#that’s still my fave fic i’ve ever written and it means So Much that ppl are enjoying the azula parts as much as the zukka parts
adriancatrin · 2 years
not to offhandedly brag or anything but i just want to state Somewhere that ppl commenting on my post-war fic telling me that it’s the best azula redemption arc they’ve ever read straight up makes me CRY. like. wtaF that is such a high compliment and i have no idea how to say thank u so i’ve barely been replying to the comments
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speedbump-mannequin · 3 years
Putting this over here bc I know you guys aren't squicked...
Was tagged by @exquisiteagony and @dysphorie !! Ty!!!
20 writer questions
1: how many works do you have on ao3?
58 on my pseud 😎
2: what my total ao3 wordcount?
210,789. About half of them are phallic euphemisms.
3: how many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Mostly Manson with a little Slipknugget and MIW, and a lot of crossovers.
4: what are my top five fics by kudos?
Choose, Pick, Sold, Protection, Chosen
5: do i respond to comments, why or why not?
Yes!!! Bc I appreciate every one. Also bc it bothers me to have an odd number of comments. 😂 But mostly bc they're amazing and I want to say thank you.
6: what’s the fic i’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Maybe Nexus? Or A Passing Glance. Or Earned. The ones where ppl die. 😂
7: what’s the fic i’ve written with the happiest ending?
Hmmmm I think the ending to Cancelled is really uplifting, bc you know they're winning. Or maybe Words, bc there's so much relief.
8: do i write crossovers? if so, what’s the craziest thing i’ve written?
Yes!!!! I love playing mix-and-match!!! Magic School Bus might be the weirdest one. Though I got more shame for the Jurassic Park one...
9: have i ever received hate on a fic?
Yeppers. Outside of my regular readers, who I love immensely, I mostly get a poor reception. 😂
10: do i write smut? if so, what kind?
I've never, in my entire life, written anything that isn't smut. I like both slash and mf. I prob write more slash, just bc I find the dynamics fun and gay sex is good.
11: have i ever had a fic stolen?
Not as far as I know.
12: have i ever had a fic translated?
No. That would blow my mind.
13: have i ever co-write a fic?
Not really? I've worked with the amazing @90sdiablo, but idk if that's exactly co-writing. I don't do well on collabs, tbh. I put a lot of pressure on myself. I do like discussing ideas tho 😊
14: what’s my all time favourite ship?
Love Jimson (Jim Root/Marilyn Manson) and my OT3 is those 2 plus Peter Steele. Plus Jim is a werewolf and Peter is a vampire. 😌 Really, though, I don't get too attached to most ships. They're fun to play with. I don't take them too srsly.
15: what’s a wip i want to finish but don’t think i ever will?
I have this really old purgatory torture porn that I want to finish so much (he makes her eat her own toe and I re-read it occasionally just for that). Also a blood magic piece. But alas.
16: what’s my writing strengths?
My uncanny ability to turn literally anything into a horror movie or porno, esp if it involves 2+ unrelated things, and esp esp if one of those things is Manson. It's like lead to gold. Magic.
17: what’s my writing weakness?
Just getting started, doing the middle part, and ending it. Also, confidence.
18: what’s my thought on writing dialogue in other languages in fic?
I think it's hard to do well. It's a matter of using correct translations so you don't lose your multilingual readers, and still getting the meaning across for your monolingual readers. I think it works well in films, where you still have body language, tone, and context, but can be awkward when written. Respect to everyone who does it well.
19: what was the first fandom i wrote for?
Crossover between Labyrinth and an amateur de Sade homage I really liked as a kid. Of course, this was before I knew what fandom or fanfic was. I was just writing stuff. 🤷‍♀️
20: what’s my favourite fic i’ve written:
The one I posted most recently. I fall in love while I'm writing. Later, that fic becomes cringy and bad and I need another love.
I think my faves have been tagged? I might be wrong. My thinkmeat is soft. If you see this, I tag you!!!! 💚
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bleachbleachbleach · 3 years
I just wanted to say that I love, love, love your tags on that character/tool post a lot! Some of my favorite shows/books involve characters that can't keep it together and just barely make it to the end of the story or make it there in an "inconvenient way" and tbh I find that usually the narratives that follow these characters don't really work away from them either--the narrative is just usually more questioning instead of fully formed.
Like, 'what if/how would', y'know? There's less of a clear meaning and more just 'what if they hadn't done that. what if they had done that. what if all that meant nothing. what if that struggle was all there was'.
But oh boy, when they DO work away from the narrative. *chefs kiss*
I mean, most of my favorite Bleach characters are narrative nightmares who either hinder or cut off lines of theme in the story entirely. And, in general, I think there are A LOT of characters in shonen--a genre known for very long narratives that can't possibly complete every thought but also can't just abandon all those characters introduced ESPECIALLY the fan favorites or personal favorites--work in the way you described.
Tbh i think your tags really highlight why so many ppl get drawn to these characters/why they're so fun to play with in fanfiction.
If you have more to add or more thoughts about this you want to lay down I am here, eagerly awaiting and ready to pick them up.
Also, who do you think in Bleach is the most fun characters who sort of drop kicked the story, in your opinion? Who's the one you like the most? And who's the one you dislike the most?
[For posterity the referenced post is this one.]
Aww, thank you! That’s really lovely to hear. I was anxious about even putting it in tags because I don’t think I presently have the capacity to explain it well—and even if I did might still sound bananas to many. Or at least the bit about negotiating with characters and how *they* feel about being subjects in stories. Because as much as that really is my practice saying it out loud takes me back to like… FFN in 2003 where every store was prefaced by extensive chat-form back-and-forths between the fic author and their character "musies" and that is not something I think fandom would benefit from bringing back in force, hahaha. But anyway.
Here’s the part where I disappoint because I don’t think I actually know Bleach well enough to speak to it in this context. WHICH SOUNDS DUMB EVEN AS I TYPE IT BECAUSE LOL WTF IS THE NAME OF THIS BLOG WE ARE CHARLATANS AND POSERS FOR CLAIMING AS OUR NAMESAKE NOT ONE BLEACH BUT THREE BLEACHES but truly, my experience of Bleach has a shallow depth of field. I feel like I have weirdly intimate knowledge of some severe rabbit holes but a non-existent to uneasy sense of the gestalt.
Like idek man, in my "slow re-read where I am actually paying attention" Ichigo hasn’t even met Byakuya and Renji yet. ToT
I'm gonna put this behind a cut because it spidered all over the place, but in summary:
characters and their capacity to produce narrative failure
the charm of longform serialized series and their invitations to imagine stuff
me attempting to talk about Hitsugaya and feeling a fool, as usual
I guess in general terms, I’m really interested in characters and their capacity to produce narrative failure. Not failure as in 'bad' but failure as in things that break form or are circuitous or are actively detrimental to a narrative arc. All my strongest examples of what I’m thinking of are from a different fandom and therefore not relevant to this blog, alas. By comparison I think anyone in Bleach can keep it together better than the characters that are immediately coming to mind, lol. But I think this idea dovetails often with trauma narratives, or depression narratives, because these things are often… non-narrative? Like, there’s no fourth or fifth for minor fall or major lift. Sometimes it’s the same thing over and over again, or maybe nothing. Maybe it’s the exact same self-sabotage narrative dictates could have been avoided. Maybe it’s some act that emanates forth but cannot be explained because it cannot be explained and will never be explained. That’s a version of what I’m talking about, in any case, though not the only version.
Your note about longform shounen definitely resonates with me, too. In my mind I don’t like long things and I prefer series that are more self-contained but whenever I have ever landed in a long-term fandom, with a piece of media I felt obliged to carve out chunks of my life for, and to interact with at that level of creative fannishness, it’s always been something stupid long and serialized by the seat of its pants. I know plot holes or dropped threads bother a lot of people (makes total sense, don’t get me wrong) but I find these things incredibly attractive. I see them as invitations to join in the fun. Especially when it’s so much a part of the form and genre to have this, as you said, lack of real expectation that every thread will be followed to its conclusion (or that it would be worthwhile to do so) and every thought completed.
There’s this piece by David Grann that was published in The New Yorker in 2004 that I really love that speaks to part of this idea, albeit in terms of fictional universes versus fictional characters. But Grann is talking about Sherlock Holmes (Doyle original) and the ways that Sherlockians would like, approach apparent lapses in narrative and then solve them according to the established rules of the universe. I just love that. There’s also the line, "Never had so much been written by so many for so few," which LOL if that ain’t fandom I don’t know what is!!
I feel like I’m actually talking about three distinct but related facets of these thoughts in this post, except all at once and without clear transition, uhhhhh.
Gah, I am broken and now can ONLY think of examples from my not-Bleach fandom, but to try a different tack and add yet another facet to this already funhouse-mirror post, my various attempts to write Hitsugaya often feel like they come up against a version of this. I think Hitsugaya has aggressive side character energy, and I find it difficult to make him the center of a story and have it feel right to me. He feels different to me than writing other minor characters, where they can be the center of their own stories even if their story is not the main story. Like, two of my fave characters in my other fandom have literally like… three lines in 350+ episodes and it feels easier to imagine THEM at the center of their story and I think what it comes down to is that Hitsugaya probably prefers what he not be written. And when he does become more narrative I think he’d prefer that none of it was happening in the fist place. But at the same time he always seems to be…around??? whether there is really a good reason for him to be present or not. XD So while, say, he and Bartleby "would prefer not to" (because THAT'S what this post needs, a Melville reference), Bartleby actually opts out and Hitsugaya out here volunteering.
He also often feels non-narrative to me because he feels very declarative, if that makes sense? Like, the coming-to-decisions or coming-to-realizations parts of existence happen pretty quick, or are approached perfunctorily. I feel like I find narrative in the "coming" part of that equation and instead Hitsugaya will be like, well, I’ve already done that part without you, and/or plan to do that part in the future and it will still be without you, the audience. Anyway, here’s the determination I’ve made, here’s what I’m going to do, and here begins the long and probably tedious process of my doing that thing (off 2 go train in a cave for a bit). I don’t think he actually believes the world is that simple, Tab A into Slot B, but I do think he’s already made that assessment and can see coming to terms with that as a horizon, if that makes sense. So even if he doesn’t know the answer to something, or is completely at a loss of what to do (what to say to Hinamori? how to productively address the number Aizen’s done on him) there’s still not necessarily a story there. Maybe the answer is you grind, and it is repetitive and boring. Maybe you just hold things. There’s not even the act of learning how to hold things, necessarily, just the practice of doing so.
Wow, that probably doesn’t sound good! I feel like I need to suffix this with the assurance that Hitsugaya is my absolute runaway character in the whole series and this was true 15 years ago and it is still true now (truer, even) and everything I just said are reasons why I love him.
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gazeboarcade · 3 years
Where, besides Tumblr, can people find you doing fannish things? (Obviously only mention sites and usernames you actually want to be found at. Don’t expose your secret identities on my account.)
What other names have you gone by on these platforms, including Tumblr, if any?
When did you join the IT fandom? And what got you into fandom, to begin with?
What are your favorite ships, or characters, if any, and why? What do they mean to you?
In what ways do you participate in fandom? (ex. Posting memes, reblogging/commenting on content, writing fanfic, making fanart, creating fanmixes, etc.)
Do you have any in-fandom inspirations? Other members of the community that drive you? (And if you have the time/energy, in what ways do they inspire you?)
Name and link some of your favorite works, please!
Do you have any works of your own that you feel particularly proud of, or wish more people would’ve consumed? Please provide links if possible.
Have you ever participated in a fannish event (ie. IT Week, a fic Big Bang) or applied to be a part of a fanzine? If so, which ones, and can you please link them?
Without any form of bashing or lashing out, what is something you feel this fandom is missing?
GOSH this is a lot of questions, lemme give it my best shot.
1.) I sometimes still post art on my art instagram, but I prefer not to cross the beams of that and my tumblr so much. If someone rlly wants the handle tho, feel free to ask. 
2.) If this means like...nicknames, too many to count. One of my first URLs was something like “pensword,” which was a reference to Percy Jackson!
3.) I was KINDA in it in 2017 when the first movie came out, but it didn’t hold my attention too much. In September 2020, I really got into IT, tho! I got into it because I realized it was coming up on a year since I saw the second one in theaters (during a wind advisory night in the city I go to college, on Halloween). For a couple of silly reasons (my ex belittling IT a little and me being weirdly internalized homophobic abt it) I was scared to enjoy it publicly haha
4.) My favorite ship in the fandom, ofc, is Reddie! I am kinda basic so I also really think Ben and Bev are sweet. I also really liked Patty and Stan together in the book... they were so achingly sweet together that the bath chapter made me cry for a HOT MINUTE.
Richie is my all time favorite character for reasons I could probably write like 50 pages on! Some of those reasons are like super-duper personal lol so I pull punches on just dumping them on my blog haha! I just really really related to him for a lot of reasons (the humor coping mechanism and the werewolf thingy, to name a couple) so it was only natural I latched onto that boy and went full send kinnie moment!
Eddie is my second favorite bc I love him and wanted the best for him (I don’t want to start disc horse on tumblr, but my gf and I have schemed abt who should have kicked it at the end and it ain’t him). I also have a soft spot for kid Ben in the book, bc I really thought he was a sweetheart (I mean, cmon, walking around whispering Bev’s name? Adorable! Hiding away in libraries? Relatable!)
5.) I’ve done a bunch of stuff! This blog has a ton of IT content. I have made a bunch of fan art (most of which hasn’t been posted sdjbvkdsjbvk). I have written a couple fanfics (a finished oneshot and one unfinished longer one that will...probably stay that way). I have a reddie playlist on spotify, too.
6.) There’s been a few people who’ve done some IT stuff I’ve really liked! Uhh @stitchyarts  wrote some fics and has done some beautiful art to go with it that I really liked!! @skelesocks did some HELLA charming art, tho is now mostly Queen blog. No shade there, I have a Queen blog, too, lol. Ask for the URL if you want it. Both of them focused on the miniseries tho.
There’s a couple artists who have done Reddie stuff I have really liked, too, which is super inspiring. here’s a few of those: @trashcanprince @mxgicdave @meowsteryyy ..... tbh fave IT blog of all time tho has to be my gf, em, @dr-kaspbrakmd , bc she got me full swing obsessing and also it was a big bonding thing for us early into the relationship *pauses for crowd to say AWWWWW*
7.) Assuming this means fanfics, like I said, a lot of Stitchy’s works, especially Tinted Windows and TV Guides (which now i rlly want to re-read lol). I kinda have a hard time with fanfic reading bc im picky and sometimes it’s better to daydream my own stories. The other Reddie fics I’ve liked will make yall get the shepherd’s hook and yoink me off stage for public indecency for sure so I’m gonna leave that to ur imagination <3
8.) I feel positively heinous and pick-me trying to get ppl to read my old reddie fics that I wrote during the crushing weight of crippling lonliness so no. they r also not rlly that good so you’re welcome <3
9.) No actually! I have thought about it. I have also schemed the idea of starting my own reddie zine and being super choosey about who gets in but that’s just me wanting to curate content I like lollll.
10.) uhhh decorum, understanding of complex relationships/emotional situations, and the common sense not to fetishize gay men <3 that sounds rlly snotty but there’s some activity tm in this fandom that yucks me out big time. Also, I wish more ppl would have seen the miniseries/read the book but that’s just me being choosy.
Anyways, I’ve been running my mouth for WAY too long but I hope this answers the questions you had good enough!! Thanks for asking!!
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ironmandeficiency · 3 years
yooo, dude I was all normal in seek for some nice, soft, fluffy fics before going to sleep and found your tup one (homesick song I think the name is??), and anyways, I was like alright let's give my boy tup a chance (cause I've never read a tup fic before) and oh boy, I wish I never did ? like, ohmygod what was THAT ????? what's the necessity of making it so heartbreaking 😭😭 I couldn't stop crying for, solid, 15 minutes straight. I didn't expect for it to be sO DAMN SAD FAM. jeeeeez, I just wanna hug tup forever and kiss his forehead and tell him I'm never leaving him 🥺 my sweet baby. your work is amazing and it's one of the most beautiful fics I've ever read, like, for real, so GOOD, but I mean, I just ??? don't know ??? what to do with this heartache now ??? so like, thank you but also not thank you bc you certainly didn't nEED TO GO THAT HARD, much less with my soft heart you know. anyways love u but also hate u a lil bit because that was some mean thingy to do to my Babe™ tup
i went back to it to make sure i had warnings so i could say I TOLD YOU IT WOULD HURT 😂 jk here is a roll of toilet paper 🧻 to dry your eyes and blow your nose 💕
but anyways i’m so happy you enjoyed it vkfjsjs homesick song is by far one of my personal fave fics i’ve written to this day if i’m being completely honest. seeing ppl still reading it makes me happy 🥺🥰
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karliahs · 4 years
fic notes: redux
rescue tiiiiime
this one existed in some form for a long time before i felt okay putting it out there...part of that was because i knew i wanted to write about izuku being further down the road to recovery but still struggling a lot, and i get very...hm, particular, about the messages i’m giving around recovery? it just feels like an important responsibility, even talking about it on the internet - i don’t ever want to make someone feel like they’re destined to be unhappy forever. on the other hand, i don’t want to make things so happy and easy that it stops feeling authentic to ppl’s experiences. so after having left off on such a hopeful note in remedy, i didn’t want redux to spin so negative as to mar things. i think i like where it ended up
bc this existed over such a long time period i’m trying to remember which parts came first...i think the first thing i wrote was the “i always come back here” conversation, tho the beginning of that scene w hiding out from class was one of the last things written. lots of rescue dialogues are the first thing i thought of, but end up getting chopped & changed a lot to fit them into the eventual story
i’ve talked a lot about my hatred of plot, but meet my other enemy: structure. i knew i wanted to do the 1 year anniversary but other than that i was v stuck. the subsequent months structure thing was just me going “okay you have to just pick something and stick to it or this fic will never exist, and it has a lot of rly soft stuff i must put into the world”
speaking of which, god, i’m soft. i love time jumps where i just get to make everything soft. aizawa in this one ruins me. he loves his kid so much
i am usually both very tempted to write people talking to therapists, bc it feels like what the subject matter is leaning towards, but also hesitant bc i often don’t love the way therapy is presented in media, and also bc i do therapy, i have done therapy, writing about that experience can kind of kill that escapism. i feel like a lot of TV show therapists end up being either weirdly omniscient, or like an obvious mouthpiece for the showrunner’s POV. and/or just very bad at their jobs. that said, i like kimura! i’ve had a couple of their sessions in my head for a while and it was good to touch on one finally
also i forgot redux was just me talking about coming to terms with your own anger again. goddammit. i’m here to say the same 4 things over and over and i have a great time doing it
not to get too deep into my own mental health history here, but izuku’s mentioning of a CBT thing (emotional reasoning, one of the like “thinking errors” identified by CBT along with all or nothing thinking, catastrophising, etc) but having it not really help him, followed by kimura suggesting an approach that’s more about how you respond to yourself in moments of pain and whether that’s helpful, treating yourself like a friend/family, using your compassion for others to deepen compassion for yourself...most of that is based on personal experience! a very good therapist i used to see once talked me through a similar example as izuku here with like “what is it you need in those moments? what is it you’re giving yourself in those moments?” and how different the answers to those two questions were. if i have a point here i guess: you aren’t alone if you’ve found CBT frustrating, and also if you like the kinds of things kimura is saying here maybe have a look into compassion-focused therapy and family systems therapy
i rly am out here trying to make people have emotions about izuku’s foot going to sleep in the woods scene, but also i love writing stuff like that! just little moments of trying to express what it’s like to live in a body, and make that feel vivid and real
hhhhhh the scene with aizawa & izuku talking about what it means to save people. i know i wrote it but it makes me cry. in my mind at least this series is very much about the difference between rescue and recovery. the things we can do for people (physically carry them out of bad situations, talk to them, listen, stand guard, try to help them see that it’s not their fault, try to help them see that they don’t deserve to be in pain) and the things we can’t (recover for them. make it so the thing hurting them never happened. make it so they’ll be really, truly safe from now on. give them everything you think they deserve. take the pain away). again, hearing sad medical stories all the time will make you think about this stuff. what we can do for people and what we can’t. my fave fave thing about this series is aizawa & izuku trying to help each other reckon with the limits to how much you can really rescue someone
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twilightofthe · 4 years
fanfic asks!! really late!!: a, b, c (walk the family line), d, j, n, r
Hello you!!!  Thanks so much for the ask, so sorry I couldn’t get to it sooner!!  Ask questions are from this writing ask game
A: Of the fanfic you’ve written, which is your favorite and why?
Oooof ok, time to pick my favorite child!!!  Lol but really, all of my current fics up are just so different, ya know?  I put a little bit of myself into all of them, and I’m so happy to see how they all turn out!  I think I’ll always have a soft spot for And The Void Answered Back just because it’s the first fic I ever finished, but I really like all of them equally!!!!
B:  What was the first fandom you read fic in?  Which was the first you wrote fic for?
Answered here
C:  How did you come up with the title to Walk The (family) Line?
Ok, so for context, this is the series name of my Force Ghost SW Sequels Reaction Trilogy, with one fic for each movie in the trilogy.  I knew I wanted a title that would emphasize my point in all of this, that was to connect Anakin Skywalker and the rest of the Skywalker saga more fully to the events of the Sequels to make them really feel like one connected saga, which I honestly didn’t feel like the movies had done a very good job of (still don’t, honestly).  Was playing around with different overarching titles and things to do with family lines and the phrase “Walk The Line” popped into my head, and after googling its meaning, found it was almost exactly what I was looking for, and adding in the tiny little emphasis on (family) really sealed it for me!
D: What’s the most personal fanfic you’ve written?
That’s a tie between ATVAB and Pas de Deux, honestly.  Void started off as just a oneshot I wrote during a boring class of Force ghosts rambling at Luke on the island because I had missed them in TLJ and figured I might as well publish it because it wasn’t half bad.  But then I kept writing them, because I hadn’t realized just how much I had missed Anakin and the other ghosts in the Sequel Trilogy until I was knee-deep in the TFA script and trying to add the ghosts in anywhere.  I know Disney is trying to distance itself from the Skywalkers so they can play all by themselves in their newly-purchased sandbox, but honestly, that’s always been what Star Wars has been about for me, what made me fall in love with it, the antics of this one stupid overdramatic family, and writing a catharsis fic that injected what I loved back into a trilogy I found myself falling gradually more and more out of love with was really important for me.
Pas de Deux I originally wrote because I wanted to explore the concept of Ahsoka knowing Jar’Kai and why.  I am by no means trying to police people’s headcanons, y’all can think whatever you want, I am not judging.  But.  I always found that when people would just casually toss out “oh it was ever so obvious that OBI WAN taught Ahsoka Jar’Kai because he’s really good at it”, it just rubbed me the wrong way because to me it sounded like “Anakin is incompetent at everything and needs his Master-- who is better than him at everything --to do everything for him up and including teach his student the most major part of her training”.  The thing is, even tho I know that in this particular instance people didn’t mean it like that, it sadly is a really popular opinion held in this fandom that Anakin is stupid and useless and can’t do anything for himself without Obi Wan doing it for him or doing it better (don’t get me wrong, I know some people JOKE about this, I jokingly say it myself, and I know some of my mutuals joke about it too, this isn’t directed at y’all, but like some people wholeheartedly believe it unironically and use it as an excuse to bash my boi).  
For the Jar’Kai thing, I knew I was thinking irrationally-- heck, I remember thinking myself whenever I saw Obes dual wield that he probably taught Ahsoka --and remember at one point being like “jeez, paranoid much?  I’m sounding just like Anakin when I think this,” and that was what really hit the nail on the head for me and I realized what was making me so upset.  I projected onto this mess a little too much, and now whenever ppl called him dumb or incompetent, I was accidentally taking it too personally.  Then I thought further that, “you know what?  Anakin’s insecure, he’s probably had those exact same thoughts himself”, and that started me on writing a fic that explored my own anxieties as much as Anakin’s while I tried to tackle a way that could involve Obi Wan in Ahsoka’s training that didn’t make Anakin out to be incompetent/incapable.  So yea, a LOT of Anakin’s vulnerabilities and worries mentally in the fic is a spiral I’ve gone down very many times myself, those were my anxieties, and also just my desire to have someone like Obi Wan in my life to help me with stuff too lol, so that’s pretty personal for me.
J:  What’s your favorite fanfic trope?  Have you written it?
Favorite trope, eh?  That’s tough, there’s so many!!!!  I guess I love hyper-competence, seeing my faves be reeeeally good at what they do and others appreciating them for it.  I’ve definitely written this.
I like mutual protectiveness, seeing characters going full force defensive, would face a whole army to protect someone they love romantically/familially/platonically, because fuck you you aren’t hurting a hair on their head while I’m around.  I’ve written a little bit of this too.
I like dashing romantic gestures right out of a fairytale because I’m a little girl with a princess complex at heart and I’m still waiting for my wayward knight.  I’ve written some of this, could always write more.
I like dying dramatically together/shared fates, just the idea of two souls intertwined and interconnected that always find their way back to each other and die together.  I don’t think I’ve written this.
I like playful banter, obviously, it makes my heart happy.  I’ve written this, want to write more.
N: Any fic ideas brewing that you’d care to share?
Answered here
R: Which writers (fanfic or otherwise) do you consider the biggest influence on you and your writing?
Answered here
Thank you so so much for asking again, friendo!!!!  I had a lot of fun with these!!!!!!!!!!
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bigskydreaming · 5 years
I know what you like from Dick (your post are really extensive and detailed, which is great because I love seeing people talk about what they’re passionate about) but is there any type of arc, friend expansion or themes you’d like to see with other robins like Damian or Jason?
Jason, definitely. I actually talk a lot about possibilities for him unrelated to things involving Dick - I’ve got lots of thoughts and feelings about what if he’d had a bigger support system when he was a teen, and how that could have led away from his inevitable death. Like how there was always that age group of YJ and Titans members who were just a couple of years older than Tim so never quite meshed with his YJ crew, but not as old as Dick and his friends....the Ray, Damage, Anima, etc. Like there’s more than enough there for Jason’s own Titans lineup of in-betweeners. I also have a lot of thoughts about Jason and Damage being potential BFFs, and also the idea of Jason dating Tom Bronson aka Tomcat, the werepanther son of Wildcat, Ted Grant. 
And post death and return, I think Jason, Obsidian and Damage could make a great trio of misunderstood (and horrifically misused by DC) friends who’ve been through hell and back and toe the line between hero and anti-hero, but often not even so much because of their own choices but because of how they’re inevitably perceived due to things outside their own actions (like Obsidian often assumed the worst of because people are afraid of his shadow powers, and Damage has a long history of being demonized for the destructive nature of his powers by people in universe, etc).
So like, I definitely have those posts, I just suck at tagging....like search my blog on mobile for those characters’ names and posts with them should come up fairly easily.
My thoughts on expansion for Damian at the moment are currently consumed by GIVE HIM BACK HIS FRIENDS DC, WTF, FIRST COLIN, THEN MAYA, NOW JON, WHY WON’T YOU LET HIM KEEP ANY OF HIS FRIENDS EVER.
And with Tim they’re mostly like.....give Young Justice to anyone but Bendis, who I can’t stand, lol, but otherwise I’d be interested. Like, I know ppl don’t believe me lol but I genuinely don’t inherently dislike Tim, as long as he’s not being written as what I perceive to be at Dick’s expense, like, people getting pissed at Dick on Tim’s behalf for something that I will always maintain was not as cut and dried as people make it. But like, separate of stuff like that....I loved the YJ book from the nineties and was a big fan and so I’m actually really glad to have all of those characters back and reunited, its basically what I would have wanted and done with them myself all along, its just....Bendis. Why. Stop.
Also, Tim’s new superhero name will never not be the dumbest thing ever, there are SO MANY CHOICES you could go with instead and you have him like...Fail at Secret Identities AND Striking Fear Into The Heart Of His Enemies all at the same time. Good plan.
Like, when you need your hero to stop and explain to the bad guys that no, actually, his namesake is actually a pretty bad-ass bird in real life, honest, like...that’s not good. I don’t know who said that was good but like. They lied.
Cass and Duke, I just need more of together. Them in Batman & The Outsiders is again, actually a canon thing I really enjoy, even though the insistence on Cass’ broken English can go die in a fire any day now, seriously. But I love the two of them together and think they’re such an underrated dynamic and they play off each other well, and I would love to see them explore the hidden aspects of both their backgrounds together....like there’s still so much Cass doesn’t know about Lady Shiva and her intentions for Cass like what she even wants from her, and literally everything Duke learned about/from Gnomon in Batman & The Signal needs following up on STAT, even if its just to say Gnomon was full of shit and Duke should not listen to him about anything. 
I also have some older posts about the possibilities of tying Duke’s powers and his family tree into the emotional entity of hope that empowers the Blue Lantern Corps, like the same way Jade - Alan Scott’s daughter - is connected to the green lantern energy and powers without actually needing to be one herself. Like, some of that meta needs tweaking because later stories I read with Duke made certain things about that not work, but like...there’s stuff there that I still would love to see played with even if just in fic, because I love the Lantern CONCEPT as a whole, and also I’m really really in love with the idea of one of Duke’s direct ancestors having maybe been an avatar of hope at some point like Kyle was for Ion, and Duke’s powers were derived from that....like we know his mom Elaine had some kind of powers as well, with the implication IMO being that they were light connected, and that’s why Gnomon was fixated on her in the first place, even if he’s lying about being Duke’s biological father....anyway, like I said, there’s definitely stuff about that lurking around my blog, I just....desperately need to get better about tagging, but also I say that a lot and then it never happens. LOL. Like I’m great at remembering to tag for trigger warnings, but tagging for organizational purposes? My brain’s like lol why would we ever do that.
But yeah, I for sure have lots of thoughts and ideas for all the family members at various times, but there’s not a whole lot of rhyme or reason to when they pop into my head or when I shift to one in specific....just that inevitably, I always shift back to being Dick Grayson hour, lol. I even have some broader Batfam/franchise posts like.....there’s one I wrote about how I’d give other Rogues than the Joker a derivative character or sidekick, like Mister Freeze, the Riddler and Poison Ivy (I think I named them Kid Chill/Tundra, the Memetic and Hemlock). 
And there’s one I keep meaning to revisit about how I’d love to see the Batfamily go up against...a whole rival family, like if a branch of the Falcones returned to Gotham to try and retake power in secret, and they had a matriarch kinda like how Bruce is the patriarch of the Batfam, and then various kids and cousins to act as foils for the Batkids. Like a hacker named Smokescreen to work on hiding their activities from Oracle’s eyes, or a rival to Jason called Red Herring who like, pits the family against each other by framing crimes on various members of the family and testing their trust in each other.
Stuff like that. So I’m not a totally one track mind. Just 90%! LOLOL.
I occasionally remember to take longer meta or ficbits and put them in this sorta catch-all fic posting I have here:
But like, by occasionally I mean I’ve remembered a grand total of four times, but hey, whatever. I’m a WIP. The first one is an old magic AU I’m pretty fond of....it was mostly focused on how Dick, Jason and Tim might grow up if they’d been adopted by Zatanna instead of Bruce....though Bruce ends up adopting Cass, Steph and still has Damian. Unfortunately it was written before I got caught up on DC stuff so it doesn’t have Duke in that one....though he’s in two of the others which are more just general Batfam shenanigans.
*Shrugs* Basically I’m random as fuck and hop around a lot, but I’m definitely interested in all the various Batkids, so can happily ramble about any of them with the right prompt, whether a reblog or an ask - just assuming I have the time or energy or am not being a cranky asshole at a particular character because I’m overprotective of my personal chosen fave and not above admitting it. LOL. Quelle problematique.
Like, this is a bit broader of a question then I typically know what to do with, other than just like...point to other things I’ve written that are related, lol, because like....there’s SO MANY thoughts I have or ways I could answer that, I generally don’t know where else to start haha. The more specific you are with an ask or a debate point, the better your chances of getting something definitive from me, lmao.
11 notes · View notes
contact--light · 6 years
a promptis fic catalogue post
note: I made this as like my own personal directory type thing when if I suddenly have the urge to reread a particular fic I already read, I would look at this and be like oh yeah that’s the bitch
all these fics are completed and are as promptis-centric as possible, so I put down other pairs that also feature in the stories (sadly, I don’t do ot3/ot4). please note I still have a ton of other promptis to read too so if u don’t see a fic that’s like THE ONE ppl have read, that’s bcos I’m still finding the time to read it in one go (can’t read fics on and off or else I’ll get side-tracked and forget the plot completely)
ALSO each and every story absolutely bangs so I put a little comment about them so if the authors ever see this, know I am incredibly sorry if I have offended you with how I worded my praises, but know that they are praises of the highest calibre that I can write this is why I’m not a writer lmao
ALSO possible spoiler alert for the main game and the fics I rec. it’s a ‘fic directory’, not a well written one but it’s good enough for me and if other people enjoy it, very cool, I like u, let’s be pals
Links to the story and links to the author’s other promptis works are provided (if available)
ANYWAY, on to the nitty gritty! There is no god in the order I rec these fics, absolutely no order, except the end of the list are the mega angsty fics but aside from that, again, there is no god in this list.
lucidus by scylaire
12,270 words | Rated T
this au is so feel good like minimal angst (but bcos resident emo prince just can’t be himself w/out some angst), mad fluff bcos of cuddle buddy prompto, and they in college. all in all, a very nice fic
runaway by tenzoh
70,828 words | Rated M
other pairs: minor lunyx
I can’t believe this fic broke into my house and straight up murdered me. I love this one and will reread this again when the other fics aren’t trying to barge through my door like I’m dodging tax. this canon divergence goodness is based on if no one fucking died, which is a godsend of a fic already, and oho u might think ‘oh that’s good!’ that no one dies, well tru but the dRAMA and the SCANDAL and noct’s priorities man oh man
the loveless prince by niuniu
196,869 words | Rated T
this absolute unit took me 4 days to read despite having work and uni bcos it had one of my fave tropes: soulmate au, so I was instantly hooked, it’s also somewhat canon divergence bcos noct is still a prince and the astrals are around but bruv, every chapter I finish got me thinkin like “what happens next will shock u”; absolutely gripping stuff ‘eva is a story that repeats’
cactus in the valley by liziscribbles
112,330 words Rated M
other pairs: gladnis, iris/aranea
another absolute unit of an college au that has all the ingredients of a wonderful soap opera (as is promised on the fic’s tags): DRAMA ✅ DISASTER ✅ LOVE ✅ RESOLUTION ✅ ARDYN ✅ liziscribbles writes a TON of promptis, I swear I’ve read most of them and I rate them so check their other stuff out too
in another time by dragongem777 & kiacoral
85,687 words | Rated ehh I’ll guess about M
other pairs: mad gladnis happenin outchea
I’m hesitant to call this a canon divergence bcos it’s based on the main storyline but it’s essentially a reincarnation au and BOY DOES IT DELIVER. the lads one by one recall their past lives and we follow their journey on how they find each other and how prom and noct fall in love all over again #the gladnis is pretty heavy in this one
the royal wedding of noctis and prompto by latias_likes_pizza
6975 words | Rated G
other pairs: gladnis, lunyx and cindy/aranea
I read this when I feel down bcos it’s my pick-me-up fic, this is the promptis royal wedding ending we all deserve and more, you can really feel the love in this fic and I can’t emphasise enough how much I adore this work
emperor who? by andromedas_void
3,817 words | Rated G
I really rate this fic bcos I like emperor prompto aus and I really beg for more of this goodness, this has tons of potential but it’s terrific as a standalone piece
the last prince of tenebrae by oh my fae
21,694 words | Rated M
Oh my fae? More like Oh my DAY...S. I haven’t read this for the second time in ages but I remember feeling really good about reading this and I saved it on my phone’s bookmarks so that must deffo mean it bangs. this is another prince prompto au but if he was the 3rd nox fleuret sibling wHICH at the time I found this was (lady gaga) SPECTACULAR, NEVER THE SAME, TOTALLY UNIQUE, COMPLETELY NOT EVER BEEN DONE BEFORE
affogato by moonside
55,442 words | Rated E for hEhEhEhEhE noice
other pairs: bare gladnis
most works by moonside are actually so good so go check their whole ffxv works out too if u like this one. I’m gonna be completely honest, based on emotional memory, this fic made me feel good but the actual plot of this fic? A-FFO-GA-TO (get it? I forgot tho, whatevs man I think that’s funny) but from what I can probs remember is this is a coffee shop au with gladnis drama AND if u like gladnis there’s a second instalment that is gladnis drama heavy
to build a home by just_peachy
61,642 words | Rated M
other pairs: gladnis, lunyx, cindy/aranea
hello, this is another case of “I swear I read this bcos I have a good feeling about this fic but I can’t recall the plot to save my life but my heart says I likes the fic so I’m gonna go with that” plus its by just_peachy who has done TREMENDOUS amount of work and you can really see them progress in their skills as a writer, reading from their past to current stories so I always look forward to any future fics they complete bcos they deliver with quantity and increasing quality as well but I’m digressing, this one is a soulmate au which is an au I ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO READ and  it’s a modern au (business instead of royalty) AND prom finally gets to be the photographer he’s always wanted to be
secrets by trirocksalt
4785 words Rated G for GOD THIS IS SO FUCKING CUTE
while I was undergoing my second playthrough of ffxv, and (finally) went to altissia-- although it IS beautiful, I miss the chocobos and the fucking car and just not being able to be restrained to travel by city walls and social pressures by not sprinting in public and dON’T GET ME STARTED WITH THE GONDOLA SYSTEM— due to my frustrations, I remembered this feel good fic, where it’s like noctis is taking over as CEO for regis’ massive business and prompto as a gondolier, and it took me SO LONG to find this fic again, and being in altissia made my heart so heavy so this was the perfect fic to get me through the shitstorm that is chapter 9
croquis by peonysoda
43,113 word | Rated T
PEONYSODA TAKE MY HEART all their promptis stuff ARE ABSOLUTE GEMS! this is a college au where noct has to model for a figure drawing class aND CAN U GUESS WHO’S IN THAT CLASS?!??!
something just like this by yuneyn
42,712 words | Rated M for Mecessary smut
this fic is literally like as if it cleared the dark rainclouds from a bad storm and descended from the heavens with open arms, rays of light shining behind it, to offer you salvation; in other words, this fluff-a-mania of a fic is all feel good no bad shit happening here and it DELIVERS, bcos I’m so used to expecting bad stuff happening when the couple gets together very early, but this fic doesn’t do that, nah mate, but it does make dino look like the bad(abing badaboom) guy but eh, u get over it. this ‘stuck-in-the-airport’ au will have u grinning from ear to ear throughout the whole thing
to love by emziewrites
other pairs: lunyx, some cheeky gladnis
37,020 words Rated E for EYYYYYYYY
this one’s an age difference royalty au, where king noct finds the one thing he’s missing and prompto is much more than just the hoe he thinks he’s hired as. literally DIS FIC IS 2 HOT 4 U and most of their promptis fics are top quality too check their works out too
like & subscribe by just_peachy
36,590 words | Rated M for MIGOS
I read this one quite recently and I very much enjoyed this youtuber au but with a twist bcos prom became a youtuber thanks to his princely pal, who has been giving him lovey dovey eyes in each upload that sunshine boy is completely oblivious to it, but viewers needn’t not be eagle eyed to see noct’s infatuation
marry your best friend, but like literally by brosura
8,300 words | Rated T for TERRIFIC
other pairs: cheeky gladnis
exactly what it says on the fucking tin and it DELIVERS (I need a new phrase). all feel good times about MARRIED BOYS AND HOW THEIR LIVES ARE BEAUTIFUL TOGETHER. this GOOD TIME OF AN AU is one of some that brosura wrote, but all in all, the mother of feel good fics and I'm gonna rec another, just watch me
‘the Good Time Train™’ series by brosura
25,090 words | Rated T for y’all TOTALLY saw me rec another brosura work
other pairs: hints of lunoct
features stories such as: ‘friends with benefits’ au and an extra piece. Now, friends with benefits IS another good time train bUT IT’S DIFFERENT THIS TIME: the 4th chapter, after being so used to the journey of the good time train, feels like that part when the train splits to two and you’re on the wrong compartment, and the destination really isn’t going where u think it’s going bcos this end of the train takes a different detour and destination and u see this as the fic starts getting deep and u should have really paid more attention to the train conductor’s announcements so it’s completely ur fault that u didn’t BUT there IS a complimentary fic about blanket forts if that’s any consolation AND this is a good read
king of catfishing by trashmccree
10,567 words | Rated I’ll guess about a T
Other pairs: minor cindy/aranea
this tinder/catfish AU got all up on my FEELS and the fishing puns! I love a good pun, especially if it hurts other people.
golden catfish, king catfish by unsungillumination
9541 words | Rated T
hOLY SHIT ANOTHER CATFISH AU! BLESSED BE THE STARS FOR THIS BOUNTIFUL HARVEST. I can never have enough of aus. so the boys find each other via online gaming and silly prompto put himself as a girl on his online profile! and noctis is asking to meet with him?! What will prompto do??? No I’m serious, what did he do, I forgot, so NOW I have to reread this
FFXV Promptis SFW Week by treya_barton
23,871 words | Rated if I recall correctly there may have been some implied stuff so I’ll put M to be safe
This smorgasbord has 8 chapters, approaching each prompt given from, you guessed it, Promptis Fanweek 2k18; each story I believe (IIRC AGAIN) are standalones, but all in all a very good read, I truly enjoy reading treya_barton’s works
A Thing with Feathers by farseersfool
22,713 words | Rated T
I. LOVE. THIS. FUCKING. FIC. it’s a domestic AU where prompto and noct live together, and they’re adults, like obvs there’s still a bit of drama here but not as overly dramatic as it would be if they were younger, ANYWAY prompto adopts a cockatoo called HER RADIANCE QUEEN SQUISHUMS, THE FIRST OF HER NAME and I LOVE HER. There’s also a lot of emotional constipation from both sides but with a large, very clever bird involved and eavesdropping—and oh, have I mentioned that I love Her Radiance?
Guide to Fake Dating: Best Friend Edition by cup_of_comfort
22,607 words | Rated T
WHO LOVES FAKE/PRETEND RELATIONSHIP AU? /I/ FUCKING LOVE FAKE/PRETEND RELATIONSHIP AU. This fic is literally, prom and noct being part of the cosmic joke and not getting the punchline.
Ghost of the Sun by Phosphorite
22,371 words | Rated M
INSOMNIA BOYS ON TOUR M.E. 7XX doesn’t go as well as they hoped as noct slowly realises that his migraines are trying to tell him something. in this canon divergent like au, noct and everyone he loves finally gets the happiness they deserve.......kinda. this fic was an absolute trip, I mean I didn’t think it would take me where I thought it would, but where I ended up was still plenty good, despite the destination being flooded. by my own tears.
Prince Noctis' Hot New Date? Read More on Page 7! by SharkbaitSekki
3719 words | Rated T to be safe
Prom ends up in the hospital and ignis is ‘mom’ on his phone au. I live for fics where ignis is ‘mom’ on the chocobro’s phones.
sunshine blues by dirtmemer
9124 words | Rated G for GOD IGNIS LET THE BOYS BE HAPPY
In a surprising twist of canon, ignis, for once, makes a super horrible, very bad decision and is not the voice of reason in this story. What happened here DID shock me, this is borderline whump so fair warning to those with prompto biases
perhaps you noticed something strange yesterday by ObscureReference
1681 words | Rated T
This isn’t really like bait promptis but it’s a good fic that makes me think a bit. Those kinds that leaves u going like ‘huh’ and u have to take a pause before you continue on with your day
birth of a wish by whimsofffate
15,729 words | Rated T
A groundhog day AU that will make you want to scream at the skies warning the astrals to catch your hands bcos ur gonna fight them, kick them, you’ll punch a cloud u don’t give a fuck! So they reluctantly listened and gave u that happy ending…. for now
feathers and fleece by ienablu
12,774 words | Rated T for Texting
King Regis starts texting Prompto bcos Noct doesn’t. The man is just concerned for his only son, pls noct ur angsty teenager phase is showing. you also slowly find out that King Regis is like any other dad…  meaning he is a massive troll.
Sunflowers by moonside
18,955 words | Rated E
PROFESSOR/STUDENT AU IS A FUCKING JAAAAAAAAM. In here, we have sexy economics professor Noctis, and uni student prompto who have mutual hots for each other but it’s not all sexy fun times ladies and gentlepeople, for I bear warnings of a tragedy occurring in this fic, but aside from that, it’s a very good read, great plot and again, DIS FIC IS 2 HOT 4 U.
Life Imitates by Riona
3293 words | Rated T for TOTALLY UNCALLED FOR, GLADIO! but u gotta admit, it’s effective
Everyone gives Noctis and Prompto the shovel talk, which would have been very useful if they were actually together. This fic is an absolute classic.
convince lucis that you're dating (and get an existential crisis while you're at it), a guide by prompto by crosspolination
13,841 words | Rated G
THE RUMOUR COME OUT: does noctis lucis caelum is gay? This great fake/pretend relationship au (with proms family consisting of dad cor and big sis aranea) this fic will have you wanting to join in on teasing prom about the situation he’s in, thanks to a prince who has yet to learn how to think before he speaks
The Pursuit of Happiness by mahbecks
15,568 words | Rated E for ahh… it’s Explicit
I forgot this fic was explicit lmao but there’s a quote at the end of chapter two that absolutely grips me by the heart, it’s those kinds of quotes that got u thinking that it could be written in like a profound book or said in a deep film but no, surprise bitch it’s in this incredible soulmate au fic.
Horizon Linked by cup_of_comfort
18,470 words | Rated E for EVERY CHAPTER (ish) IS LOTS OF SMUT MY GOD
a/b/o fics may not be for everyone, but I liked this, it’s also angsty but what’s different about this is that it definitely has a happy ending and a great resolution, so the angst train is present but the happy ending J U S T about outweighs it. It still has tons of heavy, and dark themes so read with caution if ur not into that, but I liked the fuck out of this
Suggested Forms of Intimacy by Akumeoi
21,091 words | Rated T
A fake/pretend relationship, university au all in the name of science?! Well, more like, u get to live in a flat during the research and who would say no to that, I’d do it too mate. SO prom and noct sign up for a study that’s for like close relationships and they see how they fair in a shared flat. Mad fluff happens
In Defence of by eblisbaculum
1700-ish words | Rated I’d say about a T for the swearing
This fic isn’t on AO3 but it deserves a shoutout bcos of BAMF Prompto defending his best friend, and there really isn’t any glaringly obvious promptis in here but the end implies something but hoo boy this fic is a trip
‘Fucking Finally’ and it’s sequel ‘Word Theory’ by repmet
around 2000 words altogether | Rated T for the word ‘fuck’
Again, I found these on tumblr but it’s a short and sweet soulmate au, so this one is a massive shout if u want a quick read
Waking the Gods by Asidian
778 words | Rated G
This isn’t really promptis but I LOVE ORACLE PROM AUS AND I WISH THERE WAS MORE OF THIS AU but in this one it’s like canon divergence and prom is the oracle instead. Spectacular read (AND HAS ACCOMPANYING ART BY KACI!) THANK YOU FOR THIS BOUNTY
Black is the Colour by withoutdrawbacks
1371 words | Rated T
Noct lends prom his clothes and he totally isn’t staring too long. A lovely short and sweet fic about pining noct
somewhere I have never travelled, gladly beyond by bellpickle
10,188 words |Rated T
The canon did luna so fucking dirty, she didn’t deserve that fam, so here’s Luna writing letters, not only to Noctis, but to Prompto as well. Ever like the all-knowing big sister, she knows these boys ain’t slick
Tight fit by Dandy
26,982 words | Rated T
Prompto gets shoved in a locker by a bunch of jealous, little bitches and Noct wants blood when he finds out that Prom is ignoring him bcos he was in a locker for DAYS, fam that’s mad
Tolerable Toxicity Levels by saltslimes
3796 words | Rated T
Another glorious ‘Ignis is ‘mom’ on our phone’ au, where prompto is sick at work, noctis and his retinue arrive to the rescue and manager aranea hates prompto’s parents.
strange obsession (for my automatic weapon) by dustofwarfare
8530 words | Rated E
Who doesn’t like a bit of BAMF Prompto? Apparently, Noctis likes it… maybe TOO much, but that’s not a problem at all, it’s more like admitting it to Prompto that he likes that shit. This is some cute gunplay smut, no wounds or nothing like that at all, just the gun, and some sexy times bcos of it
Ten Years Is a Long Time by Tenzoh
9443 words | Rated T
other pairs: prompto/cindy
MY HEART HEAVES FOR THIS STORY. in this au borderline canon divergence fic is based on the 10-year time skip, world of ruin etc when noct returns and he confronts everything that has CHANGED. The happy twist is that noct doesn’t die, but the catch? Prom and cindy are together, and noct has to cope with his feels. The journey of reading this was close enough to make me cry; tenzoh, stay right where u are, I’m calling the police
raining knives, like, all the time by zinthos
13,132 words | Rated
other pairs: lunyx
this is literally the second fic I’ve rec’d featuring big birds with big names (FLAPPERDIGINOUS FLORATIO FONDA THE THIRD aka FLAPPY BIRD) hence why I named my chocobo in FFXV (the first playthrough) Flappy Bird as tribute to this amazing fic. But u have big sis luna in here and I love that so much, but u also have stupid af noct with an equally stupid af prompto so what’s not to love in this fic
Watching the Rain become the Sea by Ieroses
12,604 words | Rated T
The scenery in this au, my god, ieroses paints an absolute beautiful picture of this fic using words as her brush and canvas, like I remember reading this and I picture the scenes, and for some reason it reminds me of a CSI episode or smth like that, which makes sense bcos it’s like a crime au but the angst is evened out by a good ending
Epiphany by moonside
10,552 words | Rated E
Don’t 👏 stop 👏 me 👏 recommending 👏 moonside 👏 for 👏 smut 👏 bcos 👏 I 👏 won’t 👏 stop 👏 Another terrific age difference au and it DELIVERS. AGAIN. Moonside u done it again u crazy son of a gun. This one is literally pure smut, as it’s a one-night stand au with the promise of more in the end? Not like a sequel (I CAN DREAM THOUGH) but u can see inklings of noct liking prom more than just a one-time ting
To be Happy, To be Loved by thatoldeblackmagic
10,079 words | Rated T
Regis wearing the typical Jimmy Buffet ‘dad-on-holiday’ ensemble? outstanding. noctis being made fun of as a discount Sasuke Uchiha? ground-breaking. matchmaker regis? oh yeah, I’m game. also great shout out to that meme where cups were stacked on ppl who are asleep, I swear someone redrew that but with noct instead, pls @ me on that if it is out there
The Trouble with Rumours by candiedillusions
9630 words | Rated T
I JUST. CAN’T HOLD ALL THESE FAKE/PRETEND RELATIONSHIP AUS. In this instalment, Prompto and Noctis become BFs instead of BFFs thanks to a typo on social media.
noctis gets a toy stuck up his ass and calls prompto for help by demnocts
1500-ish words I guess | Rated E
I couldn’t breathe typing up the ‘title’ of this piece bcos it’s literally, what it fucking says on the tin and I can’t stop crying. what else do u want me to say about this? It’s hot af, full stop. this smut is no plot set-up, all punchline, get-on-your-fucking-knees, proper full-on dirty
Where the Blue of the Sea Meets the Sky by canary
16,265 words | Rated M for MEAT BEATING
don’t let the smut fool u into thinkin this got a happy ending nah fam I got bittersweet at bEST (but that good smut is there, teetering between the M to E rating) this fic got all up on my feels in the last bit; that the friendly banter between prom and noct (top-notch characterisation), is all smoke and show behind the impending doom that is altissia. And don’t get me started how the scenery in this fic gives you that full immersion u need to feel like ur in Caem
The Experience by MakikoIgami
7735 words | Rated E
aND BOY WAS THIS FIC AN EXPERIENCE. Basically, the boys think of all the loopholes they can use to reach maximum satisfaction AND the experience is an experience bcos u get all this good, filthy smut and in the end the feels train hits you out of nowhere so u don’t know what to do with urself
Letters for Nobody by Ashino
13,939 words | Rated I’ll gauge it about M
other pairs: gladnis
wherein umbra becomes postman pat for the crownsguard and their late king. This fic, although set in the tragedy that is the canon end, has a lot of feel good letters in there that makes u wanna get out ur best stationery and write one urself.
Nothing to Lose by AJDiamond
4986 words | Rated T
HHHIIII I like age difference promptis so here’s a classic coffee shop au, with gladio being a broken record in terms of his love advice
here is the root of the root (and the bud of the bud) by stardusting
11025 words | Rated T
U kno ur fandom made it when it’s got a hanahaki au, so ur sorted for that angst, plus their other works are also very cute!
designation by yeaka
1327 words | Rated E
this a/b/o fic never fails to get me hot under the collar no matter how many times i read it #mkinyk #dont@me but DO check out the promptis yeaka writes fam fucking W O W read them
galleria by omegas
2180 words | Rated G for GOOD SHIT
in the famous words of utada hikaru: simple and clean is the way that this fic makes me feel tonight. in this au, prom opens a photo gallery, noct is smooth af and the art industry in insomnia is just like the one in real life: difficult
silver linings by countingpaperstars
7625 words | Rated E
I bet if they were an indie band, they’d be called prompto and the niffs but I digress. IN THIS BAND AU we get massive fanboy prince noctis and iggy the square doing his typical: no u cant do blah bcos u r the prince and responsibility and reputation etc; can never get enough of these, plus smut in the end 👌🏼 absolute cherry on top of this sundae
‘holidays with promptis’ series by fmpsimon
10,389 words | Rated M
Get urself in the spirit of Christmas by reading these beauties; plus their other work s are also worth the read
‘the body’ series by ipacialiera
79,199 words | Rated E for MASSIVELY EXPLICIT
other pairs: highspecs, lunoct, ravus/gentiana, promptio, prompto/iris, promdyn, promptHOE, verstael/iedolas, soz if I missed some but go read their tags
lemme say this first and foremost: I tend to avoid angst and heavy, dark themed stories like the plague, but bcos I’m an absolute little shit I obviously read the first chapter of this and I was instantly hooked; I don’t recommend this to anyone who wants to have a good time bcos as much as this story was engaging, my soul cries for the boys in this film noire/detective/crime au so read if you like the sound of it. I give massive, massive props to the writer bcos this 2-part series was a rollercoaster, and at least you get some closure in this fic, but that’s like trying to douse a kitchen fire with a cup of water; however, it’s literally better than no closure. I implore those who consider this fic to look at each tag the author puts down and if you really, really can’t read something like them, don’t bloody read it, like I can’t say I enjoy reading these kinds of stories bcos I don’t but I just wanna give credit where it’s due because this is incredibly written
a long december by promptoschocohoe
32,934 words | Rated M for My God, I still haven’t stopped crying bcos of this one
other pairs: gladnis
so this and ‘the body’ will probably be the only angst heavy fics I will rec in this whole list unless I get back on my bullshit again and this one absolutely hurt me, incredibly bittersweet with 17% sweet and 83% bitter from the heavy themes you will face on here, and the reason why this fic hits me more is because it feels very ‘real world, real life’ believable like I can imagine this being something someone will actually go through. again, I rec this one to give credit where it’s due bcos, man, I’m still reeling from this. I couldn’t put it down once I started reading it. read their story’s tags and if u don’t like don’t read and the song choices are just. a good choice. can someone pls make a spotify playlist of it and @ me on that so I can follow it and cry my heart out again? thanks x
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maiverie · 2 years
mai can you do 1,2,3, and 4 pls
[1] who is your favourite character to write for and is this the character you find easiest to write for?
(copied from this ask) OK OUT OF THE CURRENT TUMBLR WORKS I HAVE OUT…….. honestly open sesame’s yn was legit my fave to write for HAJFJSJSKSSHDK THAT BITCH WAS GENUINELY CRAZY 😭 like fr all i had to do was think to myself “ok how do i make her sound like the most disgusting simp in the world” and ez fic completed ✅ HAHSHA BUT TBH triage!hee is really fun to write too bc he’s saur smol and soft 😭 open sesame’s yn probably wasn’t the easiest to write but she was really really fun bc tbh i laughed at my own jokes 😁 the easiest to write is defs triage!yn bc she’s quite stoic and calm and i feel like it’s quite easy w all her dialogue since i have a v clear picture of her??? 😳😳😳
[2] what is your favorite fic of yours?
omg out of my current tumblr works, definitely open sesame! i think it’s probably closest to the type of writing i really enjoy (crack; unhinged crack to be specific AJJDKDKS) and no one rlly knows this but i actually wrote it as a bday gift for one of my best friends (it was orig a baekhyun/exo fic) so it’s quite sentimental to me???? also …… heeseung in a FUCKING robe. LIKE. PALMS SWEATY KNEES WEAK ARMS R HEAVY ITS AN IMAGE THAT IS BURNED INTO MY SOUL💀💀💀 but UH ANYWAY if we’re including every single fic i’ve ever written, published on tumblr or not, then my ultimate fave is a fic i wrote a year ago (just some romcom delinquent/bad boy au e2l fic about a girl who basically teams up w the bad boy to try get revenge on her stepfather and then they both get locked up in a youth detention centre LMAOO) 😭😭 im honestly just a really sentimental person so since it was the first writing piece i’d ever written from start to finish (plus i rlly like the comedy/crack in it HAHDHDHSJA), it’s defs my fave fave fave fave HEHEHHE
[3] what fic of yours do you think is underrated?
oh fuck HAJAHAHAHAHAHA THE FACT I HONESTLY HONESTLY THINK EVERY SINGLE ONE OF MY FICS ARE OVERRATED 😭😭😭😭😭 and it’s not that they’re even rated that high???? HAHSHSHS LMAOO 💀💀 this is probably going to come off the wrong way and i don’t mean the bitch that tries to be humble but :// idk? i just don’t think any of my fics are all that, coming from an objective pov ! but then again we’re always our own biggest critics? however just to answer the question, my most well-received fic is definitely triage, though i think open sesame is probably better written/of better quality? :00
[4] what fic of yours were you surprised by how popular it was?
send in a question I BEG
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kae-karo · 3 years
for the writing meta ask thing: 2, 7, 12, 17, 22!
aaaaaaa hello dear thank u so much???? 🥺💜 (meta writing asks - x) also i really respect ur appreciation of the numbers 2 and 7 best believe those were my fave numbers when i was younger lmao
2. Tell us about what you’re most looking forward to writing – in your current project, or a future project
sksdfjkljdsfjlkdsfk oh gods okay okay so i’m technically between projects right now (i bashed out a bunch of one-shots that need some editing before i post them) but i’m sort of clinging and indecisive between two big projects that i want to work on. neither really has much direction yet, and one already has a, uh, hint, in the form of a one-shot that already exists out on ao3.
but the other, which i’ve given a little more thought, would be a demon!kaeya witch!diluc au, and i get to write some babie kaeluc which like. idk what it is about writing chars as kids, it feels a little more freeing and is always a refreshing sort of style? anyway, the first set of scenes take place when they’re kids, and the rest as adults, and i mean demon!kaeya speaks for itself tbh as does witch!diluc. it’s been a while since i really wrote a dedicated like...magic au? or, like, one that deals with magic the way i plan to do.
i’ve also been like. vaguely at the corners of my mind considering an urban fantasy fae!kaeya au but that’s like. the most vague concept right now - still excited about it nonetheless.
oh and another project idea that i don’t need to think abt right now bc i have too many, a chiluc memory loss au, specifically relating to that one post (x) i rb’d the other day :) still my standard enemies to lovers and all but with a little bit of spice lmao
7. What do you think are the characteristics of your personal writing style? Would others agree?
oh i really hope ppl agree with this one at least: that i really put people into the pov character’s shoes. that’s like. the thing i strive for the most? to really put readers into the char’s perspectives and elicit the same emotions the character’s feeling, etc?
beyond that, from a more technical perspective, i write in present tense, i’m allergic to epithets, i try quite hard to avoid too many passive/stationary verbs, grammar whomst idk her, i do subscribe to the ‘show not tell’ practice as much as it makes sense to, i’m big on internal monologues and internal conflict and a slut for the ‘there was only one bed’ trope (and tbh tropes in general). i think i’ve only ever written 3 fics that didn’t have happy endings (out of like...130+) but i’m not afraid to write some angst (i’m sure all my dabihawks followers are laughing at me rn lmao)
12. Do you want your writing to be famous?
u know once upon a time i was gonna publish some (edited, obviously) fics as like actual books and like that’s not off the table per se, nor am i really opposed to fics themselves gaining popularity? but like i really don’t care either way, like i’m not writing so that they will be popular or anything like that. or like. desperately hoping they will be or anything. i’m glad that ppl like it and comments mean the entire world to me, like i am so happy that other ppl enjoy my words as much as i do? but i’m not chasing fame or anything
17. Do you think readers perceive your work - or you - differently to you? What do you think would surprise your readers about your writing or your motivations?
sdfljkdsfjklfdsjlk this is such an interesting question, and i think the shortest answer is yes i think everyone perceives my writing differently than i do? and i’ve had a few comments that prove it, but usually not in any like. drastic kind of way. as for how i’m perceived, i frankly have no idea slkfjksldfj so i can’t really say?
hm things that would surprise my writers...i really don’t know, honestly? i think a lot of ppl assume that i’m posting as i write (since that’s p common) though i do make a point of saying pretty often that, with like maybe one or two exceptions in my fic career, i won’t post a fic until it’s finished lmao. as for motivations, i mean. most of the time my motivation is just ‘i have brainrot for this scene/idea specifically and if i do not write it i will simply perish’ lmaoooo
22. Do you reread your old works? How do you feel about them?
u know this is such an interesting question, because usually i don’t reread them? i’ll deadass half forget i’ve written a fic with a certain premise or half the events in any given fic if i didn’t write it within the past like couple months. i think almost anything i’ve written within the past year is close enough to my current writing style tho that if i read snippets of it, i’m like ‘yep that still sounds good to me!’
not that i ever really dislike my older writing? i think it’s just a matter of going ‘well if i was writing this scene today, i’d do it differently’. i think for me a lot of writing is about getting a story out of my head and into the world? so i don’t often feel the need or desire to go back to old fics or old writing too often lmao
[send me a meta writing ask!!]
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habibialkaysani · 6 years
1, 4, 7, 21 and 30 for the fanfic ask! :-)
1. favourite fic you wrote this year
ahhh. it is honestly a tossup betweenI will not be afraid of your scars (nsfw), which is a lauryssa fic that tbh only makes sense if you’ve read renascence (nsfw) - at least if you want to understand the verse it’s in - andI promise till death we part (like in our vows) (nsfw), a westallen pre-wedding smut fic. I think they’re my faves because I can honestly say that I wrote them and felt happier and on a high after because those ideas and the wording wrt dialogue were all in my head for so long that it was really nice getting it down on my phone or laptop or whatever. and also, idk? like, I know they’re smut and therefore gratuitous just on principle, but I felt like - I’m not sure, maybe the characters’ souls connected too? and like that was more important to me than their physical connection even tho that was the focus of both fics,
4. total number of words you wrote this year
82458 for 2017. compare that to 2016, when I wrote 81168 words, and 2015, when I wrote139664 words (lmao this was mostly olicity smut for sure). and I mean I’m happy with that because it’s still over 300000 words total.
7. longest completed fic you wrote this year
lmao.renascence (nsfw) is a lauryssa fic that is 9620 words long and I think that’s my second longest fic ever. make of that what you will.
21. most memorable comment/review
well this comment was great because apparently my fic “kicked the crap out of [arrow]”. :D
this one by @therewas-a-girl made me smile a lot and also laugh. I mean:
aside from anything else I love that “tongue” is suddenly a verb. :P
this one by @captainriphunter made me grin from ear to ear because like. dude. do you know how much I love it when people quote back to me. it’s literally my favouritest thing in the world.
finally this one made me heave a great sigh of relief because I was so nervous about posting ssc fic for the first time.
30. favourite fandom to read fic from this year
lot for @kendrasaunders (I like her zamaya the best) and @smilinstar (her time canary rocks my socks) and ofc my bestie @captainriphunter whose time canary watered my crops and cleared my skin tbh.
the flash for @latebarryallen and @trufflemores (I suck and I haven’t read enough of either of your westallen fics but what I have read is amazeballs and makes me smile and cry and laugh) and @gnimaerd (you are my westallen inspiration tbh and definitely my favourite writer on this hellsite by like a mile)
arrow for @theshipsfirstmate (wildqueen anyone?), @effie214 (her tag fics are LEGENDARY I tell you), @therewas-a-girl because everything she writes turns to gold whether it’s olicity or laurel-centric
ssc for @captainriphunter (her rosvolio social media au is honestly the greatest thing she’s ever written).
lmfao that took forever. my apologies. and the list above is absolutely not exhaustive. it’s just that I’m exhausted and these lovelies sprang to mind first. if I’ve read your fic this year and I didn’t mention you it’s because I am forgetful and tired. I love you all. 
fanfic end of the year asks
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skittidyne · 7 years
tagged by @lethesomething! thanks darling
1. How did you come up with your username and what does it mean?
hahaha. i’ve been stuck with “skitty” as a name since 05, but i went from “digital skitty” to “skittidyne” when i made the jump to tumblr. i wanted something that wasn’t my “professional” name, but could still be skitty-ish, and so i decided to throw some persona into the mix, because that’s how i be. 
“skitty” is a pokemon and the “-dyne” suffix is the highest tier of attack spell in the persona series. and it looked better with an i rather than a y. so i guess i’m the highest tier of skitty spell!
2. Which fanfic of yours has the most feedback? (bookmarks/subscriptions/hits/kudos).
pedestal hands down. (bbac isn’t even half as popular by any of those categories.) 
3. What is your AO3 profile icon, and why did you choose it?
it’s ryoji from persona 3! i chose it because... i love ryoji... even when i was drawing regularly, i rarely used my own art as my icons anywhere, except dA or actual art-hosting sites. 
4. Do you have any regular/favourite commenters?
oh god i know i’m going to leave people out, and I LOVE YOU ALL, but beechichi liveblogs shit to me on twitter, curiouslylazy leaves me comments longer than chapters, greatdanesandpandas leaves me amazing capslocked comments across several of my stories, haruhi02 and rd both leave AMAZING liveblog type comments on bbac, and unexpectedly but delightfully like every commenter on the kamafuta fake dating story is like, so kind and nice. (upside to writing a rarepair!) 
but i love all of my commenters and there are LOTS i’m missing here and trust me i do notice who comments regularly and across several stories ;; 
5. Is there a fanfic that you keep going back to read again and again?
ghost story, character development, sayuri, a heart swelled to bursting, settling down, the thirty-six stratagems of wáng jìngzé ... a lot of smut fics... (a lot of smut fics)
6. How many stories are you subscribed to? How many do you have bookmarked?
211 subscribed to, and 112 bookmarks on ao3! 88 bookmarks on ff.net.
7. Which AU do you find yourself writing the most?
i mean. bbac, i guess. i like things with a magical slant, but i don’t ever stick around the exact same universe for multiple stories? 
8. How many people are subscribed and bookmarked to you in total? (you can view this on the stats page)
285 subscriptions to me, idk how to check how many are bookmarked to me? can you bookmark authors on ao3? 727 subscribed & 1043 faved on ff.net though. 
9. Is there something you’d like to write about but are afraid of people judging you for it? (Feeling brave? If so, share it!)
hmm. i’d love to write a mafia/yakuza au one day, but i’m not sure i’m afraid of ppl judging me. i think i just don’t want to do that much research. i’d also love to write a sugaring au one day, if only out of PURE BITTERNESS, but that’s a lot of smut to write, and i’m afraid i’d probably start fights in the comments section. 
there’s not a lot i’m more scared of writing compared to other things, i guess. 
10. Is there anything you would like to be better at? Writing certain scenes or genres, replying to comments, updating better, etc.
commenting! leaving comments would be nice. truthfully, i’d like to work on my personal self-discipline when it comes to writing and getting things done, even though my output is pretty high imo. also, i guess romance writing. 
11. Do you write rarepairs or popular ships more often?
uhhhhhh. i never purposefully do either, and in naruto fandom i spent some time in rarepair hell, and apparently kamafuta is a fuckin rarepair so i’m again sitting in that lonely little boat, but i also tend toward more popular ships in hq fandom, at least. both? probably popular ships? 
12. How many stories have you posted on AO3 to this day (finished and unfinished)?
27 on ao3! 
13. How many stories do you have saved in/with your writing program?
uhhhhhhhhhhhhh. if we’re going to get technical about it... 
counting side story collections as 1 “story”, i got: 
61 on googledocs, 16 more on my harddrive. 
i don’t want to meet anyone’s eye right now
14. Do you write down story ideas, or just keep them in your head?
i ABSOLUTELY keep them in my head. if i start writing ANYTHING down, even if it’s notes or title ideas or character ideas, i know i’ve already lost the war, and i’m committed to writing something. 
15. Have you ever co-authored a story?
yep! oh it puts the heart in my chest on wings was with the amazing @h-lovely and where the wild things go was with the lovely @kaiyouchan!
also, technically @tarotdactyl is listed as a co-author on operation: poison tree frog, because it’s his fault, but i’m technically the one doing all of the writing for it. for some reason
16. How did you discover AO3?
i mean, i was on lj and ff.net. things migrated. i don’t remember specifically how it happened. 
17. Do you consider yourself to be a popular or famous author in your fandom(s) on AO3?
shrug emoji... i suppose i am? i think i still am in pokemon fandom, i know i’m not in naruto fandom, and i don’t even know anymore in hq fandom. (i guess only hq fandom matters on ao3)
18. Do you have a nickname or fandom name for your readers?
19. Was there an author who inspired or encouraged you to write?
@avoidingavoidance and @silvercistern are #writing goals, and while she’s only just writing now herself, my mother has always been a devoted supporter of my writing. past that, it was just reader feedback that kept me goin’ onward. 
20. What writing advice would you give to a beginning author?
KEEP WITH IT. COMMIT TO YOUR IDEA. there is no such thing as a bad idea, and even “bad” ideas, if committed to, can turn into FANTASTIC stories/characters/arcs. absolutely keep going, no matter what. 
21. Do you plot out your stories, or do you just figure it out as you go?
both, haha. i’m trying to get outlines more and more these days, mostly because i guess i’m working with others and for some reason they can’t read my mind. hm. 
22. Have you ever gotten a bad comment on a story? If so, what did you do?
dude, i was in the pokemon fandom when farla was still around. 
yeah, i’ve gotten things that could be considered “flames”. i’ve accidentally started a ship war, and i’ve gotten nasty shipping-related comments on stories, too. hell, i’ve fought with readers over that sort of thing before. 
i’ve also had rude commenters, commenters who probably just didn’t know any better, and commenters who missed the point so badly i had to go scream into a pillow. it happens. 
for the most part, i try to respond to comments/reviews, because that’s how i was raised on the internet. i try to be polite and pleasant these days, but i’ll put my foot down. i try not to be rude or mean, though. 
23. Is there a certain type of scene that you have a hard time writing? (action, smut, etc..)
smut. it’s always goddamn smut. 
romance in general, though. i’m good with the emotional intimacy and casual physical intimacy, but half the time i end up with more of that between the best friend characters than the ships, so... i dunno. i’d like to be more comfortable writing romance, up to and DEFINITELY including smut. 
24. What story(s) are you working on now?
bbac, political intrigue, magical girl au, fake dating au, and a couple of random oneshots. 
25. Do you plan your next project(s) before you finish your current ongoing story(s)?
look, i ain’t happy if i’m not juggling projects. so i guess that’s a given. 
26. Do you have a daily writing goal set for yourself?
only during nanowrimo! some days, i don’t write a word, and other days, i’m easily in the thousands. i’m content with either, because i can only force it so often. 
27. Do you think you’ve improved as a writer since you first started?
absolutely. even when it feels like i’m stagnating with that dreaded 67-75% of the story completed zone, i know every word i write betters me as an author. 
28. What is your favorite story that you’ve written?
oh man, that’s so hard... mostly, that comes down less to emotion, and more to “what was easiest for me to write”... 
maybe pedestal. but maybe only because i’ve been feeling nostalgic lately, and it’s easy to love a story once it’s completed. 
29. What is your least favorite story that you’ve written?
haha i don’t want to say
30. Where do you see yourself (as a writer) in 5 years?
finishing bbac
completed trilogy & completed standalone original novels completed, probably in a new fandom, probably agonizing over yet another 500k novel fanfic
31. What is the easiest thing about writing?
momentum!! god, when you have it, EVERYTHING IS AWESOME
32. What is the hardest thing about writing?
trying to keep momentum... actually, probably, forcing yourself through a scene you KNOW has to get done and you even know what happens in it, but it’s just not happening. bleh. 
33. Why do you write?
for the attention and monetary gain (๑꒪▿꒪)* 
nah, it’s to share stories with people. i like ideas, i like turning ideas into bigger ideas, and i like people’s reactions to those ideas. it’s like friendship sharing except i don’t have to be social! <3 
i’m not tagging anyone directly but if you are an author type and like being tagged then grab this UP!
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fyodorsuggestions · 7 years
Tagged by @fy-soukoku
1. How did you come up with your username and what does it mean?
My A03 username, and main blog and twitter and facebook and freaking discord and literally every single thing is Darke_Eco_Freak either with hyphens, spaces or underscores and basically I was an edgy 11 year old who loved Jak II and the concept of the evil version of the protag Jak. Only I wanted to be extra Edge™ so I added an extra E to dark.
2. Which fanfic of yours has the most feedback? (bookmarks/subscriptions/hits/kudos)
Hits: Sex Pollen isn’t a real Thing (it was one of the first smuts I wrote and it’s kinda bad now whoops)
Kudos: Sex Pollen again
Comments: T(w)o Me, Fo(u)r Us, or as I call it 2/4
Subs: 2/4
3. What is your AO3 profile icon, and why did you choose it?
It’s been Virus from this piece of art for some months now. Why? Because Kat made it and I love it a lot so you know
4. Do you have any regular/favourite commenters?
Um damn, I haven’t gotten regular comments in a few months except from my friends whom I spam with my many many fics. I’m actually in another fandom I made another archive account for because reasons but yeah. My friends are my fave
5. Is there a fanfic that you keep going back to read again and again?
I haven’t actually read fic in a while, there’s one or two Daredevil ones I think about but I don’t go back and re-read, my attention span’s been pretty shit for a while.
6. How many stories are you subscribed to? How many do you have bookmarked?
I’m not subbed to anyone but I have bookmarked 6 fics
7. Which AU do you find yourself writing the most?
None really. My latest fandom isn’t really open for AU’s, well written Au’s at least and yes I’m forever salty over that. Hmm, if there’s one I like to toy with though it’s Evil AU’s, you know the villain turns bad AU? Love em
8. How many people are subscribed and bookmarked to you in total? (you can view this on the stats page)
Subs: 465
Bookmarked: 2133
I don’t really care though because A) I’ve been in a lot of fandoms since 2014 and I know most ppl are here for the porn as per comments on said porn.
9. Is there something you’d like to write about but are afraid of people judging you for it? (Feeling brave? If so, share it!)
Idgaf. I’ve written necro, cannibalism, torture porn, self-insert stuff. Honestly I dump most of what my other fandom wouldn’t accept on this one. Plus Fyodor is a very easy character to manipulate for me so it’s always fun.
10. Is there anything you would like to be better at? Writing certain scenes or genres, replying to comments, updating better, etc.
I’d like to be better about my chaptered fics, not abandoning them and things like that. Also, action scenes, I want to get better at those.  
11. Do you write rarepairs or popular ships more often?
I multiship myself to hell. For this fandom I write whatever catches my eye because I don’t know the characters all that well? The running meme of me not watching the show is still a thing. In my other fandom, I’m one of the few writers around and I write every single ship I can think of cause I can.
12. How many stories have you posted on AO3 to this day (finished and unfinished)?
One my darke account: 73, on my other account; 10 but I post a lot to tumblr and don’t really cross post all that much.
13. How many stories do you have saved in/with your writing program?
I can’t tell you that because I just keep huge word docs around but for the year I’ve written about 600 k so that’s cool.
14. Do you write down story ideas, or just keep them in your head?
I just write off the top of my head most of the time, I’ll talk out a plot with a friend sometimes but otherwise it’s just whatever I feel as the day goes.
15. Have you ever co-authored a story?
I have, two, soon to be three.
16. How did you discover AO3?
I think I saw someone on ff.net mention it and I started looking at the site.
17. Do you consider yourself to be a popular or famous author in your fandom(s) on AO3?
Fuck no lol. I’m here writing the rarest of pairs and writing oc/characters, not to mention in first person sometimes and those tags alone mean ppl won’t read. Eh, I’m just posting to archive to bolster the number of fics a character has tbh. (this is for BSD fandom but I’ve never been a popular/famous author in any fandom)
18. Do you have a nickname or fandom name for your readers?
Umm, half the time I’m not sure I have ppl beyond friends who read my fics so yeah.
19. Was there an author who inspired or encouraged you to write?
I’d say Lakshmi Persad, a local author. Mostly because I hated having to do that book in lit class and wanted to do better than her.
20. What writing advice would you give to a beginning author?
If you want it, make it. I’m serious, don’t count on anyone to make the content you want to see, do it yourself and people might follow suit, if not, at least you made it. Hella.
21. Do you plot out your stories, or do you just figure it out as you go?
I finish stories and still have no idea if I figured them out or not.
22. Have you ever gotten a bad comment on a story? If so, what did you do?
I’ve gotten a few, mostly I ignore them. But there was this one fic, it wasn’t for anyone but me and I shouldn’t have posted it at all but I did and someone told me that the characterization was completely wrong for the character I was writing and I ended up leaving the fic alone for months and months. I got back to it eventually but I’m not sure if I’ll ever finish that fic tbh.
23. Is there a certain type of scene that you have a hard time writing? (action, smut, etc..)
Action gives me joint pain. I just how do you make it flow?
24. What story(s) are you working on now?
I want it All
Deathless Sleep
Missing Pages
Five times he fell
Divine(d) Visions
Many lil drabbles and sexy times.
25. Do you plan your next project(s) before you finish your current ongoing story(s)?
I can’t plan to save my life
26. Do you have a daily writing goal set for yourself?
It used to be 300 a day now it’s 2k because apparently I hate myself. Most of the time I meet it, between the two fandoms I write for daily so yay.
27. Do you think you’ve improved as a writer since you first started?
28. What is your favorite story that you’ve written?
Step back Through Time and Remember my Touch, definitely those two. One’s the original fic and the other is the sequel. Best things I wrote all year
29. What is your least favorite story that you’ve written?
Maybe Gone, that’s a really old one but god the cringe.
30. Where do you see yourself (as a writer) in 5 years?
Hopefully I figured out those damn action scenes.
31. What is the easiest thing about writing?
I think bringing the characters to life in my own head is the easiest thing.
32. What is the hardest thing about writing?
Not letting lack of feedback get to me cause I’m not writing popular shit, I don’t expect it but god damn it gets discouraging as fuck to see something I worked hard on just kinda flop and drown.
33. Why do you write?
I can’t do anything else and crave validation like the attention whore I am.
I’m tagging @chuuyasuggestions @kyusakusuggestions um idk who has archive shit. If you follow me and you see it, you have to do it okay? 
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yuriyuu · 6 years
2017 fic writing round up
Found this survey on dreamwidth and I wanted to fill it out. :3 It’s basically my thoughts on the fics I’ve written throughout 2017. It’s long so I post it under a cut. <3 Please feel free to fill it out if you’re interested! I’d love to hear your own thoughts! Blank survey can be found here
Total year-long word count: Ummm probably around 40k. I don’t write many long things. That’s only counting finished fics tho. Idk how many words i’ve got of WIP haha. 
Word count by fandom: Dude it’s all Yuri on ice lol. everything is Yuri on Ice.  Fics completed: Probably about...18-20 I wanna say? 13 or 14 of them are on AO3, and then the rest are posted on my tumblr.
Works-in-progress: We do not talk about that lol. I’ve got too many.
This year I wrote and posted: a lot more than I thought I would.
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you'd predicted? A lot more. I’ve always enjoyed writing but I always struggled to post what I wrote because I wasn’t very confident. I always felt like my ideas were dumb and overused, so I never wrote fic for my old fandom which was much larger bc someone probably already did my similar ideas but 10000x better. When I got into Yuri on Ice, all of my ships were rare so I had no choice but to write and post my own. 
What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January? Milabek!! 
What's your own favorite story of the year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you happiest? Hmmmmm idk. To be honest, all of my fics make me very happy. Not because they are good, bc they aren’t really, they’re just self-indulgent shit I write to make myself feel better, but each of my fics comes from a very personal place. Writing is how I cope with events in my life, esp past trauma, and writing the kinds of fic I write is just a very soothing process for me? Idk, it’s weird lol. 
Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them? My biggest risk was actually writing and posting stuff. I’m so happy people seem to enjoy my stuff, esp because I don’t have any confidence in it.
Your best story of this year: uhhh idk. 
Your most popular story of this year: Sharks! It’s a yuriyuu story where Yuri is transgender and comes out to Yuuri, although it didn’t go as planned. (Don’t worry, it’s a happy ending and there’s no transphobia in it!)
Story of yours most under-appreciated by the universe, in your opinion: Pretty Boy. It’s a vikturio story which also features trans Yuri. Basically Yuri misses wearing girly things, like skirts and lingerie and lipstick, but he gave up those things so people would take him seriously as a guy. But like, Viktor doesn’t want to see Yuri deprive himself of things that make him happy for the sake of social expectation, so he introduces Yuri to the concept of crossdressing lol. I mean I can understand why it’s not very popular, considering trans male crossdressing is a huuuuuge taboo and a no-no for most ppl, but it’s a topic I hold very dear to my heart for personal reasons and I wish more people would give it a chance lol. In case anyone has sex triggers tho, there’s 2 scenes with extremely mild non-explicit sex. Like you can tell they had sex but I wrote none of it lol. It’s very fade to black. I have a severe sex trigger so I’m warning in case anyone else is sensitive to sex. 
Most fun story to write: Birds of Paradise! Definitely Birds of Paradise hands down. It’s a silly little story where Georgi finds out Yuri has a massive crush on Yuuri and gives him shitty unsolicited love advice. 
Story with the single sexiest moment: Definitely the bloodplay scenes in Red. That is all I will say about that lol. Though I also found the scenes in Pretty Boy where Viktor makes Yuri stand in the corner so he can admire how pretty and gorgeous he looks to be really sexy. Yeah uh, i’ll just see myself out lol. 
Most "Holy crap, that's wrong, even for you" story: I don’t consider it wrong because it was consensual kink that people actually engage in, but for people who are unfamiliar with sadomasochism, I think Red might get this reaction from people. It’s a sadomasochistic knifeplay yuriyuu fic I wrote which also features bloodplay. I also pretty much only write fluff or hurt/comfort, so I guess me writing a sexless hardcore kink fic is a bit shocking lol. The aftercare scenes are extremely fluffy tho! :D
Story that shifted your own perceptions of the characters: Hard to say since I usually don’t write a fic unless i’m deep into that particular headcanon lol. I guess Birds of Paradise because I didn’t realize how much I loved Georgi being a supportive idiot until I actually wrote it lol. 
Hardest story to write: Not one I’ve published. Hardest story i’ve starting writing is this very personal fic that is very similar to the trauma I went through in my childhood. I don’t know if i’ll ever finish it, I doubt I’ll ever publish it, but I feel it’s a story I need to write. I don’t even want to say which ship it is because even that feels like revealing too much.
Biggest disappointment: Nothing really. I post my fic with zero expectations that anyone will read or enjoy it lol. 
Biggest surprise: Sharks got translated into Portuguese!!! 
Most unintentionally telling story: I’m sorry I don’t understand this question lol. 
Favorite opening line(s): “Sometimes for Yuri, life is loud. Sometimes it’s nothing more than a cacophony of dirty memories etched into his skin, violent thoughts on infinite repeat, adrenaline that turns into outward aggression at every person, intentions be damned. Sometimes, most of the time, that’s all he feels life is.” (from Reprieve) 
Favorite closing line(s): Listen, I went through all of my fics on AO3 searching for my fave closing line and my fave closing line is also from Reprieve lol. “Safety is not a luxury Yuri could afford. Safety is conditional, safety is a reward. Perform well enough and you can escape the looming danger for a little bit. But in Yuuri, Yuri finds reprieve. And for that, he’s thankful.”
Favorite 5 line(s) from anywhere:
  “Is this...guilt tea because you feel guilty?” (from Guilty), 
“Grab a spoon and help me finish the ice cream before it turns into soup. I don’t care what anyone says, it’s good and healthy to eat your feelings worth in ice cream.” (from Heroes) 
 “Perhaps maybe, home is less of a physical place and more of a slow culmination of warm, fond feelings.” (from unfinished vikturio wip) 
“Really, Viktor doesn’t know anything about him either. I saw the bruise on your shoulder. But somehow, he already knows too much.” (also from the same vikturio wip), “ 
 “You're a masochist, you like pain. Pretend this is a scene or something.” (From Red. And yes I know that quote makes no sense out of context, but the context is that Yuuri is cleaning Yuri’s wounds from their scene and Yuri is bitching that the anti-septic stings lol)
Top 5 scenes from anywhere you would choose to have illustrated:
Yuuri bathing and bandaging Yuri in Red
The knifeplay scenes also from Red lol.
Yuri and Viktor sharing pocky together during Kiss and Steal
a scene from my dark forbidden fic i’m still too embarrassed to finish writing or even post LOL. 
The scene from Slowly where Yuri and Yuuri fall asleep on the couch together by mistake, so Viktor just comes over and cuddles with the both of them while they’re sleeping. (It’s a viktuurio fic, so if you like viktuurio and getting together fics, please check it out! <3)
Fic-writing goals for next year: Just to keep writing more fic. :D Maybe work on my self-esteem a little bit heheh...
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vonseal · 7 years
what im weak for this week
so it’s been two weeks AND I APOLOGIZE FOR THAT!!! next week, i probably won’t actually deliver anything either, as next week is when school starts back up and i need to prep for that!
for now tho, pls enjoy this! its long. 
edit halfway through: ITS VERY LONG. READER BEWARE.
clumsy touch by sarangway
i like fake boyfriends. i really like fake boyfriends. it’s a cliche that i am proud to embrace (tho, tbh, i embrace all the cliches). and who better to write socky fake boyfriend than @revetoile!!! it’s a nice, quick oneshot that i was so happy to read! <3
his ray of sunshine by SummerSnowflake
yet another really short drabble, but OH MY GOSH if it isnt just the cutest fluff you’ll probably ever read in your entire life! i loved reading it, and even if it’s short, it really made my heart all fluttery and warm!
sugar and fluff and all that good stuff by jimblejams
whats not to love about this fic??? it’s got the holy trinity of ships, binu and myungjin and socky, all wrapped up in one deliciously sweet oneshot that i’ve read at least three times since it’s been released. @jakganim came into the fanfic community with a bang, and i hope they never ever ever leave <3
where soil lies, a new beginning blooms by parkjinwoes
i’ve probably already recommended this fic before, but im going to do it again because it is the true love of my life! it’s based off of witchcraft, and i’m honestly still so so happy that @vocalpmh decided to write this for me! the myungjin is adorable, and minhyuk’s deadpan delivery is golden! thank you once again!!!
to kiss a rock by jinwoosmile
i, too, stand by the belief that myungjun would be the best kisser, bc have you seen those lips. this fic, tho, is really really fun. i like the creative ways in which minhyuk has kissed every member, and i like the CUTE SOCKY I LOVE CUTE SOCKY. @jinwoosmile blesses us with her fanfics. (go send her love and encouragement to get through these coming school days!)
im a mom by heybinnie
BOY IF YOU CANT SEE THIS HAPPENING THO. it was such cute fluff!!! i always love the creative ways in which @heybinnie writes; it leaves me melting into a pile of goo and happiness. this one’s a little shorter and features moonbin as the title character and it’s worth every single second of reading.
not an ikea story by Maye_C
@maye-c has always been able to capture myungjun’s dorkiness, childness, and yet maturity (sexiness, too, hOLLA) in her fics and this one just swung right into my heart very very very very quickly. it’s adorable and funny (I LAUGH SO MUCH) and every single bit as perfect as all of mayec’s other works, i love her and her writing!
ferris wheels series by aloharoha
i think i’ve recommended the first one in this series; if not, i definitely should have at this point! binu and ferris wheels and absolute precious fluff and it’s one of my favorite things??? also my sweet anon child wrote it, whom i adore, pls go love on all this writing <3
because it’s you by marojehca
did i like the myungjin at the end??? yes. i did. myungjin trash CONFIRMED. but all in all, this WAS a really fun story, and i’ve definitely been keeping up with it since it first came out. good job, sanha, good job.
take a picture (click, click) by floatingquietly
i believe the tumblr page is @floatingquietlyfic, but correct me if im wrong and just tagged someone random lol. THIS WAS REALLY CUTE! it was soft and nice and i loved reading it ;A; let jinwoo live, he has nasal inflammation 
mahogany by yehetno
@yehetno strikes again! she comes when i least expect it and when i most need it, it’s uncanny. this was really PAINFUL TO READ ACTUALLY it made my heart ache, but we have been gifted with the Happy Ending, and i couldn’t be more excited over that! great binu by a great human being!
the cat’s out of the bag by aloharoha
some more from my sweet anon! she’s such an amazing writer and im always in awe of the works! this socky was definitely no exception; i felt really giddy, and i was cheering BOTH sanha and minhyuk on the entire time. bless the cat for causing our two boys to confess ;D (when will my cats get me a cute boy)
hit me up by lee_dongminhyuk
my star anon has arrived! @lee-dongminhyuk wrote some amazing bullet fics (i’ll recommend those a little further down, getting A03 fics out of the way first!) and then this one is just SO GOOD. also it reads like an actual chat convo, with the topic at hand escaping once or twice before it’s reeled back in. also jinidiot. 
insomnia by parkjinchu
i can relate, dongmin! this is written so well and just so nice and pleasant to read??? but then again ,every single fic from @parkjinchu is my new favorite fic, i swear. it’s like god’s gift to earth lies in mary’s fics. bless u <333
the slushie disaster by Lunapie
i need to keep writing sad socky so luna can keep writing happy socky, AMIRITE, LUNA??? nah fam @moonbinpie SRSLY does have some really cute socky up in this here joint; just two teens being teens in the summer, and i loved reading a nice snapshot into their lives!
i want to keep these feelings forever by junhoonie
i like the socky we have recently. i mean, dont get me wrong, im always myungjin trash, but socky is soft and pure and i need this purity to cleanse my soul. THESE LITTLE CHAPTERS ARE THE MOST PURE OF ALL and i love love reading them <3 @donghyucklees is the incredible driving force behind these fics! 
out of the closet by jimblejams
i requested this. i am so happy i requested this bc i cried when it was published haha im weak. BUT SERIOUSLY, MYUNGJIN WEARING EACH OTHERS’ CLOTHES??? WHAT MORE DO U WANT. jordan strikes again with their amazing writing im going to die.
socky coffee shop au by @jakganim
tagging ur main blog BECAUSE I CAN AND NO ONE CAN TELL ME OTHERWISE (but linking your fic blog so ppl can request, go go go request!). i loved this fic. i would give my life for this fic. it was perfect, from minhyuk’s infatuation to my fave part, jinwoo’s ring (keels over) and i need everyone to read this pronto.
puppy love by @jinwoostro
i love me some domestic astro adopting puppies because of sanha. also hiding puppies bc they’re weak for dogs. come on, it’s the purest premise in the world, written by lanna-kokobanna. 
bowling blues by @maye-c
i think i state every day (and multiple times in here) that im myungjin trash, but i REALLY LOVE just astro familial fics. just fics when they’re ASTRO, when they’re friends, when they’re just enjoying life together! and mayec delivers, once more, something pure and gorgeous! also bowling is hard.
college myungjin by @jakganim
i ghost-requested this. i was ghost-gifted this. tbh i was gifted this, along with the rest of the aroha community. I LOVED IT. I LOVE THIS WRITING SO MUCH AND I HOPE WHEN IM ON MY DEATHBED, JORDAN COMES AND JUST BURIES ME WITH ALL THIS WRITING
kid!myungjin bullet fic by @lee-dongminhyuk (part 2, part 3)
to be honest, i actually teared up at this one. especially part 2. gosh i loved it all but it was so rough sometimes, but it had such a nice, sweet, happy ending and i just wanted to clap and yell really loudly because i loved it so much! thank you for sharing it with me, my sweet star anon!
fashion designer binu by @astrofireworks
this was just complete perfection! it was cute and fun and short and also i am 100%$ behind the myungjin at the end. dO YOU HEAR ME, IM HERE FOR THIS SORT OF QUALITY CONTENT
dream come true by TheOrgasmicSeke
stray romance by Alette
tbh if you havent heard or seen this fic, idk where you’ve been living, but there is GOOD REASON why it’s so popular, i cry
hot-line bin by peachybean
i laughed a lot. dongmin is all cool and composed to bin but he’s a literal mess to jinwoo, perfection!
full bloom by peachybean
centaurus a by astrobinu
reading this always makes me feel like im floating around in space and clenching my teeth in excitement!
and if you ever have anything you think i need to check out, hit me up with that fic, fams. i dont even care if it’s your own. i check a03 regularly, so if it’s something posted elsewhere, pls let me know!
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