#so many people independently of each other have called me that. friends. classmates. clients. BOSSES
g0dtier · 10 months
you know i personally always felt that people are too varied to really be described as a trope and for it to fit. because people act differently depending on context/situation and thus are obviously perceived differently as well! my friends view me as someone who used to have a slightly unhinged reckless streak and did a whole lot of wild shit, but my clients and colleagues 100% think of me as the kind of person who doesnt even know that half the shit i did exists. i dress differently, act differently, tell different stories. as do we all! this is a normal part of the human experience
so can someone tell me why every time people try to describe me they always call me a "chaotic professor type" and why every time that phrase is dropped it makes other people do the farquaad pointing at me
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