#autumn is finally here 🍁
olismabel · 2 years
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911VERSE HALLOWEEN EDIT. — maddie buckley.
“You should come around here on Halloween. You'd really see something then. - Oh, yeah? Yeah. We all jump off the roof and fly. We kill our husbands too.” 
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risetherivermoon · 8 months
Yooo, Mercedes Oak Garcia??? Maybe with a gun??? Also I love the way you draw the Twins. All your Dndads art is sooooo good.
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god, what a woman 😍 i love her sm its unreal
AaAaa thanks so much!!! ur so nice :DD also thank for the request!!!
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classicrebel · 1 year
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The first breeze of autumn finally arrived! 🍂☁️
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beautiful-3nigma · 2 years
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First day of fall 🍁
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cyphertaehyungie · 2 years
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greensagephase · 11 months
🍁A November Morning🍁
So apparently I reached 1k followers sometime this week and I didn't even realize it as it's not something I check regularly but just wanted to say a huge THANK YOU! Here's a short drabble of soft Miguel as a thank you for the amazing support. It truly means a lot to me, THANK YOU!!! Miguel O'Hara x FemaleReader Summary: A slow cold, rainy, and gloomy November morning with Miguel. Word Count: 1,751 Warnings: Just fluff; mention of lovemaking the previous night; soft Miguel (why is he not real?) 🍂Masterlist🍂 
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It's a cold, gloomy, and rainy November morning. Miguel lays on your shared bed with his arms wrapped around you as he listens to the pit pat of rain against the windows. He sighs in content, appreciating everything about this moment. It’s the weekend, which means that he finally gets to do this after looking forward to it all week. He can only have these mornings with you on the weekend, with you pressed against him and your body warmth engulfing him in the most wonderful way. If he could, he'd lay there with you all day, burning in your heavenly warmth, listening to your soft breathing. Your head is resting on his bare chest and you have this lovely look on your face that Miguel simply adores, making it impossible for him to leave the bed. He caresses your cheek softly, letting his thumb graze your bottom lip for a few seconds as he admires you in your sleep. 
Yes, he could really do this all day, every day with you without question and how he wishes he could, if only he wasn’t the founder and leader of the Spider Society. With his job, it means that he’s often rushing to HQ to save the multiverse during the week but on these mornings, everything is about you and him. He makes sure of it. Miguel sighs softly again, grazing your skin and feeling grateful for these moments. Miguel stays in bed for another hour, enjoying your warmth before slipping out of bed. He replaces his body with a pillow so you can't fully sense his departure. You mumble something in your sleep and Miguel knows it's about him leaving but you’re still so deeply asleep that you end up hugging the pillow instinctively without another word. Miguel smiles softly and kisses the top of your head before quietly using the bathroom and then leaving the bedroom.
An hour later or so, you stir awake. Your hand moves around the bed, trying to find that specific heat that only Miguel can offer. Your hand finds nothing, making you open your eyes only to find an empty bed. You stay still for a few seconds, hearing the soft drizzle of rain, and smile. 
You get up and make the bed, heading to the bathroom to do your morning routine. You leave the bedroom with the sole purpose of finding Miguel. You stop in your tracks at the sight of the living room. Miguel turned on a few lamps and your twinkling lights, casting soft hues, here and there throughout the space. The fireplace is on and the air is filled with lovely scents thanks to an autumnal lit candle and breakfast being cooked. Then, there's also music; soft, vintage songs that Miguel seems to really enjoy. The living room just looks and feels so cozy, making you wish you could cuddle on a couch with Miguel right now. 
You hear a drawer open and close in the kitchen, snatching your attention back to your mission. You quietly walk into the kitchen, eager to see the sight that waits for you, and you don’t have to wait for long because there he is. Miguel stands in front of the stove with his back to you. He's shirtless but wearing his sweatpants. His soft brown hair is messy from sleeping but also thanks to your fingers after last night’s lovemaking. You see his arm and back muscles flex as he flips food, and you quickly realize he’s making pancakes as the familiar scent fills your nostrils. 
You know he has to know by now that you're there with him. He always knows thanks to his sensitive senses as Spider-Man but he's waiting for you to approach him. You walk over to him, decreasing the distance between your bodies with each step you take until you're behind him. You tentatively wrap your arms around his waist so your movements don't interfere with his cooking and also to avoid any incidents in the kitchen. You lean closer, softly burying your face into his back and inhaling the delightful scent that belongs only to him. You can’t help but get lost in it as your fingers touch his soft, tan skin. You stay like that for what feels like a minute, just enjoying the moment until Miguel turns, wrapping his arms around your waist. 
"My turn," he says as he buries his face in your neck. "Coffee, hermosa?" Miguel mumbles into your neck before he starts leaving small, sweet kisses on your skin, making you feel ticklish. 
You fight the urge to laugh and wrap your arms around Miguel, pulling him closer, if that's even possible. "Yes, please," you whisper. 
You let each other go a few seconds later and Miguel is quick to get you a cup of coffee. He leads you to a chair, silently asking you to take a seat and let him do this, something you've grown used to. He always wants to pamper you on days like these when he's off work, asking Lyla to not disturb him unless it's an emergency. You thank him and smile, earning yourself a smile back from him as he returns to the stove. 
"Breakfast will be ready soon, hermosa. Just enjoy your coffee for now." 
You nod and do just that, as the soft music fills the air. It doesn't take long before Miguel brings you a plate with pancakes and other sides on top of a plate with fruit before he joins you. 
The two of you have a slow and peaceful breakfast, talking about anything and everything on this cozy morning. There are no interruptions from outside or Miguel’s duty as a superhero. It’s just the two of you in your shared apartment, enjoying breakfast and each other’s company. 
Once you're done eating breakfast, Miguel cleans the kitchen with your help, even though he insists on doing it himself. You know he wants to make these days special for you but you still insist, wanting to spend time with him even if it’s just while cleaning. You finally convince him to let you help when you think of something you’re pretty sure he won’t turn down. 
"We'll finish cleaning faster together and you know… I was thinking the living room looks so cozy right now. All I want to do is lay on the couch and read a book. Perhaps you’d like to join me?" you ask, and that's all Miguel needs to hear before he accepts your help. 
You notice he even speeds up, which makes you chuckle to yourself. Shortly after, the kitchen is cleaned in half the time it usually takes and now you're on one of the couches in your living room. Miguel and you are under the same blanket, each reading a book with the sound of music and rain still filling the air. 
You love these mornings. Not only do you get to spend them with Miguel but you also get to see the man you love relax. He gets to read books, a hobby he’s only been able to pick up again since he started dating you. Instead of wearing his suit for hours on end, which sure, it’s holographic but still, Miguel wears comfy clothes like his sweatpants. After spending hours and hours traveling from universe to universe on missions and standing on his platform for who knows how long throughout the week, you get to see him rest from so much stress and physical activity. On these mornings, Miguel happily lies on the couch under a shared blanket with you nearby, if not pressed against him. 
The two of you read silently until Miguel puts his book away quietly. He can’t help but watch you as you read, all snuggled up against the couch, lost in your own little world. He smiles and without a word, pulls you onto his lap like nothing. 
��You could at least let me know,” you playfully say, holding on to your book to avoid losing your place. 
“I’m sorry, hermosa. Couldn’t help myself. You were too far away for my liking,” Miguel whispers, cupping your face with his large hands. 
You drop your book on your lap, forgetting it as soon as Miguel’s hands touch your face. You’ll find the spot you stopped at later, it’s no problem. You smile and move closer to him, something that pleases Miguel because he smiles and leans closer. He presses a kiss to your forehead, so soft you barely feel his lips. 
“Have I ever told you how lucky I am to have you in my life?” he whispers against your skin. “I don’t know what would be of me if it wasn’t for you.”
You sigh softly and bring your hand to his face, caressing it gently. Miguel sighs now, closing his eyes and relishing the feeling of your soft hand on his face. 
“Hermosa… You don’t know how much I love you,” Miguel whispers. “Thank you for being here. For being part of my life. For accepting me - for loving me.” 
You nod and lift your face, making him open his eyes. You hold each other’s gaze and you smile sweetly at him before kissing his lips gently but lovingly. Miguel’s hands continue to cup your face while your own travel to his neck, pulling him closer as you kiss him. Neither of you are sure how long the kiss lasts as you get lost in the moment. For all you know it may have been half an hour of just kissing and embracing each other but neither of you care. You gently pull apart after some time only to catch your breath. You bury your face into Miguel’s neck, snuggling into his body even more just as his arms wrap tightly around you. 
“I love you, Miguel,” you whisper. “So much. Please never forget that.” 
Miguel smiles softly, inhaling your sweet scent. “How could I ever forget, hermosa? I feel your love every day, in so many ways… I love you. So much more,” he whispers back, which just makes you hug him even tighter. 
The two of you remain like that for some time, listening to the gentle rain on your apartment windows and the wonderful music Miguel chose for this lovely morning until he asks you to dance and of course, you accept. The two of you slow dance in your dimly lit living room, embracing each other lovingly on this cold and rainy November morning. 
🍂 🕯🍂 🕯🍂🕯 🍂🕯 🍂 🕯🍂
Translation for italicized word in Spanish: Hermosa - Gorgeous, beautiful _____________
I hope you enjoyed reading this! I can't believe it's already November and Miguel still lives rent free in my head and heart. Never thought it would be this bad tbh but I can't do anything about it anymore (I never tried to do anything about it to begin with really). Thank you for the amazing support on my writing!! It truly means a lot to me as it's something I love doing!! I hope you have a wonderful November! ❤️🍂 - Alondra
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ivesambrose · 1 year
Rest of 2023 Forecast 🎐
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1. 2. 3.
Just like that, it's already autumn 🍁
How was everyone's year so far?
Mine was rather eventful towards the later half.
But let's take a look into what the closing messages of 2023 are for you 🩵
To book a personal reading with me DM or email me at [email protected]
Personal Readings
Thank you for the tip
Picture 1
Realizing that you want to do and achieve certain things for yourself and not because someone expects way too much from you and you have to somehow gain their validation. However, you'll also come across people who inspire creativity in you and encourage you to step into your power, be more assertive without the fear of standing out.
Whatever labour you put in around this time will have it's turn out by next year. Stay patient, it will be rewarded.
You'll slowly see fortune turn in your favor, there might be sudden changes that push you to walk away from a certain place or situation but you'll be happy to do so. It's likely you were waiting for it for the most part of thr year and it's happening now.
Some of you might also hit the lottery, win a jackpot, receive unexpected money through your business, work or just randomly have it come to you.
You'll be making plans for the next year to venture out, manifest important connections, make travel plans etc you'll be looking forward to having fun and admist all the fun you'll see situations that earlier were out of control or stagnant, fall into place for you.
Be wary of certain manipulative people who seem all talk no show, they're just trying to dupe you into something. Trust your intuition here.
If you have a business or working on launching one, you'll find the right people and see a lot of growth. Have faith in your abilities.
Picture 2
Initially I see you being conflicted with something, being unable to decide with the number of options in front of you. You might also be picturing the possible ways certain things can or will play out in your life and trying to stick to the best case scenario. Eventually, you'll be able to focus. You just require some discipline.
You may also be unable to see the progress you've made so far or are making but it'll suddenly occur to you that you've indeed climbed to the top of the ladder and overcame a lot of obstacles, you're almost there, so it's best to simply enjoy the process and the journey since success is imminent if you don't stop.
There's a possible union with someone special or even celebration with your friends. Gifts being exchanged and a lot of financial prosperity coming your way.
I see by the end of this year you'll be feeling lavish and happy since something significant came through somehow.
I heard the words, "seems I'm lucky after all!"
Picture 3
It may have been a tumultuous year so far, good news is thar youre finally finding your center. Body and mind in sync, slowing down and offering a better perspective of things.
For a lot of you, I see that you had been struggling with your health a lot both physical and mental, you'll be seeing considerable progress. You might start getting into exercise again, likely lower intensity ones, it will give you better benefits as well as put you in a meditative state.
Your true glow up starts now. Instead of pushing yourself to break and grind in order get something you'll simply allow yourself to receive. You might feel creative and want to get back to the arts be in sketching, keeping an art book, makeup, even cooking or fashion/fashion design. You'll be feeling more beautiful inside and out.
You'll be excited to welcome the new year, a new chapter of your life is beginning. You'll be feeling more energised and hopeful. Attend more events, celebrate with friends, make new ones, travel etc
You have a lot of intellect and wisdom, there's a power in your words as well as your voice, you'll be influencing the right people who'd want to be around you or know you personally. Have discernment when letting anyone in, eitherway the right ones will stay and add value to your life.
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I fell for you. (Final part).
Azriel x f!Reader
Summary; based on this request.
Warnings; angst
Part one , Part two
Azriel was the winner of the two polls; poll 1 , poll 2 So here it is!
One day as you were sitting on a bench with Lady Autumn enjoying the view of the garden she said;
“You know… I would love if you and Eris ended up together, you’re so sweet and kind, my son would be lucky to have you.” She smiled and you almost choked on air. You and Eris… you had thought about that, but you weren’t sure if he had this type of feelings towards you. Lust wasn’t enough for someone to get married. And what would happen if Azriel found out?
One month later.
Your days were the same making you feel way too bored, Lady Autumn was nice company but after a while you didn’t have anything to talk about. Eris was spending most of his time in his office and barely came out for dinner. You went for walks with Lucien a few times, but always excused yourself when Elain joined you.
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ 🍁 🍂 ☁️˙✧˖°
After breakfast you decided to walk around the palace, maybe you could find something interesting to spend your time. As you were walking down a big corridor Elain approached you. You turned the other way and pretended that you were looking at the paintings.
“I know you’re avoiding me y/n. Please I need to speak to you.” She exclaimed and grabbed your arm. You shot her a warning look and she shook her head. “Please” “Okay… speak.” You shrugged.
“Listen… Azriel..” you scoffed and she lifted one finger to shush you. “Azriel helped me adjust in this world, we spent way too much time together and this created some feelings. It wasn’t love though at least not in a romantic way. We cared for each other because everything we went through together bonded us. We were both alone, and we had needs, this is what it was, lust. Azriel couldn’t understand his feelings for you, he couldn’t see the way his face lit when he talked about you. He thought he loved you as a friend. Your absence destroyed him. He couldn’t eat, couldn’t sleep… he completely broke down. I tried to approach him as a friend, but he didn’t want to see me again, he hurt himself as a punishment for not understanding the type of feelings he had for you. What I’m trying to say is that he was always in love with you, he just didn’t know.” Her voice was soft yet steady as she spoke, a sign she was telling the truth. “Okay” you shrugged not wanting to show any emotion. “Why are you telling me this?”
“Follow me” she said and hurried off, your curiosity took the best of you, and you quickly followed her. She entered her room and opened her closet, taking out something from the back.
“The night before you left, I saw a dream… a vision, and I asked Feyre to go through my mind and paint what I saw. When I came here, I took it with me because I didn’t want Azriel to see it. I’m afraid that if I show anyone their future, I might somehow destroy it.” She explained and dropped the sheet that covered the painting. Your jaw dropped.
It was a painting of you standing next to Azriel, it was probably Starfall because at the background the sky was bright with starlight and dust. What shocked you the most was the young boy Azriel held between you. The boy looked around three years old, his hazel eyes wide, his small wings wide behind him and his cheeks painted with stardust. He looked so much like Azriel, but you could see a little bit of you in there too.
“If you’re afraid of destroying the future when you show it to someone, why did you show me?” You asked after the initial shock.
“Because I can’t see it anymore… because I only see Azriel alone in a room… dying” her eyes watered. You took a sharp breath and stared at her. “It is my duty to inform you about this, Rhysand is coming here today to have a meeting with Eris... Cassian and Azriel will probably accompany him. I wanted you to have all the facts before facing him”.
“I’m sorry for being such a bitch to you. I would like to blame the stupid bond, but it will only sound as an excuse. You are so nice Elain, never change that.” You hugged her and she smiled. “No I get it, I’m sorry for causing all this trouble, I should have stayed away from Azriel.” She lowered her gaze.
“You went through enough, you deserved to have something you for once desired. Don’t feel guilty” you smiled and winked before leaving her room.
You hurried into Eris’ office not bothering to knock. “What is it little fox?” he murmured not lifting his head from the papers he was reading. “Rhysand is visiting today.” You spoke.
“I’m aware” Eris replied.
“Is Azriel coming too?” you asked and finally got his attention. He glanced at you.
“Missing him?” he quirked a brow.
“I would like to have a talk with him” you replied, and he hummed.
“Why are you here?” he asked and you sent him a questioning look. “Do you want to know if he is coming or if I will stop you from going back to him?”
You blushed.
“I won’t stop you. He is your mate… you are meant to be together.” He sighed and nodded “he is coming just please let me know if I need to request another healer from Helion”.
“I don’t know yet… I just want to talk to him.” You shrugged.
“Okay, better change clothes. I don’t want the shadowsinger to destroy my whole palace when he sees you in my court’s colors”.
You snorted at that and then approached him, taking one of his hands in your own. “Thank you Eris… for everything”.
“You’re welcome little fox, I’m here if you ever need to piss shadow boy off.” He smirked and returned to the papers.
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ 🍁 🍂 ☁️˙✧˖°
You changed into a black long dress that showed just enough cleavage and hugged your curves in all the right spots. You wanted to make Azriel drool and also honor your previous High Lord. You took a deep breath and walked down the hall reaching the big doors of Eris’ office. You could feel Rhysand’s power flowing around the palace making everything look darker. You let the bond resurface and Azriel pulled it instantly, making your heart break. He was still waiting for you. You opened the door and entered. Everyone’s head snapped into your direction and their jaws dropped.
“Y/n” Azriel whispered.
The rumors were right, the shadowsinger was thinner, his eyes were red and empty. He looked like he hadn’t slept for a year, and you could tell that he was just the same on the inside.
“Hello” you smiled, and your eyes fell on Rhysand. He stood up and hugged you.
“We missed you sweetheart” he whispered into your hair. “I missed you too, so much” you murmured.
Cassian approached when Rhysand let go of you and picked you up.
“You look good little one” he boomed, you hadn’t heard this nickname for awhile and it made you tear up.
When Cassian let go of you, Azriel took a deep breath and came closer.
“Can we talk?” he asked, and you glanced at Eris who nodded with a smile.
You walked out, Azriel following you without a word. You both entered your room and he shut the door.
“How are you?” he asked and kept his eyes on the floor.
“Fine. How about you?”
He shrugged and pushed a hand through his hair.
“I messed up.” He stated.
“I know” you replied and suppressed the need to hug him.
“I love you Y/n, I love you so much that I can’t breathe. I’m such an idiot for not realizing it before the bond snapped. I always thought that I loved you as a friend, that I needed to protect you because you were a part of my family. I thought that it was the loneliness that made me feel lust for you and made me dream of starting a family with you. I didn’t dare to tell you, I was so afraid that I would ruin our friendship. I don’t even know how to explain everything. I can’t explain what I feel for you… what I felt for you before the bond. You have every right to kick me out and never speak to me again, I will respect it even though the thought is killing me. But please believe me when I say that I have always loved you, you are the greatest thing that has happened to me, and I will spend the rest of my life punishing myself for losing you.” He was crying, sobs shaking his body as he waited for your response. You could feel everything down the bond, and you were sure that he wasn’t lying.
“I don’t know what to say Az. I’m willing to come back to the night court and give you a chance but I can’t promise anything. If you mess it up, I will leave you for good.” You said and cupped his jaw, wiping the tears away with your thumb. He leaned into your touch and sighed. “I promise I won’t let you down.” He whispered and you felt the burn of a tattoo on your neck.
The next day you left for the night court, you didn’t miss the nod Elain gave you, her eyes moving to the covered painting in her arms. You smiled as you remembered the little boy and leaned further into Azriel before he shot up to the sky.
Azriel kept his promise, he showed you how much he loved you every day, he treated you like his queen, and everything changed for the best. After a year you accepted the bond and later found out that when Nesta changed herself and Feyre making them able to give birth to Illyrian babies she changed you too. You remembered that day, when a shooting pain sent you on the ground. You had felt like your insides were rearranging themselves.
A few years later you gave birth to a sweet baby boy, he looked exactly like the painting as he grew up, the only difference were the shadows flowing around him and whispering in his ear just like his father's.
You watched as Azriel flew around with your son, throwing stardust on his cheeks and laughing. They landed next to you and Azriel wrapped one arm around your shoulders, holding Damien with the other, as you all watched the beautiful spectacle of Starfall and the small tattoo on your neck disappeared.
He didn’t let you down.
Requests are open but delayed!
@sagskylar01 , @kalulakunundrum , @amysangel , @i-love-morally-gray-characters
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the-slumberparty · 14 days
🍂Winds of Autumn Challenge🍂
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We're excited to welcome the fall with all of you lovely people!
For this challenge, you will choose a prompt + a theme (or two) and create piece, written or visual. Each creator may submit up to three works.
Good luck!
Candle wick🕯️an old flame rekindled 
Pumpkin spice 🎃 a bustling cafe scene 
Hay ride 🌾 a day at the harvest festival 
Chai latte ☕ caught in the cold rain 
Crispy leaves 🍁 walking home alone 
Candy corn 🍬 a sweet surprise 
Apple cider 🍎 cozy by the fire 
Harvest moon 🌕 night time walks 
Knitted scarves 🧣 picnic in the park 
Fallen acorns 🌳 a cabin getaway 
Maturity ⏳ as the harvest ripens, so do we. Write about a coming of age or a lesson learned. 
Change ✨ the leaves change and so does the world around us. Write about a change, good or bad. 
Preservation 🫙 in preparation for the coming winter, we try to hold onto the last bit of warmth. Write about letting go, or not wanting to. 
Balance ⚖️ as the equinox approaches, the day and night balance out. Write about finding peace. 
Melancholy ☁️ as the trees shed and the flowers wilt, we feel a sense of loss. Write a tragic tale. 
Abundance 🧺 As the harvest is reaped, we come into abundance. Write a story about excess and luxury. 
Refuge 🏠 as the sun shines less hot, we retreat indoors. Write about seeking refuge. 
Earthiness 🌍 the smell of leaves, footsteps in mud, and the damp air. Write a story with an earthy atmosphere. 
This challenge is open to all fandoms and characters.
🍂Dark creations are accepted but we will not accept underage, incest, or bestiality. Please don’t forget to add warnings to your works appropriately.
🍂For written pieces, there are no word count limits, but we do ask that you add a “read more” beyond 500 words.
🍂We hope that creators can create an inclusive work and encourage writers and creators to use appropriate tagging, ie, f!reader, etc..
🍂 For this challenge, we will accept sequels or continuations to previous works. Please be sure to link the original work in your submission.
🍂Be kind to yourself and to others. We are here to support and include each other.
🍂This is an event for the autumn, with a final due date of November 30 for late submissions.
!Tag this blog in your submission so we see it!
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chapter xxiii – gust & flame
Eris Vanserra x Reader
Eris Vanserra has been a prisoner in his own home since the day he was born. He has done what he had to in order to survive and protect the few he loves. And he is playing the long game. Waiting, waiting, and waiting for the right time to make his move, to usurp his wicked father and become High Lord of Autumn Court. But things become even more complicated when a human girl drops into his life. Perhaps Eris can wait no longer to take his throne.
Word Count: 4,500+
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“You are being awfully quiet, my dear.” 
Y/N blinked, getting mentally awoken by Leonora’s comment. “Sorry, I just…I don’t think the hand-made gown tailored specifically for me was necessary.”
Leonora looked confused. “And why is that?”
Y/N’s gaze couldn’t lift from the floor as she answered, “I do not think it is wise for me to attend the celebration.” 
All of the servants and seamstresses froze from the statement and subtly looked at their Lady of Autumn for indication of how they should react. 
But Leonora, calm and collected per usual, just gave Y/N a gentle smile. She nodded to the seamstress that was kneeling at Y/N’s foot to continue her work. 
Then she looked up at Y/N without judgment or worry, but with an encouraging smirk and soft eyes. “Why would it not be wise for the mate of our new High Lord to attend his coronation, Y/N?” 
The witch finally looked up from the ground to meet her gaze. “Will it not give the people of his Court the wrong idea? I am not the next Lady of Autumn, nor have I accepted his bond. I do not wish to put Eris in an uncomfortable position.” 
Leonora gave a sad nod. “I see…” she sighed. 
She turned around and gave everyone in the room a soft request to leave the two of them. 
Y/N’s heart started beating faster as she watched them all quietly exit. 
Was Leonora about to scold her? Yell at her for refusing to accept her son as his mate? 
No, that couldn’t be it.
Leonora had been nothing but kind to Y/N since they met. Never once did she pressure her on behalf of Eris. She hardly ever brought up their relationship. Most of the time, Y/N felt like Leonora was just happy to have a new female friend in the Forest House, especially after so long of being a prisoner here. 
Leonora offered Y/N her hand to help her off the platform she was standing on for the seamstresses. Then she held both of her hands gently as she told her, “You forget, Y/N, that you are more to Autumn Court than simply the mate of its new High Lord.”
Y/N’s brow furrowed. 
Leonora smiled. “You are their savior. Yes, it was Eris who slayed Beron in the end. But he would not have had the courage or strength to do so without you. Most in this Court despised and feared Beron Vanserra. You have given this Court a chance for change.”
Y/N’s face grew hot from the praise. 
Leonora gave her a sympathetic look before adding, “But also I cannot say that as Eris’ mother, I do not also have selfish motives, as well. You make him stronger. I worry how he will be if he if he goes through such a coronation alone.” 
“But you and Lucien will be there,” Y/N tried to argue. 
Leonora tilted her head and gave her a look. “It is not the same, and I think you know that, my dear.” 
Then she looked down at the beginnings of the dress on Y/N’s body that the seamstresses had begun.
“As for the dress, Eris wishes to spoil you with finery and I can’t argue with his intentions,” Leonora teased with a smirk. 
But her expression sobered. “However, I know neither he nor anyone else will fault you for avoiding such a celebration. So much has been thrust upon you, and in so little time. You must do what is best for you.” 
Y/N frowned and looked down at herself. “I will let them finish the dress – if only to please everyone. I would feel bad for throwing away all their hard work they’ve already done.”
Leonora nodded. “I think that is a wonderful idea.” 
In the following weeks, the Forest House was bustling with activity. 
Apparently, the coronation included inviting every High Lord and Lady of of Prythian. 
Which meant the servants and cooks were frantic with preparations. Lucien had explained to her that the staff saw this as an opportunity to show why Autumn Court should be considered the best of Prythian. With a new High Lord came a new chance to prove that Autumn Court could change for the better and they were not to be overlooked. 
Therefore, Y/N tried to stay out of everyone’s way. She either hid in the library, continuing her personal research or she was in her workshop, keeping herself busy with spells and potions. 
However, on the day of the coronation, she stayed hidden in her bedchambers, scared that leaving would only bring attention to the fact that she would not be attending the festivities. 
Maids and seamstresses had knocked on her door early in the morning. But Y/N simply ignored them, not wanting to see the looks of disappointment when she told them she would not be going to the coronation. 
Y/N tried to distract herself by the fire, sitting on a chaise lounge with a romance novel in hand when more aggressive knocking came at the door. 
She planned on ignoring it again, but then she recognized the group of voices on the other side. 
“Y/N, if you do not open the door, we will break it down!” Nesta threatened loudly. 
She jumped up and hurried to the door to whip it open. 
On the other side, were her three Valkyrie sisters: Nesta, Gwyn, and Emerie. 
Not only that, but they clearly dressed and done up for the coronation.
Nesta wore a simple black, velvet dress. But it was not simple in the way that it fit her body like a glove and edged toward risqué. Y/N had always appreciated how Night Court attire never strayed from being seductive and showing skin. Gwyn wore a more elegant black dress, which made Y/N wonder if Nesta was using her mate’s money to buy her friends luxurious gowns. Emerie wore leathers, that could have been a warrior’s uniform, over pants. Though less feminine, they were still formal and lavish in their own way.
When the Illyrian saw Y/N eyeing her outfit, she shrugged. “I was never really one for gowns…”
“You all look beautiful,” Y/N muttered. “B-But w-what are you doing here?” Y/N gasped in shock. 
“We’re here for you, obviously!” Gwyn urged and pulled Y/N into a warm hug. 
“Eris invited us,” Emerie confirmed with a smile, also walking into her rooms. 
“Why aren’t you dressed?” Nesta asked, looking Y/N up and down as she closed the door behind them. 
Y/N frowned. “I…I am not going.” Her eyes stayed down, scared to see their reactions to such a confession. 
But, without hesitation, Gwyn announced, “Then we will stay in here and drink ourselves silly!” 
Y/N’s jaw dropped at how unfazed her friends were. “B-But you will miss the festivities. And you all look so lovely.” 
Nesta rolled her eyes. “This will not be our last opportunity to dress up. We would much rather hang out with you than all the stuffy High Lords and their nobles.” 
Then Emerie nudged Nesta. “But we must still tell her our plan.” 
“Plan?” Y/N questioned, eyes scanning all of them. 
“Helion Spell-Cleaver will be in attendance!” Gwyn squealed. 
Y/N’s brow furrowed, immediately thinking of Leonora and Lucien. She wondered if the Lady of Autumn would ever reveal to her past lover and her youngest son of the secret relation. Or if Leonora would ever follow her heart and return to Helion. 
“Yes, all of the High Lord’s have been invited…” Y/N muttered, not understanding their clear excitement. 
“Helion is the sole owner of the last of the pegasuses,” Emerie explained. 
Nesta rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. “And he makes sure to remind everyone of it, using them as his transport to any event he possibly can.” 
Y/N’s amusement dropped for concern. “Please, please, please tell me you do not plan on stealing Helion’s pegasuses.” 
“Don’t be silly,” Gwyn brushed off. “However, we do plan on sneaking into their enclosure to give them some pets.” 
“And perhaps seducing Helion into giving us one or two…” Nesta added while looking at her nails. Y/N gaped at her. “What? He’s already propositioned me to join an orgy once when I visited Day Court.”
“Yes, before you accepted Cassian as your mate!” Emerie pointed out. 
Nesta quirked a brow. “Who said Cassian would not be participating?”
“Those smutty books of yours have given you too many ideas,” Y/N laughed. 
“More like inspiration,” Nesta corrected. “And inspiration that my mate is very enthusiastic about trying.” Then she pointed to the book Y/N had been reading when they arrived and quirked a brow. "Do not pretend you are above them."
“OK. Enough about your bedroom habits!” Gwyn interrupted. Then she turned her attention to Y/N. “Are you in or are you out?” 
The witch smiled. “Of course I’m in.” 
Minutes later, they were sneaking around the Forest House, Y/N led them toward where she assumed any guests horses would be quartered for the night.
But before they could reach it, a gust of wind wrapped around the females. 
“He…needs…you,” The wind whispered to Y/N. “Go…to…him. He cannot…do this…without you.” 
Y/N froze in the hallway. 
“What? What is it?” Emerie asked. 
“I-I’m sorry,” Y/N whispered. “Eris needs me. I will catch up to you later.”
“Oh, for Cauldron’s sake!” Gwyn cried. “As if we would make you go alone.”
“She’s right,” Nesta added. “Someone needs to do your hair and makeup.” 
Eris swore his back had a metal pole along his spine with out tense and stiff his posture was. He knew his expressions were cold and unwelcoming. But he was in a room with too many people he had yet to decipher friend or foe. The nobles of Autumn Court smiled at him, but most only wanted good favor with the new High Lord. And for those that weren’t smiling, there were plenty that looked at him with fear or uneasiness, trying to gauge if he was just as bad as Beron. 
His mother kept giving him tense, but encouraging smiles every time he spotted her in the crowded hall. 
When to use his mask and when to reveal his true self, Eris did not know. 
It was easier when Y/N was by his side. She eased him, reminded him of who he truly was. The mask never felt needed when her scent surrounded him. 
But his mate was not here, nor was she coming. 
And Eris couldn’t blame her. These events of politics and groveling were conniving at their best and boring at their worst. If he could skip it too, he would have. But that was no way to officially take over the throne of a broken court that needed mending. 
Eris once again caught sight of a group of courtier daughters. They whispered and giggled at him, hardly even bothering to subdue their staring. And it hadn’t gone unnoticed how they seemed to edge closer and closer as the night went on. 
Yes, Eris was handsome and powerful. Female attention was not something he was unaccustomed to. But he knew what those females were truly after were the wealth and power being married to a High Lord would bring. It didn’t matter that everyone knew of his mortal witch mate. They wanted him for themselves regardless. 
His attire did nothing to help him blend in to the crowd. New, custom armor glinted against the thousands of candles and faelight surrounding them. And the blood red cloak stood out – even in Autumn Court.
Eris threw back the rest of his faerie wine, hoping he could get drunk enough to keep his wits about him, while also making the evening go by faster. 
“Another?” A male voice offered from over his shoulder. 
Eris turned to see Rhysand handing him another full glass, Feyre glued to his side with a knowing smirk. 
“I promise I did not poison it,” Rhysand added.  
“At this point, you would be doing me a favor,” Eris grumbled, taking a sip immediately. 
Rhysand smirked. “Already over being High Lord, Eris?”
“I became High Lord to make my Court a better place, not to rub shoulders with nobles and courtiers who wish to use me to gain favor…”
“And I’m sure being away from Y/N is only making your mood more sour,” Feyre muttered more teasingly. 
“She may do what pleases her. I’m sure her Valkyries have found her by now and are keeping her company.” 
“Are you quite sure about that…” Feyre asked as she looked behind Eris. 
The High Lord of Autumn Court quickly turned to follow her gaze. 
At the entrance of the great hall stood Y/N. 
Eris felt the invisible string attached to his heart go taut. A feeling Y/N had not experienced, and probably never would. 
Despite her entrance not being formally announced, many had gone quiet and began to stare. 
Someone had pulled Y/N’s hair up and done her makeup. Though Eris found her beautiful regardless, the level of glamour around her made her magnetic. 
Meanwhile, Y/N held her head high as she slowly, yet confidently, walked further into the room. She was doing a good job of ignoring the scrutiny, but Eris could tell that she was more than aware of the staring. 
Her dress fit her perfectly. And while most attendees wore green and the rustic browns of the court, Y/N had not strayed away from vibrant red, almost looking as if she were glowing like fire itself. Eris realized it matched with his own cloak. There were strips of black in her gown that felt like a call out to her short time in Night Court, where she had already gained respect and acceptance.
Eris wanted to go to her immediately. But he had to hold himself back. There was a reason she was late and walked in alone, instead of on his arm. It was clear that she worried about making his court believe she had accepted the mating bond. 
But if Eris had his way, he’d use his magic to shove everyone out of the path from Y/N to him. He’d stop any conversation he was having – no matter how rude or undiplomatic it was – to give her his full attention and affection. 
“Will you not go to her?” Feyre asked, concern obvious in her tone. 
Y/N’s friends of the Night Court were unaware of the the change in her relationship with the High Lord of Autumn. They did not realize how far the two had come, how much had changed. Everything was so much more complicated than how it had begun: a male desperately hiding his mate in a court that was not his. 
Y/N felt the eyes on her. She wondered if all of them were judgment or if there was also just innocent curiosity. 
She wished she’d forced the Valkyries to drink heavily with her before leaving her bedchambers, because being sober for this felt like a cruel torture. 
The three of them convinced Y/N that she needed to walk in without them. That she needed to walk in confident and independent.
But Y/N underestimated how many stares she'd receive in return.
So, she decided to straight line to where refreshments were being served. Feyre had once warned her away from fae wine, for it is far too strong for mortals to consume in the same manner as fae.
But right now, Y/N didn’t care. 
Of course she couldn’t make it there without overhearing a group of females. Whether they had noticed her arrival, she had yet to discern. 
“Now that his dreadful father is dead, I wonder where the High Lord will find his…entertainment,” one female said somewhat quietly. 
Another chimed in with, “I once heard he would only bed harlots at pleasure halls in other Courts, in fear that Beron would kill any female who could sire a child from him.” 
“But now he has a mate. Surely that means any and all of our efforts will be wasted,” a third female added. 
“Oh, please.” The first female scoffed. Y/N didn’t have to look at her to know that she was rolling her eyes. “She is not even a fae. Truly, how long do you believe we will have to stay away before her mortal life ends?” 
This is a terrible mistake, Y/N thought. She should have never shown her face here. This was exactly what she had been wanting to avoid. 
Obviously Eris was a desired male – High Lord or not. And who was she to get in the way of him finding a suitor that was of his Court, of his own kind? 
But, suddenly, the females stopped talking abruptly. 
Had they finally noticed Y/N’s presence? Did they even care enough to make sure she didn’t overhear such things? 
“High Lord Eris,” the first one greeted overly sweet. “How lovely of you to join us.” 
Y/N whipped around to find Eris’ eyes already locked to hers as he stood a few feet away from her. 
He ignored the female High Fae entirely, not even glancing in her direction. 
Y/N didn’t know how to address him in such a setting. She looked around before starting to lower her head into a bow. 
You do not bow to anyone, Rhysand’s voice suddenly snuck into her head. 
With her dress and fanciful jewelry, Y/N had removed her protective amulet that stopped any daemati from entering her mind. That meant the High Lord and Lady of Night Court were free to speak to her mind freely.
Ignore them, Rhysand added. He has been waiting for you all night. 
Eris didn’t greet Y/N verbally. Because nothing would’ve felt right. 
But his eyes said everything. 
And slowly he offered her his hand. 
Y/N’s chest heaved as she put her glass down before stepping forward and lightly placing her hand in his grip. 
Without breaking eye contact, Eris lowered his mouth and kissed it. 
Without hesitating, he pulled Y/N to him and tucked her hand under his arm so it gripped his bicep. Then he placed his other hand over it, securing her further to his side. 
Without asking for direction, Y/N quietly followed him as he guided them to the center of the room. 
There was suddenly a female gasp from behind them. Eris didn’t turn, but Y/N looked over her shoulder to see that the first female from the group was covered in red wine. So much so that it was dripping off of her fine gown.
And there was Nesta… holding an empty glass with a smug, but melodramatically innocent look. Gwyn and Emerie were trying to hide their amusement.
"My mistake," Nesta gasped deviously.
Y/N didn’t know when her friends had joined her, but clearly it was early enough that they had caught the dreadful things those females had been saying about her and her mate with their fae hearing. 
Then there was a screech of fear and a soft growl. 
She looked down to see that her new little pet fox, Ronan, was nipping and growling at the group of rude females. How he escaped from her bedchambers was beyond her. But clearly he didn’t like being away from her. 
Y/N bit her lip to stop herself from laughing at the sight. 
Then she whistled softly and Ronan’s head snapped in her direction. He didn’t need another command, so he floppily ran to her and Eris, trotting along beside them. 
When she turned forward again, Y/N realized Eris was leading them to the throne. 
And with the wave of his hand, Eris pushed his throne over a foot and a second one appeared magically beside it. 
Y/N’s head whipped to him, wanting to ask him what in the Cauldron he was doing. 
But then she realized he was making a statement. There were some who would question her and her relationship with their new High Lord. But Eris was announcing to everyone that she was to be treated and respected as their High Lady, whether she accepted his bond or not. 
“Eris,” she whispered in a hiss. 
Her anxiety was skyrocketing at the statement he was about to make. 
But he ignored her subtle plea, and instead just said, “Head high, little witch.” 
He guided her carefully up the steps that led to the throne and waited for her to sit before he took his own. 
The room quieted and turned their attention to Eris. 
Y/N controlled her expressions, but her heart was racing from confusion of what she was meant to do. 
They will crown him now, Rhysand’s voice entered Y/N’s mind again. He wants you at his side, therefore you belong there. Act like you know it. 
Y/N found both Rhysand and Feyre in the crowd, which was fairly easy since they were the only people wearing black in a sea of mostly Autumn Colors – except for the other High Lords that were in attendance. 
The couple gave her encouraging grins. Then she found Cassian, Nesta, Gwyn, and Emerie standing next to them, doing the same. 
Cassian gave her a proud and beaming smile. 
Y/N listened as one of Eris’ advisors started speaking the ritual of crowning the newest High Lord. 
It was shorter than she expected. Though she struggled with paying attention, too focused on maintaining her posture and composure while being put on the same display as Eris. 
Then the advisor was standing behind Eris, slowly lowering a rustic golden crown atop his head. It was in the shape of fallen leaves, with subtle hints of autumn red and green in the detailing. 
As soon as it settled on his head, Eris turned to Y/N with his hand outstretched to her. 
Without hesitation, she took it.
Together they stood. 
The room immediately lowered into a bow – except for the other High Lords, who only subtly bowed their head in respect. 
Y/N found Leonora’s gaze amongst them and she had a proud smile on her lips, but it was not only directed at her son. 
Eris helped Y/N sit once again. 
People started moving closer toward the throne. 
Y/N realized the courtiers and lords were swearing their allegiance now. 
A male high fae stepped forward first, bowing his strawberry blonde head deeply. 
“Lord Foley,” Eris greeted indifferently. 
The male bowed his head again and then turned his gaze to Y/N, opening his mouth to formally introduce himself to her. 
“You are Eoghan Foley?” Y/N asked him before he could speak. 
The males eyes widened in surprise. 
“You own the majority of farms in the south east territory, correct?”
The male looked even more surprised. 
Eris smirked at his mate, deciding to let her speak while he watched. 
“You are known for paying your farmers the most, even when Beron underpaid you in an attempt to raise competition amongst other lords.” 
Eoghan bowed his head. “My workers deserve a fair wage, Lady Y/N. When treated with respect they are more inclined to stay and there is less loss.” 
Y/N then turned to Eris, having a silent conversation with their eyes. 
“And for that, you shall be rewarded,” Eris’ voice came out strong and confident. And the entire room could clearly hear it. His gaze moved about the room. “The days of exploitation are over. Those of Autumn Court deserve to be paid for their work. Such competition only turns us against each other.” His eyes moved back to the lord. “A bonus will be delivered to you before nightfall tomorrow, Lord Foley.” 
The male looked taken aback at such a decision. He half-expected to find that Eris was no better than his tyrant father. But he was instantly proven wrong. 
“T-Thank you High Lord Eris,” he said with another bow. Then he looked up at Y/N before turning his gaze to the floor. “And to you, Lady Y/N. Our people are already indebted to you for bringing Autumn Court back into the light.”
“I hear your wife is a talented sculptor, Lord Foley.” Y/N noted with kindness in her eyes. “I hope to see her work for myself someday.” 
“Any time you wish, Lady Y/N.” 
“Enough business and politics for tonight,” Eris announced once Lord Foley had moved back into the crowd. 
Then he eyed the other High Lords who were in attendance. All of them had been studying him and his interactions carefully. “Otherwise, we shall be spilling Autumn’s secrets to our guests who have their own Courts to govern.” 
His courtiers laughed lightly at his joke. 
With the swipe of Eris’ hand, the lighting in the room darkened to a moodier setting. And the symphony took their signal to begin playing music. 
The guests started coupling up to dance. 
Once again, Eris stood and offered Y/N his hand. 
She took it, but moved close to his side so she could whisper, “I do not know these formal dances.” 
Eris squeezed her hand tightly. “Trust me,” he simply whispered back.
When they entered the center of the dance floor, Eris pulled them into the proper stance. “I will lead. Just relax and do not overthink it.” 
And Y/N did just that. 
Either the steps were not as complicated as she had presumed or Eris was good dance partner. But they swayed across the floor. And despite hundreds of eyes watching them, the room disappeared around them, and it was just them. 
“Thank you for saving me,” Eris whispered in her ear as he pulled her even closer. 
Y/N knew this closeness was more immoral and informal, but she needed it. And if it was improper, Eris didn’t seem to care one bit. 
“I hardly did anything,” Y/N admitted softly. 
“You did more than you could ever understand,” he countered quickly. “You continue to be my savior, Y/N.”
“I didn’t want you to be alone,” Y/N confessed softly. Her lips quirked as she added, “The worst loneliness is felt while surrounded by others.” Repeating her past statement from the night he had confessed how lonely he'd once been in this court.
Eris stopped abruptly, pulling their dance to a halt.
His eyes slowly went from her eyes to her lips. 
Y/N knew he wanted to kiss her. She could feel it. And she would be lying to herself if she said she didn’t want him to, as well.
Eris was calculating how safe it was to show such affection to his mate so publicly. Another voice in his head was telling him he should to whatever he damn well pleased. 
A deep voice cleared their throat behind her. 
They turned to see Cassian standing with his hands clasped behind his back. 
He gave a polite bow to them. “I was hoping to share a dance with my favorite witch.” 
Y/N smiled at his playfulness. But she also saw the hidden message in his gaze. Her friend was trying to save her if she so wanted it. 
She turned back to Eris, half expecting him to be giving the Illyrian a death glare. But the High Lord only nodded, and slowly removed Y/N from his grasp. 
“She has much to share with her friends,” Eris offered him.
“Shall we?” Cassian asked her with his hand offered. 
The Illyrian's dancing just further proved how skilled Eris was. But Y/N didn't mind Cassian's clumsy feet.
“I am the only witch you know,” she glared playfully at him. 
“Yes, but if I were to ever meet any more, you would still be my favorite.” He spun her sloppily, ignoring the steps everyone else was following. 
He lowered his voice as he said, “I only wanted to offer you an escape. It seems tensions are high between the two of you…” 
“Thank you,” Y/N told him with a frown. “I fear I am lost.” 
His brow furrowed as he turned them. “How so?” 
Her eyes surprisingly welled with tears. “Cassian…I-I-I love him.”
I know it took me a long time to update. But I worked really hard on this. And I loved putting together everyone's outfits. 🥹
Please leave a lovely comment. You know I love a book report. @pancakefancake
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cloudygazer · 1 year
Goodbye summer!
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And hello Mr. Autumn! I have been waiting for you.
Yay I'm so happy autumn is finally here! Keep up future me, we still have a long way to go.
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ithebookhoarder · 11 months
A Whole Latte Love to Give 🍁 (Matt Murdock x Reader)
Description: You hate running late to work as it means you don't have time to stop for coffee - and what's worse, it's your favourite coffee season too.
A/N: It's Autumn and I'm a coffee addict so this felt right 😅 In fact, if anyone brings me coffee in the morning they are automatically my favourite for life 💕
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Warnings: Swearing, references to smut, I think that's it.
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You hated running late. 
It was frustrating and meant you had to sprint to make sure you made it to the subway on time to get across town to your office. You’d also then end up arriving with your hair all over the place, out of breath, and normally dripping with an uncomfortable amount of sweat. 
That alone would have been bad but when your boyfriend/boss had the super nose of a blood hound, it actually made you want to curl up into a ball and melt into the carpet. 
Needless to say, you were having one of those days today. The alarm hadn’t gone off and you had barely had enough time to put a comb through your hair, let alone grab some form of breakfast, or more importantly, coffee. 
You were embarrassed to admit how heavily you’d come to rely on the caffeinated beverage but honestly? It was all that kept you running most days. Besides, this was New York. People here were used to drinking it like it was water - which is to say you were struggling by the time you made it up the stairs to Nelson & Murdock. Worse still was the fact that you’d passed your favourite coffee shop on the corner as you’d sprinted to make it to your first meeting of the day. 
The bright fall leaves glued in the window were mocking you as they declared the arrival of the season and with it, their drinks menu - including your favourite drink of all time: a pumpkin spice latte.
Yeah, that particularly stung as you had to physically drag yourself away, knowing you didn’t have the time. Damn it. 
You’d have to wait til lunch to treat yourself and mark a start to your favourite season - a thought that had you grumbling to yourself as you finally made it up the stairs and to your office. 
Thankfully, it was quiet when you pushed the door open and managed to drop your bag at your desk. No clients were sat waiting for you, ready to berate you for clocking in a whole five minutes late, which was a huge relief. 
In fact, the only other person who appeared to be in the office at all was Matt - and even he seemed to have only just arrived, given the fact he hadn’t even taken off his coat yet. How strange. Normally he’d have been here a good twenty minutes or so already, having barely stopped long enough at his apartment for a quick power nap. 
Maybe he was also running late this morning?
“Morning, Matt,” you sighed, by way of greeting. “Sorry, my stupid phone didn’t charge last night so I missed my alarm. I only woke up because the asshole builders outside my place decided to start construction a whole hour earlier than normal, which is a pain but kinda saved my ass in the end. I mean, thanks to them I at least had time to brush my teeth but that was it if I was going to make the subway- Oh!“ 
You stopped. 
You stared down at your desk, surprised to see the steaming plastic cup sitting waiting for you. You were even more surprised to see your name scribbled on top, as well as your order printed on the side: a large Pumpkin Spice Latte. 
“Is this for me?” you blinked, turning your gaze across the room. “You got me coffee?” 
“I figured you wouldn’t have time,” Matt shrugged, in true Matt fashion. He always underplayed it whenever he did something for you. He never saw it as a big deal, whether it was taking a bullet for you or just grabbing your dry-cleaning. “You’re always in before I am unless you’re alarm fails to go off so… I grabbed you a coffee when I grabbed myself one. Don’t worry about it.” 
“But … you got my favourite? You remembered?” 
Matt laughed, holding his hand over his chest as he gasped in mock hurt. “Your surprise wounds me, sweetheart.” 
“Oh, hush. It takes more than that to hurt the big bad Devil of Hell’s Kitchen, Matty.”
“Well, I don’t know about that. You’re kind of my weak spot.” 
His admission tugged at your heart and it was hard to hide the resulting grin, especially when he followed the words by stealing a kiss and pulling you into his arms. 
This was always the best part of your morning routine, stealing a moment together before Foggy and Karen arrived. Just a perfect moment of peace, where nothing else existed other than the two of you. It was as if the world had stopped, just for a second, and there was no crazy crime bosses trying to kill you both, bills to pay, or clients in need of your help. 
You were simply two people in love, starting another day at work with a cup of coffee. 
“Have I told you today that you’re the best?” you hummed.
“Not today, I don’t think.” 
“Well then, I’m telling you now. You’re my hero - my coffee grabbing hero.” 
“At your service,” Matt chuckled, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. “But, you do know there’s an easier solution to this, right? One that would cut your commute in half and allow you ample time to get coffee in the morning?”
“Oh, what’s that? Super speed? Or are you going to show me how to parkour my way across rooftops?” 
“Actually… I was thinking you could move in with me?”
You stopped. 
Your head lifted so you could look him right in the eye. For a second you couldn’t tell if you’d misheard him or even just imagined it. “Are - are you serious?”
“As a heart attack,” he teased, his nerves showing as he waited for your answer. “Which is incidentally what you’ll have if you keep on drinking nothing but coffee all the time.” 
“You are such a hypocrite, Murdock-”
“So what? That a deal breaker?” 
“No,” you gasped, meaning every word. It was true. There was no force on earth that could drive you away from the man you were blessed to call your own. “I think, that actually sounds like a pretty good idea to me.”
“Wait, is that a yes?”
“Yes, Matt. It’s a yes.”  
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It was about a week later that you finally made the move a reality. 
You spent the Saturday, assisted by a giddy Foggy and Karen, moving your boxes up the flights of stairs to Matt's apartment. They were only too eager to facilitate the pair of you finally moving in together (a fact proven by the fact you caught Foggy handing Karen a $50 bill. She had apparently bet you'd move in together before the end of the year).
"I had you down for six months ago," Foggy had grumbled, rolling his eyes at Karen's triumphant cheers. "Not my fault you two move at the pace of a glacier."
Still, you knew he was only joking. He was second only to Matt in his enthusiasm, helping move your worldly belongings about the apartment that was now also your home.
"I'm just going to run down and grab the last box from the van," you called, stepping out into the hallway and leaving the three of them to it.
However, you'd only made it a step when you heard someone calling your name.
"Y/N? Is that you?"
You turned and smiled at the kindly elderly woman who you knew to be Matt's closest neighbour. "Hi there, Mrs Manning."
You'd run into her a few times since you and Matt had started dating. She was a kind old soul who had been widowed sometime last year. Now, it was just her and her cat Tigger who resided in their apartment - and she had a real soft spot for your boyfriend.
"You doing ok?"
"Fine, thank you, dear," she smiled, gesturing to the few cardboard boxes still sat by the front door. "Those yours?"
"Uh, yes," you nodded awkwardly, sliding your hands into your pockets, “I’m actually moving in.”
"Well, finally. It was about time," she teased, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. "Now I can have you both over for dinner. It'll be nice for me and for that darling boy in there to have some company. He always spends too much time alone. I swear, he is wasting away - never any meat on those bones of his."
"We'd love to come to dinner," Matt answered smoothly, opening the door and popping his head out with a stealth you still couldn't get used to. He must have heard you talking from the other side of the door. "And don't worry, Mrs Manning, we'll both take good care of each other."
"Good good - and don't worry, I'll have my music playing nice and loud for most of the night so make all the noise you need," she teased, winking cheekily at the pair of you before turning back towards her apartment.
You and Matt were left standing there, speechless.
"I'll see you lovebirds later."
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❄️🍁Autumn/winter edition:
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Things to manifest edition.
So an Anon told me to do it and here it is (sorry for doing it late cause i had to prepare for my final exams🥲)
⋆ ִֶָ ๋𓂃🍁 ⋆ meeting your ideal boyfriend in october.
⋆ ִֶָ ๋𓂃❄️ ⋆ having ice power and Can make it snow.
⋆ ִֶָ ๋𓂃❄️ ⋆ you don't get cold easily.
⋆ ִֶָ ๋𓂃🏂🏻 ⋆ you know how to skate.
⋆ ִֶָ ๋𓂃🍃 ⋆ your hair staying perfect (i hate it when it is windy🥲).
⋆ ִֶָ ๋𓂃🎐 ⋆ having romance like-movie moment with your sp or crush while it is snowing/raining.
⋆ ִֶָ ๋𓂃🎐 ⋆ manifesting your ideal wardrobe.
⋆ ִֶָ ๋𓂃☁️ ⋆ you Can control the weather.
⋆ ִֶָ ๋𓂃🎐 ⋆ traveling on vacation to your dream country or places.
⋆ ִֶָ ๋𓂃🍁 ⋆ Ability to understand animals and talk to them.
⋆ ִֶָ ๋𓂃💌 ⋆ getting confession love letters or getting confessed by hotter popular guys. (Laughing evily inside my head 😏✌🏻).
⋆ ִֶָ ๋𓂃🍁 ⋆ going with your Friends skateboarding.
⋆ ִֶָ ๋𓂃🎐 ⋆ your Pinterest board desires being completely manifested.
⋆ ִֶָ ๋𓂃🍝 ⋆ getting/eating your favorite food.
⋆ ִֶָ ๋𓂃🌂 ⋆ getting offered an umbrella by a handsome Guy (romantic 😏✋🏻).
⋆ ִֶָ ๋𓂃🎐 ⋆ your school planning a trip to your desired places.
⋆ ִֶָ ๋𓂃🎐 ⋆ being kissed on the rain by your sp/crush.
⋆ ִֶָ ๋𓂃❄️ ⋆ having fun moments with your Friends while throwing balls of snow at each others.
⋆ ִֶָ ๋𓂃🎐 ⋆ looking pretty in all the clothes you wear.
⋆ ִֶָ ๋𓂃🎐 ⋆ cuddling with your sp in bed while it's raining outside.
⋆ ִֶָ ๋𓂃🍫 ⋆ having some hot chocolate with your desired person.
~ Xoxo, Eli
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happyely2 · 1 year
Pairing: Portuguese D. Ace x Fem!Reader
Rating: For all and sundry, with a little sprinkle of spiciness here and there
Summary: Small glimpses of daily life in autumn with your partner Ace, in this case we are not in the world of OP, but we are in the real world. An idea that came to me thanks to this Post, and what's more, the Autumn Equinox is today🍂 ah, my favorite season begins!
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🍁 Cosy Autumn Prompts 🍁
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🍁 Cuddling under a blanket 🍁
The days were starting to get shorter and shorter, the air was finally starting to feel fresher and not as muggy as in the previous days which had forced you to sleep in separate beds and with the fan on because it was too hot.
Finally the time came when you could get under a blanket and bask in the early hours of the morning. Ace is happy about this, he complained all summer that he couldn't use you as a pillow - he didn't mind the heat, but you risked fainting if the temperature was too excessive.
It felt good to feel his strong arms wrapping around your waist and bringing you close to him. Ace loved kissing every single inch of your free skin, sometimes he would take off your pajamas to have more skin to kiss, his fingers would pinch your hips pleasantly and you would laugh holding him to you. You liked stroking his hair, kissing his face and gently pulling his cheeks to tease him a little, tracing the lines of his muscles and observing that galaxy of freckles on his body. You kissed him, every now and then a little bite here and there. It was nice to go back to old habits.
“Come on pigeons, come down instead of flirting in bed.” The knocks on the door and Marco's voice brought you back to reality. It was better not to keep the large Newgate family waiting, also because you risked that one of them would enter the room to grab you and drag you out of bed.
You were about to get up when Ace held you back, carrying you back to the bed and placing the blanket over you.
“The two of us haven't finished our dose of morning cuddles yet.” He had said, kissing you passionately and leaving you no escape. Not even the knocks on the doors and threats from his older brother changed Ace's mind.
🍁 Baking together 🍁
Autumn also meant preparing big family lunches for everyone to be together. Or rather you cooked, Ace was responsible for tasting the dishes to help you adjust the spices, salt, pepper and cooking of the food.
The last time he cooked, his brothers had told you, the fire alarm had gone off and for this reason the whole family had decreed that Ace would no longer go near the stove. So all his brothers were amazed at your culinary skills and the fact that you allowed him to stay in the kitchen without causing damage.
“Ace, can you tell me if the pancake batter turned out well? Then get me the sugar and cinnamon.” You said as you continued to mix the cream to fill the pancakes with, Satch had entrusted you with the task of making desserts for that Branch and you had gone wild. Ace was very happy about it, he loved your sweets and finally he could go into the kitchen and scoff at some food.
“Did it come out perfect, when did you fry it?” The boy asked, passing you the ingredients you asked for. You replied that it would be better to do them after everyone had arrived, only his two brothers Sabo and Luffy were missing but they were on their way and would be there any moment.
“Oh no, I forgot to whip the cream for the cake!” Only then did you remember the cake that was resting in the fridge still unfilled and you also had to add all the fruit to it, but you had to finish making the blueberry pancakes and then the apple ones and the peach ones: "Ace, take the whisks and whip the cream, after which I'll decorate it." The situation was desperate because everyone was busy, even Satch.
Your boyfriend looked at you for a whole minute, then following your request and the instructions you gave him: you told him to take the cold container, put the cream in it and then use the whisk, increasing the speed slowly. You also told him what movement he had to make, up and down in such a way as to incorporate a little air to make it softer.
For once you were optimistic, he wouldn't do any damage.
A scream coming from the other side of the kitchen made you whirl towards an Ace covered from head to toe in whipped cream. How had he multiplied the cream like that?! You turned off the stove and headed towards him with a tablecloth to dry him off.
"Look at the bright side." He said as he tasted the cream on the sides of his mouth. Only he could see a positive side in that disaster,
“Didn't you let the kitchen catch fire?” You replied as you cleaned his clothes, he would have to go change, god it had gotten all over him.
“I know how to whip excellent cream.” Ace said smiling at you and letting you taste some whipped cream from his hand. In fact he was right, he had been good and there was enough left in the bowl to fill the cake.
“No Food Porn in my kitchen!” You jumped to attention as soon as you heard Satch's voice coming from the other side of the room and burst out laughing, who knows what he heard.
🍁 Lazy days in 🍁
Ace is a hyperactive boyfriend - despite his chronic narcolepsy - he doesn't know how to sit still for a moment, not even in the morning when you would like to sleep and stay under the covers as much as possible, but no, Ace won't let you. He's like a persistent cricket until you get up and go down to breakfast with him.
Ace tells you what he did as you go down the stairs and you listen to him trying not to trip on the steps and give him all the attention he deserves-because despite everything you love him to death. He took out the rubbish, put away the new bags, went for his morning run and has already met with your whole group of friends to get organized and go to university, he got the newspaper, did the shopping for breakfast and he went to get you your favorite espresso to surprise you.
The container is lukewarm, he begins to slowly sip your drink while your boyfriend does ten thousand things a second, he is emptying the dishwasher that you put on the previous evening while he tells you some gossip about the neighborhood, and he begins to put away every object of the kitchen in its place.
You remain with your drink and your eyes half closed listening to him, smiling every now and then in the hope that your brain will reconnect to the world with the caffeine it is ingesting.
Then the sound of a photo wakes you up and the vibrations of your phone force you to open the family chat - or rather the chat in which Ace's family have included you because for them you are part of the family now.
“Ace, did you send a photo of me in this condition?” You said without getting too angry, by now Ace's family knew you so well that they had seen you in even worse situations - and you had your photo library to be able to threaten them.
“You look like Baby Yoda, look how cute you are!” He said Ace hugging you and peppering you with kisses on the cheeks, as if he were going to charge you-it kind of worked.
“Come on, we have so many things to do and so many lessons to follow.” The brunette said placing your favorite cereal in front of you. His smile was so beautiful.
“Ace it's six in the morning, lessons start at nine, I'm going back to bed.” You tried to get up, but Ace didn't let you go, this time too you weren't able to fully enjoy a lazy day, but your boyfriend knows how to make up for it.
🍁 Carving pumpkins 🍁
Having a little brother is something you've always wanted, and Luffy is perfect for this role. You love Ace's five year old brother, he's small, compact and sometimes when you go out you can pretend to be a happy family to get some discounts on lunch. And Luffy loves calling you mom or calling Ace dad to scare away girls who bother him when you go out shopping together.
And that day was no different, you went out to buy pumpkins to carve, Luffy's school had assigned this task to the children to start decorating the school for the autumn term. And the girls attacked Ace while you and Luffy were choosing the pumpkins to buy, you and the little one looked at each other and carried out the plan, the girls' faces were a sight and Ace played your game so well that they ran away apologizing to you.
“Luffy uses the spoon to remove the pulp and seeds, but don't throw them away, I'll put them in the oven to make some snacks.” You said as you continued carving the pumpkin you had emptied earlier, “Ace help your brother.” You added seeing the smaller one in difficulty. You hadn't expected them both to make a mess and end up covered in pumpkin from head to toe, you were only distracted for two minutes.
You rolled your eyes at their carelessness laughing until you felt something sticky hit your chest. It was pumpkin pulp, the one that was not eaten and which contained all the seeds. The two brothers looked at you with challenging looks. You started running around the kitchen, aware that they would catch you in no time and that they would fill you with pumpkin, but you managed to defend yourself even if you fell and they both followed closely behind you due to how slippery the floor had become.
“Now we have to clean ourselves up.” You said jokingly as you picked up a little Luffy in your arms and removed the pumpkin on his face.
“We bathe together!” The little one said smiling playfully and chuckling and throwing himself on top of you.
“And I was going to cook you, stuff you and eat you.” Ace whispered in your ear making you turn all red as soon as he placed his lips on your neck. Or why your boyfriend could be so damn sexy even in a situation like that.
“Ace I want to eat the stuffed big sister too!” Luffy's comment shocked you, or at least he made you go into disarray while Ace laughed big time at what was happening, the little one looked at you in a daze, leaning on your neckline to understand if you were doing well or badly.
He would then ask Sabo.
🍁 Movie nights 🍁
“We're over having a movie marathon!” Ace always had a bad habit of yelling at everyone when you came up to his room. You knew that he had pushy brothers, very pushy, but every now and then you wanted something calmer.
“Do you have to say it every time?” You asked, pulling his cheek a little.
“Let's go so they don't bother us.” The boy replied as he kissed the palm of his hand making you blush visibly.
“Turn the volume up a little or change movie genre, lovebirds!” Izou's voice made you stop halfway up the stairs, the boy with long black hair passed you, adding: "And this time we're almost full, so I suggest you don't do any kind of stunt."
"WHAT WOULD YOU SAY?" Ace started chasing his brother.
“That the walls of the house are thin turnip heads!”
🍁 Flannel shirts 🍁
If there was one thing you liked to do it was get rid of Ace's shirts. Your beloved boyfriend had built up so much muscle mass thanks to his workouts that many shirts he owned had to be given away because they were too small now. And finally you could throw away some of dubious taste, like the leopard one or the one with zebra stripes. You finally had the power and the opportunity to get new ones.
“Cool colors suit you better Ace.” You told him as you hung some shirts in those shades, you had filled him with shirts to try on in the changing rooms.
“Are you sure I need that many? I only need a couple." He said coming out of the dressing room and wearing the dark red one, it looked great on him.
“This autumn will be milder than others, you need these light shirts so you don't die of the heat.” You responded by fixing his collar and smiling at him: “Come on, you have six more to try, come on Love!”
🍁 Cold hands 🍁
“Your hands are frozen!” Ace always worries about you, I mean how do you lose heat even though you go out all covered up with sweaters, scarves, hats and gloves. During the lessons you take together Ace has to hold your hands to prevent them from becoming very cold.
“You know that I lose heat and that you gain it.” You said resting your head on his shoulder. Your university had a bad habit of not turning the heating on full blast, yet the rainy week was always the coldest.
“And yet I like your hands freezing when you run them over me.” Ace's voice was a whisper in your ear, accompanied by the gesture of taking your hand and placing it under his sweatshirt in direct contact with the skin of his abs. Suddenly a hot flash hit you out of the blue, you tried to stay calm so you wouldn't be discovered.
“You're a stove.”
“A stove that needs to be cooled. At the end of the lesson we go to the study room.” He whispered in your ear.
You definitely felt warmer now.
🍁 Steaming mugs 🍁
You had gone out early that morning, even though your nature would have led you to stay in bed for a while longer, but the sales for the furnishings of the house were starting and you wanted to go and buy something to start decorating it a little more and because the plates and glasses were starting to run out, you no longer lived alone in that house, Ace had almost moved in with you now, he was just missing one thing.
So you didn't think twice when you saw a giant orange mug on a shop cupboard next to a blue one. Orange and Blue are two complementary colors you remembered.
You didn't waste time, you bought them immediately and finished your shopping quickly to rush home to put everything away.
When Ace came back and saw the two steaming cups of hot chocolate and cream, decorated with cookies and homemade treats on the kitchen table he looked at you with eyes full of sweetness.
“Now you practically live with me, you have your toothbrush, your clothes are mixed with mine and you have the keys to the house, all you were missing was a cup for breakfast.” You said hugging him tightly to you, you would never let him go, not after he had entered your heart like that and made it his own. Ace held you tightly to him, he had never felt so good in that moment. He lifted you up and filled you with kisses not letting you go for any reason, he had finally found someone who would never abandon him and who was accepting him for who he was.
🍁 Scary movie marathons 🍁
You've never liked scary movies, the nightmares you get aren't normal, and you don't sleep for three days when you see one. But all of Ace's adopted brothers love having scary movie marathons and that's why they brought you in. Even little Luffy is braver than you and he watches them without any problems while eating his popcorn.
You can't watch them, not even the ones produced by Disney, in your opinion those are even more terrifying. For this reason Ace has organized it in the following way: You holding him and Luffy sitting on your lap. You were able to follow the film calmly, covering your eyes with Ace's hand when the scene became too scary, even if Luffy told you about it and everyone started laughing...
Then you had to go to the bathroom because you drank too much coke, and because everyone needed a break, it was the third movie in a row you'd seen and you had to order pizzas.
You rinsed your face and walked out of the bathroom, meeting Luffy down the hall as he grabbed his favorite hat from his room and asked you to wait for him.
Once the child returned you walked towards the living room, unaware that someone was following you in the shadows.
It was a matter of moments, the light went off and on again a couple of times while you were walking down the corridor, what's more it was raining and the sound of the rain distracted you for those few seconds, you approached the window to see if there were any flashes on the horizon and the moment the light went away again and then reappeared you saw the figure behind you from the reflection in the window.
You whipped around to stand in front of Luffy to hide him from the black figure who possessed a disturbing voice and a blood-soaked knife.
You screamed, picked up Luffy - because the little straw hat was going to hit the monster - and ran down the stairs with tears in your eyes as it chased you.
Ace was under the stairs and caught you in time before you fell to the floor, you closed your eyes and a familiar laugh made you instinctively turn around.
Satch had taken off his mask and was laughing out loud, only to be hit by Marco and Izou and scolded.
You were shaking in Ace's arms and had tears in your eyes, your boyfriend got even more angry at his older brother, he and Luffy chased him around the house to teach him a lesson while Izou took you to get something warm to drink in the kitchen to relax your nerves.
Ace came back to you, hugging you and apologizing for what had happened.
“Don't worry, I'll sleep with you this evening and we beat Satch properly.” He said to reassure you.
“I want Luffy too.” You said as the little one came towards you to check on you. Ace didn't say anything, he knows that Luffy is a great nightmare buster and seeing that you love him so much warms his heart.
🍁 Home-cooked meals 🍁
If there's one thing you like to make, it's your family's homemade recipes. Your mom sent you Grandma's cookbook and now you're flipping through it with Ace. your grandmother wrote those recipes by hand, meticulously noting all the steps and tips that she acquired over time.
“This seems to be good.” She said Ace pointing to a recipe that included figs. She knew they were your favorite fruit and that you would eat them endlessly.
“Unfortunately, however, we no longer have figs, they no longer sell them in the supermarket, their season is coming to an end.” You replied, they look at the bruschetta that could be made for lunch, or the jam or the savory dishes or even other desserts.
“Who told you we have to get them at the supermarket.” You looked at Ace a little worried when he dialed Satch's number - despite the horror evening you forgave him - and when half an hour later the person concerned showed up at your house with a basket full of figs and everything you needed to do your grandmother's desserts and recipes.
“Satch, are you staying with us for dinner?” You asked carrying the basket into the kitchen.
“Actually the others are arriving too. Even Father wants to try your grandmother's recipes." The brunette replied carrying two more baskets of Figs, Ace had more in his hand.
You didn't wonder where they got them from, you smiled again because you know that was Ace's plan.
“I know you love cooking homemade meals as a family.” Your boyfriend said, kissing you lightly as the doorbell rang again, “These are the others, Luffy can't wait to get cooking.”
🍁 Scented candles 🍁
Ace had noticed that your mood was a bit down lately, the period of ongoing tests wasn't at all easy at university, especially when he knew that your professors were very rigid and expected mind-boggling projects. He helped you as best he could when he heard you repeat yourself or when you had to do a presentation or a practical project.
So as soon as he saw that mega set of orange, cinnamon and vanilla scented candles he had a great idea.
You heard a knock on the door of your study, you hadn't gotten up for four hours you noticed and when you told Ace he could come in but you didn't hear the door open you got weirded out. So without wasting time you left the room only to notice a lot of red rose petals on the carpet creating a trail towards the bathroom.
You went to investigate, then opened the door and noticed the atmosphere that your boyfriend had created in your bathroom: the heater was on and had warmed the air, the water in the tub was hot and steaming and full of foam and then there was 'there were candles, the candles were lit and released a very good scent of citrus, cinnamon and vanilla and there were also rose petals in the tub.
Ace leaned his chin on your shoulder and kissed your neck: “Come on, let's take a nice hot bath.” He said placing his warm hands on your hips.
You undressed each other and entered the hot tub, you leaned against his chest and enjoyed all the cuddles and attention he was giving you: not only had he taken the candles but also the shampoo, conditioner and shower gel matched.
“Thanks Ace, I really needed that.” You said turning to him and kissing him passionately.
“Anything to see you happy.” The dark-haired man replied, kissing him back.
For that evening you could do without studying, you had your eye on a body oil to put on after the shower.
🍁 Bear hugs 🍁
Ace was always ready to react to any situation, he had faced some rough and tumble during his life, but he certainly couldn't expect to be welcomed into the house by you and Luffy dressed in bear pajamas, which also included the matching hood.
You jumped on him once he entered the house and you all burst out laughing and Ace hugged you tight, so tight.
You were so lovely.
“We have pajamas for you too.” Luffy said running to get him. While Ace continued to kiss you.
“You're such a cute little bear.” He told you, kissing your forehead, then his gaze fell on your neckline and he noticed something that he liked even more.
“This little teddy bear will get plenty of honey tonight.” You whispered in his ear as Luffy arrived in Ace's costume.
Your boyfriend smirked as he went to change followed by his little brother. “Get ready, this bear wants a lot of honey.” He told you as he took off his shirt and thinking of all the ways he could make Luffy as tired as possible so you could have the whole evening to yourself.
So now on his lock screen there are the three of you all dressed up as a family of bears, but in your private chat there was you in the background with a copper colored lace suit and honey covering your breasts.
Grinning, Ace texted you that he was going to buy some honey that was out of stock.
🍁 Coffee shop dates 🍁
Going out in autumn meant only one thing, calling all your friends to go and have a hot and steaming drink to be in company, laugh and joke.
Ace had a commitment at university and would arrive later, but luckily he had one of your closest friends to keep you company. Yamato had managed to free herself from commitments with her family and had immediately run to the cafeteria, crushing you in a hug that never ended. You hadn't seen each other for three months and you started chatting about everything that had happened, until the waitress came by to ask you if you wanted something and while your friend was ordering a pumpkin pie and a hot tea you he only asked for tea.
“I haven't been so well lately.” You told her as you sweetened your cinnamon tea.
“After all the desserts you made, I believe it!” Yamato replied, regretting not having been able to taste them.
“It will be as you say and I also gained weight, ugh starting today we're going on a diet.” You said as you saw Ace arriving with your entire company of friends. He too was happy to see Yamato again after a long time and while he went to order for him.
“Aren't you pregnant?” Yamato asked you in a low tone of voice, explaining that everything you had had coincided with a pregnancy.
“I don't think so, we were always careful.” You responded as you saw your boyfriend walking back with the others and giving Yamato a look that you would talk about it later, even if you were skeptical. Ace had sat next to you with a steaming cup of hot chocolate and cream and you had changed the subject, Yamato had given you a look as if to say to get checked and then started joking with the others, while Ace held you close self.
🍁 Bonfire night 🍁
“If you're that sick, let's not go.” Ace had been categorical. Since that morning you have been nauseous and your head is heavy, you almost fell down the stairs.
“Ace I must have caught a cold, a Tachipirina and I'm fine.” You said while you were drinking tea instead of coffee, it was the only thing that made you feel good: "And then this evening all our friends are here and Yamato also managed to free herself for this night." It was the most beautiful part when the bonfires were lit for barbecues all together on the evening of the Autumn equinox and you would go there.
In the end Ace had to give in to your stubbornness, but at least he won the debate regarding a medical examination to be done, you had been too ill lately and this worried him.
When you arrived everyone was happy to see you, they had thought that until the last moment you couldn't come and finally you started making bonfires, Yamato stayed next to you the whole time at Ace's request, you might not have felt nauseous anymore, but the dizziness was still present.
“Eventually I'll go get some blood tests, maybe it's something missing.” You said to Yamato as you prepared the skewers to cook and Ace helped start the fire.
“If needed, I can hold Luffy for you.” She said your friend nodding to Ace that he was okay.
Your boyfriend worried a little too much.
“Did you manage to eat anything?” He asked you with a mug of beer in his hand and sitting next to you, he smelled like embers, even if he stung your nose it was a smell that didn't bother you.
“Yes, I ate something calm Ace.” You replied taking a sip of his beer and grimacing, you usually liked the beer he had.
“Mhm, my tastes are altered.” You said as you leaned against him and watched the fire dance in front of you. Ace held you close to him as you slowly fell asleep lulled by the sound of the chatter of the people dear to you and the warmth of the bonfire.
🍁 Pillow forts 🍁
Ace was a good, amazing older brother who managed to satisfy Luffy's requests in every way. So you weren't shocked when you saw the living room of old Newgate's house transformed into a battlefield with trenches and forts built with cushions and all the foster brothers - even Father - playing war.
You had gone out to get blood drawn, you were only gone for an hour and all this had happened.
You burst out laughing when you saw everyone appear with improvised helmets and helmets and pillows of all kinds to throw as weapons. In short, where did they come from?
But what made you laugh the most was the moment when Izo and Satch took you hostage to make Ace and Luffy's team lose. Needless to say, the two brothers jumped into the fray to pick you up while Marco and Whitebeard laughed heartily.
In the end, many more pillows flew than expected, but nothing broke.
Luffy fell asleep on you, while the others cleaned up the mess that was created.
“It was to keep Luffy calm, he heard us talking about your blood tests and he got worried.” He said Ace then sitting next to you, “How did they go? When will you have the results?” He asked, stroking your hair.
“They went well, Yamato didn't give me a single moment of peace. I'll have them in a couple of days.” You responded by leaning on Ace, the environment of the pillow fort was so comfortable that you felt protected, Ace was there to protect you.
🍁 Thunderstorms 🍁
The first flash had torn the sky and blown you both into the air. Then the downpour started and the force with which the rain hit the windows of your room was enough to keep you awake.
You hugged Ace, unable to sleep anymore. Neither of them liked times like those.
“Tomorrow we may not even go to university.” Ace said showing you the weather alert notification that had come from the university just then.
“It's better this way, tomorrow we had a full day until six in the afternoon.” You said as you got into a sitting position feeling a cramp in your stomach. You got up to go to the bathroom to put away that evening's dinner. Ace behind you holding your hair and rubbing your back.
“Still with this nausea?” He was worried, the tests were slow in arriving and your nausea showed no signs of disappearing.
“Ace will be the period maybe, don't worry I'm not even losing weight.” You told him after rinsing your mouth and tidying up the bathroom.
Another bolt of lightning had illuminated the room and set off the alarms of some cars.
“Text Sabo to see how he, Koala and Luffy are doing.” You had said as you made sure everything was in order in the living room.
“Look at them, all three of them are sleeping in the big bed.” Ace showed you the photo and you smiled.
Other notifications arrived from the other family group and you laughed when you saw what was written. There were those who were taking the oars and the boat.
You got back into the bed, with Ace massaging your stomach to give you some relief: "Do you have your period?" He asked you deep in thought.
“In a couple of weeks why?”
“So, I didn't remember when you were supposed to come.” He replied, smiling at you and leaving a kiss on your cheek.
The storm wouldn't let you sleep, you both knew it, so you both immediately came up with a good idea to pass the time.
🍁 Leaf piles 🍁
The real autumn had now arrived and the evidence was the leaves falling on your driveway. You had piled them up well, they waste the whole morning cleaning up the garden. In fact, you took advantage of the opportunity to prune the flowerbeds and spend time with your friends.
Kid and Law wasted no time competing to see who could remove the most, while Satch and Izo cleaned the gutters with Ace and Marco sat next to you while you repainted the chairs for the outside.
Luffy was arriving at that moment accompanied by Shanks and Makino. So you prepared a good cinnamon tea for everyone, catching Luffy and Ace in time before they threw themselves into the pile of dry leaves that had been collected, you had wasted the day tidying up the garden.
“So it doesn't show any signs of disappearing?” Makino had asked sitting next to you, it wasn't a mystery to anyone that your health wasn't the best at the moment and Ace had talked about it with the woman next to you to get some suggestions.
“No, there are days when I feel better, others when I can't even get up, not to mention the smells. Some perfumes I can't wear anymore.” You said, sipping the hot drink.
A notification from your phone had caught your attention, it was the test results.
Looking at them they all seem to be perfect, so it was quite strange, not even Law was strange looking at them from the phone.
Ace was behind you, he noticed your sad look, so he picked you up and ran towards the large pile of leaves you had collected and jumped into them. You yelped in surprise as the others joined you and you laughed.
Whatever the problem was you would figure it out and Ace was amazing at cheering you up.
🍁 Sharing blankets 🍁
Sharing blankets was a concept that didn't apply easily to the two of you. Or at least you tried to do it the right way, but everything was impossible. Ace moved during the night and his blankets were thrown all over you.
You had all tried them, but there was no way to share them well.
“Yamato moves too much.” You said while you were at the supermarket with your friend.
“Then throw him out of bed.” She had replied, using her height to reach for the pumpkin mixture on the top shelf.
You laughed out loud, thinking that Yamato was right in the end, then you received a notification from Ace showing you a Pail blanket with sleeves that he had just gotten with the message: maybe we can sleep better with this.
You laughed and headed towards the registers to pay, but not before buying some things you wanted at the last moment.
“You should take a test.” Yamato had been trying to convince you for days, ever since you told him about the nausea and so without thinking twice she went into the pharmacy and took a whole pack and put it in your bag. There was no way to argue and in the end you returned home with Ace having joined you shortly after.
“Ace learn to move less, or I would hurt my friend!” She told him Yamato grabbing his cheeks and Ace had responded in kind saying it wasn't her fault.
You said goodbye shortly after and returned home with a giant family pizza to eat in front of the TV. You felt like it as soon as you saw the flyer and so you were able to experiment with the new blanket with sleeves and the pocket to put the remote controls.
Ace was good at choosing blankets so you could stay closer to him.
🍁 Rain showers 🍁
“I'm stuck at dad's house because of these stupid rain showers.” Ace hated being away from you, but in old Newgate's house the tip had collapsed and he and his brothers had gone to repair it, of course the beach didn't help and it was strong again.
“Come on, love, don't worry, it'll be over in a couple of hours.” You reassured him as you opened your bag to empty it. You saw the Test Yamato had given you and now looked at where to put it in the bathroom while you continued talking to Ace.
“Ace, I'll call you back in a moment…” You had abruptly ended the call due to the nausea you felt at that moment. Yet it wasn't early in the morning.
You looked at the test left on the nightstand and mentally called yourself stupid.
You were sure of it, you couldn't be.
The sound of the rain woke you up from your thoughts and that's why you told yourself that to pass the time you would do one.
And while the symbol appeared on the display along with the numbers that would tell you how old you were, you heard the door open and Ace run into the bathroom towards you, wet from head to toe and worried dead after you hadn't called him back.
“Love what happened?” Ace had leaned over to see what you had in your hand, fearing the worst when he suddenly saw you blanch.
“Oh it can't be!” You said turning to him with the positive test in your hand, “Wait it could be a false positive, let's do another one.” You said taking another test and throwing Ace out of the bathroom, yelling at him to get you some pear juice.
Five tests later you were now sure of it.
“It's three months.” You said looking down, now everything was taking a very specific turn.
Ace was next to you, looking at you with a look you couldn't decipher. You knew that he had fears of pregnancy, his mother had died from complications after giving birth and was then given up for adoption by his father, he had always felt guilty about this.
You never expected that he would hug you and whisper those words in your ear: "Don't think who knows what, we will keep him and raise him." His voice was broken by tears.
You both cried, a little happy and a little scared for what was about to await you. But you were happy that Ace wanted to start a family with you, despite the shadows of his past.
🍁 Log cabin 🍁
Gathering all your friends and family in the wooden cabin in the mountains was not easy, at all. It wasn't even easy to keep the secret until then. Because Makino and Yamato had suspected something.
Yet both of you are enjoying everyone's surprised faces.
“Your tests showed none of this.” Law looked at the ultrasound in his hand and passed it to the others. Kid would tease him for months.
“They sent the tests wrong, they confused them with those of another patient.” You responded as you picked Luffy up and pressed a kiss to his cheek. He was the most elated of all. Along with Shanks he couldn't stop laughing.
“Ahhhh how beautiful! I'm so happy for you!” Yamato was over the moon and couldn't stop hugging you. In the end she was right and didn't hold back from saying I told you so.
Satch had fainted, literally fainted on the floor as soon as he heard the news, while Izo and Marco and all of Ace's other adoptive brothers were complimenting the two of you. With lots of jokes that further cheered everyone up.
“Now I can become a grandfather!” Whitebeard laughed, clapping Ace loudly on the shoulder and insisting that you two should move in with him.
“Dad…” Ace couldn't feel his shoulder anymore, but he was happy.
Koala did nothing but cry with happiness and Sabo was overjoyed to become an uncle. The only one who remained perplexed was Grandpa Garp, despite everything the old man was happy for you, but he would have gladly killed his grandson and would have had a very long fist-fighting chat with him.
“Come on Grandpa Garp you have a chance to be an amazing great grandfather.” You told him, taking him by the arm and bringing him closer to the others, in the end he too started laughing and joking with everyone else.
“So is he male or female?” Luffy's curiosity had attracted everyone's attention.
“We'll find out at the next check.” Ace had responded to his little brother by picking him up. Needless to say, more than half the world would participate in that check and the betting would start, you were sure of it.
You and Ace were happy though, despite all the stress you went through in those days and seeing people give you so close to you cheered you up a lot.
“You're about to become parents, I can't do it.” Satch held the ultrasound and smiled.
And as Ace hugged you a new awareness grew in you.
You were happy to have found a boy like him.
You were happy that a new chapter in your life was about to begin.
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itssimplythesims · 11 months
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Maddie at the Autumn Festival 🍁
It's been a while since we've seen Mads out and about! Being a cop in Bridgeport has left her with a few scars–literally–but she's finally at a point where she can take some time off and escape both her job and train wreck of a love life. Here she is about to meet up with some friends at the Smith Farm Autumn Festival. 🍂
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melpherno · 6 months
Under the Maple Tree
Archmage ! Clarence x reader
Tags: fluff, cuddling; a lot of cuddling, post-Godheim, post-Epilogue.
Word count: 2.1 k !
Ao3 link [🍁]
A/N: this does not end in angst; in fact, it doesn't even have a molecule of angst, trust me. I'm doing the impossible for us delulu Archmage simps because, at this point, "Archmage" and "Angst" have become one lol. Enjoy~
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The land of Godheim welcomed autumn again.
This time, instead of walking alone through the maple grooves on the outskirts of Maple Ridge, the little painter was blessed with the company of the Archmage. Hand in hand, they continued towards their unpredicted destination. Usually, Clarence would prefer to make a thoroughly thought-out itinerary before embarking on such a long journey, however, ever since the little painter joined his side – he had allowed her to take him wherever she pleased; a gift to her, after waiting for him for, perhaps, almost an aeon; a pledge to her that he'd always follow her footsteps, and never depart from her ever again.
Throughout the journey, Clarence seemed to be submerged in his never-ending thoughts; forever worrying about his little painter. He still wondered why the little painter had chosen him; out of all of the people she might’ve met travelling across space and time – why him? What did he ever do in his outstretched life that made her love him so ardently, so genuinely, without holding a single grudge against him for all he had done?
The little painter, on the other hand, simply enjoyed the autumn scenery of Godheim. She had rarely seen such beauty in this land, let alone that one time when the Archmage made her witness the variety of seasons here; besides that, this felt special; now that she was truly here – walking through the maple forest, admiring the trees with bright red leaves embellishing them all, and taking in the crunching sound that followed with every step she took that brought an indescribable satisfaction to her ears. The soft afternoon sunlight illuminated the path before them, glinting through the leaves, as they endeavoured forth.
Soon after, the little painter perked up after having caught a glimpse of a river's bank – this could be a perfect time to sit down after trekking nonstop for about three hours. She even wondered how Clarence could even walk without breaking a sweat for this long; he didn't go on walks in the spatiotemporal gap now, did he? The little painter finally turned to look at Clarence, who seemed solemn; a neutral yet detached look on his face, as if he was pondering something.
The little painter finally called out, “Hey, Clarence, I see a river up ahead. Care to take a break?”
Clarence was startled out of his reveries, his eyes widened slightly as his steps came to an abrupt halt upon hearing his saviour's voice, however, his surprise didn't last long as he turned to face her with that same neutral expression once again. “Didn't we just take a break?”
“That was three hours ago!” The little painter argued, her loud voice echoing through the woods, wavering amidst the mildly blowing wind of late autumn. Despite all the time they had passed being separated, the little painter didn't seem to change at all; she still had that fierce spirit and enthusiasm that graced her personality – a stark contrast to the Archmage's usual collected self, almost resembling a stoic sentinel.
Clarence sighed, shaking his head slightly before responding with a strained smile, “Sure. Don't take too long. We need to reach the village before evening.”
Without wasting a moment, the little painter jogged towards the river bank, taking a moment to appreciate the view. It was serene, rather idyllic even, with the gentle blow of wind that made the branches of the maple trees sway, making a few leaves flutter midair as they fell onto the slightly murky water of the river. The little painter felt slightly disappointed, now that she couldn't keep a painting of this scenery without her painting supplies around. However, with the thought of conjuring up painting supplies with magic, she turned to ask for her lover's assistance, only to find him near one of the maple trees – entertaining himself with a flock of birds as they flew down to sit on his shoulders, and one brown bird even rested upon his palm.
These were only a few birds; the little painter recalled the last time they took a stoppage at a quaint village in the northwest. After having a short snack moment upon the little painter’s insistence, Clarence decided to feed the critters some leftover pieces of bread – only to find out that, after a few moments, he was surrounded by the cattle and critters of the entire village. The Archmage, despite his imposing and stoic nature, was favoured by all sorts of animals.
A rather adorable trait, the little painter mused.
She slowly approached the Archmage, trying to eavesdrop on whatever he was mumbling to the little birds. Upon reaching him, she could only make out some of his hushed whispers: “I feel … calm.”
Clarence smiled softly as a bird pecked at his fingers, completely unaware of all the perilous magic his hands could create. He continued in the same gentle tone, “Whenever I'm with her, I feel content; as if I couldn't be happier.” The little painter then noticed his expression become somewhat solemn, his smile dropping ever so slightly. “Though, I'm unsure whether I could ever make myself happy. But, I'm certain, she can.”
The little painter could feel a smile inevitably creeping up her face as she went a few steps closer to the Archmage. “What are you talking about?”
Hearing her voice once again, Clarence visibly flinched, disturbing the birds as they flew away in fear. He turned around, avoided the girl's teasing little stare and replied in a curt tone, “Nothing.”
“Oh, is that so?” The little painter said with a snicker. “I thought I heard you saying something… about me?”
“Well–” Clarence was about to retort, but he stopped to find proper excuses. “...”
The little painter continued to smile even more, now that she had defeated Clarence in this little banter of theirs. She then looked around, trying to find a place to sit down and enjoy the scenery around them. After a few moments, she asked, “Do you want to sit down over there for a moment?”
“I do not wish to be rude, but,” Clarence responded, after regaining his usual indifferent composure, in a flat tone, “that'll only be a waste of time. We need to reach the village before the sun sets.”
“Oh, come on, Clarence. Just five minutes?” The little painter tried her best to persuade the Archmage, even so, she tried to tug at his sleeves – seemed like she still had that childlike innocence she had since the day they departed; thinking about it made the Archmage hesitate with his words slightly.
He thought for words to dissuade the painter with, but, failed miserably as his fondness for her and affinity towards nature beckoned him to give in to the earthly pleasures for once. “Very well.”
The little painter then grabbed his hand, and almost dragged him towards the spot she had chosen and sat down on the grass under one of the maple trees. The Archmage, without finding any other words to object with, made himself sit down beside her. Clarence looked around to notice the view, and as expected, the little painter had chosen the most beautiful perspectives – he should've expected this from an artist like her, who had to find beauty in the rarest places. He noticed how peaceful the forestries on the other side of the river looked, how the sunlight reflected on the streams of water, and how, out of all places – where he felt the most calm at was the places the little painter chose herself.
“You know, Clarence,” the little painter started, shifting closer to the Archmage, her shoulder brushing against his arm, “this moment reminds me of something…”
“Of what, may I ask?” His voice remained soft as he asked, almost like a whisper, only for the little painter to hear.
“Of that dream, you once showed me.” She looked up to face him, noticing how the afternoon light glinted on the monocle resting on his right eye. “An opportunity to experience the different seasons of Godheim.”
He hummed, approving the little painter's comment. “And how do you feel now?”
“Better than ever,” she said, trailing her fingers down his arm to grasp at his hand – oh, what a tease; that simple action made the Archmage look away, a futile attempt to hide the evident blush growing on his face. Thereafter, sensing the Archmage's shyness, the little painter wrapped her other arm around his body to pull him closer; and to that, the little painter felt the man stiffen more than ever. This was, perhaps, for the Archmage, the first time to ever experience her warm embrace. He did hold her within his arms once; in the spatiotemporal gap, before they were destined to depart – but, this time, it felt unique; the embrace now bore a feeling that was unknown to the Archmage – something that he never had experienced before in his long riverbed of life. He welcomed this exceptional feeling that harboured no sense of resentment or melancholy within it. However, he still didn't give into the sensation just yet, and the little painter frowned upon noticing his hesitance.
“Clarence,” the little painter said, “it's all right. You can relax.”
Well, certainly, the Archmage couldn't make himself relax to this newly found feeling, nevertheless, he attempted to lean against the bark of the tree, his hands shivering in the late autumn breeze as he wrapped his arms around the little painter to bring her closer even more. The little painter happily leaned her head against her lover's shoulder, letting out a pleased hum when she closed her eyes. She felt happy; no conflict, no tears falling, no bloodshed – simply the gentle monotony of a peaceful life to accompany the two lovers forward. Perhaps this was the life the little painter traversed through worlds for; and perhaps, to enjoy the simplicity of this moment, the Archmage had to sacrifice himself for. But, they were both content, that at least their sacrifices were not in vain – that fate had finally blessed them with happiness.
Under the maple tree, Clarence held his lover in his arms again, looking down at her resting figure with a gentle smile on his face. He raised a hand and brought it towards the little painter's face, and gently pinched her cheek. The little painter shot open her eyes; of all the possible outcomes from this scenario, she hadn't expected Clarence to pull such a playful and rather childish act on her.
“Clarence,” she said, followed by a soft laugh. “Why'd you do that?”
“There was something on your face,” Clarence replied.
The little painter knew that was a lie. She only smiled, deciding to give him a payback; with a swift move, she grabbed his monocle and brought it to her face, to examine it. However, due to the chain being attached behind Clarence's ear, it only brought him closer to the little painter.
Now, face to face, being mere inches apart from the little painter’s lips, Clarence blushed furiously. The little painter on the other hand, was slightly startled by the result of her mischievous misconduct, but she didn't mind it much – after all, her intentions were to make the Archmage flustered. When Clarence was about to apologise and pull away, uttering some sort of excuse, he was cut off by the little painter pulling him closer; being surprised once again as he felt the little painter's lips being upon his. And then, it felt like the flow of time had stopped, the only thing that ever mattered to him at that moment was her; his beloved saviour – a blessing from the stars. Clarence was no less stiff than a stone then, refusing to move his lips to the rhythm of the little painter’s as she continued to press her lips against the Archmage's chapped ones. The little painter, upon noticing Clarence’s unease, decided to save this man from his misery.
After they broke the kiss, the little painter took the moment to inspect Clarence's reaction: his eyes avoiding hers, cheeks covered with a faint red tint, and breathing heavily – also, she couldn't help noticing how sweet and more humble he seemed compared to his usual stoic self. He smiled faintly once more, sighing before he hid his face within the crook of the little painter's neck, softly nuzzling against her. The little painter, giggling to herself, ran a hand through Clarence's long hair, while the other hand softly rubbed his back – rubbing circles and tracing little hearts upon the fabric of his coat. She then said in a teasing tone, “Clarence, aren't five minutes over yet?”
The little painter felt the Archmage shift a little, letting out an exasperated sigh; seemed like the little painter's plan worked, Clarence was successfully persuaded.
“I hope you wouldn't mind if we were to spend five more minutes like this?” He mumbled against her fabric of clothes.
“Sure,” she responded with a smile. “Perhaps five more minutes won't hurt.”
Therefore, the two lovers remained under the shade of the maple tree, experiencing the warmth of each other’s embraces for what felt like an eternity.
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