#so now I make a lil joke about the Mike plushie
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Vanny thinks the new FNAF plushies are cute,,
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vnights · 4 years
A ‘fun’ day out
Once again, depictions of children in harmful situations. Just a warning, folks !!
Two cars travel next to one another down a long, quiet road. In one, Johnathan and Michael sit in the back seat, William being up front. In the other, little Charlotte and Elizabeth, with Henry at the wheel instead. Both men landed their days off on the same day, so, they decided to spend it on their kids, who haven’t seen one another in a while. Just a nice little treat for everyone.. The parents included. They pulled into a small parking lot, each stepping out of their cars, the kids uniting in between their vehicles while waiting for both fathers to join them. Henry carried out two boxes of juice pouches, while William held a large container of cheese-puffs and a bag of mini bags of assorted chips.
“Wh- Will... Why so many puffs?..” Henry commented playfully, raising a brow.
“You didn’t specify!” The men held a small bicker, being interrupted by the children, urging everyone towards the playground.
The parents set up their little station at a nearby pair of benches under a shelter for shade. The boxes were open, the chips were handed, and those cheese-puffs were uncapped. The children made off like bandits, collecting their treats and running off to play. William and Henry stayed back for conversation, keeping a somewhat strict, somewhat loose eye on them.
Immediately, the games had begun. Competitions over who’s the ‘ruler’ of the play-tower, making and destroying sand-castles, learning how to slide on their tummies, pretending they’re flying through space on the swings.. This went on for hours upon hours, before normal kid activities became a bit too boring for the eldest Afton child. Johnathan began plotting, finding his brother minding his own business, crouched down while showing his golden-plushy a cool flower he found. A Grinch-like smile rose to the olders lips, Johnny sneaking over fiendishly.
“Ha ha!” He shouted, snatching the bear up unexpectedly. Michael gasped and stood up, reaching for it. “Don’t try me, baby! Freddy’s at my mercy, now!”
“He’s Fredbear, give him back-!” Mike attempted again and again to grab it back, being hopelessly denied via height comparison. Once Johnathan looked over and saw both the girls coming over, he knew this joke was about to reach a point of no-fun. With a snicker, he tossed the bear twice in his hand, followed by him absolutely punting the stuffie into the nearby trees. “Wh-!! No!..” Michael whined, beginning to chase after his beloved bear as his brother laughed hysterically.
Running down the very slight hill and getting a considerable distance away from everyone else, Mike found his poor plush lodged in a bush. He quickly raced over and pulled him out, dusting the crumpled leaves off him and hugging him tightly after, something new and strange catching his ear. Something is.. Roaring. He raised his toes in an attempt to spot the strange noise, his eyes widening as water flowed in the distance. He raised his stuffie in the air and stepped into the plants, letting his bear be his eyes.
“What is it?... ..What’s a torrent?..” Michael was cut off, hearing the others come to join him. He got out of the bush and pointed, excitedly bouncing.
“What is it, Mikey? What’d you find?” Charlie asked as they jogged over, all the kids surrounding each other.
“Water! There’s a lotta water over there..” Mike moved aside, letting the others see, and fight for the best view.
“Whooaaa, it’s like a bridge! Look at the rocks!” Johnny shouted in excitement, pointing to rocks stationed in the waves, set up like stepping stones. He moved in, crossing the woodlands to get a closer look. Being the oldest, of course he was followed, the smaller children wanting to get close, too.
As they got to the flowing water, Johnathan took off his shoes and socks, looking 100% ready to jump in. Mike was anxious.. He thought it was a bad idea to even mess with this. As for the girls, they were entirely on Johnny’s side, their excitement building to cross this natural pathway. The moment his older brother jumped on the first stone, Michael gasped loudly and turned away, burying his face into his plushie, leading to Elizabeth to tease him over being a scaredy-cat. She then took her opportunity to play, skipping over once Johnny was finished, flawlessly reaching the other side.
“It’s okay, Mikey. I can go next if you’re scared..” Charlotte gave him a smile, moving to hop across. Like the two before her, she effortlessly bounced across the rocks, until the middle section. She slipped, falling over and slamming into the step below her, the fast-flow dragging her into the water, leaving no time to process the bruising pain. Eliza screamed loudly as Johnny gasped, unsure of what to do or how to help. Michael, however, knew exactly what to do, even if his siblings didn’t agree. He took his Fredbear and darted away, racing quickly back to the playground, and eventually to the parents.
William and Henry, in their own little bubble of the world, were about to witness history. With a juice box in both hands, the straw in his mouth, Will made sure the other was watching before he squeezed the box tightly, flattening it, and unintentionally shooting juice all over his face, squeezing each of his features shut as a reaction. Henry merely sighed, running his hand across his forehead in disappointment, before they were both pulled back into reality, watching the young boy hurry over. Catching his breath and pointing to the direction of interest, he tattled, spilling everything. Both men stood at the speed of light, William grabbing Mike’s hand before racing to find the rest of their children. Following Michael’s directions, the fear of God was struck into each of them as they saw the incident. Charlie caught in the water, with Eliza and Johnny across the torrent. Before another thought, Henry was already in the hip-deep water, pushing through the waves to reach his panicked, sobbing daughter.
“It’s okay, it’s okay, I’ve gotcha now, don’t worry, angel-“ He comforted her softly, lifting her up in a deep cuddle while moving back to Mike and William. He handed Charlie up to the other man, who happily scooped her into a cuddle. “Take her back to the seats, if you could.”
“Sure. We’ll be waiting.” William turned to head back to their little camp, giving Charlotte continuous sways and nuzzles. She waved goodbye to the others, sniffing in with more tears falling.
“Mike, could you stay here? Be my lil’ helper, bud?” Henry asked, giving the boy a smile while Michael nodded. He went back across the water and called to Elizabeth, who came over to be carried back to the proper side of the water. Michael grabbed her hand and pulled her up to safety, both the kids watching their temporary caretaker turn back and do the same with Johnathan, who.. Wanted to be difficult. Letting him hop over the stones as before, Henry pulled himself back up into the grass and caught his breath, picking up a new topic with the kids. “Hey, hey, listen... Your dad’s gonna be mad. From me to you, it’s nobodies fault, okay?”
“Okay.” They all answered the same.
With the older man standing up and walking back with slushy shoes, both Elizabeth and Johnathan looked at Michael, scowls on their face. They all followed Henry passed the bushes and a little farther, eventually stopping to speak amongst themselves, waiting for their guide to get out of ear-shot. Michael, confused, took a single look at his brother before he was pushed down with a hard thud, leading into Johnathan standing over him.
“Why’d you have to tell?! We could’ve done it ourselves!” He nearly shouted, his frown growing darker. “You’re always such a baby! Every time the SMALLEST THING happens you always have to run to daddy! Now, we’re all gonna get in trouble!”
“Yeah! And Charlie’s hurt now, too!” Elizabeth added.
“Thanks for finding that lake, Mike. Real cool! C’mon Lizzie..” Both Johnny and Eliza moved on, leaving Michael sitting in the dirt.
The boy watched his siblings walk away, feeling sadness and guilt swell up in his stomach. His tears began to fall as he sniffed in, standing to dust himself off and grab his plushie, crying the rest of the way to their station where everyone else waited. While Henry sat with his daughter, taking a look at her hurt arm, William stood and paced, waiting for his own kids to arrive. When he paced, they knew they were screwed. And, oh, how screwed they were.
“Look who’s decided to show up! Sit down. Now.” There it is, the order. Will watched his kids line up and take their seats, each keeping their heads down. “We gave you an entire playground to play at. What happened?!”
“Will.. Settle, okay? They’re all a bit freaked out.”
A low grumble followed the other mans request, William sighing. “...Did anyone else get hurt? Is everyone else okay?”
All the kids nodded, Michael being a bit hesitant. Looking over at poor Charlotte, weeping over the pain in her arm, it was Henry’s decision that it’s best they hit the road. While the parents packed up all the things, William insisting the Emily’s take most, of not all of it, the children waited in the car, completely silent. The tension was building as the siblings watched their friends drive away, and their own father enter the drivers seat, as silent as the rest of them. Just as the previous family had, they too went home, not a single word being spoken the whole way. It was an agonizing trip.
The moment they pulled in and parked in their driveway, William made it clear that the next few hours weren’t going to be easy for them. “Get inside and sit at the table. We have so much to talk about.” On command, the children listened, getting out of the car and going inside with him. While they took their ordered seats, Will grabbed 6 pieces of paper and 3 pens, setting them in front of the kids. “You’re going to write a letter to both Charlotte and her father. You’re going to give your most sincere, heartfelt apology to that little girl, and Henry, and you’ll also be thanking him for helping you across, am I understood?” Eliza was quick to nod and immediately get to writing, while Michael was slower, and Johnny just didn’t do it. It took William slamming the table for him to get started. “And once you’re done, you’re going to walk to their home, and hand-deliver these letters! And then once you’re home, there will be no dessert, and you’ll all be going to sleep an hour early! Then maybe you’ll think twice, or possibly at all before doing something so silly and reckless! I’ll be in my room. Get on it, and don’t argue!”
Once they were left alone, Elizabeth expressed her sad-stubbornness through a small tear fit. Johnny merely took it out on Mike, kicking his feet beneath the table, and wrote at an incredibly slow speed. Nevertheless... They got their notes done, they made the trip, they came back home, and sulked in their rooms. A good day was turned bad in the blink of an eye. But, no matter how bad today went,
tomorrow is another day.
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