#so maybe this website might be unsalvageable. a lot of you are quicker to send death threats than listen
that-stone-butch · 9 months
I think the most prevalent type of person that I've personally encountered who used the term Bi Lesbian to describe themselves is someone who was deeply engrossed in one identity, only to discover they were part of another, but the former had become too integral to their personal identity. I.e. A person who was labeled as a Lesbian for years discovering an attraction to men but loathe to abandon the label of Lesbian while still wanting to embrace her bisexuality.
which is a shame because bisexuality itself fucking rules, and i hate how our community frequently makes bi wlw feel like they are 'less gay' than lesbians.
there are a lot of anxieties around bi wlw in our community, and this all reminds me of the 'can bi wlw be butch/femme' and even 'can bi wlw say dyke' 'arguments' that have been brought to my table. (they can and have done so longer than we've all been alive, btw)
i'll remind everyone that both times i stood up for bi wlw in this manner, i was harassed off of this website. we have got to be more normal and inclusive of bi wlw/nblw. our community depends on it.
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