#so soft yet barely enough screentime for my sake
cy-tick7 · 2 years
Nah, but like the fact that Zoro and Law went from “Zoro casually throwing an arm around Law without a second thought” to “Law saying the plan isn’t worth for someone dying, namely Zoro, while he tries so hard trying to prevent Zoro from dying while shouting out his name with so much raw emotion and pure angst” and I’m like tf happened between the two of them off screen
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kyberjolt · 5 years
my first round of thoughts on tros ( spit bubbles of thought as i cling to 3 hours of sleep to write this before i head into work )
film wise: the opening scenes really rocked my shit; probably some of my favorite shots throughout the entire film just because of how attention grabbing they were. kylo ren at Peak Power just popping off ( his piloting abilities...... we’ll talk more about that later ) & poe dameron expertly lightspeed jumping with the falcon? an entertaining beginning! i was blessed with being able to see it in imax & i found the entire work visually beautiful for sure, many scenes leaving me wanting to see more of each new world. the cgi for carrie was better than i expected ( both young & elderly ), & i felt honored her well. lots of lovely shots of her daughter too.
throughout the rest movie, i found the pacing shifted into FAST MODE, the story feeling a bit rushed; kinda like they tried to fit two movies worth of content into a couple action packed hours. the ending wrapped up so quickly i feel like i didn’t exactly get an opportunity to say goodbye to all of these characters that i’ve loved so much so that felt like a bit of a bummer. the soundtrack was beautiful but i’m not ready to listen to it yet.....
the content: ......i’m so devastated over ben not making it, this character i’ve loved for several years, BUT i did call it back when tfa came out that the only way he could be brought peace would have to be through death. star wars is about sacrifice and honor and redemption and i always had a feeling it was going to happen, but it doesn’t hurt any less knowing that i was right.
kylo ren barely hanging on by a thread after killing his father, but being unable to stand it & nearly loses the war & his life over the feeling of his mother passing? kylo ren wanting to go home & never feeling like he could? the memory of han in kylo’s mind helping free ben? ben solo sacrificing himself like his father....and mother.....and uncle....and grandfather? what a family. i’ve always been very soft for the organa-solos.... i wish ben could have seen leia one last time :((((
“dad....” “i know.” ( like mother.... like father.... like son.... )
hux being the spy was like something someone pulled out of ao3 and slapped a trademark sticker on it just for the sake of convenience for our heroes. there’s already enough ‘is it right or is it wrong’ about redeeming ben solo in the first place after all of his monstrosities, but i’d like to think there’s enough evidence to concur that there’s more meat to ben’s backstory that was fueled by manipulation by the emperor...... hux let their most valuable hostages leave the ship because he’s in a dick measuring match with kylo? something he knew would potentially get him killed, & did? idk seemed quick with no prompting prior to think he would ever aid the resistance in any way, shape or form. his death was terribly executed ( pun intended ).
the knights of ren deserved more screen time than what they got, & as someone who loves all my kor ocs, i’m here to hold you close & never let you go. i loved every single shot i got to see of them, among the few. i felt very let down by their lack of..... doing anything except existing i guess. running errands for kylo..... standing behind him as a lil creature fixes his mask..... not saying or doing anything & then going belly up when ben gets his hands on a saber........ i’m sorry but very underwhelming for something so hyped up for so long! i hope that the star wars creative department releases more comics of them or something, & until then, i’m collecting knights.
rose tico got scrubbed out & left behind. finn had little to no development & thats truly one of the most unforgivable parts. it felt like they opened several doors for exploring these character & ended up forgetting to close them. i loved jannah with my whole heart but she ALSO DESERVED MORE SCREENTIME.
haha jj abrams gay ally puts two hot girls kissing in his movie for .5 seconds & prayed that would patch up the lack of representation everywhere else..... haha jj abrams gay ally makes a female character in a tight suit with NO FACE just for poe dameron to continually hit on to remind everyone he’s straight for a weird segment of the movie with no context to who she is or their past or nothing. just ;) they had sex once & he’d do it again aha ;) 
thats all im going to say about that.
now..... on the topic of shipping: as someone who does ship reylo ( my soulbond uwus ), but really wanted finnrey to happen ( my softest uwus ), and if that couldn’t i was like “that cool they’ll just make finnpoe canon” ( god fucking damn it jj.... ), i feel like ive taken the fattest L. 
but enough bitching! i have to go to work & i still have so much more to say but i’ll end this with: kylo in the tie silencer headed to exegol in the first scene made my mom smack me bc i gasped out loud. i just love to see him flying, & with such precision & brute force! such a contrast to how we see poe & rey pilot their respective ships throughout the rest of the movie. 
also the choreography for each saber sequence was exhilarating & fun to watch. i love that they stayed true to how each character reacts & fights in battle.
p.s. ben planned on taking the emperor on with..... a blaster after he fucking YEETS his best weapon into the ocean, for the drama of it? that’s the most solo/skywalker thing i’ve ever seen in his arc yet & i lost my shit in a quiet, teary eyed theater.
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