. — maddie buckley.
“You should come around here on Halloween. You'd really see something then. - Oh, yeah? Yeah. We all jump off the roof and fly. We kill our husbands too.” 
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the-witch-of-one-piece · 11 months
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🎃Tokyo Revengers Dad's : Halloween edition 🎃 Ft: 20+ daddy's TW: none (unedited) Resident: @enchantedforest-network Photo: Tokyo Revengers x Tower Records Cafe
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-one of his kids would dress as a shark (tell me I’m wrong). When he sees them walking in front of them he could see the sale of the costume mimic like a shark's tail. -Would his kids trick or treat in the upper scale areas in Tokyo they get the good candy (the king size candy bars). -Would be the type to finish trick or treating early so it wouldn’t get too late.
-Three kids dress them as lock, shock and barrel from the nightmare before Christmas. -Definitely cause mischief with his kids and teach them the fun of ding dong ditching or TP’ing someone's house if they didn’t give candy out. -Would pick some of the candies from his kids bucket but they would happily share with him
-His child would be either a black cat or a witch and carry around a stuffed black cat. -Go with group friends and they all take their kids trick or treating. -Check his kids candy to make sure it is safe for them to eat.
-When his child said they want to be a superhero he goes all out for them, cape, mask even giving them a super cool hero name. -spend hours trick or treating till it gets every late. -His child would get tired and he would end up carrying them all the way home while they slept.
-Wouldn’t settle for ordinary costumes would make sure his kids had the best costumes made out of the finest materials. -Throw a Halloween party with a big candy bar they kids would be in heaven. -Have a decorated wall so he could take pictures with his kids in there costumes 
-would spend hours at the Halloween store trying to pick out the best costume for his kids. Enjoys every minute of it to see his baby's eyes light up with excitement. -One of the dads that would dress up with his kids.  -Would rehearse with them and teach them how to say ‘trick or treat’ 
-Kids would be some type of battle character either from mortal kombat or street fighters.  -He has confidence his kids would win any kind of costume contest. -Scoping the competition on the kids costume contest give a smirk ‘my kiddo got this in the bag’ waiting for them to announce his kid was the winner of the costume contest.
-Twins he's gonna have one angel and one devil. IF one kiddo a little devil with a pitch fork. -Taking his kid trick or treating when there is a full bowl of candy left in front of the step no one is looking takes handful handy putting it into his littles one’s bag -Then he decided to empty the full bowl into his little one's bag and take off quickly.
-Taking his precious little one to the pumpkin patch to pick out a pumpkin. -When finding the perfect pumpkins they would crave them together but the pumpkin carving he would be the one carving them he wouldn't let his little one do it.  -They would pick out the face then he would cut it out. -When taking out the seed from the inside he would see the gross yet funny look on his baby's face and laugh.
-His baby would definitely be wearing a mini Toman uniform just like daddy would on Halloween. -He and his sibling would all take their kids trick or treating together.  -Would start telling the kids which candy they wouldn’t like so when they give him that candy he secretly wanted those candies all along. 
-Having a Halloween party knowing it may be a challenge for him to take his kids trick or treating due to him being recognized by fans. -If his kids are going to be a certain theme he would join them like the Adams family or the Munsters but have his own style in it.  -All the desserts and foods would be themed all around Halloween like cupcakes that look like brains, drinks that would call witches brew, and spider cookies.
-Would make his babies their costumes every year like the best daddy. His baby wanna be a ‘rainbow pony princess’ daddy got you. -Would let them know every time when they are trick or treating to say thank you after getting candy from the house they got it from. -would make sure they wouldn’t eat all the candy in one sitting and would give them one piece before bed.
-Baji would send photos to his mom with photos of the grandkid(s) and their costumes. -Would go to the same houses to get double the candy. -If they get home late from trick or treating he would make them some yakisoba noodles to eat
-Attend his littles ones' school Halloween parade record the whole entire parade.  -If his little one is unable to take the steps at someone's house because the steps are too big he would pick them up and place them on the top step. -When they get home they would watch a Halloween special of his kids favorite show.
-He and his kids decorate the house from head to toe with Halloween items.  -If his babies wanted their face painted he would paint their faces and do a decent job on it. -The following day he would prank his kids about eating all their Halloween candy but when he sees them crying he would apologize and give them the candy.
-Would have enjoyed taking his kiddos out for Halloween festivities but when they get older the enjoy more of watching scary movies -Watching classic slasher movies, ordering food and buying the candy they want to eat. -he would also have a large bowl of candy when he gets trick or treating and give them handfuls of candy. 
-if he sees his baby scared to go up to a house because the decorations are too scary he would go with them to make sure they are comfortable. - He would dress up like Dracula and his baby a little vampire he would tell them ‘let’s go my little bat’ -When his baby empties there bucket they would go through the candy and would randomly give him candies that they think he would like. 
-He sees a haunted house on first instinct ‘oh hell to the nooooo’ but if his kiddo wants to go in he has to put a brave face on.  - He would be jumped scared a lot in the haunted house he would try to control his reflexes so he doesn’t knock anyone out -He admires that his child don't seem to be afraid of these types of things. Would go through every haunted house they wanted to for the night
-When practicing for the Halloween performance he would want it recorded so he could have memories of them when they were in their costume being so small. -He would enjoy making the sugar cookies with ghosts on them during this time of year. -Keep every Halloween costume because you don't have the heart to toss them, they hold valuable memories to him.
-Blog entire Oct month from when the kids find their costumes to the day it was Halloween. -Teach his kids ‘trick or treat that smells like my feet.’ -He and his kids would learn how to do Thriller or the monster mash dance.
-Kids would dress up in classic 50’s attire pompadours and leather jackets   -Making sure the brush their teeth before bed to avoid cavities from the amount of candy they got -If the kids watched a scary movie he knew that they would be staying in his bed for the next few nights. 
-If he missed trick or treating the way he would make it up to the kids is to take them to the store and let them pick out which candies they want.  -That cart would be filled up in 0.5 seconds full of candy picked by his kids.  -He would promise them that next year he will make sure he will be there with them so they can trick or treat together. 
-If he saw his baby crying because they were took scared of a character or a person he would tell them ‘you have 5 seconds to leave or I will kick your ass for scaring my child’  -would cheer up his baby and make sure they won’t cry anymore let them don’t daddy wouldn't let anything happen to them. -Avoid homes that are too scary for his baby. He wants to make sure they have a great time. 
-His kids love hearing him do scary stories and would make them think they are true on how he tells the story like the boogeyman.  - if his kids doubt on of his stories he would hear like the wall/floors slightly creek and catch the kids attention then he would speak ‘they are listening to you.’ -Google how to make spooky snacks with the kids. He would enjoy creating snacks and eating them with the babies. The kitchen would be a mess. 
Trunk or treat (all dad’s)
-If each man showed up with their kids they would have candy for days. -Big party for the kids to enjoy with a variety of things to do. -Each man would compete about who’s kid(s) the cutest. Because in their mind there are kids who are the cutest. -One big photo of all the kids together in their costumes even the older ones who aren't in costumes, because no matter how older they get those will still be there babies T^T
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🐾🍕🥝🎃🧸♥️ 🥀🎉🥑🍐🍑🎲
For Anitha + Ria + Mila
🐾Do they have a pet? What are they, and what's their name?
Her magickal familiar (its not a pet, its a partner) is a Lumian she named Candy. In my HC, after she and Griffin get married, they have a golden retriever named Apollo and a grey tabby cat named Artemis
She has a pet hamster named Kiki, but after she and Maria move in together, they would have a cat named Luna
She has a pet dog named Snowy, but in future she and Skye would adopt a black cat (haven't decided on the name yet)
🍕What's their guilty pleasure food?
For magickal food, it would be prophecy O's with warm milk. Tuneless food would be indian food, but her favourite is Chole Bature.
She enjoys her dad's fried chicken, and sometimes can't resist taking more. Another added favorite would be the mint coffee that Maria makes, for a rigourous study session
Mila enjoys spicy food more than sweets, especially ramen noodles, with egg in it. Classic comfort food after a long day in theatre.
🥝Do they have a food allergy or food they hate?
In high school, Anitha started loading up on protein shakes and bars to increase her strength for the soccer season, but she ended up overloading on them and it resulted in a very bad stomach pain. Since then she had steered away from protein supplements and would not touch them
Ria does not like oatmeal. It reminds her of hospital food and chemotherapy and that makes it enough for her to throw up
Mila has a certain cringe towards ice cream after 'accidentally' witnessing the Cedar Cove challenge, and the experience has permanently ruined ice cream for her.
🎃What would their Halloween outfit be?
(I would be to work on edits for Halloween costumes for the 3 of them, keep an eye out for the posts yet to come)
Every year, Anitha likes to dress up as a witch for Halloween. She was made fun of that by a neighbour kid that she did not realize that she made a branch drop on top of him. She thought that she really had witch powers (but little did she know she actually had them, but that's after many years)
Ria always loved colorful things as a kid, so Scott used to bring her different kinds of wigs and she would dress up as a different princess each year. Her favorite, however was Belle from Beauty and the Beast.
Mila's favorite Halloween costume would be a vampire, considering she starts reading a lot of vampire novels, plus Skye liked vampire fictions, it was a perfect fit.
🧸Do they have a stuffed animal or item they've kept from when they were a kid?
Anitha, Ria and Mila are all suckers for stuffed animals. Knowing them, they must have kept an entire collection in their closets as kids.
♥️Favorite color?
She loves sun based/bright colors like Red, yellow or orange
Ria likes all the colors. But she feels that green and blue suits her the most.
She has always liked shades of pink, but got obsessed with black and red over a period of time.
Check below for NSFW
🥀Do they have a favorite position?
Anitha: Being on the top
Ria: Being the bottom
Mila: Fisting
🎉Say it's their love interests' birthday, how would they celebrate it~?
She and Griffin would go on a nature hike, find a waterfall or a river to camp out, go for a swim (where things get really heated up), make a bonfire, have dinner and stargaze.
Ria would book a honeymoon resort for the two of them, and after the celebrations, they would go and have a kinky time.
The way to appease Skye's heart would be going to different haunted places or a rock concert and getting drunk and making out.
🥑What are some of their random kinks/fetishes?
Anitha: Being the dom
Ria: Bondage
Mila: Tits
🍐Say they wanted to look sexy for their partner, what sort of outfit would they wear?
Easy, Griffin thinks that Anitha looks sexy in her thief uniform. Especially after a game or a practice session when she is high on adrenaline and is sweating. (Sorry I don't have the screenshot reference, I had to delete a bunch of photos cause my phone couldn't handle it)
Ria would either wear shorts or low cut dresses, if she is in the mood for looking sexy. I think a good reference would be the beach outfit in bk 3
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Mila would be wearing this, cause Skye thinks she is damn sexy as a goth
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🍑How did they react to having their "first time?" And was their partner understanding if they were nervous?
Anitha was pretty confident when she and Griffin had sex for the first time. Both were experienced with hookups so it wasn't exactly new to them. They knew what they were doing and no nervousness was involved.
I guess Ria would be pretty nervous for their first time, and be more hesitant. Maria is a pretty understanding person, and would not take things too far until Ria was ready for that kind of thing.
After they graduate college, Mila and Skye celebrate by going to a concert, and they get really drunk and almost end up hooking up in a secluded alley, when Skye hesitated for a bit and stopped with the kissing. Mila took the hint, and both backed out before anything else would happen.
🎲Random Question chosen by the poster~♡
🥧Have they ever had a one-night stand when they were drunk?
Anitha rarely drinks, and even if she drank she is going to be sober enough to not have a one-night stand while drunk.
Ria and Maria both have a decent control of how much they drink, and even if they did get heavily drunk, it never led to a one night stand
After the almost fiasco of their first time, Mila and Skye make sure that they don't drink too much to lose all sense of control.
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jahayla-parker · 2 years
Notice and Posting Schedule!
Just a few things, I’ll keep it brief!
(This is a scheduled post, I’m not ignoring you if I’ve not responded)
UPDATE: dates removed as unsure when they’ll be done. Had a family emergency but I’ll post asap!
I promise to make them extra long to make up for it!
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I’m going to Paris Sunday so I’ll be unable to respond until I return on the 29th or 30th.
However, I have scheduled some finished works to be published for you during that time! (See below)
The last chance to be tagged in these scheduled posts ends 1pm PST Saturday the 22nd! (comment on the navigation link for the character before then to be added)
You may continue sending in requests for the fall celebration during this time, just know they won’t be started until I return.
General requests (fall ones still too) will reopen in November but please be aware I have some WIPs still I’m doing so bear with me.
If you don’t see your request on the schedule below to be posted while I’m gone and I haven’t reached out to you to explain why, please feel free to contact me before 11am on the 23rd (PST)!
Please note this is what’s intended but if I don’t get it edited before my flight, it might change a bit!
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- Beautifully Basic: Peter Parker x Reader Fall Prompt (see P.P./Spider-Man navigation for details)
Requested by: @ell0ra-br3kk3r
Lowering The Tides - The Power of Music: Kaz Brekker x Reader Celebration req (see Kaz Brekker Navigation for details)
Requested by: @ell0ra-br3kk3r
Stay: Tom Holland x Reader Fall Prompt (see Tom Holland Navigation for details)
Requested by: @theslayerofthevampires
Acceptable Cliche: Nathan Drake x Reader (see Nathan Drake Navigation for details)
Requested by: @theslayerofthevampires
Ghosted: Tom Holland x Reader (see Tom Holland Navigation for details)
Requested by: @galaxyholland
Progress Over Perfection: Kaz Brekker x Reader (see Kaz Brekker Navigation for details)
Requested by: @chewiethecatus
Through Every Season: Freddy Carter x Reader Fic+ SMAU (see Freddy Carter Navigation for details)
Requested by: @ell0ra-br3kk3r
Remaining WIPs and any new incoming requests will be processed on/after November 4th
Thank you, I love you all!
Happy Halloween 🎃
Please stay safe! 💜
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🦇Halloween Dialogue Prompts🎃
“Is that...written in blood?”
“Just shut up and hand out candy.”
“The power just went out, and it's a full moon outside.”
“Stop messing with the lights, it's not funny.”
“I'm never going to a haunted house with you again."
“Tell me your scariest ghost story. I don’t want to sleep tonight.”
“Why does every costume have to be sexy? I don’t want to be sexy, I want to be the reason why the night is feared, muhahahahaha!”
“Can too much candy corn actually rot your teeth or was my dentist just trying to drum up October business?”
“Theoretically, do you think brewing up a pot of special edition neon-green slime is honouring the season adequately, or would that breach workplace regulations if I tipped it over the boss?”
“Are you crazy?! I am not answering that door! That is exactly what happens at the start of all of those movies, right before the killer gets in and—”
“I can’t come in to work today. I’m a certified emergency ghost buster.” / “Well, I also can’t come in to work today. I’ve been bitten by a vampire.”
“It’s ALIVE! ...I mean, good morning, dear. Did you sleep well?”
“It’s a love potion! What could possibly go wrong?”
“The only family I would marry into is the Addams family.”
“I can pass as a goth.”
“The perfect day: pumpkin spice, pumpkin candles, pumpkin carving, and you.”
“I’d let you haunt me all night long.”
“Holy shit, why is there no reflection?”
“Can you wear that mask later? …Only the mask?”
“Halloween is my aesthetic.”
“I told you not to summon demons in the house!”
“Why do you have so many eggs and toilet paper—you know what? I don't want to know.”
“I’m not the only one with blood on my hands.” / “But you’re the only one with actual blood on their hands.”
“That costume looks great on you.” / “That’s nothing, you should see me without it.”
“YODO?” / “YODO: You Only Die Once.” / “…Please stop saying that.”
“You promised you’d go trick or treating with me.”
“Wow, nice costume! The blood looks really realistic.”
“Trick” *cocks gun and aims* “or treat.”
“What part of Do Not Resurrect The Dead do you not understand?!”
“You’re the kind of person who gives out carrots, aren’t you?”
Answered Prompts
Trick or No Treat “We’re all out of candy.” / “What do you mean we’re all out of candy?!”
Divine Intervention “The Ouija board says you’re a little shit.” / “Oh, my gods, I think the crystal ball is working. The spirits are telling me you’re a dumbass.”
Costume Count “You can’t withhold candy from the little kids just because you think their costume is ugly.”
Scared, Sweetheart? “I may or may not have stayed up to watch a horror movie and now I can’t sleep - don’t laugh at me! - can you please come over?”
Tell Me S’more “The legend said it only goes after virgins…so sucks for you I guess.”
A Haunting Halloween “If I die because of your dumb idea, I will haunt you so hard!”
Trust Me, it’ll be Fun “It’s just a spooky clock chiming at the incorrect time while all the lights are off and strange footsteps are creeping up the stairs, in a house that won’t let us leave.”
Halloween Fic Collection
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talkfastromance4 · 3 years
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Happy Halloween!!🎃
Warnings: mentions of surgery and hospitalization, mentions of pregnancy, slight smut near the end and minor editing mistakes if I missed them🤷🏻‍♀️
Luke&Lily masterlist
Feedback is always welcome!
The sounds of children screaming in fun as they run and play in the inside jungle gym of Funscapes have filled your ears for the last several hours. For Lily’s birthday she wanted to have a party with her school friends. It was nice for you to see how her friends interact with her, she’s still on the quiet side but her friends don’t seem to mind too much.
Roman always makes sure she’s having fun and includes Posy who has been following her big sister around like a shadow. You’re sitting at the long party table with Luke and the others watching the kids play. Ashton, Calum, Crystal, Michael, Cory and Ella with little Violetta were all in attendance.
Crystal has been on Oliver duty and she’s got a bump showing now but still looks flawless in a slim fitting pink dress (in honor of Lily’s favorite color) and some nude heels. Seeing her be so fabulous makes you feel self-conscious because your stomach still isn’t back to normal after Oliver. You know it takes time, especially after a C-section but old habits die hard when it comes to self-image. But, you power through because your body has gone through growing three perfect little humans and you wouldn’t change that for the world.
Luke is talking with Calum and Michael about a song idea he had and Ashton is aiding Posy through one of the tunnels to a slide when Crystal comes up to you with Oliver in her arms who’s starting to squirm with his eyes tight.
“Is it naptime?” Crystal asks, handing him off.
“Yeah, and he’s been teething,” you sigh, moving to his stroller to grab one of his teething rings. You bounce him in your arms lightly and his noises subside a little. “How’ve you been feeling? You look great,” you smile at her.
“Thanks, I don’t feel great so this is all to try and trick my mind,” she laughs. “I’m doing okay, I’m glad the morning sickness is gone, now I’m just tired. I think we’re going to do a gender reveal the day before Halloween so the girls can still go trick or treating.”
“Really?! That’s a great idea for a party.”
“Yeah it’ll be fun for everyone to dress up. I’m going to ask Lily and Posy’s help on what to dress Moose and South as.”
“They’ll love that,” you laugh then you feel a tug on your shirt. You look down and see Lily with Roman next to her. His big brown eyes stare up at you.
“Mama, is it pizza time?”
“Sure thing sweetheart, why don’t you tell all your friends while I get them.”
“I’ll do it!” Roman exclaims then runs off to gather the rest of the kids.
Luke comes over and rests his hands on Lily’s shoulders but is looking at you.
“What’s on the agenda?”
“I was going to get the pizzas from the counter.”
“I got it lovie,” he smiles. “I’ll recruit Cal to help.”
When all the kids are settled in their seats, you and the others help them get the slices on their plates. Posy is sitting on Ashton’s lap and Lily insists on Cory sitting next to her. Her presents were on a separate table with the cake. Oliver is nestled in his stroller fast asleep and stays asleep during the ruckus of presents and singing.
Posy wants to help open presents and Lily is very gracious in letting her do so. Towards the end of the party when parents are trickling in to pick up their kids, Posy complains about her tummy hurting as she sits on Ashton’s lap. You ask Ashton if he wants you to take her but he says he’s got her and tries to soothe her as you and Luke load up the car with Lily’s presents.
When you come back inside that’s when Posy starts to cry for Luke as soon as she sees him, her little arms reaching for him.
“What’s the matter my girl?” Luke asks, taking her in his arms. Posy’s head drops to his shoulder. “Hm? What hurts?”
“Tummy,” she sniffles.
“How much cake did you feed her?” Luke directs the question to Ashton as he rubs at her back in soothing circles.
“We shared the smallest piece and I ate most of it,” Ashton stands up, concern in his eyes for his niece.
“Maybe it’s the excitement of the day…” Luke kisses the side of her head.
“Okay, everything is packed,” you say with Lily in tow and Oliver in his carrier. “Is Posy hurt?”
“Stomachache,” Luke informs you as you rush to him.
You brush Posy’s hair from her face as a subtle check of her temperature.
“She’s a little clammy...we’re going home, Pose, okay?” you kiss her cheek.
After goodbyes are made, the five of you head home. Luke lays Posy on the couch with a soft blanket and her elephant. Her tears have dried on her cheeks leaving her eyes red and puffy. Luke heads back in the garage to get the presents and you kneel in front of Posy with Lily next to you.
“Can you tell mama where it hurts?” you ask gently.
“I’m going to change Olly,” Luke says walking by with Oliver in his arms. You nod absently waiting for Posy to show you where she hurts.
“Is Po sick?” Lily asks.
“Her tummy hurts. Can you show mama, baby?” you ask Posy again.
Posy points to the side of her stomach and you lift her shirt carefully to touch the spot. It feels a little tight and Posy whines.
“Ow mama,” she cries.
“I’m sorry, mama didn’t mean to hurt you. Lay here and rest, honey. Lily, can you stay with your sister?”
Lily nods and sits next to Posy who adjusts herself so her head is in Lily’s lap. Lily pets her hair like you do for them and it warms your heart.
“How’s Posy?” Luke asks when you enter Oliver’s room. He snaps the button of Oliver’s pants then hefts him in his arms, Oliver gives you a bright gummy smile.
“Not well...I don’t think it’s a stomach ache from sweets, Luke.”
“What do you mean?” Luke kisses Oliver’s head.
“I asked her where her tummy hurts and when I touched it, it felt tight.”
“Could she be constipated?”
“Maybe…” you chew on your lip. “She’s never acted like this before.”
“We’ll keep an eye on her,” he rubs at your shoulder. “If it persists, we’ll take her to urgent care.”
A shrill cry wakes you up at 3:00 in the morning. At first you think it’s Oliver when Luke flicks the light on, both of you stare blearily at each other when you hear the cry again and it didn’t come from the baby monitor.
Her name comes out of your mouth as a choked sob. You scramble from the bed and run into her room with Luke hot on your heels. He smacks the lightswitch on and you see Posy curled up in a tight ball clutching at her stomach.
You both rush to her.
“Where does it hurt, bug?” Luke tries to pry her hands away while you’re touching her forehead.
“She’s warm, Luke.”
“Should we--oh no!” Luke gasps and he shifts to the side just as Posy starts to vomit.
“On her side!” you command and the two of you roll her over so she throws up on the floor and not in her bed. “We need to take her to the emergency room.”
“I’ll call Cal so he can stay with Lily and Olly,” he gets up to run into your room where his phone is.
“Does your tummy still hurt?” you ask Posy taking Luke’s place after she’s finished. You place three fingers on the lower right side of her belly and she screams in pain. “I’m sorry, baby. Mama and daddy will make it better.”
Luke comes in with his phone to his ear and Lily standing in the doorway, her eyes wide and frightened. You’re changing Posy’s shirt into a cleaner one.
“Cal’s on his way,” Luke informs, “but he’s getting Duke’s things since Roy’s out of town.”
“Okay. I’m going to get shoes on so we can leave as soon as he gets here,” you nod then turn to Posy who is staring up at you with such fear and pain in her eyes it shatters your heart in a million pieces. “I’ll be right back, Pose.” You kiss her forehead and run past Luke.
He’s changed into pants and converse that aren’t tied up, Lily follows you to your room.
“I want to go,” she grabs your hand before you can head into the closet.
“I need you to stay with Olly,” you squeeze her hand then let go to pull on some leggings and slip on your boots. You snatch your phone from the nightstand.
“Lily,” you bend down in front of her looking into her eyes. “I need you here. I know you want to be with Posy but Uncle Cal needs your help with Olly, okay? You’re the best big sister and helper. Can you do that for me?”
“What’s wrong with Po?” a tear falls down her cheek. You wipe it away and kiss her cheek.
“I don’t know, we’re going to take her to the doctor so they can help her feel better. Let’s get some towels.”
Lily holds the towels as you clean up the floor next to Posy’s bed as quickly as you can, you’re thankful it’s on wooden floors and not carpet. Luke is holding Posy in his arms and then Calum is in the doorway with Duke and Petunia behind him.
“I’m here. Go on,” Calum’s breathing heavily. “Hey Lils.”
She runs into him for a hug and he lifts her in his arms.
“Thank you,” you say to him on your way out. You give Lily and Cal a kiss on the cheek then follow Luke downstairs to the garage.
Posy’s appendix ruptured requiring immediate surgery before it could get even worse. You and Luke sat together in the room she was admitted to. Her screams for you and Luke echo in your mind because she wanted to be with you.
While Luke called Cory, Ashton, Michael, and his mom, you couldn’t turn your mind off. Memories of being in the hospital for so long with Oliver come rushing back and now Posy is in here, too. It breaks your heart to have your babies be sick or in pain and you can’t take it away.
“Ash wants to come over and be with us,” Luke sits heavily in the chair next to you. He takes your hand in his. “I tried telling him to wait until she’s out and awake but he was already getting dressed. I’m happy the nurses said the surgery doesn’t take long. She’s so scared…” he shakes his head running his fingers through his hair with his other hand. “We should have brought her in yesterday...and here I thought it was from sweets.”
“Hey,” you cup his cheek in your hand, your thumb rubs at his soft beard. “Even if we did bring her in we probably would have had to come right back. Do we have her elephant?”
“Yeah, I grabbed it quickly before we left,” he sighs, reaching over to the duffle bag you didn’t notice until now. He pulls out the purple elephant fixing the ears.
Your phone dings, it’s a text from Calum saying Lily and Olly are fast asleep and that Lily is sleeping with him in the guest bed. You relay the information to Luke who smiles wistfully.
“I heard Lily wanted to come.”
“Yeah, but I didn’t want her to worry,” you sigh. “I hate being here again...and now for Posy…”
“I know, we’ve had a really rough year, lovie,” he rests his hands on your knee. “Posy’s our strong little girl.” he kisses your cheek and you nestle into him. “Try and get some sleep, I’ll wake you when she’s back.”
The surgery went as planned and Posy was back in the room within an hour but she was still fast asleep. The nurses assured she’ll be waking up shortly but will be a little groggy. The first time she stirred you and Luke were by her side and she hugged her elephant to her chest.
“Hey bug,” Luke smiles sleepily at her. “Mama and I are right here.”
Her eyes are heavy as she looks at you then she’s asleep again. It will take a while for the anesthesia to wear off and Ashton said he was on his way. Liz called you so you talked with her for awhile then Cory called and you filled him in. Luke was dozing in and out next to Posy, his hand holding onto hers and his head resting on the bed.
There’s a soft knock on the door then Ashton enters with balloons and a large fuzzy brown bear with a cloth bandage on its tummy, just like Posy has from her surgery. The nurse showed you the bandage and that it will heal nicely. You wave at Ashton.
“I gotta go, Ashton’s here,” you tell Cory.
“All right. Let me know if you want me and Ella to head by your place,” Cory answers.
“I will, thanks Cory.” You hang up and smile tiredly at Ashton. “Hey, thanks for coming.”
“Of course,” he sets his gifts down on the table in the corner and gives you a side hug. “How’d it go?” He looks to Posy who seems so small in the bed and with Luke’s sleeping form next to her.
“Good, they said everything went how it should. We should be able to take her home in a day or two and recovery will be one to two weeks depending on how she feels.”
“Damn,” Ashton sighs. “How are you holding up?”
“I don’t know. It all happened so fast and on Lily’s birthday...being here reminds me of Olly and I hate seeing Pose in pain. I’ve had two of my babies in the hospital this year, Ash. I don’t know how strong I’ll be if something happens to Lily. I--”
“Shh, shh, it’s okay. C’mere,” he pulls you in for a hug as you sob silently against his chest.
You hadn’t realized how much you were holding in from this ordeal and from when Oliver was in the hospital. You pushed it down as soon as you came home but apparently you still have pent up trauma.
“You and Luke and your whole family have been through so much this year. But you’ve pulled through like I know you always will and all of us will always be here to help you. You’re not alone in this, all right?” he squeezes you.
“Thanks Ashton,” you sniff.
“Ash? When did--Y/N?!”
Luke scrambles from the bed quietly as he can and then you’re transferred from Ashton to Luke. You breathe in his familiar scent as he holds you close.
“I’m sorry,” you whisper. “It’s all hitting me at once.”
“Shh, it’s okay,” he soothes. “Let it all out, lovie.”
You remain in his arms until you catch your breath and Luke rubs the tears from your cheeks before staring into your eyes.
“I love you.”
“I love you, too,” you respond and he kisses your forehead.
“Hi little one,” you hear Ashton say. You turn your attention back to Posy.
She blinks slowly at her uncle who’s smiling at her. Carefully, Ashton rubs at her temple with his thumb and pointer finger.
“Mama and daddy said you’ve been asleep for a long time. Did you dream of pirates?”
“No,” she whispers and looks at the wall opposite her. A pout is on her lips.
Ashton frowns at her subdued manner, normally she smiles and teases back with him.
“It’s going to be a bit before the anesthesia wears off,” you explain.
Two days later, Posy was able to go home. She still wasn’t acting like her normal outgoing self and you could tell it was worry Luke as well. You made sure to keep her comfortable and Liy brought home a big card ‘signed’ by Posy’s pre-k class.
“Wow, look at all your friends, bug. They miss you,” Luke pointed to them all as she laid on the couch. Petunia was next to her and hadn’t left her side since her homecoming.
Posy merely glanced at the construction paper then stared at the tv again that was playing Toy Story. She was in a forever pout.
“Pose, can I watch the movie with you?” Lily asks and Posy nods.
Lily crawls under the blanket next to her and Posy cuddles into her sister’s side. Luke sets the card on the coffee table, a pout on his lips too and the similarity between him and Posy was uncanny.
“Come on, hon,” you rub at Luke’s shoulder. With a sigh, he follows you down the hall where Olly is in his room. He squeals when he sees you. “Hi baby! Mama missed you!”
You give him kisses and tickle his belly. You’re about to ask Luke what he wants for dinner but he’s gone.
“Where’d your daddy run off to? Let’s go find him.”
Luke’s in the kitchen with two boxes of mac and cheese boxes on the counter (Posy’s favorite) while he pulls out a large pot.
“I hate seeing her like this,” he sighs. “She’s not herself and it’s scaring me.”
“I don’t like it either,” you pick up a set of play keys for Oliver to play with. “But she’s going through something traumatic. She’s scared, too.”
“What if she--” he closes his eyes not wanting to finish the sentence. But being with him for so long, you knew what he was too scared to say.
“She will. One day at a time and our Posy will be back.”
Posy stayed home for another week and Luke convinced you to go back to work but you came home early by 2:00 anyway. Posy still isn’t acting like herself, she’s still quiet and wanted Luke by her side at all times then when you were home, she’d want the both of you by her side.
Ashton would stop by every other day to try and cheer her up but she was still subdued so he would just cuddle her and watch movies. Lily tried her best to make her sister feel better by asking if Posy wanted to feed Bruno, her fish.
It wasn’t until you took her for her final check-up that she started to act like herself. Although she cowered in Luke’s chest while you had Oliver in your arms in the doctor’s office. She kept pushing the doctor away.
“Pose, the nice lady wants to check on the owwa on your tummy,” Luke strokes her cheek with his fingers. She relents and allows the doctor to probe at her belly. She doesn’t make one peep of pain and it makes you so happy.
The weekend before Halloween, the whole family goes to gather pumpkins at a pumpkin patch. You go through a small corn maze, Oliver is wrapped up against your chest and Posy is holding Lily’s hand as they lead your family through.
There’s slides and animals to feed and a painted ‘ghost town’ that is a perfect backdrop for pictures. Oliver smiles in all of them while he sits in Lily’s lap. Then you ask another family to take a photo of the five of you.
“I want dis one!” Posy exclaims, hugging her arms around a very large pumpkin. It’s as big as hers.
“I don’t think that will fit in our wheelbarrow, love bug,” Luke laughs pushing the red wheelbarrow.
Lily is off to the left looking at smaller pumpkins and Oliver is asleep against your chest in the wrap.
“Peas daddy?” she pouts up at him.
“She got that from you,” Luke points out.
“Those eyes that will do me in,” he shakes his head and bends down to Posy. He pokes her nose. “You can have a big pumpkin but it has to fit in the wheelbarrow, deal? I’ll help you find one.”
“Okay!” she runs off down the patch and Luke stands up resting his hand on his hips. You laugh at his stature and take a photo of him quickly.
“Hey, are you taking photos of me?”
“Yeah, you look cute in this patch of pumpkins, pumpkin,” you grin. He has on regular jeans, a black t-shirt and a flannel shirt with his hair pulled back in a bun. How does he look good in everything?
“You’re the cute one pumpkin,” he sauntered over to you.
“It’s because I have this baby to help,” you rub Olly’s back affectionately.
“Even without our adorable son, you’re pretty damn adorable, lovie,” he slings his arm around you then peppers your face in kisses.
The girls finally find their pumpkins and after you pay for them and put them in the car, you go on the hayride. All three kids are asleep as soon as they are loaded into the car.
You have the guys and Crystal over so you can all carve pumpkins. Cory and Ella didn’t attend because Violetta had an ear infection but they promised they’d be at Michael and Crystal’s party. Halloween movies are playing on the tv as you all carve pumpkins.
“It’s brains!” Posy shrieks pulling out her pumpkin guts, Ashton lets out a laugh and kisses her cheek. He’s happy his Posy is back.
“It is his brains isn’t it?”
After dinner, you lit candles in the pumpkins placing them on the porch with the rest of your decorations. You loved Halloween and always went all out with decorating. You had purple lights in the front yard with gravestones and blow up figurines. Inside the house you have spider webs, cauldrons and pumpkins everywhere.
When it’s time for Michael and Crystal’s party, you were excited to show everyone your family’s costumes. You and Luke did a couples costume of Mickey and Minnie Mouse, Lily was Elsa, Posy was a cute little witch and Oliver is baby Yoda. Michael and Crystal are Sharkboy and Lavagirl and Calum and Ashton dressed as Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy from Spongebob. Cory, Ella and Violetta were Fred, Velma and Pebbles Flintstones.
The party was a hit with the house decorated to the nines. There were even smoke machines in the backyard surrounding a small pumpkin patch where the reveal was supposed to happen. The two big pumpkins in the center were carved to look like Michael and Crystal. Sarah and Andy were in charge of the reveal so you know it was going to be a spectacle.
There’s bobbing for apples (which Lily has to be encouraged to try while Posy shoved her face right in) tons of sweets and treats and the girls are having a great time. Ashton and Cal inquire about the time for trick or treating.
“When the girls are asleep,” Luke murmurs in your ear, his hands holding onto your waist. “Can I get a little treat of you?”
You giggle at his come on then twist in his arms. You stare up at him, poke his nose that is painted black for Mickey’s nose and fix his ears on top of his head.
“I don’t know...do you have some tricks up your sleeve?”
“I have tricks that won’t make you quiet as a mouse,” he grins, leaning down to give you a kiss that leaves you burning for more.
“Get a room,” Calum teases.
“Don’t mind if we do,” Luke sighs, “can you watch our kids?”
“No fornicating, Andy said the reveal is about to happen,” Ashton says with Posy in his arms. She’s nibbling on a candy necklace and Lily is over by Ella playing peek-a-boo with Violetta.
“We’ll have to wait until the witching hour, babe,” you tell Luke. His hand slips under your skirt and pinches your butt cheek which makes you squeal. “Hey! Watch it, Hemmings.”
He grins devilishly before giving you another kiss.
Michael hands Oliver to Luke who is now asleep then joins Crystal by the pumpkins with Andy poised in front of them to capture the moment.
“Thank you all for coming tonight, we hope you’re having a great time,” Michael starts, “we’re going to interrupt the festivities for a bit which we couldn’t have done without Andy and Sarah.”
There’s applause and cheers for Andy and Sarah as Sarah moves in position by the pumpkins.
“And thank you for wanting to be a part of finding out what our little pumpkin will be,” Crystal smiles, touching her bump.
You all silence in anticipation as Sarah pushes a button. It takes a moment and then out of both Michael and Crystal’s pumpkins comes smoke, but it’s two different colors, blue and pink. There’s gasps all around the yard because no one knew it was twins!
Michael and Crystal share a happy kiss and you’re the first one to give them both a hug.
“Twins?! Did you know?” you ask them both.
“Yeah, we found out when we heard their heartbeats,” Michael confesses.
“We wanted it to be a surprise to you all, but we wanted to be surprised on the gender,” Crystal adds.
You and Luke stay for another hour because the girls start to get sleepy and Oliver has been passed out since 7:30. Before you go, Cory and Ella share that they’re going to get married on New Year’s Eve and they want Lily and Posy to be flower girls. You tell them absolutely and are excited to celebrate their nuptials.
Once the girls were tucked in, you and Luke did have some Halloween fun, he certainly did have some tricks up his sleeve.
“I know I don’t look the same--” you started to say but he pressed his finger to your lips.
“You’re perfect,” he disagrees and slides into you effortlessly.
“No,” he growls then kisses you roughly. He brings your hands above your head holding your wrists together as he thrusts into you. You’re moaning quickly. “You’re the sexiest woman in the world.”
“Oh!” you squeak when he hits your special spot. You’re aching to tangle your fingers in his hair but the way he has your wrists pinned entices the moment.
“Should I get a mirror on the ceiling so you can see how fuckin’ hot you are like this?” he asks, rolling his hips in such a way you’re surprised you haven’t climaxed yet. “You’re mine, lovie.”
“Yours, yours, yours,” you pant and tilt your hips when he licks at your neck.
Not long after, your mind is cleared in bliss and Luke releases your wrists then he flips you over onto your stomach.
“I’m not done with you yet, my pretty,” his voice is salacious in your ear as he slides into you again. You bite into his pillow to keep quiet as he wrecks you in the best way possible.
Taglist: @calumance  @in-superbloom @calpalirwin @karajaynetoday @wiiildflowerrr @sunshineeeluke @littledrummeraussie @suchalonelysunflower @hoodhoran @Fobodob @thew0rldneedsmcreycghurt @sunshineeashton @ashtonsunflower​ @mymindwide​ @itjustkindahappenedreally @seanna313 @fivesecondsofonedirection24 @mulletcal @pandaxnienke
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