#so she was just the new child poster girl character to hype up those in between half games
goldensunset · 2 years
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ok coco’s little introduction screen is visibly different from everyone else in the game and i’m not sure why. with everyone else, the black bar with the japanese text is on the bottom, in front of the character. the white bar with the english text is on the top, behind the character. for coco, both bars are behind her figure, and the japanese one is on the top for some reason. it’s immediately noticeable and i wonder why it’s the case
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araminakilla · 5 years
Posible Ducktales season 2 finale timeline according to trailer
So, since I'm not the only one who thinks that, with all the villains gathering to destroy Scrooge and family... where does Lunaris fit in all of this? Here's my (long) theory.
Glomgold and Ma Beagle: The first allies
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Those two are the classic villains than are more asociated with Scrooge and have past feuds with him.
For Glomgold, it can be the bet. Maybe he is losing and wants to take everything the real Scotish duck has without waiting any longer.
For Ma Beagle, it could be the lands problem that Scrooge had with Grandpa Beagle, or maybe they lost for real some Beagle Boys in the Duck's quest for D'jinn's lamp and they want to avenge said Beagles by killing Scrooge's closest relatives.
As other post pointed out, Glomgold actually learned something in the 87 cents episode about what makes Scrooge so sucesful, and that's his family. That's why he said in the trailer that he's looking for a family, not only to show respect to Ma and his boys, but because he really thinks gaining a villainous family is the way he could win for once and for all.
The others
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Mark Beaks
The grey parrot is going to appear in an episode with Louie, Goldie, Doofus and (as I like to call him) his robot son Mini Beaks. It seems like the millenial wants something with Doofus, be it money or social status as he's in the duckling's tree house. Unfortunatly, so are Scrooge's nephew and lover, maybe to try and scam him.
Maybe at the end of the episode, Doofus doesn't want to help the parrot, and instead he will help Louie (or no one, as this incarnation of Doofus is a great pain in the... tail) making Beaks to swear revenge against the Mcduck family, an opportunity that comes with Glomgold and his alliance of terror.
Magica de Spell
The sorceress somehow has her powers back (or just basic ones) and I'm sure that she's the reason that the ducklings (and Violet) end up in some kind of dream land where everyone can wish for anything and that becomes true, kinda like Coraline's other world or Bill Cipher's bubble for Mabel.
I say this because Webby has the look of Scrooge, Violet has some books, Huey is tall, Louie just wants to be a cat (Aristocats reference, anyone?) and Dewey is popular in the school he never had the chance to go (if his looks, Dewey's costume that dances and that poster behind Magica when she's with Lena alone in the lockets who says "you can Dew it" is any indication).
Anyway, that world was created by Magica as a way to reclaim Lena again, who surely having her evil aunt back is the last thing that she wanted.
I'm pretty sure the kids end up defeating Magica again and keeping Lena, but Magica swears revenge and, just like Beaks, she is recluted by Glomgold and company, and she would have to swallow her pride and follow the South African duck... for the moment.
Don Karnage
He is an interesting case, as we haven't see him since his debut episode. I don't know how the villains can found him, as he and his crew are in the sky, but I have a theory of why they would choose him.
Simple, Dewey posted on the Internet about how he and his family fought and defeated the "not so great" captain Don Karnage, making the pirate wolf very livid and maybe ashamed about how his reputation went down faster than a malfuctioning plane after he lost to a child of all things.
The villains probably read about him on the web and wondered if he wanted to have his revenge too. They were right.
They somehow contact the Don, and not only they obtain a great swordman, but also an entire pirate crew. It's a pity they don't let the pirates sing, it could have been an interesting semi-musical episode.
The Time Tube's role
So, where does Gyro's time tube fits in all this madness? It could be:
1. The villains did it
They stole it so they can ruin Scrooge's life for the start and mess with his present.
2. Louie did it
In the trailer, we see Louie in the tub while having some treasure. Given how he screwed up things in the lamp episode, most of us theorize that he is the one behind all the time traveling stuff.
3. Gyro did it on accident
It can be that, as this is Gyro's creation after all, it went out of control itself and its presence afected the present in many ways. Or it could be that it ended up in the past and Bubba is the one doing the time traveling stuff to bring Tootsie with him while making a mess.
4. A combination of the other ones with the first one
Either Gyro, or Bubba, or Louie did it, but it was as the same time as "Glomgold's family" was attacking the Mcduck Manor.
Anyway, this will indicate the introduction of Bubba and his pet triceratops and the battle with the villains will take place.
The final result?
The ducks win, the villains lose and Gyro learns to control his time tube better for other important ocasions that, as we know, are about to happen... BIG TIME.
Lunaris' Invasion
I'm 99% sure the battle with the Moonlanders will take place after the battle with Glomgold and company.
Why? Because in this picture (in the inferior corner) we see five pictures of Scrooge's enemies. We see Magica's face, Mark's beak, Ma Beagle's nose and the other ones are Glomgold and Karnage for sure.
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This could indicate that the five lost to the Duck family or they were near them at the time the alien's computer seached information about Della's clan.
There's also about a picture of Gizmoduck (pretty sure they know about his other identity too... take new notes Fenton) indicating that they are aware of the technology the Earthlings have.
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And talking about superheroes, this is the moment that Launchpad and Scrooge recruit Darkwing Duck, as we can see that the Scotish one is wearing the same clothes.
All seems to indicate the battle with the aliens takes place at night in Calisota. Scrooge is charging with the help of the Ottoman Empire brothers, Emily Quackfaster, Gyro, Demonworth, Beakly, Lena, Violet (she's there too, next to Lena, she's just that small), M'ma Cabrera, Gizmoduck and Gabby McStabberson.
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Penumbra and Donald: The last hope
So, it seems like Penny is becoming a good girl if the poster for season 3 is any indication. Ergo, she is the one to return Donald to his family and thanks God the lack of an orange blimp didn't change things.
Penumbra is the only one to know the true, and the only one who could stop all this invation. How? Screaming and shooting laser guns like everyone else? I don't think so. She will use the same strategy Della used with the Moon mite.
She would use kindness and a peaceful aproach. She would probably said that Della was a good person all along, that she was wrong and Lunaris is the thread to all. I'm sure that after that, the Moonlanders will stop any violence.
But what about Donald? Mister "I prefer to not have many adventures and don't appear in many episodes" is going to have. Some. Good. EPIC MOMENTS
I mean, look at him battling Lunaris and tell me you don't see the rise of the Duck Avenger. Some random alien is acusing his twin sister of treason and decides to punish her along with her boys? His boys?
Lunaris is death Moon meat. Period.
When he returns to Earth, he would have a very heartwarming reunion with his boys and his sister. At last, the Duck twins are together and nothing will tear them apart again.
Scrooge's allies: Coincidence or selection?
Now, what makes us have a lot of hype apart from the epic return of our main characters after months is the return of characters that we didn't know were making a return, like Gabby McStabberson or the Living Mummies. Characters that, be for their unique design or personality make us decide for more moments with them, and we got it.
But... Why? Why them?
Aside for the fanservice aspect, there has to be another reason for that.
It could be that Scrooge had recluted Gabby and the wolf brothers and would pay them later, or simply they want to make sure their home planet isn't invaded.
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Not sure about where the Ottoman Empire brothers fit in all of this. Maybe there is going to be an episode about how they reconcile with the help of one of the triplets.
Now, we got to a very interesting part (and I'm not only saying this because I'm a fan of those two)
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Aliens vs Middle Eastern people
Now that's something you don't see very often. *Ahem* well, the reason this little scene is so important is because it show us that the Moonlanders are attacking Egypt.
Egypt. As in, they are not only seeking Della and her family. They are attacking all the Earth at the same time. We can be sure that the aliens are the ones attacking Amunet and D'jinn because of the yellow/golden lasers that almost hit the warrior (thanks Amunet) and are the same ones Gabby is repeling with her sword/dagger.
Also, the battle is taking part at the same time but in different places. In Duckburg is night, and in Egypt; day.
But other option is that D'jinn and the Mummies are not confronting the aliens by coincidence.
They were actually selected.
Remember the picture that shows an alien computer with the Duck family at the center and Scrooge's enemies and Gizmoduck in the corners?
Who can't say the aliens did the same with Scrooge's allies and family all around the globe?
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There are a lot of golden spaceships in construction. Maybe not all of them go to Duckburg but to different parts of the World.
If the selective theory is true then that means there are going to be aliens following Fethry, Gladstone, Selene, even the Buzzards (yes please, they had it coming)
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Also, in this Earth hologram under the picture of the triplets, there seems to be like a close up Earth map, maybe with the bright dots indicating where are Scrooge's allies and family now.
Be it coincidence or computer selection, one thing is for sure. Lunaris is going to make an example of all of them. His frustration about his father being a coward has made him a ruthless, merciless, alien guy who is going to prove the Moon's superiority to the World.
Now that's downright sadistic Lunaris.
When you said you wanted the Earthlings to fear you and the Moon... you really mean it.
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Well, that was all I got to say about the future events of this season. Hope this helps and I can't wait for September, the Hype is killing me slowly.
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ddaengyoonmin · 5 years
Chapter one
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Genre: DystopianFuture!au; Prison!au; historical and mythological characters; based on the Fate/ anime series. Fluff, Angst, Smut (it’s gonna be real smutty in some chapters 😳) Action and fighting will be a definite theme.
Pairing: poly!Ot7xreader -there will be some three(maybe even more)some smut in future chapter
Warnings: Mentions of killing and murder; swearing; explicit talk of sex and being horny;
A/N: While there are going to be a lot of famous historical and mythological characters in this series, I am not sticking 100% to factual backstories from history or stories that they come from. So when that all comes in please don’t be in my asks saying “but that never happened to *insert famous figure*!!” It’s just going to be lightly based on them if that makes sense... 💜 
I’d recommend reading the prologue in my master list before starting chapter one
Word Count: 5.6k
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Their home was small, definitely too small for seven people to be all in one house.  Two bedrooms and a small kitchen, living room area, two bathrooms to share between them and a garage to keep the car that each household was issued.  Yoongi often missed his life outside of Red Brick.  Especially on days where he was woken up by Jin’s snoring from the bunk above him.  
He shared his room with Jin, Namjoon and Hoseok, his three younger companions Jungkook, Jimin, and Taehyung shared the other room.  
It seemed Yoongi was the first one in his room awake, the bright light of the start of a new day was trickling in through the tiny window in the middle of the wall. Yoongi pulled himself up from the bed, sitting up groggily and letting out a deep sigh.  He stood and peered out, observing the small neighborhood that had been his home for the past 3 years.  He’d now adjusted to life here, it was simple.  There were 5 different neighborhoods of prisoners, many houses packed with too many people the same as his.  It could be worse, he’d heard in the past that prisons were just small cells and you wouldn’t be allowed to do most of the things they were still able to here.  Like driving their own car, or even making their own food wouldn’t have been allowed.  He can’t imagine how suffocating that would’ve been.
But then again, those prisons didn’t have the Escape War.  
Growing up he’d seen it televised, it was gruesome and  sickening in his opinion.  He’d never participated in the bets or buying subscriptions to watch the season.  One season when he was a small child he remembered being at a friend’s house who had their TV turned on to the Escape War. He had marveled at  the appearance of a tall muscular man, adorned in magnificent gold jewelry and a red robe fit for royalty, he was one of the servants. His friend had informed him he was a Rider Servant, the spirit of Alexander the Great.  Yoongi had instantly taken a liking to the way the Alexander stood confidently and strong while he walked down the streets of Red Brick, when suddenly a large gold spear flew through the air, impaling Alexander in the chest.  Yoongi froze at the sight, they had shown it all, the blood splattering and dripping down his front, and the look on Alexander’s face as he died.  Then, as was custom to do, the gold spear wielding servent slaughtered the remaining members of Alexander's team, ending with the master.   Right before the master was pierced through the heart with the golden spear he mouthed something out that was barely audible, it sounded like “Fuck you.”
It was a cold and ruthless game, yet the society that Yoongi had grown up in loved it.  Every eight years it was the talk of the country.  During the battles and even after there were action figures, posters, t-shirts featuring the servants and their masters.  Fan clubs for teams existed even after the team themselves had been killed in the War.  It was like they didn’t see them as real people and more like characters in a fictional television series.
They would start hyping up the battle a few months before it was set to start.  Without fail, every eight years on the same week in the month of June the seven masters would be chosen.  News outlets everywhere would announce the names.  It would really get crazy once the servants were revealed, then the bets and deadpools started taking place.  People had come up with strategies they claimed was the  best way to tell whether a servant was strong enough to win or if they’d be one of the first to lose.  Sometimes a servant would surprise everyone.  In one famous war, before Yoongi was born, that was still talked about to this day, the team assassin class servant had won.  No one had expected it, and most had actually placed them as the first to die.  Mostly because the servant that had been summoned was a small child, she was the spirit of Jack the Ripper.  Many had laughed and said it couldn’t possibly be true and she had no chance of victory. For one the Jack the Ripper everyone had heard about in history was assumed to be a man, and secondly how could a small child possibly be the power defending a whole team of adult men.   Little did they know that the young girl Jack was one of the most merciless killers they would ever witness.  That war only lasted eight days, as opposed to the average of forty days.  Jack had snuck in to the rooms of the sleeping teams and servants and silently slit their throats in their sleep.  The camera crews aren’t permitted in the houses of the prisoners for privacy reasons, so none of it was able to be televised.  The media had gone crazy and the fans of Escape War were furious.  Yet it still remained one of the most talked about seasons of Escape War ever.
The longest war took about four months, most of the teams were terrified and tried not to engage in battles with the other’s.  The warden and his servant who always held the title Ruler Class Servant, had to actually try and instigate some situations where the teams would be forced to battle so as not to upset the media and the viewers.  
Yoongi hated him.  The warden, the one who made millions off of the deaths of the prisoners he was tasked to watch over as the one in charge of Red Brick.  He would sit in the top of the tall ornate church, that doubled as his office, and watch the whole thing take place.  It sat in the middle of their town, with a tower so far up that nothing big could be missed from above.  
“Yoongi hyung, I think somethings wrong with the car” A whine rang out from outside of the paint chipped white wooden door to Yoongi’s shared bedroom.  
Yoongi turned towards the voice had just snapped him out of his thoughts.
“What do you mean something's wrong” he groaned
The tall, heavily tattooed boy swung open the door and stomped into the room.
“It won’t start” he pouted, “I was going to go to the store and pick up our rations for breakfast but it made a weird noise and didn’t start up”
“Jungkook, for fucks sake, do you have to wake up the whole house about it?” Jin hissed from the top bunk above where Yoongi now sat.
“I’ll take a look at it Kook” Yoongi assured.
Jungkook nodded and rushed out of the room quickly.  
“He’s gonna get his fucking ass beat if he keeps barging in like that for shit this early in the morning” mumbled a sleepy Namjoon who had apparently also been awakened by the youngest boy’s loud complaints.
Hoseok on the other hand was still knocked out.  That boy could probably sleep through the entire Escape War, Yoongi thought, chuckling slightly to himself.  
Yoongi met Jungkook outside by the car, it seemed Taehyung had also joined the younger boy in investigating the issue, he had the hood of the car opened and was staring at it blankly.  Brushing his chocolate hair out of the way as it continued falling into his eyes.  
“Step aside, let me check it out” Yoongi nudged Taehyung over and took a look for himself. After some observation he came to the conclusion “Looks like it might’ve blown one of the fuses and is stalling out now because of that, I think we have some spare ones back in the house.”
Yoongi had always had a passion for working on cars out in the free world, now, here in Red Brick it had become his job.  When prisoners of Red Brick are admitted in they are assessed on their skills and usefulness then assigned jobs in the city in order to keep the town thriving and for the most part completely dependant on itself and the prisoners to keep it running like a normal society.
Jungkook and Taehyung worked out in the fields doing a lot of the farming work that went on in the prison.  Jimin had landed a highly sought after job in the church/main office of the prison, helping with paperwork and secretarial duties.  Hoseok helped run the gym and athletics area of Red Brick, it was a pretty shit gym, but the prison was required by law to have one so prisoners could get their allowed 30 minutes of exercise a day.  Namjoon helped out at the library, shelving and labeling books, and Jin had a job doing electrical work on the houses and buildings in the city.  
“So you can fix it?” Jungkook excitedly questioned.
“Yeah it’s pretty simple actually if we have the right fuse for it here, if not I’ll have to take our bike over to the repair shop and pick one up, I know they’ve got one there”
Taehyung threw his tattooed arms around Yoongi’s stomach in a tight embrace, “You’re the best hyung”
Yoongi pulled on Taehyung’s arms “Off me” he grunted.  
Taehyung giggled and held tighter with a grin wide on his face “Uh uh.”
“You’re fucking annoying” Yoongi grumbled, finally shoving Taehyung off of him.  
Jimin had just walked out of the house and made his way to the car, “Sup?” he greeted
“Yoongi’s fixing the car again, don’t hug him for it though, he’s grumpy today” Taehyung replied.
Jungkook nodded in agreement.
“Aww, what's eatin ya up hyung?” Jimin cocked an eyebrow up, biting his silver lip ring as he did, a regular habit of Jimin’s.
“Nothing” Yoongi quietly answered, pushing past the three younger men to go find the fuse.
The three boys exchanged looks of questioning between each other at the grumpier than usual attitude of their older room mate.
They stayed by the open hood of the car waiting on Yoongi to return.  When he did he tried his best to ignore them, pulling the lid off of the fuse box and pulling out the fuse that he was pretty sure was the troublemaker and replacing it with another new one.  
“Hyung...is that…” a shocked expression growing on Jungkook’s face as he pointed to Yoongi’s hand.
Jimin and Taehyung quickly leaned in to see what Jungkook had been motioning to.
“Holy shit...it is isn’t it?” Jimin gasped out
Yoongi recoiled his hand, taking it in his other hand and covering the mark, holding it into his stomach. “Yeah...this morning” he muttered
Taehyung gazed wide eyes at the older man, “Were you gonna say anything?”
Yoongi shrugged, shutting the hood and turning to lean against the car.
Jimin mimicked Yoongi’s shrug in a mocking manner, “That’s all you have to say?”
“This affects us all too hyung!” Taehyung shouted.
“What affects us all?” A voice rang out from the open door of the house.  
“Yoongi has the masters mark Namjoon hyung” Jungkook replied, a small frown on his face and his mind racing, knowing the implications of this new tattoo that had suddenly appeared on Yoongi's hand.
Namjoon’s face fell, his hands that were pressed to his hips dropped in shock.  “Oh... well fuck.”
The day was filled with the seven of them talking about what to do now that Yoongi had been chosen for the Escape Wars.  
“I say we all join in the team.” Jin suggested.  The seven men were all sitting around in a circle in their small living room area.  The tattered olive green couch holding the three youngest, Namjoon sat in a matching recliner chair while the rest of the boys sat on the floor.
Yoongi shook his head “I don’t want to bring you guys in to this. The chances that we all would die is pretty high and I don’t want that to be because of me”
“But the chance of us being able to walk free? Our records wiped clean? A fresh start? I’m willing to take that risk” Jimin replied seriously, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees.
“Women! I never thought I’d see a woman again for the rest of my life.  I’d die for the chance to get some pussy again” Hoseok chimed in.  The idea that he was literally ready to risk his life to get laid made Yoongi roll his eyes.  
“I second that!” Taehyung agreed nodding his head quickly “It’s been three years since I’ve even seen a woman”
“Pigs.” Yoongi spat out at them, but he couldn’t help but chuckle.  
“Ah Yoongi hyung doesn't understand.  He usually prefered men anyways” Jimin winked Yoongi’s way flirtatiously, biting his lip ring as he did.
Yoongi blushed slightly at Jimin's actions. “Anyways.” He started, wanting badly to change the subject “I still feel like if anything happened to any of you...I couldn’t live with myself”
“We aren’t gonna let you do this alone Yoongi.  Anyways, It’s required that you pick a team of at least three others besides yourself.  We’re with you Yoongi, on the outside we were all a team, and we all ended up in here together.  No one ever ratted anyone else out, we always stuck together no matter what the consequences would be” Namjoon stated
“All for one and one for all!” Taehyung exclaimed thrusting a fist in the air.  
“We’re gonna be on TV” Jin realized, suddenly propping himself up and putting a hand to his face, making his best handsome pose.
Yoongi sighed as the conversations between the seven got loud and carried away with excitement.  He was anything but excited.
The next day Yoongi had been ordered to go to the church to let the warden know who all would be on the team with him.  Yoongi wasn't enthused to have to sign off on the deaths of his best friends, but they didn’t really give him a choice, using the guilt that Yoongi was the one who technically got them all caught by the police landing them all in this prison, and now he could have his chance of redemption by being the one who could lead them to freedom.
The church was the most beautiful building in the city, most of the other buildings were run down and falling apart.  The church on the other hand was constantly kept up with, the light tan brick walls were decorated with paintings and the floor was a beautiful white marble.  It even had a working elevator that could take you to any of the 10 floors if you had the right key.  Which none of the prisoners had.  Jimin swore that once the warden let him use the key and he got to see the town from the top floor, no one had believed him.
Yoongi filed into the room he was instructed to enter.  Six other men walking in behind him.  They all seated themselves in the metal folding chairs that had been brought out for them.  
The other chosen masters seemed nervous as well, with the exception of one, a tall man with dyed blue hair and a cocky grin on his face.  
“I would say good luck but I look forward to killing ya.  This ass is walking out those red walls bitches” The blue haired man winked at the other six.
Yoongi wanted to jump over the others and punch that cocky look off of his face.  The only thing that restrained him was the idea that unfortunately he would probably have a chance for some bloody revenge on this asshole.  He wasn’t excited at the thought of that, but it brought him a little peace that at least one of them probably deserved it.
One of the six was an old man, he had a long white beard and his hands were shaking in his lap.
Please please  please don’t let me have to fight him.  Yoongi silently prayed, he was in a church so he supposed it couldn’t hurt. Yoongi had beat up his fair share of people on the outside, even killed a few when it came down to it.  But, he’d always drawn the line at violence towards Women, children or the elderly.  Even a hardened criminal had to have some morals.
Finally the warden walked in, he was a short man probably in his fifties with a constant stern look laid on all of his features. He had short black hair and was wearing a gray suit and tie.  He stood in front of the seven masters in seated in the room and cleared his throat preparing to start his speech.  Yoongi noticed the warden’s own mark on his hand, each of the other’s tattoo’s were a slightly different design and the wardens seemed to be the most simple, just a single red circle with two parallel lines going through it.
“Welcome masters of the 10th Escape War! Now that I have you all gathered I will explain some of the rules.  First off, no killing guards or any prison employees that aren’t prisoners, including the camera crews.  Do your best to avoid killing prisoners not entered in the war, you won’t be faulted for accidental casualties that may occur from your servant’s power. If I see you being purposefully reckless, or commanding your servant to cause mass destruction or causality to the prison population when not engaged in a battle with another team, my Ruler class servant will be commanded to step in and take your servant and your whole team out of the running. Besides that you may use any means necessary to kill another teams servant and members.”
he paused and scanned the room, making eye contact with each of the men.  “You may know some of these details but I prefer everyone to be on the same page.  The marks on your hand are called command seals, they can be used only three times to order your servant to do anything you want them to.  Some of you may have greater need for them depending on the stubbornness of your servant, some servants may be less inclined to obey you.  I advise you build up a good relationship with them so as to improve the chances they will fight for you with all of their strength and skill.”
The warden clicked open a briefcase that he had carried in with him and pulled out a sheet of paper.  “You can now write down here who your teammates will be.  If your team wins every name you’ve placed on this sheet of paper will be absolved of all crimes committed and will be released from this prison. Your servants will most likely appear within the next few days.  The battle will start a week from today. Good luck” He finished off, his tone as dry as the entirety of his speech.
Yoongi patiently waited his turn in line behind the other masters to sign his friend’s names on the paper.  Hoping and praying that they would survive, hating that to do so would mean all the men in front of him would be dead.
“Can’t wait to kill ya” the blue haired man taunted the rest of the masters, purposely bumping into Yoongi’s shoulder as he walked past the line of men after signing up his team.
Yoongi bit his lip, his fists clenched, holding himself back from retaliating. A young scrawny man directly in front of Yoongi didn’t have the same self control, he jumped out of line taking a fistful of the blue haired man’s yellow shirt “Not if I kill you first mother fucker” he jeered.
“Save it for the War” One of the guards standing in the room yelled out, hand clutching the gun on his hip in warning.
The blue haired man shrugged the other off of himself with a cocky smirk  “I look forward to it”
When it was finally Yoongi's turn to sign the paper, his hand was shaking, he struggled to remain composed as he signed his friend’s names.  Once completing his task he let out a long sigh, hoping that he didn’t just kill the six people he cared for most in the world by doing so.
When Yoongi arrived home his roommates were all gathered the same way they had been before in the living room.  
“So how’d it go?” Jungkook asked excitedly before Yoongi had even walked all the way in the door.
“Fine I suppose…” he answered with a small lift of his shoulders. As well as it could considering what it was, he thought.
Namjoon then spoke up, “As soon as the servant gets here we’ll have to start discussing strategy.  What were the other masters like?”
Yoongi settled down in his usual spot, cross legged on the floor next to Namjoon and his favorite chair.  “Um, one was pretty old, like grandpa old.  One was a fuckin’ rude cocky motherfucker with blue hair, I think we should watch out for him.  One was this blonde scrawny little guy but he had some fire in his belly I’d also watch out for him.  The other three were pretty forgettable, uh actually I think one had some kind of gang tattoo I recognized from some of the fuckers on the outside that used to mess with our crew.”
“Damn” Jin shook his head.  The rest of the group was quiet for a moment.  
“Oh, they let me know on the way out that none of us have to go to work, they’ll have people covering the essential stuff but most things are going to be closed during the War”  Yoongi added
“Makes sense” Jungkook nodded in understanding.
“So when does the servant get here? I can’t wait to see what kind of badass dude is gonna be tearing up these streets with us” Taehyung exclaimed his tone ecstatic.  “I wonder what class we’ll get! Riders seem pretty cool, but a saber is said to be the one that’s won the most wars so that would probably be sweet”
The rest of the group nodded, “Saber for sure” Hoseok agreed.
Yoongi shrugged “I don’t really care” he mumbled.  His friends were way too enthusiastic about  this in his opinion, Yoongi was too filled with worry and dread of the weeks to come to discuss these things in anything less than a serious manner.  “I’m just gonna go to bed” he announced.
“Aw c’mon hyung.  This is fun! The Escape war was the best thing on TV, aren’t you even a little bit excited?” Jimin whined
Yoongi instantly shook his head. “No. Not at all, and I think it’s ridiculous that you are” He stood up and went to bed leaving the other boys talk without him.  He was getting a headache from it all.
After Yoongi had left the six men continued discussing their memories of the previous Escape war they could remember.  
“There’s been two since I was born so far. I was too young to remember the first one though I was only five” Jungkook recalled
“I can kind of remember that one! Lancer Leonidas and Rider Alexander’s battle that happened right by neighborhood two, that was some of the most epic shit ever!” Jimin added in.
“Or the war after when that Berserker Lancelot brought out that rotary cannon and just mowed down Archer Robin Hood’s team. That shit was insane! Each servant is so unique too! With all those different types of skills and powers” Taehyung said, wide eyed and hitting Jungkook on the shoulder enthusiastically as he spoke.
The older boys chucked at the excited younger members of their team.
Suddenly there was a loud crash from the direction of the garage, it sounded out like a canon and black smoke started to creep into the house from under the door.
“Holy shit” Hoseok muttered
“Yoongi hyung! Wake up get down here!” Jimin yelled out.
Yoongi had already shot out of bed at the sound and was rushing into the living room to join the rest of his roommates.
“Do you think that was…” he stuttered out at the other men.
“What else could it have been?” Namjoon replied.  They all slowly stood and stepped lightly and cautiously towards the door to the garage.  
“Yoongi hyung should open it, it’ll be his servant after all” said Taehyung, poking Yoongi in the shoulder.
Yoongi nodded, carefully putting his hand on the doorknob, he was shaking with fear and anticipation of what laid behind this door.  What kind of terrifying person was waiting for him.  Would they even want to listen to him? What was he even supposed to say?
He opened the door nervously, and there you were.
He didn’t understand the feelings that came over him, flooding every part of his body.  He tensed up and was frozen to the spot.
You were laying on the floor of the garage looking like you were asleep, a beautiful white silk dress draped over your body, clinging to you erotically, flowing down past your bare feet.  A golden headband was tied around your head beautifully.  
You were by far the most beautiful woman Yoongi had ever laid eyes on.  In that moment his mind was flooded by impure thoughts, he wanted to take you right there, ravage you and make you scream out his name.  He couldn’t pull his eyes away from the way the dress clung tightly to your breasts.  Every part of his mind was screaming out at him to grab you, take you, claim you as his right there in that garage.  He was shocked at himself for that, he wasn’t usually this vulgar, but he couldn’t help it.  It was almost like some spell had been placed on him that told him that he needed you, and if he didn’t have you he might die.  
The other members were each going through a similar ordeal, all of them hungrily staring down your still sleeping figure like a pack of wolves ready to pounce on their prey.
“Fuck.” Hoseok hissed out.
“I-” Jimin started “I need her. I need her now.” his pupils blown out as he bit at his lip ring.
All of them were breathing heavily, erections growing larger and harder the more they stared.
Jungkook couldn’t hold himself back, he started walking towards you, hands stretched out to grab you and feel you like he was craving.
“NO!” Taehyung yelled out “Mine!” he grabbed the younger man aggressively and yanked him back from you.
“Not yours, mine!” Namjoon shot out.
It was animalistic how they were behaving now, and they couldn’t help themselves.  
“Stop!” Yoongi screamed out. “Get ahold of yourselves. Doesn’t something feel off about this?”
The six other men stilled from their arguments.  Hoseok had his fist cocked back about to punch Jin, Taehyung and Jungkook had each others shirts balled up in their fists, Namjoon had been about to turn and scream at Jimin.  They all turned and looked at Yoongi, panting heavily.  
“Yes.  Something's wrong.  I can’t control myself right now” Jimin whined “What’s happening to me”
“I think it’s her power.  I think she's doing this to us on purpose or something” Namjoon guessed.
“Yoongi wake her up and make her stop, I don’t wanna do something to her I can’t take back” Jungkook gasped out.
“Like I would let you do that before I got a taste” Taehyung smirked letting go of Jungkook's shirt and shoving him.
“I-I don’t know how” Yoongi stammered.
As he spoke your eyes started to flutter open.
“Oh wow…” Hoseok gasped.
“She’s so perfect” Jin whimpered.
“Hello” you mumbled sweetly, propping yourself up, letting out a yawn, stretching a hand into the air as you did.  “I am your servant.  Which one of you is my master?” you cutely cocked your head to the side.
All seven men were restraining themselves, using every bit of self control they could muster not to get down on their knees and beg you to fuck them right there.
“I am” Yoongi quietly answered.
“Hello master” you beamed, standing up and stepping towards him.
Yoongi inhaled sharply as the distance between the two of you grew smaller.  “What are you doing to us…” he managed to get out.
“What am I doing to you?” your brow furrowed in confusion “I don’t understand…” you scanned the room, the faces of the seven men in front of you were carnal, and they all looked like they were in pain.  You could see obvious bulges in the front of each of their pants, begging to be released.
“Oh” you murmured “Oh I understand now. I’m sorry I can’t help it”
Yoongi grew frustrated at you “What do you mean you can’t help it? Just like, turn it off or something.  Whatever this is that you’re doing to us needs to stop! How are we supposed to win this war if all we are thinking about it fucking you”
You shrugged shyly “It’s not something I can help...I was like this in my former life.  You see, I’m a Caster class servant and the Goddess Aphrodite, the goddess of love, beauty and...pleasure”
A series of moans were let out throughout the group at your mention of pleasure.
“I can’t help it, its my power, it seems to affect humans more than it did other god’s.  I’m really sorry but you’ll have to just find a way to ignore it i suppose.” you trailed off.
“Ignore it?” Taehyung whined out “I don’t know if that's possible”
“Can I use a command spell to make you turn it off?” Yoongi tried.
You shook your head looking down as you shuffled your feet on the ground “I’m afraid that won’t work.  I’m not lying.  It’s really something that can’t be turned off.” you frowned “Please don’t be mad at me” you added, noticing the seven men all glaring at you.
Yoongi never thought it could be possible to hate someone so much while at the same time wanting to fuck them this badly.  It was a frustrating feeling, he just wanted it to go away.  
“Master?’ You sweetly spoke at Yoongi.
Dammit he thought, and why did you have to keep calling him that.  As if he didn’t already want you enough, he know felt like he would explode in his pants right then and there.
“What.” he managed through gritted teeth.
“What would you like me to do?” you stepped closer to him staring up doe eyed and batting your lashes.  
“Go.” he grunted out “Please leave and go inside and wait for us there. Now.”
Hoping that maybe putting some distance between you and the rest of the group would help them all think clearer.
You nodded and without hesitation left the garage to go inside.
As you did that, the group simultaneously let out a large exhale as if they had been holding their breath the entire time they’d been in your presence.
It did help a lot, having you leave.  Yet something still was pulling each of them to follow after you and have their way with you.  
“What the fuck…” Jin was the first to speak.
“Yeah, agreed, what the fuck” Namjoon spoke holding the front of his pants where his erection still hadn’t faded.
“Yoongi hyung?” Jimin glanced at the older man “What do we do?”
Yoongi was pissed off at the idea that he was supposed to have answers.  He didn’t ask for any of this, he didn’t want any of this.
“You deal with it.  I don’t want anything to do with her.  Keep her away from me and just let me know if you want me to use a command spell.  This is bullshit” He spat out, then stormed out of the garage, avoiding where you were now sitting on the couch in the living room and storming out the front door to the car.  He didn’t plan on going anywhere, he just wanted to sit and try and clear his head from this chaotic mess he had on his plate.  
Back in the garage Namjoon had started coming up with a plan and some rules for dealing with you.
“None of us, including myself are allowed to have sex or anything of the sort with the servant. Okay?” he sternly commanded the other men. “I don’t want fights breaking out among us during all of this, the last thing we need is jealousy ruining our chances of winning our freedom.  Our goal is to fight the other prisoners not each other. Agreed?”
The other men groaned and nodded reluctantly in agreement.  
“I think that this could actually work out well.  If the other teams get the same effect from her that we all just did it might make it difficult for them to want to kill her.  So while their guards are down we’d be able to take them out” Namjoon theorized.
“True” Jin nodded “That’s actually not a bad thought Joon.”
“This is gonna be so hard” Jungkook pouted
“We’re gonna be so hard” Jimin joked with a smirk, earning himself a punch on the shoulder from Namjoon.
“We’ll figure this out okay? Remember the rule.  No one touches her.” Namjoon sighed.  Hating himself for his own rule he’d just made.  It was the best option in this situation, he couldn’t risk all of his friends fighting over a girl right now when they were about to be participating in this life or death battle.  He himself knew that if any of them ended up sleeping with you he’d answer with his fists.  He wanted you so badly, even knowing that it was just a spell you had put on him, he couldn’t help the voice in the back of his head screaming, ‘mine mine mine mine mine’
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fine-wolfhard · 7 years
Loverboy | Richie Tozier Imagine
Author’s Note: While me and many others are still buzzed from the release of stranger things season two and flooded my feed with Mike Wheeler, I didn’t want my other favourite 80′s brunette to be forgotten. Many thanks for the feedback and support I got after my first writing (which you can read here), without it I doubt I would have any motivation to continue writing. xx
Summary: Richie offers to model for an peers’ photography project for the payment, but looses focus on his original goal once he meets the girl behind the camera | Self Insert, Female Reader, Richie Character Focused, Fluff
Word Count: 1933
Richie didn’t pay attention to the never-ending collection of posters and printouts decorating the corkboards throughout his school. Not only were most outdated and irrelevant, many of the events they advertised made him feel like more of an outcast then he already did.
The worst to him were the attempted hype for the school dances. While he would much rather spend his Friday night with his friends or at the arcade, he didn’t feel like the other kids who wanted to spend a few nights a year with their hands awkwardly on the waist of their crush with currently popular songs playing too loudly.
But a small part of him wanted to go to the badly named Derry Disco because it was what everyone did; and he hated the idea of being left out. But regardless of his distaste for the waste of paper, his attention was draw to a notice within the disorganized mess.
Any boys interested and willing to have me take photos of them to use in my photography assignment, call the number below. Will be paid. Only contact if you’re cute x
Richie didn’t have much if any of an interest in modelling, excluding the ladies within the Playboy magazine he’d taken from his father and kept hidden between his bed and mattress. What did interest him was the mention of money he would receive just by having his photo taken.
While the amount was unspecific, he’d be lying if five dollars would satisfy him. His miniscule allowance his parents provided weekly made him choose between lunch and the arcade often; and he was ashamed of how often he’d skipped over eating.
Taking the pen from his breast pocket he wrote the seven digits on his inner wrist, knowing that the message would get smudged by the sweat on his palms. He thought he’d give the person a call since he had no problem having his photo taken on the rare occasions it was, and knew any extra money would be worth it even if the product was embarrassing.
Although he did worry whoever’s number it was wouldn’t find him ‘cute’ enough, even though it was what Beverly referred to him as whenever he rambled until his words became indistinguishable when talking about his obsessions.
After a short phone call in which he was surprised to find the photographer wasn’t only in the year above him but was also a girl he was pleased with himself when she asked to meet. The introduction between the two was as limited as just learning each other’s names, but Richie couldn’t help but feel his cheeks heating up when he realised he would be spending time one on one with a girl.
Ignored the feeling as quickly as it came, assuming a girl who was a photography probably chose so since they didn’t look good in front of a camera. It was presumptuous and rude of him to think, but it was a nicer thought then the possibility of making a fool of himself in front of a pretty girl.
The two organised to meet in the woods behind her house since it gave Richie a private place to change. After getting the address and biting back a ground of irritation as he realised it was on the other side of town and he had to meet her their earlier then he woke up on weekends, he instead told her he was looking forward to meeting her and finding his good side.
She laughed at him, but his face was red once she hung up after telling him she was sure he didn’t have a good side as both would be perfect. The throw away compliment stuck with the brunette as he realised she felt the need to compliment his appearance despite the fact she’d never seen his face before.
The next morning was spent with Richie showering until he used all the hot water, choosing between his two favourite button ups and practically inhaling his toast and a cup of the coffee leftover from his parents’ breakfast. Despite the speed he thought he put into his actions, by the end of the bike ride he was half an hour late.
Richie thought his first impression was ruined before it had even begun because of his laziness. He’d had an issue with first impressions when meeting people his whole life, especially the kids from his school. He had tried making friends with the people sitting next to him in class but whenever they saw Richie ‘Trashmouth’ Tozier all they could see was a loser.
They wouldn’t even try and get to know him, even when he tried to hold back his impulsive and loud personality traits when around them. The only reason he was lucky enough to befriend the losers gang was because when they saw him they saw another kid pushed to the side with a sharp tongue. And maybe he wasn’t going to be more than that.
After knocking on the front door and not receiving an immediate response, a shout to come around the back from behind the house directed him to use the side gate. Each step he tried to plan out his apology, knowing if he just said what he was thinking his mouth would talk before he’d decided what to say.
But the level headedness he had faded quickly when he saw her. It was cliché and he knew it, but he felt frozen as his heard began to beat against his sternum. His skin felt hot yet somehow cold and a feeling that could only be described as love at first sight pulsing through his veins.
He briefly remembered Stan describing a similar feeling the day he met Mike, but Richie was sure this was the first time anyone had felt this because he wasn’t sure he was going to even survive. A bright flash and click bring him back from his daze.
“So, you come to your first shoot late, and don’t even say hello to me? You sounded politer on the phone, Tozier.”
He doesn’t realise he’d spent a few seconds staring until she started the conversation with a level of sass, although her smiled proved she didn’t really mind he was star struck in fact she was enjoying it. Standing with one hand holding a camera and the other a polaroid. It doesn’t click in his mind what of until she brings it down to eye level and studies it.
“Has anyone told you you’ve got big eyes? Can’t tell if it’s the glasses though, whatever the reason they are something else. Your ‘holy shit, what the fuck’ expression makes me think this is a keeper.”
She holds the photo out to Richie and asks his opinion. Taking the photo from her hands and noting the heat left on them from hers, he looks over the photo. With the afternoon sun from above causing his curls to leave patterns of shadows across his forehead, slightly rosy cheeks and lips puckered in a perfect ‘o’ the level of innocence and pure wonder captured in the photo shocked him.
“The first of many keepers I’m sure, now take of that tacky shirt and change into this, we need to use our valuable time and if your record so far says anything you need to run.”
Richie nods and takes the pile and followers her into the house.
“Can you, not do that?”
“Do what?”
“Smile so hard it looks creepy.”
“It doesn’t look creepy, it looks happy.”
“Bullshit, you look like some kinda fucked up clown.”
“As if I look like a clown; they’re terrifying. I look hot.”
Despite the fact he was aware that he should be focusing on posing and looking ‘blissfully innocent’ as she’d described, Richie was spending most of the photoshoot trying to make her laugh. He felt comfortable around her despite the fact they’d known each other a short three hours and still didn’t know anything more then she was a photographer with a level of confidence that trumped his trashmouth.
While the combo of denim overalls over an oversized white sweater isn’t one he’d buy for himself, he couldn’t help but feel good in it. Slightly dorky, but comfortably so. It also helped that she’d continued her habit of complimenting him, including his ‘adorable hair’, ‘button nose’ and ‘gorgeous eyes.’”
He hadn’t ever thought of those qualities being positives on him, as he thought they made him look like a little girl. But hearing someone he idolized reaffirm their worth he didn’t feel as insecure in how he looked after each photo was taken.
While most of the time was spent with back and forth banter between the two, by the end of the session she seemed satisfied with the collection of polaroids. The two didn’t realise that the once cloudless sky and become overcast and a cold breeze was brought along with it. She used her radio to listen to the weather forecast as Richie held his arms close and hoped the sun would return so he could spend a few more hours with her.
“News lady says we’re in for a storm. I wouldn’t wanna risk you biking home because you won’t be halfway there before it starts raining. My parents will be home in an hour or so, they can give you a life home. As long as that’s okay with you?” She asks, the comedic tone vacant from her voice and is replaced by one of genuine care.
He nods quickly and followers her inside to the lounge room. As she works on starting the fire Richie lays the polaroids across the coffee table and traces his fingers over the vinyl. He can’t pin point his favourite yet, because each photo was beautiful.
In some he’s laughing, in others he looks sombre. He feels proud that he doesn’t always look like a nerd, and can look fucking cool. The couch dips and he looks up quickly to see her sitting next to him, close enough their knees are touching, and it feels hotter then the flames growing across from the two.
“I am so glad I found you. You’ve got the face of a child, but your eyes carry so much emotion, have you gone through something bad before? Something that made you grow up faster than you wanted to?”
Richie sees flashes, screams of his friends echo in his ears and a laugh that sends chills up his spine whispers in his ears. But when he opens his eyes and sees hers his mind goes blank.
“I don’t know, getting a lotta pussy has changed me.” He jokes knowing full well the most pussy he’s gotten is babysitting the neighbour’s cat. She laughs before turning back to the photographs. She bits her lip as her eyes scan across them in a rush. “I think this one is my favourite.”
She picks up the first photo she took of his star struck expression when her first saw her. She grabs a near by felt-tip pen and quickly writes on the bottom of the white frame before showing him.
Loverboy, 1989
“It’s cute, probably cause it isn’t staged. Would it be weird if I put it up in my room since I’ve only know you for half a day?”
And suddenly he’s smiling. Smiling so hard his cheeks hurt. Because he got to spend his afternoon with a girl who didn’t see him as a nerd, or a trash mouth. She saw him as something different. Something special. Someone worth remembering.
Feedback + criticism please. Let me know if you’re interested in a part two where they formally get together, or attend the mentioned Derry Disco. I’ve never gotten an ask, it would mean the world to me to get some follower interaction. xx
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iheartarrow · 7 years
Random Arrow thoughts
Arrow is back, bitches!!!! YAY!!
These are my random thoughts for 6x01...
- So Oliver’s not running anymore, but at least the episode started with the coolest jump trick. It looked awesome!
- Wild Dog got a new suit! Looks very badass, love it! I’m glad he survived Lian Yu.
- The jolly change in music when Curtis comes into the scene with his T-spheres chasing the missile, is so cheezy and random, I snickered watching that part. Felt like I was watching a cartoon.
- So Slade ran off on his own, leaving everyone behind?! And here during the hiatus I was thinking he would be the hero that would save them all (or most of them)... how disappointing. But they didn’t really show how people survived yet, so there’s hope that there’s more story to tell in those flashbacks.
- DELICITY!! Dig won’t go without saving Felicity, that’s my Digg! I wonder if his new PTSD has something to do with that explosion that got him? It’s like in dire situations when he might get himself killed, Diggle freezes. After shooting his brother, looks like John is “seeking” (or creating) deadly situations to punish himself?! He’s taking unnecessary risks.
- Felicity with burgers... looks fucking hot! Donna is still there, phew... good to know, even through a mention.
- Ok, I didn’t get it, was Oliver asking Felicity to join him and William for dinner because he wanted to tell his son that they are dating, or was there something else?! From Olicity this episode I got that they are “secretly” (from William) seeing each other. They are being sneaky. And why would Oliver need a buffer with his son?
- Those two lovebirds are still killing me with their chemistry and sexual vibes. Oliver looking at Felicity’s lips when he asks “Promise?” is hot and yeah, very, very promising.
- The kid is still a terrible actor... I hope Stephen will teach him some basic acting skills, show him the ropes... The kid has to act out many very emotionally heavy scenes, so that excuses his poor acting somewhat. He has a lot to learn.
- Ok, I gotta admit, I have no idea why so many fans are so hyped for Raisa’s character. I’ve read about her more in fanfics than watched her on the show. The character was like in one episode, five seasons ago. So where does all the excitement come from?! Either way, it’s nice to have a returning character. And I’m especially happy that the writers remember this character and the reaction that fans showed regarding Raisa, that they even concidered bringing her back. Bravo! Great move for the story - to have the nanny that raised Oliver, to help with his son!
- The kid isn’t even looking at Oliver, and is calling him by name. Looks like Oliver hasn’t had any progress in bonding with his son in those 5 months.
- Stupid Bob... why name a guy that’s gonna get blown up in a minute, because of his stupidity?!
- I’m really starting to hate those Black Siren’s cat-walks... that’s all she does FFS, just walks around like a peacock showing off its tail. I mean there’s zero acting on her part, and my eyes were switching from her to that crazy toothless bomb lover Alex,  whenever they were in a shot togethere. So far she’s a shell of the villain she ought to be, her goons do everything for her and she’s someone’s bitch herself... for me she lacks expressiveness, personality, and uniqueness... for now. How long is she gonna use the “daugher” card with Quentin, eh?!
- “Unless our Laurel is mysteriously back from the dead... - something I wouldn’t put past either of the Lance sisters...” LOL... I chocked here. Arrow is making fun of itself... bwahahaha...
- Dinah is awesome!!! The girl can fight and the actress looks fantastic while kicking ass, unlike her predecessor. Finally, a worthy BC.
- They really never smell a trap and never learn that any thing left to be found is left there on purpose, TO BE FOUND...tsk
- Look, Quentin... Alternate Earths with infinite number of “us” exist because of our differences from those other “us”. It’s the difference between us and them that creates the new possibility, the new “if” in the Universe. And that difference is that special something that we ouselves could never be, or rather chose NOT to be. That choice, that different path in life is our insignia, our unique mark from birth to that point in life when the choice was made and each version of us on every Eath became a possibility. It’s like building different constructions with the same bricks. The basic bricks are the same, but the finished design is unique in every case. At least that’s how I understand this multiple Earths thing. Quentin sees his Laurel in BS, but at the same time doesn’t BS see her dad in our Quentin?! Maybe her own dad was an asshole and that’s part of the reason why she turned out this way?!
-  The whole scene where William points at Oliver as the “bad man”, is really super cheezy. No kid would point at the man he’s afraid of and boldly call him a “bad man”. That whole scene psychologically doesn’t make sense to me. This is once again about Oliver feeling guilty, rather than the kid mourning his mother and figuring out how to live with his newly found superhero father...
- Was Arrow so low on  budget that they couldn’t make Samantha’s death more memorable?! Like make her cough up blood or something before she died? Really, that scene was so cut and dried, so  routine...
- Felicity in every scene - so hot, but in the scene with that beautiful hair - so fucking gorgeous!!!
- Surprisingly, I enjoy scenes with Curtis! About time he is useful and stopped being a liability!! Go Curtis!
- Pike is alive... LOL. Good actor, why aren’t they making his role more prominent?!
- Digg is pissed!!! I love pissed Digg. The man wanted to sit this one out, but ended up in the thick of it. I loved how he smashed into those racks with training equipment... so pissed...
- “Takes one to know one... sweetheart...” LOL!!
- Aw, Rene... such a sweet scene with Oliver!!
- I love how in this episode Oliver gives advices rather than receives them. Especially fatherly advice - with Rene, Quentin and even Slade. So much growth!!
- So Thea is in a coma, but she’s gonna wake up sometime soon. I wonder if the bad guy will have something to do with it and maybe turn her to the dark side, or is she going to wake up on her own and just join the team?!
- The kids room looks stylish, but a little creepy for a kid. Lighten it up a bit, hang some posters or something else... All I can say is that the room looks like a  temporary place, not to live in, but to stay in, just for a while... I hope that changes.
- Oliver’s words to William were very touching and made me tear up. He said “I’m your dad. And the way that works is :I’m gonna be there for you, wether you want me to be or not. I am never, ever, walking away from you!” And then I remembered another father that walked away from his child - Felicity’s dad. I think she can be helpful in some areas concerning absentee fathers and what it’s like to grow up with only your mother caring for you. In any case, I am looking forward to watching her interactions with William and Oliver as a father.
- Oh, I definitely wanna eavesdrop on Oliver’s late night calls with Felicity!! 
- And BOOM! First episode, and the theme of the season is revealed! Yahoo!! This is awesome!
I loved the episode very much, and it definitely sparked my enthusiasm for this new season, I’m very excited! I want Felicity’s wardrobe from this episode. What a gorgeous, elegant, intelligent woman Felicity is! Beautiful inside and outside!
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