#so now literally family members. who live together even. cant go to the store for each other like. ok
apathyfairy · 1 year
soooo sick of companies acting like they dont make 1 million dollars every millisecond and that sharing your membership with your friends is bankrupting them
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mynameisminhooooo · 4 years
They get to spend all of quarantine with their s/o (Monsta X)
Request : Hi!! Could you do an exo and/or Monsta x reaction to getting to spend all of quarantine with you?
Sorry I put in bullet points bc it's felt like it made more sense? Sorry if you didn't like that. I also included what y'all would do. Bc why not¿
Shownu :
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Omg this precious little bear was beyond excited to spend quarantine
Like as soon as his manager said plans were cancelled until further notice he ran out of the practice room
"Y/n I'm staying with you during quarantine..."
"Oh. Aight"
Your guy's quarantine consisted of laying in bed from the moment you woke up till 4 pm
As well as making a lot of food
And taking baths bc social distancing who?
Leads to other things 34% if the time, bc why not??
And of course singing together and him teaching you how to dance to all the songs
Cooking with this dude, where do I start
100% chance of making a mess
Would knock over bowls of side dishes while trying to grab a towel to wipe his hands
Just smiled at you when the food is all over the ground
Talking to the other members over the phone during dinner so it was like you guys were all eating together
Taking food to the other members and leaving it on the doorstep
One time they came outside before he was able to run back to the car and he was convinced he was contaminated
You had to spray him with Lysol to make him feel better
Him just being a whole lil bear the whole time
You guys would go on walks when you'd feel couped up too much
Y'all would be that extremely cute ass couple during quarantine
"I'm so glad I got to spend my quarantine with you" he'd say while kissing your forehead
"I love you y/n"
"I love me too, but your cool too"
"That's not funny" cue pout
Wonho :
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Would literally be so happy to spend time with you
Hasn't seen you in like 2 weeks because of his rigorous schedule
When he finally gets to you're guy's apartment he'd just drop all his stuff and run to you, wrapping you in the biggest hug
You guys would eat until you couldn't breath
Ordering take out everyday sometimes for all 3 meals
You guys would take an online art class because why not
Video chatting his family and ofc the members to make sure everyone was well and healthy
Calling his mom 3 times a day
Would be the person who stocks up on toilet paper
Disinfecting everything every morning
Singing karaoke every day after dinner
Doing workouts in the living room because you guys gained weight and he wanted to watch his gorgeous figure
You'd help him write lyrics
You guys would try to be productive and do fun things like read at least once every other day
He'd be so happy to spend time with you like omg
Would literally cry when he looked at you sometimes bc he just loves you that much
Your guy's favorite things to do was lay in bed in each other's arms
"I wish we could stay like this forever, I love you so much y/n"
"I love you too, but can you let me go I have to pee really bad"
Your guy's quarantine would honestly be so fun
Minhyuk :
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Would honestly act like he didn't want to spend time with you
"I guess I'm stuck with you"
"Your so lucky to have me, huh because I bought food"
Supports every small business and buys from all of them so they'd keep going
"I'll have 3 jars of kimchi, 2 bowls of kimchi jjigae, just give me half of everything"
"Minhyuk where are we gonna put all this the fridge is full"
Gives almost all the food to his family and the members
Buys like 2,264 board games
"Hey, you wanna play Monopoly I'll let you win"
Once again \(-_-)/
Fights about the dumbest thing
"I wanted to buy boardwalk!"
Throws your character off the board
Another person who stocks up, but he bought all the ramen
Your guy's quarantine would be so unproductive honestly
Like you guys just sit around playing board games
Listening to music all day everyday
Going for walks when the sun went down
If he sees an animal on the street he is bringing it home for "safety reasons"
"Look y/n this poor pigeon was left on the street"
Did I mention \(-_-)/
"Minhyuk... It's a pigeon"
Dancing throughout the house
He broke the TV while doing a twirl
Blames it on the pigeon, who you guys have name Piggy
Trying on each others clothes
But at the end of the day he'd be so happy he could spend his quarantine with you and Piggy
"I guess your ok to spend time with..."
Kihyun :
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He would be so happy to spend time with you
Would be the most precatious person
"Put on gloves y/n"
"I'm changing the channel..."
Would 10/10 spray down everything before you guys touch it
You guys baked a lot during quarantine
Burning almost everything
Would try to make jokes the whole time
They were not good...
He would try to teach you how to hit the highest notes
Him almost breaking the window
Singing together while reading
Would call every member every day to see how they were doing
You guys would try gardening together because you guys got bored
10/10 the type of dude to telling everyone to buy from small business
If he saw anyone in the street outside the window, he'd yell at them
"Get inside!"
"Do you want to die?!"
You guys would people watch
You guys tried everything possible to pass boredom
Yoga, Singing, Staring Contests
If you got sick would literally call an ambulance
"They want to know if you have a fever, are experiencing lethargy, or have a cough?"
"Kihyun I just have a stomach ache"
Would be so relieved when he just found out it was just gas
He would not let you leave the house
"I really care about you, I cant risk you getting sick"
"You do knows there is a 3% chance of death right"
"But I wouldn't be able to see you"
Wow, whatta man
Hyungwon :
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He honestly would be one of those ppl who didn't take it very very serious
"You wanna go to the park?"
"We can barely leave our house to get food?!"
"Ok, loser"
Was happy to spend time with you, but he wanted to actually do things with you like go to dinner
He just wanted to spend quality time with you
You guys would just lay in each other's arms everyday watching TV
Blinds closed letting no light in
The members would call you guys because after 3 days of nothing they were worried
"Oh we're fine, we've just been eating, sleeping and watching TV"
You guys would watch watch every variety show they have been on
You guys would try dying your hair by yourselves
"Wow y/n this blue is really nice"
"Blue it was supposed to be lilac"
Shopping online for everything, food, clothes, furniture
"Y/n we need a new couch I just bought one"
You guys got erasable markers and literally drew on the wall
But they did not come off...
He would be kind of sad that he couldn't take you anywhere
But being the cutie he is he'd find ways to do cute date ideas at home
Jooheon :
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"Guess what I'm coming home for quarantine!!!!"
Literally couldn't wait to hold you in his arms
Would cry when he came home, because he gets to spend time with you for who knows how long
You guys just hold each other and cry
Would follow you everywhere
If you went to get the mail he'd go with, if you needed to run to the store to get food, he's right by you
"Why is the door locked??? Y/n, you alive? Did corona get you???"
"Don't break the door down! I'm taking a bath"
"Ohhh, let me in!"
This little jerk picked the lock
You guys just sat in the tub for like 3 hours talking about what you should do during quarantine
Things you would do together during quarantine include sitting in the tub for 3 hours everyday
Calling his sister every day so he could talk to his cute niece
He would teach you all his rap parts from every song he could
You guys would send the members a goodie package every week with food and toiletries
Because he worried about them
You guys would take online dance class
Because why not???
Tango, Rumba, Foxtrot, Meringue
He would enjoy every minute with you
You're guys little vacation came to a halt when he fractured his fibula after falling down the stairs
He felt bad that you had to take care of him
But he was so grateful to have you by his side to help him
"Y/n you don't have to get up I can go to the kitchen to get a fork"
Could barely get off the couch
"Just please sit hear"
"So like you wanna bang?"
"No, I want you to get better"
After he got injured he just got so sad that he couldn't do anything with you really anymore
"I love you y/n"
"I love you too"
I.M :
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He already was used to seeing you basically everyday
The only difference was you guys got to stay home
You guys didn't even have to change your schedule
He was grateful that he was able to wake up to you every morning tho
"Good morning, cutie"
"Why are you so close??"
Would be so nice the entire quarantine
Need him to wash your hair, just yell for him
Need something off the top shelf
He got it covered
There would be days where you guys just laid in bed the whole day though
You had online school throughout this time
"Y/n hang out with me!¡!¡"
"I'm doing homework for my English class"
"But I'm cuter than English class"
*insert pouty face*
Would try to get in your pants every other hour
You'd let him because ofc
"No, not now Changkyunnie..."
"Yes, now... Pleaseeeeee"
All the members would worry about you because you guys were the youngest and they thought you wouldn't take this seriously
Y'all did though, you only left the house for food
"Y/n am I cute?"
"No, now go to sleep"
"But I love you and I miss you"
"I'm right next to you and it's 3 am"
Bro. Idk why but this drained me I'm gonna write the exo one different bc I literally ran out of ideas of what to do doing quarantine.
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th3okamid3monart · 4 years
Things I’m going to miss this Holidays
There are a couple of traditions we do in my family that I havent seen in other places and with one search on the internet I realize that most of the things we do are from my own country + some that we make up ourselves. 
So Im going to share them here because... Well, there’s a big-ass chance I wont be able to do them this Christmas nor New years. 
NOTE: When I say ‘my family’ in a lot of this, I mean ALL my family. Which means, all my grandparents, all my aunts, all my uncles, all my cousins, and, yes, EVEN my great grandaparents, cousins, uncles, aunts and more. Because we all know each other and we even make a party once a year for my dad’s side of the family 
Here I go:
Las Posadas
There’s this thing that we do at one of my grandparents’ house that involves singing a carol about the time Maria and Jose were looking for a place to stay to rest before travel far away for the birth of Jesus. It is a song which is singed by 2 groups, one that is inside and the other that’s outside. What we do is the following: One group goes inside a room in the house while the other stays outside the door, the group outside sings one part and the other sings the other. We go back and forward until we finish the song. It is pretty funny because no one sings well and its just like a bunch of grown ups practically screaming but we always end up chuckling. I used to think it was pointless and boring but that was because I was an edgy potato, after I enter University i began to enjoy more things and be happier. This is going to be the second time I wont be with my complete family for Christmas and now its all the family who wont be able to go to my grandparents house for a celebration. 
12 grapes, 12 wishes
In both sides of my family we usually fill up 12 grapes in a cup and give everyone 1 cup each. I dont remember what exactly the grapes meant or the story about the wishes but it’s supposedly like before it strikes 12 am on New Years, we have to eat our grapes while also wishing for something. I remember when I was younger I’d wish for peace on the world or that everything went well for everyone. I think I’m going to buy a bigger bag of grapes this year. 
Something that was funny was that everyone would just... Stuff their mouths with grapes, mostly my cousins and I, just to see how many we could fit. Not everyone wished for many things in the family because I think we all feel we had and have enough. If my family does this again on their own, I’m pretty certain their wishes would be to be able to meet with the family. 
Every year since I was little, my grandparents buy a piñata to smash before or during Christmas. They find it such a good activity for cousins and even for my aunts, my mom and uncle. They literally havent stopped buying them, the oldest grandchild in that side of the family its in her 30s, but they still buy a piñata. I think its mostly for the youngest which are below 16, never the less, its still super funny and hilarious because we go from youngest to oldest. By the time it gets to my brother, its still intact, he only swings it once and its completely DESTROYED. We just have a lot of fun, and sometimes we make my mom or my aunts to hit it. My mom wasnt as cheery when I was a kid, but now she laughs more and when it comes to the piñata she laughs and enjoys her time even more. 
Like any gathering, all cousins bring up something we can do to entertain ourselves. At first they were toys my grandparents had for us, then it was videogames and now... Its board games. My bro is the one obsess with different boardgames and DnD and other card games. So, about 5 years ago he began bringing boardgames for all cousins to play along. We either talk with each other or try to destroy each other with any game there is. Videogames are fun but we all find it a drag to bring the console to the place, besides we usually get so busy with each others banter and weird conversations that we just forget about the videogames all together. 
At my other grandparents house it becomes W I L D. Last time someone brough a beer pong table and they all began to take shots with mezcal (I’m trying to not drink a lot of the time ever since I puked one time. If I drink its light things like wine and only one glass). Then my aunts play music and began to sing and everyone follows up, and... Well last time they began to dance.... And all my cousins were very embarassed and I was hella confused. Suffice to say, my dad’s side of the family are super freakishly energetic and wild, while my mom’s side is more of a geeky, nerdy vibe with a lot of meme stuff and political conversations at times (Oh yeah, we talk a lot of different political stuff, but guess what? It never derails into a fight. I note this due to always reading people’s talks ending with fights and stuff and that kinda weirds me out a bit at times) 
I don’t remember the time exactly, probably since I was 15 maybe, my dad and I turned into the designated ‘chefs’. Every year we’ve been deciding and preparing foods for each house. We make the main course while my aunts do the sides (although sometimes it becomes like 3 main courses with 2 sides). Im waaaaaaaaay into the cooking and I try to make it perfect each year. I kinda chillaxed a bit with some foods because it wasnt that big of a deal. Besides the main course, I also decide to make a dessert and sometimes they arent eaten because my families have some sugar regulations. They are stored and kept after Christmas because thats better than eating it all in one sitting and having sugar poisoning (AKA, high sugar that needs a fast Insuline injection afterwards). 
It is always fun to make food with my dad, and to make the famous Tamales from my grandma’s recipe. Last time i think we made around 400? Between green salsa chicken, red salsa beef and pork, and some that were like... its like an adobe, its with achiote and orange juice. It was very tasty. We usually make a lot and freeze them. THEY ARENT COOKED, they are raw and then frozen. Every time we take some out, we make them with vapor, takes around 2 hours and they are always tasty. I remember I made a batch all by myself, I made the feelings, I mixed the masa, and I assemble 100 by my own, the rest was thankfully made by my parents. And it was the best when I gave some to my grandma and she told me that they were super good. Of course, I made a couple mistakes, Im not perfect but she still enjoyed it with the salsa I made. Maybe I can still make some this year and give each family a batch. 
Aunt’s cookies
Every year, every god damn year... We all wait for one thing... It’s not the presents, its not the food... Its the cookies. The motherfucking cookies. My aunt has made this cookies since I was a kid, and we all fought to get a bunch of them. She has made choco chip with nuts cookies every year without missing. And they always end before Christmas even hits. She once gave me frozen batch so I can cook them at home and she told me ‘Dont tell anybody’. Of course I cannot not tell anyone since I live with my parents and siblings but when I made them I made sure to make them when my dad wasnt home. Not only because Im a gluttonous fuck but because my dad is diabetic and he shouldnt be eating anything like that. 
It used to be a battle royal between my cousins, now its a battle against my uncles cause they LOVE TO FUCKING HIDE THE BIG ASS CONTAINER. I swear, i only got 1 or 2 god damn cookies last time. 
Breakfast at...Lunch at...
After Christmas, we always go eat at my grandparents house. Always. And it’s, most of the time, Menudo. The most delicious food you can make with cow stomach. It’s my grandpa’s recipe and it’s always good. Meanwhile, we lunch at my grandma’s house the leftovers of yesterdays dinner which it varies if its turkey or pork but it always ends up as a torta. Delicious, leftover, tortas. 
We end up... SUPER CONSTIPATED because you eat menudo with bread, and you make tortas with bread, and we all eat bread and like... A LOT. Its hella good but well... THERE ARE CONCEQUENCES!! 
I think thats all, at least the most relevant parts. There’s also The Toast of El Bohemio, the stupidity and over eating i do for fun for some cousins, the conversations that go from super deep to stupidity with cousins, the music we play, the hugs... 
When its the New Year, we scream out HAPPY NEW YEAR. And we proceed to hug each and everyone, one time I waited to see everyone and they all were very very happy. Its something I didnt realize before, but that was a happy thing all the time. Last year we event celebrated with other family, most of this reunions are compose with the nuclear family, but we arent shy about involving more family or friends. So last year not only included some family and their friends, we also included a 2 new members of the family: My newborn cousin and my cousin’s now husband. 
It was like.. One of the best beginnings... Which kind of... didnt prepared us for what this...sucky year. 
I’m sure we’ll make it ok... I sure hope so, I wanna see my grandparents again... I wanna see my baby cousin, he is babbling and has already learned to walk. The little dude doesnt have cousins to play with anymore, I wanna make sure he doesnt confuse me by his aunt ajjajajaja. I want to talk to my cousins, I want to hug them and scream with them and eat with them all. 
But maybe this year it wont happen, and I rather it not happening than loosing any of them. 
Right now I cant smell, and everything hurts, but it kinda helps ease things when i remember this and when I think they all are still kinda healthy. 
Maybe when it all passes we can make a march reunion, to celebrate my grandma’s birthday. In the meantime, I’m going to try to get better and wish for this Christmas to not suck now that It’s only my main family and I. 
Hope everyone is safe, I hope you can at least see your parents or siblings. I hope you dont get sick nor have to spend time at a hospital or anything. I hope all who are, get help and dont get worse. I hope you all get better. 
Hope you have Happy Holidays. 
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all-i-wanna-write · 7 years
🎃 Wanna One as supernatural creatures  👻 - Maknae Line
[ Masterlist ]  [ Back with the second part of this set - Now with the Wanna One children Maknae Line! I hope you all enjoy this!! also sorry for posting a bit late loves, Halloween parties are wild ahaha. Also wow it is lengthy again i’m sorry about that i tend to ramble whoops. I will get to the requests in my inbox soon to those who sent some in!  Have a safe weekend everyone and be sure to read and watch lots of spooky Halloween things in preparation for Halloween next Tuesday! -Admin V ] 
Park Jihoon
if someone calls him tinkerbell one more time he is actually going to lOSE IT
he is so sick of it
he is a pixie! not a fAIRY!
listen he knows they mean it as a joke,,, but cmon does he look like he wears a bright green leaf and is blonde
actually wait
he is not just aegyo and pixie dust and *magic* he is a MAN
and then you know, he sips milk out of a bendy straw and that argument is forgotten
his fashion sense is... still pretty out there.
really bright colors that do not match
and then he wears circle lenses all the time
(he actually cant see that well but he says its just fashion)
wears large sweaters to cover up wings so in summer hes Suffering™
 “you doing okay there jihoon?”
hes just there sweating bullets but raises a thumb
“never better”
he doesn't let the world besides the Supernatural Hub™ and his close family and friends know hes a pixie
so he seems like a normal human to about everyone
he attends college and works at a cafe and is overall just a normal guy
a very cute guy who jeojangs into girls hearts and they fawn over his boyish appearance and general attitude
“hes so cute, like a lil kid!”
lol if only they knew
dresses up as a pixie every halloween
ha ha “dress up”
halloween is the one day a year he can be free and let his wings breathe in a place other than home
he was asked by a friend one year why hes a pixie every year and he sweat bullets yet again
“pixies are cool!” 
hes just a pixie trying to live a normal life with crazy hyungs and friends who drive him insane
but he loves them though so its all okay
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Bae Jinyoung
click clack
“how do you make that sound??? it sounds just like wood!”
“oh yeah my mouth is made of wood ahaha”
introducing modern day frankenstein jinyoung
he was made after dying a long time ago in a car accident but was recreated into who he is now by his family
he ran away after finding out how crazy his family really is
occasionally has to do stitches on himself to connect parts again
he doesn't feel pain though
he has stitches on various parts of his body where he was put back together and some internal things replaced
a walking frankenstein
bright side he can do that really cool click clack sound with his mouth and not have to ever worry about throwing up cause no hunger or uvula to worry about
downside he cant have food really anymore because he doesn't have a way to digest it
he misses beef
he is still adjusting a bit to being alive again so he moves around a bit slowly
daehwi jokingly calls him a zombie and jinyoung has to hold his tongue to not curse at him
he gets back at daehwi by shaking his hand and it coming off and making the other faint
he doesn't really understand 
he helps sungwoon and daehwi with their magic though! 
he is kind of like the perfect assistant because he doesn't really feel pain and hes strong
hes just a cutie boy who may as well be half wood (i almost made him pinocchio lol) but is still gonna click clack his way into your heart
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Park Woojin
“for the last time daehwi i’m a dragon not a lizard”
that’s right
our boy woojin is a fire breathing dragon
who lives in human form because despite how tempting it is to fly from the house to his classes 
he doesn’t think that people will like that very much
“did you hear about that dragon sighting the other day?”
“dude you’re hallucinating, dragons don’t exist”
woojin sweating bullets to the side
woojin is actually a really young dragon 
as in when he does shift forms its,,,
a small dragon
he isn’t a tiny whelpling but its pretty easy to tell he’s young by how small he is
thus why daehwi calls him a lizard 
when he is in his dragon form, he has bright red scales that are shiny and actually pretty soft
he has to be careful because his natural hair ended up being red and he dyes it all the time in vain to stop it
he’s lucky that red is a common dye color otherwise yikes
he isn’t very greedy lmao a lie
he collects pink things but isn’t willing to admit it just yet
halloween comes around and woojin suffers
he is a manly man who likes manly things
children are his weakness he gives out candy to the ones in dinosaur and dragon costumes because they remind him so much of home and family wow let me hug this boy hold on
living heater v.2
everyone goes to either him or daniel if they’re cold
he takes a lil bit of convincing to cuddle however, he is more reserved than daniel is
shy dragon
he breathes fire when scared/angry
on more than one occasion the home was set on fire due to someone scaring woojin
hes a passionate dance major who sets fire to the stage
i’m sorry
love woojin he is just a smol dragon who is learning and loves dancing and pink
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Lee Daehwi
Yer a wizard, Daehwi
moving on
somehow he knows everyone, like everyone
he can recite for memory who is who in a family before even meeting them
daehwi doesn’t look any different than the next person
and then you just see him twiddling a wand around before mumbling something and his shirts suddenly pink
he has seen all of harry potter and loves to point out all the inaccuracies such as;
“why are they so focused on their wands?? you can cast spells without a wand???”
“that is so not how you use troll’s hair”
he helps sungwoon with his potions!
mostly because no one else will nor do they know where the materials for potions are like daehwi
he learned how to teleport and called it apparate because he is that much of a nerd for the movie despite how much he bashes it
he uses his magic so much its a wonder how he hasn’t been outed for a wizard in his school 
he is incredibly lazy because of magic tbh
“daehwi can you pass the pepper”
“oh yeah sure hyung” 
and he just twirls his fingers and the pepper is floating over to seongwoo
very knowledgeable in social media and fashion and makes it his own mission to style the members
he works with jihoon on that one
despite their own.... choices in fashion they know whats good on their friends
if daehwi hates something someone is wearing he’s just gonna change it anyways with his magic lol
halloween is fun because he can decorate the store!!
he loves setting up little decorations that are alive and things for kids to enjoy as they pass by the shop window
the store looks so spooky and festive that it gets a lot of revenue during this time and daehwi couldn’t be prouder
he and jinyoung are best pals, as daehwi helps jinyoung with getting used to being alive again and jinyoung helps him out with numerous things 
dresses up in a witch hat and cape every year no questions asked
“i can do magic in public this way”
he is just a very lovable kid who may not understand boundaries at times but he tries and that’s honestly good enough for everyone
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Lai Guanlin
our boy came from under the sea
the merfolk and humans actually already know about each other so guanlin doesn’t really need to worry about people seeing his gills or ears because its not uncommon to see merfolk like him around
he is just cautious cause not a lot of people are really accepting of his kind yet
he just wants to learn about the world he hadn’t been in for so long because he was in the ocean for most of his life
silent frustration from wanna one hyungs who want to protect him
guanlin is a very tall merfolk for both his age as well as species 
he ended up living at the Supernatural Hut™ because some kids at his boarding school bullied him for gills 
and daehwi saw him getting bullied when he was coming back to the shop and boy did daehwi act
he is lucky those guys were turned around when he cast an illusion charm on a trash can
made it look like police jumping out. which scared the life outta those boys and they ran
daehwi proceeded to claim guanlin as his own and run off with him
okay he didn’t actually run off with him but he bought guanlin coffee and declared him his child
guanlin is confusion
“you were lost on your way back home but you found home in us”
“ew that was cheesy minhyun-hyung”
“here i am baring my heart and soul for you and i get rejected like this”
he’s home-schooled there because no one trusts those schools who let guanlin be bullied
protect the maknae 2k17
“so is under water like the little mermaid”
“whats the little mermaid?”
“that’s it kid you’re watching movies with us and you’re ours now you need to know little mermaid.”
he doesn’t really know what’s going on 99% of the time.
he learns very quickly though, and pretty soon he knew all the movies and basic “kid” stuff that every kid needs to experience within a week
he goes for swims in the nearby lake every other day and relishes swimming in the pure water, unlike the water in the shower
seonho, his other merman bud, lives at their home basically and eats all their food 
still his best friend though
he looked like a kid in a candy store when he learned about halloween
dressed up as nemo and it was honestly the cutest thing to see
he is just a lovable fishy boy who wants to learn more about the world 
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Auto Liability Insurance help?
"Auto Liability Insurance help?
SO how old do you have to be to have only liability insurance?   My son got his license and I might only get him liability insurance cause its cheaper. But, some people told me you have to be 18 to have only liability
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolutions.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
What is the cheapest car insurance you can get for young drivers?
What is the cheapest car insurance you can get for young drivers?
Car insurance for a day/week for a learner
Hey, basically i am going to take my practical test in a couple of weeks (14th) and im taking it in my car, i was just wondering if there is any companys that specialise in car insurance for just a day or a week for learner drivers. if so what companys and how much am i looking to have to pay, thanks""
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I currently have commerce insurance company. I drive a Nissan Versa Hatchback 2011 I have been a licensed driver for the past 8 years without accidents or tickets I am looking for the cheapest auto insurance I can get I am currently financing my car for the next 5 years just to build on credit. I would like for you to let me know what I should. Oh I am also on my own and paying rent on a two family home I pay all my bills on time so there is no issues I have Three jobs and one of them being my full time job. Thanks
""Car insurance, does it look bad to pay monthly?""
Car insurance companies can check your credit, so your financial stability must be important to them. A guess. So, does it look better if you pay them monthly or every 6 months? Paying every 6 months (or yearly if they let you) would show you are financially better (you have some savings). Do you think it really matters at all? At all?""
How much is car insurance for a range rover a month?
I'm almost 16 and I wanted to know how much is car insurance for a Range Rover HSE, since that's the car i want.""
Insurance stats?
hello where can i find insurance data of the United states, on the historically and socially aggregated cash flow and balance sheet of the insurance company
I am a soon to be mom without health insurance.?
I have not had health insurance for 3 yrs now. Till now it's not really been that big of a deal because I'm a very healthy person and was able to pay for all of ck ups @ the doc. but now I'm expecting & I'm not going to be able to pay in full for prental care,& birth delivery of a baby. I have not gone to the doc because I would like to get on health insurance first & I'm scared if I go to the doc first insurance will say it was a preexisting condidtion & not insure me. The baby's father says I should get on Medicaid but he makes $6000 a month, & we live together, so I'm scared that he makes too much money for me to get on Meicaid & we can't afford for me to have any kind of insurance that is expensive. What is the best thing for me to do?""
Can The Insurance Be In Someone Else's Name When You Finance A Car?
I want to finance a car, i know full coverage insurance under my name won't be cheap but can like a family member put full coverage insurance on my car through their name (i'll pay the bill) so it can be cheaper...? thanks""
I have a question about auto insurance?????
The other day someone was giving me a ride. We stopped by a store and when i opened the door i scratched a ladies car. The lady was pretty mad and she took the license plate number and the name of the insurance. Today the guy that gave me a ride says that she called the his insurance and now i have to pay the cost of the damage. Is this guy pulling my leg or can this be true?
Is it possible for me (a 17 year old) to get put on my dads insurance to drive his car? ?
If so how do i do it and how much would it cost :o?
Lady friend totaled my car... How will my insurance go about covering things?
My friend borrowed my car & crashed into someone. She totaled my car (I got the car 6 months ago & I have $8150 worth of payments left on it) & did about $2000 worth of damage to the other car... She was in the hospital for 3 nights HOWEVER I believe she was kept for that long because of some other health issue she was having that was not caused by the accident. She's NOT going to pursue my insurance for medical coverage. She does not have a vehicle or vehicle or vehicle insurance. The other driver was not admitted to the hospital, I don't believe. We have the same insurance company. My friend was 4 times the legal alcohol limit when she was checked at the hospital following being taken there in an ambulance; however she was never checked by a police officer & issued a DUI. She was only issued a ticket for rear ending another vehicle... It goes without saying I am furious with her. I don't believe we will be in too much contact from this point forward unless everything works out good with this situation. Do I have much to worry about the hospital checking her BAC? I have heard that the only way the insurance company will find out all that is if it's in the police report. How will things be handled? I will sue my friend as a last resort; however she has NOTHING literally. I live in Florida.""
Exactly how much does credit score affect auto insurance rates?
Can anyone tell me roughly what percentage my rate is gouged (oops, I mean 'increased') as a result of less than perfect credit? I have Progressive insurance if that helps. Thanks!""
Nicotine/cotinine test for life insurance?
I haven't smoke for 5 weeks. In about 2 weeks I might have to take a nicotine/cotinine test to get life insurance. Will I be able to pass the test for life insurance.
How do I prevent myself from getting taken advantage of by the car insurance companies?
What steps do I need to take in order to always be well ahead of the tricks that car insurance companies would want to pull on me?
Best place to get term life insurance?
Best place to get term life insurance?
How much does canadian car insurance cost for a 20yr old male NEW driver for a used CAR or used SUV?
Just give me an estimate for a car or an suv in canada. Just an estimate. I know its different for all cars and suvs but just give me an idea obviously the differences CANNOT be thousands and its gonna be in a certain range. if u can give me a range fine, give me a range im just a new driver and male, 20. these stupid car insurance companies cant even give me that much its not like im going to be paying 9000$ instead of 300$.""
Will car insurance pay for the following:?
I caused a damage to my car the other day by trying to pass between a truck parked in one lane of the road and the rest of the road. In another words there was some road works going on and only very tiny space for cars to pass. When trying to get through very slowly, I got stucked and when trying to reverse I broke my front bumper and done some other small cosmetic damages to the side of the vehicle. I am fully insured, my insurance is going to expire in about 2 months and I never made a claim before. I have bad experience with insurance companies in general and now am not sure how to follow and make insurance company to pay for the damages. There are some other damages done to the vehicle, for instance, a small stone from vehicle driving in front of me hit my windscreen and caused a small crack. I have no idea how to follow up and make the ins.company to pay. I am fed up with all travel, health and other insurance companies that just make excuses and never pay.""
Do you have to be on someone's insurance to drive a car?
In the state of Florida, if your name isn't on a policy, can you still drive a car? I know that some insurance companies offer uninsured driver insurance, in case someone without insurance hits you. But, do you need to be paying monthly on a policy if you don't have a car of your own?""
How much would car insurance cost for a 17 year old male on a 2013 Dodge Charger V6?
Hopefully I could be a secondary driver on the vehicle which may lower the price a bit
How much do you pay for full coverage car insurance?
i'm 19 and going to buy a car soon but i'm trying to get a ball park figure on how much i can expect to pay
What ia a good affordable health insurance for children?
What ia a good affordable health insurance for children?
Will auto insurance find out about my ticket?
I got 2 tickets carless driving and 62 in a 40. My truck has insurance in my grandpas name. the cop asked for my insurance but i lied and said i didnt have it so he didnt even see a insurance card. do you think that progressive will find out? they did last time when i got pulled over but i gave the cop insurance
Shoul I continue paying my car insurance while waiting on a claim?
My car is total, but my insurance won't fixed it nor pay for it since i didn't have liability coverage.""
How to get out of a ticket? I did not have insurance card?
Basically, I was pulled over for talking on a cell phone. I'm not going to fight that in court but I had an expired insurance card which i also got a ticket for. I had been warned months prior by another officer who pulled me over, to get one that isn't expired. That cop let me go I did get one, but left it at my house when pulled over last night. Do I have a chance to fight this off? I really don't feel like paying 180$""
""If a car insurance company office is closed, can you still insure the car on their website?""
If a car insurance company office is closed, can you still insure the car on their website?""
Auto Liability Insurance help?
SO how old do you have to be to have only liability insurance?   My son got his license and I might only get him liability insurance cause its cheaper. But, some people told me you have to be 18 to have only liability
Teens do any of you have any kind of insurance?
I ask this because im bored and I realized that there are so many kinds of insurance Automobile Insurance Commercial vehicle Insurance (busses and trucks) Homeowners Insurance Renters Insurance Disability insurance Cell Phone Insurance Life Insurance Travel Insurance Troll Insurance There are so many different kinds of insurance AM I RIGHT?
What Are Some Good Health Insurance Companies?
I used to be a 1099 worker but just recently got switched over to a salary but i still do not have health insurance. Are there any affordable health insurance companies out there that ...show more
What's the insurance costs on a 1989-95 nissan 240sx?
I'm sixteen & mostly going to end up getting this car & was wondering how much it would cost out of curiosity
Where is the best online insurance in california without broker and billing fees?
i was wondering where i could find auto insurance online that i dont have to pay broker fees and billing fees in california, my insurance was $197.00 , but ended up paying $298.00 with the billing fees""
Scooters-insurance etc?
how much for m.o.t and average price for insurance a month???i'm in uk
How much would i pay for car insurance? Estimate?
I know that it depends on a lot of factors but can you estimate how much i would pay for car insurance on a monthly basis - I am 18 years old - will be driving either a 1999 or 2000 model - will be attending college after the summer - clear background - this will be my first car - I live in a very wired and exotic place called MARYLAND
Cheap car insurance for a 17 year old boy on a UK full licence?
do you know any cheap insurance providers who could give a reasonable quote for a 17 year old, with a pass plus on a full UK licence, as go compare is giving quotes of 3000+ which if far too much for a student, plus this is only third party, please help!""
What cars are cheap for insurance?
i haven't passed my test, but am thinking about getting a little car. i need it to be cheap on a full uk lisence otherwise i won't be able to afford it. i would also aprreciate your help if you know any cars that have good consumption rates and are cheap to run. thanks in advance""
What is the average cost of Health Insurance adult woman who is a Registered Nurse per month?
Health Insurance for a healthy, non-smoker, fit woman???????""
Wat is the best insurance company out there..?
how much u pay..and wat's the best service.. ok..just want opion..I Wanna change my insurance company... heard that Mercury is good..
Whats the best place to live in san francisco if you have about $2500/month for all expenses?
Iam a student from Dubai who has just graduated (22years old)....Originallly iam from Windsor, Canada.....looking for a place in san francisco to meet new people...i have to look for a temporary course or work around for 6months until i get to know the place and further make my decision where to do my MBA from...I am looking for a decent place with malls, beaches, nightlife, and safe and affordable neighborhood with $2500/month including all expenses budget or more what ever is recommended for you guys for a student to live by themselves in a studio or sharing (both ways)...Please advice what to do or where to live and how much exactly partying, living, driving, insurance and all that on a average so that i can make preperations! thanks!""
Question about auto insurance?
Okay, I'm really stupid when it comes to this stuff, so don't laugh at this. I have a vehicle insured under my name. If my friend is driving it, would she be covered whether I'm present or not? Does it matter at all if she has her own auto insurance?""
Looking for health insurance for children?
I have a friend , a single mother of 2, is looking is looking for an affordable health insurance for her kids - 8 and 10. The mother is 46, with Graves Disease and require her to ...show more""
23 & Auto Insurance...never had any in my name?
ok, so i haven't gotten my new vehicle yet. I won one through the company i work for. I will be getting my new ride in about 6-10wks. Cheverlot Equinox 2010. I have never had car insurance in my name, my dad always took care of this kind of stuff for me. well since this car will be in my name, i was wondering do alot of the insurance companies go based on your credit score? i don't have good credit at all and worried my rates will be very high. I would like some companies listed that you know is cheap but also has discounts for my age with kids. I have 3 kids and i am 23, someone told me State Farm will give me a discount for my kids. Anyone heard of this? Or any other companies that do this. Thanks ANY information about AUTO insurance will be greatly appreciated. As far as the coverage also, i don't have a clue about any of these deductibles they are asking about when i go to some of the sites online for quotes! Thanks""
""Im paying $1,000 every 6months for my car insurance, and im 19 years old.?""
Does anybody know of any cheap insurance companies that I can get a quote from? I really REALLY need to find a different company, because I cant afford that much. Please help! (I live in California if that helps)""
Do any insurance companies do SEASONAL motorcycle insurance?
I am deploying at the end of the summer and was curious if any insurance companies do seasonal or monthly insurance. I live in NJ so if you know of any place that does this please let me know. I tried riders insurance and progressive already. Thank you
""Car fender bender -insurance low balling payment, how to get more money from the insurance company?""
Had a fender bender accident and the other driver was charged, the insurance adjuster said the damage is $1500.00 and gave check (not yet cashed). Took car to repair shop (from the insurance approved list) the estimates were $2000.00 and $2800.00. How and what can be done to get the insurance to pay up more, so I can decide later when and where to get the car repaired? Thanks""
Questions about car insurance?
I understand that I will need car insurance and when I do get my first car my insurance will be high (I'm 17). My parents don't drive, so I can't rely upon them. Tell me if I'm wrong and help me out... 1. So the big picture of car insurance is that if I get into an accident, the money I put for my car will be paid for with the money I put in? 2. Will car insurance cover anything I do with the car? (Such as swapping parts, oil change, etc.) 3. Why does insurance quotes matter? Doesn't the more you pay the better coverage you have? Why do you need to save money? Are they trying to make you pay less so you if your accident can't be paid fully, you will pay with some other type? 4. How much will insurance supposedly cost? My first part-time job will only pay approx. 30k a year, I don't know how much I'll lose. 5. Does the type of car affect how much I will pay? (Hopefully, but I will be getting a Scion FR-S automatic) 6. Which car insurance company is mostly recommended for teenagers? Thanks for your help!""
What companies offer dental insurance in california?
What companies offer dental insurance in california?
Car insurance for a 16 year old?
Hey, I turn 16 in a month and ive had my permit for a year then and its time to get my license. How much (an estimate) would it cost to insure a 1999 Honda Civic LX with geico?""
Do you need to be full time student to be in your parent's insurance?
I'm a cancer survivor and on 5 years health watch on Kaiser. I just turned 22 yesterday and I have 9 units of credits in college. Do you need to be a full time student to be in my father's insurance? or did they changed the law? I live in Bay area California.
Car insurance am I covered?
My 5yr old son got in driver seat and mashed my gas and held it and it blew up my engine.I have full coverage and wondered would this be covered.I know it sounds dumb but its gonna cost me over 3k to fix.
Cheapest first car to insure?
Cheapest first car to insure?
Having insurance from two employers?
My wife and I have insurance through my employer, medical and dental. Her employer wishes to hire her full time and give her benefits, which would include medical, dental, and eye coverage. My question is, can she keep her medical/dental with me, and just take the eye coverage with them, or does she have to choose one employers insurance over the other's? We are pretty happy with our plan right now, and just wish to add the eye coverage that I can't get. Glasses are expensive!""
Functions of life insurance?
what is the functions of life insurance
Auto Liability Insurance help?
SO how old do you have to be to have only liability insurance?   My son got his license and I might only get him liability insurance cause its cheaper. But, some people told me you have to be 18 to have only liability
How much is insurance on a xr 125?
Hi im 16 with a provisional motorbike license and was wondering how much the insurance would cost me on a honda xr125 worth 2500
Is Car Insurance paid Monthly or Yearly?
I was reading an article about the Toyota Prius and it said insurance is about $1400. Is that $1400 a month or a year?
Will my car insurance be affected? Please help?
My friend crashed my car and she got charged with DUI, my car is totalled. I was in the passenger seat, but not driving. What will happen to my car insurance?""
Will i need cash deposit or visa to get rental car after accident in which other party is at fault?
i did not have insurance at time of accident. i live in california.
Car accident and cost $500 to repaint the bumper ?
I crashed a car in a paking lot. It was a dent on a left rear bumper. I didnt want to report to my insurance because i got in an car accident few months ago( i was 17 and juz turned 18). The owner took his car to mechanism and sent me a receive of her car repair. It costed $500 to repaint a left bumper ( Acura 2 doors). My dad told me that $500 can painting the whole car and told me to as the owner if I can pay only $300. I dont want my insurance goes up but also dont want they charge me that much. I wonder if they really cost $500 to repaint the bumper because the owner sent me a payment for her car and anyway that i can ask hhim to lower the cost. I took a picture of the dent after I crash it andn dont know if it can help for anything ??
Best cheap auto insurance?
So i'm getting ready to buy my first car on a budget of $1,200, so i want to go as cheap as possible.All i want is liability insurance,basically the bare minimum of what the law will alow me to carry.I am 20 yrs old,just now getting my license,been driving with a learner's permit for the last 2 1/2 yrs. In that time i had one violation,it was a ticket for driving with a broken headlight.I am female,btw.So anyways,what'sa good cut rate insurance company?""
I need help on which plan is better for dental insurance?
My teeth are in fairly good condition except my wisdom teeth are coming out so i want to have insrance just in case i have to take them out. Im 19 and i havent been to the dentist in like 3 years. Im trying to get a plan with blue shield of california but their are two types of plans HMOs and PPOs and im confused the link is the comparison of the two. https://www.ehealthinsurance.com/ehi/dt/compare-plans?showCarrierLogo= can anyone who knows about dental insurance help me out which one is better?? Thanks
Does a subcontractor need insurance?
typically, when you try to bid on jobs you will be asked for general/professional liability insurance. however when you subcontract do you still need insurance? also, what are riders and endorsements? thank you""
Why does Infinity car insurance suck?
everytime i called them for help they always sounds like they are mad and rude at the same time, and they don't even care about helping me out just by the sounds of their voice!!! my question is what a good car insurance out there???""
How much would it cost to insure a 2008-2011 Saab 9-3 Aero? Or just a 2.0T?
I'm a 16 year old guy in Southern California if that helps
""Im a new G2 driver, and im thinking on getting second driver insurance on my moms car.?""
how much do u think it will add onto the insurance already?, its a 2003 ford focus""
How much is insurance for a Porsche Boxster?
I'm 16 and getting a Boxster. I would like to know how much insurance is for it. We have state farm insurance. And I DO NOT want to hear Parents shouldn't give their teenager an expensive car! Just because I am a teenager, doesn't mean I will crash. I don't drink, speed, do drugs, or text and drive. So keep your opinions to yourself, thanks :)""
Why are rich people so upset that poor people and youngters can now get affordable 'health care'?
here in mississippi for our age group it's like only $500 a month. No wonder they need to raise the minimum wage.
Does anyone know an affordable doctor in phx/ glendale area?
I have no insurance, does any one no where there is a good doctor who's cash prices are affordable?""
Insurance rate for a 2000 toyota celica?
Insurance rate for a 2000 toyota celica?
Is it illegal to drive without insurance?
I got my G1, and you allowed to drive with an adult in the car. But i don't yet have insurance but my mom does, if she has insurance can i still drive the car? She wont let me because i don't have my own insurance yet. Is it legal for me to drive?""
How does an Alabama ticket affect Washington insurance?
I got a speeding ticket in Alabama last day of August for doing 52 in a 40, $200. I have two previous wrecks, one was not the considered my fault and my rates did not increase, one was weather related but my rates did increase. I am 20 years old and have no previous tickets. I know this will go on my record and that my insurance company will see when my policy is renewed, but I want to know if it will dramatically increase my rates? WA state does not operate on a points system like Alabama does so I'm confused on how it will transfer over. Any help is appreciated.""
How Can I Get Cheap Auto Insurance?
im 18 i just got my lisence i have a 93 ford ranger that my dad can put in my name. my parents are seperated. my mom has excellent driving record and good policy. if i get on her policy. can i drive the truck if its in my name ? im not sure im just trying to get auto insurance. and i have no one to help :(
Insurance deposit for an auto insurance?
I received a quote for an auto insurance and they require a deposit and then the first premium payment..Will the deposit be refundable? Why is there a deposit? Thank you!
Can I drive my parents car without Insurance?
So I live in MA and I was wondering if I will get into trouble if I drive my parents car (which is insured under my dads name) when I am home for the Thanksgiving break (my name is not on my dad's insurance). Will having a written consent from my dad permitting me to drive the car help?
17 year old car insurance prices ?
im comparing cars on moneysupermarket because im 16 an need a heads up on insurances costs etc... but i compared a classis mini 1.0- annual: 6000 and Monthly: 650 also, 2007 vauxhall corsa 1.0- annual: 8000 Monthly: 852 and a 1993 Ford Fiesta 1.1- annual: 12000 Monthly: 1152 now i can sort of understand the price for the mini, due to its a small car with a small engine, but the corsa's like brand new? how can the insurance be sort of lowish. but why are they charging huge amounts for a fiesta that is older than me and is probably falling to piece's slowly ? im so confused :S can some one help me and please explain this i really want to be able to have a first car at 17 but at this rate i might be stuck on a motorcycle for a few years then maybe have enough money to afford a car :/""
Title insurance in WA?
My lender charged me about $2,100 (for both lender's and owner's title insurance) for a home price of about $260,000. Is this normal? How much the rate for title insurance in WA state? What is the best title insurance company in WA state? Thank you in advance. Jo""
""How much would insurance be on a peugeot 106, female, 17?""
Hi, im 17 and should be passed my driving test by christmas. I want a peugeot 106 and was wondering does anybody know how much (roughly) insurance would be? i live in a small town, in a quiet cul de sac and the car will be parked in my driveway (if this narrows it down)! thanks""
What is car insurance for a first time driver?
Okay i am 18 and have never had my license before and am going to be getting it at the end of this month...soon we are going to start getting insurace quotes for my car, we have been talking about what would be the best way to go about getting the cheapest insurance...so would it be best to put the car in my name but then just be added to my parents insurance and have me as the primary driver OR would it make a difference if we put the car in one of my parents name and then had me listed as the secondary driver for the car ? OR maybe you know a better way to go about this please give me all the advice you know about this! thanks""
Renting a car with no insurance.?
Hello there, I'm over 25 and have a driver's license but I currently don't own a car therefore I do not have car insurance. I know that usualy when you rent a car and you have car insurance, you won't have to pay extra for rental car insurance. How does that work if I don't have insurance right now? Is extra insurance from the rental company expensive? Or would they even let me rent a car (only for a couple of days when I go to my cousin's wedding out of state) if I don't have car insurance? Any insights would help! I would hate to show up and not be able to rent a car and have to call someone to come get me. Thanks!""
Auto Liability Insurance help?
SO how old do you have to be to have only liability insurance?   My son got his license and I might only get him liability insurance cause its cheaper. But, some people told me you have to be 18 to have only liability
When do health insurance premiums drop?
what is the average amount of time it takes before health insurance premiums start to drop? (so they say) - i have had my insurance for ten months now.
What car is very cheap to insure? Im 17 and really want a car!?
I was thinking about the peugeot 106 before ad the saxo but apparentley its too expensive, i just want to know a car that i can get quite cheap insurance for, bearing in mind im 17!""
Can I move to nevada and keep California auto insurance for 6 months?
I am considering moving to las vegas area and would like to know how long I can live there and keep my CA drivers license, CA registration, and CA auto insurance.""
First traffic violation. How much will it affect my insurance?
So today I got my first traffic violation after 9 years of driving. I am 25 and have been driving since I was 16. I stopped to far in a stop sign and passed the line. How much will the ticket cost? I live in CA. How badly will this affect my auto insurance? Right now I pay $150 every 6 months for liablity coverage.
Anchor general insurance?
ive made a claim on my car 2 weeks ago. an adjuster came out to take pictures of my car last week on wednesday. i havnt heard from them since everytime i call my insurance and they transfer me to claims i end up waiting 30 mins plus just so they can drop my line. im wonderinf if they are even gonna get back at me? should i keep calling them has anyone had any problems with anchor general before?
""If minors can't sign contracts, why can they get their own car insurance?""
If minors can't legally sign contracts, then why can we get our own insurance policies? The policies are way higher in price, but in Virginia, where I live, you can legally have your own insurance policy and insurance, separate from your parents. They don't have to sign anything, they don't even have to know that you have the policy. Statefarm, Progressive, Allstate, all of them do it.""
Where can I get a better health insurance plan ?
I tried with some of the agents, but it is not working out for me. Can anyone help me, If you have taken any health insurance plan.""
Can I have car insurance from California in Maryland?
I spoke to a representative of the car insurance from California and she said that it was fine. And that she had many clients from all over the nation. Does anyone know more about this? Thanks!
How much would car insurance cost for a 17 year old male on a 2013 Dodge Charger V6?
Hopefully I could be a secondary driver on the vehicle which may lower the price a bit
Can you keep your old insurance if your getting a new car?
I have to get a new car (old car broke down and it will cost more to get it fixed than what's its worth) and I just paid my insurance for my old car this month. I was wondering if ...show more
How much does car insurance for minors cost?
I live in Victorville, California and I'm 16 years old. What is the average price for car insurance in my area and for my age?""
""I got a problem, my daughter just got her drivers license and because I could get cheaper insurance with?""
another company, I switched insurance companies. Needless to say yesterday when she was backing out of our car port she hit the carport pole and scratched my car pretty bad and knocked some trim off. The scratch bothers me the most because it's long and down to the metal and paint is chipping off. Can anyone tell me how I can fix this with out filing a claim?""
Changing Auto Insurance?
My 6 month insurance is up and its time for a renewal, recently i felt that my rates are to high and i would like to change to a different insurance company. But i have a couple of questions before i proceed and would like some suggestions. 1)How do i change my Auto insurance? Such as what are the normal processes one goes through. 2)Will cancelling my current account with them result in any extra charges? it is a renewal btw. 3)Should i get a quote from Geico first? (im trying to switch from Safeco to Geico) 4)Are there other Auto insurance companies i should consider? THANKS!""
Reduce motorcycle insurance?
would it be feasable to buy a moped (100ccish) & insure it for a couple of years just to get some no claim bonus!! then in a year or 2 buy a proper bike ( 650ccish) & hopefully the insurance will be cheaper. i used to have bike in my youth when i passed my test but as i havent ridden 1 for a while its difficult to get insurance ( reasonable cost any way ) thanks
What is the best health insurance for the self employed? (and cheapest)?
What is the best health insurance for the self employed? (and cheapest)?
Does anyone have any idea how much it will cost to insure a learner in the UK?
I am just wondering if anyone vaguely knows how much it would be for me to be insured on my dad's insurance so I can learn with him as well as an instructor? Thanks x
Cheap Car Insurance - Please Help?
Hello in June I will be 17 years old! Obviously like all 17 year old males I want a car! I'm not massively fussed about the car as long as it doesn't cost to much! Today I have been looking at cars such as; FIAT CINQUENCENTO Perodua Nippa EX and a few other cars bellow 1l I live in Northamptonshire and my postcode is NN1 *** on comparison websites i cant find insurance for less than 3500 when that is miles out of my price range! If anyone knows any insurance sites or extremely cheap cars to insure for 17 year olds then please reply to this. Any help will be much appreciated. Thanks
Can an auto insurance company suspend my license?
I was hit by a woman in a parking lot. In Texas where I live, certain parking lots are no fault zones if they are private property. I was in one of these no fault zones. I was uninsured at the time. She had Uninsured Motorist Protection as part of her insurance policy. I suffered no damages to my vehicle or person. She suffered $1500 worth of vehicular damage. Her insurance company paid for her damages. I was backing out of a parking space and she came flying around the corner and messed up the entire passenger door of her car on my rear bumper. Like I said I received no damage to my vehicle since I was the one barely moving. She called the police immediately after this minor accident took place. I was not cited on the ticket I received for any accident, only for no insurance. The officer informed me verbally that the accident was my fault only because she had the right of way but that there was nothing they could do about it because of the no fault zone policy. Anyway, now her insurance company is coming after me to collect payment of the $1500 they paid for her damages. I have not agreed to pay this amount because it was a no fault zone and I don't feel I should pay for it. She should not have been going that fast in a busy parking lot with a car full of kids. Although the unofficial technicality states that I was at fault, legally no one was at fault. Her insurance company is also threatening to have my license suspended if I do not pay the amount specified. I did not think that they, as a private company, had the power to have that happen. I've never been in this situation before and need an answer as to whether or not the insurance company can do that or if its just some kind of scare tactic to jolt me into paying but really has no merit behind it. Someone please help!""
What company has the cheapest car insurance for a teen in north carolina ?
What company has the cheapest car insurance for a teen in north carolina ?
Is the money withdrawn from the life insurance in foreign country taxable?
I came from a foreign country about 10 years ago. In my country, I have a life insurance that is like a saving account with no interest. I pay the specified amount annually, and I will receive the money I saved when the insurance period completes in a few years. It will not be a big money, and will be just about 15% of my annual income. If I withdraw this money and transfer it to my bank account in the US, would it be taxable?""
Do classic/muscle cars cost more to insure?
Im 16 years old with my driving permit going to be g2 in a few months (can drive alone with g2) Im looking to get a classic or muscle car so cars such as late 60's camaro or mustangs to something later such as late 80's monte carlos the car will likely be a project (im up for a small to medium restoration) so id try to get antique insurance? my cousin has antique insurance on his '81 camaro thats almost mint and its been appraised and everything and he can drive it on weekends and theres a set km's that he can drive according to his insurance im fully able to do a restoration as ive worked in an auto shop and I know a bunch of parts suppliers & garages (including one of my cousins) basically ive got the place, the tools, the know-how (im an auto student) and a parts suppliers anyways what I want to do is have it on my dads insurance, his record has been clean since started driving which around 30 years do insurance companies charge more for say cars that have options such as SS or other things that make is look sporty or make the car faster (bigger & better engine) say car with a 267 chevy v8 would be less insurance than one with a 350 v8? is it cheaper to say my dads the primary driver while I drive it? do older cars generally have cheaper insurance? is there such a thing as project car insurance? (do I even have to have insurance on a project if im not driving it say for a month?) im just so confused with all the insurance talk like premiums and deductibles etc etc.""
Need help on car insurance for young driver?
Hi! I've been struggling to get a good quote for car insurance for a while now. I tried all the big name comparison sites and every one is quoting me 4k (monthly installments). I opted for third party and theft, i am 22 years of age and my postcode starts with sl1 (slough) and i got pass plus and had my licence (manual) since march 2011. I got my car already its a Peugeot 206 1.6l petrol manual 1999 3doors. If you have time you can try for yourself with the above details the quote is freaking too much. Is this just how it is or am i doing something wrong? If you can point me to the right direction that would be amazing!!""
Cheap car insurance for new drivers?
I passed my test yesterday and want to know if anyone knows any cheap insurance companies that do 1 month cover only? as am im selling my car soon! thanks!
Does your insurance go up?
If you park in a bus stop zone, in NYC, and get a ticket. Does your car insurance go up? What happens? I paid it off right away in like 2 hours, will there be something else?""
Me and my wife wants to add our 16 year old to our insurance.?
If we tell them he does not have a license yet how much would it cost in Texas
Auto Liability Insurance help?
SO how old do you have to be to have only liability insurance?   My son got his license and I might only get him liability insurance cause its cheaper. But, some people told me you have to be 18 to have only liability
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