#so that I don't set off any alarm bells and have explaining to d- and he's cut it off anyways
lynxgirlpaws · 11 months
My dad will just casually say some shit like "wow you have big hands ^^" "your facial hair grows in so fast :)" "you're so solid sir" and even strangers will be like "you . Do you play sports you look like you should play sports" like haha wow thanks I hate. all of these things! I will not tell you though, for secret reasons.
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dcdreamblog · 2 months
What became of Gernsback, the All Star Squadron's robit butler, I hope he's okay :D
Oh this is one of my favorite parts, and I can actually pick up from my last story. So, Background! "Gernsback" was made out of the remains of the Elektro robot that was something of a star at the 1939 World's Fair but after the Phantom of the Fair's reprogramming and a battle with the Sandman and the Crimson Avenger he was a little...
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Totally and utterly smashed. While we don't have direct sources saying so, our best guess is that he was just left on site for the next couple of years in the middle of the wrecked ballroom where his assassination attempt against George VI has been foiled. It explains how he was discovered by Robert Crane, the original Robotman, when the fairgrounds were given to the All Star Squadron as a base...
Those of you who are familiar with this era of history know Robert Crane is a VERY enigmatic figure
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(A file photo of Crane as Robotman, very much the clearest photo of him as part of the Squadron's 1944 yearbook) To the point that it wasn't until recently the name "Robert Crane" was known. For most of his career he was known under the false name of Paul Dennis and he purposefully retired into obscurity after the end of his career.
One thing that IS known about him...
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Is that he was a NOTORIOUS tinker. (Photo taken from the Squadron's 1940 yearbook, this time a candid shot with Johnny Quick's name on the back. Its the only picture of Robotman in the candid photos of any of the Squadron's 5 yearbooks and implied by Quick's name and caption on the photo, it was taken without Crane's knowledge) Said caption being: "tin man being antisocial again but he's good to have around, even if he does prefer scrap to people." For several months he fiddled with the pieces of the robot and was able to rebuild and upgrade it in various fashions. Because the All Star Squadron didn't have any civilian staff he eventually set the machine as a combination doorman/butler/security alarm...
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(Liberty Belle and Gernsback from the Squadron's 1940 yearbook. "Sometimes he's the best conversation around here" in Liberty Belle's handwriting written beneath) The robot's "artificial intelligence" if it could be said to have one was VERY basic. Limited to answering knocks at the door (as in hearing a knock and physically opening the door), prompting for a security passcode and fetching small items around the base Robotman rechristened the robotic butler "Gernsback" presumably after science fiction editor Huge Gernsback. Which is one of the few insights we have into Crane's personal life/preferences He served the Squadron for the rest of the war until the organization was shuttered after the war, after most of its members retired or dropped from the public eye in the aftermath of the Red Scare and the disbanding of the JSA Gernsback was left on site undisturbed for several decades. Now you may remember me saying I give tours of the national park that's been made of site now. Let me show you one of my favorite parts of my job...
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He's out doorman, lol. I walk past him every time that I bring in a tour group where I get to make a big show of introducing him to the group and speaking the passcode to let us in. (We still have to use the passcode because we can't figure out how to turn the security system off ^^") Don't ask what happened to his legs, we don't know. Safe to say though we keep him in perfect working order and shiny for the visitors. He'll live out his golden years as a freshly polished centerpiece. In case anyone was worried.
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