#so much soft fabric piled on me while still pulling off the Advocate Trainer Voice
red-talisman · 1 year
i'm in the middle of facilitating a virtual training that involves several full days of talking about interpersonal violence, which is fine, but it's exhausting, and when i'm tired and sometimes emotional, my sensory stuff gets a bit activated too
all of which is to say that i wore a ridiculous number of hanfu layers today, and because of their length, fabric, and number, it was SO GOOD because it meant
a) it was all ankle-length draping-style pieces over a shapeless (non-hanfu) cotton-gauze underdress, so no BadWrong pressure points anywhere on my body,
b) just heavy enough to feel like i had something weighted draped over my shoulders, and
c) being only visible from my shoulders up, i still looked Appropriately Professional while being able to accommodate a bad sensory day in a way that my western clothes make a lot more difficult
tl;dr develop a love of hanfu for the aesthetic, stick around for the accidental accessibility benefits 😂
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