#so thank u for giving me the second half of that hahaha
adriancatrin · 2 years
not to offhandedly brag or anything but i just want to state Somewhere that ppl commenting on my post-war fic telling me that it’s the best azula redemption arc they’ve ever read straight up makes me CRY. like. wtaF that is such a high compliment and i have no idea how to say thank u so i’ve barely been replying to the comments
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friendsim2 · 2 months
just finished around 2/3 of volume 12, i love so much the entire dreamscape / real world mechanic and lore-wise, love the way purplebloods and their history is represented and currently romancing Lynera. i'm in love with this volume so far thank you all so much (and whoever had the idea of making TechniColor Heart an actual thing, i'd hug u)
That was me (game's director/lead writer here) - TechniColor Heart was actually in production for a few months. The April Fool's joke trailer was just a fake-out using footage from the actual game (within a game) - it's original inception goes back to the "we'll put sex in the game" meme we did on Twitter.
So I basically spent 3 months writing, coding, and doing UI design to put that in there. The assets are a combination of Friendsim 2 assets and backgrounds I did and sprites that Riotbreaker did for another game (it was cancelled in its original form and another studio may or may not be continuing it at some point, but without the original assets). I'm a big fan of committing to the bit - to the point where every one of the "hahaha wouldn't it be funny if we put this in the game?" jokes has not, in fact, been a joke.
Originally there was gonna be a shorter and less interesting dream sequence in that bit there that had a Tyzias/Tagora trial sequence (we actually had that sequence completely done with recorded dialogue) as well as some small walk-around segments using existing assets.
There were also a couple cut mini-games from Volume 12 - a sliding tile puzzle and a "light up the lights" type puzzle, neither of which was very fun - so those got replaced with Tetris and Fire Fling, respectively. (if you talk to Mallek about his GameDude console in the TechniColor Heart segment, you can actually play Gameboy versions of those games to practice them)
Overall, Volume 12 has probably been our most involved volume. One of the things I wanted to get right going into this game was how the purple bloods are portrayed, because there's a lot of baggage associated with how they're shown in canon, and I wanted to approach the whole thing thoughtfully and make it an impactful experience.
I cannot stress enough how important the contribution of the route's primary writer, Miranda Holliday, was to the experience of that route. They laid down the framework (and wrote most of the first half of the route) for a lot of the themes and how they tie into real-world issues of ethnicity, race, and culture. I picked up what they put down and then they went back over what I'd written in the second half to tighten up some of the language and provide feedback on the way the themes were developed.
Also, the route's sprite designer, Cole, was instrumental in fleshing out the character designs and giving them a unique character. Riotbreaker ended up doing the finished sprite sets off the original designs, and she did an awesome job of following Cole's reference designs.
Also, unique among the routes, we had the stark contrast between the dreamscape backgrounds (done by Dave Fowler) and the real-world backgrounds (done by Herk Lapaduza, who's done work on a couple other volumes both released and unreleased!). The dreamscape in particular was very much an exercise in "have fun with it!" to the artist, and the result was a delightfully surreal experience to contrast with the much more grounded style of the other backgrounds.
Lastly, our VAs for this route really helped sell their characters' unique personalities. Valentine was my choice to play Marvus from before we even started this game (there's an interesting story there - before FS2 was a thing I was going to do a fan dub of my Delightful Abattoir Hiveswap novel, so some of the voice cast comes from that!), and Miranda, Jason and Vyn did an amazing job with Akhnai, Barzum/Baizli, and Chahut.
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fly-forever-young · 2 years
can you do a Renjun ANGST?
Here I organized it a little bit for u.
♥♡∞:。Title: My Silent Love.。♥♡∞:。.。
͙۪۪̥˚┊❛ [Story size: -- ] ❜┊˚ ͙۪۪̥◌ '•.¸♡ Member: Renjun ♡¸.•' .·:¨༺Genre: ANGST, FLUFF ༻¨:·. . ˚◞♡ ⃗Plot: A handsome and quiet boy was transferred to your school, he doesn't talk to anyone and that's why you seem attracted to him. He was so quite that you were afraid of confessing your feelings. After a year and a half you thought: "Graduation's Coming soon and you might not see him again. You've liked him and you've liked him long enough." *ೃ༄
P.S: I will leave the rest to your author nim. 사랑해여 !!!
•~𝐑𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐮𝐧 𝐌𝐲 𝐬𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐀 𝟏° 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭
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"I hope you will warmly welcome your new classmate Renjun"
He is a skinny and not particularly tall guy with sweet facial features, you notice that you are not the only one who looks at him with enthusiasm but it has the same effect on the other girls as well.
Renjun sits in the second row near the window next to him an empty bench, looks out the window almost lost.
During the break, a lot of people are come together around him, you approach him introducing yourself as others do. He looks at you nodding with a small smile.
You: "Where are you from?"
Renjun: "China"
You: "Wow I bet it's a nice place"
He slowly nods and then pays attention to the others classmates. He nods that's what he does, he doesn't talk much unless it's direct questions. You walk away sitting at the back of your table where you look at it from afar, it is difficult to be the newcomer, surely you would feel uncomfortable too.
"It's been at least 3 months, it's impossible that he didn't become friends with anyone yet"
You and your friend are arguing about the mysterious silent boy.
You: "He's just shy, let him some time to adapt "
"Do you remember when Dave sat next to him to keep him company? Renjun didn't even say a word it's weird trust me"
You: "In my opinion it's interesting"
On a rainy day when your friend is absent, you decide to sit next to Renjun.
You: "Will it bother you if I get here today?"
Renjun looks at you and brings attention back to his notebook.
You: "I take it as an invitation, thank you"
You arrange your things and you look at him waiting for him to say something but he doesn't, so you decide to intervene.
You: "What do you draw?"
You lean your head trying to see his drawing but he moves the notebook away.
You: "Oh sorry I was just curious"
You: "You know I draw really bad so I like to see the drawings of others they are beautiful. My mother removed the drawings that I put on the fridge hahaha in fact they were really bad, just imagine you wake up at night to eat something and you find an orrible drawing of an owl on the fridge, I want to clarify that it was an owl, that it looks like a bat it takes away your appetite and who can then sleep thinking about bats-"
The teacher approaches your desk quickly.
You: "Sorry it's my fault-"
"You don't draw during my hours give me the notebook Renjun"
Renjun obeys and hands over the notebook making you feel guilty.
You: " he has nothing to do with it, it was me-"
You look at Renjun sorry but he doesn't pay attention to you he doesn't seem angry even if he should, instead he looks out the window blankly.
When you leave school you wait for Renjun who has gone to take his notebook. You see him coming and you reach him, he doesn't have anche umbrella and you cover him with yours.
You: "I'm sorry it's all my fault I didn't want that to happen forgive me"
Renjun: "It doesn't matter"
Renjun leaves to head home but you follow him trying to cover him from the rain.
You: "I'll take you home since it's raining and you don't have an umbrella"
Renjun: "No need thanks"
Since he refuses you decide that the only solution is to give him your umbrella. You grab his hand giving him your umbrella and run away in the rain you turn to look at him and he looks at you in surprise.
You: "It's a way to apologize for today, see you tomorrow"
The next day Renjun brings you the umbrella thanking you, you are about to get close to him again but the teacher arrives.
"Y / n and Renjun far away, today I have to explain a new topic"
So you go back to your desk in defeat.
In the months that come you try in every way to talk to him but the only one who speaks is you and the worst thing is that he may not even listen to you.
"Stop staring at him this way he'll think you're a stalker"
You: "I would just like to see what he draws, he has the soul of an artist, tormented and silent"
"You are crazy for love my friend"
You don't answer her but you keep looking at Renjun.
One day you sit near him in class.
You: "So we took our dog and headed to the-"
Renjun suddenly turns to you handing you his notebook. You look at him surprised and unsure whether or not to open his notebook.
Renjun: "Look"
You open the notebook slowly you observe his drawings with a dreamy air, you are even afraid that at any moment they may vanish from the paper, he often draws landscapes. Leafing through the pages you see the drawing of an owl.
You: "an owl ..."
You look at it spellbound, the one thing you've never been able to do he made it perfect. You don't even know why you're so Excitede, they are basically just drawings but you feel that they convey something else, Renjun transforms into art what he does not say in words.
Renjun: "Are you going to cry?"
You have shiny eyes, they sparkle like diamonds, you look Renjun in the eyes they are so warm.
Renjun: "This is the first time you are so silent"
He gives a short but radiant smile, it's the first time he's smiled so spontaneously and joyfully, and you feel like you love him even more.
You: "I want to- I have to say something .... But ... I don't know how to express it Renjun ...."
Renjun: "You have already expressed it ... I appreciate it"
Graduations is coming soon and you may not see him anymore, you like him and have liked him for a long time, it's time to confess your love hoping to be reciprocated.
You: "Hey Renjun I have realized something, very important, since we may never see each other again I want to say everything I feel without having any regrets in the future. I love how you draw and I feel that there is a world to be discovered inside of you, and ... You- I love you....You don't have to reciprocate and be ruthless if you don't like me but I can't live with the doubt - you showed me your drawings and I think it was a signal and then the owl. I said I didn't know how to draw it and you did. And I think these were signs- "
Renjun: "Y / n it's enough"
You look at him in amazement, you did not expect such a reaction.
Renjun: "Why do you talk so much?"
You: "Because you don't talk at all and I want to be as important to you as you are to me"
Renjun: "Art is not a hobby for me, it saves me from the world and you do nothing but try to enter my world and I don't want to. Art helps me with depression ... It's the only thing that can heal me, not you "
You remain petrified at his words and now you understand everything.
You: "I'm sorry I just wanted to get closer to you-"
Renjun: "Can I decide who can approach to me?"
His tone of voice is calm but his eyes are instead so intense and dark.
You: "Sure but-"
Renjun: "You are no different from the others. You are all empty inside, you are just noisy, like an empty can"
His words hit straight to your heart and you are speechless, for the first time since you have meet him you do not look for his gaze but you avoid it and go away.
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Here it Is, I hope you like it ☺❤, I did it my way. While I was writing it I felt the need to do part 2 haha
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Bloods control part 2
"Blood was a growing vampire pony with uncontrollable power one chaos magic and the other the holy lord power he wasn’t expecting to be alive after his terrible accident but he was given a second chance at his life but he needed to kill a mare before she kills his only daughter"
Blood: "he was sharpening his weapons, preparing to give his soon to be ex-wife torture of her life," hurt my daughter again....... "his chaos rage was getting unstable, but god was keeping it in control, but god knew she couldn't hang on to it for long she had to think how to control it and soon"
God: *she used ur mind power to contact bloods big sister luna without blood knowing*
"Blood got done and gathered his weapons in his bag, then flies to the hut where his daughter and his dead ex-wife is at, but when he got there, he sensed something horrible his chaos rage grew more uncontrollable till his big sister luna touched his head"
Luna: Brother, im here. u ready?
Blood: Thank u, sis. "He ripped off the door and half of the doorway to the side" FLUTTERSHY!!!!!!
"Fluttershy was rocking in her comfortably rocking chair petting something"
Blood: where my daughter u bitch give me my daughter
Fluttershy: "she tossed the head of his daughter to blood." There she is, my love, hahaha
"Blood chaos rage started to spark around his launching god out of his body. luna was shocked seeing the holy lord in front of her"
Luna: blood r u ok?..........
Fluttershy: "she lunged at blood with a book smacking him with it." Come on, honey, fight back, fight back," i said. "She kept hitting blood with the book till he was dead"
"Blood stabbed fluttershy in her stomach, but she hit him one last time before jumping off his"
Fluttershy: very good honey, come at me
Blood: "his chaos, magic healed blood instantly," ur going to down. "His form changed to a draconequus"
"Luna was shocked seeing her brother in his true form"
Luna: god, wake up plz shit.....
Fluttershy: very good honey, bring it on
"Blood knew he didn't have long to kill fluttershy, but his chaos magic was keeping him alive for long?, so he didn't hesitate on attacking fluttershy blood pulled out a clever he called berry stabbing fluttershy fluttershy screamed in pain but she decked blood breaking his nose knocking a couple of his teeth out blood kept stabbing fluttershy chopping off her left arm she blast him with"
Fluttershy: ahhhhh "she cried in pain" u mother fucker!!!!!!!
"Blood then carved butchershy on fluttershy's chest, branding her of her new name, but luna tried to stop blood, but he kicked luna to the side blood, then slit butchershy throat drinking all her blood leaving nothing but a bloodless host"
Butchershy: I'll be back for u, my lovely......... "she died cursing blood for centuries"
"Blood howled loudly unable to control his chaos magic and change back, so he started to hunt for the innocent and taking their life force and blood but he was greeted by his sister nightmare moon"
Nightmare moon: "she was holding the forbidden god solid gold dagger she didn't want to kill blood, but she knew he had already taken so many lives already, so she vanished quickly tackling blood to the ground" forgive me brother we'll meet again in a thousand years...... stay strong and kill my sister, promise me that
"Blood was trying to break his sisters grip, but Nightmare Moon squeezed blood harder as a hug she cried, knowing she'll have to kill her brother"
Nightmare moon: im sorry it had to be like this brother. "She kicked blood to the ground, pinning him to the growl." No matter wat brother keep ur heart open never closed
"Nightmare moon cut a big golden scar on bloods throat blood bleed out dieing till god came and entered blood body saying this to luna"
God: I'll keep him safe, mistress
Nightmare moon: i know, "she cried." Now hurry get blood home, my sister is coming soon
God: Yes, mistress "god teleported blood in his bed"
Celestia: Hello, Nightmare moon......
Nightmare Moon: Day breaker "she smirked laughing ranning"
Celestia: "she teleported in front of Nightmare Moon, launching her to the moon as banishment for a thousand years" im sorry, sister.........
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happyfunf3tti · 1 year
💕💎 for any fixation you like!
thank u squid!!!! austin powers time! this is gonna get long so bear with meeee
📃 first one is abt austin powers getting cryogenically frozen for 30 years after his arch nemesis, dr evil does the same and he struggles adjusting to his new life. autism moment
second movie is abt austin getting his "mojo" stolen and has 2 get it back
third movie: austin has daddy issues
📌 i thought about watching the first movie 4 quite sum time after seeing referencez and people talking about it and quoting it
✨these movies just have a really goofy tone to them. it's very infectious and hard not smile at em. its very rauncy but not too raunchy and it balances it out by being just plain silly. the movies are also funnier if u know james bond and the stuff theyre parodying
🎥 the whole zip it bit is sooper funny
austin powers' introduction
austin making vanessa laugh in the first movie is rly kyoot and the scene where he refuses 2 kiss her while drunk is great and highlights the kind of character he truly is
dr evil scolding mini me for trying to nibble on mini mr bigglesworth XD
dr evil's speech in the parent counseling thing
the godzilla parody scene
the scene where foxxy uses that guy (i forgot his name atm) to speak 4 her by mouthing what shes saying to austin. im still wondering how many takez it took 4 that scene
🎶i honestly don't have a favorite! i just luv all of these songs and i have em in my playlist
daddy wasnt there
female of the species
soul bossa nova
💕 austin is my fav but im gonna talk about dr evil since i like him just as much as i like austin. hes pretty much austin's opposite in every way. hes villainous and doesnt live the life that austin does. he's sassy sometimes and is genuinely funny. i like his dynamic with scott and hes just all around adorable n awkward. i love how when austin is beating up his henchmen and trying to stop him he still takes the time to feed his cat. talk 2 the hand girlfriend XD
💔 i dont rly have any characterz that i outright hate per say. im personally not a fan with how many toilet humor jokez they drag on with fat man (i know thats not his name but the toy line calls him that 4 obvious reasonz. i'll just give him an actual name.... how abt fergus?)
he can he pretty funny sometimes even if i also dont like the whole "hahaha get it cuz hes fat" jokez...not a fan of those too (disclaimer: imo toilet humor can be funny when its utilized right)
🏳‍🌈 austin is autistic (made a whole autism gifset) and is bi!
🍀 austin is a huge comfort character 4 me which is funny because i normally wouldn't be a fan of characters that are all about intimacy since im ace but hes so dorky and i luv him
💎 the fembots are voiced by wendee lee whos da voice of faye valentine!
half of the stuff in these movies are improvised
mini me's name has sort of a double meaning. not only because hes a miniature version of dr evil (that needz no explanation lolz) but because dr evil sometimes has his pinky out, there's a muscle in that finger that's called a extensor digiti minimi
💢 im still bitter about what happened in the second movie (won't spoil just in case u guyz wanna watch it)
i dont rly like the whole backstory thing in the third movie with the whole spy thing and still dont know how 2 feel abt the big twist in the third movie..
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Obviously, pretty!
JJK x female reader
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Tags: established relationship, rainy day sex, washing dishes together, soft domestic things yk, probably the most vanilla smut i’ve ever written on this account hahaha thank u for cleansing my mind with ur request anon, forehead kisses, i didn’t need to tag that but i Needed to tag that u feel me?
Warnings: none
WC: 2137
If there’s anything you know about your boyfriend, it’s that if he can’t go to the gym, he will pout all day.
After going too hard in dance practice, Jungkook ends up too sore to go to the gym one day. His trainer must’ve heard from the choreographer that Jungkook overdid himself, which is why Jungkook’s trainer told him their session for today was cancelled.
“What am I supposed to dooo if I can’t work out on my day off!” Jungkook complains, wrapping his arms around your waist as you wash dishes.
“You could help your wife clean the house.” You joke, knowing it’s your turn to wash dishes anyway since Jungkook made breakfast (or rather brunch) this morning.
You feel Jungkook smile, his cheek fluffing up where it’s pressed against yours. His face gets a little hot whenever you call yourself his wife, but you know he likes it. The two of you are college sweethearts, starting to date in secret shortly after meeting in first year. Fast forward six years and everything has changed. Your doe-eyed college boyfriend is no longer just an idol but part of the most successful band in the world. And not only that, he’s getting a master’s in business, a slightly confusing decision but one that you respect nonetheless.
You yourself have changed, too. You’re now a business woman, working in a skyscraper in Seoul, and doing considerably well for being only two years out of college. You make good money, and Jungkook does too, and you share this high-rise apartment together. Every year, you and Jungkook sneak away to Busan at least once or twice to meet his parents and your own parents have already begun asking when they’re getting grandchildren. So it’s safe to say it’ll only be a matter of time until Jungkook puts a ring on it anyway.
No one knows, but that’s what makes it special.
“Can’t do that.” Jungkook answers, pretending like your flirting didn’t affect him.
You smile as you rinse another plate off. “Why’s that?”
“It’s raining. If I do work while it rains I’ll get sleepy.” Jungkook pouts.
You laugh, rinsing a cloth under the tap and putting it in his hand. “Go wipe down the stovetop. It should be cold by now.”
Obediently, Jungkook lets go of you to do as you said. But you realize he hasn’t let the joke go when he pouts at you. “Okay, work done. Let’s go lay down.”
“Baby, you’ve literally done concerts in the rain.” You tell him.
“I don’t even do concerts. I’m a business major.” Jungkook lies unconvincingly, his cheeks turning pink. You giggle, finishing up the last of the dishes.
“Fine, you big baby. Let’s go lay down.” You take his hand and lead him back to the bedroom. Jungkook shuts the door behind you. You take off the sweatshirt you were wearing to wash dishes (one of Jungkook’s), tossing it aside.
“Babe, that’s not neat!” Jungkook insists, but you whirl around and quiet him with a long kiss.
“You didn’t ask me to come here to do our laundry, Jungkookie. You and I both know that.” You tell him. Jungkook bites his lip, looking at your pretty lips.
“I guess that’s true.” He grins, and you grin back.
You wrap your arms around his neck and Jungkook leans down, picking you up into his arms with ease. You wrap your legs around his waist as he bounces you in place slightly, hands cupping your ass softly. You love many things about Jungkook, but you especially love how special he makes you feel each time.
Jungkook lays you down like a newlywed bride, pressing soft kisses on your cheeks, forehead, even your nose.
You giggle at him and he smiles down at you, warm and safe and entirely Jungkook. “I love you.” You whisper, stroking your thumb along his cheekbone, admiring that little scar on his cheek for the millionth time.
“Not as much as I love you.” Jungkook says, laying himself down on top of you and starting to kiss you again, this time with more passion.
“Hhh, Jungkook.” You whimper, tangling a hand in his hair.
When you separate this time, Jungkook sits up to take off his shirt. You run your hand down his sculpted abdomen, over his sweet, pretty waist and his toned stomach. You sit up to kiss along his chest, making him hiss as you make love marks in places his shirt will cover. No one knows, except you two. And you love it like that.
Jungkook tucks his hands under the light tank top you’re wearing, making you gasp at how cold his hands are. Jungkook laughs under his breath at your reaction. “I told you rainy days are bad for me.”
“Well that’s why I’m here to warm you up.” You joke, which makes Jungkook giggle.
“What would I do without you?” He says exaggeratedly, but his eyes tell you he means it. With that, Jungkook begins kissing along your neck as he works your tank top up. Since it’s just the two of you, you seldom wear a bra around the house. You moan as Jungkook pulls the tank top over your head, then in one swift motion presses you down into the bed.
Jungkook slots his thigh between your legs as he starts kissing you lower. He licks and bites gently at your nipples, making you writhe in pleasure. You watch through half-lidded eyes as he makes love marks on the tops of your breasts and around them, kissing down your stomach to your shorts.
He glances up at you for consent, and you nod.
He pulls your shorts and panties off in one clean movement, tossing them to the side despite having just told you to be neater. You grin at Jungkook’s eagerness, but the smile slides off your face when Jungkook wraps his lips around your clit.
Slowly, Jungkook gets you wetter and wetter until your inner thighs are shiny with arousal. Only when you’re whimpering does Jungkook insert his fingers into you, one to ease you and then a second to stretch you. Even after all this time, Jungkook pays special attention to your body.
He’s so slow and gentle today that you actually get a bit needy. “Jungkookie.” You sigh. Jungkook sits up, knowing that you’re already close.
“I know, baby. You’re doing so well.” Jungkook praises, kissing you all over, down your neck and along your collarbone. You watch as Jungkook takes his sweats and underwear off, then grabs a bottle of lube from the bedside drawer. You stopped using condoms when you moved in together (around two years ago) since you’re on birth control. Jungkook always has you ready to take him after some foreplay, but he’s told you he dislikes doing it without lube.
You watch Jungkook lube himself up, then align himself to your entrance. He places one palm on the side of your waist, kissing you quickly on the forehead. “Ready?” He checks with you again. You nod.
You pant quietly as Jungkook enters, both from arousal and his size. It has been years since you did this together for the first time, but Jungkook’s size is always a surprise to you somehow. You like to be stubborn and say you don’t need lube to take him, but you both know you’d need at least a bit for his size.
You pull him in even closer, burying his head in your shoulder. As he bottoms out, you moan his name quietly.
Jungkook smirks, knowing he has you in the palm of his hand. You pull him in for a kiss, this one full of tongue and passion. Jungkook feels your desperation and lets you have control for a moment, just to let you burn off steam. But then, he’s angling his head in and pressing you into the pillow, and you don’t stand a chance under how good he’s making you feel.
“Baby, I need it.” You beg breathlessly. Jungkook smiles faintly at your shyness to say the word “come” in bed, even after all this time.
“Need what, baby?” He teases you, knowing full well you’ll never use dirty talk unless he pushes you to that point. You whine at his teasing. Jungkook kisses your shoulder. “I’m kidding. I know my pretty girl is too shy for words like that.”
“I’m not shy!” You protest shyly. “We-We’re having sex right now! I’m not shy at all!”
Jungkook snorts. “Great observation, genius. Any other amazingly dirty comments?”
You’re starting to squirm under Jungkook’s intense gaze, knowing you always lose at this game. “I want to have a baby!” You announce.
Jungkook laughs. “Give me time to buy a ring at least.”
You’re shocked. “Really?” You ask, eyes wide like someone who Christmas came early for.
Jungkook flicks your nipple with one hand, making you cry out. “Obviously, pretty.” He says confidently, making you think he’s thought about it before. You blush and Jungkook looks at you like you’re an angel he’s captured in his own hands. “Now if you’re done being raunchy and nasty, can we get off? My hips were already sore but having a conversation in this position is even worse than the gym.”
“Baby!” You gasp, scandalized.
Jungkook pretends to look scandalized too. “I said let me buy a ring first!”
You groan into his shoulder, knowing he won again. Jungkook laughs, then starts to pick up the pace of his thrusts.
You let out little strings of moans and pants as Jungkook continues to fill you up and make you feel good. You wrap your arms around Jungkook’s back, holding him close as he fucks into you. You tilt your head back and close your eyes at the pleasure. All you hear are Jungkook’s moans and the rain falling outside your window. At one moment, you wonder if it’s cold out, but then you realize it doesn’t matter. You’re warmer than anything else in Jungkook’s strong arms.
“J-Jungkook--” You feel the pleasure building, about to come.
“I know, baby.” Jungkook says, laying you down all the way again and holding you under his weight as he picks up his pace. Jungkook looks at you, watching your face tighten at every euphoric thrust. “Doing so well baby, almost there. Fuck, my pretty girl.” He showers you in praise and kisses, words falling from his mouth so fast you know he isn’t filtering any of his thoughts at the moment. You love that too, you love everything about him.
Finally, Jungkook’s hips begin to stutter, and he reaches down to rub your clit. You arch your back as you come, Jungkook filling you up shortly after. As you come down from your highs, Jungkook rolls over onto his side, still inside you. He spoons you, tugging the covers on top for a quiet moment.
You find it surprising since Jungkook is quite fussy about cleanliness, wanting to get you in the shower and to air out the room relatively soon after sex. But today he doesn’t even slip his cock out of you, choosing to be nestled deep inside you. It feels warm, but you like it.
“K-Kookie. Why aren’t we getting cleaned up?” You ask.
Jungkook smiles at your tone with his eyes closed. “If you want to get pregnant we have to keep the come inside, don’t we?” He says. You smack his arms which are wrapped around your waist, making him chuckle.
Jungkook cranes his head to make eye contact with you. You look at his sweaty bangs which Jungkook pushed back from his face near the end but fell back onto his forehead messily anyway. It’s the most beautiful sight you know. “Just kidding. I’m just tired today. We’ll shower after resting for a bit, unless you don’t like this.”
You realize now that Jungkook must truly be exhausted from work yesterday. You cup his face, stroking it quietly. “I don’t… hate it.” You admit.
Jungkook’s eyes darken. “Watch your words, pretty girl.” He warns you. “I only have so much self-control and your dad will beat my ass if I get you pregnant without putting a ring on it.”
“Do you really have to go and mention my dad right now?” You whine. “And anyway, no one can beat your ass. You’re 6 feet of solid muscle and have a sleeve tattoo, no one would try.”
Jungkook laughs. “Okay fair, no more mentioning my father-in-law from now on.” He says, making you groan in complaint again. Jungkook smiles fondly at you. “But you know I meant that, right? I want to marry you someday and have kids and all that. I don’t know when, since you and I are so busy, but maybe when things slow down we can. Okay?”
You snort. “Obviously, pretty!"
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sashi-ya · 3 years
Hi!! I just want to say that you're awesome and I love everything you write 💖 I would like to request a scenario with Yamato and female reader who has the same role as Hiyori, so reader is the daughter of Oden and Yamato son of Kaido... Normally they should be enemies but they are very attracted to each other. I hope this made sense 😇 with 14, 23, 45 from the spicy list and everything you want please! Thank you Sashi, take care! Sending you a hug ( ˘ ³˘)
Hi!! OMG of course!! This is my first time writing for him so I hope I get it right ♥ I love Yamato so much 🙈🙈🙈 I hope you enjoy this little (not so little) scenario darling!! Thank u for your cute words! ♥
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NSFW ~ Yamato x F! Reader ~ Play That Melody For Me ~ [PART 1]
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TW: HE/HIM pronouns used for Yamato (as it should be). Nipple play, oral sex, toys (strap on), face sitting, usage of alcohol, wet dreams.
WC: 1.9K
Tag list: @undercoverweeeb @mistyroselove @onepieceya (tagging you because you love Yamato :3)
There is a second part for this fic, read it here ♥
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“My dear Tayu, Yamato, Son of Kaido is here” one of your helpers announces from behind the folding screen. The shadow of a tall man awaits you outside. “Son of Kaido, tch” you grunt, tightening the knot of your kimono strap around your waist...
You open the folds to appreciate your next “client”. There he is, long white hair, taller than anyone there, strong arms. You scan his whole body, from up and down. He smiles at you, yellow intense eyes fixed on yours.
“Please, come in” you tell him. He follows you inside. “Take a seat” you command. Yamato sits over a few cushions, crossing his legs. He ties his hair up in a ponytail, and when he does so, his clothes show a sideboob that it’s impossible for you to ignore.
“So, Mr. Yamato, what service would you like?” you ask him, trying to end this situation as soon as possible. The white haired man looks at you and smiles kindly. “Please, call me Oden”, he says.
You gasp and shut your eyes… Your blood boils. “Oden? Oden is my father and your bastard father killed him” you think and avoid shouting it by biting the inside of your mouth. Yamato notices your lack of words, and probably the fire in your eyes.
“Are you ok?” he asks. You shake your head, fighting between jumping and stabbing the man in front of you, or simply accepting his request. If you ever tell him the truth -especially to him-, Denjiro and you would have wasted almost twenty years and the plan to take down Kaido would be ruined.
“Ok, Oden... Tell me then, what’s the service?” you ask him again, choking back tears as you pronounce your dad’s name. He tilts his head and stands up. Yamato approaches you, brushing soft, slender fingers over your cheek. He lifts your chin up and stares into your soul for sure. “I don’t think you are ok right now; I will come back tomorrow” he says. You notice the gold shackles around his wrists and wonder why Kaido’s son has them.
You nod, out of words. You’d lie if you don’t find Yamato, not only intimidating, but also handsome as hell. The man that dares to act like your father leaves the room, but not before flashing you a sexy smile. His huge anatomy, then, disappears as he slides the paperlike door close.
Your legs turn weak, and you fall to the ground. Your knees hit the wooden floor under them, but it doesn’t hurt. Your heart does. “Why… Why me?” you say as warm tears run down your face.
Night comes, and you flop into bed, exhausted. You watch a bright half-moon shining on the dark blue sky of the night through the window. Sakura flowers falling like snow, dancing with the warm breeze of that summer, summer number nineteen… you only have to wait for the next summer… Mum's promise… Your eyelids fall and you slowly travel to the oneiric world.
Images of the despicable son of Kaido over you, his hands on your body. Cold metal feeling over your skin as his shackles rub your flesh. Your fingers tangled around white strands of hair. Your breathing accelerated.
You suddenly open your eyes. Panting, you only realized this was just a dream. “Just… a… dream…” you reassure yourself. Yet, your inner thighs feel wet. Your skin burns, your cheeks too. Heartbeats you can hear. Aroused.
Your fingers travel from your naked belly towards your underwear. You feel how wet that dream has made you. But quickly guilt hits you, hard. “What are you doing, (name)?” you say to yourself, taking your hand off your core. “He is your enemy, stop” ...
“Mrs. Oiran… good morning!” a little pink haired girl wakes you up. She greets you with a big smile, laughing as always. “My darling!!” you say and snatch the little bean into your arms. You hug her, you love the little girl. “(Name)! Someone sent you something today! Hahaha” she informs you. “Oh, really? What is it?” you ask. The little girl stands up and runs towards a box decorated with the finest rice paper and some flowers. “Here! Open it!” she says.
The box holds a note that says, “I want you to play the "Tsukihime" melody for me today”. Tears sprout from your eyes, blurring your vision. Inside there is a new Shamisen. And despite being brand new, it looks exactly the same as the one she used to play when she was a little girl. The one that your father, Oden, gifted to you. The one that got burned when his father burned the castle. You hated the man with burning passion. Why does he have to call himself like your dad, why did he have to give you that exact same shamisen as a present… Why from all the songs in the world, he had to choose your father’s favourite melody?... Why does he have to be so handsome?...
And the afternoon is here, and he is too. Again the shadow of your enemy. He is there, behind the paper folding screen, waiting for you… You look through your window, Kyoshiro -Denjiro- looks up to you from the entrance of the Okiya. His sleepy eyes beg for you to bear with it just a little longer. He knows how difficult this is for you, he really knows.
The voice of that man pulls you out from the unspoken connection you have with your friend and protector. You don’t turn around; you just move your head to your shoulder. You feel him approaching you. “Did you like my gift?” he asks, whispering softly near your ear. It’s insane how much his simple presence can make you weak, confused, aroused.
“I did, thank you my Sir” you lie. “Please, play that song for me” he asks. You turn around, looking up at his face. He looks at you, fixing once again his golden eyes on yours. The tension between your bodies is so strong, your skin burning.
You take your gaze off him, grab the instrument, and sit on your turquoise cushion. He does the same in front of you. Your skilled fingers start playing the cords, the melody from your childhood resonates all around the room. Yamato enjoys the notes of such beautiful song. “I wanted to hear this for so long… it is just amazing” he says, as if it was the first time, he was hearing the melody…
Soon, the melody stops. You wait for him to speak, but he doesn’t. So you take the lead. “So.. Do you want me to play another song?” you ask. But he is lost in your body. Yamato approaches you; his soft thumb grazes your lip. You gasp, something feels fancier on your core. Yet, you take your head off to the side. He is your enemy, how are you supposed to be with the son of the man that killed your dad?... but your thoughts got interrupted…
Yamato grabbed your chin and aligned it with his mouth. Soft tender lips over yours, his tongue separating yours. You can’t resist, you don’t want to resist. You want him…
Gently, your back hits the cushion. Yamato straddling over you, white strands of hair falling on each side of your face. The sound of the cuffs he has on his wrists hitting the wooden floor around you.
Lustful sights on each other, your hands travel through his back. He kisses you again, your tongues dance around. His hand little by little sliding the side of your kimono off, until your breasts get completely exposed to him.
Yamato’s mouth traces a path from your lips to your neck, and then lowering until it reaches your breasts. His hands squeeze gently the flesh of your tits, his lips rub your hard nipples. You moan, feeling a mix of lust and guilt, but you don’t stop him.
The son of Kaido deliciously sucks your sensitive nipples, he nibbles and pulls from them. You squirm at the sensation; the pleasure he makes you feel slowly fades the hate…
Yamato stretches his arm to reach for the sakazuki of sake you have served on the side. He lets the alcohol drip over your chest. The cold drops of it make your skin react with little spasms. Your lover licks every drop from your chest, the dry taste of the sake mixed with your skin makes Yamato relish at such a delicious flavour.
His lips lowers and lowers, until they get to your belly button. He traces a circle around it, you whine and extend your arm. Your fingers around his long hair. He grunts. His tongue finally gets to your core.
“I love your taste” he mumbles. You just babble in response, as his skilful tongue makes wonders with your sex. “So tasty, so wet” ...
Your inner thighs get bruised with the horns of his head, as your legs try to close due to the intense stimulation. But that��s not enough, not for him, not for you.
On the verge of an orgasm, Yamato stands up. He walks towards his bag and brings a strap on. Black phallic figure that hangs from a red string. Red string that he quickly ties around his hip bones after letting his clothes slide to the ground.
You wait for him to pound into you with your legs spread open and your eyes scanning such an amazing body. You call him with a beckoning finger. He smiles, sexily and approaches you.
The cold material of the strap on gets damped in your arousal, as he rubs it up and down your sex. “Yamato, fuck me” you beg. He flinches at that name but doesn’t pressure you to call him Oden… and then, he penetrates you, sliding inside, so deep, and steady.
Your nails carve the skin of his back, his breasts fall over your face as he thrusts you. Your tongue stuck out grazing his nipples. Both of you moan, whine, enjoy.
And your orgasm inevitably arrives, and you come shouting his name. Your head thrown back; your mandible hurts from sucking his hard nipples. And even if you were exhausted, there is no time to waste. Is Yamato’s turn to come, and you are an expert in such practices.
“Why don’t you sit on my face?” you command him. “Are you sure?” he asks, aware of his huge anatomy. “Please, I wanna get suffocated under those thighs” you tell him, and he does not think any further. Soon his sex is over your mouth, and you enjoy every single part of his core. You suck, lick, taste his arousal, until Yamato comes squirming over your countenance.
Both of you lay over the cushions on the floor, admiring the sakura petals rain over the city through the window. He caresses your body, and softly tells you “I’m sorry if I asked you to call me Oden…”. You don’t really understand why he says such a thing… Does he know who you are? “What do you mean?” you ask. “I know who you are, (name)” he whispers, low enough for just you to hear it.
You stand up, scared. “How… how do you know my name?” you tell him. “I have your dad’s diary… that’s why I asked the only person that knows how to play that melody to do it for me… I’m on your side, Princess..." ♥ ~
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ivyaugustetc · 3 years
the dead poets at hogwarts: a headcanon from hell
@aedan-mills @charlie-dalton-simp @pretentious-strikes YOU ENCOURAGED THIS BEHAVIOR SO YOU'RE GONNA HAVE TO LIVE WITH THE CONSEQUENCES. also i love you a lot but THAT'S BESIDE THE POINT.
also @aedan-mills i found out that some of the wand stuff is related to their birthdays and i am much too lazy to look all that up and figure it all out, but anyone else is welcome to lmao. sorry to disappoint but alas it's summer and i don't want to research that much. but other than that, please listen to me flex my extensive knowledge on harry potter :)
neil (half blood): i'm sorry,,,, can you say gryffindor? this boy would get up there and in a second the sorting hat would have him all figured out: big dreams with the will to pursue them, but not ambitious enough to step over others to achieve said dreams? sounds like a gryffindor to me. i just know he'd thrive at hogwarts, probably going on to play quidditch (def a chaser) and would excel in charms class. as far as pets go, i feel like he'd stay simple and classy with a chill barn owl he'd name after a famous broadway actor. he would kind of be a mix of james and remus, in which he's wild and crazy but still manages to get good grades. the teachers love him simply because they don't know much about him outside of class. he would absolutely LOVE going to hogsmeade and going batshit crazy at zonko's and honeydukes. he'd have a whole phase where he gets addicted to licorice wands and everyone else thinks they're disgusting but he simply cannot buy enough of them. he'd play a bunch of zonko tricks on the rest of the poets, saving the most harsh for charlie and the most wholesome for todd <3
todd (muggle born): ugh see i can see him being both a hufflepuff and a ravenclaw, but my heart says hufflepuff so i'm gonna go with that. he would absolutely HATE the sorting ceremony with a burning passion. getting up in front of everybody only to have a hat judge u??? no thanks. HAHAHA CAN YOU IMAGINE HIM ON A BROOM. i can't either because he would simply never get on one, probably referring to them as "flying death traps" more often than not. "hey todd, you think about joining quidditch?" "no thanks, i'd rather keep my limbs intact ;)". but he would love muggle studies a lot, even if the teacher was boring as hell. snape would scare the hell out of him for sure, resulting in his lowest class being potions. he would excel in classes that are more learning out of the book rather than in practice. for a pet, he'd want something that could not possibly turn on him and would just be sweet and loving, so ima give him a toad :) he'd name it something fancy and british, like nigel or sumn. and because of nigel, he'd love chocolate frogs because hey they're twins!!
fanon knox (pure blood): hogwarts fuck boy. okay well maybe not f boy but like...his favorite part is the fact that this is a co-ed school rather than an all-boys school so he can spy on both genders equally yknow. hmm i get hufflepuff vibes from him because he's a big romantic, sucker for cute relationships, etc. he would enjoy whichever class his current crush is in, although I feel like he'd do well with classes that involved spells and wand work mostly lmao. he'd want a really fucking cute pet, so i'd give him a kneazle (it's like a cat but a bit more lion like). he'd give it a strong sounding name, something german idk. but he'd love the shit out of that kneazle, i can tell you that much. i feel like he'd try out for quidditch his first few years, not make it on, and then make it on to the team around fourth year and somehow end up team captain in seventh (and that proves kids, that you too can have a redemption arc in sports). as far as candy goes, ima say he likes the super sour candy like acid pops n shit. like i feel like the others would dare him to each as much sour candy as he can and then he wouldn't be able to taste for a week. but he'd think it was worth it :)
cameron (muggle born): good god this boy just wants to learn. magic just fascinates him, what with growing up in a big muggle family (bestie he is the weasleys if they were all type a). he's a ravenclaw, no questions asked. he would love classes involving preciseness and attention, things like potions and transfiguration. i feel like he'd have a cute, stable relationship along the way ofc because he deserves so much love and happiness and UGH he's a baby. he'd stick with a lil ginger cat, naming it after one of the famous wizards he's read about. he would love spending christmas at the school and going places when the ground are nearly empty, enjoying the scenery. for candy, he'd go plain and simple with chocolate frogs. can't go wrong with those. he'd still have fun with his friends, but he'd skip a lot of parties for some studying (don't judge, i do it too lmao). would not play quidditch but would enjoy it, end of story.
charlie (pure blood): slytherin. don't dispute it. think the weasley twins but even more flirtatious. he would be a regular at every single party that happened, flirting with the guys and gals shamelessly and drinking butterbeer like it was water. look me in the eye and tell me he would not absolutely fucking HATE GILDEROY LOCKHART WITH EVER FIBER OF HIS BEING. he'd do spot-on impersonations of him though. teacher's worst enemy. like when he walks into class on the first day, every teacher collectively mutters "bloody hell not this kid again". asks the most incredibly stupid questions ("okay but is there a spell to turn my eyebrows green? just the eyebrows though, not my hair"). he would be the most aggressive beater on the slytherin team, though he would never deliberately try to hit someone, just distract the shit out of them ("put the fear of god in them and fate will do the rest"). he'd want a loud, aggressive pet but he'd probably end up with a mean cat that hisses at everyone. he'd give it the most adorable name that just. does not fit the personality. something like priscilla. for candy, he'd take his chance with bertie botts' every flavour beans and just roll with the punches. he's chaotic like that.
pitts (half blood): ASTRONOMY IS HIS JAM. he fucking loves that class. he tutors the entire ravenclaw house in that class. he's the guy that little first years who are terrified of the class go to when they're completely lost and don't understand what's going on. besides that, i feel like he'd just be everyone's cool older brother yknow? like he'd be in charge of helping all the first years figure out where stuff is and giving them advice to help them and stuff. he would be a die-hard quidditch fan although he would not play the sport (maybe recreationally on the weekends and holidays and stuff, but the fact that it's so fucking dangerous just does not appeal to him). he'd like the candy that does tricks and stuff, like fizzing whizbees and stuff. he gives me charlie weasley vibes, where he's hardcore in certain areas (in his case, astronomy) and just flipping chill in anything else. cool older brother vibes, man. it fits.
meeks (half blood): i've said it once and i'll say it again: nonproblematic ginger dumbledore. also a hufflepuff <3 this dude just wants to fucking coast along, getting good grades and not participating in the dumb shit that could probably get him killed (even though he would in a heartbeat if his friends were in danger. duh). he'd be a teacher's favorite, probably having conversations with his favorite teachers during free time. okay ik this isn't technically at school, but i swear to god he would be dumbledore one day. like he would be the chill ass headmaster who gets shit done while also being very la di da life is nice flowers are pretty type of person. that being said, his favorite candy is and has been lemon drops ever since dumbledore got him addicted to them. his favorite classes would be potions (he'd surprisingly get along well with snape) and he'd just be great and mixing shit right and just knowing how much of stuff to add in ("how much powdered root do i add?" "about three and a half shakes." "that's not a measurement, meeks." "*shrug* it works"). he'd stick with his small friend group and love them to death, but he'd be a friend to all really. he'll help anyone that comes to him asking for help with homework (and though he won't admit it, he gets super prideful when it's someone a few years ahead of him).
stick (muggle born): harry potter if harry potter could've been more harry potter. like he would just be a part of everything and end up being part of some prophecy that demands he'd save the world and at first he'd be like HEY i'm just a small boy but then he'd grit his teeth and finesse the shit out of this preventing the end of days stuff. he'd definitely be a gryffindor, and fucking proud of it. he'd be the seeker on the quidditch team because he is so short and small and yeah he'd fucking kill it there. he'd kind of be the shy one no one expected much from, but once he starts absolutely wrecking the shit out of the other houses' quidditch teams, he'd become sorta popular? like people would invite him to parties and stuff and he's too nice to say no, but he'd mostly just hang around the outskirts, saying hi to the other poets if he saw them and mostly talking to chris and ginny (danburry, not weasley). he'd like defense against the dark arts and minerva mcgongiall would become his literal mother i can't explain it. he'd have an owl as a pet and treat it like it was his own child, telling it thank you every time it brought his mail or took his mail. as for candy, he'd like drooble's bubble gum because the bubbles are all magic and shit and i just feel like that would make him so happy <3
chris (pure blood): the older sister lesbian <3 she'd be a sweet hufflepuff who would be friends with everyone while also being the greatest socialite the school has ever seen. you know that party that practically the entire school attended and talked about for months on end? she planned that shit. she'd be like pitts in the respect that she'd help all the first years find their way in the school and in life in general. she's just such a warm and kind person that everyone would love her. she's have a little pink pygmy puff to match ginny's purple one, and she'd give it such a perfect, human name like lila or something. she'd be great at muggle studies and all the teachers would love her. also every one is so invested in her relationship with ginny it's adorable. he favorite candy is acid pops even though they make her eyes water like crazy. she'd make pretty good grades, every once in a while getting one slightly lower than she'd expected, but she always manages to bring them up to her satisfactory level :) she would not play quidditch, but she would go all out to support ginny, even though they're in different houses. that's what i call love, baby.
ginny (half blood): the mom lesbian <3 she's a ravenclaw and also one of the sweetest people in the whole school. while chris helps other with the social aspect, ginny will help anyone in any subject they need help with (she and meeks are a help duo on this). she's quieter and less social than chris, but she's one of the best chasers the ravenclaw quidditch team has ever seen. she'd end up team captain by fifth of sixth year. she'd be like oliver wood in that she is sO invested in the team's success that at sometimes she'll go a bit crazy, but chris is always there to help her put things back into perspective <3. she'd make stellar grades of course, being good friends with all of her teachers. her favorite candy would be the sweetest things like fairy floss. as previously stated, she'd have a purple pygmy puff to match chris's pink one, and she'd also give it an adorable human name like lisa or something. ginny's just sweet to everyone, especially neil and his friends.
I DID IT. IT TOOK FOREVER AND A FEW HAIL MARYS BUT I DID IT. enjoy besties <3 love u all
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everseeking · 4 years
hello!! It's your relief story anon!!! i friken love what you wrote!!! may i have another request 🥺 similar to the relief story, Levi's s/o gets into a near death experience right in front of him and he freezes for the first time. everyone's super shocked abt it after the mission and he gets reprimanded just for formalities (erwin n hanji rlly just wanna check up on him personally) but they all understand since he's been through a lot. Levi can't deal with his emotions and he wants to say i love you to his s/o (first time saying it) but he doesn't know how and yes HAHAHAHA
- OMG HI AGAIN ! IM SO HAPPY THAT YOU ENJOYED IT THANK YOU SO MUCH !!!!! thank you again not only for requesting that, but also for requesting again, it’s so awesome when u guys come back and request more :) plus your ideas are always so great. i had a lot of fun writing this, i hope u enjoy <3 (and i got your second message tysm for adding it ! i tried to include as much fluff as possible but my dumb brain always defaults to angst hahaha)
how to say i love you
- levi ackerman x reader
warnings: season 2 and ova spoilers (if you haven’t watched the ova’s yet they’re on youtube but this only references ‘a choice with no regrets’ aka levi’s ova)
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levi has never had...feelings for anyone before.
the romantic kind, of course. he's felt plenty of things towards people on a regular basis—anger. hate. disgust. confusion. annoyance. frustration.
to be fair he has had the occasional friend, or the occasional person who he respected, and others who he flat out wanted to protect. just never anything romantic.
this didn’t bother him, falling in love wasn’t his top priority or anything. his life has been one traumatic experience after the other. there was no time for him to be romantically involved with another, nor was he willing to take the risk of potential heartbreak that would add to his constantly growing list of traumatic events.
when he first met y/n l/n he acknowledged her as nothing more than another member of the survey corps. someone he would work with. someone he would train with. someone who he would give orders to if deemed necessary. someone who would join his team. someone he would slowly become more curious about. someone who would bring him feelings that he couldn't describe in words.
his plans had clearly gone astray.
y/n was supposed to be nothing more than a colleague, but somehow fate had much more in store. the young girl began to appear more and more in his life and before he could even process it, she was already apart of his team.
now that the they were spending almost everyday together, along with the rest of his team, levi had the opportunity to try to solve the mystery that was y/n.
there was something that he felt about her that he couldn't put into words. the way she was determined to save humanity and her friends, the way she poured everything she had into everything she did, the way she was strong in every aspect of the word, the way she got along with the rest of the team, the way she laughed, the way she smiled, the way she spoke, the way she moved, all of it. it all encapsulated him.
what is this emotion ? fascination ? curiosity ? these words weren’t completely right, but they safe enough for him to settle on for now.
yes, that's all. the brat just makes me curious because i don't understand her.
at least, that's what he told himself. but the tingles that remained on his skin from the place where she accidentally brushed up against him or the way his stomach felt after his eyes met hers or the way he noticed himself always wanting to be near her or the way he wanted to protect her more than anything in the world, said otherwise.
whatever message he wanted to send probably definitely was not passed on. when y/n accidentally brushed up against him he snapped back "watch it." when she made eye contact with him, it was more her meeting his eyes and him seemingly glaring back. when he took a few steps towards her to be closer, she felt paranoid, wondering if he was determining whether or not he should scold her for something. when she was on missions and he occasionally had to step in and save her tail, she felt like she was slacking.
truthfully in all these situations levi just resorted back to his true nature. he never meant any harm so clearly he wasn’t the best at expressing his feelings. henceforth, the three word phrase was foreign to him.
after all the many challenges that came with trying to understand each other, the couple finally got together. but despite being together, neither had said the 'L word’ yet. 
to be honest, y/n hadn’t dwelled on it too much. she had learned the best way to survive mentally was to live in the moment. when the time would come, the time would come, however, the thought that time wasn’t a guarantee gnawed at the back of her brain.  she always wondered how levi felt about the matter, but never got around to asking. little did he know he’d once again find out for himself that time wasn’t a guarantee.
just like every other day, y/n awoke to levi placing a kiss on her forehead. he wished nothing more than to let the love of his life sleep late into the morning in their shared bed, safe from the dangers of the world, but there was another mission today in which he needed her by his side.
the plan was to head to the outskirts of wall rose to a forest that was known to be surrounded by titans. hanji convinced erwin to let her try to capture titans in the forest again, as it all but worked on the female titan. erwin agreed, not only because he too believed the survey corps had all the materials necessary to capture titans again, but also because he knew the scouts needed more real time practice in the forest. levi wasn’t happy to hear the commander refer to this as “practice,” since so many lives were guaranteed to be lost in the process, but there was nothing he could do about it.
with everyone’s approval and the preparations complete, they were off. the ride there had been as close to smooth sailing as possible, with erwin successfully rerouting the troops to avoid as many unnecessary collisions with titans as possible and a surprisingly low amount of abnormals in their path. but everyone knew the real problems would be up ahead.
in this area, the titans were mainly surrounding the thick trees in the forest. it wasn’t too far from the forest where they encountered the female titan so the layout of the jungle was fairly similar. a large path ran straight through the trees, leaving the scouts lots of opportunities.
before the forest itself came into view, the hoard otherworldly creatures showed up. the crowd of titans didn’t seem to be too bad, with none surpassing ten meters. a bit of the outer edges of the formation took a hit, but everyone else made it into the woods unscathed.
unlike the last time levi’s squad was in the forest, their objective was not to be the bait. instead, they were to take to the trees and be on clean up duty. it was a little different from their normal clean up duty, as they weren’t doing chores around the castle or cabin—they were eliminating stray titans. the survey corps was only prepared to capture two titans, so any others that entered needed to be exterminated.
they weren’t the only ones with this job, but erwin placed them as the last hoop the titans had to get through before they were captured. any titans that escaped the first few groups were more likely than not going to be challenging, so they needed to be left with the most talented squad.
the eight scouts that made up levi’s squad traveled the path that cut through the forest until they found the four trees in which they were to set up camp. levi and jean were on the first tree, armin and sasha on the one across from them, connie and mikasa on the next, and y/n and eren on the fourth. the formation placed y/n and levi diagonal from each other so they could each defend half of the younger scouts in their squad if necessary, as well as had the team in pairs that weren’t often together for even more practice.
the ground rumbled beneath the group as they looked down to see the first wave of soldiers acting as bait pass through. after some time and a few more waves, including hanji and erwin who were in charge of the traps, everyone passed through and the titans came into sight.
the ground troops had all reported that no abnormals or titans above ten meters made it in so they all relaxed—or relaxed as one can be when they’re facing man-eating giants. levi recognized the last troop passing through and gave his second in command a nod which she returned, letting everyone else know it was show time.
the rumbling of the ground from the horses before was nothing compared to that of the titans. not counting the first two, there were nine titans in all. everyone gave a silent thanks to the squads who had narrowed down the hoard before it arrived to them.
finally, the first two titans ran past the trees levi’s squad was hidden in, chasing the ground troops. with a loud “now !” from levi, the rest of them deployed from their hiding places. thanks to the squad’s impeccable teamwork and countless hours of training in forests closer to home, the remaining seven titans were taken out without a hitch. y/n couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride as she watched her team improve with every mission and it was obvious they all felt the same way. the way they beamed and had to hold back their celebration was as a clear as day.
the team regrouped, with y/n checking the younger members for any life threatening wounds and levi double checking all the titans were taken care of. she had just finished examining sasha when levi came back and announced the next step of today’s plan. everyone was to head forward to meet the other troops and aid in getting the titans back to the walls. although the titans may be secured, there were still infinite possibilities for catastrophes that could happen so they needed all the backup they could get. the young cadets nodded in agreement then followed after levi as he took to the sky, with y/n tailing the rest of the group. if y/n and levi weren’t side by side during missions, this was always the formation everyone fell into. levi led the way, protecting the front of the party, and she acted as the caboose to make sure no one got left behind as well as to protect them from the back.
after a few failed tricks from eren as he tried to show off with his gear and a quick scolding from levi, the rest of the scouts came into view. the mission appeared to be a success. the final two titans were both apprehended, one nailed to the ground and the other bound in the air.
squad levi landed and began to greet everyone but didn’t get very far when hanji’s squeals flooded everyone’s ears.
the scientist was practically bouncing up and down as she came over. “squad levi ! all in one piece, i see. let me show you what we’ve done,” she gushed, ushering all of them towards the titans.
it was no surprise she was so excited. she had been waiting for this day to arrive for ages, but levi still gave a quick “tch,” under his breath out of annoyance which forced y/n to cover her mouth with her palm to stifle a laugh.
the eight, now nine, of them cranned their necks up to see the side of the beast that was hammered into the ground. the sight would’ve been cruel if it were anything other than a titan, but remembering all the pain they’ve brought to each one of them, no one did so much as bat an eye. returning the focus back to hanji, everyone watched as she took a sharp inhale to prepare for her long ramble about how everything worked. lucky for y/n, before hanji could exhale, levi grabbed his partner’s arm and pulled her away.
he pulled her close so he could whisper in her ear, “come on, let’s go find erwin.”
as much as she wanted to argue with him and tell him he was being mean, she really didn’t want to listen to hanji’s spiel that she had heard a million times over. a tiny pang of guilt struck y/n for leaving the other half of the squad behind forced to listen to her, but sometimes everyone has to take one for the team.
she threw a quick wave over her shoulder to the others, then followed levi, who was still holding her arm, as he dragged her through the crowd of other scouts who were just floating around, waiting for orders, until he finally spotted the commander.
the tall man’s eyes fell upon the pair and he drew himself away from whomever he was speaking with to come greet them.
“ah levi, y/n,” erwin began. levi’s expression stayed the same but y/n offered the man a small smile and wave which he returned with a nod. erwin was actually the one who recommended to levi that he should consider y/n to be apart of his squad, so she heavily credited him entirely with starting your relationship with levi (even if levi disagreed every time she told him this). 
levi and erwin fell into formal conversation, discussing the remainder of the mission, which left y/n realizing levi hadn’t really saved her from a talk you’ve heard countless times before, but instead brought her into another one. 
hanji’s rambling would have been more interesting than this she thought to yourself as she began lazily scanned the small sea of scouts scrambling around, looking for a way to entertain yourself until the two men were done talking. one group in particular caught her eyes.
the soldiers seemed to be much more jittery than everyone else. they frantically looked amongst each other and towards the titan that hanji had just finished showing the rest of levi’s squad, and seemed to be contemplating a solution to an unknown issue.
it was clear something was up. 
just as she placed her hand on levi’s shoulder to bring his and erwin’s focus over to the scene, the ground began to shake, which caught their attention for her. 
no one had time to react when dust flew up everywhere, obstructing everyone’s views so they couldn’t see where the loud crashes that followed came from. a strong force slammed into them, throwing them who knows how far into the air. the fear of hitting the ground barely had enough time to settle into y/n before everything went dark.
everyone in the vicinity had been sent flying into the air along, but levi was the first one to be up on his feet again. bringing his arms up to shield his eyes, he decided to stay where he was as the dust cleared so he could assess the situation and move on from there. 
the scene finally came into view; he gathered that the titan had ripped its arm through the nails that secured it to the floor of the woods, then flailed it around in an attempt to grab people. it made a clean sweep in the area that he was previously standing—all that was left were debris and broken wood planks from the compartments that were attached to the other titan’s traps.
a wave of adrenaline passed through his body as he remembered who was with him. he needed to find not only erwin immediately, but also y/n. he reached down to grab the handles of his controller grip but froze instantly upon seeing what had just come into view as more of the dust cleared.
y/n was sprawled out on the ground, ODM gear tossed a few feet away from her body but more importantly, the titan’s hand was hovering mere meters above her.
his pulse almost quickened twicehold, but it felt as though it heart had stopped in his chest. situations like this presented themselves to levi almost everyday of his life, but this was much different. in those, he was almost two steps ahead. he knew that by now he should be wrapping his arms around y/n and pulling her to safety at breakneck speed, or even better, he should’ve shielded her from harm at the very beginning. but right now he couldn’t do so much as move his finger.
levi was completely inert—his arms felt like they being weighed down by a ball and chain, his legs felt like they had grown roots into the ground that planted in him place. his throat ran dry and his stomach felt like it had just done a flip. the rest of him went numb while shock consumed his body, physically and mentally, rendering him entirely helpless.
images of isabel, farlan, petra, oluo, eld, gunther, and countless others all flashed before him, the same running theme echoed in his mind—he wasn’t able to save them. all he had to do was pull back a single index finger. this would launch one of his anchors into the back of the titan’s neck, sending him flying to slice its nape. but he couldn’t do it. the only thing he knew he had the power to do was watch helplessly as his partner would be eaten alive.
the shouts of others flooded his ears as his senses slowly began to return to him, but it didn’t matter. he couldn’t make out a thing. frankly he wished he could so he could break away from the things that occupied his mind now. shame. guilt. humiliation. fear. regret. he took for granted every moment he had ever spent with y/n. every smile she gave him. every time he embraced her. every kiss. every conversation they shared under the stars while everyone else was fast asleep. every opportunity he had but failed to tell her that he—
before he finished his thought someone finally broke through his trance. erwin was the one who was able to crack the surface and bring him back to life. 
the commander was shouting levi’s name, hoping, praying, to wake him up from whatever was going on in his head. levi was still unable feel his body, but he realized he was moving as the ground began to grow smaller. one of erwin’s strong arms hooked around levi’s middle and they were flying away from the chaos below. the commander spared a glance to levi to see the man’s eyes were still trained on y/n.
the feeling returned to levi’s body as he felt the pain of being thrown onto one of the thick tree branches surge through his body. not knowing how else to bring him back from the trance that wasn’t full broken, erwin had tossed off of him levi instead of placing him down gently.
he watched as levi scrambled up and expected him to yell back for throwing him, but the response was much different.
“where is she ??” levi demanded. his eyes may have been on y/n the whole time, but his mind was elsewhere replaying scenes from the past. he had no idea if she had been eaten, or even survived the initial attack. the only think he saw was her body on the ground, unmoving.
“safe,” erwin confirmed. “hanji ran over just in time and got her. but what happened to you ?” no one had ever seen levi freeze up the way he did. others believed it was just fear which made him seem a little more human to them, but erwin knew it was more than that.
throughout the years, erwin watched levi witness the deaths of those closest to him, and even then he was still able to act. but after seeing him go rigid, erwin was more than worried. it was clear levi went into shock, however, shock runs more than skin deep. 
this became even more evident to him as levi remained silent the entire way back to the walls. y/n was still unconscious, so one of the open carts was her escort. guilt continued to wash over levi as he wasn’t able to ride in the cart with her to monitor her closely because he had to ride his horse back. regardless, he stayed as close to the cart as possible and stole as many glances her way as he could.
if he had it his way, he would’ve waited outside the infirmary for y/n when they arrived back home, but hanji and erwin practically dragged him to the mess hall to replenish his energy. this may or may not be skipping the part where levi was questioned about what happened, followed by him being chastised for his actions (or lack there of). levi could bare focus even though it was such a serious conversation. his mind was still a hazy mess. as much as hanji and erwin wanted to talk to levi more about the situtation, they knew it was best for the conversation to end there for the day. levi looked so shaken up that he could barely keep himself standing so the last thing he needed was to be yelled at more. the entire corps also made sure to steer clear of the man. he usually had all his emotions hidden but they were on full display now. it still scared the hell out of them.
but the fear alone wasn’t enough to stop them from whispering to themselves. word carried fast about how captain levi froze up and watched one of his squad mates almost die. the ones who only heard about the story instead of witnessing it couldn’t believe what they were hearing. the captain levi did nothing while one of his own almost became titan food ? 
hearing the whispers in passing, levi didn’t care that they were talking about him, but he was still affected. their words just made reality sink deeper into him. they weren’t the only ones who were unable to believe what happened. he really just watched helplessly as someone almost died. and it wasn’t just someone, it was his other half.
“hey levi ?” hanji voiced, pulling him out of his head. levi didn’t bother looking up from his food that he had been staring at for the past few minutes to face her. the best he could to was give her a side glance as he peered at her from the corner of his eyes and waited for her to finish.
the glare he was sending her way made her blood run cold, but she took the hint and continued. “are you alright ?” she asked in a small voice.
“does it look like i’m alright ?” he growled back, then went back to eating.
“just wanted to ask,” she added with an awkward laugh then turned to erwin who was on the other side of her. for once in her life she knew not to press any harder, but making levi upset wasn’t her intention. she was genuinely worried about him. hanji gave erwin a what do i do now ? look, hoping for some help, but erwin could only shake his head. he cared about levi just as much as she did, but he knew there was nothing either of them could do or say to make levi feel better. the only thing he needed was to see y/n.
at last, levi finished his dinner and excused himself to go find his partner. as his feet carried him at a quick pace across the stone floors of the many hallways in HQ, fear came back to his already grim mind. there was no word on y/n’s condition so he assumed no progress had been made and she was still unconscious. 
needless to say, when he rounded the corner and saw her sitting on the bench right outside the infirmary swiveling her heels and tapping her toes together as if she was bored, shock overcame him once again, this time on a much lower scale. similar to just a few hours ago, he was frozen instantly upon seeing her. it was a much prettier sight this time, but it was still painful to see. the bandage that wrapped around her head peaked out from being any strands of hair that fell in front of her face, other wraps and patches plastered themselves across her arms and legs, and some purple and blue splotches peaked out from behind them. this was only the skin that was exposed. for once in his life levi didn’t want to think about what she looked like when she weren’t wearing any clothes. he made a quick mental note to later place tender kisses on all her bumps and bruises, and took of running towards her.
y/n had been discharged from the infirmary during dinner hours, so the halls has been quite empty as she sat outside alone, falling into boredom. when the first sounds of shoes hitting the ground entered her ears, she got a bit excited, but calmed herself down reminding herself it probably wasn’t him. but when the steps got quicker and louder, she finally let yourself look up to see up to see her partner was the source. there was no point in holding back anyone; her face visibly lit up and a wide smile placed itself on her lips. just like levi, y/n wanted nothing more in the entire world than to see him. 
he run turned to a jog then a complete stop as he halted in front of her. despite being so anxious to see one another, neither were really prepared. they just kinda...stared at each other, neither sure of the right words to say. levi decided to take the initiative. he opened his mouth, hoping something, anything, would come out, but his attempt fell flat. words just weren’t enough. instead, he lifted his arms and placed both hands gently on y/n’s shoulders. she caught on quickly, standing up at the same time as he was pulling her into his arms for a tight embrace.
the pair remained silent in each other’s arms until y/n decided to take initiative this time and finally spoke. “is it true ?” she mumbled against his neck, barely loud enough for him to hear.
as much as he had hoped the gossip would stay in the mess hall, levi knew that inevitably word would spread to her. someone must have told her everything that happened, leaving in every little detail about how levi made no moves to save her life, ending up having to be saved by hanji in the end.
based off his silence, y/n knew levi had a lot on his mind so she continued “did you really freeze up?” 
he didn’t realize it, but he had tensed up at her words. it absolutely pained him to answer, but he couldn’t imagine the pain she were feeling. 
summing up his courage, he began to confirm the worst, but she pulled away before he could get more than a “yes,” out. levi braced himself for the hurt expression that he would be faced with, knowing his heart would break instantly as she realized he truly did failed to protect her, but instead he was met with kind eyes and soft face.
the look on his face had utter disbelief written all over it as her hands went up to cup his face that was now reddening. “are you okay?” y/n asked softly. “im so sorry.”
levi was beyond bewildered. he wanted her to be furious at him. yell at him. pull her soft hands back and strike him as much as she pleased. tell him he failed and that she couldn’t stand the sight of him. he knew he deserved it all and more, but he should’ve known she would never do that. that wasn’t y/n.
he melted into her touch and placing one of his hand over one of hers that remained on his cheek. “i was terrified, y/n.”
y/n finally gave him one of her beautiful smiles and giggled softly. “why were you scared ? i was the one who almost got eaten,” she teased.
y/n’s laughs had quickly subsided after seeing the serious look that had etched itself onto levi’s face. “because you were in danger,” he started.
“i don’t know what id do with myself if i lost you, i...”
“i love you, y/n.”
it was finally y/n’s turn to get a taste of the shock that levi had been experiencing all day. she could’ve sworn her heart skipped a beat at his words, followed by butterfly wings tickling the inside of her tummy, her eyes widening and jaw falling slack. her hands slowly slipped from his face to instead place one of her palms on her chest to make sure her heart was indeed pumping at a regular pace.
levi, on the other hand, was not having a magical experience. y/n’s reaction made him feel as though his feelings weren’t reciprocated despite having been together for so long. he started to get deeper into his head, negative thoughts starting to eat away at him once again, when she finally spoke.
“i love you too, levi,” she breathed out, still too stunned to breathe properly.
levi had had enough of being unable to move for one day. one of his hands grabbed y/n’s waist while the other found its way to the back of her head, as he kissed her roughly, which she eagerly returned. the way he felt her grin against his lips was enough to make all the pain and fear he had experienced that day worth it.
he couldn’t have asked for a better outcome to such a shitty day.
levi had finally learned how to say i love you and he thanked the stars every night following that day that y/n was the one who taught him how.
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Texts from the Lost Tomb part 6.1
🎶 Back on the bullshit I never got off🎶
Is this another unnecessary story arc?? With three sections??
Wushanju Crew Chat
Wang Meng: You know, I’m someone who appreciates consistency in my day. My life is pleasant, very few issues indeed if you ignore the big ones. And yet. Yet here we are. With unresolved messes at the end of a day.
Wang Meng: We need to talk about Huo Daofu and the glittery bead curtain.
Wu Xie: did you turn on that suggested word thingy lol
What glittery bead curtain
Wang Meng: I closed the shop at 6:00pm this evening on the dot. I locked all of the doors in and out of the shop very carefully, especially in light of recent events. The hall leading to the back office was empty. I filed the day’s paperwork, updated and sent emails, and then spent an extra hour organizing receipts and dusting. When I came back out, there were glittery iridescent bead curtains over the front entrance to the shop.
What could this mean?
Wu Xie: uh that you need to spend less time at work?
Wu Xie: I think we can be relatively secure in thinking a glittery bead curtain isn’t a hostile threat
Wang Pangzi: SAYS YOU
Wang Meng: Ugh, forget it. I should have just taken them down, regardless of who they belong to.
Zhang Qiling: They are not mine.
Wang Meng: Do we know anyone who *would* sneak in and put those up? For whatever reason, legal or not? Even as a joke?
Wu Xie: okay let’s think about this; for starters, I didn’t break into my own shop
Wang Meng: You would be in danger of doing some work in the process, that’s true.
Wang Pangzi: LOL
Wu Xie: ANYWAY let’s keep going. For example, Xiao Ge would only break in somewhere for a good reason. Xiao Ge, did you do this?
Zhang Qiling: No.
Wu Xie: okay who’s next
Zhang Qiling: How can we be certain *you* didn’t do it?
Wang Meng: Admittedly that was my guess, too.
Wang Pangzi: WOW I SEE HOW IT IS
Wu Xie: Oh yeah him! Oops I got distracted
Wu Xie: Ugh fuck off
Wang Meng what abt Huo Daofu??
Zhang Qiling: ?
Wu Xie: oh sorry xiaoge I didn’t realize you wouldn’t have spent much time around him last year
He and I go way back
Zhang Qiling: Way back where?
Babysitters Club Chat
Zhang Qiling: ?
Zhang Qiling: I wanted him to feel welcome. I wanted to be sure he understands he has a place here. A specific place.
Zhang Qiling: Rationally, I understand that.
Main Chat
Wang Meng: Huo Daofu is coming for the weekend—didn’t Wu Xie tell you? Wu Xie asked me to check in a week ahead so we could start getting ready for his arrival
Wu Xie: oh yeah I did do that
Wang Meng: Fortunately I know you and so I already went ahead and took care of everything.
Re: the trip
He made a deal with Wu Xie’s doctor that he would do periodic checkups on him here at Wushanju
Bc Wu Xie hates being in the hospital
And frankly the hospital hates him too
Zhang Qiling: Is it safe for him to be here with a criminal loose on the premises?
Wu Xie: Right, back to the curtain! Let’s focus on the curtain, hmm?
Wu Xie: okay but who else would do something so oddly charming yet illegal and—wait.
Snake Eyes Chat
Wu Xie: hey, Glasses hasn’t been in touch lately right?
Li Cu: uh nope
Unless u count the outdated memes
Why, is money or Xie Yuchen missing
Or is this curtain related, I saw Wang Meng’s tweet
Wu Xie: haha no nothing to worry about really
(I mean maybe? but who knows)
Wang Meng is probably just getting a little paranoid in his old age
Li Cu: better than getting reckless and stupid as hell in ur old age
Wu Xie: …hey:(
Unknown Number: Li Cu, we discussed this.
Wu Xie: ????????
Li Cu: *sigh* fine, reckless and stupid as heck
Unknown Number: …close enough.
Wu Xie: EXCUSE who is that
Madame, Sir, Non-Binary Tree Spirit, etc—whomst the fuck
Are you
Li Cu is underage FYI
So Im staying on this chat
Li Cu: okay first of all, it’s not like that
Second of all I’m literally not underage I s2g
u threw the embarrassing surprise bday party, okay so u should remember
And C, that’s my counselor and I invited her. She wanted to meet u and I knew u wouldn’t agree to a visit so I added her to our chat
we have been discussing u
Wu Xie: Oh wow!!!!!!!
What a surprise:)
hi so nice to meet you:)
Main Chat:
Wang Meng: I assume that means something to someone here?
Not my problem? Good.
Wu Xie: wait i give him an allowance
has he been collecting on two allowances??
Zhang Qiling: Three. I knew about both of yours.
Snake Eyes Chat
Wu Xie: so uh may I ask your name?
Unknown Number: you can call me Ms. Lee.
Now, if you’re comfortable talking in this format, why don’t you tell me how things have been going?
Wu Xie: oh everything is normal and fine and safe as usual, why do you ask:)
Li Cu: I heard about ur necklace thing. nice of you to NOT mention it.
another dangerous adventure. again. prick.
Ur lucky your cool boyfriend cares about you so much or you’d have already died like ten years ago
Wu Xie: lol try twenty years ago
Li Cu: That isn’t funny.
Unknown Number: …What?
Wu Xie: shit ur right, okay that was a bit glib, my apologies.
…I use humor as a coping mechanism?
Unknown Number: and Li Cu, how do you feel about that?
Li Cu: he doesn’t even know what that phrase means
He doesn’t cope, like ever
In fact
It’s kind of why we met
Which is a funny story in retrospect tbh
Wu Xie: haha what are you talking about sweetie hahaha need I remind you of certain anecdotes that could idk send me to jail maybe lmao
Unknown Number: …You know, perhaps an in-person meeting might be more effective?
Wu Xie: haha such a nice idea but why
Main Chat
Wu Xie: If I go to jail, I’ll have to create alliances for protection, right, that’s how it works on tv
Who do we know who spends time in jail
Other than Hei Yangjing, he’s only ever there for like 12 hours and i suspect he just gets himself arrested bc he enjoys the breaking out process
Also how’s the curtain case coming along
Zhang Qiling: Has someone threatened you?
Wu Xie: well not yet but soon I’m sure
Snake Eyes Minus Your Fucking Therapist Chat
Li Cu: okay how tf did u pull off spy and undercover shit
u are sus as hell
Wu Xie: damn son is it pick on Wu Xie night
I missed the flyers or I would’ve invited my uncles
Also re: the curtain it’s been mostly solved
Li Cu: I’m not your son, idiot.
Wu Xie: …oh. Sorry, sorry, you’re right, bad choice of words, haha
Forget i said anything
Delete this chat even
Li Cu: shit I meant
Legally, biologically, I meant—
…I turn into an asshole as a coping mechanism?
Wu Xie: oh that’s all okay! I have to go do something else now let me know if you need anything okay kid thanks!
Li Cu: goddamn it calm down who’s the kid here
lemme organize my thoughts so I can articulate my emotions fuckin healthily or w/e
Ugh maybe for like one afternoon we could go to Ms. Lee together? She knows how to word stuff
Wu Xie: uh…okay.
Li Cu: Anyway you don’t need to worry abt jail
As if you would survive prison for one day you’d piss off half the place in like an hour or less
I gave Ms. Lee the heavily edited version of the desert highway to hell roadtrip and i discussed it more in terms of like “nightmarish but still wouldn’t take any of it back”
Well maybe the sand
that shit was everywhere
Wu Xie: oh kiddo. It’s fine, really…You don’t have to explain yourself to me.
Li Cu: no, no it’s just
I do technically have a dad
who is an asshole. Being a son doesn’t really mean shit to me bc it sucked.
So you need to stop backing down just cuz ur guilty abt stuff. I’m really really glad ur not my dad in a good way. Do u get what I mean there
Where’s the mafia widower I followed into hell, huh
Wu Xie: Ur a good kid, despite my influence. I’m really glad you have someone to talk to after everything I…after everything. Wow this talking through feelings thing is kind of weird but nice ur right
Jfc no wonder it took me and xiaoge so long to—you know what, we won’t get into that
Li Cu: ew tmi
Also re: this week’s recent necklace fuckery
I moved my stuff here, I live here now
So you can’t die anymore
Or else…Idk I don’t have a threat planned
anyways abt the curtain
Wu Xie: oh my god, kid…kid you have no idea
I am in tears.
Li Cu: see this is why I can’t be nice to you I can sense the hallmark channel from here
Ugh don’t be sad in ur room that’s dumb
Go hug Pangzi or something
Maybe delete this chat
Or the curtain thing
Focus on the curtain thing
Just stfu and go away
Wu Xie: <3 screenshotting this <3
Li Cu: I take back everything I said. This is why Xiao Ge sleeps on the roof. I hope the ghosts of the Wangs put up that curtain to strangle you somehow. Go die in a stupid way, it’ll suit you.
Wu Xie: lol don’t worry I’m not gonna embarrass you with it or anything
Main Chat
Wu Xie: omg guys look how cute my kid is *sending screenshot*
Wang Pangzi: I MEAN
Wu Xie: no but read the whole thing:):):)
Zhang Qiling: It is indeed very hard to remain angry with you. And you are welcome to join me on the roof.
Wang Pangzi: UH NOPE
Wu Xie: ok true but babe ur like a sexy cryptid
Wang Meng: so, are we just accepting that there is a glittery curtain of unknown origin, and Huo Daofu is going to have to see it while he’s waiting for you at Wushanju bc you’re going to family therapy?
Wu Xie: right
Wang Meng: I’m going to go dust something.
Unnamed Chat:
Unknown number: so the curtain…
Unknown number 2: yep, not my best work but I kinda panicked last minute u know
Unknown number: what is in the water at Wushanju that makes everyone dumb and attractive
Unknown number 2: relax they’ll figure it out
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franeridart · 3 years
Tumblr media
Anon said: i love love love LOVE how you just draw gojo leaning onto getou, hiding his face in getou's neck or back or chest <////3 im just so heartbroken over those two
So glad to hear you like him clingy as much as I do!! TT^TT as far as I’m concerned he wasn’t clingy enough in canon, so I’m fixing it as much as I can with every new doodle haha
Anon said: whenever im sad i just come to your account and look through your art :")) it brings me so much comfort :')) also i gotta mention that the teacher getou art you've made has healed my broken heart bc of jjk and now that is the only canon i accept thank you very much gege akutami has nothing on me
GAH GETO-SENSEI MY ONE AND ONLY I’m happy he makes you as soft as he does me, he’s such a comfort to me ;;;; and thank you for liking my stuff!!!! Means the world to me to hear it ;A; <3
Anon said: I miss your krbk sm 😔 No pressure intended!!!!!! I still love and support u and ur art!!!
Man I miss them too!!!!! @ hori when are you bringing my loves back from the war I’m here waiting good sir!!!
Anon said: v v curious on your thoughts on what’s currently going on in bnha manga :)))
HMMM what are my thoughts on it? Well, let’s split it in two: Deku’s side and Todoroki’s side, because that’s how it’s split in my brain atm, and allow me to start from the second because it’s easier to get through for me
I’m in love with everything Hori is doing with Todoroki and everyone involved with him - that’s to say his whole whole family and Hawks and Jeanist too, all of it, I’m so into it it’s no joke at all. Always been in love with how he handles Enji’s character and his interactions with his family and the latest developments didn’t disappoint me at all, wasn’t very much into Dabi right after the “reveal” but the more I think about it and about the story from his pov the more behind it I am, forever and always head over heels for Shouto’s way of dealing with a situation that’s as complex as one would expect from a protagonist of their very own story you could really make a manga out of the Todoroki’s family plot from Shouto’s pov alone, it’s incredible I can’t state how in love with it all I am enough. And Hawks, don’t make me start on him I’ll straight up never stop, absolutely and most definitely my favorite pro-hero I would trust him with my money and my kids 100/10 just assume I’m constantly crying over him. Also Jeanist is just hilarious so bless him and his presence in an otherwise too heavy story
Deku’s side........ well, the main problems I have with it are that one, I don’t really understant the need to keep ofa a secret from the class for the biggest part of the story when the reveal wasn’t forced upon Deku, didn’t have a huge impact on him or his relationship with the others (his leaving wasn’t directly caused by him coming clean after all, he wouldn’t have had to leave earlier had he not kept it a secret and he would have still left at this point had the class already known all along) and didn’t, like. Matter. All that much. Two, this manga is called my hero academia and I’m genuinely starting to wonder why. What was the point of all the arcs set inside the school anyway? Most of the characters growth (Deku’s especially) and the progression of the main plot happened in the arcs outside of the school anyway, and at this point it’s clear we’re not going back to the school after this or even seeing anyone graduate. What of Shinsou? What was the point of his plot when we’re not even gonna see him being active part of the class in a school environment? I’m just confused about it all, I guess. Three, which is really my biggest problem with it all, is the way Deku’s set on saving Shigaraki. It’s not like I don’t like a story in which all the villains are saved and the good guys win and love prevails and all that, call it corny but they’re exactly my type of stories, but I’m not sure I can get behind it when Twice died like that, and Midnight did as well, and Aizawa lost a leg, and Nighteye died, and Hawks might have lost his wings, and Shirakumo ended up Kurogiri and it’s still unclear whether he can be saved, like... why does Shigaraki get to be saved when so many people suffered like that? And it’s not only about them suffering by his hands, it’s about Hori and how he was ruthless with so many characters but lets the story show arbitrary kindness to Shigaraki alone, it’s all... well. Unfair. The way I see it. At this point I at the very least expect kindness for Touya as well, here.
That said if I pick the chapters one by one by themselves I do enjoy them very much. I just don’t gotta think about the big picture lmao AH but it’s all a personal opinion, of course! I know people who enjoy the way the story is going and I can see where they’re coming from, this is all arbitrary tastes and preferences on my part, I’m aware of it!
Anon said: Hi hi! I finally got into jjk AND finally caught up on the manga and i appreciate your doods soooo much more now!! They’re so great!! But imcurious, is there one specific moment in the story where you Gojo and Geto became IT for you? Just genuinely curious!!
THANK YOU happy to hear you liked jjk!!!! And that’s!!! a great question, I’m not sure I have an answer actually? I binged the manga in a day and a half, you see, and when I binge stuff that fast I rarely stop to overthink things - I did ship them as I read too since, well. They’re in love lmao but I shipped them in the same way I shipped itafushi or yuutoge after I read the prequel, you know? Just a general aknowledging of how good they were together. The main point with satosugu specifically was probably that satoru has been my favorite character since the beginning of the story and suguru got there as well as soon as I read their backstory, so once I was caught up they’re the ones I ended up spending the most time thinking about, both by themselves and together, and that ended up making me a bit obsessed..... just a bit lol
If I had to give one specific moment that got me by the heart and squeezed the hardest it’d be... probably Satoru’s “my soul knows otherwise”. And the way his voice alone could bring Suguru back, even for just a single moment. The thing about satosugu for me!!! one of the many things about them, but the main thing for me, is that they love each other. Be it platonic or however you wanna see it, they love each other. Despite everything and after it all, even if Satoru had to kill Suguru, even if Suguru killed so many and betrayed Satoru and they went their separate ways in the harshest of ways, they love each other. It’s insane, isn’t it? That they’d love each other so much they could pass over everything and anything. I’ve seen the “best friends become enemies” trope so often in shounen manga, but this is the first time I see it treated like this - with love so strong that they never blamed each other or turned that love in hate. The way satosugu do it is all-encompassing! It goes beyond the world and their differences and death itself! So if I had to pick it’d be that one, because that scene happens after it’s all over, and it all went to shit and way beyond too already, and still their souls resonate with each other and answer to each other and that sends me insane, just thinking about it. Like, god, they really still love each other. Satoru’s mourned for Suguru for a year, Suguru’s been dead for a year, they’d been separated ten whole years before then, and still! And still!!! It’s so tender I don’t know how to deal with it
Anon said: “What’s a god to a nonbeliever?”—That tag is going to haunt me for a while. The entire tag section for your latest Gojo and Geto drawing is meta-worthy.
THANK YOU it’d been eating at my brain I had to write it down somewhere why are those two like that
Anon said: Do you take commissions? No pressure! ✨❤️
Not right now!
Anon said: How do you feel about sukuna ? like/dislike or thoughts on him
AMAZING QUESTION I love him. I have absolutely zero clue as of why so don’t ask me to elaborate, I’m literally that marge pic with the potato when it’s about Sukuna, I have no meta thoughts about him nor deep reasonings behind it - by all accounts, I should dislike him! But he shows up and I’m like nghhh king, so that’s where we stand. It’s Sukuna, you know. I just think he’s neat.
Anon said: sighs time to get into another fandom bc i simp too hard for ur art 😔
HAH thank you for the trust I hope you’ll like ror if you do get into it!!! hahaha
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sambergscott · 3 years
notes from the palm springs commentary !! 🏝
i know not everyone has access to hulu and i know i'd be gutted if i couldn’t watch it too so bc i'm lucky enough to have an american friend who let me use her hulu account i thought i'd share the commentary with you all on here <3 
- their first bit of commentary is “there’s a title” (cristin) and “there’s a goat” (andy)... 10/10 anaylsis thanks guys
- andy joked that they talked about waiting for an earthquake but decided they didn’t have the budget to wait that long (he said the glowing lights at the end were real tho 🙄)
- andy: “we’re gonna start off pretty racy” djfdjfkdjgh
- “for all those kids out there, the b99 fans, you probably don’t wanna watch this”.... but andy,, we absolutely Do
- andy was cristin’s least favourite person in the movie
- nyles spread eagle on the bed was in the script not an acting choice
- according to andy there were 700,000 bugs just hatched where they filmed the wedding scenes that they had to edit out in post (also it was suuuuuper cold and cristin was shivering)
- the dance move when he clapped his hands over his head “lightly hurt his schlong”
- they had 20-30 options for orchid explosion by fournier, cristin pitched some too that she “does not remember!” (she said that very cute)
- they talk about how great june squibb is and how andy is impressed that she wasn’t complaining about the cold/shooting at 5am/the fact that they improved a lil bit.  “she doesn’t not give a what”
- during the make out scene on the rock cristin goes “ohhh ~spicy~”
- they also had to have a snake wrangler come out before they shot that scene and he was like “uhh i think it’s good?”
- andy was excited about having to get shot by an arrow when he was reading the script (it was also the moment they realised this movie was zanier than first thought)
- the cave was the same place they shot the old batman movies
- they started working on palm springs on november 9th 2016…. hence the wedding date
- cristin said they did about 30 takes (at least) of her opening her eyes/sitting up.. basically the entire first half of the first day shooting she spent doing the same thing
- “i just think you’re the coolest cristin, way to go man!” “you too andy!”
- the beer is fictional and has a meaning behind it.. the tortoise is to do with a myth about the universe or smth
- andy wants someone to make the beer fr
- “so here is cristin in the desert pretending to be hot” “he means physically” “TEMPERATURE HOT… i have no opinions on her appearance”
- they wanted to skip past the set-up-y parts to avoid it being too groundhog day and add diff dynamics and comedic elements that come from that
- according to andy, nyles has been in the loop an “insanely long time” (cristin and andy like that you don’t know the exact number of years bc however many years it’s been nothing has changed for nyles)
- cristin’s fondest memories were spending days in that dusty ass car together (i too would like to be that girl in his car)
- “i like your hat” “of course you do” was improved by andy and jk
- andy said jk is a “national treash”
- andy loved shooting the montage w jk (and he thinks that montage + the scene at the end is why jk signed up to do ps)
- “i went full butt” - andy samberg, 2021
- HE HAS A STUNT DOUBLE CALLED SETH WHO HAS A SIGNIFICANTLY BETTER BUTT THAN HIM (but andy’s butt was funnier so they went with his)
- the very last shot of the movie was nyles getting the handjob in the car
- max or other andy i can’t remember who talked for a while about how talented our andy is. can’t wait for that oscar nom!!!!!
- if andy were in a time loop he’d try to catch up on shows for a few years (and then try and leave)
- cristin is horrified that he’d choose to watch all of MASH to get him through a time loop
- cristin LOVED filming all the deaths
- andy said that their dance scene in the denim jacket replaces every iconic dance scene ever like fame/dirty dancing/etc etc and he’s right
- he dropped her in that scene bc his arms are “weak and floppy like a baby calf”
- the tattoo moment was the only fully improved scene
- they REALLY wanted it in the movie
- cristin insisted on the hook hand and eye patch and they obliged and she said she kept the hook hand and put it on her mantle and andy was like “prove it prove it prove it prove it prooooooove it”
- she did Indeed prove it
- orange in the movie significies intimacy and that whole montage is coloured orange to show them falling in love
- they loved shooting the tent scene
- the first night they filmed it there was a sandstorm and rain and they had to hide under a tarp and they came back the next night and they were able to get looser with it bc it was the last day of shooting and they’d basically done the whole thing the night before
- the dinosaurs bit was a “symbolic moment between the characters - they are 2 people who don’t believe they can be loved so they’re feeling something impossible and therefore they should see something impossible”
- the wake-ups were like an acting exercise in a way bc each wake up was diff emotionally based on where they were in the loop
- nyles finally cares about something (her) for the first time in maybe hundreds of years and he immediately gets slapped down :(((
- “suck my dick officer bitch” was cristin’s ad lib!!! (if anyone makes a montage of her life’s work she would like it to either begin or end w suck my dick officer bitch, andy said why not both)
- “for some reason i rolled up one of my sleeves [after nyles woke up after their fight] and then we couldn’t get out of it so that was a lesson! it was a terrible choice”
- andy loves the overhead pool shot
- everytime andy watches the confrontation at the wedding he feels terrible for tala, we love an empathetic king
- re: roy’s arc andy talks about how important it is to relish what you’ve got and it was v v v v sweet
- everyone laughed so hard in the arrow/garbage bin scene
- apparently tyler’s shirtlessness in the shower was distracting for people in early tests and they had to tone it back w colour correction 💀
- cristin was like “did that happen when i had to take my shirt off?” and andy was like “uh huh yeah”
- the goat was on set for a couple of days + apparently cristin would talk to it in between takes 🥺🥺🥺 can she get any cuter
- max talked about how they lucky they were to get andy and cristin and how the movie wouldn’t have worked without them, they were so on the same wavelength and there was an early meeting where nobody else could get a word in bc they were talking so much
- nobody was in it for the paycheck, “it was for the love, and dare i say it, for the art” <3
- they took 3-4 nights to shoot the entire wedding, andy can Not stress enough how much they were rushing
- they haven’t busted out any bloopers yet bc they used pretty much every frame they could/reused them in different places
- cristin doesn’t want to know if nana knows bc the mystery of it is what makes the movie so great!
- andy said there’s no definitive answer to a lot of stuff bc a lot of the people working on the movie had diff opinions
- the french song w the slo mo bit of sarah in the bar was cristin’s choice
- andy is v confused why people think spuds is nyles’ dad,, he’s just tricking him into getting a ride and andy’s sorry to everyone who thought it was real
- cristin liked that the payoff at the end felt like payoff while still staying true to who nyles and sarah are and not just super romantic bc “it’s a romcom!” [andy said throwing his arms in the air]
- cloudbursting was andy’s idea from the very first meeting about the movie but we been knew
- andy: “here’s the ending! nobody knows what it means!”
- the family at the end was the producer’s family, they drove a very long way to do that 2 second scene lol
- andy and cristin were swaying to when the morning comes at the end 🥺
- andy clapped and shouted “WELL PRODUCED” when his/tli’s credit came up hahaha
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mizunetzu · 4 years
hey mark uhhh suck my dick that’s the request
no HAHAHA but I’m sure Iida will do it innnn *drum roll*
Iida x reader - Iida Tenya’s Imaginary Boyfriend (pt.2)
⚠️warnings - none
Pronouns - male, he/him
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Part one can be found here! 
The true ending can be found here! (Pt.3)
“Alright,” Kaitekina flipped open her sketchbook, setting it back down on the easel. “Who’s going to describe something to me?”
Everyone gestured at Iida.
“I apologize once more,” Iida scrunched up his fists in his lap. “I do not wish to-“
“C’mon, Iida!” Uraraka grasped onto the sleeve of Iida’s school blazer. “You’ve been sulking for a month about this ‘(L/n)-kun’ guy! You need some sort of comfort! Or better yet-closure!”
“I am completely fine! In fact, I see him every night, and that is enough for me! Now, I do not wish to be here, and I have nothing to describe!”
Everyone fell silent. Uraraka voice was barely above a whisper. “Every night..?”
Iida sat back down, bowing slightly in apology for yelling. He said nothing. Todoroki looked down, before looking at Iida.
“If you do this one thing, we’ll let you go and we’ll never speak about it again. Just this once and we’ll leave it at that.”
Iida thought for a moment. He absentmindedly picked at the metal frame of his watch with his thumb and forefinger. Just this once couldn’t hurt. How accurate can a drawing be?
“Fine.” Iida visibly relaxed. “Just this once.”
“So, are you describing a boy or a girl today?”
Kaitekina’s voice was smooth like butter. Her eyes, once a chocolate brown, delved pink, bright and demanding. It was probably a side effect to her quirk activating.
Iida’s lips turned up into the faintest of smiles. A sheepish one. “I’m describing my boyfriend...”
Uraraka and Midoryia choked back a shocked gasp, while Todoroki simply raised his eyebrows. Nonetheless, they gawked at Iida like he was crazy.
Kaitekina cooed. “D’aww...how long have you two been dating?”
“Almost 5 months now.” Iida seemed more calm than before. You could almost say he was happy finally talking about his baggage. He rubbed his thumb across the glass of his watch discreetly. Kaitekina looked away from her sketch to eye the dull red watch contained under Iida’s blazer.
“What’s that red thing you keep touching under your jacket? Is that a watch?”
Iida sat quiet for a moment, before pulling up his sleeve and raising his arm. There revealed a dirty, cheap red watch, cloudy but functional. He tugged at the strap, watching as it unraveled and tumbled down onto his lap.
“It was something my boyfriend wore everyday. He wore it everyday since the start of the school year. He said he’d always cherish it, so I’m...cherishing it for him.”
“This isn’t the original one he owned though, that one...disappeared. I bought this one to keep with me where ever I go.”
The woman hummed, taking note of something on a sticky note stuck to the edge of her easel. It was most likely details to add or emphasize in the portrait.
“Can you tell me like-the shape of his face?”
Iida didn’t say anything else after that. Kaitekina waited for him to go on.
“Oh-forgive me. Round face, and his hair was a (h/c)-ish shade. It was always kept rather short/long.”
“You keep saying ‘was’. Is he no longer with us?”
Iida narrowed his eyes. Uraraka, Midoryia, and Todoroki eagerly awaited his answer, not-so-subtly staring him down. “It’s...it’s difficult to explain. But in simpler terms, he isn’t here with me anymore. Or he never was. I cannot seem to tell anymore.”
Those last parts came out as a whisper. More like he was saying it to himself, rather than to the sketch artist infront of him.
“I’m...sorry.” Kaitekina stopped drawing for a second to offer her condolences. Iida shrugged.
“...I am too.”
“Um-can you describe his eyes for me?”
“It was a bright (e/c)-color.” Iida limply held up his arm, before letting it drop back down on his lap. “They were always kind of squinted, like he was always so carefree. It was one of the things I never understood about him. Beautiful, (e/c) eyes that would stare up at me like I was the world.”
She made a noise of acknowledgement, grabbing (h/c) and (e/c) pastels scattered across her desk. Scribbling down details with her hazey glowing eyes scanning the paper, she looked up again at Iida. “What about his smile-what did it look like when he was smiling?”
“I believe it was his default expression. His lips were on the thinner/thicker side, though he kept telling me he wanted them to be a bit thicker/thinner. And-they were always chapped. I always told him to put on chapstick.” Iida chuckled.
“If you had to choose one thing-and I know it’s hard, but what would you say you miss the most about him?”
Iida fell silent. He stared down at his fingers, halting temporarily. He opened his mouth numerous times to speak, but each time, no words came out.
“His ability to make me smile.”
He said nothing else. Kaitekina inhaled to speak, but let her mouth fall closed, focusing on her drawing once more.
“Can you tell me about him while I finish up?”
Iida nodded. Midoryia, Todoroki, and Uraraka turned towards him, waiting patiently. This was what they were waiting for.
Iida pushed his glasses up with his forefinger. “His name was (L/n)-kun. He went to our school, and actually sat next to me in class-but apparently no one...seemed to remember him. It’s like he disappeared. That, or my delusions delved to the point where I hallucinated a whole five-month relationship with a boy I see every night in my dreams. It’s made me look forward to going to bed. It’s the only thing I want to do these days.”
Iida thought for a moment, before continuing. “He was good friends with these 3 next to me. But they don’t seem to remember him either.”
“It’s alright, though. I’ve grown used to it. I’ll see him again tonight and I can live on with these memories alone.”
A heavy silence filled the small studio. Midoryia contemplated setting a hand on Iidas shoulder, but as he was about to, Kaitekina clasped her hands together.
“So, I believe I’m done. I hope I was able to capture at least a small part of this person you had such an amazing relationship with.” She picked up her sketchbook, walking around her desk towards the 4 kids seated on the couch. “Are you ready to see it?”
Part of Iida didn’t want to look at it. All of his logical beliefs told him people were giving this woman and her quirk too much credit. Besides, how could she possibly know what mountain of complexity (Y/n) held, and capture it into an unworthy piece of fine-tooth paper?
He nodded anyways. She flipped her book around, holding up the displayed page in the sunlight streaming through the window.
“This is what you described to me.”
There stood a charcoal sketch of a beautiful boy, smiling so gently and earnestly. His hand was resting again set his neck and shoulder, a dull red watch strapped tightly to his wrist. There were features Iida swore he never mentioned, like the crease near his left eye, or the dimple that lay just under his cheekbone.
What captured his attention most, was his eyes. It was only pastel, but it shone and demanded attention, even if his eyes were in his usual half-lidded stance. Bright, (e/c), gemstone eyes that Iida fell in love with. Honestly, he could gaze at this picture forever.
This was him. This was his (Y/n).
Uraraka gasped. “Ahhhh! Wow! It looks really good! Ne, is this accura...Iida? You alright..?” Midoryia and Todoroki tore their eyes off the illustration to check out what Uraraka was talking about.
Iida was staring, eyes slightly wide, at the drawing. He couldn’t take his eyes off of it; he didn’t want to. The drawing was more accurate than he’d like to admit. It was as if he was staring at (Y/n) himself.
He didn’t know tears were steaming down his face, until he felt small drops of water pelt down onto his lap. He removed his glasses shakily and wiped his eyes, doing his best not to take his eyes off the sketchbook.
“It’s-“ Iida’s voice cracked along with the seam of his heart. “It’s very accurate, you should be proud of the business you own, Miss.”
The stagnant air followed the UA students out of the building. Iida was stiffly walking straight ahead, doing his best not to look at the paper of (Y/n) folded in his pocket.
“Ne, Iida,” Iida hadn’t realized he was walking so far ahead until Uraraka had to jog up to him, followed by Midoryia and Todoroki. He hummed in acknowledgment.
“Do you feel better?”
There were two answers to this question. Yes and slowly but surely, yes. He was feeling better in the sense that he no longer had the urge to cry into his bedsheets, holding the piece of sketchbook paper firmly to his chest. He lost his dignity, and he found it again.
He was also feeling better in the sense that he finally got some sort of closure. Maybe this person isn’t real. And it’s ok. He has some sort of proof of his imaginary ‘friend’ that he can gaze at forever, instead of pitifully checking his wristwatch every 5 minutes, wishing it would go faster just so he wouldn’t accidentally forget how his face looked like.
It wasn’t healthy living day by day, waiting to fall asleep just so he could feel something again. A self imagined kiss on the cheek or just plain rest. He was willing to move on from that. It was time to start the ‘healing’ process. The drip finally stopped.
And he knew that if he got tired, if he was sad, or just needing some assistance, (Y/n) would be there waiting for him with open arms, welcoming him into his imaginary world again.
Though, he wasn’t sure if he really needed that right now.
He loosened the cheap red watch from his wrist, his head suddenly feeling empty and light.
“I’m feeling better. Thank you.”
This is how this story really ends. Though, even I didn’t like it HAHAHA so I made a “true ending”. A sweeter ending without the bitter if u must LMAOO
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sunajax · 3 years
babe ko happy valentine’s day
babe thank you because you always there for me, loving me unconditional and i love you.,
babe i know we argued sometimes but i the end of the day we always settled it,
i love you babe, you are my only one., i vow to love you,. and no matter what challenge might carry
us apart.. we always find our way back to each other,. pangarap ko babe ko (future wife ko), sexylove ko
mahal na mahal kita babe ko.,. happy valentine’s day..
finally!! tiwala lang babe magkakasama rin tayo.. dito na tayo mag celebrate sa wall ko.,. wait kita babe ko..ayyyyiiiie exited na ko babe ko na makasama ka,. magagawa din natin ang hindi na natin magawa.,.
pero pag legal na po tayo bothside i think babe baka naman tau na ang magsawa.,. thank you po sa lahat
lahat babe ko.,. suportahan na lang po natin ang isat-isa babe ko para mas lalo pa po natin mapagtibay
ang relasyon natin.,. nag papasalamat ako kay god kase ikaw yung special gift nia sa akin.,. babe ko
pasensya na minsan nagliligalig din ako babe ko, na mimiss lang po talaga kita,. salamat babe ko kase kahit tupakin ako andito ka paden sa tabi ko, hindi mo ko magawang iwanan, hindi ka nagbabago,..
para sayo babe ko di kita ipagpapalit sa iba kase mahal na mahal po kita.,.
sana pag na basa mo to.👋kahit busy ka😂👊 basahin mo padin to kahit paulit ulit hangang sa maumay kana sa ka kornehan ko😄😄babe ko..
haha d mo pa nasisimulan ako na yung kinikilig.. kahit araw araw ko man gawi to.ok lang mapasaya lng kita.,. pasenya na babe sa kadramahan ko kung baga. 😑 sasabihin mo nanaman dami kong alam😒😒. e sa gusto ko e. 😂 hmm paano ba to wag kang kiligin hah mainis ka nalang haha oa e. 😅 miss na miss na kita 😕 gusto kita ult makasama.ksi nga diba alam mo na. oh sya uumpisahan ko na pwede na tong ipadala sa mmk✉ 😂. sa kasweetan kong to pati kilikili mo namamawis na. 😂 oh sya. ehem.mahal kita kaya iintindihin kita ☺. kahit sobrang hirap na di tau legal bothside..
kahit nakakapagod na minsan. pero alam mo ba kahit na ganun 😏😪. hindi ko inisip na sumuko 😒. hindi ko inisip palitan ka. kasi nga mahal kita! 😂. alam mo ba yun? nakakainis at nakakatanga man isipin pero hinding hindi kita iiwan. kahit nagmumukha pa mang akong tanga sa ibang tao 😂.kahit ilang beses mo pa akong pinapaiyak tuwing nag aaway tayo (oops sory babe nadulas ako). titiisin ko ☺💔🙈. ayoko kasing mawala ka eh. wag ka sanang mainis kung masyado akong selfish 😅. gusto ko kasi akin ka lang. ayoko ng kaagaw. wag mo akong ipagpapalit sa iba ha?😂 i love you so much more babe 😍💘
i hope u appreciate my simple gift for you.🎁 wag kang kiligin jan simple lng yan haha tumigil ka!.😁 tapos😆 wedding na 👰⛪🙊🙉🙈😻😹 chos! *nangarap* yung sabi mong kapit lang ha👫 uo naman alangan bumitaw pa ako hahaha di na kita bibitawan. haha joke. kakapit ako as long as i can. as long as i love you
☺😊 be patient lang ha. kasi ako sobra sobra sobrang haba ng pasensya ko kahit na sarap mo ng batukan.😡hindi man ako kagwapohan atleast totoo ako sayo😊😄 sorry kasi minsan malandi ako 😠👊 kasi palagi mo nalang akong pinagseselosan😶😈😈 wag mo akong iwan kotong ka talaga sakin😛😂👊 hahah hah ha d joke lng babe😂😂✌ syempre hindi ko magagawa sayo yun😚😘 mamahal kita eh babe.😍👑 salamat sa pag iintindi sa ugali ko. 😅 thankyou din sa pag checheer up sakin tuwing down na down ako  at sasamahan mo pa ng pang aasar e. 😑 haha alam mo, syempre d mo pa alam ksi sasbihin ko pa lng . eto na 😁 even though we have our fights, we get pissed at each other and sometimes we just go off. but one things is for sure i never give up on you. 😗 💪ugh shit! english. ako na nosebleed 😨😧😂 haha mahal na mahal kita alam mo yun diba sabihin mong hindi... makakatikim ka talaga ng kotong 😂💪👊 tas kakagatin kita sa braso mo😁😁 tas may pahabol pang kurot sabay kiss😘😘😄😄 kasi pagktapos ko gawin yun babawi ka 😝😝😝😜 mababaliktad ang lahat ikaw na ang galit 😞😂 ikaw na ang mangbubugbog hahhha pero ang lakas mo talaga maki pagaway sakin💪👊😂 kagabi lang😱 kaya hindi ako napapagud sayo kasi ako kumukuha ng lakas babe😍👑
you are the reason why i became stronger. but still, you are my weakness. i promise not to go away if u promise to stay. 🔒 stay with me please just hold on. 🙏😔 bat kasi sobrang ganda mo. 😑 hahahaaa😁😁😚! yan naman talaga yung kanina mo pa hinihintay na sabihin ko wag kang ngumiti jan ngayon lang yan. ganda mo kasi. 😍 haha naalala ko tuwing nagmamayday ka pacute ka ng pa cute 😂
*kalog*nakakagigil lang e.😘😊. tuwang tuwa kana niyan? 😂 yang pang aasar mo na wagas at sagad alam ko naman na yun yung way mo para maging sweet. 😑 pero over na a👊 kiss nalang sa pisnge dapat 😂 oh baka d kana fucos sa pag-aaral niyan kakagatin nman kita😂 😍 a may bukas pa para makapagchat pa tayo. taposin mo to ha. 😙😘😚 ngayon lang ult ako magpopost ng ganitong long sweet message. 😀😁 i love you, i’m inlove with you 😍 and all your little things. hahaha english again!! mahihimatay kana niyan! 😅miss ko na yng kalog mo sakin e *mapagasar* uwi kana nga dito sa bahay para naman maakap ulit kita.,.hnd na ako magagalit! ang hirap lang kapag maganda ang gf mo daming nag hi/hello 👊 dami mang humahaliparot sau deretsyo lang ang tingin! 😡👀 at sakin lang ah! kung hindi naku! mananapak talaga ako. 💪😂 hahah😁😁👊! yung mga promises ha pakitupad pls! 😊 yung mga bilin ko ha. wag kalimotan matanda na ako pero hnd ulyanin alalahanin 😘. at kahit na minsan wla kang pasimtabe. nababalewala ako. ok lng matatag to. 😊 change for the better! but don’t change the whole you. stay sweet,carring, and masungit 😑😊. babe! akin ka lng puedi? haha sorry madamot ako e. 😊 ohh siya taposin ko na ng maisara mo na yang nakabuka😨😷 mong bunganga.😁😂🙈 ill always be here for you. to support you. i’ll always love you no matter how the world tries to separate us. 👊 i’ve never loved anyone the way i love you. your my other half. my love. my girlfriend. my happy ever after. you’re everything i have ever hope and wished for. thank god that you found me and i found you.  😍😍😍😍😘😘😘😘😚👉i love you babe muah😍😘
akala ko dati wala nang tatanggap sakin kase ganito ko pero hindi pala meron pa palang ikaw 👸❤ na mamahalin ako kung ano ako at tanggap ako thankyou. i just want you to say i love you with pure honesty is morethan enough ❤❤❤💕💓💑 muaahhhh 💋💋💋 trust makes us stronger together 💑👫👪❤ gusto ko lang ipagmalaki sa lahat ng makakabasa yung girlfriend kong walang katulad. una sa lahat at hindi sa huli happy valentine’s day charot hahahaha i love you babe😊😍😘 hindi ko alam pano i eexplain sayo kung gano kita kamahal because words aren’t enough to explain how much i do. uy kiligin ka jusme kahit araw araw ko man ginawa to at hindi ko inakalang ma’s mahaba pa to sa pagmamahal ko sayo. hahaha ang corny neto pero wala eh tinamaan ako sayo mahal kitang maligalig ka kaya ayan gusto ko malaman mo kung gano kita kamahal gusto kita mapangiti at mapasaya kahit hindi ako ganto, kahit anong klase ng kakornihan hahamakin ko para sayo (haneeep😂) sobrang thankful ako na pinakilala ka ni god sken. alam mo na rin naman yun walang nag akala na aabot tayo sa ganto imagine dati ang sinasabi nila hindi tayo tatagal pero now yung mga nagsabi nun nakailang jowa na but we’re still together. 😨😍😍 siguro isip isip ng mga yun wow sila pa din? hahaha. oo tayo pa din ❤ at hindi ko hahayaan na masayang yung kung ano mang meron tayo 😊 (walang papalag👊) ang dami na kaya nating pinagdaanan, ilang beses na din tayo muntik na tuluyang maghiwalay, sa huli tayo pa din talaga 😊❤ (hays inlove na inlove ka kasi sken pero its a tie ganun din naman ako sayo😊) alam kong napakaselosa mo, alam ko din na kung minsan napipikon kna sa ugali ko, alam ko na minsan sumosobra na pagiging insensitive ko at nasasaktan na kita pero hindi mo ako iniwan 😊 nagtiis ka. pinakisamahan mo ako ng maayos kahit madalas ang sarap ko ng sapakin. (di mo ko masapak kasi boss ka pero big boss ako. bwahaha) hindi mo ako binitawan kahit nung time na alam kong pwede mo akong iwan, sumosobra na ko pero ikaw natitiis mo. pag may topak ako damay ka pero napapakamot ka na lang ng ulo sabay tanong ng “anong gusto mo gawin ko abnuy ka” at syempre dahil abnormal ako papakantahin kita. papasayawin or pagtitripan tapos ikaw okay lang sayo. okay lang sayo kasi ang gusto mo lang naman ay ang makitang masaya ako. 💯😊😍 ang lakas makahaba ng hair nung feeling na alam ko at some point napagod ka pero kahit ganun nag stay ka 😍💋 every relationship has bumps but the ones that prosper are able to do so because they dont give up. ang dami nating away bago umabot ng isangbuwan. ilang beses ka nasaktan, ilang beses ako nasaktan, ilang beses tayong nagkasakitan, ilang beses tayong nahirapan pero ganun naman talaga diba? true love ain’t easy and easy ain’t true love 💘✔💯 ngayon mag-isang buwan na tayo next month tapos ngayon papakasalan na kita joke lang po 😊💋❤ hindi perfect yung relationship naten but i dont want a perfect relationship cause all i really need is a relationship with you. hindi ko kailangan ng perpekto ikaw lang ang kailangan ko. diba palagi kong sinasabi sayo na sayo lang ako hanggang bukas pati sa mga susunod na bukas. kahit gwapo ako (joke) papanindigan ko yan 😊 kung meron man akong hindi gagawin hindi kita bibigyan ng dahilan para iwan ako dahil hindi ko kayang mawala ka sken 😊 sorry kung masyado akong oa, at seloso ang ganda mo kasi kaya takot na takot akong mawala ka haha but i fell in love with you not for how you look, just for who you are 😍😊😘 so there’s this girl, and the way she laughs makes me smile, and the way she talks gives me butterflies, and everything about her makes me happy, and that is you, you are my one and only 😊 ang pagkamamahal ko sayo parang pabebe boy.. walang makakapigil 👊✋💯😛 kahit bigyan mo ko ng isang daang dahilan para iwan ka may isang dahilan para mag stay sayo at yun ay dahil mahal na mahal kita. hindi ko sasabihing mamamatay ako pag nawala ka gasgas na yun haha, pero seryoso pag nawala ka mawawalan ng saysay ang buhay ko. at pag inagaw ka hindi ako magpapakamatay dahil makakapatay ako (hahaha matakot na kayo mga bes 🐍🐍🐍) joke lang, masyad
first of all pota?!?!?! did u make this or what HAHAHA second of all ofc sayo lang ako yieeee pota gatekeeping HAHAHA,, geh nga give me 100 reasons why you love me HAHAHA tangina jae what is this AHAHHA the fact that i read it but pota i had a hard time kasi there was so much tagalog gago AHHAHA
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mayraki · 4 years
“The next morning”
jj x reader
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not my gif! credits to the owner.
a lovely anonymous requested; can u make a jjxreader where y/n dates rafe but kinda has a thing for jj. so one night they kiss at the party, but she takes it further by taking her sleeves off. they have sex and then the next morning jj is nowhere to be found and ignores her all the time. sry if its too long hahaha xx
summary: you decide to go to a Pogue party after a pretty bad breakup with your boyfriend, Rafe. But the Pogue King is there for the rescue, and things go a little bit too far.
“Break-ups suck.” You said after a while of looking at yourself in the mirror.
“Yeah. They do.” Your friend, Haley, said behind you. “But they suck less when you break up with an asshole.” She got up from the bed and walked towards you. “You look hot as fuck. Stop being a little bitch and let’s have some fun at this party.”
“You’re so lovely.” You said sarcastically and Haley let out a big laugh. “I don’t know if I want to go.”
“Don’t be like that. You need to get laid. You broke up with that asshole two months ago and you haven’t left your room. The crying is over. It’s party time.”
“Yeah.. maybe you’re right.”
“Maybe? I’m always right.”
“But the party is at The Cut, are you sure they want us there?”
“That’s why I got this!” She took from under her bed a pack of beers. “They can’t say no to this!”
“Where did you get that from?!” You asked surprised.
“I have my ways.” She said proudly and you shook your head.
“You’re a troublemaker, you know that?”
“That’s my second name, darling.” She said and you let out a little laugh while turning to the mirror once again.
Let’s have some fun tonight.
“Oh my god, I love the parties they have.” Haley said once you two stepped on the beach.
The music was loud and all you could see was teenagers dancing and drinking along the sand. There was some people on the water and you asked yourself how could they be there with this cold weather... and then realized that you needed to a drink.
You received some looks from the Pogues but you didn’t cared. Most of them knew you for being the daughter of the man who owned the most popular hotel on Outer Banks, and dating the famous Rafe Cameron, made you even more noticeable. You were used to it, to the attention, and you learnt how to ignore it and didn’t care what others think since you had to deal with that since you were a little kid. But sometimes you wished that it would stopped, everyone, and be a normal person so the people would stop looking at your money and see you as a spoiled kid. But people only chose to see what they wanted so you stopped trying to fit in, and also, stopped giving a fuck.
You gave a big sip to your beer and noticed that half of it was already gone when you bottle left your mouth. You were on your third bottle and it felt like nothing was happening inside, so you decided to finish the one that you had on your hand quickly and go for another one.
As you were walking to the bucket where the beers were, you heard some screams with excitement and you turned to the noise. That’s when you noticed the famous JJ Maybank, who had finished his drink quickly and won the challenge he was playing with some strangers. You watched his arms tensed while he was celebrating and you bit your lower lip trying to hide your smile.
You’ve always had a little think for the guy. He looked like so much fun and the life of the party. And the special part, he was extremely hot. He didn’t passed unnoticed, all the girls fancied him and you always wanted to introduce yourself to him, but that changed once you got into a relationship and didn’t seemed to be right thing to do.
But now you were a free women and in need of a good distraction, what a better way than with the Pogue King?
“Dance with me!” You said to your best friend while trying to keep your balance straight. The alcohol was giving you the impact you needed for the night, the confidence you wanted for your regular life.
“Y/n, i’m kinda busy right now!” She said while giving the guy who was next to her a little look. You rolled your eyes and went to the where the people were dancing all by yourself.
You made your way to the center and started to let the music guide your body. Everyone was disappearing around you and it was just the music and your body. You needed this so much that you didn’t gave a fuck about everyone staring at you. Until you opened your eyes and you noticed a blonde guy looking at your body. You smiled to yourself and closed your eyes once again.
Suddenly, you felt some hands touching your waist and you turned to see who it was, still dancing to the music, but were disappointed when the guy you wanted to be, wasn’t the one in front of you.
“Wanna dance?” The kook guy asked you once the tried to grabbed your waist once again.
“I’ll pass.” You said walking away but the guy didn’t gave up, he started to follow you. “I heard you broke up with Cameron.” He said and you rolled your eyes.
“Yep.” You looked around trying to look for your best friend, but she was nowhere to be seen.
“Maybe we can-” he started to say but you cut him off.
“There’s no we.” You said and then walked away once again. But the guy wasn’t having your no, he kept walking behind you, following you around but more discrete this time.
What’s with this type of guys that can’t understand a simple ‘no’. You thought as you were looking for a way to lose him. That’s when you saw a bunch of people walking towards the dance floor and you took the opportunity to blend in and lose him. But that didn’t last long, since when you stepped out of the huge group, you saw him a couple of steps away from you looking around. You turned around and saw a house next to some trees. You didn’t hesitate and started to run towards it.
Great idea Y/n, go to a less populated area. This is how he founds you and then kill you. You thought once you walked to the side of the house and hide behind some old van. A van! Perfect for the kidnapper. This is how horror movies start!
You saw the lights off on the house and decided to go inside, since your heart skipped a beat when you saw the guy getting closer to the house.
Your hand touched the door and you thanked for being opened but then asked yourself why the hell was open in the first place.
Great, you go from hiding behind a van to going into a stranger’s house. Smart Y/n.
“Are you ok?” A voice said behind you and you jumped at the sudden noise.
“What the fuck!” You said once you turned around and you saw that it wasn’t the guy you were trying to lose, but instead, was the hot blonde guy you had a little bit of a crush on, JJ Maybank.
“Sorry princess! Didn’t mean to scare you.” He said lifting his hands on the air and you took your hand to your chest trying to calm yourself. “What are you doing here anyway?”
“Trying to hide from a creep who was following me at the party.”
“And you decided to hide on the creepy dark house on the side of the beach?” He asked and you nodded.
“Yeah, I know, not my best decision. But I lost him, that’s what counts.” You shrugged your shoulders watching out the window and noticing he was nowhere to be seen.
“I never expected to have the famous Y/n Y/l/n on my house.” He said and a smirk appeared on your face.
“And I never expected to be talking to the famous JJ Maybank.” You said and he let out a little laugh.
“I’m famous around the kooks because they want to kill me.” He said and you shook your head with a tiny smile.
“That’s only the guys.”
“Why’s that?” He asked furrowing his eyebrows.
“You’re famous around the girls for another reason.” You said and a smirk appeared on his face.
“Are you on that group?” He asked and you hold the eye contact without saying anything for a couple of seconds.
“You want me to be?” You didn’t knew where your sudden confident came, probably the alcohol you had in your system, but you liked they way this was going and the smile that appeared on JJ’s face.
“Maybe.” He said and you felt your heart beating faster once he started to move towards you.
You opened your eyes and immediately you felt a slight pain in your head. The light was blinding your sight and you covered it with your hand trying to remember how did you end up in this strange bed with no clothes on.
That’s when the image of JJ came into your mind and your heart skipped a beat. You turned to the other side of the bed and it was empty. You furrowed your eyebrows and got up from the bed, putting your clothes on and walking away from the room.
JJ was nowhere to be seen. It’s not like you wanted to see him desperately, but you didn’t expect for him to disappear. Yes, he didn’t own you anything like you didn’t own him anything either. But, deep down, you wanted to see him.
“Where the fuck did you go last night?” Your friend asked you once you meet her at the coffee place you two liked to hang out.
“I can ask the same question to you.” You said lifting an eyebrow and she shook your head.
“I asked first.”
“What are we? Ten? I looked for you everyone and you disappeared after like two hours of being at the party.”
“Well... I went to make out with the hottie I was talking to.” She said quickly and you let out a little laugh for the way she said it. “Now. Your turn.”
“Well...” you were saying but when JJ appeared on your sight, you looked at him and your friend noticed.
“Yeah, you’re going to tell me that you fucked the famous and very hot JJ Maybank.” She said jokingly and when you didn’t say anything back, her mouth opened in surprise. “You didn’t.” You nodded with a little smile on your face. “I want to know everything! Like, is he good? Of course he is! What kind of question is that? Uh! I know! How big?”
“Haley! I’m not saying!” You let out a little laugh and that made JJ turned to you. You have him a little smile but he turned the other way without giving you any expression. You furrowed your eyebrows confused.
What the hell?
“What are you going to do now?” She asked and that made you locked eyes with her.
“What do you mean?”
“We both know you always had a little bit of a crush on him. I mean, who doesn’t?”
“It was just a one time thing, nothing else.”
“Baby, you don’t let a man like that get away.” She shook your head. “You have to talk to him.”
“And say what?”
“I don’t know! Maybe that you had a good a time and you would like to see him again.”
“He’s probably going to say no.” You shook your head.
“C’mon! Stop being so insecure! You’re so fucking gorgeous god dammit! You’re Y/n Y/l/n! The one and only! You’re going to talk to him and that’s the end of the story.” She said and you shook your head.
“What did I do to deserve you?”
“Nothing. So you better give me present.” She said jokingly.
After walking to the beach and seeing JJ, you decided to follow Hayley’s words and talk to him. You weren’t looking for something serious, but you couldn’t take JJ out of your mind.
You started to walk towards him but stopped once he saw you and then turned the other way. You furrowed your eyebrows confused and annoyed at the same time. What the fuck is wrong with him?
The thought of him regretting the night before came into your mind and your stomach turned. You didn’t want to face that, but you needed to know the truth, instead of just thinking about what could had happen if you confronted him about it.
You walked faster to him and when you knew he was going to be able to hear you, your mouth opened.
“You know maybe you should grow some and tell me you don’t want anything to do with me instead of ignoring me and acting like a fucking coward.” You said loud enough and JJ stopped walking. He turned to you and you watched his wet hair on his face, you liked that. You face palmed yourself on the inside for thinking how hot he looked on that moment.
“What?” He asked.
“You heard me. Tell me, because I had the best fucking time last night.” You said more softly this time. “And I wanted to see you again, but if you don’t, I’ll walk away. But just tell me.”
He stood there looking at your with those blue eyes and you felt like the were looking at your soul. He sighed and then looked at the sand.
“I had a good time too. And... I can’t take you off my mind.” He confessed and you took his words for surprise. You didn’t expect that. “But I can’t.”
“Why not?”
“The Kooks already want my head.”
“Fuck those guys.”
“It’s easy for you to say, just wait until he finds out I’m talking to his ex girlfriend.”
“Rafe? He’s an asshole.” You said getting closer to him.
“You got that right.” He said with a smile. “But you and me? You’re a kook, I’m a Pogue. You can do better-”
“Fuck that! Fuck the kooks and fuck everything else.”
“I like that.” He said with a smile and you let out a little laugh. He looked down to your lips and you took the opportunity to get even more closer to his body. He grabbed your waist and then your cheek.
“So what do you say? Let’s make a lot of trouble?” You said and he let out a big smile while nodding.
“That’s my favorite plan.”
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liyuesbian · 3 years
AAAA kokomi quest time :>
same here I thought it was a pretty solid quest overall!! agree that the first half was kinda eh because she just felt too Nice about everything, a little too willing to help people instead of saying "i have some stuff to prepare and am not available rn" (when the Watatsumi citizens were crowding around Traveler and her, I had flashbacks to Barbara's hangout event rip). but the second half got better thankfully. I think even though there's no morally gray kokomi, they still gave her character some flair that's different from before? like you said, the thing where she's forced by heritage to be the divine priestess but doesn't actually want to; i quite liked that, since although she's emotionally drained from her job, she's not like Jean or other characters that sacrifice themselves because they truly like their job and want to help people in that way. kokomi helps people out of obligation and would much rather be doing military strategizing and i love that for her. I want her to be a bit more selfish too, even if it's not in a villainous kind of way; perhaps a scenario where she pulls a xingqiu and just becomes a military strategist/general instead of the job she inherited (actually her and xq would be really interesting together, even if xingqiu doesn't reveal that he's the legend of sword author lol). somehow she gives me only child vibes hahsdjfs
agree!! when she said "it would be so nice if all my work could do itself" I Felt that :') her moments of childishness are very endearing 😌
YEAH the war was finally addressed in some capacity and the Not All Is Well mood, especially the mixed opinions in Watatsumi among both civilians and the soldiers. also agree that the npc opinions were very good and it's nice that some of them are dissatisfied for different reasons, like that old woman you mentioned talking about Watatsumi's god vs the soldier's grievances against the Tenryou Commission! It's not just quietly resolved and that's way better than how the ei quest went hsdfjs. I also loved kokomi's and sara's scene hsdjfsd I was surprised but thankful they actually showed them negotiating the treaty terms instead of just doing a cutscene and illustrating that kokomi (and sara) are good diplomats and know their stuff. they need to put their brains on display more. the quest is also warming me up to kokosara lol
it's fine villain kokomi lives on in our hearts (or in aus lmao)
also expand on kokomi and hu tao? o-o they sound interesting
OH YEAH i forgot about barbara's hangout event !
mhm my thoughts exactly. omg i never thought about that.. her and xingqiu would make such great friends! the indirect interaction through his book ties everything together well too :O i'm thinking the whole author-book lover dynamic ajiodfsfiadjn kokomi gushing over her favourite author, [xingqiu's pseudonym]. OR maybe a modern au where kkm is xq's editor?! OR her as a super fan and beta reader?! honestly, kkm and xq are one of my favourite characters so far and it'd rly make me happy to see them interacting 😭 OH did u happen to see this fanart of the hydro gang in a book club? (while i was trying to find the link to the post, i also found this gem! AHHH they're both so cute!)
they rly are!
yep yep haha O I FORGOT 2 TALK ABT THAT KOKOSARA MOMENT !!! i agree, that scene showed us all that kkm is very much capable in doing her job despite it not being her first choice in career.
yes (!!! hmm this is giving me ideas for kokosara angst hc.. after the negotiations are over and peace has somewhat returned between both sides, kkm stabs them in the back, sara hurt by the betrayal and kkm seemingly cold-hearted and stern-faced, unaffected by the situation saying it was all necessary as the divine priestess, the current heiress of sanganomiya, to carry out the will of her ancestors and to sustain the protection of her people in watatsumi but deep down she knows she doesn't want to do this (the same canon wanting to stray away from her lineage). either way, it is too late now. the destruction of the shogun's govt and her vision of eternity was always meant to happen in due time.)
as for kokotao, i think what initially attracted me to their ship is similar to what first drew me to kokosara...
right off the bat, their clashing visuals/aesthetics HAHAHA
hu tao would totally be down to read kkm books as she falls asleep, kkm would do the same too! (if she can get ht to sleep that is lol)
their clashing personalities and way of thinking, ht's chaotic mindset and kkm's well-planned and tactician-like abilities... even their food preferences differ too! (god, reading their voice lines for kkm's least/ht's fave food srsly makes me think they were made for each other)
i think in a modern au (and in genshin too i guess), they'd be great "business" partners. as in, they kind of make up for what the other lacks (in both a domestic and working way) - kkm's strategic skills could be used to bring more customers in for hu tao and hu tao would be able to deal with the social side of kkm's job (just thinking about it makes me swoon, they'd be so in love)
let's be real here, i think kkm would be p easy to tease and ht would have tons of fun pranking her and telling her jokes etc.
in a gameplay perspective, ht loses hp and kkm is a healer !! (aww only true gfs fight alongside each other)
in the same way hydro puts out pyro, kkm can reign ht in when it get's a little too much (but not in a way where she's stopping ht from being who she is if ygm) and vice versa for ht being able to "give" kkm a bit of her own energy
there's probably a lot more but those are my reasons for now haha
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