#so nanase twins and yotsuba siblings will probably get a reconciliation right?
always-a-joyful-note · 7 months
the part about ruri and momo's relationship that hurts me the most is that they both loved each other so much and yet that love is also what broke them both. it's the way ruri wanted to cheer her little brother on even if she felt sort of inferior to all his achievements. it's the way momo wanted to make his big sister happy. it's the way ruri didn't communicate her honest feelings and how momo was a oblivious and a bit insensitive. it's the way that when he revived re:vale, he really did seem to put himself in every place ruri loved. it's how ruri could have avoided it all if she had been more honest with her feelings. it's when momo told tsumugi that what hurts idols most is an overwhelming love and expectations they can't meet, that it's no one's fault, and how that parallels the way the sunohara siblings hurt each other out of love for something else but also for each other (thinking that his sister would be happy her beloved band was kept alive, staying quiet because she didn't want her little brother to be burdened by her envh) but it was no one's fault. it's -
i7 stop hurting me with sibling drama challenge, i'm actually begging you
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