#so many vezra feelings..........
fisheoctrashdump · 4 years
Ezra 1-20 ewewewewe
Kinda like with Caleb, I imagine Ezra really disliking Christmas. Every year around his birthday and Christmas he gets pretty depressed and avoids Christmas themed stuff, but it's so hard to do when it's just…. Everywhere. He can't really get excited for his birthday, either.
He has to celebrate with his mother every year, and this includes going back to their church. Despite this, he tries to give his friends, partners, and Devon gifts and pretend like he's not writhing in agony on the inside.
His favorite holiday… I'm not sure. I feel like other people's birthdays would be the most important to him.
Ezra is actually a decent cook, but he doesn't have much time to do it. He does enjoy cooking, though.
He refuses sleep constantly. When he actually goes to bed (whether willingly or forced), Ezra is a very peaceful sleeper. He doesn't move much, and he doesn't snore or anything. The only abnormal thing about his sleeping is that he occasionally sleepwalks to other rooms.
He can drive, but he just…. Really prefers not to. He does everything he can to avoid it lol pretty much all of his partners have gotten used to driving Ezra around everywhere.
So, Ezra has super oily hair. He has to wash his hair literally everyday, or his hair will look and feel greasy. On the days he doesn't have time and skips showering, he wears a hat to cover his hair.
He takes boiling hot showers and he doesn't waste any time. Ezra finishes a shower in like five minutes, but he wasn't always like that. In high school he used to spend a lot of time in the shower lol
When Ezra is feeling an overflow of emotions about someone or something, he hugs. It's usually one where he holds tight to the other person as if they are the only thing holding him together. (And in a way, they are.)
He hugs certain people more than others, of course. Ezra doesn't feel quite as comfortable hugging Amber in the same way he does Damon or Venus.
Ezra loves getting kisses from his partners, but he is an anxious kisser. I imagine him being the kind of person to ask for permission before kissing someone, and he probably still does that with his newer partners.
You wouldn't expect Ezra to be as kinky as he is. It's genuinely surprising to his partners when he discusses sex with them the first time (except for Amber, who was never really told what Ezra was into, she just kinda tried stuff out and figured out what stuck.)
Despite this, Ezra actually doesn't like having sex often. He has a lot of other ways he'd rather be spending his free time until he actually gets in the mood.
General physical contact
Ezra has been very affectionate with the people he loves pretty much his whole life. He very often sits close to people or leans against them. It's comforting. He often holds people longer than they're comfortable or is convenient. (For example, Casey wants to grab a water, but Ezra refuses to let go of his hand so he follows Casey to the kitchen)
Very clingy boi.
Physical appearance
I have already done a picture for him before, and also have described in his character sheet, but here's a recap/extra info
He's 5'3, making him shorter than all of his friends and partners
As a kid he pretty much always had his hair shaved in a buzz cut, but he always wanted to grow his hair out as long as Venus and Casey's. Currently his hair is chin length, but it will end up being about waist length before he's satisfied.
So for this one I'm just gonna cheat and steal what I already wrote on his character sheet lol
He's currently trying to figure out his style, because between Hannah and Amber's influence on him, he doesn't really know what he wants anymore. He's been experimenting with different clothing, leading to some pretty awful outfits at times, but he's recently found himself more comfortable in v necks and sweater jackets / denim jackets. He wears a red beanie that Amber made for him often, but not all the time.
Sometimes he will take off with one of Casey's denim jackets, and wear it constantly until Casey asks for it back
It's also not uncommon to see Ezra leave the house in his pajamas, especially when going to class. He looks for low effort outfits so he has more time for other stuff (like laying in bed before school and regretting only having three hours of sleep in two days)
His ears are stretched to a 2mm size. I doubt he will get any other kind of piercings, and will probably take his gauges out at some point, but still use earrings (probably just plain colored studs)
I can see him wearing other kinds of jewelry, but I guess it really just depends. I'm not sure how he would decide to wear jewelry though, or what it would be
A lot of people call him Ez, and he's heard Ezzy a couple times through his life, but Grant uses Ezzy as a nickname for him the most.
I've been imagining Venus and Ezra having special nicknames they use for each other that no one else uses but them, but I still haven't been able to figure out what they would be.
Damon and Grant call him sea star, and Ezra melts everytime they do ;w;
He was forced to learn a bunch of different dances while in gym class in high school, but he was pretty garbage at it lol he doesn't dance much unless asked to
Ezra doesn't sing much. He used to sing for his church's choir after his mother asked him to (but he didn't really feel like he had a choice.)
He understands basic music theory and can sing a song he's never heard before just by looking at the sheet music.
Currently, Damon and Grant will beg Ezra to sing with them when a good song starts playing or something, but Ezra purposely sings either too quietly to be heard, or really badly.
Honestly, Ezra has a lot of buried anger he has yet to work through. He has anger towards pretty much everyone in his life, some more deserving than others. Most of his anger is for his mother, but he even has some directed towards people like Casey and Venus.
Ezra doesn't want to hurt anyone, so he feels his anger is a big inconvenience and something that will only cause harm to him and his relationships. He refuses to open up about the things angering him as well, so he's just… stuck feeling the way he does, with no clear way to resolve anything without upsetting others.
Soft spot
All his partners, but… especially Venus, Casey, and Amber.
Sea slugs. He has a lot of different types he loves, and he finds them super adorable.
Sharks. He has a lot of shark related things, including a big shark plush that sits in the corner of the gramoambra room. He named it Goomba.
Fish in general. He loves pet fish the most, because he thinks they're pretty and enjoys watching them swim around in the aquarium.
Devon and Arianna
Music, especially if it's played for him. (Like when Damon starts playing a song, but someone turning on a song from youtube or whatever specifically for Ezra has the same effect.)
Watching movies inside of blanket forts uwu
When Ezra finally sees his dad again, his dad and younger brothers are
Video games, especially ones from his childhood
Favorite possession
I've been imagining Ezra and Venus having a specific favorite movie that they've seen over and over, something they could quote the entire script to. The DVD for the movie is something they have passed back and forth over the years they've known each other, but it landed in Ezra's possession last before they stopped talking. That DVD is his favorite. He watched it a few times when he started thinking about Venus and wanted to feel closer to her.
Some other things are
Goomba! ;w;
The red beanie Amber made for him
Devon's drawing she made for him while she was in elementary school.
The seashell collection he inherited from Rose (including the one unbroken seashell Ezra found with his dad on the beach before they weren't allowed to see each other anymore)
Favorite photograph
A picture of him and Osmin on the beach together from years ago when he was still a kid.
Relationship with ___
When Devon was born, Ezra wasn't very pleased by her existence at all. When he was younger, Ezra often blamed Devon for some of his issues with his mother. Ezra was often treated more unfairly by his mom and stepdad, while Devon was treated better. He held a lot of resentment towards her as a result, and their relationship suffered because of this.
Things didn't improve between them until Ezra told his family he wanted to move out while he was in college so that he was closer to his new school. Devon was really upset by this, and she told Ezra she didn't want him to leave. He still did, but he promised her he would see her often.
As their relationship improved, and as Devon got older, Ezra began to realize that he had been blaming Devon for something she had no control of. And even with their parent's favoritism towards Devon, she was still miserable living with them.
Currently, Ezra has been trying to provide some kind of relief to Devon in whatever way he can. He feels bad, because he wishes he could do more or get her out of that situation. Considering Ezra still hasn't gained the confidence to walk away from his mother himself, he doesn't see a way out for either of them.
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