#no one knows what happened to them from Zou to Wano
cy-tick7 · 2 years
Nah, but like the fact that Zoro and Law went from “Zoro casually throwing an arm around Law without a second thought” to “Law saying the plan isn’t worth for someone dying, namely Zoro, while he tries so hard trying to prevent Zoro from dying while shouting out his name with so much raw emotion and pure angst” and I’m like tf happened between the two of them off screen
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syrupfog · 3 months
Luffy grew up with two brothers who, at first, hated him and kicked the shit out of him. Then, eventually, loved him and who expressed that love through kicking the shit out of him. 
Luffy's grown up with a low level of violence as love his whole life. 
His crew is the same, from very early on. Nami will beat on anyone (or at least any of the boys), and Zoro's been known to land a punch to the back of his head at every dumb remark he makes. 
And Sanji... his kicks are INTENSE. 
Luffy's lucky he's made of rubber.
and he laughs it all off-- because it's FUNNY. He knows his crew loves him, they're his CREW. He knows his brothers loved him, they're his BROTHERS. Luffy has always known violence as a form of love, although notably he rarely reflects that methodology onto others.
When Luffy meets Law the first time, Law watches as Luffy punches a Celestial Dragon in the face. That violence is, obviously, NOT a form of love. 
When Luffy meets Law the second time, it's when Law is saving his life, doing impossible levels of knitting him back together.
Luffy doesn't remember a lot of that bit, or the bit right after, on Amazon Lily, when the grief is at its strongest. 
But then, two years later, he sees Law again on Punk Hazard, and they form an alliance, and Luffy declares that Law is a good guy. 
No one else agrees.
But when has Luffy ever cared about other peoples' opinions? Now certainly isn't the time to start. Law gave all those pirates new legs. He saved Luffy. He's good. 
and then Law is travelling with them, aboard the Sunny. 
And he's mean and grouchy and short tempered and, again, everyone is wary of him. 
Luffy's not, of course, because that's just how Law is, but he's confused. 
Because no matter how many times Law snaps or yells or threatens to slice people apart, he's never violent. He doesn't throw punches or kick or draw his sword.
Which does make Luffy wonder if he's done something wrong, that Law doesn't feel like he can be free with Luffy, to go after him when he says something stupid. Everyone else does, is it because he's the captain? But Law's captain too, and they're in an alliance, they're equal.
But he doesn't say anything on it-- and even in Dressrosa, when Law tries to tell him the alliance is over, Luffy knows he wouldn't attack him even if he could. And it's confusing. He couldn't count the amount of times Ace landed a punch on him just for waking him up wrong.
After all that is said and done, and they land on Zou, and Luffy meets the Heart Pirates in all their glory, all twenty of them, he doesn't know if he gets more confused or less. 
The Heart Pirates LOVE their captain (as they should, Traffy is great!) and clearly would do anything for him, starting with those dorky poses they strike. And they yell at him for abandoning them, but they don't get violent with Law, and doesn't get violent with them. He sort of just... lets them yell at him and then talks over them. 
It's weird.
This isn't a thought that keeps Luffy up at night so much as it's a thought that he returns to whenever he looks at Law, reclining as his crew tries to get him to talk about what happened, or whenever Luffy's getting literally kicked out of the kitchen by Sanji.
It's a fact that Luffy puzzles on even in Wano, as Law is passively letting Luffy ruin every plan and then announcing that he planned FOR Luffy to ruin every plan. 
He doesn't hit Luffy for ruining his plan. He doesn't even elbow him in the side.
Before Luffy had seen Law with his own crew on Zou, he had thought that maybe Law didn't really like him. But after seeing Law interacting with his crew, he started to reevaluate. Law loves his crew, and although he threatens to use his Room on them (and maybe sometimes he does), that's not a violent thing. They can pop back together like Kin'emon did. 
But Luffy wonders-- what does it mean to be close with someone without feeling the freedom to get physical with them? 
He wonders this and doesn't have an answer, because that's never been his world.
And of course, what Luffy doesn't know, is that Law grew up with that violence. Had those formative years with Doflamingo, where he was taught to fight and lived with a family who was just as violent as Luffy's own. He was full of hatred and happily took it out on people.
And the only difference was Cora-- who at first was just as violent, to be fair, throwing him out a window and all that. 
But Cora who saw him as someone that could be saved, who sacrificed everything from his mission to his life, to give Law freedom of a different kind— the freedom of gentleness. The freedom that comes from being able to live for yourself. The freedom that comes from being loved enough that the one who loves you gave it all up for you. 
He gave Law everything he had, and he held him tight and told him it would all be okay.
And it wasn't, because Cora's gone, but Law took that love and internalized it, and from the very start the first thing he does is save Bepo from being hurt. 
He gathers a crew little by little and does so by giving them second chances like he was given, and gives them safety— including physical safety. Because separating himself from Doflamingo and that hatred means also separating himself from that senseless violence that comes from growing up in organized crime. 
Law's crew respects him because, despite his prickly exterior, he's stoically kind.He's using his fruit to help and to heal-- even when he gives those pirate hearts to the marines, did he kill them? Debatable. 
Law has worked hard to excise that violence from his life, and Luffy can see that even when no one else on his crew seems to notice.
And Luffy doesn't know why-- doesn't understand it-- but god it makes him smile wide when he sees Law snap at someone and knows that he can trust that Law won't hurt. 
It's like having a wild animal, capable of destruction, lay lazily at your feet.
Luffy wants that. It's an addicting feeling, to feel safe in that way. 
He loves his crew and he loves his brothers and he's made of rubber-- they couldn't hurt him, wouldn't hurt him. 
But the secret gentle kindness of Law is addicting.
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grandline-fics · 9 months
Hi :3 i just watched the new episode and i want to hit that girl she had to touch zoro and sleep wit him 💔
So may I request zoro xs/o about seeing him with the girl maybe some angst and fluff in the end?
DESCRIPTION: After an unplanned separation, you feel insecure about your new relationship
WARNINGS: angst to fluff
WORDS: 1,852
A/N:  Thank you for this request! I think I rushed the ending a bit but I hope you're happy with it
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Things between you and Zoro were new, incredibly new. There was still a lot you both had to come to grips with, sorting out your feelings and boundaries with each other and still in that moment of not knowing whether what was happening between you both was just lust or if it was going to lead somewhere real. So far you’d both been content to just enjoy the time and moments shared while keeping it all a secret from the crew, deciding it was better to wait before letting them know your personal details. That had been the plan, then it all went wrong in Zou. 
You’d been standing too close to Luffy as you all discussed saving Sanji who was in Big Mom’s territory. Because of that, you were one of the ones he wrapped his arms around and leapt off of the enormous elephant. From there started the longest time you’d both been apart as a couple-albeit a secret one- but you knew Zoro would be just fine in Wano. You just had to do your part and help get Sanji back so the crew could finally be complete again and wasting time thinking about a certain swordsman would only just jeopardise the safety of the crew. 
The entire trip and rescue had been an ordeal you never wanted to go through again. The fractured relationship between Sanji and Luffy had taken its toll- even though much of what Sanji did was to protect everyone- and the battles you had to endure too. You didn’t feel like you could properly breathe any sigh of relief for most of the journey. Yes, you’d all been successful but the loss of Pedro and knowing that as soon as you reached Wano it wouldn’t be long until you were brought straight into another monumental burden of fighting and defeating an Emperor of the sea and his followers. You felt like your head was swimming and stomach was going to be twisted into knots from it all. The only thing that kept you from showing your worries to the others was the thought of seeing Zoro again after weeks of being apart. 
So imagine your shock and hurt of the first seeing him again was seeing him and Sanji interfere during the aftermath of an execution. It wasn’t the fact that he saved a child or that he immediately got into a shouting match with Sanji that got under your skin it was that he didn’t even seem to look for you in the crowd where you stood with the others. Then as fast as you saw him, he was gone again; running to safety with a beautiful woman in his arms. You told yourself you were being ridiculous, that while it seemed like they knew each other Zoro was only acting on instinct to save someone and not because of some other desires fuelling his actions. 
At least that’s what you told yourself at first but as you and the others in the crew ran to escape Kaido’s lackeys you had to listen to Brook gleefully inform a heartbroken Sanji that he had walked in on the sight of this same beautiful woman sleeping contently with Zoro. While Sanji screamed loudly at the revelation you internalised all of your hurt until you were safe and alone, finally able to take out your fury and heartbreak on some random tree in the dense forest with your weapon until your body was too exhausted to move let alone care anymore. In the coming days of preparing for the raid on Kaido’s banquet you kept to yourself, doing all you could to focus your mind on the reason for being in Wano. Still you couldn’t help but numbly rationalise Zoro’s actions. 
Of course the weeks apart would give him insight into how he truly felt. Of course he would have realised he could do better than you. Of course you both only got together in the first place because on the ship, you were the alternative to having any needs he had go unmet. You had to face facts, this was just a fling for Zoro and nothing more. It just killed you inside to realise that you felt so strongly for him, you wished things had ended before it had gotten this far for you. The only thing you were glad of when Zoro finally reappeared was that he had a new sword to hone and train with so he stayed away from you. If there was to be a conversation you wanted it to be after the fight with Kaido, a clouded mind would only lead to mistakes and in this situation it would have been fatal. 
However on the night before the planned fight while the crew had finished their preparations and were beginning to turn in, Zoro walked towards you in the quiet night. He knew you had been keeping your distance from him so he could train and he appreciated that you were so understanding that when he was focused, he needed space. But now there was no more training he could do in the short hours before things would start so he wanted to properly reach out to you. He’d missed you during the time away but to see that you were completely unharmed was a relief. If you’d come back to him with so much as a scratch he would have killed the stupid cook because at the core of the matter it would have been his fault. 
Zoro frowned when you glanced his way and immediately moved to gather your things and find a new place to rest. His hand dropped to your arm but you surprised him when you quickly and sharply twisted from his touch. Then he remembered you two were still a secret. He glanced around the space and smirked to see the coast was clear, but even if the others were still up and about he wouldn’t have cared, not after the time apart. Still if you were still worried about telling the others he’d respect that. “We’re fine. It’s just us.” He spoke lowly to reassure you but it seemed to have the opposite affect when you snapped your head up to glare at him.
“Us?” You repeated coldly, expression melting into one of mock confusion. “There’s an us?”
“Wh-” Zoro was genuinely thrown for a moment and then he became worried that you had been injured in the time away and lost your memories of him. “Of course there is! What happened?” Again he reached out for you but this time your hand slapped his fingers with a sharp snap while the fierce glare returned to your eyes.
“Oh nothing’s wrong with me, I just don’t want anyone to get the wrong idea. Last thing I’d want is to get cosy with someone else’s man.” Your tone was scarily even and Zoro still didn’t know what you were talking about. He didn’t even know how to fix whatever it was that was bothering you. Thankfully you clarified by lightly tapping the hilt of Enma that was against his hip with his other swords. “It’s cute she knows the right gifts to give you so early in the romance.”  Despite the sweet words, the venom in your voice was unmistakable and Zoro finally saw the pain dimming your eyes as you regarded his new sword.
“Hiyori?” Zoro asked startled that you’d even think there was anything romantic going on there. She only gave him the sword as an exchange that was it. “There’s nothing between us. Definitely not ‘cosy’ trust me on that.” At that you let out a short, hollow breath of laughter which worried Zoro even more when he was so used to your laugh being filled with warmth and joy. 
“Well the way Brook tells it, the whole situation seemed very cosy…” Slowly you stepped closer to him, finally for the first time in ages and dragged your fingers across his chest while your other hand slid up his arm, drawing your body further into his space. Your head tilted up, purposely letting your nose gently skim against his throat until you could peer up at him with your guarded gaze. “Something like this, if i’m remembering right. You don’t call this cosy?” Zoro was stuck, if he said yes he was screwed, if he said no he was also screwed.
“Don’t worry about it Zoro. We had our fun while it lasted, right?” You forced out in as light a voice as possible. “You should get some rest while you can and I don’t want to waste anymore of your time.” When you moved to pull away you were immediately caught by Zoro’s reflexes. While you were fast, he was faster when he wanted to be. You let out a gasp to be pulled impossibly close against his chest as his arms locked around you, holding your body against his. 
You wanted to fight against the hold that was strong, secure, and -as much as you hated it- comforting. Even now with your heartbroken mind racing, you always felt safe and warm in his arms. You tried to open your mouth to tell him to let go but you couldn’t. Part of you didn’t want to  because the last thing you wanted now was for your voice to be a pitiful, weak tremble but another part knew that even if you managed out the words, he would have listened. So you kept your mouth closed. “I’ve missed you. I wished you hadn’t gone after that cook with the others.” 
Your body tensed at his words, hearing how sincere they were made your knotted worries and spiralling hurt begin to loosen slightly. You didn’t regret helping with Kanji’s rescue but you did also wish you’d gone to Wano with Zoro. “I’m sorry you were made to think the worst. I promise you there wasn’t anything going on with her or anyone. There is no one but you.”  
“Don’t say that.” You whispered, trying not to melt into his embrace. Even with him telling the truth it didn’t stop the fact that your insecurities had surfaced and with them came concerns about everything. “Compared to someone like her I’m-”
“Perfect. Mine. Everything.” Zoro interrupted fiercely before pressing a kiss against your temple. “I’ll say it as many times as it takes to get you to believe it. But first-” You staggered when Zoro let you go and began stomping towards the Sunny. “I’ve got a skeleton to kill for causing you to hurt.” Bewildered by the immediately bloodlust rolling off of his frame you had no choice but to chase after him to stop him from killing another member of the crew while shouting that you believe him. When you finally caught up to him you pulled him into another tight hug with shaking hands. While things were still new between you two and it was clear you both had a lot to work out you now knew that for as long as you wanted him, Zoro would be there. 
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cal-writes · 1 month
I thought about Zoro, again. And how he stays calm when all other mugivaras are in disarray. How he has to be the last pilar standing, because if not him than noone. And how some people deam him emotionless and uncaring because of that, because he keeps his cool and talk logic in hard situations. (Like whan they had to leave Vivi behind, or all this mess in inies loby). And I thought how I want someone to see it, and hug him and let him be vulnerable for a bit.
I dunno if I mean it like a prompt, or just want to cry with someone over Zoro. Maybe both. Anyway I would love to hear your thoughts on the matter in any format :')
god yes i knooooow. going insane over him tbh. like i went into this in my previous meta post about him, esp in enis lobby/water seven arc where he is so clearly affected by everything going on but can't show it. (or feels like he cant)
this reminded me of a thing i havent seen many people talk about, which is that zoro is very often 100% spot on with his predictions, gets ignored, and eats shit for it.
like zoro isnt stupid (despite what some characters and parts of the fandom think) hes incredibly perceptive and his cold read on most people will be accurate. theres several moments where he will predice something happening, rationally explains it to the crew how the best course of action is one thing and then luffy being stubborn and the protagonis does what he wants
not to say that thats a bad thing! i think its awesome to show their dynamic
like back on zou when they find out sanji left to marry big moms daughter and everyone wants to go and get him back
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zoro is harsh in his wording bc he always is but the core of the matter is this: if they go mess with big mom, while they are already anatagonizing kaido, they'll end up having to deal with two emperors. he understands that sanji knew that which is why sanji left the way he did (partially).
and we all know how that ended
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not only that i think this fight is a fantastic display of zoro's core character trait. unlike the three captains in this fight, he doesnt have an ego about it. he's not posturing or peacocking, he knows immediately shits gonna go down (killer too probably but with the mask its harder to tell what killer is thinking) and he's the one person that keeps an overview of the battlefield that includes everyone. law eventually does once he gets over his control issues
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and of course thats not the end of it in wano
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"ill suffer twice as much after" and he doesnt care, beats king, nearly dies or maybe does die and nobody knows about that whole thing
then of course in more recent chapters (spoilers for egghead below)
we have his fight against lucci which i find striking in how the other characters perceive it
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like jimbei can be excused, he doesnt know zoro all that long but the crew acts like this is a point of pride to zoro, to finish the fight. when we've seen zoro run away from fights plenty of times. and to me what he doesnt get to say is exaclty what ends up happening
if lucci isnt taken out, he will tell the elders about the plans he was privy to in eggheads lab. which of course he does when zoro is dragged away
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if the vegapunk hadn't stepped in
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zoro would have fought the elder and most likely lost
same way he knew he'd not be able to win against kuma
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he's telling everyone to stay out of it because he wants to protect them. its not an ego thing for him. he knows the second he stepped up to that fight hes probably going to lose. he's going to do his best to win but he's not delusional
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and i find it noteworthy that we are continuing this plot line of the crew not understanding zoro or not trusting him and not to mention this
lucci telling zoro he's dead weight
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and a little bit later, sanji telling him the same thing
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like, thats not their usual banter. this doesnt make zoro angry to like be able to fight off lucci better or sth. the panel of him standing there just, flinching honestly haunts me. (i eat it up oda please do somehting with it)
esp curious paired with my above example where i think zoro understands sanji quite well where i dont think sanji does in return. (another reason why i cant see them romantically im sorry itd require so much legwork for me to make that work)
i think it can definitely be read as a setup of zoro feeling apart from the crew. i think part of that is just due to the nature of his position as first mate in everything but name. like in a literal sense he is their superior the same way luffy is all of theirs. and we know from the usopp argument that he takes that a lot more seriously than the others. so i dont think - at this point in canon - zoro would open up to anyone except maybe luffy but even then thats not really the kind of relationship they have - and i dont think any of them actually see whats going on or what zoro has been doing basically the entire time.
zoro hasn't been vulnerable since his fight with mihawk
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invye · 1 month
Dressrosa would obviously be quite different in the CoraMiShanks AU, given that, well, Rosinante is there to help kick Doffy's behind, but I'm not sure if I want to touch the happenings in present day canon yet.
HOWEVER! I am once again thinking about how in canon Zoro dragged Law into the party after---
Zoro dragging Law along to have a drink and they inevitably talk about swords (it's Zoro and Law carries an interesting blade, what did you expect?) when Zoro, slightly tipsy, lets slip that he trained with old Hawkeyes for two years.
Law, already fully sloshed (seriously he should have known better than to try matching Zoro for drinks), immediately goes: "Does Hawk-san's 'training' still include tossing you across the entire island and letting you fend against the stupid monkeys for yourself?"
And Zoro just absolutely loses it. What do you mean Law knows that he's spend most of those two years traipsing around lost on that stupid foggy island?? What do you mean Hawk-san???
And drunk Law long-windedly explains that he grew up with Mihawk around, even lived in his dilapidated castle for a while with Cora-san, before they returned to the North Blue so Law could finish school. He even had extended dealings with the Red Emperor during that time, and don't belive what anyone tells you, they're both stupid powerful, but also stupid dorks, it's unbelievable how Cora-san is so attached to these idiots...
And while Law drunkenly prattles on, Zoro is sitting there, head in his hands, realising Hawkeyes actually did a good job with Law, even though his technique is disappointingly reliant on his devil fruit; which means that Hawkeyes probably also did a good job with him, and that on top of that, he might actually really care..?
Druing the trip from Zou to Wano with the Heart Pirates, Zoro learns that they all know Hawkeyes, or Hawk-san as Law calls him and they copy; because when they first set out he showed up all intimidating with his huge sword and unwavering stare and icily told them to "stay safe" and "don't bite off more than you can chew" and "here is my contact, do not use it" and he has shown up somewhat regularly since, especially after Cora-san officially joined the crew when they entered the New World.
Zoro is left sitting there with the knowledge that Hawkeyes apparently has at least three vaguely adopted children, and that he does care. And Zoro has no idea how he is supposed to feel about the knowledge that he is one of those children now.
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general-cyno · 11 months
somehow managed to reach wano and after missing zoro for 50+ chapters I'm so happy these two are back to their single braincell sharing shenanigans.
like. the way luffy was so happy to see zoro again (mind you, this wasn't nearly as long as the 2 year timeskip) that he momentarily forgot the poor sick tama to launch himself straight into zoro's arms?
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the matching wide happy grins? the hug? the fact that zoro's the first of the straw hats luffy sees after separating from zoro's group in zou, kinda like how zoro was the first to arrive at sabaody after 2 years? they're crazy (affectionate)
and of course, it's time for the tomfoolery to unfold as soon as they're reunited again
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I think the contrast between opla luffy not only remembering wado's name (albeit uh kinda botched) but also caring for wado ichimonji while zoro was injured vs manga luffy not remembering why nidai kitetsu's name sounded familiar and nearly giving zoro an aneurysm by mishandling the sword on top of that is genuinely, hysterically funny btw. different zolu flavors and all of them tasty
I love their interactions with tama so far too! zoro protecting and shielding them both from hawkins with quite literally his own body was really good
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and it will never not get to me how easy it is for luffy to leave his back open for zoro to protect when facing enemies, ever since they met, simply bc he has that much faith in zoro's strength and willingness to keep him (and others, when it occurs) safe. plus, to go back to zou for a bit - it's just sweet that luffy knows zoro more than well enough to look beyond all the layers of grumpiness and ostensibly harsh words at times. zoro didn't seem exactly eager to bring sanji back at first but one look at him after noticing zoro had been listening in to the group's conversation abt what happened to sanji and luffy immediately pointed out that he bet zoro was actually worried abt him.
on different occasions, zoro's straightforward or too-rational approach mixed up with his lack of tact tends to understandably annoy other characters but if there's someone who knows how much zoro genuinely cares for his crew (and others sometimes) regardless of what he says, luffy's definitely right there. it's been that way since they interacted for the first time and is why the riceballs incident was so significant to luffy back then. it's such a compelling aspect of their relationship, as usual
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anyway just look at them!!!! they're so cute!!!!!
also, zoro going from -> unwillingly flung around arlong park by luffy -> stoically letting luffy manhandle him around in dressrosa -> actively asking luffy to bring him along and hanging onto him of his own volition? character development
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and to finish this post, my condolences to law 🙏🏼 knowing those two are on the loose without any sane supervision around must be a nightmare (zoro himself is already on wano's shit list after cutting down that magistrate) and worse if they're together
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lutorao · 25 days
Zoro, Law , Luffy
Chapter 1027 : "Defend Luffy!" made to do this analysis
in the 2 episodes Zoro appears, and we know how things unfold later, but that's not what I'm going to talk about right now
why Zoro and Law?! I'll explain that for sure
Zoro is the only member of the crew , I mean the only member why Luffy came to the marines. he didn't meet him by chance, Luffy didn't find Zoro by chance, as soon as he heard his name, he immediately decided that he had to find this person, which is not really the case with other crew, whom he met by chance and then saved them
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call me fool if you want but luffy's voice makes me believe that he was flirting a little bit isn't he?!
like look at him :xDD
many people saying that Usopp is his best friend, yeah i agree he is one of the closest friend, but let's don't forget that Zoro was the reason why luffy didn't came to Usopp in water 7 after his "betrayal" (was it betrayal or not it's up to your opinion)
Zoro is the only member from the crew that luffy really listens to and agrees without hesitation
Zoro is the only person who can stop Luffy and change his mind ( and we have a lot of examples)
Zoro is the person luffy trust most
like he fell asleep in the middle of the war, even though the two Yonko were fighting he still fell asleep because he knew for sure that no matter what happened Zoro would protect him
Before that, Zoro did the same
The trust of these two towards each other is on a different level
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Also Zoro was the only person on his team that Luffy had a blush on, have you ever seen Luffy so eager to see someone else from his crew :xD
i think we don't have to talking about Zoro's loyalty but what about Law's
he mentioned he wasn't going to betray luffy so didn't
i said before that luffy only listens to Zoro right?!
but there was one moment when he listened to Nami
it happened in Dressrosa , when Doffy shot law and kidnapped him , and Nami said that Law sacrificed himself In order to maintain the leverage they had against Doffy, they needed to believe in Law's plan to go to Zou so that his sacrifice would not be in vain (Later I will also analyze Dressrosa, there will be much more to talk about)
and luffy listened
reason: Law ✨
Luffy's relationship with Law is very different from Zoro's, I think Zoro and Luffy's duo was formed as best friends,like partners in crime , "If you kill someone, I will bury the body " something like that
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But towards Law he feels a different responsibility, law is not a member of his crew, he is not someone who "owes" him loyalty or to protect his life but he did
<<How much Luffy tried to get Law's attention or whether law would like him is another story (if you are interested, see its analysis here https://www.tumblr.com/l-in-the-light/760201641742008320/the-most-embarrassing-series-of-posts-about-lawlu?source=share ) >>>
When Luffy fights Kaido and loses, law was worrying and about what? what are you thinking ? on the plan ?! obviously , but also:
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I repeat this many times in my posts and I will also say that the relationship between these two idiots is much calmer in Wano, no matter how funny law looks when he is angry with Luffy , when he is in front of him he just can't do anything
he is like "babe are you okay?"
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yes law no one can deny luffy's cuteness and as long as your weakness is cute things 🥱 you are one of them , i m sure he repeats himself "stop being cute" when he sees luffy or "stop smile at me like that" ,"stop look at me with those big eyes"
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I want to remember one moment when Kidd says to Law "Congratulations you finally became Mugiwara's subordinate"
"FINALLY"???? umm
When Luffy falls asleep in the middle of the war and Killer starts laughing and asks Law what he thinks about Luffy, law says that they only have an alliance and nothing else
law's thoughts: first of all, I won't bother to explain anything to you, and secondly, if I told you right here and now that we are dating and he is with me , this crazy overprotective swordsman will cut me to pieces here, no thank you 🙂‍↔️
so i swear those two knows something , even Killer and Kid noticed
c'mon seriously, It was so obvious that even Kidd and Killer noticed
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And here is episode 1027 when Law and Zoro try to protect Luffy from Kaido, two swordsman , two extremely attractive swordsman try to protect Luffy and are ready to die
I'm even a little jealous of Luffy if these two man tried so hard to protect me hmm i don't mind honestly
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Law: don't talk to me with this soft voice, what are you about babe , of course i am ready to die along with you
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lawbin-archive · 4 months
Lawbin Wano Analysis Part 1 - Because it's you
Finally, we reached to Wano *clapping*. I have been reading a lot of lawbin fanfics that I think I have a lot of bias in these scenes now so please don't expect I'll be rational in this analysis.
highlighted in purple are my delulu~
Again, don't read if you don't like Lawbin. Includes lots of bias.
Chapter 927 - 955: Who told you?
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I might read too deep into this, but I think Law and Robin somehow kept communication through out the Wano arc. When Kyoshiro's henchmen ruined Sanji's soba stall and the straw hats fought back, only Robin, Sanji, Usopp and Franky knew about it. Franky was busy looking for Onigashima's map and Sanji probably won't be the one who told Law. That left Usopp and Robin, and Robin is the one who's aware the fact that Kyoshiro family probably is dangerous to mess with.
So when Law found Sanji and tell him to hide, I'm like how did he know? o_o Of course, it might be Usopp or others told Kin'emon and he told Law or the news spread to the whole Wano (the timing is quite short), Law found it dangerous so he came to find Sanji, there are countless other possibilities. But I just felt like in this situation, Robin is the one who knew Kyoshiro is dangerous, she being the one who told Law is making the most sense.
so my non-rational logic is: Law knew Hawkins is here -> tell Robin to be careful -> Robin told him about Sanji and Franky fought with Kyoshiro -> they figured out it might attract Hawkins (he knew straw hats identity) -> Law went to find Sanji and Franky
But at the end, it might just be plot convenience that I read too deep into it haha.
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When sanji said "We can't have that!! It'll put Nami and Robin in danger!!", I'm like Law is it that's why you went to save them hehe
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I have been saying a multiple time haha, but I'm not tired to say it again. Robin is the one who assumed Road Poneglyph in Onigashima, but Law is the one who went to search for it?! Oda please show us exactly how many times Law and Robin communicate in Wano?!
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Urgh they will look so good in kimono together!! Oda really robbed us!! and he also didn't let us see Law in the Beast Pirates outfit q-q
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personally my least favorite female character in Wano is definitely Shinobu...and I don't think I need to explain it at all lol that woman need to apologize to Law.
When Kin'emon said he didn't heard back from Law, I actually have this headcanon that Robin knew where he is all along. Again there are lots of ways that how did Law's crew (also Kidd's crew) know the new location of meet up (only Wano people knew and it updated after Law get caught by Hawkins), but in my headcanon, Robin told him. I don't have anything to prove it, just my imagination haha
Law is just so kind, even though Shinobu doubted him, he still let the samurais plan on his ship, still offer to help them land on the island and still offer to plan their raid. He doesn't let anyone talk bad about his crew and he rather sacrificed himself than seeing them get tortured. He's just so kind and that's why he's my favorite T-T but i really wish he won't have to sacrifice himself anymore :(
Chapter 996: Because it's you
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Omg this scene, I don't know how long I will yap about this, but this scene is so important! There are only few panels of lawbin but you can learned a lot from just by these panels!
First of all, I saw some people misunderstand this scene happened in Zou, (I thought this happen in Zou before too) but I realize this actually happens in Wano. The building behind is the same ruins as Oden's castle, (can check chapter 919), so from Zou to Wano, Law and Robin must develop some kind of relationship or friendship that Law trust her enough to say his full name (including the hidden name).
Some people might say Law told Baby 5 and Buffalo too, yes but he only told Robin VOLUNTARILY. If he only want to get information about D, he can ONLY tell her that he's D. Like what he did to Sengoku and Doflamingo.
To know the actual meaning of his hidden name, I actually did some research with the japanese text. So in japanese
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Law said "おれの本当の名は-" (my true name is-)
Robin asked "隠し名なの?", (Is it your hidden name? (or ailas))
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And in chapter 763, we learnt D. is hidden name 隠し名 and Water is imina 忌み名, I don't know a proper translation for imina, so I will just write as it is. Law said: 「D」は隠し名「ワーラル」は忌み名で...ウチの家族は代々... 隠し名 Hidden name A name given to others to prevent people from knowing their real name. Pseudonym. source: https://kotobank.jp/word/%E9%9A%A0%E3%81%97%E5%90%8D-460287
忌み名 Imina ① A title given after death based on achievements made during life. Okurina. ②The deceased person's name while alive. Real name. ③The real name of a person of high status. source: https://www.kanjipedia.jp/kotoba/0001197600
I actually used google translate lol but I read multiple websites about it, and they have given similar explanation. so I assumed "Trafalgar Law" is the name he used to cover his real name which is "Trafalgar D. Water Law".
Imina have three meanings, since Law didn't fit the first two explanation, so it falls to the third one. He also said the imina is passed through generations in his family. That's why a lot of people assumed that Law might be a descendant of nobles in the ancient kingdom. There are also theories about Vivi's family probably have the same imina, because "Water" also fit in Nefertari D. (Water) Lily. source: https://x.com/writingpanini/status/1746189490425651375
What I'm trying to say is Law really trust Robin a lot to be able to reveal his full name to her. The D itself is already dangerous enough, of course there are two "D"s worked in the marine but Garp is powerful himself (he doesn't listen to WG anyways) and Saul is a giant himself too. If WG have a chance, they will probably get rid the D clan as much as possible.
And on top of that, Law might be a descendant of a noble from the D clan and there must be a critical reason why his family want to hide this name all along, so if the WG knew about it, it might be more dangerous for him. So I think Law only tell his true name to people that he fully trusted with.
I also saw a person brought up "Tales from Earthsea" from Studio Gihibli, in the movie, everything have a true name, and you shouldn't let others to know your true name because you will get controlled by the person who know your real name and put yourself in a voluntary state. source: https://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/qa/question_detail/q13229352463?__ysp=44GL44GP44GX44Gq Edit: just saw a reblog that Tales from Earthsea is written by an American author Ursula K. Le Guin. Really sorry for the misinformation ><! I will add more references, in "Spirited Away", the story is focus on true name, at the end, Haku found his true name and he becomes free. In "Natsume's Book of Friends", if you know the monster's true name you can control it. And in "Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle", sakura and syaoran they fall in love and saved each other, and only at the end, they exchanged their real name. Telling your true name is really important in japnese culture, it's almost means you're giving yourself to the person (But only depends on the context, sometimes it's implied)
It proves that revealing your true name is an important thing. So I think a lot of people really ignored the fact that Law really must trust Robin a lot to tell her his full name.
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I have also seen someone said that Law and Robin are talking very casually here (Japanese have honorific and different ways to talk with others) like even some couple won't talk causally like that. I don't really know japanese so I actually did try to do some research on it but I really can't figure it out lol
When Law said "You're the only one I would tell this" also can translate as "I told you because it's you" omg >< Law isn't an expressive person so if he said something like that, he really do like Robin a lot in my opinion. Again, if he only want to know if Robin knows anything about D, he can just ask directly. He doesn't need to tell her his true name as well as saying something ambiguous like this :p
And don't you guys think they don't need to explain a lot during their conversation? Like Law only told Robin his true name and she can tell what's his intention. And she also tell him she's interested in the same thing! I actually think Robin must be really happy that someone can go find the poneglyph with her and share her findings. Learning void century and the will of D is always prohibited, so it must be really rare for Robin to find someone that she can tell him “I'm interesting with the same thing!” That's one of the reasons why I like lawbin so much.
And the rest of the conversation, to me, it's almost imply that they can do this together and discussing how to achieve it.
Not to also mention that Robin is surrounded by D clan in her life, Luffy is her captain, Saul is her savior, Dragon is her leader during time skip (+ he's Luffy's dad) and Law is her alliance. I think Law might become more important to her in the future hehe :D
Chapter 1031: learning history
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I'm actually surprise Law will use the word "history" here, because if we read it more directly in chapter 996, he just want to learn "the meaning of D" and his checkered fate. (history is rather implied) Although the will of D is also part of the history, I would say learning his fate and a meaning is really more like a present thing? Oda can just use "learn about my fate" would be a more direction expression, so is he hinting something here? Or Law have been talking to Robin so much that he want to learn the history too? haha
But again, I think I might just read too deep into this. I'm happy Law want to learn history too! So he can learn with Robin together hehe :p
That's it for now! I will leave 1055 for next time, @luffys-holy-chanclas's post have already wrote most of my thoughts out haha and it's really detailed!!! so I will definitely try to keep it short next time! Also hopefully we can see Law before I write my next post T^T Thank you for reading this super long post again!!
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basedkikuenjoyer · 1 month
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This chapter, 1124...it really didn't feel that different than the last two. It starts here with our opener. Morgans here takes on a very similar role as Buggy did in 1122, and we're still unpacking the immediate worldwide reaction to the transmission. Importantly, Luffy's gonna end this chapter with a good reminder none of it was very important to him, but Morgans starts it with a good lesson in why it should to a degree.
It's cool seeing Vivi roast him over lying, but this right here is the essence of why shaping your story matters. Buggy could take the moment and make it work for him, Vegapunk was so disconnected he realized his message might stir panic but didn't do anything to ameliorate that. Morgans is setting up Luffy the same way Sabo was. This story should rattle worldwide faith in the government. As is though, it could just end up being a tale about Luffy massacring a beloved figure worldwide. This time I don't really think the opener casts as long a shadow over the rest of the chapter, but it's now something becoming a pattern with these past few chapters. But let's get to the real meat of this one:
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Talking with IRL blorbo from my blog Fallensnowfan really helped with this one but it's so stark when you see it in the actual chapter. There's this very interesting juxtaposition in the fallout of Vegapunk's death. Lilith picks up on the conversation we saw with the VegaBoys last time, a theme we've explored throughout with them. What does death mean when you've split yourself into seven parts and have a giant brain floating in a vat?
Well, here we have some interesting answers to this question. Lilith pops up and makes this big show of trying to cheer up Luffy. Get him past these feelings of failure. It was a very sudden shift but it does feel earnest, even if it reminds me a little of Carrot in WCI's End Roll. As earnest as Sentomaru and of course Kizaru. For one, we've talked about how these spotlight moments remind us of Wano's bigger ones. "Have you ever had to kill your best friend?" Well, the Akazaya Nine know that feeling. Especially Kin'emon & Kiku who had to take on the dirty work with Kanjuro.
But man...what a moment. Even Akainu cracked a little and realized he stepped over the line. Seeing Kizaru actually shaken for once too. The little flashback helped cement it as does this amazing shot of him watching all that work go up in flames. Simply put though, Kizaru/Sentomaru clearly don't feel the same way as Lilith here. Which is why part of me has to wonder if Lilith's just putting up a brave front. It's interesting Usopp raises the question of what exactly makes her the "evil" one, which is an idea we never really answered.
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And of course, we do end off on what certainly seems to be a final note for Egghead Arc as a part of this story. I do have to say, I'm not entirely sure how I feel about that. Lilith feels well primed to pick up that New World thread we've talked about going forward, I could certainly see this shaking out in a way where we maybe have a chapter or two away from the Straw Hats to finish off this story and give some people like Drake a moment in the intermission. Then head right into a perfectly straightforward Elbaf arc. We could even do that interspersed with clearing up some of Egghead's lingering mysteries...
But there's still enough weirdness to make me wonder. One thing I've thought for a while is that if the Giants are already here, they can tag along for a bit of island hopping. On some level it's kinda weird to keep them and Bonney and Kuma and Lilith floating around but we of course don't know what Elbaf's story is so it could easily have a place for all that. What it really comes down to for me is that, as it stands, Elbaf really has no apparent conflict set up. Which could work if it's a Zou-type arc where we reset our course or something. But if say...something happens and this group gets blown off course I could see that too. Use an intermediate arc to set up something to do on Elbaf.
Of course, this final panel gives us something to think about too. Who is the mystery silhouette? Sadly we'll have to wait for a break week to really know the next steps. Which means I have a decision to make too. I get the feeling enough people like these writeups for their own sake, but the original intent was to maybe do a little bit about the next arc reflecting on where it ties up Wano themes. Hence "Post-Wano Musings" and I could never keep that hyphen consistent in the tags. Didn't expect Egghead to keep giving me a lot to talk about there. I also just kinda thought it was funny to call an entire arc as long as Alabasta "Post-Wano."
We still have a lot of oddities and through lines though, and those could easily be left hanging as we get to Elbaf. I think my plan is to switch it up and just make normal chapter reviews when we reach a new island, Elbaf or otherwise, with a new tag. I'm leaning towards "Massive Musings" for now, but maybe something better will come up before we get there.
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blacklegsanjiii · 5 months
Uh, you said you liked East Blue Polycule right? So, what about a East Blue Polycule + Ponyo!Sanji? Or even a RLS!siblings au with Luffy, Zoro, Usopp and Nami dating Sanji?
I do like East Blue polycule! It's a cute ship and I adore cuddle puddles. Also wow we are stressing so many people out damn.
Ponyo!Sanji is already dating Luffy when they set sail and then they pick up Zoro, then Nami, then Usopp. Luffy starts dating Zoro shortly after and Sanji is doing his best to not be jealous, he's not jealous really, just annoyed because Zoro likes to monopolize Luffy's time. Sanji starts dating Nami because she helps him pick out clothes. Then all four of them are dating and then Usopp joins them after a lot of reassurance and saying they want him. Sanji still doesn't tell them about his powers and Luffy knows but also knows Sanji will tell them in his own time.
And he does, one by one. He shows Usopp after they say goodbye to Merry and he shows the sniper the pieces he collected for Usopp to put in the thousand Sunny. He shows it to Nami to collect shells or fish or something. Zoro is last. It's a heated argument about saving Luffy from drowning and Sanji is telling the swordsman to leave it to him. Zoro isn't listening and Sanji is so frustrated that he won't trust him with this, not even because of thriller Bark like Zoro thinks and keeps ignoring what Sanji has to say to the point that Sanji just whips his arm and Zoro is covered in water. Everyone is staring at them and Zoro immediately goes off that Sanji ate a devil fruit so it'd just make it worse and Luffy butts in and says Sanji's a guardian actually. Zoro is looking at Sanji with his eye wide because yeah, the rest of the crew found out too and Sanji's been so frustrated to use his powers and now he feels like he's going to get in trouble when he gets home.
RLS!Sanji who's dating the East Blue crew before they pick up Robin. She's impressed but also confused given how he acts and he's just like 'Sis, I've had a time' and she's debating on how she's going to tell Law when they run into each other. This happens between Punk Hazard and Dressrosa and he keeps sending questioning looks to his older sister and she smiles knowingly back. It doesn't clear anything up. Law finds out on Zou when he finds out Sanji's been kidnapped and is listening to the Strawhats squabble about getting the cook back and Zoro and Luffy are fighting about leaving Sanji behind and Nami points out he's Sanji's boyfriend too and Usopp agrees they can't exactly leave a fifth of their relationship behind.
Also it was the Vinsmokes. From Germa. Law is rubbing his temples and just straight up asks Robin why the fuck Germa would be after him now after what happened. Robin mentions he's apparently getting married to a daughter of Big Mom, Nami asks what they mean and Law asks what they mean when they say a 'fifth of their relationship'. The stare down of the century happens as Robin explains both sides, RLS being siblings and the East Blue crew dating. When Sanji and the rescue team meets them in Wano the worst set of shovel talks happens.
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tytarax · 2 months
I already finished Zou arc (I'm suffering with Sanji, and the masochism of liking one of his brothers rn), but I just can't stop thinking about everything that happened and this scenario has been living in my mind for days now.
I also realized that if it's about one piece, I'm into furries minks
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Being Duke Dogstorm's wife only caused him to want to keep you safe when he heard the intruders bell sound. Everyone knew what was coming. They're coming for Raizo, the ninja from the land of Wano.
"Please, my love, stay here" He begged as he stood up from beside you. You were looking down as you held back tears. "Just... promise me you will come back" You were already tired of him telling you that you couldn't go with him, you resigned yourself and all you could do was pray that everything would turn out well.
After a goodbye kiss, you were left alone in the forest fortress, where several townspeople were already arriving. As a figure of authority, you couldn't just stand there doing nothing, you had to give your people hope. So, doing your best to ignore the sound of the houses falling and the screams, you dedicated yourself to taking care of the others and not showing fear in the face of the threat of the pirates Beast and Jack, their leader.
Three days passed, everything was silent, and your heart was broken from listening to the pleas of your people begging these monsters to stop their torture. You were already ready to return to the city to see with your own eyes that everyone was still alive… at least you had the hope.
But one of the soldiers who managed to reach the fortress asked you not to go to the city… that no one should go, since as a last measure, the pirates used poison gas bombs and it was highly dangerous to go.
You were a stubborn person, but you ended up staying anyway. Still, you couldn't help but worry about everyone being okay… about your husband being okay.
Sometime later, you heard a rumor that some pirates had arrived in Zou, the Straw Hat Pirates. And they were willing to help save everyone's lives.
The days dragged on, each one filled with a mix of dread and anticipation. You continued to oversee the forest fortress, ensuring that everyone was safe and cared for, but your thoughts were never far from the city and Dogstorm.
Until one day, you finally saw him, and if your heart was already broken... it shattered. He was unconscious, still alive, but yet so harmed, blood all over his face, scars, and what horrified you the most was seeing that they had cut off one of his legs. How far were those monsters capable of going?
"You-teia have my gratitude," you said looking at the saviors of the mink tribe, who had introduced themselves as Nami, Sanji, Chopper, and Brook, a corpse-like hero who looks very delicious. "Oh, it's never a problem to help a beautiful mademoiselle like you! Garchu, ____-san!" Sanji said with heart-shaped eyes while standing beside you and you responded to his garchu. "Garchu, Sanji-kun"
"I believe Duke Dogstorm will wake up in a while, I don't know when tho..." Chopper exhaled as he removed the stethoscope from his ears and jumped off of the bed. "Thank you, doctor Chopper."
Chopper blushed, rubbing the back of his head bashfully. "It's nothing, really. I'm just glad I could help."
"By the way, Wanda, why don't you-teia show them around in the meantime? Miyagi, Tristan, and I will take care of Duke Dogstorm. Go enjoy for a while," you suggested smiling.
Wanda nodded, her ears twitching slightly. "Of course, Lady ____. I can show them around. Follow me," she said, gesturing for the, at the moment, Curly Hat Pirates to follow her. As they left, you turned your attention back to Dogstorm, "You-teia will get through this, my love. You-teia are the strongest person I know."
More days have passed, the Duke still hasn't woken up. However, just a few hours ago you heard about the arrival of the rest of the Straw Hat crew.
So, you gave the order to have a welcome banquet, which they gladly attended. Likewise, you asked Tristan and Miyagi to attend the banquet, and take a break.
"Step aside Shishilian, I've come to bring something to Lady ____" you heard Pedro's voice on the other side of the door, interrupted by Shishilian's "And for what reason would they have sent you-gara?" He said at "full power" as always.
"Let him in Shishilian" you raised your voice a little so he could hear you on the other side of the door, "Oh, as you-gara say your highness" he said as he opened the door and let Pedro in.
"Lady ____, how are you-gara doing" Pedro asked approaching. "I'm doing fine, Pedro, thanks for asking. What brings you-teia here?" you asked curiously. "I'm here to bring you-gara some food of the banquet for the straw hats, I was told you-gara haven't been eating well since..."
"Why, thank you, Pedro, that's really nice. Please give them my apologies for not coming to introduce myself yet, " You said smiling lovely. Pedro handed you the tray of food and looked at the Duke for a moment. "How's Duke Dogstorm doing?" "He's doing fine, as far as I know, still we don't know when he'll wake up," You said looking at your husband with worry before looking at Pedro. "I see... I hope the best for him and you-gara" "Thank you, Pedro."
Pedro said goodbye as he headed to the banquet and you were left alone again, occasionally trying a bite of food. All of a sudden, there was a slight movement. His eyes fluttered open, and he looked around, disoriented.
"My love," you whispered, tears of relief streaming down your face. "You're awake." He looked at you with relief in his eyes "____... sorry for making you-gara worry"
You shook your head reassuring him, "It's fine" It wasn't fine, he knew it, you knew it "At least it's finally over. A pirate crew named the Straw Hat Pirates came arrived here and helped us, I'm truly grateful" You said smiling with tears threatening to come out. He brought his big paw close to your face and wiped away your tears. "I see, then I'm grateful too"
You looked out the window for a moment and saw the monkey mink picking some fruits. "Bariete" you said, getting his attention. "Hm?" "Go tell everyone that Duke Dogstorm has woken up, please."
"Yes, of course! I'm so glad!" He said as he ran off to the room where they were having a banquet. You both laughed softly at the mink's enthusiasm. You remembered something when you saw the newspaper that had arrived a few days ago.
"On the other hand," you said as you stood up from his side and picked up the newspaper, "this news arrived a little while ago, it says that Jack supposedly died after trying to rescue Doflamingo from the hands of the Marines. And about Doflamingo, it was the Straw Hats themselves who defeated him, that was what caused Jack to leave."
"These Straw Hats piqued my curiosity…" Dogstorm said as he grabbed the newspaper from your hands. "They're good kids, I'm sure of that." You said as you walked over to give him a well-deserved amount of garchus before everyone else arrived.
Part 2
OP Masterlist
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chenziee · 1 year
@lawluevents - Day 9: Reunion/Trust @onepiece-bingo: Sword
Alternate summary: "I trust you with my life but do NOT touch that knife or so help me..."
Insert obligatory "I don't have a single word for tomorrow so if you don't hear from me by 4am my time tomorrow, you know why"
[ Read on AO3 | series ]
The moment he heard Straw Hat had arrived in the Land of Wano, Law knew he had to act fast. They didn’t spend weeks planning, preparing, carefully protecting their covers, and secretly gathering information and allies for it all to be destroyed by one unsupervised idiot.
He knew that if he didn’t grab Straw Hat by the neck the moment he stepped in, it was only a matter of minutes before he went and shouted he was going to kick Kaido’s ass and become the Pirate King from the roof of some building in Bakura Town. Foolishly, Law had thought that with Roronoa there, they wouldn’t straight up pick a fight with the Beast Pirates at the very least. Foolishly… he forgot that an unsupervised Roronoa was just as bad as an unsupervised Straw Hat.
Never mind the two of them being left unsupervised together.
As Law watched the people of the Okobore Town cry and celebrate at the sight of the crashed, stolen in broad daylight Treasure Ship, he sighed deeply. He really should have ignored Hawkins and just gone to drag these two idiots away.
But, what was done was done and now Law had to deal with the consequences—the Beast Pirates knowing they were there, Holdem about to run crying to Jack, and a bunch of Gifters stomping their feet and yelling about robbery just metres away.
And yet, the worst thing to happen to their plan wasn’t even there yet.
Law barely managed to finish the thought when a giant basin crashed to the ground and right on top of the aforementioned Gifters.
“Here we go! Fresh water!!”
And there it was. The greatest disaster to ever befall the Land of Wano and Law’s entire life.
Law wanted to chew him out but seeing how he grinned and told all the people of Okobore Town to blame him… Law couldn’t do anything but sigh deeply. Leave it to Straw Hat to be so selfless in the most selfish way humanly possible. 
How was Law supposed to yell at him now without making himself be the asshole?
“Oh! Torao!!” Straw Hat called when he finally noticed him, his face lighting up and splitting into a grin so wide that it felt like his mouth was going to tear—an expression that made Law’s heart skip a beat at the knowledge that he was the one to put it there simply by being next to him.
Law hated how the corners of his mouth twitched in return. He was trying to be mad here, goddamn it. Not fall in love all over again just because he didn’t see that smile for a few weeks….
“Straw Hat-ya,” Law said, keeping his voice carefully measured. “You do realise this is a rebellion, right?”
“I’m just repaying a favour!” Straw Hat defended himself. “It’s not like I punched Kaido in the face. Yet.”
Law groaned. “You’re impossible.”
When Straw Hat only laughed, Law couldn’t say he was surprised. But then warm arms wrapped around his waist and a whole human body pressed against him and he blinked.
“What are you doing?” Law asked, his eyes dropping to look at Straw Hat’s face which was tilted back further than should be possible, his rubbery neck twisted back into an unnatural angle where he was resting his chin against Law’s chest.
“I missed you,” Straw Hat said happily, the grin plastered on his face widening even more.
The sight was making Law’s heart do weird things, things Law understood but refused to acknowledge. But even so… it was impossible to fight anymore.
Before he could stop himself, one of his hands cupped Luffy’s face and he leaned down, pressing a kiss to Luffy’s lips. It was a simple kiss, one they’ve shared so many times before they had split up in Zou, and yet, it felt like the first time. It hadn’t even been that long since they had last seen each other. Maybe three, four weeks? How stupid.
If it was like this after so little time apart, what the hell were they going to do when the alliance fulfilled its purpose?
Law felt almost embarrassed being worried about something like that. He wasn’t a horny, pining teenager after all—never was one in the first place—so what the hell was his problem?
He should probably think about all that after they actually beat Kaido. Right now, Straw Hat was in his arms and hopefully not going anywhere unsupervised for a while. He had punched a bit too many holes into their carefully laid out plan already for Law to let him go anywhere without someone with an ounce of sense in their head. Not that that had ever stopped Luffy from ruining everything but there was this thing called damage control which Roronoa had spectacularly failed at just earlier.
Idiots, the both of them.
Law hated how that thought made him smile into the kiss, making Luffy giggle. Law huffed to himself before he finally pulled away.
“I trusted you’d come back,” he muttered quietly, his thumb tracing the scar underneath Luffy’s left eye gently.
Luffy snickered. “Of course! Got Sanji back and all!”
“Good job.” Law chuckled quietly, pressing one last peck to Luffy’s mouth.
When he tried to pull away, however, Luffy stopped him; his hand grabbed onto Law’s yukata, pulling him down and refusing to let go. And somehow… Law didn’t have the willpower to fight him.
His lips curling into a smirk, Law let Luffy lead the kiss this time, his clumsy movements making warmth spread in Law’s chest. God, he missed this idiot so much…
“Get a fucking room.”
Law clicked his tongue in annoyance at the same time as Luffy groaned as the two of them finally let go of each other. But even when Law took a step back, their hands still found each other and Law laced their fingers together, squeezing Luffy’s hand gently.
“Sorry, Zoro,” Luffy said, but it wasn’t very convincing with the happy smile that was still plastered on his face.
“Yeah, sorry Black Leg-ya’s not here,” Law added.
“Fuck off, Torao,” Zoro hissed, shooting Law a glare.
“It’s not my fault your precious soulmate ran off to get married, don’t take it out on me,” Law shrugged, a smirk pulling on his lips.
“Now, look here—” Zoro growled but before he could say any more, Luffy interrupted him.
“Zoro, you should see your face!” He laughed loudly as he pointed at his first mate.
At that, Zoro's expression twisted in annoyance even more before he snapped, "You shut up, Luffy! Also let me see that katana already."
“No,” Luffy replied immediately while sticking his tongue out to stress his point.
Law blinked. Did he hear that right? Straw Hat and… a katana?
Turning his gaze down to Luffy’s waist, Law did a double take at the sight of the purple hilt, gold, cross-shaped handguard, and dark and light purple striped scabbard. There really was a fucking katana tucked away into Straw Hat’s obi. And judging by the aura it was giving off… it wasn’t just any random, rusty katana he found lying around somewhere either.
“Are you seriously carrying around a Meito?” Law asked, the dread he felt at the very notion almost tangible in his voice.
“What kind of samurai would I be without one?” Straw Hat asked, sounding almost offended.
“I told you you’re not even using it, Luffy,” Zoro grumbled.
“Give me that thing before something happens,” Law said as he held out his hand expectantly.
At that, Straw Hat jumped away from Law and out of reach, his hands flying to hold the katana protectively. “No way! Why does everyone keep trying to take it?”
“I just want to look at it,” Zoro snapped.
Ignoring Roronoa’s frustration, Law closed his eyes momentarily, praying for patience before he looked back at Luffy. “Because you’re going to fucking trip and stab your eye out. Give it.” Law stressed his final words by gesturing with his hand once more.
Luffy gasped dramatically while his face morphed into the most upset, unhappy expression Law had ever seen. “I thought you trusted me!” he cried, pointing an accusing finger at Law who only met his glare head on, thoroughly unimpressed.
“Not when there’s a sharp object involved,” Law stated matter-of-factly.
Immediately, Zoro burst out laughing. He clutched at his stomach, doubling over in his fit as he watched the way Luffy’s mouth fell open, an almost comedic shock painted on his face, and despite himself, despite trying to be as stern as possible, Law felt laughter trying to force its way out of his own chest as well at the sight.
With a huff, Straw Hat crossed his arms over his chest, shooting another glare at Law, then the still laughing Zoro, and finally Law again. “You’re a jerk. You’re both jerks. I hate you!” he announced before turning around decisively—
—and gasping again when his eyes fell on the Treasure Ship that was now swarmed by the people of Okobore Town, all the food being carefully unloaded and divided between everyone. Immediately forgetting about either Law, Zoro, or the katana, Straw Hat ran forward, shouting at the townspeople, “Hey, the meat’s mine!! Don’t just take it all!!”
Law shook his head in disbelief. Unable to fight it anymore, a chuckle slipped past his lips as he watched Luffy jump around, stuffing his face and laughing with people he didn’t even know. Bringing smiles to everyone’s faces without even trying, just like he always did.  
“And here I got made fun of because Ero-cook ran off,” Zoro muttered pointedly, amusement clear in his voice.
“Shut the fuck up, Roronoa-ya,” Law groaned.
Zoro snorted, his voice light when he replied, “You’re hopeless, Torao.”
“Says the guy who did nothing but stress-train the entire way here.”
“Touche,” Zoro laughed.
They were silent for a moment, simply watching as Luffy talked to Tama about something with a serious, determined look in his eyes. It felt like he was a completely different person now than he was a mere minute ago… but he was still Luffy even so.
And Law loved both versions of him—the bubbly, stupid one and the deadly serious, charismatic one—equally.
Oh god, how embarrassing.
Law took a deep breath, then exhaled slowly. “Let’s never talk about this again.”
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tae-rambles · 1 month
since this is the end of the Egghead arc and we're heading to Elbaf, here are some of my predictions, hopes, expectations and just general thoughts and feelings i have for the next arc:
firstly, i'm not sure what exactly to expect for Usopp during the Elbaf arc but i have very high hopes for it
next, something that is pretty much guaranteed is Robin's reunion with Saul and her seeing the books from Ohara. i'm so hyped for it and i expect it to hit me in the feels. i also wonder if Robin chooses to read some of the books. on one hand, her reading them would be like paying respect to the scholars' efforts to save them. on the other, however, Robin wants to discover the truth by sailing with the Strawhats ( - she rejected Rayleigh's offer to tell her in Sabaody). yes, the scholars' research isn't complete and so she would still have to reach Laugh Tale to learn the whole truth, but we also know that perspective matters ( - Rayleigh said she might arrive at a different conclusion than the Roger Pirates did) and learning incomplete truths might affect it. so what i think she's going to do is only look into the legends about Nika since she heard Vegapunk declare that Luffy's new form resembles the Sun God and she wants to help her captain. which leads me to my other prediction:
Luffy will learn about Nika and the truth about his devil fruit. he will be opposed to it at first because he's Monkey D Luffy, the man who will become the King of the Pirates, he's not a god nor a hero, dammit! but will relent in favor of learning more about his abilities to become stronger. he may also undergo a mini training arc similar to his time in the Udon prison in Wano.
next, what i hope to see is the dumbass captain trio reunion. i loved their dynamic in Wano, it was so fun! but this time, the atmosphere will be much different. (yes, i believe Kid is alive, this is One Piece we're talking about.) i have some thoughts about that:
the answer to how Bepo and Law would end up on Elbaf is simple - it's the closest location to Winner Island that the log pose points to. (my other theory is Bepo took them to Zou since Zunesha was last seen at Wano and i wouldn't be surprised if they left in the direction to Laugh Tale to prepare for the final war or something idk) they would be welcomed and taken care of at Elbaf since Law was said to be one of the two who defeated Big Mom, the Elbafians' sworn enemy. when he sees Luffy again, Law can ask him to team up against Blackbeard and to get his crew back if they were captured. i'm hoping he simply asks for help instead of forming a formal alliance because it would imply that Law officially accepts Luffy as his friend ( - which Luffy realizes because he's observant like that). but it would also make sense for Law to not demand they call it an alliance since, from Law's perspective, as Blackbeard put it, he can't call himself a pirate captain without a ship and a crew so he's not in a position to form alliances. Luffy will of course agree because they're friends and he will do anything for his friends.
there are two options for how Kid gets onto the island. either Dive turns out to be a half-fishman (a theory i believe) and it's her who saves the crew but it would be hard for her to do it alone, especially with her small stature. the second option, is that a/some giant(s) take pity on the Kid Pirates and save them in secret as a thank you for defeating Big Mom. however, i'm not sure how the interaction with Luffy would go. Kid will be even more pissed at Shanks and surely desire revenge (on Dorry and Broggy, too). and although Luffy did express his desire to fight Shanks, there are no bad feelings between them - quite the opposite. so yeah, i'm nervous to see how that's gonna go
other than that, i'm hoping for all the Strawhats to do some battling since Elbaf is the land of warriors which is a great opportunity to train
i'm also hoping we get a flashback to the night on Egghead so we get to know what happened and how Robin got so injured (my guess is she fought a seraphim but i want to know the details!)
i also want to know where's Stussy but i hope that will be covered in ch 1124
and just to cover all my bases: Bonney will join the Straw Hat Pirates (trust me, Oda told me so)
that's all that comes to mind right now. sorry if it's too incoherent and rambly but that's the nature of this blog (tae-rambles) so... eh?
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monkeydluffy19920 · 10 months
Hi, Do you really believe the direction Oda will follow regarding shipping is sanami over lunami? If so, what is your take on the lunami scenes in movies (strong world/ gold) considering Oda himself orchestrated them?
Hi Nonny and thanks for the ask~!
First of all sorry that it’s taken plenty of time to answer. It’s been a long time since I’ve last seen these movies (so wanted to rewatch both of them before replying and stuff) but anyways here are some thoughts. It’s going to be a long post so you have been warned :)
Before the actual reply I want to say my ponders are leaning mostly on the manga since it's my opinion the "most" canon when it comes down to materials and sources.
What makes it tricky to consider whether Strong World is canon or not is that Shiki-guy because he was indeed briefly mentioned in chapter 530 and 957 but that’s all for the manga.  What is problematic is thath Shiki was a strong pirate of Roger's time and the first to escape from Impel Down. So Luffy beating Shiki down in their duel should’ve been affecting his next bounty but it didn’t. 
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Same goes with the film Gold actually. Tesoro mentioned in the beginning that Luffy has beaten Doflamingo (so now he doesn’t have to) but so far it’s really hard to place the happenings to the canon’s timeline. Why? Because the crew split into parts in the beginning of the Dressrosa arc and reunited completely in Wano and It’s been published in 2016, around Zou arc.
So according to this the Film Gold should be placed somewhere after Wano (because they split already around Dressrosa) so Film Gold is a filler movie and most likely also Strong World although Oda-sensei participated in the production and made manga version of Strong World as well.
What comes to the shipping point of view, both movies offers scenes that can be interpreted for one’s OTPs and as long as the debates about shipping goes respectful I think there is no problem of talking about it but if it’s just bashing each other and disrespect then it’s insanity and waste of time. After all, we're supposed to enjoy the show, not to rip the fandom apart.
Anyway in this post down below are listed some moments that Nonny might’ve referenced and trying to dig into these lot debated scenes Nonny mentioned as neutral as possible :)
Shiki takes Nami
Tone dial is one of the key elements of the movie and Strawhats get it in the beginning of the movie. Luffy tosses is to Nami for some reason although dials are more Usopp’s and Franky’s speciality.
Let's not forget that Nami was really good with Skypiea technology too though and she is in general intelligent so maybe that was the reason Luffy trusted that thing for her or maybe it was a random toss, who knows?
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Luffy’s reaction to Nami’s choice  and the message on the tone dial
From the shipping perspective probably the most debated detail in Strong World movie is what Nami left there for her crew after Shiki practically forced her to join his crew by threatening her hometown although Usopp tried to stop her by reasoning but Nami had no choice especially after Usopp was silenced. 
At least she was able to leave a message to the tone dial which the crew listens after their reunion and Luffy reacts strongest to this message. He is in disbelief that his comrade would say such things and goes further to unbox the anger while the rest of the crew decides to re-listen the message.
Luffy is usually around where the most stuff happens but he usually skips the backstory-kinda moments and he has even told that the backstories don't matter if he has decided to trust someone. For him his comrades are still friends, no matter how much they'd share different personalities or different points of views.
Luffy's strong reaction is easily explained by his nature: he is a guy who jumps quickly to action. He can be impulsive and sometimes he just picks a few words he hears and has already decided the next step. So this is just a cause of a misunderstanding, if Luffy would've listened to the whole message the outcome would've been different for sure.
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The whole message revealed in the ending
So, they managed to save Nami and kick Shiki’s ass for good. She is recovering of the poison and everyone are happy to see her getting better. Luffy however is still a bit mad and upset about that tone dial until the rest of the crew revealed that there was still something left when the captain let his emotions go over intuition.
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Even Nami admitted that it was mostly adressed to the captain but it was nothing personal. Like she would ever really doubt her friends’ skills.
And although it was meant for everybody, the main reason why she she added that extra sentence and directed it especially for Luffy is that just like written earlier, the captain tends to take sometimes things  literally so direct directions are best for him.
Why Nami didn’t ask for help in the first sentence?  Probably because of the movies drama tension and because she probably had a feeling Shiki would stalk her while sending a sos. So the message caused a big misunderstanding between her and Luffy because the captain was too filled up with emotions to listen the message for the second time.
Anyway, the whole message Nami left was:
Please, just let me leave you in peace and walk away I've decided to join Shiki's crew to be his navigator Shiki is a legendary pirate. If you fight him, you won't stand a chance Even if you come after me you'll only end up losing your lives That's all I have to say.... So please, come and save me
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The turtle race
In the beginning of the movie Luffy and his pals join for this race car thingy and Nami is seen blushing after seeing that Luffy, Chopper and Usopp are back in the race.
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It’s understandable that people see Nami’s blush and sigh of relieve as shippy but then again before the race Luffy just grabbed a handful of those betting chips (or whatever the are called) and rushed into first thing that looked interesting for them without debating first.
The whole crew is used to their captains randomness but sometimes get irritated by it (as a running gag) so the turtle race wasn’t nothin new tbh but the thing is there was huge money on bet so definitely seeing your nakama (almost) falling out of the race is worrisome but when you see them doing a comeback and realizing there is a chance to win big money and that they are ok it’s a huge relief. 
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Luffy gambling in the high risk area
Once they win the Turtle race they are invited to the VIP area where they get the high risk, high reward-challenge with the dices. First they are again annoyed by Luffy betting without asking his crew but once they see Luffy is loaded with luck Nami and Usopp go next to their captain to admire his luck.
This is a nice little moment for both LuNami and LUsopp fans and quite usual actually in One Piece that some of the Straw Hat are more physical towards each other than the others, not necessarly in romantic way though, can be platonic too.
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When Baccarat uses he Lucky Lucky fruit abilities the whole crew gets immediately worried when seeing Luffy being unlucky and they all realize they were just fooled  by them.
Like always in tense situations, the whole crew goes on defense mode if they see their nakama in trouble.
Introducing Carina
What I like about Film Gold is that it gives another sneak peak to one of my favorite characters, Nami’s past. It was already mentioned in the Heart of Gold but  they were competitors and ended up in the same trouble and in the previous movie Nami was still mad about what happened and when they reunited they still had this frenemies-way to approach each other.
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Luffy's attention was paid for a short moment because it was a friend’s friend and Nami’s expression after Luffy’s question could be interpreted as on something like she’d don’t want Carina to but from the neutral point of view it’s probably more that she is still dealing with conflicted feelings about what happened with her and Carina in the past and meeting her after all those years (the whole story of them robbing  Mad Treasure was opened later in Film Gold).
Also like always the captain isn’t much interested on his nakamas’ pasts. So, instead of watching Nami and Carina quarrelling he interrupted the thing so they could focus on the main thing eating before saving Zoro.
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Luffy’s and Franky’s suuuuperrr comeback
So Tesoro thought he’d fool the Strawhat Pirates but actually they trolled him with help of Carina (and I must say, it was so cool that the whole crew had matching outfits!).
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Nami was first to congratulate Luffy for their plan and Luffy’s response as a semi-confused “ah, a plan?". It is usually Nami who rushes up to him after seeing him appearing. That's completely natural and even explained with Nami's caring nature.
Not only Luffy but also she usually is the first ones to rush when their mates are in trouble. Out of all Strawhats Luffy happens to be the guy who causes his crew mates loads of worries eith his shenanigans and worry-free and impulsive nature so no wonder she needs to check him most if he is ok. Even Robin mentioned just before their arrival that they “hid” art  of plan from Luffy because they knew their captain would go with his instincts instead of a rock solid plan, crew knows their captain so well *laughs* )
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Luffy saving Nami and Carina from Tesoro
Tesoro went to that golden mode and tried to kill Carina but Nami saved her and we get the rest of their story revealed. That Carina actually saved Nami back then although watchers were first led to believe that it was a betrayal.
Naturally touching moment is disturbed by the tension so Tesoro manages to catch Nami to his grip which pisses Luffy off. Another potential ship moment but then again Luffy would do the same no matter whose of his nakama were in the same situation.
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Then he tosses Nami and Carina to a safer place from the battle arena and screams her name. Clever move from him if so because the whole place was a mess but again this showed how much trust Luffy has for his whole crew. He knew that although he’d toss them someone would be able to catch them.
One thing that is probably a running gag by the way but Luffy has the tendency to carry people like sack of potatoes, no matter what the gender or the situation is (and somehow they still manage to keep up with him, at least I don't remember whether anyone has fallen from his arms while being carried *laughs*)
Now to think about this is a common thing i.e Luffy has not only carried Nami numerous time like this (for example in Water 7) or Law in Dressrosa and Robin in Alabasta like that but also Zoro has done this for fainted Usopp in Alabasta and even Usopp carries Robin (as Sogeking) in Enies Lobby.
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In other words no matter how nice shippy moments there are in fillers /movies/ specials etc. between two characters  have it still doesn't guarantee it would lead to canon romance. Like fellow fans, I also enjoy those shippy moments (especially the filler where they are placed in historical Japan) but still think that when it’s about canon, only manga counts because it's 100% written ad planned by Oda-sensei. Yes Oda has taken parts to production of some movies BUT he isn't in charge of everything there so the production can slip a bit from the canon.
What comes to the panel you used to demonstrate their discussion about the marriage I agree with you, Luffy isn't currently interested in getting married and he prioritizes adventures over the thought of marriage (Thriller Bark). On top of that, Luffy also said "no" to Hancock which for me indicates that he really doesn't want any romantic relationship at this point and frankly spoken it all just makes sense.
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After all, he "only" 19-years old and craves for adventures. So I think at some perspectives Luffy's view of romantical romance is still "lacking" and he isn't bothered about it because he has his priorities and determination in other stuff such as chasing his lifelong dream to find the legendary One Piece.
I bet after finding that Luffy might start to ponder more about his future but he wants to keep his focus at one thing at the time instead of big picture. Now he wants to feel the freedom and probably even if he didn't find One Piece (he will for sure though), for him the whole adventure matters more than the treasures. That's simply the way he is.
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To your original question Nonny, I've been reading One Piece years and focused on chemistry between Sanji and Nami because I see in them foreshadowing and moments and common chemistry that could potentially lead them as a pair.
Then on the other hand, I too love Luffy as a character a lot, and also do enjoy Luffy's and Nami's chemistry a lo. However, the difference is that compared to SaNami, for me Luffy's and Nami's interactions are much more platonic and sibling-like. The same way I feel Usopp's and Nami's interactions are (and they do share close nakamaship and I like that too, they're like besties and stuff!).
Maybe it's the way the cook and the navigator started by flirting and did proceed to WCI where they split apart with an emotional slap and tears or maybe as a SaNami-fan I feel they've had more development compared to Luffy's and Nami's nakamaship.
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This series is about to reach it's ending chapters and it's still all open what Oda has prepared for us. It might be that he drops a random plot bomb and ships some Straw Hats together but on the other hand he could also decide not to add any romance and give the story a very open ending when it comes down to shippings.
Frankly spoken the only canon pair that includes a main character Oda would reveal 100% is Usopp x Kaya, the did pair them even in the live-action but apart from that it's a complete mystery whether SaNami or LuNami any of the most shipped pairs will ever become canon, all we can do is wait ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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theallblue · 1 year
@sozokami liked for a Post-WCI starter!
The kitchen was a place where Sanji could easily get his thoughts together especially after the events that unfolded back on Whole Cake Island. It was a place that would always be important to him, one that he wouldn't hesitate to defend since it was the reason why he was able to get the crew fed. He had gone back to fulfilling his role as their cook once more knowing that they wanted nothing more, but to eat his cooking once again. That was the reaction he had gotten after asking to be able to cook for them, it was the reason why he cooked for them the moment that he was able to get back into the kitchen.
Days quickly passed since then while it was going to take a bit to reach the waters that belonged to Wano. Nami was the one who was making sure that they were heading on the right course while attempts were made to get in touch with their allies. It seemed strange that they weren't getting an answer, but there was a chance that they weren't close enough yet. This was going to be a waiting game, a long one from what he could tell already.
Sanji would be lying to himself if everything that happened back at Zou and when his foot connected with Luffy's face was something he could ignore. There was nothing, but guilt despite wanting to protect the people who were important to him. He had to keep Zeff safe. He had to keep his crewmates safe from the wrath that easily could have fallen upon them. That was behind them now since he was back on the ship that became another home to him. The thoughts that were running through his head and the guilt that lingered over his shoulders was making it difficult for him to sleep. It was dipping into the insomnia that tended to make an appearance depending on the situation. Insomnia which caused him to dig through his cigarettes a bit more than usual because of the many emotions that laid heavily on his shoulders.
Sleep was meaningless to him right now, it wasn't like he was going to be able to anyways. Hopefully, the crew hadn't been able to notice what Sanji was going through, but there was a chance someone would eventually. He didn't want to become another burden to them right now, there were more important things for them to deal with.
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Head bowed while sitting at the kitchen counter, he had been putting his focus to figure out what to make over the next few days. Sanji could, at least do something productive until they reached Wano. Until he was finally able to get some kind of sleep, but he doubted that would be impossible by this point.
At the sound of the door opening, he glanced up seeing that Nami had entered the kitchen causing him to get up from the seat "Nami, do you need something? A snack maybe?"
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sodrippy · 18 days
*shows up in your inbox covered in sweat and tears* okay so i finished wci
hi!! it's op anon, how are you? how have you been? did you have fun on your vacation?
so ik this is on me for knowing the whole plot before reading it + taking big breaks between reading + having a migraine for half of it BUT i feel like it was just okay. idk, what do you think?
like i feel like the parts with sanji wayy outweighed the rest of it. but i mean i am biased so... although i will say i liked bege and chiffon a lot more than i thought i would. they're probably my favorite side characters along with carrot, pekoms and pedro. who were some of your favorites?
speaking of - zou was so good!! love sanjis cunty little blue fur jacket, but more than that i liked the lore parts about wano! and the minks <3 (also am i just yaoi brained or are duke dogstorm and cat viper supposed to be another zoro/sanji parallel like dorry and broggy were?) and the heart pirates! they're such cuties
okay now the sanji parts: OUGH WAUGH AHHHH
he really is all heart isn't he 🥺 that first fight with judge in the present where he's like talking to himself like "he treated you worse than anyone but you still can't go all out on him?" ough. god.
and i LOVED reiju putting him in his place about trying to blame himself for their mom's death. (and i mean i know he had to save them because that's who he is) but he still has yet to learn that lesson of respecting women's agency
speaking of! zeff's parenting... sanji really walked out of one prison of masculinity into another huh? 😬🚬
but little sanji... i knew what happened but actually seeing it... you'll find people who are good to you! and then he did!!! 🥺
and i like that we see a return of his east blue coping style of like.. feeling stuck so just rolling over and accepting whatever comes. but like you cannot just let life happen to you. you have to act! you have to ask for help! not making a choice is choice itself! (i am having a totally normal reaction to this btw 👍)
also sanji getting luffy after he defeats katakuri and going i knew you could do it! waugh.. they really love and trust each other completely T.T not to mention their talk in the rain! :c to be loved is to be known and to know you can rely on someone :cc
i think that's all i had to say about sanji, other than that jinbe was so cool!! i love that dude so much
and pedro </3 i can't believe he actually died, i'm worried about pekoms too, i hope he's alright at least :(
also i kind of think the big mom pirates should just commit regicide and rule as siblings that would kind of slay. they seem to actually care for each other ( at least more than their mother does), thoughts?
aaaand i do not usually think this ( i am a zosan and sanuso enjoyer only) but that scene where pudding tells a captured nami and luffy that she's gonna kill sanji did make me think for like FIVE seconds: east blue polycule real?? now i've shaken that off but i just had to get it off my chest
ummm i think that's it? i hope you're having a wonderful day and i look forward to hearing your thoughts!! <3
im good, thanks, yes my holiday was incredible! i hope youve been well too 💖
no im totally with you on this, but i also watched it in a kind of backwards bad way. the parts w sanji and his backstory + interactions w his family and pudding were soooooo good oh my god. but the rest of it was....i just didnt care fhdsjn like uh huh ok cool whatever WHERES SANJI...
i really liked chiffon too! and bege gets a pass bc i always think a Wife Guy is so sweet. like oh god he loves his family...wow... i think pedro was probably one of my fave new/side characters from the arc, as well as katakuri. im also not immune to a like, 'villain' w strong morals/code of honor, plus his character design just fucks. can i be so real, i knew about pudding from the start but even so i was like 'damn, if pudding wasnt Like That i could get on board w her and sanji being together..' and like honestly, the bit at the wedding where she shows her third eye and sanjis like 'wow youre beautiful' i was like yeah they could make this work i think fdhcjxn
sanjis outfits>>>>> i actually dont even really remember the lore drops bc ive watched back a lot of those episodes as Research so its all confused in my memory, but the guys ALL being so into meeting a real ninja was so fucking funny. like when even law and zoro have requests of him...ok losers. and yeah its always funny when they introduce a new 'i hate you but actually youre my bestie forever' duo. also just zoro being soooo cranky all throughout zou was insanely funny. why did they have him say all that.
OH I LOVED THE HEART PIRATES YEAH. law being such a closed off guy and his crew all being SOOO affectionate n missing him so much and stuff 😭😭😭 it was so sweet theyre so cute
RAAAAAAAA SANJI......literally there is no better description of sanji than all heart. hes so everything foreverrrr. the deep conflict he has between like, knowing that how they treated him was abhorrent and he doesnt owe them anything with still not being able to let go and not care what happens to them was so ough. like yeah you are fundamentally different to them, you continue to defy what judge wanted to make you w your every choice huh 😭 i could talk about this for hours fr
actually kind of funny to think that, well...judge isnt the one who made sanji chauvinistic, it was zeff......
LITERALLY not making a choice IS a choice!! you get it! sanjis martyr complex makes me insaaaaane-insane fr
every luffy and sanji thing in this arc was so good like oh my god they love each other. completely. entirely. they would die for each other. and luffys TOTAL trust in sanji...sobwail
omg yeah i was so shocked about pedro like. no way theyd actually have him die?? bro...but he was so steadfast and amazing, and his sacrifice was done so well, i really loved his character so much!
i agree! esp by the end in the big fights you see like, oh, no they actually kind of do just love their family in a really genuine way, i found that really sweet honestly. they should def kill big mom i hate her so bad.
mwah, i hope your day and weekend are great! 💞💞💞
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