#so much bling bling in the outfits it's kinda cute
awallflowerdraws · 1 year
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inviting you to D&E's fancon party 🥳🎉
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tsunami-of-tears · 6 months
Reacting to Reader’s piercings
Cassian, Azriel, Lucien, Eris & Rhys
A/N: I have a lot of piercings and thought this would be fun ♡ In my case with the nips they got LESS sensitive (thank goodness honestly) but I know a lot of people have the opposite happen. I have also decided that since they have fae blood - the piercings would heal much quicker and therefore they can do the nasty the same/next day.
Warnings: sexual themes (kinda smutty - especially the last one); piercings featured: ears, belly button, nipples and female genital.
Cassian - Belly Button
Cassian LOVES your stomach!
Especially after you’ve given him children. He always takes the time to kiss every stretch mark and worship you… 
You didn’t tell him about your plans for your piercing, deciding to surprise him. 
He’s about to ravish you when he lifts your top… His eyes go straight to the red gem at your navel and they light up.
“Babe is that sore?” “A little, but it’s so pretty right?” He strokes your tummy and kisses it all over. “I didn’t think I could like this any more than I already did… I need you,” he lifts you, you wrap your legs around his waist and he carries you to bed.
Azriel - Nipples 
He saw them your first time together, he had the biggest smirk on his face as his fingers felt them through your shirt. 
He looks at you with a raised brow, slowly peeling off your shirt before taking your nipple in his mouth.
They’ve been much more sensitive since they got pierced, so you start squirming as soon as he touches them. 
He delights in toying with you and gives them lots of attention - always licking/sucking/softly biting/pinching/pulling.
And then when the shadows play too? They feel so cold as they swirl over your skin - your nipples get so hard it’s almost painful (in a good way). 
Outside of the bedroom, Azriel would love it when you don't wear a bra and he can see the outline of your jewellery through whatever you’re wearing. He probably gets a bit jealous if you go out with them visible without him, but he’d be so proud of his hot partner and showing you off. 
Lucien - Ears 
Lucien would have multiple earrings, and maybe even an eyebrow piercing on the opposite side of his scar. 
Of course, all his jewellery is gold and he swaps them out to match his outfits. He’s so stylish and you love that, always admiring him. 
You have your lobe piercing, but you want more. You finally decide to get some yourself, not telling Lucien. 
You come home from your appointment and wait for him to notice. 
Lucien is instantly by your side to greet you, he goes to kiss your cheek and stops when he sees the glinting gems and metals adorning your ear.
He smiles so wide, gently taking you in and tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. “My love, what did you get up to today?” He asks. “I got some more earrings, do you like them?” “They look beautiful, Y/N.” He traces the tip of your pointed ear sending a shiver down your spine. “But you are the most exquisite gem of all.”
After your new piercings heal - Lucien will help you pick out new pieces and change the jewellery for you.
When you attend formal events together, he loves matching with you and takes pride in the subtle details. You always make a handsome couple, but no one appreciates your beauty more than Lucien.
Eris - Nipples
You didn’t always have them, but it was something you’ve thought about for many years.
The man loves titties, especially yours.
When he sees your new bling for the first time, you’re in the bath and he comes to join you after a long day. 
He’ll slip in behind you and wrap his hands around you. He’ll squeeze your breasts in appreciation. They always feel nice, but they feel different today. He spins you around in his lap to get a look. 
“Cauldron boil me, you are going to be the death of me, Y/N.”
Eris will kiss all over you, completely worshipping you, and it’s not long until most of the bath water ends up on the floor.
Rhys - Female Genital 
Rhys always calls you cute star-themed pet names - so it was only fitting to add some sparkle to his favourite part.  
Rhys would be taking his time, loving every inch of you as he strips you down slowly. 
When that last piece of fabric is removed, he is straight on his knees. 
Of course the gem you picked is violet. Rhys looks very smug as he goes down on you - his eyes flicking between the stone and your face. 
He would send images of you writhing under his touch down the bond, so you get a good view of your newest adornment. 
Rhys was already completely obsessed with you, and seeing that colour marked you as his in a new way. From then on he loved taking you in any position that gave him the best view… 
Help I wanna get this piercing now 
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zorua-gaming · 2 years
Chapters Four, Five, and Paralogue One
Getting some more bling and meeting some bad bitches.
I don’t think I mentioned this last time, but I like the casual outfits so far!
I’m also really enjoying Alear so far. Even as things are being explained to them (and us) they are also putting some things together so they don’t need to be explained everything. A smart noodle.
CHLOÉ! The girlie has arrived!
So we have “Shine on, Emblem of Beginnings!” and now we have “Care for us, Emblem of Echoes!” Did I miss the one for Sigurd?
I knew this already, but YES! Visiting villages is back!
So what I thought was a keychain is a Time Crystal… Neat!
I like that when Céline used Warp Ragnarok, she said “Grant me strength!” which was one of Celica’s crit quotes in SOV.
Céline kicked all kinds of ass.
Hey, Veyle. Those chains around your ankles don’t look like a good thing.
XD idk why but Marth popping out saying “might I interrupt?” was SO FUNNY
Céline, I dunno if you were paying attention, but Alear didn’t really get the chance to do much that last battle. You know, cause you were sweeping up the trash.
I really, REALLY like that we can run around the battlefield after the battle and talk to people. Makes it feel like an actual place that’s lived in.
Ève is pretty hot (and kinda badass, maybe?).
Why does this horned lady get pointy ears but not Alear?
Alear, didn’t we already discuss that the Corrupted could be a sign of Sombron’s return? Why do you sound so shocked that he’s back?
Does Locktouch not exist in this game? Because I see these chests over here, but none of the enemies appear to have droppable chest keys. So how do I get into those?
Chloé is the second person to get a crit. Good for her.
I kinda just noticed that weapon durability is gone again. Yay!
Oh, so we’re not supposed to get into those chests, but prevent thieves from doing so.
So no locktouch, you can just walk up to the chest and open it.
Oh Alear is so empathetic and kind and sweet. I love them.
“While I cannot take away your sorrow, perhaps I can help you bear it.” 👀 were you and Lumera girlfriends or something?
The maps make the space look a lot bigger than they are when I’m running around.
Wow, this really IS an island of British people.
Oh, is Jean’s dad gonna die?
Why is Jean’s family all color-coordinated? Like, all their clothes have the exact same pattern/look to them.
Also surprised his dad didn’t die.
Jean: Dad, I wanna enroll in the kickboxing class at the Somniel.
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upslapmeal · 3 years
Once, Upon Time
I’m having a ton of fun with Flux so far and the trailer for this ep looked WILD so I guess it’s time to see Yaz get hit with all of time
oh hello lady from the trailer that I had forgotten about
daleks already??
‘my love’ putting my bet in early that this is going to be Vinder
ok so before it looked as though the flux obliterated everything in its path but does it just...destroy but leave the planets mostly intact?
and just leave temporal chaos?
ok I was too engrossed and not making any notes but !!!! Ruth Doctor!!!!
(general thoughts up to this point are that I’m enjoying how unsettling and disorientating it is)
I do kinda wish they’d given Thirteen an outfit a bit more like Ruth Doctor’s instead of just a different colour coat
who gave the Georgian man a space gun
lol I like Bel’s lil cute siri thing
hmmm Yaz’s outfit in that first scene with the Grand Serpent is slightly timelord-y
now is that actually Yaz, and she’ll remember these scenes with Vinder
or is it someone in Vinder’s mind being made to look like Yaz
oo-er bling crystal skeleton man was even uglier in the past
I guess we already saw him looking like this at the start of ep1 but I hadn’t quite realised how much he changed
interesting that Azure is mostly the same though
so if they captured both the bling siblings, how did Azure end up in a house in the arctic circle while Swarm was in mega prison??
with Dan definitely being Karvanista in the Doctor’s memory, I wonder who the other two are
and actually I wonder how the Doctor even found out about Karvanista being in the Division in the first place
and also how old even is Karvanista???
if the mouri can just send more mouri to atropos to fix everything then why….didn’t they just do that earlier???
I’m loving the doctor’s anger and blind desperation to go back to her memories
‘this universe is over’ what a calmly-delivered gut punch
also who is this mysterious lady? from the way she’s behaving it’s as though she’s beyond this universe
oooh the flux is going to be something that only exists bc the Doctor destroyed gallifrey isn’t it
Yaz is clearly getting increasingly disillusioned with the Doctor
the girls gonna be fightin’ soon
aww Vinder’s reaction to seeing the tardis
and yet again Yaz being the Doctor to Vinder’s companion
she’s becoming the person she believed the Doctor to be
called it about Bel and Vinder
but she’s far away by now :( hope he’s back soon, I really like him especially after learning more about him this ep
the angels have the phone box!!
Man this series is A Lot but the slight chaos to everything really works building this feeling of time collapsing in on itself. I wish we’d got more Ruth Doctor this ep but other than that 10/10 can’t wait for next week!! And we’ll finally learn about Claire!
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graaaaceeliz · 3 years
Second semis! Yesterday, these were yesterday.
Once more the hosts are serving looks, as is their job, although there could be more bling. But there could always be more bling, frankly. I feel slightly like I'm watching Strictly, actually. Also I think I might have skipped a bit? Not seeing Germany. Shame. I shouldn't have had that glass of prosecco, it sends me all funny.
San Marino, this should be fun. Her hair is incredible, I love it. Oh that's an entrance, very nice. Outfit change, also great. She's going so hard, that's fabulous. That OUTFIT oh my god I want it so much. Not to the style my mam and I like, but she's good! Full marks for staging though, there's lots of fire and sparkling, which is the whole idea.
Estonia, good start, and ohh I do like this one yeah, I remember. He's very nice to look at, reminds me of Hiddles in Coriolanus. I like me a nice emphatic ballad dancy type. Mam gives it our point. Also Olly Murrs.
Czech Republic: well, according to mam, a poor will smith ripoff. Burn, I guess. Not the worst but not to our taste. At least there's lots of glitter.
Austria is good, the special effects are real cool. And her boots. Love those. She's not doing huge amounts of dancing, I hope she's okay, no injuries or anything. Unless it's the boots. And that outfit might be horrible to wear, idk. She stands like she's maybe had a hip or knee injury. All around good.
To Austria, who has a really sweet intro video. Oh yeah I like this one! It's an Act 2 ballad, and it's a banger. The second Amen. Oh my WORD that coat?? What a look. What a gorgeous outfit. All around strong performance, just all works so well. I want that coat. Why do people dislike ballads? They're great.
Moving on to Poland and I like the performance already. It's like, mid nineties ish? I do like this song and the gloves. Great presence umo, very boyband. Gary Barlow, that's who I think of. (People need to stop ringing me during eurovis catchup oml) it's not quite a total banger but still good, gets a point.
They're doing a thing about Fire Saga, cool. Molly Sandén has such a gorgeous voice, Húsavik was such a great song. They have the FREAKING QUEEN OF THE NETHERLANDS ON? OMG I didn't even know they had one. The bloke host is so fun, and the Czech Republic guy is waving the flag behind them ahdjskdk.
So many silver glitzy outfits this year, obviously we're making up for not having last year's performances. I like this one, the performance is so strange and kooky I'm liking it. Another dance playlist staple. The backing dancers are pretty great, huh. It's got a good beat.
Iceland neeext can't wait for this one, gonna be great. It's got bedazzled instruments. This is so great omfg - oh I hope they win,,, the sheer tweeness. He's got a really good voice but I'm definitely adoring the whole thing. So eurovision. So good. So weird. Ahhh the guitar keyboards link up!! Ajdjsndka they better win or I shall riot. The held pose at the end WHEEEEZE
Not keen on Serbia, again, not to my tastes much. Less hair flipping, I'm getting seasick. Credit for not English lyrics.
To Georgia, I like this too. I like ballads, what can I say. My brother thinks he sounds like Bowie. Nice and slow. Gotta say, not what I was hoping for out of the performance, but I don't dislike it. Nice blue smokey effects on the screen. He's really going for it, gotta admire that. Music balance isn't in his favour, sounds like. Also he's like "please can I go" and didn't stick about which is valid.
Red suit and a violin, I like Albania already. Red smoke, cooool, and not in English, so that's already cool. This is good, I'm really liking it. Are they all getting their dresses from the same place? So much energy in this one, so much emotion, I don't know what's happening but I like it.
I like the Portugal song so much! Such an unusual voice, I was thinking about this song earlier. Points for outfit. Does not look like the type to have the name black mamba, all points to this dude. I like the staging too. It's different.
"underwear?... This is eurovision."
Only five songs left now D:
I love the Bulgarian song, I hope the staging is good too. My dad doesn't approve but he also doesn't like anything so *shrug* I still love this one. She won't win, but she'll stick around I bet. She has so much hair, I'm very impressed.
Nobody else in my family likes Dark Side and I knew they wouldn't but I actually like it so. Yeah whatever. The staging is very eurovision. "take a shot we don't wanna grow up" cheers bro I'll drink to that 🍾 or whatever the words are.
This slaps but it is weird. The outfits slap as does the staging light things. But it's weird. Club, kinda. They're all having fun though. The low beat always throws me though. Catchy.
Switzerland, this song is so nice. Such soft, such emotion. Also he's so cute, and glitter shirt. Wow he's tall. Much leg. Can see a bit of the fifties elvis style stuff from his lil intro vid.
The best song: DENMARK this song is incredible I love it sooo much they deserve to win
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fieldfullofbangtan · 5 years
bts hc: while traveling ep. 1 - airport
a/n: since they are all on vacation right now i was inspired to make this. imagine how fun a vacation with these seven would be <3_<3
gotta keep up the worldwide handsome status
like child you are going to sit on an airplane for 10 hours
why are you so dressed up
and security fkn hates him because he put on all his bling
“oops sorry my watch”
“oops sorry my necklace”
“oops sorry m-”
has energy for some reason even tho everyone else is dead
“comon’, smile! we’re going on vacation!”
“hyung it’s 6am”
drags everyone to duty free
doesn’t even buy anything he just wants to ✨ browse ✨
has snacks for everyone in his bag
your local snack-dealer
banana milk? he’s gotchu
chocolate? he’s gotchu
cupcake? he doesnt have you at the moment but he’ll happily track it down for you
what kind of hyung would he be if he didn’t feed his bros?
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travel leader
handles check-ins and stuff
makes sure the others don’t forget to pack anything 
has everything under control
until they arrive at the airport and he realizes he left his luggage at home
*everyone yells his name in unison*
“oops... hehe... well I told you guys being 45 minutes early would come in handy!”
the youngest three stress him out so bad
for him it’s like traveling with 6 toddlers
“HEY don’t wander too far from the gate”
“do you know how overpriced the food is here?! that’s why i brought sandwiches!”
as if they can’t afford it?
after a while he gets too tired to give a shit
just sleeps at the gate while the others try to kill eachother
“i really need this vacation...”
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is still asleep 10 minutes before they leave the dorm
his packing is a mess because he doesn’t give a shit
he just wants to get out of here
really needs a vacation
*gives whoever is yelling the finger*
is somehow ready to go before everyone else
while everyone is frantic to make sure they’ve got everything he just sits in the cab
“hey, dO yOu WaNt Us tO mIsS tHe fLiGhT”
does not enjoy the airport
or flying
gets through security like a boss
just looks forward to napping at the gate
and on the plane
will take up a row of seats at the gate just to nap
lowkey very happy because 🔥VACATION🔥
*cough* i mean uh vacation~
he’ll let it show every once in a while by just smiling out of nowhere
and being nice to the other boys
“did Yoongi just wake up from a nap and smile...?”
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how many people can genuinely say that they’ve been happy while at the airport
hoseok can
gives the paparazzis something to look at
skips around the airport
rest of the members think he’s on acid
“the fuck is up with him?”
just overall in a good ass mode because 
talks way too much with the airport staff
obviously they don’t mind because he’s so damn charming
security forgets to do their job because hoseoks distracting them
accidentally becomes a security risk
every 5 minutes he shoves his phone into one of the members face to show them some famous spot or random fact about their vacation destination
yoongi: “somebody please slip him some valium before i strangle him”’
dont do drugs kids
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treats the airport like a catwalk
flips hair
adjusts glasses
you’d think he just walked onto a red carpet
he needs to pipe down
“Jimin are those leather pants really comfortable to fly in?”
“ok no but do you see these pictures they took of me? i look flyyyy”
its true tho
have you ever seen an airport photo of him where he doesnt look BOMB
puts pressure on the rest of bts so now they all have to look fly thanks to him
puts on a show during airport security
takes of his belt *wow*
takes of his expensive watch *wow*
takes of his glasses *wow*
takes of his shoes *umm... wow?*
for people who have a thing for feet *WOW*
though as soon as he boards the plane he goes from *moan* to hihihihihi
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looks fly
but tired as all hell
doesn’t enjoy the stress of the airport
but he’ll still be very exited because it’s soon relaxation time
you think he’ll be less goofy when tired?
he’s just goofy to the point where nobody understands him
“hey guys, what did the airplane say to the airport?”
“Choo choo!” *dies from laughter*
*nobody gets it*
just constant wtf is he talking about
sudden bursts of energy
runs around with jungkook
messes with jimins outfit
spends way too much money at duty free with jin
ends up passing out at the gate with yoongi
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a boss at traveling at this point
and he enjoys it
so exited for vacayyyyy
*packing his suitcase and taehyung starts to mess with him*
 “do you think this is a joke?
yall know the lifehack gifs when they just hold two edges of a t-shirt and do some magic maneuver and suddenly its just perfectly folded?
thats him
organized chaos
i dunno if everyone has realized yet but this boy has become an edgelord when traveling
black on black on black
does some cute shit for the fans and papz
as soon as they pass security he just sits at the gate drinking banana milk and playing games
he’s the one who actually has everything under control but nobody notices
“jungkook your bag is kinda heavy...”
*everyone needs to pay for overweight except for him*
“hyung im right behind you...?”
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jincentvangogh · 5 years
Kpop member profile
I was tagged b @cowboyjinbop​ 💜💜💜 thank you so much for the tag
Stage name (nickname, preferred name):
I don’t really have a nickname, they used to call me Nice like Nice France, but it was short for Berenice, WHICH IS NOT EVEN MY NAME FUCK MY FRIENDS REALLY. However, I have this theory that my stage name would be Cira. 
Debut Date (when did you first get into kpop):
When was Nobody by the wonder girls released? 2009ish? yeah, but it wasn’t until 2012 when Fantastic Baby was released that I fully dived into this train. 
Group concept (favourite concept, concept that suits you the most):
Cult, Horrorlike, witchy concepts like Dreamcatcher’s MVs. THAT or solid colours like hobi’s MVs or idol kinda over the top, kinda cartoonish, BUT SEXY AND MAKING IT WORK.
Debut song/album/mv concept:
Listen it’s not like I’ve given any thought to the idea, BUT here we go: Velvets, dark hues of purple with royal green, a gothic house on top a hill surrounded by tall grass, candles, spooky stuff, victorian outfits but make them sexy, burgundy smoky eyes kinda like a vampiress look. We trick men into our house and then we eat them (we’ll make it cute, pg 13 don’t worry). 
OR we’re a group of con artist, we dress up in crazy patterned suits and have technicolour hair, the MV is basically us setting up a plan, trying to pull off the heist and being chased by the police. we have guns but instead of bullets powder paint comes out. at the end, we do escape successfully and now we’re in some rundown warehouse popping champagne and eating expensive h'ordeuvres, while we try on the STUPIDLY BAROQUE, OVER THE TOP jewerly and play darts with the art we just stole. Oh and the aesthetic is kinda shaft, disco, 70s EXTRAVAGANZA. 
Position (vocal, rap, dance?):
HONEY, I’m THE visual, the baby of the group and I’m the rapper okay? 
You’re talking to the girl that once gave A WHOLE ASS CONCERT in the bus on our way back to uni, we were drunk out of our minds after a med school party and like a few weeks later some random girl recognized me from it. I ALSO WAS THE GIRL that reenacted hotline bling and rapped her final project for thermodynamic energy balances. 
No questions, I’d be a rapper, plus I can’t sing or dance but I got that joojoo vibe. 
Role in group (maknae, mum/dad of the group,…):
I’m the maknae okay?. I’d be a very chaotic baby of the group, cute enought to get away with it. HOWEVER, I am bossy, like taking care of people, know how to speak in public and I’m extroverted af so I kinda think I’d be the leader.
Older or younger line:
Leader or nah? (Need help deciding? See below)
Make the decision for everyone
Listen to everyone and them decide based on what the majority wants
Let someone else decide
If you picked one of the first two options, congrats, you are probably the leader.
as I stated above, I’d be the leader, even as a 18-year-old girl in late 2012.
Foreign line? (are you an ethnic minority in the country you live in?):
nah honey, I’m a white latina. I put the garlic in garlic bread and the ginger in ginger cookies. I’m mild spicy. 
Special talents:
I have a thing for fashion (?) LISTEN, as dumb as it sounds, I’m the bitch that got bullied and mocked at for her fashion choices only to see the same bitches who mocked me wear the SAME THINGS I USED TO YEARS LATER after some white ass influencer made it “cool”.
I can braid hair really good, I can cook, have nice drinking and party tricks, I can do makeup on people better than I do for myself. I can speak in public and not afraid to make an ASS of myself if it helps to break the ice. 
How many members do you want in your group:
4-5 or 7
Tag that amount of people: @jintears, @taehyungforreal, @moonstarvmin, @namiiyae, @interludeshadow, @visualseokjin and @yooniversaire
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putschki1969 · 5 years
VOICE Tour Live Report Part 2
Hi everyone!
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It’s been 84 years...Okay, here is part two of my report. The ACTUAL report so to speak. Just in time for the tour final. I am expecting some news articles to be posted soon. I hope we will get some nice pictures of the Tokyo live. Anyways, sorry to have kept you waiting. Things have been crazy in Japan. There was a lot of stuff that didn’t go according to plan and I never got the chance to write the rest of my report while I was in Japan. And now that I have been back, I have been pretty busy with work >_< Unfortunately, writing reports like this takes A LOT of time because I try to do it as detailed as possible, I wanna do Wakana’s live justice after all. Oh well, I should stop rambling and start with the actual report. Before I focus on the songs I would like to share a few general thoughts.
Seating/audience: As most of you probably know, I attended both the Tokyo as well as the Fukuoka concert of Wakana’s tour. I had amazing seats for both lives. In Tokyo I was seated in the second row and in Fukuoka I had a first-row seat. Both were located right at the center so Wakana was literally in front of me. BANZAI!! The Fukuoka stage wasn’t very high and there was only about 1 ½ metres between the stage and the first row so basically I could have reached out and touched Wakana (not that I would ever do that but you get what I mean XD). It’s the closest I have ever been to her during a concert. I was able to see every micro expression on her face, I looked into her eyes, I waved at her, it felt so good to be noticed. On a more or less related note I wanna add that I felt kinda bad for Wakana because for the Fukuoka live the hall was pretty empty, I think the audience only filled about half of it (if not less - for reference, the main hall has a capacity for about 1,000 people, I think we weren’t even 500 people in the audience). I hear it was the same for her other venues (except the Tokyo live which was quite well visited but even there the upper floor was empty). Lining up for the goods was also completely different. Merchandise sale started very late, about 1 ½ hours before the live and there were hardly any people lining up. It’s really sad to see Wakana getting so little support for her solo activities. I guess lots of YK and Kalafina fans aren’t really interested to follow her. Right now Wakana’s management is making the mistake of still thinking in Kalafina dimensions. Wakana as a solo artist simply can’t fill out halls like Kalafina. Maybe at some point in her career she will be able to but I feel she will have to do a lot of tie-ins to achieve that sort of popularity. Right now it would be smarter to go for slightly smaller (and more classical) venues I think...This way the halls would fill up quickly and it would probably reduce the ticket prices (which in turn would make more people willing to purchase them). I hope for the next tour they will consider making some changes. Wakana deserves to perform at sold out lives.
Band style: Speaking of “more classical” venues, I feel like Wakana would also benefit from a more “classical style/acoustic arrangement”. The band style is a bit overwhelming at times, there were a few songs that would have sounded SO MUCH better with a less band-heavy arrangement, at least in my opinion. In particular the drums and bass guitar felt a little overbearing during some parts of the performance (“Yakusoku no Yoake” and “Toki wo Koeru Yoru ni” immediately come to mind - the bass was bordering on obnoxious during “Toki wo Koeru Yoru ni” and the drums kinda almost ruined the mystical/translucent atmosphere of “Yakusoku no Yoake”). Don’t get me wrong, I am not blaming the musicians, I think they all did well. The guitarist was particularly dedicated, he switched between e-guitar and acoustic guitar throughout the entire concert, even during songs. There was a staff member that constantly had to run back and forth, I felt kinda bad for him. At any rate, all the musicians were really into it and they were obviously having lots of fun. Unfortunately, most of Wakana’s songs simply aren’t suited to be played by a “standard” band.
Vocals: Wakana’s vocals were great during both concerts. As far as I can tell she hit all of her notes, to me she sounded particularly beautiful in Jidai, Boku no Kokoro no Tokei, Hikari Furu and Ai no Hana. At no point did she seem exhausted, I didn’t notice her getting out of breath and she barely even sweated. Due to the nature of most songs, she didn’t move a lot so she was able to focus fully on her singing. I did notice however that her voice got occasionally drowned by the band. Once in a while she would sing her lines really quietly, not sure why though. Maybe she lacked confidence or she forgot the lyrics. Perhaps she purposefully used a quiet voice and didn’t take into account that the background music and band would be so loud. That’s just a minor complaint though and didn’t really take away from the overall experience.
Production: The stage set up was very simple which I didn’t mind. The decoration consisted of these metal thingies hanging from the ceiling (as seen on the report pictures). The atmosphere was mostly created via the lighting. There was a screen in the back but it was barely used. To be honest, I only really noticed it during “Kaze ni Naritai”. I am sure it was used during other songs but for the life of me, I can’t remember. There was no choreography or anything. Wakana just did what she felt like doing. Some swaying here, some arm gesture there. A bit of walking across the stage during the more up-beat songs. The outfits were obviously chosen by Wakana herself. You could tell she felt very comfortable in them. She also opted for flat sandals. It’s details like that which made the lives feel very real and intimate.
MCs: Wakana was quite nervous during her MCs (especially at her Tokyo live which was filmed). At times she was a bit awkward and didn’t really know what to say. She even admitted to feel a little uncomfortable since this is the first time in her solo career to have so many cameras around. She definitely talked a lot more at the Tokyo live but I am not sure if all of that is gonna make it onto the DVD/BD (I hope so though!). During her Fukuoka live she was far more relaxed and towards the end you could tell that she didn’t mind the MCs at all. She was able to talk freely at that point.  Either way, at both lives she managed to work her way through the MCs. The audience was very supportive and found her little awkwardness quite precious. I mean, how could you not find her cute?
Tokyo or Fukuoka? Overall, I thought the Fukuoka live was much better than the concert in Tokyo. Wakana was more relaxed and I guess she didn’t feel as pressured since there were no cameras. She cried at the end when she said her final goodbye. It was so sweet. Also, the acoustics were a lot better at the Fukuoka Convention Center, at least it sounded that way for me. The band wasn’t so loud and Wakana’s microphone was quite well-balanced which really cannot be said for the Tokyo live (but as I mentioned in my previous post, I think it will be easy to fix with a bit of studio magic, the video release should sound fine).
Okay, now let’s finally get to the songs...
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01.約束の夜明け | Yakusoku no Yoake Wakana came on stage wearing the orange/salmon-coloured dress and flat white Roman-style sandals. The lights weren’t doing her arms any favours to be honest but aside from that she looked gorgeous. The colour of the dress really accentuated her skin tone. Her hair was made up in an elaborate ponytail with lots of braids. For this song there was some sort of see-through screen similar to the one used for Koibito no Mukashigatari no Yūgure no during Kalafina’s FOTW tour. The song started with a short intro/overture that sounded very epic. I think they should have added that part to the studio version (since that one starts rather abruptly). As mentioned in my quick overall review, everything was quite loud during this song (more so during the Tokyo live than the one in Fukuoka). I didn’t really like how the band sounded, to me it felt rather overwhelming. I think something different is needed for an almost ethereal song like that. Maybe some strings or a flute...Sometimes a little less is more. On top of that, Wakana’s singing was quite loud to compensate the sound of the instruments so that didn’t exactly make it better. Wakana did a little “oohhhh-ing” for the rather long instrumental section that starts around 2:40 minutes. It’s also noticeable in the studio version if you listen closely but it’s barely there. For the live version Wakana is doing some proper “ooohh-ing”, it sounded really nice. I expected to REALLY love this song since it’s among my album faves but unfortunately the loudness and arrangement made it very hard for me to fully appreciate the performance. It wasn’t bad or anything but I also wasn’t blown away. I guess you could say it was a little underwhelming...
02.流れ星 | Nagareboshi A straightforward performance. Sounded pretty much exactly like the studio version. For me this song is ranked pretty low as far as the album tracks are concerned. I had hoped Wakana’s live performance would make me appreciate the song more but I still feel the same way about it. I mean, I don’t dislike it or anything, I just don’t enjoy it as much as most of the other album tracks. It just doesn’t click with me if that makes sense. At the end of the performance we get a small highlight. Wakana went up to her little table and picked up a couple of instruments. First she used the tingsha to create some sort of “bling” sound. Then she took the big rainstick and slowly moved it upside down to create the sound of rain. Honestly, I can’t wait for you to see her face on the video release, I hope they caught her expressions on camera, she looked so happy playing those instruments. Like a little child that got to play with her favourite toy.
MC: I don’t have much memory of the MCs tbh (or rather, I don’t remember what was being said in which MC because there were SO MANY) but I think she talked about her album release here and how she wants people to listen to her as an individual, she wants people to focus on her as a human being, this tour is only about her and her voice (which is also why the tour title is “VOICE”). This is also where she talked about the weather I think. How she tends to be really unlucky and wherever she goes she brings rain with her. During her first few tour lives the weather was always really nice but unfortunately it rained a lot on the day of her Tokyo live. It did however stop raining towards the late afternoon. The weather wasn’t exactly nice but at least we managed to stay dry. It was super hot and sunny for Wakana’s Fukuoka live. Maybe she mentioned the cameras here too or it might have been in a later MC...? Anyways, she confirmed that we would get a home video release for this concert.
03.瑠璃色の空 | Ruriiro no Sora This is probably my least favourite song of the album, it’s just not my cup of tea. As a result, the performance didn’t really stand out to me and I don’t have much to say about it.. However, for those who like the song I think you will like the live performance because Wakana sounded really good. No complaints.
04.Hard Rain This is where the concert really picked up for me. It was the first up-beat song of the live and I generally enjoyed the performance. In the beginning when I first listened to the album I wasn’t sure whether or not I liked “Hard Rain”, both “Ruriiro no Sora” and “Hard Rain” have a similar vibe, they almost sound “jazz-y” to me and honestly, jazz is a genre I don’t enjoy at all. But unlike “Ruriiro no Sora” “Hard Rain” managed to win me over. The studio version is really nice but the live version is so much better. Wakana delivered a lovely performance, her stage presence was great. During the chorus she kept walking from one end of the stage to the other, flapping her multi-layered skirt. She came right to the edge of the stage so I felt really close to her.The “paya-paya” part at the end of the song was lip-synched to some extent. Or at least they had a very loud track playing in the background. The last few “paya-payas” she sang herself.
MC: I think in this MC Wakana talks about the privilege of working together with so many different and talented composers/songwriters. She feels honoured that all these beautiful songs were made for her. She learned a lot, she got to meet lots of amazing people, she got a lot more involved in the creative process. The next song was composed and written by Yūko Andō, Wakana is particularly smitten by this piece because it’s so powerful, it’s a showcase of female strength.
05.記憶の人 | Kioku no Hito In my opinion Wakana’s live performance far exceeded the studio version. Those who already love the studio version will fall in love even more with the song once they watch the live. At least that’s what happened to me. There was so much emotion in her voice. She sounded beautiful. THIS is the kind of singing style I enjoy most from Wakana, it’s this kind of song where she gets to shine. The previous songs lacked this particular charm (at least it felt that way to me). Don’t get me wrong, they were all solid performances but there are distinctive aspects of Wakana’s voice that I originally fell in love with and that aren’t really all that present in the above mentioned songs (because they are a different style to what Wakana usually sings). Does this make sense? The band thankfully held back here, the arrangement was very simple, no excessive use of drums, e-guitar or bass.
06.時の音 | Toki no Ne Just like with “Kioku no Hito” this song was much more impressive being performed live (as impressive as a slow ballad like that can get :P). While listening to the album I usually neglected this track because I didn’t really care for it all that much. However, Wakana’s nuanced performance really moved me. There was something in her voice that struck my heart, it’s hard to explain. Once again the band held back for which I was very grateful. An understated piece like this sounds best with a simple arrangement.
MC: I think this might have been the MC where she talked about the sky and taking lots of pictures. She loves watching the sky, the sun and the trees. How the position of the sun changes the entire scenery, how the strength of the wind puts everything in motion. She wants everyone to get a feel for the summer wind so for her cover corner she chose the song “Kaze ni Naritai” as intro. She thinks it’s a perfect song for the season.
07.風になりたい | Kaze ni Naritai ❇Cover (original by THE BOOM) Probably the most quirky and laid back performance of the night. A feel-good song if there ever was one. Everyone had a blast. Wakana was so hyper and she was dancing around like a little girl. She got the audience to clap along, it was a ton of fun. I didn’t expect to like this song so much because I wasn’t really impressed with the original when I listened to it on youtube but boy, Wakana truly worked her magic, I was mesmerised, it felt like we were all at the beach. Throughout the song she used a small rattle and let me tell you, she took the shaking seriously. Can’t wait for everyone to watch this performance on DVD/BD.Vocally this song wasn’t outstanding or anything, it was just about having fun.
MC: Next up she talks about how there are so many artists she admires and she decided early on that she wanted to sing some of their songs during her lives. Last year during her autumn tour she already sang a song by Spitz (they are among her favourite bands) so for this tour she KNEW that she wanted to sing another Spitz song. This time she chose Hotaru which is one of her all-time favourite songs.
08.ホタル | Hotaru ❇Cover (original by Spitz) Ever since Wakana had mentioned in an interview that she would love to sing this song together with the lead singer of Spitz one day, I have been in love with it. I watched the original on Youtube and was immediately smitten by Masamune Kusano’s voice. Wakana uses a very similar style to sing the song, it’s very intense and soulful. The arrangement is also pretty much the same. Just imagine the original being sung by Wakana and you will know what to expect.
MC: This MC was pretty long and quite different at the Tokyo and Fukuoka live, I fear I might mix up things a little. Here she talks a lot about loving Miyuki Nakajima. Last time she sang “Ito” and this time she is gonna sing “Jidai”, a song that has left a huge impression on her. She used to sing it as a young girl but back then she didn’t understand the meaning of the lyrics (find the English lyrics HERE). She just sang it because she liked the melody. As she became older, the lyrics gradually started to make sense and now it’s so much more powerful. Wakana says that as time goes by so many things happen, everything changes, steadily we learn to love new things, we say goodbye to old things. At the Tokyo live she tried to recite a part of the lyrics but for some reason she couldn’t remember the lines in the heat of the moment. She was standing there, flustered, trying to remember the lines. Not a single word came out of her mouth though. She looked at the ceiling looking for a hint but obviously there was none, the pianist even started playing a few tones so Wakana would remember but nope, it didn’t happen. Eventually Wakana gave up and just decided to sing the song. I hope they keep that part in the DVD/BD.
09.時代 | Jidai ❇Cover (orignal by Miyuki Nakajima) Absolutely breathtaking, I LOVE this song so much, I understand why Wakana is such a big fan of it. And really, Wakana sings it perfectly. This is the kind of song that was MADE for her. It was a very emotional performance for everyone because we all had to think of Kalafina parting ways and Wakana taking a new path.
10.水の証 | Mizu no Akashi I was so happy to hear her perform this live since it’s literally one of her oldest songs. I have never attended a YK live so last year during Wakana’s symphony concert, I got to listen to it for the first time. I was mesmerised back then and I was just as charmed this time around. I feel like Wakana is getting better and better at performing this song. She literally sounded like old-school Wakana. After the song had ended, Wakana took a small bow and walked off. Since the music was still playing there was no applause.
~ Mizu no Akashi inst ~  (dress change): The instrumental started out quite slow and quiet. Steadily it became more up-beat and epic, basically like one of YK’s typical instrumental pieces. I liked it quite a bit but I wasn’t blown away. Not sure if Satoshi Takebe arranged this or if the musicians improvised, either way, it was a nice little transition. They then played a little intro for Tsubasa that reminded me a lot of the beginning of “the battle is to the strong”. That was pretty epic. Wakana came on stage wearing her heavily patterned dress. I personally liked it a lot because the cut of this dress was much more flattering than the previous one. Plus, we got some Waka-collarbones and in my book that’s always a bonus.
11.翼 | Tsubasa I am really sad that Wakana doesn’t perform the song like she did on the music program Bokura no Ongaku (CLICK ME). That rendition had so much edge, she was literally growling some of her lines. Something we have never really seen from her before and certainly a welcome change. Ahhh, that was such a powerful performance. Alas, for this tour Wakana has decided to sing the song in a manner that’s quite similar to the studio version (comparable to the version we got from the Odaiba Venus Fort release event). Wakana does well, she sounds good, there’s no doubt that it is a great performance BUT there is a lack of “oomph” if you know what I mean. Her expressions and gestures also aren’t as passionate as they were in that music show. But hey, it’s fine. Perfectly enjoyable performance.
MC: There was a short MC where she talked about wanting to enjoy the following song together with the audience. Once again she invited us to clap along. a few people got up from their seats.
12.君だけのステージ | Kimi Dake no Stage WOW!! Wakana was glowing in this one, the song radiates so much happiness. She had a smile on her face the entire time. I can’t remember the melody of the song but the chorus is super uplifting and cheerful. I hope we will get a single release in the future. I can understand why it’s not on the album though, it’s too up-beat I think, it wouldn’t have fit the overall vibe XD
MC: This is when the band introduction happened...I wonder if this was also where she asked the audience members about where they came from. At one point she asked everyone from Tokyo to raise their hand, then everyone who came to the live from another part of the country. And finally she asked everyone from overseas to raise their hand. OF COURSE I was raising my hand as fast as I could. I am kinda sad that she didn’t ask the same question at the Fukuoka live T_T  
13.むすんでひらく | Musunde Hiraku Solid performance, perfect continuation of “Kimi Dake no Stage”. If I am not mistaken I think she struggled a bit with some of her notes...probably because of the faster tempo...Almost everyone stood up for this song and did the typical Kalafina hand/arm gesture. Not sure what to think of that actually. It’s like no one was invested in the live until she started singing a Kalafina song. Wakana had tried really hard to engage the audience during Kaze ni Naritai and Kimi Dake no Stage but you could tell people were holding back (for whatever reason). With the first note of “Musunde Hiraku” everyone literally jumped out of their seat. Kinda disrespectful if you ask me...maybe that’s just me reading too much into it but it didn’t sit well with me...
MC (Satoshi Takebe joins Wakana on stage): This part and the following two songs were Tokyo-exclusive. Wakana asked everyone to take a seat again and introduced Satoshi Takebe. She talked a bit about him being the producer of her previous and current tour, about him being awfully busy (they didn’t even have time to rehearse together!). He then says a few nice things about Wakana and apologises for talking too much. Wakana tells him it’s totally fine, she has been talking all evening and is happy someone else is taking over. She was like, “please keep talking so I don’t have to talk!” XD Satoshi Takebe explains that they decided to perform two songs together, the first one being a song that Wakana has always wanted to sing at a concert, she has been singing it so often at karaoke. The second one being a song Satoshi Takebe has always wanted to try and play.
14. ハナミズキ | Hanamizuki ❇Cover (original by Yō Hitoto) Sorry, can’t say anything about this. I hadn’t known that song prior to this performance and tbh, it didn’t really stand out. I thought it was quite boring tbh…But maybe that’s just me being overly-critical and me not having read the lyrics. I am always having a hard time judging songs that I have only listened to once. I am not able to take in everything the first time. Plus, at that point I was fighting a battle with exhaustion. I had arrived in Japan that morning and didn’t get any sleep on the plane. I kinda wish she would have sung this in Fukuoka too because there I would have been able to appreciate it more. I have basically no memory of it so it’s hard for me to write a proper review. Wakana definitely sounded good but I don’t think it was a very challenging song...or maybe it was? Ughhh, sorry, I fail...
15. oblivious I have never been a big fan of “oblivious” to begin with and this new arrangement doesn’t really do anything to improve my opinion of it. Wakana performed a similar version during her symphony concert, it’s just a bit more up-beat now. They pretty much removed all the “oooohh-ing” parts so Wakana is only singing the verses and chorus. Just at the very end Wakana is doing a bit of “oooh-ing” but she chose to do it with a very thin and breathy voice. Not sure why because she could have definitely sung it with a fuller and more “operatic” voice. Personally I feel like without the operatic style “ooooh-ing” the song isn’t all that special. I guess you will all have to judge for yourself. Those who love “oblivious” might find something to like here too.
MC: Here she talks about time and clocks, pretty much the same thing she has been talking about in many of her interview. Time is the theme of quite a lot of her album tracks, she is generally very fascinated by time.
16.僕の心の時計 | Boku no Kokoro no Tokei A touching performance. One of my favourites actually, didn’t expect to like it so much. Her vocals were lovely here, especially towards the end. Can’t really say anything else about it.
17.時を越える夜に | Toki wo Koeru Yoru ni Unlike most people, I have loved this song from the get-go. I think it’s a beautiful ballad and I could listen to it all day. BUT the band really ruined this performance for me. Okay, maybe “ruined” isn’t the right word, there was still some enjoyment to be found, Wakana’s vocals were on point after all but it just wasn’t what I had hoped for. As I mentioned at the beginning of this report, the bass was super obnoxious during the chorus. It was totally out of place. I hope they can work some studio magic to make it sound better on DVD/BD. Or maybe it was just my personal perception and other people liked it...???
MC: Wakana says that this is the final song of her concert *fake news XD* and thanks everyone for coming.
18.金木犀 | Kinmokusei Ahhhh! A beautiful and solid performance, nothing more to say about it. I was already smitten with the studio version so Wakana didn’t really have to do anything to convince me to fall in love with the live version.
~EN ~ Wakana left the stage and people started doing the usual clapping for an encore. They didn’t do the typical “encore” chanting. The band returned and the pianist started to play with a sort of organ setting. It sounded very epic. Wakana comes on stage wearing her album cover dress. The sleeves were altered slightly, instead of long sleeves she now has the fabric flow freely around her arms. It’s a very good look on her, she literally looks like an angel. She has some accessories in her hair that look a lot like the ones she used for the 10th Anniversary Live.
19.ひかりふる | Hikari Furu I think this performance will be quite polarising. Some will love it, others will hate it. Personally, I really loved it because Wakana sounded great. Yes, Keiko and Hikaru are missed dearly and a couple of their essential lines (e.g. “hikari no naka”) were left out but nonetheless, Wakana did an amazing job (especially during the climax). As I mentioned before, the song starts with some sort of organ-style playing by the piano and Wakana’s angelic singing. As the song progresses the other instruments join in, the arrangement sounds quite dramatic. For some reason I was reminded of Queen’s music (probably because I had just watched the movie Bohemian Rhapsody on the plane). Wakana sings as many of Keiko’s and Hikaru’s lines as possible and she really does them justice. She doesn’t necessarily try to imitate their singing style, her “mabushii asa” for example sounds totally different than Keiko’s. Overall I am very happy that she decided to sing this song, it was definitely one of the highlights of this live. I guess everyone has to decide for themselves whether or not they like this new arrangement.
MC: Here Wakana talks about the final song of her album. During the Tokyo live she explains that this song is very special because it showcases the power of lyrics. The melody is cute and playful but that’s actually quite misleading because the topic of the song is profound and sad. She also mentions that the song was composed by Shusui and another Swedish composer who she had first met more than a decade ago when she was still in her teens.I think she might have only sad that at the Fukuoka live, not sure o.O
20.愛の花 | Ai no Hana Hands down my favourite song of the album and probably my favourite performance of those two nights. I don’t know what it is about this song but I am just so freaking in love with it. I guess it’s just like Wakana said in the MC, the juxtaposition of the sweet melody and the tragic lyrics makes “Ai no Hana” so precious. There are so many emotions combined in this song. Tragedy, sadness, joy and hope, they all come together to create a beautiful song. Wakana sounds like an angel, especially after the second chorus when she does her “ooohhh-ing”. The live version is SO MUCH better than the studio version. Her high notes are gorgeous. The end of the song is also improved quite a bit because it doesn’t end so abruptly after the final chorus. The chorus is repeated a second time (starting from “kōri mo tokasu ai no hana) which adds a lovely climax.
MC: Wakana thanks everyone and once again introduces the band members. One by one they start leaving the stage until only the pianist is left. Wakana says that she wants to sing one final song accompanied by just the piano. The song is written by Satoshi Takebe and it means a lot to her. The past year has been filled with lots of emotions, there has been sadness, pain and joy, she has made so many new experiences, she has worked really hard on writing all these lyrics. Every time she stands on stage she knows it’s all worth it. She was born to sing, she wants to keep on singing, she wants to deliver her songs to an audience. She has put all these feelings into the lyrics of the next song.
21.あとひとつ | Ato Hitotsu So simple and yet so beautiful. I think for most of you who are not really fans of slow ballads the song will be too boring. For me personally, it was love at first listen. The melody of the chorus is still stuck in my head. I wonder if we'll ever get a release for this song. I really hope so! It would go perfectly with “Kimi Dake no Stage” - topic wise I mean. And it would make a lovely B-side. This is just about Wakana declaring her love for singing and performing, about being herself, about treasuring the moment, about following her dreams. I don’t remember everything but the lyrics are so sweet, I honestly couldn’t help but cry.
Final greeting: Wakana walked from side to side saying a few parting words. In Fukuoka she started crying, it was so precious. First she only teared up a little but then she kept talking and the tears were just flowing down her face. She didn’t really say anything special, just the usual stuff (so happy to be back home, to be welcomed so warmy, etc). She can’t wait to be back, there will be many more tours (she made it sound like another tour was already in the making, there was no official announcement though).
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Desk Appreciation - 08/31/19
So turns out they labeled the VOD of this as being Week 5 of Stage 4, and when I went to collect footage from that day, I found out that this is actually the day I complained about missing.
I didn’t miss much, turns out, everyone is still looking dapper, but I got better shots of Soe and Malik and also the desk as a whole without the ugly Coke cups.
Other than that, none of the casters were sepctacular enough to show off outside of the collection post, and doing a Top 5 of looks with these two days is would be... Kinda very simple, I think. It’d be both Soe outfits, Malik on day 2 for not wearing a boring solid colored button down shirt, Semmler on day 1 because vest again, and, oh, yeah, this Danny look I retrieved:
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Cute shirt, some bling, look at those ear piercings!
And that’s that about that, really. Best of post-season looks will be made after the finale has aired, which at the time of writing this, will be in 2 days. Though I might post the grand finals looks out of order, who knows.
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steve0discusses · 6 years
Yugioh S3 Ep 2: The VR Zone Has a Hell Ton of Trees
Alright guys I am regretting the hell out of this teriyaki ramen bowl I just ate, so it’s a better time than ever to go back into this VR arc. Now that the Big 5 have made their speech, all of them quite fat and one with a cane although he doesn’t even have a body anymore, they are ready to send everyone down a series of...plot-shaped holes.
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Like they were JUST in some sort of tropic zone, to go back to here and then go somewhere else and so like--this is still VR I think? Like I’m assuming they went VR the moment they entered this room but it is quite vague at what point they were officially in VR. Was it when their vision went fwisssh and everyone split into RGB layers or was it that they got knocked out with gas quite a long time ago and were just unaware that it happened? Probably a bunch of these things.
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With this announcement we find out that everyone--and I mean everyone--has to play cards now, although I’m pretty sure half of them have duel disks and the other’s are like...not equipped? I mean it’s VR, so hypothetically no one at all needs a duel disk anymore but you gotta sell toys, so no matter what, Yugi’s going to be lugging this heavy sharp thing on his wrist, even when he knows he will soon be shot down a wacky hole.
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The title of last episode, ps was “VR Nightmare,” but like, it’s actually fairly pleasant, compared to the blimp hell we were dealing with just a few episodes back. I mean I guess people are actively trying to kill us here but when are they not?
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The audacity of this show. Every state in the US has huge ass fake castles in it leftover from the Rockefeller era. Where else are our Moms supposed to drag us on Day Trips so we can get our history credit for Girl Scouts?
Americans are hella good at creating fake historical sites--all you need is a 50+ year old house and some turret work possibly made by a reasonably well known architect and it’s like “yeah that’s a good enough castle for me! Can we say it’s haunted, too? It’s hella haunted! Come to my castle B+B!”
(read more under the cut)
Tea landed in some concept art that kind of looks like the underside of a mushroom. I dunno how I’d classify this rock structure.
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And then Kaiba landed in his worst nightmare which was being in a normal park with one single straight road but somehow still completely lost. At least Mokuba managed to fall into the same hole as his brother to ensure that Seto wouldn't be lost for like the rest of this arc. Which was actually kind of an unintentionally hilarious animation.
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*rare shot of the Kaibas actually taking a break*
Man, this is the closest they’ve gotten to a real hug in kind of a while. Like when was the last time these bros hugged? Pegasus’ castle?
Meanwhile, Noah is admiring his work from this throne room and it would be a whole lot more intimidating if he wasn’t in calf-high black socks.
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His outfit is like a white school uniform so what gives with the black socks? Like of all the things to complain about on Yugioh (especially since I see Yugi’s hair looking right at me in the next cap) those socks though. Those are pretty inappropriate with this outfit, Noah. Especially matched with this God Throne you’ve got going on. Did not see socks like that matched with a chair like this.
Meanwhile Yugi is all by himself but that doesn’t matter at all because he is 2 (3) people. This strategy to isolate everyone only really worked on Serenity and Joey, TBH, since Tea is also accompanied by slightlylessevil!Marik (who hasn’t really said anything since the VR started).
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I knew Bakura would be out for a while, but I didn’t realize it meant everyone else wasn’t even going to once acknowledge it, it is baffling. I mean I get they’re super distracted right now but your friend is DEAD.
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Honestly I would not mind if the big 5 succeeded and we had to see some old men try and work with Yugi’s hair and alt rock clothing, deal with Pharaoh sassing them from a brain labyrinth, go to Yugi’s school where people get savagely beat up like every other day, deal with Bakura and Marik trying to body snatch and other magic assholery during class breaks, and through all that watching the Big 5 attempt to take over the world with their megacorp that no longer sells guns but actually sells like...children’s entertainment supplies which include the dueling roombas from S1. How on Earth do they actually think that getting a body would help them at this point? They would be Yugi Muto and that is the last face anyone would ever take seriously.
Pharaoh pops up and is like “I guess we’re doing this right now? Really wish we weren’t doing this right now.”
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Anyway, because they don’t physically exist in this digital world, neither do God Cards, or any other card in their deck. So, now they have to make new decks out of a pool. Very convenient for the writing team, bad news for Kaiba’s intense and vaguely romantic relationship with his Blue Eyes. Really glad we spent a full season talking about how much these cards meant to all these people, from the magicians, to Joey’s Red Eyes, and then that one card that was Mako Tsunami’s Dad or something--really glad we learned all of that to just completely erase it this arc.
I sounded sarcastic just now, I actually wasn’t for once, I am so glad to just purge my mind of all those card memories for a little while. Just allow myself to forget. Ah. My mind is already so much clearer. It feels so good. I am very much ok with this soft reset, I kinda needed it.
Since Yugi is supposed to choose a Deck Master from his set of cards for this particular type of duel monsters duel, he goes right for the dark magician--since that’s his MO, but for some reason Kuriboh chose himself? Like this greasy thing just hopped out of the card and played himself.
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Anyway Kuriboh is now their new Pikachu and well...this show has done worse cute-character-that-does-literally-nothing-else type things to me, speaking of, lets see what Serenity is up to.
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This is a digital hellscape, Serenity.
Serenity, you are going to die here.
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So because I just realized just now in Season 3 that Duke’s necklace is a hot, over designed disaster (much like Duke himself) I figured I should like...see what this necklace is supposed to look like. So I typed into Google “duke devlin necklace” and guys, turns out there is a LOT of Yugioh jewelry--and I don’t mean like fanart (which there is also a lot), I mean like officially, a lot of people in this show wear a lot of jewelry and so it was sort of hard to find a good pic of a Duke Devlin specific necklace--especially since it feels like most people just go for the dice earring because that’s way easier.
But what’s interesting about the Duke Devlin necklace, at least from my quick search, is that when we bring it to the real world, it gets a little lost, like a game of telephone.
Cuz I assumed that was a clown on his necklace--and there’s quite a few clown necklaces, but I’m also seeing skulls, I’m seeing gothic crosses, I’m seeing spikes and knives instead of crosses. Bro thought it was a flower for some reason--I kinda blew his mind just now when I pointed out it was a clown. Some people think it’s made of silver, other people think it’s sort of painted? (I assumed the cross was entirely blinged out with rhinestones--my honest assumption) No one can actually agree. Especially since Duke apparently changed his necklace for the movie. I know that because it looks a lot like the Legend of Zelda emblem, and some people had the actual Legend of Zelda emblem mis-tagged as Duke Devlin. Which sucks a whole lot for their SEO, and sucked a whole lot for me in my search to find a real actual Duke Devlin necklace.
Like, feel free to attach a link to a reply -- is there an official physical Duke Devlin necklace that Yugioh inc sells? Like I just want to know--officially--what the hell I’m looking at.
Anyway, back to the show, much like everyone else, these two are hopelessly lost.
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Kaiba seems to keep forgetting that his Dad is clearly behind all this and would obviously have his old tech but like...Kaiba forgets so much I can forgive him this.
So, faced with roads that lead no where, Tristan decides to do his tried and true method of solving all of his problems.
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And at the other end of the VR zone Tea is getting kidnapped after...being kidnapped by Noah while she was already kidnapped by Marik. This is three levels of kidnap, yes?
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I will read their fanfiction start to end I swear to you I will do it if it exists and I will report back to you who dates Captain Hook and who is related to Henry Mills.
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OMG It didn’t exist.
You have got to be kidding me.
I am beside myself, this is the only property known to man that has not been turned into a OUAT fanfiction.
That or I’m just really bad at searching for fanfics since I haven’t actually read any since my LiveJournal days. Like, when you’re basically immune to shipping, as I am, you just really lose the desire to read about 90% of fanfiction.
Anyway, the closest we have to a OUAT Yugioh fanfiction, to my knowledge, is that cap I made just now right there. Your welcome, Once community.
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This is absolutely made of load-bearing drywall. Why do none of the sets of windows line up with each other and how many stories is this? Like 2.5? And you can stand on the roof I guess because it has handrails? It’s super weird.
Anyway, I just made a OUAT joke and maybe it’s because I knew shortly after we were gonna get--that’s right--an orphanage flashback. OUAT was basically 6 seasons of effed up orphan flashbacks so I feel pretty well prepared. Like bro was worried how I’d handle this filler but y’all, I watched the Lily arc in OUAT. I can do anything.
*slaps hands together*
Totes ready for these boys to have been given up for adoption via a magical tree and a memory curse, only to find out their real parents are 3 years younger than them because of a time loop. Make it weird, Yugioh!
Anyway, as always, if you want a link to read these from the beginning in Chrono order and without any comments and all that jazz here’s a link
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blackleopardgirl · 5 years
this is off topic but I like the clothes you buy and I've always wondered why do you love juicy couture jackets so much? lol ive never met someone who likes them as much as you and it's kinda cute cause not many people wear them anymore. but they are really cute clothes lol
aww thank you!! xx. I fell in love with them about 5 yrs ago now? when I saw ‘the bling ring’ I loved how they wore tracksuit jackets or full tracksuits and low uggs living in southern california. they looked so carefree and when I got my first one 1 yr ago (almost 2 now) I just LOVED how it looked. so I bought 2 more in the fall, and then another for Christmas, and now buying another lol. I just like them for airport wear or “I dont want to be here but I want to be comfortable” wear. and thank you, I really plan my outfits out a lot since I watch a lot of tv shows. now idk I love black sweaters due to watching so many law school tv shows and vlogs. 
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enibly · 3 years
DCOM and Dessert: The Cheetah Girls
here begins my livewatch of the The Cheetah Girls.
first observation: this feels like just yesterday! this movie does not look old at all
i would totally wear any of their outfits even today. I used to want to dress like Aqua as a kid but now I think I kinda dress like Chanel
Raven doing a Jamaican accent, oh no
Galleria’s mom: “comin’ up with this cheetah chatter!”
“ka ching ka ching, bling bling bling”
this movie is so quotable
I think Chanel was my favorite character when I first watched this (which was the world premiere in August 2003!) and I think she’s still my favorite character- what a sweet kid~
I still feel sad seeing Chanel’s mom being too self-absorbed to pay attention to her daughter :(  hits too close to home in some ways :(((
ewwww this guy is so gross (and I think Galleria knows this in her gay heart)
ok there’s like waaaay too much to liveblog about this movie. i may have to stop just so i can watch properly. plus Cinderella is coming up!!!!!!!!!! what a jam!!!!!!!!!!
oh my gosh, I just learned that Drinka is played by a trans actress! <3
Galleria’s mom is such a power player, wow. i would love to have her as a boss, but damn is she intense as a mom
ok so they’re making upside down cheetah mini-cakes for the baking portion. should... should i be making this right now?
ad time: hmm kidz-bop must have slim pickings cause they’re releasing an all-time greatest hits cd instead of their usual kidz bop vol. 300
galleria and her mom fighting... could use some NVC skills
reminds me of me and mom when we fight... we could use some NVC skills
oh no Chanel’s mom just dropped the bomb of moving like that??!?!? not ok
Galleria’s award-winning solution: “tell her no chance, no dance”
Galleria really wants money/luxury huh...
what about the art? what about the stage? i’m kinda getting the sense that what she really wants is to be a producer or agent (but she has such a talent for songwriting!)
Galleria: “if he can’t respect my art, he can’t have my heart“
also Aqua thinks that those rival upperclassmen are “fine” which is just nonsensical
aww Galleria and Chanel are such a cute pair <3
but will Galleria’s ambition tear them apart??!?
Jackal wants to record the track in just a week? hm
ok Galleria is so funny when she’s full of herself- being hilarious when being annoying is really Raven-Symone’s specialty as an actress
does chompcheetah.com work?
Aqua got way too mean girl when telling Chanel to reign her wife, i mean best friend, in. I remember thinking that was not good friend behavior when I was little
ad break: hahahaha Skye Katz has a commercial with Tony the Tiger. I don’t know why that’s kinda fun
apparently some people have gotten promo boxes for DCOM and Dessert?? how are they getting these???
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photo credit: https://twitter.com/minkus/status/1381684466150600705
oh Galleria, if only you had better interpersonal skills...
Dorinda dance time [music emoji]
Chanel is a precious baby <3  stop neglecting her Mama Chanel!!
ok, did “Breakthrough” ever get play on the radio? cause i swear i thought it was a regular, non-Cheetah Girls song cause I heard it so much. am i just imagining this? am i confusing it with those other dozens of songs like it that were on 2003 radio?
Dorinda having a crisis about what race she is didn’t make sense to me when I was little, but I totally get what she means now
aww, the Cheetah Girls are a chosen family <3
and Dorinda and Chanel are such a sweet pair <3
oh my god i forgot about that cd cover BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Galleria is so transparent
snapshot of the music exec’s pitch: “kids love endangered species. kids wanna party.” classic
also dude you’re an adult putting your arms around a teen girl. GET OFF HER!!!
this film is definitely missing several scenes where Galleria shoves these dudes’ arms off her
made mistakes before, but
i know i’m not perfect,
but it’s ok cause
i SO wanted Aqua’s outfit in “Girl Power” when i was a kid
also, the bridges in all these rock. i mean, EVERY part of each of these songs is incredible, but i’m always amazed by how strong those bridges are in particular
i know that “All Around the World” is supposed to be cheap pop schlock, but like, I love cheap pop schlock so I don’t hate it heh
Aqua’s going mean girl again :/  the way she communicates really stresses me out
I can’t believe this movie is over halfway done! it goes so fast!!!
hmm, Chanel it’s lovely that’s you want to show that you’re grateful to your mom, but like, I think you have some problems you still need to talk about. you gotta speak your truth! she needs to hear in detail about all the things that have been bothering you!
now everyone on twitter is getting all emotional watching the Cheetah Girls, and you know, i feel it- this movie gets really real
wait, for this recipe for upside down cheetah cakes, are these cakes or english muffins?? they do not look like what i expected
time for Galleria’s soulful piano ballad in the auditorium. very theatre kid of her
ah, blond kid doesn’t like pop music, i see. he will never fit in with a gay like Galleria.
Galleria’s talking about lipsynching like she was asked to dance with the devil at midnight
now blond kid is trying to tell Galleria about the path of a true artist. these kids!
the detail of Galleria’s favorite movie being The Wizard of Oz is really cute tho
wow, they got Global Get Down to market in like, 2 days. what kind of racket is Jackal Johnson running?
Galleria just slammed into a cop and made him drop his donut: Cheetah Girls say ACAB
never mind, the police are helping get Toto out- they responded way more positively to a black teen in a pink cheetah print jumpsuit than they would in real life. Cheetah Girls do not say ACAB :(
bahahahahahaha Sonic Chaos is on stage- white boy’s rapping. how can he say that Galleria’s pop music is fluff when this is his work???!?!?!? what a hypocrite. or... he’s trying to mess with Galleria’s head to take her out of the competition!!!! insidious
ppppfpfpfajipfeqpsihqpeihvdapiejdvpajfiodacj the white boy’s dance moves!!!!!! SO LAME BAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Trinka was about to tell us a story about going to the movies with the Captain and Tennille and I’m kinda curious?
the way the power comes on and then Galleria’s face is blown up on screen is so funny ahahahaha
all the adults in this movie are so New York heh
hooray Toto is saved by the power of music!!
when blond boy isn’t posturing, he’s ok actually, but he is really posturing almost all the time. also he’s supposed to be a sophomore in high school but he looks like he’s 24. ah well, whatever
time for a ballad of sisterhood in the streets T-T
chills down my spine
ghahahahahahaha I forgot about that guitar solo
oh my gosh what a song to end on though!!!
and with all the smoke and lights and the choreo aaaaaaa
wait i totally forgot about this dance break, except for Toto’s dance in it
“Cheetah Girls, Cheetah Sisters” = an anthem of cross-community solidarity
cheetah por vida indeed
hooray they won the talent show!!! and everyone’s happy about it!!!
but guys, I think Jackal Johnson might have hung up by now
and what sparkly beautiful fireworks to end on <3
what a wonderful film!!!!!!!!!!!!
also i want to look up some of the other songs the music ppl on this film made cause, damn, they really did an INCREDIBLE JOB!!!!!!
(also i was hoping there would be some interview portions but it’s ok- when it comes to the cheetah girls, we’ve already got plenty of hot goss)
and that’s the end! AND ZENON IS NEXT WEEK I CANT WAIT
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malvoliowithin · 7 years
What Medieval English Monarch Am I Looking At?
Henry II:
Pointy beard
Looks either bored (re: regal) or kinda pissed there’s no in between
There’s like no depictions of him from life I can find I dunno
Richard I:
Shields and junk
Kinda resembles Jesus?
Very square face
Looks into the camera like he’s on the Office
Probably no depictions of him from life either
Nice hair
Looks like he would murder you and probably would
Fancier than Richard tbh
Henry III
He honestly looks like a remix of the last three guys I dunno what to tell you
Looks kinda Done™
Edward I
Okay he looks even more like Jesus than Richard I did
Suspicious Eyes
Edward II
I’m pretty sure this is just Henry III again
Okay his face is like marginally longer in most of his images but like
Good luck
Edward III
He looks like a judgmental warlock
He’s old in a lot of images but even when he’s not his beard game is the strongest I’ve seen yet
Richard II
Bling Jesus™
Doesn’t actually look that much like Jesus
Baby face
Two emotions: Friendly and Stayed Up Past 2 AM
Henry IV
TOWEL HAT (it’s called a Chaperon) 
Highkey judging you
Seems good natured but he isn’t going to be having Any Of Your Shit Today
Henry V 
Profile game: Strong
Haircut game: less so
Had facial scarring so Right View Only
Henry VI
Looks like you just killed his dog in some of these portraits tbh
Simple Hat 
Looks optimistic or sad depending
Edward IV 
Small eyes
Small hands too
Way too many necklaces man calm down
Looks like he would kill you but honestly can’t be bothered so
Edward V
Baby child who looks like he’s 45
Lots of pictures of him being murdered that’s cute
Angelic™ (I think that’s the vibe they were going for, they ended up with Creepy)
Richard III
Looks highkey uncomfortable 
Doesn’t actually want to be here
Resting bitchface
He’s also got that same hat in literally every single image that isn’t from Shakespeare
Henry VII
Has three faces: Soft Murder, Disappoint, and Smug
Ripped off the York hats
Looks like a dad actually 
For some reason his eyes don’t go in the same direction very often
Henry VIII
I feel like most people know what Henry VIII looks like but
“I’m not fat, I’m voluptuous”
Actually got rid of the York hats finally
Highkey seductive this man has no shame 
Edward VI
See Edward V artists THAT’S how you paint a kid
Wearing his dad’s clothes rip
Cute 10/10 would hug
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