#so now the humans pray to michael and gabriel and uriel and etc and aziraphale gets to enjoy his cocoa in peace
sunderwight · 1 year
the "crowley is lucifer" theory is interesting but I like to think in canon it's actually a reverse issue
crowley is the demon agent on earth. when humans have met "the devil", nine times out of ten they've actually met crowley. nobody alive has really met lucifer/satan, he's too busy running hell (and if the S1 finale is any indication, it would be a very... noticeable thing for him to pop up for any reason)
but satan is still really different from how he used to be, so humans don't have much idea of what lucifer actually was like, of course not. and yet he's the subject of all the poets, the tragic villain of the story, and there are all these accounts of this red-haired fallen angel who made stars and light and was the serpent who tempted eve and he's charming and underhanded and tricky, and so what's starts happening is people think crowley is lucifer and imagine lucifer as being like crowley, because lucifer is the main character of the story of the fall
so yeah actually crowley is lucifer, but only because humanity based its ideas about lucifer off of crowley
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