#so logically i couldve agreed out of desperation before she started exhibiting deranged behavior
moodr1ng ยท 15 days
remembering how in first year of art school as a 20 year old i was running late to class one morning and i ran all the way down the street to catch my tram and missed it.. so im just at the tram stop catching my breath ready to wait on the next one. and this lady pulls up nearby in her car w a man in the passenger seat, rolls down her window, and calls out to me that she can give me a ride or something. im like.. not only do i look like a teen boy so this is suspicious behavior, but im also trans and im not gonna jump into the car of two unknown grown people right.. and so i say im good and go wait for the tram. but she wont fucking leave! she just stays there on the side of the road by the tram station calling out to me and whatnot while im just trying to get some distance away and ignore her.. at one point this guy across the station calls out to me like "hey shes trying to talk to you! shes asking you to come over!", clearly under the belief that the woman was some friend or relative or whatever, and i just yelled back "i dont know her!!" and the guy was like ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜.. eventually she gave up and left but what an absolutely bizarre interaction lol like i still cant quite figure it out today.. why would she stick around for like a whole minute trying to get me in her car ๐Ÿ˜ญ and tbc this was not like a "people in a similar age group interacting" this was a grown woman old enough to be my mother..
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